What to do if the person at fault left the scene of an accident. In what situations can you legally leave the scene of an accident?

Unfortunately, situations where after DBT the culprit disappears in an unknown direction are far from uncommon. What should a law-abiding citizen do in this case?

Has there been an accident?

It is no coincidence that we indicated the citizen, and not just the driver. Many people forget or don’t know that a person can become involved in an accident without having a car at all and driver's license. It is important to remember that an accident is any incident on the road that leads to damage material assets or caused harm to the life and health of traffic participants. So, if someone flew into your front fence or, worse, hit your dog and then drove away, next instruction also for you.

First things first

If you see that a person, having collided with your car, is about to leave, there is no need to honk, much less run after him. It would be more correct to write down the car number - just write it down, at least with a note on the phone, since in a state of passion you can forget the signs of the car. Immediately after an accident, you must do everything prescribed by the rules. traffic— stop, turn on the emergency lights, put up a sign emergency stop. Then you can find out the circumstances and call the traffic police.

When calling 112, you must inform that the culprit fled the scene of the accident and indicate the details of his car. If your car is obstructing traffic, then, according to the traffic rules, you are obliged to record the scene of the accident and remove the car from the roadway. You can record it by drawing up a diagram of the accident, taking photographs, or recording a video. Try to find witnesses and get their phone numbers. If you have a DVR in your car, this will work to your advantage. Now we are waiting for the traffic police.

Punishment for escaping

What does it mean - fled the scene of an accident? Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has two explanatory parts on this matter. Part one is when the second participant in the movement did not fulfill his duties in in case of an accident prescribed by the rules. For example, near your house a neighbor hit your car and left, thinking that no one would notice. You called the traffic police, and if he comes out to “surrender” after the inspector has arrived, then his actions will not be considered as “leaving the scene of an accident.” According to Part 1 of Article 12.27, he simply did not fulfill his duties. The maximum that threatens him is fine 1000 rubles.

The second part of Article 12.27 is a completely different matter. If the second participant is absent from the scene of the accident after the inspector arrives, his actions will definitely be qualified as a violation, for that he faces deprivation driver's license from one year to 1.5 years or arrest for up to 15 days. It is also worth noting an important point. You have collided with some car, but circumstances are such that you can neither look for the owner nor wait for the traffic police, but decide to leave a note under the wiper with your contacts. In this case, you can only rely on the mutual decency of the driver whose car you damaged. If he decides to call the traffic police officers to the scene and does not inform you about this, or informs you, but you cannot come, then in the next year you will be a pedestrian.

Search for the fugitive

The most ideal option is when you know the car number, make, model and color. It’s even better if the incident was captured on your DVR. In this case, the culprit will be found very quickly. Everything is much more complicated if you did not have time to record or were absent from the car, for example, you came from the store with purchases, and the car was broken down. In this case, you will have to show your own initiative. As Zheglov said, “... in every, even in the most secret business, there will always be a person who heard something, saw something, knows something, remembers or guesses.” You will have to do just that - look for CCTV cameras and witnesses.

All collected information about the fugitive is transferred to the traffic police search department. Specialists collect and examine eyewitness testimony, video and photographic materials, and conduct other operational activities to find the culprit. If the car number is known, then it is entered into a special traffic police database, and inspectors are given an orientation for this car, after which they begin to check cars that match the description. In the event of a serious accident with human casualties, an “Interception” plan may be announced to find the escaped culprit. In such accidents, as a rule, a criminal case is initiated, and employees from the criminal investigation department are involved in the search.

Statute of limitations

The statute of limitations for administrative offenses is three months. This means that police officers have three months to find the culprit, issue an administrative violation order and hand it over to him against signature. If this was not done within three months, then law enforcement officers will no longer be able to issue him an administrative violation order. That is, he will not face either deprivation of his license or 15 days, but he will still have to pay for car repairs or compensate for other damage caused.

True, it’s not so simple here either. This is possible provided that it is found no later than 3 years from the date of the accident.

Things are somewhat different with the search for the culprit's car. There is no time limit for searching for a car. Therefore, as long as the fugitive’s car is listed in the wanted list, there is always a chance that he will be caught. True, such an incident is possible, if the culprit has expired the statute of limitations for the administrative violation, and the car is still in the database, then they will slow him down, but they will not be able to punish him for fleeing the scene of an accident.

How to get compensation if the culprit is not found?

Everything is very difficult here. According to current laws, you will not be able to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance, since Insurance Company The insurance policy of the second participant in the accident will be required, but he is not there. You can only receive compensation from the Russian Union of Auto Insurers for injuries and deaths. To receive a payment, you must contact the RSA with an application. The only option to restore a car without spending it out of your own pocket is CASCO.

The culprit has been found, how can I get compensation?

There are possible options here. If the owner of the car - the culprit or the one who was driving at the time of the accident - has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, then you can contact the insurance company for payment. If there is no insurance policy or he does not admit that he is guilty, then he will have to prepare for trial. To do this, you will need to undergo an independent technical examination (at your own expense), establish the amount of damage caused to you, prepare documents and a statement of claim to the court. It is worth noting that resolving this issue through the courts is not the most the best option If the damage is significant, full payment will have to wait for years. It is better to try to resolve everything in the form of a pre-trial claim.

- never leave the scene of an accident, even for a while;
- if they left you a note with an apology and a phone number, call and try to settle everything peacefully;
— take everything into your own hands, especially if you were unable to immediately write down the license plate number of the culprit;
— try to find the culprit yourself, look for witnesses, post information on automobile forums and portals, on social networks;
— a DVR can greatly simplify life in such situations.

A road accident is a situation in which anyone can become a participant. Following some nuances and correct behavior during the process will help avoid troubles in the future. It is important to fill out all forms correctly, collect the necessary information, and provide all possible assistance to police officers. This publication discusses the topic: “I got into an accident, the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what should I do?” After studying the information provided, you will quickly resolve all issues and be able to forget about troubles.

