What can a child of 1 year 3 months do? Child development at one year and three months

It is quite difficult to say exactly what skills a child should have at 1 year and 3 months. All children develop differently. Some do things better, others do worse. One thing is for sure: this is a rather difficult age, when the baby strives to be on time everywhere, but is not yet aware of the consequences of his actions. So, what should a child be able to do at the 15th month of life?

Physical achievements

At this age, children are very active. This increases interest in everything that is around. Kids already know how to estimate distances and orient themselves in the location of objects in space. Now they are actively improving and consolidating all the previously acquired skills. First of all, regarding walking.

  • A 15-month-old baby can combine walking with other actions: walk and carry something in his hands, or walk and simultaneously push (pull) a toy or stroller.
  • Standing, he already knows how to reach onto the shelf for a toy.
  • Can crawl up and down several steps on a ladder.
  • Walks without support on a flat surface, on steps - with support.
  • Crosses small obstacles.
  • Learns to get off a high chair.
  • Can alternate between walking and crawling.
  • Stands confidently, bends, crouches.
  • Backs away.
  • Climbs onto furniture.
  • Sits confidently in his highchair.
  • He likes to open all the doors and drawers and take out their contents.
  • Uses household items (comb, spoon, cup, toothbrush).
  • He eats himself.
  • He knows how to throw and roll a ball, tries to kick it with his foot (although he often misses).
  • Helps an adult when he dresses him (puts a hand in a sleeve, inserts a leg into a shoe).
  • Performs various movements with his hands (he can lift them, stretch them forward, spread them to the sides, put them behind his back, rotate his hands, move his fingers).

Use these skills for fun gymnastics. This will help strengthen your muscles and make your body more flexible.

Psycho-emotional changes

A child of 1 year and 3 months wants to demonstrate his independence. He becomes stubborn, capricious, may not obey and contradict everything. Especially if you speak to him in an orderly tone.

However, at the same time, the baby is constantly looking for support from adults, trying to imitate them in everything (coughs like grandpa, “reads a book” like dad, “talks on the phone” like mom). He may be upset if something did not work out, or rejoice at success. His attention can now easily be switched to another object or action.

What else is filled with the world of a child’s experiences?

  • Favorite games are with a ball. They evoke a storm of vivid emotions.
  • Having “gutted” the cabinets and bedside tables, the child can look at each item with enthusiasm for a long time.
  • He likes to put things in a box and take them back out.
  • He loves to walk very much - because on a walk new discoveries and emotions await him.
  • Expresses his feelings for loved ones and toys (with hugs, kisses).
  • Understands which loved one is being talked about if you say a specific name.
  • Performs simple tasks (give, fetch, take, throw, pick up).
  • With interest he builds a tower out of cubes.
  • In addition to toys, he is interested in household appliances and their structure (tries to disassemble and study).
  • The role of toys can already be played by household items (shoes, dishes, mother’s cosmetics, boxes, jars, clothes).
  • During play, he “communicates” with toys and shows vivid emotions.
  • Trying to draw.
  • Begins to imitate his peers (may cry if a baby is crying nearby, laugh if he laughs).

Cognitive activity

All the “destruction” that a child at this age causes around him is a desire not for disorder, but for active knowledge: what is in the closet? What do these objects feel like? What can you do with them? What are mommy tubes for? What's hidden inside the phone? Why does the TV remote look like it? Therefore, it is wrong to discourage his cognitive interest by scolding him for scattered things, forbidding him to touch them. Apart from a strong protest, parents will achieve nothing with such measures. Better to join his classes. Moreover, now he is beginning to realize how great it is to play together. This is not yet possible with peers (the baby cannot yet perceive toys as his or hers, so fights with taking away are inevitable), but with mom it can be fun.

For example, a mother can not only show pictures in a book, but also read what it is about and allow the child to turn the pages himself.

What has the toddler already learned and mastered by this age?

  • Simple cause-and-effect relationships (if you build a high tower, the cubes will crumble; if you push a toy from the table, it will fall; if you grab the iron, it will be hot);
  • Shapes of a sphere (ball) and a cube, sizes and colors of objects.
  • Assembling pyramids and towers from cubes.
  • The simplest plot actions (feeding a doll, rocking it, rolling a car).

