What do they do on the second? How to lose weight at home

How does a woman decide if she wants to go on a second date with you? Carefully analyzing your behavior at first. According to scientists, men understand within the first couple of minutes whether a woman has the potential for a long-term relationship. For women, everything is much more complicated (who would doubt it! When was it easier for them?). If you like her, you'll go out of your way to make her like you too. Of course, I can’t force you to dress, smell and look good, but I can tell you what women evaluate on first dates and on the basis of which they decide whether to go on a second date with you.

1. Ask her questions

Women love to talk. The fact that women communicate verbally more often than men is scientifically proven. So ask her questions: where she was born, where she grew up, who she works for, what her hobbies are and what her favorite Pokémon was. Women won’t lag behind you: don’t worry that the date will smoothly turn into an interview. She will definitely ask you where you got that scar on your chin, and you can tell her how you defeated a lion in the desert with your bare hands. Joke! The point is that she will find something to ask you about. You also need to be a match for her.

2. Be polite to other people

Women are attentive to detail. Sometimes it seems to me that in their world there is nothing important at all and it is entirely built from little things. So, she will notice everything. She will notice if you are rude to the waitress or squeeze her tip. Leave her a tip not of coins, but of a hundred rubles - everything is better. You can't be rude to anyone when you go on a first date. And you can't be greedy either. Here are two ageless golden rules for you.

3. Pay for everything yourself

Everyone knows how important frugality is. The economy never seems to get out of the gutter, the girl also has a job just like you, and you don't know each other that well. Under such circumstances, you can not pay on the first date - you will pay on the second, when you are sure that the investment will not be in vain. Many dudes think along these lines.

When they bring you the bill, calmly take it into your hands. If she offers to share it, politely but firmly decline, or suggest she buy you a drink sometime instead. However, if she insists and is shaking with anger, offering to split the bill, agree: why argue, since it’s so important to her. Maybe she's acting this way because she doesn't want to date you again?

4. Try to kiss her

Another invaluable tip: if you spent the evening together, and at the end you did not try to kiss her, this indescribably increases your chances of finding yourself in, and its inhabitants do not get a second date. You can even try something more meaningful, but a completely acceptable option is a kiss when you walk her home or to a taxi.

5. Follow the two-day rule

If you call her the very next day, you risk showing her the full extent of your impatience. However, if the silence lasts longer than three days, she will begin to think that you will never call her again, and will even begin to convince herself that she does not care, finding various reasons for this: your teeth are uneven, you came in sneakers (I always wear sneakers, let it dry off), etc. Waiting for a couple of days is the best option. What to say? “Tuesday was great! Any plans for next Friday? And that's enough for you.

It is usually presented quite clearly to both the young people and their guests. And here the second day of celebrations sometimes raises questions: should it happen or not, where and how to hold it, what should be taken into account when organizing it?

In the old days, wedding festivities lasted three days, but could last for a week. Of particular importance in Ancient Rus' added to the celebrations the day after the wedding.

Traditionally the day began with the bride and groom visiting the bathhouse. They had to take a steam bath with brooms given by the young husband to his betrothed. This rite was a kind of general cleansing from the sins of a previous life.

Then there was a feast, to which relatives and friends of the young people were invited. The newly-made wife showed her talents to the groom’s family: ability to cook, spin, embroider. At this time, the guests were playing funny tricks to prevent her from working. The bride gave her handicrafts to the groom's parents. These could be towels, shirts, belts.

Cheerful guests often hid the young woman, and the groom had to find her. The festivities were ending horse riding and comic performances.

What are they doing? modern newlyweds? They are not required to follow all the rituals. Some generally believe that the second day is not necessary, and those who do arrange it try to spend it having fun. The second wedding day is usually celebrated with those closest to you.(usually these are relatives and friends). You don't have to invite everyone who was at the banquet.

  • A competition with dressing up and replacing the newlyweds is considered traditional, when other people take the places of the newlyweds at the table.
  • Handing out glasses by the bride as a thank you to the groom's parents. Guests must take a glass from the tray and leave money in return.
  • Treating yourself to pancakes baked young. You must also give a coin or banknote for the pancake.
  • Planting a tree together is also popular among newlyweds.