It is worth analyzing the situation from the very beginning. What should be your actions if, after an accident in which you are a participant, the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what should the victim do? How to protect your rights?
The most important thing is not to panic, control yourself and try to do the following:

  1. Call the traffic police specialists.
  2. Show the location of the accident using special signs. Pay attention to their correct placement. In case of an accident that occurred within the boundaries of a populated area, signs should be placed no closer than 15 meters from the accident site. In case of an accident that occurred outside the populated area - no closer than 30 meters. If you do not comply with the approved parameters, you may face trouble in the form of a fine from the arriving traffic police specialists.
  3. Do not move the car and other things that are involved in the accident to other places. While you are waiting for the traffic police officers, try to draw the diagram yourself and, at least using your phone, take a few pictures.
  4. Try to find eyewitnesses to this incident. With their participation, it will be easier for you to prove the guilt of the escaped driver. Take contact information from people who are willing to give useful information. Pay attention around, perhaps near the scene of the accident, you will find video cameras that could capture the situation. Cars passing nearby with DVRs can also act as assistants.
  5. No one relieves traffic police officers of responsibility in finding a second driver, however, this is in your interests. Try to capture all the nuances. This can provide invaluable assistance during the investigation.

So, if the culprit of the accident fled the scene, you need to do everything described above. Try to help the employees who arrived at the scene of the accident in finding the person who left the scene.

Note!!! In most cases, recordings in video cameras are stored for no more than 10 days. Lost time in this situation can work against you.

What to do after the arrival of traffic police officers

After waiting for the specialists to arrive at the scene, try to describe the situation that has arisen as accurately as possible, describe all the facts known to you, and record that the second participant left the place. Based on your information, the traffic police specialist will draw up a report. Before putting your signature, carefully study it, re-read it, and only if you fully agree with its contents, sign it.

Now, after completing the documents at the scene of the incident, you need to go with the traffic police officers to the department and fill out an application to search for the person who fled the scene of the accident. The search for the culprit will be carried out directly by police specialists. Your explanations must be provided in writing.

The next step is for you to notify the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event and wait for specialists to find the culprit.

So, having described in detail your actions regarding what to do if the culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident, you should deal with insurance.

The culprit fled the scene of the accident: what to do with the MTPL policy

Let's first figure out whether you are entitled to insurance if the culprit fled the scene of an accident? If you were able to find out or remember the coordinates of the car responsible for the accident. There will be no questions. The employees will find the driver, and if he has an MTPL policy, the company will make a transfer to you in accordance with the concluded agreement.

What if guilty person not found? In this case, the relevant authorities must carry out investigative measures in full. By helping specialists find the driver who left the scene of the accident, you can put up leaflets yourself and collect any information about this case. The search for the driver can last up to 60 days. If, as a result of all actions, the person responsible for the disaster is found, you are lucky. Otherwise, no payments under the MTPL policy will be made. According to the agreement, if the guilty person is not identified or found, if the car involved in the accident was stolen, no payments are due to the victim.

The question that “the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what to do if you have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy” has been addressed. Even if the culprit is identified and found, how long will it take to wait for the appropriate payments? Considering that search activities take about two months, payments will be made to you in about three months. According to the law, the insurer is given 30 days to process payments.

If you want to speed up the procedure, try helping specialists find a driver. Collect (if any) recordings from nearby cameras, talk to eyewitnesses of the incident.

Note! If the culprit is not found as a result of search activities, you will have to pay for the repair of the car at your own expense.

If the guilty person is found and he has issued compulsory motor liability insurance, you can apply for payment both to your company and to the company that issued the insurance to the guilty person.

Now it’s worth understanding in more detail the question “the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what to do if you have CASCO insurance?” Please pay attention to the fact that when you took out insurance from the company, you were given the rules, read them. The provisions provide an exact list of forms that must be provided to process payments.

As for the timing, basically, the insurer makes payments immediately after the provision of the required documents from the traffic police officers, where the culprit will be indicated and information about the termination of the case will be indicated.

Now you can focus on the amount. To confirm it, you need to provide results independent expert, if repairs have been made, attach all receipts and certificates you have. If the judicial authorities blame the other driver for the accident, the insurer will make payments to you.

Note! When considering your question, the court may reduce the amount of compensation if the second party can prove that the accident occurred for some insurmountable reason. But the very fact of leaving the place will play in your favor. Often the court does not trust the testimony of such drivers.

In order to find out what the punishment will be, it is necessary to determine the degree of guilt of the driver. If the driver drove away, this is not evidence of his guilt. However, the very fact of leaving the scene of the accident is administrative offense.

If the guilty person leaves the scene of the accident, he may be subject to arrest for up to 15 days, or deprivation of the right to drive for up to 18 months.

In addition to administrative liability, the guilty person will also incur financial liability. The company that paid the insurance can file a claim against the culprit in order to compensate for material damage to the victim.
Often, people who fled the scene of an accident say that they did not notice the accident itself. The judicial authorities do not consider such clauses fair; the liability remains the same, the only difference being the amount of material compensation.

The only thing that the court takes into account is the occurrence of situations in which it is absolutely necessary for the driver to leave. But even in this case, the court very critically considers each specific option.

It was discussed above what to do if the culprit fled the scene of an accident, what the punishment for this omission would be. If his guilt is proven, and there are victims during the disaster, the driver may be subject to criminal penalties.

Video of what to do if the culprit of an accident escaped

Updated: 06/26/2018 10779

The culprit of the accident fled the scene, what should I do? Detailed step-by-step instruction

Greetings, friends! Ilya Kulik is with you, and today I will tell you what to do if the culprit of the accident disappeared. If you leave everything to chance, you will have to pay for car repairs out of your own pocket. I will tell you about simple rules that will prevent this from happening, and how to apply them most effectively. Go!

Unfortunately, leaving the scene of an accident is not uncommon. According to statistics, about one tenth of all accidents are abandoned by those involved. What to do if you are involved in such an incident and how to find the culprit?

Step one - comply with traffic regulations

First of all, you need to do everything necessary that is prescribed by the traffic rules in the event of an accident: turn on the emergency lights, set up an emergency stop sign. We call the traffic police (be sure to inform that the second participant has disappeared), if necessary ambulance.

If a car interferes with the movement of other vehicles, then we record the position of the car, traces of the accident, both in writing and in photos and videos, and move the car to the side. If the emergency vehicle does not stop the flow of vehicles, then we leave everything as it is.