Start instilling healthy habits in your baby: brushing his teeth, washing his face, putting away toys every day before bed, folding clothes. Show your child the sequence of such actions, he will imitate you: after a year is the most suitable age for this. Repeat these steps every day so that your baby gets used to it: doing this is right.

What are we saying?

First of all, at this stage the child’s passive vocabulary increases noticeably. These are the names of many surrounding objects (clothing, dishes, furniture, toys, body parts, products), names of family members and loved ones, names of pets. A child of this age should be able to understand and carry out simple instructions or requests (give, bring, find something), even without being able to independently pronounce the corresponding phrases.

The baby uses up to 20 simple words in his speech (mom, dad, woman, grandfather), several onomatopoeic words (“bibika”, “av-av”, “am-am”). It is possible to use distorted or incomplete words characteristic of the period of autonomous speech (more about this here “When a child says the first word”). The child’s speech is supplemented by facial expressions, intonations, and gestures.

The child learns new sounds and words with interest, repeating them endlessly throughout the day.

To develop speech at this age, it is useful to develop fine motor skills (described here - “Hand motor skills for speech development”), and to carry out articulation games (described in this article - “Articulatory gymnastics”).

An active speech environment is also very useful: constant communication, reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, learning songs. This, moreover, teaches the child the correct tempo of speech, develops a sense of rhythm and the baby’s memory.

We help you develop

The full development of a child at any age largely depends on how much time parents devote to this issue, whether they engage in physical exercises and educational games with the baby.

These activities are suitable for 15 months of age.

  • Gymnastics. While listening to pleasant rhythmic music, you can do several simple exercises (torso turns, arm swings, wrist rotations, side or forward bends from a sitting position, bending to the floor or squats for a toy).
  • Ball games. This could be rolling the ball in a sitting position from mother to baby in different directions, throwing a ball forward by a child with both hands.
  • Hoop squats. Mom and baby hold the hoop with both hands and squat together at the mother’s command, without letting go of the hoop.
  • Crawling through a hoop to get your favorite toy. The child must crawl through the hoop and take the object.
  • Crawl under an obstacle (board, stick located at a distance of 30–40 cm from the floor).
  • Climbing to an elevation. First, the child climbs onto a small chair or box (up to 20 cm), then onto a bed or sofa.
  • Obstacle course. Placed on the floor various items(boxes, pillows, stools, books) different heights. The baby steps over low obstacles, walks around high ones from the side, and crawls under a stool.
  • Raising your legs. Lying on his back, the child tries, raising his legs, to reach with them a stick raised 40–50 cm from the floor.

All these exercises, regularly repeated several times, will make the baby more dexterous, stronger, and strengthen his muscles and vestibular apparatus.

The following “developers” are aimed at stimulating intellectual activity.

  • Stringing rings onto the pyramid rod and removing them from it. This and exciting game, and training logic, attention, motor skills. Even if a child devotes 5-7 minutes a day to this activity, it will bear fruit.
  • Assembling a simple puzzle of 3-4 pieces. It could be like ready game for a given age, and made independently (cut picture).
  • Search for a pair. Several paired items are laid out in front of the baby on the table or floor (socks, shoes, mittens - one from a pair). The mother takes out the second pair of objects one at a time and invites the child to find “brothers” for them. You can also suggest finding a baby or chick in a picture to pair with its mother, if the baby is already familiar with these animals.
  • Familiarity with different tactile sensations is always useful. What is hot or cold, soft or hard, wet or dry, big or small.
  • Details. While walking with the baby, the mother draws his attention not only to surrounding objects, but also to their parts: tree leaves, car wheels, bench legs, windows, house doors.

This is how he is, a year and a quarter old: active in every sense. The main attention now requires speech, intellectual and physical development child. As for care, there is little news here: we are starting to get used to the potty (the baby already understands its purpose and asks for it himself), we wash the baby less times after using the toilet during the day, since his intestines are no longer working so actively. Other hygienic and hardening measures remain the same.

It has long been established: the more attention a child receives in childhood, the more love, affection and care his parents give him, the more successful he grows up. There is no need to be afraid to “love” your baby. It is our love and participation that is the key to his future victories.