Usually the main ones gifts are given to newlyweds on their wedding day. On the second day they are not required, but if you want to make a pleasant surprise, then this is not forbidden. These can be cute little things, for example, themed T-shirts with the words “husband” and “wife”, photo collages, a future family album, etc.

Where to mark?

There are many options for places to celebrate your second wedding day. The final choice depends on the mood and preferences of the young people.


In summer this is the most popular option. If the weather is good, you can go to your dacha, to a country hotel, or organize a picnic somewhere in the forest or on the shore near a pond.

At home

At home - a classic option for a small number. You can have a party in an apartment or in a country house. If there are still a lot of guests, then it’s worth renting a cottage.

In the city

  • You can organize a feast and interesting competitions in the cafe. This raises the question: who should pay the bill? If finances allow, then young people can do it. It is also acceptable if the newlyweds pay for the drinks or the guests pay for their order in full.
  • It will become romantic and quite unusual boat trip. There you can also order a small buffet and entertainment program.
  • Trip to another city Suitable for a small group of friends who love to travel.
  • An alternative travel option could be walk around hometown. It would be interesting to organize it in the form of a quest.
  • Also suitable for celebrations parks and squares.

in winter

IN winter period better to choose active species entertainment:

  • Slide downhill, for example, on cheesecakes.
  • Visit to the skating rink. A “picnic” on skates with a thermos and light snacks will be memorable for your friends.
  • Horseback riding in a sleigh. You can arrange a leisurely walk admiring the suburban landscapes or a fun competition.
  • Snowboard. Bravely conquering the snowy slopes with friends will give you only positive emotions.

in autumn

It is worth considering that in autumn Celebration options may be limited by weather conditions.

  • In rainy weather, it is better to organize entertainment indoors: in a cafe, restaurant, country house.
  • On nice days there are more interesting activities, for example, bike ride.
  • Can be arranged hike in the autumn forest. Admiring nature, colorful leaves, mushrooms, berries, sitting around a burning fire - everything will give you an unforgettable experience.
  • Horse ride. You can visit the equestrian club and arrange horseback riding.

The celebrations are very interesting in the style of Russian folk traditions. You can order a thematic program related specifically to the ancient rituals of the second wedding day in country ethnographic museums.

Only double

Tired of the hustle and bustle of the big day, some newlyweds just want to finally be alone.

  • Go on a trip. Many newlyweds fly to Russia immediately after the first day.
  • Arrange romantic evening, for example, dinner for two.
  • Nothing to do, take a break from everything. This option also has a right to exist. You can just lie on the couch and watch your favorite movie or TV series.

What to consider?

Celebrating the second day also requires preparation; it should not take place spontaneously. Otherwise, you risk getting only bored guests, fatigue and disappointment. What should you pay attention to?

  • Select the person responsible for organizing the holiday. This could be one of your close friends, a wedding coordinator or a host. When ordering a toastmaster, remember that the celebration requires not only an entertainment program: someone must also take care of the accommodation of guests and refreshments. Is a leader really necessary on this day? If your company has creative friends who can spend fun competitions, then you can refuse the services of a presenter.
  • Prepare event script and entertainment program. A variety of options are easy to find on the Internet.
  • How to invite guests? It is not at all necessary to send out new invitations. Information about the upcoming second day can be placed in the invitation dedicated to the wedding, or you can make two invitations at once and present them at the same time. You can use modern means connections: just call or send a message.
  • Guest transportation. If the holiday is planned outside the city, then it follows, which will take everyone to the place.
  • Consider a place to celebrate outdoors. Bad weather shouldn't take you by surprise. It is better to organize a feast in a gazebo, or under a stretched tent, and conduct an entertainment program in the open air.
  • Do you need a photographer? Beautiful staged photographs will be taken on the first day of the wedding, so you can limit yourself to amateur photography on friends’ cameras.
  • Take care of the treat. You can entrust the preparation of dishes to relatives or order ready-made ones.

Advice! If finances allow, it is better to order food to give your family the opportunity to rest peacefully.