Step two - looking for witnesses

Immediately try to find witnesses, ask what they noticed, ask them to stay if possible until the traffic police arrive, take their contact information. Find out if they have video footage, including dashcam footage, or photographs of what happened.

Helpful advice. Don't forget to stop recording on your dash cam if you have one. Since it constantly records new information, deleting old ones. That is, it cannot save more than, say, 5 minutes of recording (depending on the capacity of the memory card).

It is worth paying attention to the presence of street cameras nearby. If there are any, ask their owners for a video recording. It is advisable to do this through employees law enforcement or together with them, since there is a high probability that the recording will not be given to a private person.

Step three - we file an accident

Upon arrival of traffic police officers, actively participate in filling out all the necessary paperwork. It must be recorded that one of the drivers left the scene of the accident.

Note. If the culprit who has left manages to return before the paperwork is completed and participates in filling them out, he cannot be considered absconded.

Step four - inform the insurance company about the incident

You need to go to the insurance office, fill out an application for an insured event, submit the documents that you have, including from the traffic police. Of course, compensation will not be paid until the culprit is found. But if the culprit is found, the Investigative Committee will have no reason due to the fact that you did not report the incident on time.

Step five - fixing traces and damage

If possible, you do not need to repair your car for at least the first three months, when the likelihood of catching the culprit is quite high. If there is an urgent need to restore the car to working condition, make sure that you have proof of damage from the accident.

At a minimum, these should be high-quality photographs of the damage from different angles. Ideally, especially in case of serious damage, the result is not only an auto-merchandise department that will assess the damage, but also one that shows how the damage could have occurred, and, most importantly, how it was caused.

Naturally, it is necessary to save all receipts, work orders, and other evidence of your costs for car restoration. The same can be said about the costs of treating victims, if any.

Step six - search for the hidden culprit

If you really want the missing person to be found, you need to be proactive.

Official search

First of all, constantly remind the employees of the authorities involved in the search that you are interested in the search, visit them and find out about the progress of the investigation (they must provide you with such information).

If the inaction of the employee conducting the investigation is clearly visible, write a complaint to the head of the department, and if this gives the expected effect, then to the prosecutor’s office. By the way, negligence is a criminal offense.

Independent searches

And also conduct independent searches. Especially if the damage is only property damage, which means that the official search for the culprit will not be particularly active. Post a notice seeking witnesses wherever possible:

  • on social networks;
  • on internet forums;
  • on others public Internet sites;
  • to local newspapers;
  • in paper advertisements on the entrances and posters close to the address of the incident.

Ask the residents of the houses near where the accident occurred. You can walk through nearby courtyards and vacant lots, and look at car repair shops. Browse advertisements on the Internet for car sales. Ask friends and acquaintances to participate in the search, especially if they have connections in the authorities or access to any official information.

In addition, there are now services on the Internet with the help of which anyone can find out enough information about the owner. However, be careful, as resources offering such services may be fraudulent.

In general, remember that the outcome of your search largely depends on your actions.

What not to do if the person involved in the accident has left

Firstly, never try to catch up with the offender. As a last resort, one of the witnesses can do this, but only if he is really confident in the ability to safely pursue the offender and this is really necessary, for example, to look up the number of the culprit. But it is better not to organize races, as they are dangerous and may result in another accident.

Secondly, never leave the scene of the accident yourself. Even if you are 100% sure that you are innocent of the accident and are in a hurry to get somewhere. The participant who left first can return, call the traffic police, and then you will be the one who escaped, and, possibly, the culprit. And it will be almost impossible to prove the opposite.

If the culprit fled after an accident in the yard

If the accident occurred in the yard or in the parking lot, then in general there are no differences from the registration of a regular accident. In most cases, it is from such incidents that people leave.

It is worth noting that if the interaction of the vehicles occurred when they were not moving, for example, a collision in a parking lot nearby standing car when opening the door, it is not considered an accident, therefore, it is not registered by the traffic police, although it is recognized. Also, an event cannot be recognized as an accident if no damage is caused as a result.

In such a situation, it is very important to find witnesses. Surely someone saw from the window or walked past at the time of the incident. It is better to call traffic police officers in any case, since the damaged car may return to the scene of the accident and declare you absconded. It will be very difficult to prove the opposite.

Note. Under comprehensive insurance, the insurer, as a rule, will pay for the repair of minor damage without documents from the traffic police. For details, see the comprehensive insurance rules of your insurance company and the insurance contract.

How to search for someone who fled the scene of an accident

If it is established that one of the participants in the incident was hiding from the scene of the accident, the materials of the accident are transferred to the search department. In case of serious accidents, specialists from the investigation department usually go to the scene of the accident. They examine witness statements, evidence left behind, including tire tracks, fragments of headlights, etc., surveillance camera and dash cam recordings. If necessary, examinations are carried out.

The likelihood of identifying the culprit who left, and therefore his detection, largely depends on the effectiveness of this research. If a car is identified, it is put on the wanted list.

Search for a car that fled the scene of an accident

Information on the car that is being sought is entered into the appropriate traffic police database; traffic police inspectors now receive guidance and will check vehicles similar to the one being sought for the possibility of participation in an accident. Vehicle service stations and parking lots may be checked for vehicles with damage that could result from an accident. An interception plan may also be announced. Moreover, it can be carried out either with the organization of additional posts and traffic police crews, or with regular forces.

A criminal case is initiated if there are seriously injured or dead people. In this case, the search is already carried out by criminal investigation officers.

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As practice shows, if a criminal case is not initiated, then the search for the culprit is not particularly active. As a rule, those who have fled after a minor accident are found either in hot pursuit or as if by chance, during a routine check on the road, which does not happen often.

Therefore, the victim in an accident, his relatives and friends are often involved in an active search. Using advertisements on social networks, forums, in the media, posting advertisements, attracting friends who work in the authorities. Often, such searches turn out to be more effective simply because the injured party is really interested, unlike law enforcement officials, in finding the culprit and, therefore, acts more actively.

How quickly people who escape from the scene of an accident are found

It all depends on how much information there is about the missing person, how well they are looking for him, and also on the coincidence of circumstances.

Sometimes finding the culprit is a piece of cake...

The simplest situation is when the license plate number of the crashed car is known. In this case, the culprit who left can be found in a couple of hours, or at most a few days. Again, if there is an accident with serious consequences, then the search work will be carried out by traffic police officers much more diligently than because of an accident in which the only damage is a scratch on the bumper.

Sometimes it happens that the culprit himself is caught, for example, becomes a participant in another accident. But it happens that they don’t find it even when they have all the data about the culprit’s car.

Difficulty finding the culprit

And when there is no or virtually no information on the culprit, the search can drag on for many months and, most likely, will remain fruitless. The more time passes, the less likely it is to be found. Moreover, if there is no serious bodily injury, then after the expiration of the statute of limitations, that is, after three months, the search comes to naught.

It is worth noting that finding the owner is half the battle. Very often, the owner declares that he knows nothing, the great-nephew of his second cousin is driving the car, and he lets his friend drive, etc. But in such a case there are witnesses, video recordings and other materials. Also, in such a situation, a thorough investigation will again come to the rescue, including taking fingerprints from the car, etc.

Statute of limitations if the culprit of the accident escaped

Upon leaving the scene of an accident, the statute of limitations for bringing to responsibility is – three months, since this is an administrative offense considered in court. Accordingly, after this period, the person who left the scene of the accident will not be punished for leaving the scene of the collision.

Likewise, there will be no punishment for traffic violations that led to an accident. But you will have to answer for the consequences of the accident even after the end of the three-month period.

Statute of limitations for causing harm in an accident

Thus, when causing minor or moderate harm to health (administrative article), the statute of limitations is 1 year. In case of serious injury – 2 years. And for causing death in an accident - 6 years.

Article on the topic:

For getting into an accident while intoxicated, you can be held accountable for a year, and if people are seriously injured or killed, then 6 years. However, it is impossible to prove that the culprit was drunk during the accident if he is discovered a long time after the accident, since the fact of intoxication is recognized only on the basis of a medical examination.

How long are they looking for someone who fled the scene of an accident?

There is no time limit for searching a car, and only its initiator, in this case the traffic police, has the right to remove it from the search. And even if the statute of limitations has already passed, the driver can be stopped at every checkpoint, since his car is listed in the traffic police search database. True, after three months it is no longer possible to hold him accountable for the concealment.

But the statute of limitations for causing material damage and harm to health in an accident is much longer than 3 months. And if traffic cops are not particularly looking for damage to property, since there is no administrative responsibility, and the property losses of the victim, in most cases, are of little interest to them, then those subject to punishment for causing injuries, and even more so those responsible for the death of people, will be searched throughout statute of limitations for punishment for the consequences of an accident, which depends on the severity of the harm caused.

How to receive an insurance payment if the person at fault for the accident is not found

Unfortunately, according to current legislation, in order to receive compensation from an insurance company, you must have an insurance policy from the culprit. There is no culprit, and there is no policy, so the insurance company will legally refuse compensation.

A damaged car can only be restored using comprehensive insurance, if available, or independently. The same applies to any other property.

How to compensate for damage if the culprit is found

Remember that if a participant in an accident denies his guilt, only the court can establish guilt in the process of collecting damages from him. And without a specific person being found guilty, there will be no settlement of losses. If the hiding opponent agrees with his guilt, two options are possible.

If everything is in order with his auto insurance policy, feel free to go to the insurance company, especially if you notified her immediately after the accident. If she refuses to pay, go to court. By the way, if you have already received a health benefit from RSA, then the insurance company will not pay you for the same thing a second time.

If the culprit does not have insurance, then compensation can only be received from him by mutual agreement or demanded through the court.

What threatens a driver who fled the scene of an accident?

For hiding from the scene of an accident, the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the following punishment: deprivation of a driver’s license from one year to one and a half years or arrest, the maximum sentence is 15 days. The judge chooses the specific punishment, taking into account all the circumstances.

In addition, leaving after an accident is one of the reasons for recourse from the insurer, that is, the culprit will have to pay the entire amount with which the insurance company covered the damage to the victim.

Naturally, if there is an accident with victims, you will have to bear the corresponding administrative or criminal liability. And in rare cases, they are brought to criminal liability for leaving the victim in a life-threatening condition.

What happens if the culprit disappeared, but then returned?

The moment when the driver returned to the scene of the incident is decisive for the consequences. If an absconding participant in an accident returns before the traffic police have completed the documents for the accident, he is not considered to have absconded. The only thing possible consequence for this - a fine of 1000 rubles.

Sometimes the person who returned to fill out the documents is considered to have disappeared, although he was present when filling out the documents, his signatures are present, etc. This controversial issue is resolved in court. There are good practices, including Supreme Court RF that returned to the scene of the accident before registration of road accidents the driver cannot be punished for hiding.

But if you returned after registering an accident, then this will be considered a concealment with all the ensuing consequences. However, the return will be taken into account by the court as a mitigating circumstance, and the punishment may be limited, for example, to arrest for up to 5 days, and not to deprivation of a driver’s license.

  • never leave the location of the accident, even when the second participant leaves;
  • notify the insurance company about what happened immediately, even if the culprit is unknown;
  • show interest in the progress of the investigation conducted by government officials on your case;
  • on one's own make attempts to find the culprit;
  • use DVRs;
  • if you find your car dented, and under the “janitor” there is a note with an apology and coordinates - show understanding, call the person causing the harm and agree with him how to resolve the conflict, and do not declare him absconding. Remember that you too may find yourself in his place.


The situation when one of the drivers leaves the scene of the incident is equally negative for both the culprit who escaped and the victim. For the first, it threatens deprivation of rights even in the case of very minor damage; for the second, it significantly complicates the procedure for obtaining compensation. Respect each other, it will be better for everyone.

If you find interesting cases related to hiding from the scene of an accident and finding the culprit, tell me and my readers about them in the comments under the article. You can also ask questions on this topic there.