What to cook? Menu

After the gala banquet, there will probably be a lot of untouched dishes left; you shouldn’t limit yourself to just the remaining products. Eventually, they might just go bad. It is also necessary to think over the menu for the second wedding day. Food should be tasty and satisfying, but at the same time light.

Too fatty and spicy foods should be avoided. It is better to give preference vegetables, chicken and fish dishes. Drinks should also be light. Need to take care of juices, fruit drinks and water. As alcoholic drinks will do dry wine or champagne.

Advice! You should not buy a lot of strong alcohol. Most likely, the money will be wasted, since few guests after the first day will want to continue the celebration in the same “hot” rhythm.

Quite possible arrange a themed feast. For example, if the newlyweds are going to spend their honeymoon in Italy or Venice, then guests can be offered pastas and pizzas traditional for these countries.

If the holiday is planned outdoors, then a classic treat can be kebabs, baked fish, chicken wings, even sausages and sausages cooked on the grill. Would be a great addition vegetable salads, a variety of canapés and fruits.

Sample menu for the second day:

  1. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
  2. Light salads with the addition of meat products.
  3. Cold appetizers (cheese, fish, vegetables, fruit).
  4. Soups (solyanka, okroshka, ukha).
  5. Hot (potatoes, grilled vegetables with baked meat or fish).

Should we celebrate the third?

Many couples limit themselves to celebrating only the second wedding day. However, if you have the desire and strength to continue the holiday, then why not? Since the first days are usually celebrated with family and close friends, the third day can be dedicate to colleagues and invite them.

Also, there will always be people who, for some reason, could not get to your celebration. It is quite possible that they will be able to congratulate you on the third day. The holiday in the new company will be completely different than in the first days.

Video: is a second day necessary?

Irina Korneva will talk about the features of celebrating the 2nd wedding day:

Celebrating the second wedding day is not a spontaneous event. It requires special preparation. Carefully consider the venue, entertainment program, menu - then everything will go perfectly and the holiday will be remembered!

Whatever you come up with, don't make the second date an exact copy of the first. It's time to prove how well developed your imagination is. If you dined out and went to the movies on the first date, go to an amusement park or water park on the second. Turn your meetings into mini-adventures, and as fun as possible.

On the second date, you will get the opportunity to see each other in different situations. For example, while playing or riding a damn carousel, your companion may react to events in such an interesting way that she will reveal a new, unexpected side to you. You will evaluate whether a person is able to laugh at himself, how optimistic he is, and how he behaves in an extreme situation.

Either way, you'll get to see the reaction, which can ultimately tell you how the person will perform in the future as a partner. In addition, if a girl finds the second date boring, she will automatically perceive your acquaintance as monotonous, unremarkable, and, therefore, an event not worth her attention.

Don't make the second date too romantic. The second date rule says: if a girl doesn't give herself to you in a fit of passion on the first date, there's little chance of getting anything more than a kiss on the second. Usually everything happens on the third (if you try hard) or a little later.

On your first date, you were just getting to know each other. The third date should precisely become a vessel of romance and passionate confessions. And the second meeting is a reason to have fun, to enjoy the carefree nature of your just emerging feelings.

Give her a chance to present her vision of your relationship, a rehearsal of what you can do to pass the time in the future (when you get to know each other too closely). Additionally, since you feel more comfortable and relaxed on the second date, there is an opportunity to ask some personal questions that you were too shy to ask on the first date. Find out about relationships with parents, ask about love for children and animals.

Second date too much early date to meet friends and especially parents. Feeling inspired after the first date can cause a burning desire to invite your best friend or girlfriend to a second date in order to brag to them about what a beauty you have won. But this can ruin everything.

You still know each other too little to expand your mutual circle of communication with someone else. As for meeting your family, a second date is too reckless a date for this. A woman (or man) may perceive this as the development of a relationship. This can frighten and alert you, make you wonder what goals you are pursuing, or even give false hope. In any case, meeting relatives is a kind of introduction of your soulmate into the family, but a second date is in no way a reason for this.

You can learn a lot about a person on a second date, and you can tell them a lot more about yourself. If all goes well, the second date will definitely lead to a third and so on until your relationship naturally moves to the next level. In the meantime, it's time to enjoy each other and a carefree second date!

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