Video bonus: 5 cases of bad behavior during a live video broadcast on the Periscope social network:

More on the topic:

Comments to the article: 27


    05.12.2017 | 12:29

    left a parked car in the yard where the passport office was located. was gone for 5 minutes. Approaching the car, I saw serious damage: part of the front left fender was torn out, the bumper on the left side was torn off to the sheathing, due to the deformation of the wing, the hood of the car was damaged. A witness from the 3rd floor reported that a cargo gazelle was rammed. Of course, there was no gazelle on site. There were no witnesses other than the man, and he was unable to see the hidden gazelle in detail. There was a grocery store nearby with video cameras. The moment of the collision was recorded on video. I called a traffic police officer. He arrived, drew up a report, informed him about the presence of a video recording, to which he said: I don’t have time to look at the recordings, I’ll wait at the department with an explanatory note. When asked why they wouldn’t confiscate the video material from the scene of the incident, he said: you go and negotiate and confiscate it. As you can imagine, the store refused to give me the material, even though I was able to record it on my phone. Alas, the quality of the shooting is not very good and the number is not visible. but there are special features of the car that caused the accident: a gazelle refrigerated truck with Nestlé ice cream stickers with channels on the sides, which is how it basically demolished the face of my car. I reported the fact of the accident to the insurance company, where they explained to me that if you want to find the culprit, look for it yourself. no one will do this except you. So an action plan has been drawn up: distribute leaflets with photos of the car at grocery stores, so that people photograph the numbers for a fee, and of course, independent research of all companies and organizations involved in the supply of frozen products. She took the video material herself to the forensic laboratory for license plate recognition. Well, in conclusion, I spread posts on social networks about a reward for information about this Gazelle. I forgot to tell you, official dealer The damage caused to my car, purely visually, without defects, is about 150,000 rubles. Wish me good luck)

    Leonid Gritsenko (Ilya's assistant)

    02.01.2018 | 12:22

    Hello Olga. One cannot help but admire how correctly and deeply you approached the search for the culprit. Such vigorous activity is unlikely to remain fruitless.

    It may also be worth complaining about the inaction of the traffic police officer to your superiors, and getting the traffic police to at least obtain the original video recording and attach it to the case.

    Good luck to you!


    31.03.2018 | 22:14

    A funny situation happened not so long ago.

    A woman caught up with me on the road and said that someone and I had scratched ourselves while driving and the police had already been called.

    I stopped, walked around the car, didn’t find anything new or interesting on it, but just in case, I drove to the place the woman named.

    I met a citizen there, supposedly the second participant, with a scratch on his side.

    We talked, took pictures, and decided to wait for the traffic police because God knows how they touched us and who is right. He doesn't look like a scammer.

    I placed my rattling truck to the side so as not to block the road.

    We stood like that for three hours, and I looked. And the comrade left! I call him on his mobile phone and get an answer saying do whatever you want.

    He called the police again, froze for another hour, spat and left.

    Then I get a call from the traffic police with a call for analysis, as if my car is wanted for hiding from the place and in general I’m a bad person, and that other guy stayed in place and waited for registration.

    Stunned. I went to the scene of the conflict and in one of the stores they kindly gave me a recording from a camera, where it’s bad, but you can see how a friend is leaving. But the accident is not visible.

    And subsequently no one returned back, much less drew up any plans or protocols there.

    I'm waiting for the analysis. It’s interesting how you can find out the circumstances with the help of just that woman, supposedly a witness, and a couple of photographs.


    15.05.2018 | 11:10

    April 5 at pedestrian crossing a person was shot down, the culprit disappeared, remembered the number V222AU 154 gray melting

    Who knows him, give him to the police


    22.07.2018 | 16:06

    On July 21, 2018 (Saturday) at about 13-00 I arrived for an appointment with a doctor at clinic No. 109 at the address: st. Guryanova, 4 k. 3 (Pechatniki). Car Mitsubishi ASX black color was left at the entrance to the local area, corner of the house 4 k. 1 st. Guryanov. There was a foreign car ahead white. At 13:55, after visiting the doctor, I discovered my car with damage to the rear left door, a strong dent. The white foreign car was missing. Please, if anyone witnessed this and can help, please let us know! Do not remain indifferent in our difficult times! I would be very grateful to everyone who responded!!!


    09.09.2018 | 10:33

    A sad thing happened to me one summer evening. While waiting for a green traffic light, he drove into my ass, driving insane from drunkenness. After a short dialogue, he left the scene. The time was 23 o'clock. No one responded to my requests to the traffic police to take measures to arrest me; the cops arrived at the scene of the accident 4 hours later. After completing the relevant documents, they said that they would contact me within three days, because they are initiating an administrative case. After 20 days, I myself came to the Gai people, half of them told obscene jokes and the whole corridor of poor fellows listening to them, waiting for an appointment, the second was poking around with their smartphones, right there in the corridor. It was with difficulty that I found out who was in charge of my case, a certain Alexander, I don’t know his last name, he didn’t introduce himself, he seemed to remember something. In short, the license plate number of the runaway car is not listed anywhere and there is no investigation into it. Call me in a couple of days mobile phone, which they wrote down for me, he will look at it. Now the question is, what’s the point in fussing? My problems are my problems. There are 40 cameras at the intersection and not a single one is working. The culprit ran in the oncoming traffic at a red traffic light - nothing happened either. I took the paper and went to look for it myself. There are security cameras around the perimeter of the Auchan, but you can’t even see the color of the car. It's dark and there's headlights.

    Anatoly Ivanovich

    13.12.2018 | 14:36

    Something unimaginable is happening now with our law enforcement officers. I've already been driven into by drunken freaks twice. Both times they left. I recorded the car number. Both times they opened the administration office and closed it three months later; the culprit was not identified. They argued that the culprit does not respond to calls, and no one is going to deliver him by force, since it is not required by law. That is, since he didn’t denounce himself, then he’s not to blame. I fought with the insurance company for half a year to get them to pay. They refused because the culprit had not been identified. He sued for damages with interest. That is, it turns out, get out, if anything happens, and nothing will happen to you. Nobody will do anything to you if you don’t give up.


    18.12.2018 | 01:59

    Yeah... I'm reading your comments and getting a lot of feedback. A similar situation happened to me today. I was standing on the Shchelkovskoe highway on the backup for red, waiting for the green arrow to the right. A gazelle flies into my ass from the heart, which subsequently disappeared. And what’s surprising is that this happens in front of traffic police officers standing not far away. From the impact, I drive into a parked car, they had a car registrator, but it’s impossible to see the numbers on it, they are dirty... There are cameras at the intersection...

    The employees went after the gazelle that had left, but they couldn’t catch up... so I was left with nothing... they filled out the paperwork. I'm waiting for the analysis. Judging by your comments, I’ll have to figure it out myself... it’s very annoying... there’s no ass... repairs at a discount cost about 400 hundred. Ticket three will help me

    Anatoly Ivanovich

    18.12.2018 | 14:28


    02.01.2019 | 12:23

    Today I was driving in the right lane and a car hit me in the right side, turned around and drove away. I immediately called 112 and gave information about the hiding of the intruder and his signs. There was no recorder, but I remembered the model and color, as well as the direction of the departing intruder. 10 minutes later 4 crews and a car with the intruder arrived. As a result, the police did not interfere and gave the offender the opportunity to negotiate with me. A person of Caucasian nationality suggested that I go to his friends’ garages for repairs. I refused. The behavior of the police was very surprising. They probably already got their way and decided not to interfere. Did I do the right thing by going to the meeting and not registering?


    03.02.2019 | 11:46

    the car was parked on the premises, at about 21:00 a silver nine at full speed crashed into my parked Skoda, there are witnesses to the incident and video footage after the accident without the license plate number of the culprit. The culprit fled the scene of the accident. I discovered the damage the next day and immediately called the traffic police; after the impact, the car shifted 4 meters. While I was waiting, the outfit walked around the nearby territory and discovered a silver nine T532HE 33 with characteristic features The accident was reported to the arriving traffic police officers; they inspected and recorded this fact. Five days later, the analysis group informed me that they had just sent a request to Vladimir region. at the place of registration of the car. And the culprit abandoned the car just 200 meters from the scene of the accident. Most likely he does not have an MTPL policy and I will have to restore everything at my own expense. The most offensive thing is that the car is not running, the radiator has shifted and antifreeze has leaked.


    14.03.2019 | 18:36

    A Mazda pulled out of the yard right in front of me. I crashed into her. The muzzle is broken. Three foreigners from neighboring countries came out of it, all identical. They started running around. In the end, I didn’t even understand who was driving. When the traffic police arrived, there was only one left, but he was not the driver and I didn’t understand. The traffic police took the Mazda aside and took the keys. A friend of the husband of the former owner, who was selling this car, came to the registration, but the one to whom he sold it had not yet re-registered it. The traffic police officer did not take an explanation from him, saying that he was only interested in drivers and this would be of interest to the search inspector. They gave me an order to appear in 10 days. I was there today. He answered the questions as they were, so I realized that he didn’t really know much about the matter. He said that a letter had been sent to the owner asking him to appear at the department. He told me that I could do an examination and repairs, and after 2 months I could sue if they didn’t find anyone.

    And here are the questions.

    Will the insurance company accept an examination if the owner has compulsory insurance (although a driver is needed)?

    The owner will show the purchase and sale agreement with the details of this (or another) foreigner, who is no longer in the country, but then they will not give him his “former” car. And if he reserves the right to the car, then he will have to indicate who was driving.

    For some reason, the car was not taken to the parking lot for a fine; the employee said that it was not in the way, and they had the keys.

    In general, some confusion!


    30.03.2019 | 18:35

    Hello! I have this situation: on February 21, 2019, an unknown car drove into my car parked in the yard, caused damage to the rear bumper and disappeared. I called a traffic police officer, a report was drawn up with a diagram of how my car was parked and the location of the damage to my car. I was given only the “Decree to initiate an administrative offense and conduct an administrative investigation” (copy) dated February 21, 2019. and that's it! I was confused and did not receive a copy of the protocol, and they did not offer it to me. The next day, I ordered video filming five days in advance (from 02/17/2019 to 02/21/2019, since before the damage to the car was discovered, the car for a long time I didn’t use it) from the CCTV cameras at our house. On March 21, 2019, I received these videos from the traffic police in the search department. Of course, no one will look at them there; I looked at the houses myself. I found on the recording the day of the accident, the time of the accident, and the make of the culprit’s car (he was driving backwards, hit my bumper, without leaving the car, quickly drove forward from the field of video cameras, and a couple of minutes later he also drove backwards out of the yard, that is, he felt the impact and knew about the damage), the license plates were almost unreadable, but there was a special mark on his car - the lower right part of the bumper was torn off. Since more than a month had passed, the culprit probably calmed down and again drove into my yard to park (unfortunately, other people’s drivers who have a place of work nearby often park here), and I’m looking at the model of the car, and the scratches on the rear bumper, and the torn off front bumper I identified it to the bumper, on Saturday, March 23, 2019, by phone I reported the car’s license plate number to the inspector in the search group, the culprit was found in the database - it turned out to be a woman. That same Saturday, the inspector called me back and said that he had reached her, invited her to the search group at 4 p.m. on March 26, 2019, and for some reason at 4:30 p.m. (it’s now clear why), and asked to bring a video of the accident on a flash drive in cropped form (shooting in 5 days!). I prepared everything, brought it on Tuesday, I never saw the culprit, she came and was already released. The inspectors sit smiling and laughing (of course, she did all the work for them and, I guess, they got a good sum from it). Nobody asks for my records anymore (they are no longer needed!) and they give me only one document without a number, WITHOUT A DATE OF COMPILATION! “Ruling on the refusal to initiate an administrative offense,” and there it is written (I write verbatim, without names): “I, inspector (such and such), having examined the material on the fact of an accident that took place on February 21, 2019 in the territory of (such and such) city. Moscow established: According to the driver (full name, driver's license no., OSAGO policy no. of the culprit) on 02/21/2019 around (the time indicated is wrong, 40 minutes later!) in Moscow on the street (such and such) an accident took place, during which she (full name of the culprit), driving a car (make and model of the car, state sign of the car), moving along the territory of the street (such and such) drove the car at a speed that does not provide the driver with the opportunity to constantly monitor the movement of the vehicle to comply with the Rules, while not took into account the features of my vehicle, its dimensions, as well as visibility in the direction of travel, thereby violating the requirements of clause 10.1 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, as a result of which, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house (such and such), I lost control of the car and collided with a standing vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the brand of my car , my state sign, my full name, V/u) damage to vehicle: rear bumper, rear left headlight. Damage to vehicle (culprit): rear bumper. Taking into account the above and taking into account that the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses does not establish administrative liability for violation of the requirements of paragraph 10.1. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation, guided by part 5 of article 28.1, on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of art. 24.5, Article 29.12 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. DECIDED: To refuse to initiate a case of an administrative offense based on an accident that took place on (such and such a date) in the territory of (...) Moscow, due to the lack of an administrative offense. Inspector (so-and-so) and signature. EVERYTHING - I only have two pieces of paper. He didn’t show any more documents. What does this mean? like the culprit herself came to him and told him about the accident? So maybe she will also receive a payment under her compulsory motor liability insurance, not to mention the fact that she will not be deprived of her rights? And according to this document “On refusal...”, will I even receive insurance under MTPL? And what document should be drawn up for hiding from the scene of an accident and should the employees show it to me? Should a NEW PROTOCOL be drawn up after an administrative investigation has been carried out and the absconding culprit has been found, and should I be familiar with THIS PROTOCOL? Please help me with advice!!!


    16.07.2019 | 00:23

    Hello! Help me please! The situation is like this:

    01/04/2019 at night in St. Petersburg, a drunk driver drove into my husband’s car and fled accident scene. Not only did my husband write down the license plate number, he also took a photograph... he called the traffic police, everything was as it should be, and yes, there was also a witness in my husband’s car - his friend... They drew up a report, said that they would look... They found , provided my husband with two photographs for identification, in one of them my husband identified the culprit of the accident... He turned out to be not the owner of the car he drove in, and this car had no insurance at all, we have compulsory motor liability insurance - they immediately sent us away)

    So, two months later, on March 4, 2019, the husband was called to the traffic police and issued a decree to hand over the case to the archives. The fact is that we do not live in St. Petersburg, but live in Arkhangelsk... after receiving the resolution, my husband left for Arkhangelsk and could not be in St. Petersburg until July 15, 2019.

    The question is: is it possible to contact the prosecutor’s office with a complaint against the traffic police under Articles 285 and 286 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? Or somehow open a case based on newly discovered circumstances? Or does it make sense to contact the higher authorities of the inspector who issued the decision to terminate the case? We don’t know what to do ((the amount of damage is 107 thousand rubles, there is an independent expert’s conclusion... What should we do?

To be able to receive an insurance premium, preferably in a short time, you must have the most complete information about the car driven by the culprit who left the scene of the accident. Least you need to remember the make and color of the car, it’s very good if you managed to write down the vehicle number.

Vehicles often have “special features” (various types of dents and scratches), if they are found, they need to be remembered.

IMPORTANT. The more information there is about the car that left the scene of the accident, the greater the chances of receiving an insurance premium.

We comply with traffic regulations

In the event of an accident, there are mandatory regulations that must be followed.

When a driver contacts his insurer, the following documents are presented:

After all the formalities have been completed, you must wait until the one who is to blame for the accident is found.

You can’t chase after someone who caused an accident! If the victim leaves the scene of the accident, this will cause the insurance claim to be denied.

You can find out more about how to submit an application to an insurance company for compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance, and in more detail about what constitutes an insured event under compulsory motor liability insurance, what is the procedure for participants and other nuances, find out in.

Will the insurance company pay out under compulsory motor liability insurance if the second participant is not found at all?

If the culprit of the accident is not found and there is no data about him insurance policy, then the news for the injured party is disappointing. If the identity of the at-fault driver is not established, then his insurance company, which is responsible for compensating for property damage, is also unknown.

Then deals with damages Russian Union Auto insurers(hereinafter referred to as RSA), which can recover money from the culprit by recourse in accordance with Art. 14 Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”.

When does RSA intervene?

RSA pays money to the injured party in accordance with Art. 18 FZ-40, if the culprit of the accident left the scene and could not be found. But there is one important nuance - RSA bears expenses only if the accident caused damage not only to the injured party’s car, but also to the health or life of the victim.

To get it you need to collect not only everything Required documents, confirming damage to the car, but also medical certificates. Otherwise, you may not expect compensation. Behind material damage RSA does not bear any responsibility. Demanding compensation for moral damage in this case makes no sense at all.

How to receive an insurance payment if the instigator of the accident is found?

If the police have found who is to blame for the accident, the injured party can act in two ways. It all depends on whether the driver had the right to drive the car at the time of the accident and whether he has a valid insurance policy. If the driver had the right to drive the car, he has valid insurance and he pleads guilty, he must contact the insurance company.

To do this you need the following package of documents:

  • An accident report drawn up by traffic police officers at the scene of the accident.
  • The culprit of the accident writes a statement stating that he has no objections to his guilt (often the insurer does not take into account the presence of such a document. But if it exists, this can significantly speed up the process of obtaining insurance).
  • A copy or number of the insurance policy.
  • Each party presents a driver's license.

If the driver does not have a license to drive a vehicle, does not have valid insurance, or has never admitted that he is at fault, he must go to court with.

When going to court, you need the following documents:

  • statement of claim;
  • a protocol drawn up by traffic police officers;
  • To confirm the act of damage caused, an assessment document is needed, which also confirms the amount of damage.

What happens if the driver runs away after an accident - liability

Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for fleeing the scene of an accident provides for the deprivation of a driver's license. The term of such punishment is from one to one and a half years. Alternatively, arrest may be applied to the guilty party for up to 15 days.

If there are victims in the accident, then the person who left the scene of the accident will also be responsible for causing harm to health, based on the severity of the act. Parts 2, 4 and 6 art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation punishes runaway drivers who have caused serious harm to health or in fatal accidents.

If the driver is judged, then leaving the scene of the accident will be considered an aggravating circumstance and will entail more stringent measures. Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Leaving a wounded person in danger” may be applied to such a driver.

Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Left in danger

Knowingly leaving without help a person who is in a condition dangerous to life or health and is deprived of the opportunity to take measures for self-preservation due to childhood, old age, illness or due to his helplessness, in cases where the perpetrator had the opportunity to help this person and was obliged to take care of him or he himself put him in a condition dangerous to life or health, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory work for a term of up to three hundred sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year, or forced labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to three months, or imprisonment for a period of up to three months. up to one year.

Both participants in the accident drove away

It would seem that if both drivers left, then there is nothing to formalize; both parties resolved the issue peacefully. But don’t delude yourself here; if there are no written agreements signed by the participants in the accident on a peaceful resolution of the issue, then the following outcome of the event is possible.

One of the drivers returns to the scene, calls the traffic police officers and registers the accident in accordance with all the rules, and receives a payment from the insurance company. And the second party receives punishment under Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences. And in this case, both the victim and the perpetrator can return back, but the latter can turn the situation in his favor.

That's why, If after an accident you decide to negotiate “on the spot”, be sure to get everything in writing with passport data and signatures.

If you left but then returned

In such a situation, the decisive factor will be whether the driver managed to return to the scene of the incident before the report was drawn up or not. If the traffic police officers have not yet arrived or have arrived, but the protocol has not yet been drawn up, then the document is drawn up with the participation of the guilty party. Then, most likely, the measure provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which implies deprivation of rights or arrest, will not be applied to him.

And they will impose the sanctions provided for in Part 1 of the same article, namely the payment of a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles for violated rules related to the accident. Therefore, you should not leave anywhere.

Unintentionally leaving the scene of an accident

There are situations when a driver leaves the scene of an accident unintentionally. For example, the blow was so light that it went unnoticed. This cannot be an excuse. If the driver fled the scene of the accident and did not return, then he will have to answer on a general basis..

Statute of limitations

  1. For fleeing the scene of an accident. The statute of limitations for leaving the scene of an accident is measured in 3 months - Part 1 of Art. 4.5 Code of Administrative Offences. If after 3 months the driver who caused the accident and left the scene is not found, then the case is closed.


    To ensure that the damage caused as a result Transport accident the funds have been fully reimbursed, maximum vigilance must be exercised when completing the documentation.

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Situations when the culprit flees the scene of a traffic accident can be divided into two categories - in relation to whether the victim was a direct participant in the accident or found his car or other property damaged.

  1. Do not chase the second participant in the accident. Statistics show that this often does not lead to any positive results and creates additional danger. In addition, from the point of view of current law, you need to stop and act in accordance with paragraph 3.
  2. Try to remember as much information as possible about the escaped participant and his state car. number, make, model, color, driver identification, direction of travel. If possible, take a photo or video.
  3. Fulfill the duties required by the traffic rules: turn on the hazard lights, put up a warning triangle. Do not move any objects or traces related to the accident.
  4. If there are victims, call an ambulance (112 or 103), try to provide first aid (if you have the necessary knowledge).
  5. Ask for phone numbers from all eyewitnesses to the accident. Ask drivers if they have installed DVRs. Ask to save the recordings and/or forward them to you.
  6. Take photographs of all the details of the accident - the location of the car, its damage, brake marks, etc. This may be of great use to you in the future.
  7. Call the traffic police department on duty and report the incident. Tell us all the information you know about the missing person participant in an accident, the extent of damage to your car, the presence of victims. Follow the instructions of the police officer (you may be asked to wait for traffic police inspectors on the spot or drive to the nearest post).
  8. Complete all documents related to the accident together with the police.
  9. Use the power of social networks to find the culprit. Submit all information received to the traffic police.

Procedure in case of detection of damage to the car

If you find your car (or other property) damaged, and you have every reason to believe that this damage was caused by another car, the driver of which fled the scene of the accident, you must do the following:

  1. Call the traffic police department on duty and report the incident. Follow the instructions of the police officers.
  2. Look around the scene. Pay attention to other cars, the presence of people and video recorders in them. Look at the buildings - there may be CCTV cameras.
  3. If you have found eyewitnesses, write down their contact information.
  4. Take photographs of the damage and the scene.
  5. Together with the police officers, complete all documents related to the accident.
  6. Take advantage social networks. Post information about the accident there. Pay attention to the so-called “house groups” (nowadays many residents create an online community for their home).

Actions of a driver who witnessed fleeing the scene of an accident

  1. Never remain indifferent! Today you helped someone, tomorrow someone will help you. Remember this.
  2. Assess the situation. If people need help, stop and provide it immediately.
  3. Try to remember, photograph or record the license plate of the fugitive's car.
  4. Leave your contact information to the victim. Be prepared to appear before the police or court to testify. Don't be afraid of this, imagine yourself in the victim's place.

Remember! Chasing the culprit can be very dangerous - the chase can provoke another accident. If you still decide, then you need to pursue the fugitive carefully and unnoticed by him.

What threatens a driver who fled the scene of an accident?

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, leaving the scene of an accident is punishable by deprivation of rights from one to one and a half years or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Administrative penalty There is no legal penalty for leaving the scene of an accident.

The culprit who left the scene of an accident bears civil liability, even if he had a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. The insurance company will first pay for the repairs to the victim, and then collect the entire amount from the “fugitive” by way of recourse.

Leaving the scene of an accident is an independent administrative offense and does not automatically entail that the fleeing driver is found guilty of the accident.

How to avoid liability for leaving the scene of an accident?

A driver cannot be held administratively liable for leaving the scene of an accident if, immediately after the accident, he drove a short distance away from the scene of the accident, awaiting the arrival of police officers, and at the time of their arrival was at the scene of the accident and the circumstances of the incident were established with his participation.

In addition, administrative liability will not arise if the accident occurred due to circumstances beyond the control of the driver who left, without any action on his part, and also if he could not foresee this event and the onset of consequences.

Compensation for damage from an accident where the culprit escaped

If your car is insured under CASCO, everything is clear, call your insurance company, file an incident and bring documents for payment.

If there is no CASCO policy, then the following scenarios are possible:

  1. The culprit was found and his liability is insured under the MTPL contract - the victim can apply to the insurance company for insurance compensation (then the insurance company will recover everything from the culprit, but this is no longer your question). If only the owner of the car that was legally driven by the culprit of the accident is identified (the car was not listed as stolen), and the civil liability of the car owner is insured under the MTPL policy, then in this situation his insurance company will also pay insurance compensation.
  2. The culprit or owner of the car was found, but he does not have insurance. The money will have to be recovered through the courts. You can read about this.
  3. Neither the culprit of the accident nor the owner of the car was found; the car will have to be repaired at our own expense. If there is harm to the life or health of the victim, then you can receive compensation. In accordance with paragraphs. "c" clause 1 art. 18, paragraph 1, art. 19 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, such payment is made by a professional association of insurers.

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