What should a baby be able to do? At 1 year and 3 months, the child can open and close boxes, and thanks to the development of memory, he remembers the daily course of events.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

Although the 1 year and 3 month old still has difficulty maintaining balance, he is getting better and better at crossing the entire room without problems. He can also bend down and pick up small toys.

A baby at the age of 15 months, as a rule, is not limited to walking, he begins to rise higher and higher. Climb in the most literal sense, because he already sees all the delights of climbing the stairs and devotes himself to this activity with all his soul. Although the child, of course, will want to climb several floors, do not go up too high - do not forget that the baby will have to make the way back in your arms (he will only have to learn to descend on his own in the coming months).

Little hands and fingers work better and better. At 1 year and 3 months baby can already put a small toy in the container, opens and closes boxes with ease or boxes, takes out the objects that interest him, collects them and spends a lot of time with them. It can easily pick up small crumbs, scattered peas or beads from the carpet.

Baby can as willing to use the left as the right hand, or prefer one hand, only to switch to the other after a few days.

Height and weight at 1 year and 3 months

  • Boys on average they have a weight of 11.1 kg and a height of 79 cm.
  • Girls- on average have a weight of 10.3 kg, height of 77.2 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

The baby already understands perfectly well that his mother is a completely separate person and can suddenly disappear from his field of vision at any moment. Therefore, at this age, the fear of separation often returns, which will become most pronounced at about -.

Despite the growing independence of a 15-month-old baby, he is still a baby who needs his mother's closeness and care. A child at this age torn between the need for independence and the desire for security which he acquires in the presence of his parents. Being separated from them, he experiences great stress. Fear of parents leaving is a natural stage in a child's development, but with your skillful actions it should soon pass.

During this period, daily rituals become very important for the child. . Thanks to his developing memory remembers daily events, and repeating actions in the same sequence gives him a feeling of security.

  • Don't forbid your child to go to the bathroom with you. Although you may be embarrassed by going to the toilet together, you will soon appreciate their benefits: your baby will learn to pee in the potty faster and will part with diapers.

Intellectual development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

What new words did your baby learn this month? Most likely, his vocabulary has expanded to several new words - for example, “give”, “woman” or “uncle”.

At 1 year and 3 months, the baby also uses several two-syllable words that imitate the sounds made by animals (“woof-woof” or “ko-ko”), and can use them to designate the corresponding animals.

The child’s ability to be aware of his own body is improving: if the baby is asked about some part of the body, he can already determine, for example, where his ear, nose, hand and try to find them on your body.

One of the favorite games during this period may be caring for a doll, thanks to this the baby develops better gets to know the human body.

The concept of “favorite game,” however, is quite arbitrary: watching your child, you may think that he does not get any pleasure, and that all toys bore him. This is wrong. The kid quits another lesson because cannot yet concentrate on one action. His attention is scattered between play, parents and studying the world around him.

Hand and hand motor skills develop in parallel with growing creativity. The kid draws with pencils with pleasure, because drawing for him is a new, exciting experience. When will he be able to depict a smiling sun and a house with a chimney? Not soon yet.

  • Write down new words. Even if now you think that you will remember them forever, they may slip out of your memory, and it will be a great pity. Thanks to your recordings, you will be able to see the development of your child’s speech at a glance. They will also allow you to discover many interesting things: it may turn out that the baby says “di” not only to the door, but, say, to everything that opens and closes (for example, the mouth). Interesting, isn't it?
  • Play with your child in front of the mirror. Over time, the baby will understand that he sees himself in him. This will be a big step in his development.
  • Don't worry if you notice that your little one draws most readily with dark colors. At this period of life, this is not a sign of grief or problems - the baby, like all children at this age, prefers bright, eye-catching shades.
  • Help your child get to know animals. Play with him “As the kitten says” (dog, cow, etc.), show him simple pictures.

The beginning of your baby's second year of life is marked by new and interesting achievements. The skills associated with owning one’s own body are improved, primarily walking. But the most important changes concern intellectual development: only 3 months have passed since the first birthday, and the child’s consciousness has increased many times during this time. Perhaps, it is at the beginning of the second year that the most noticeable transition is from infancy, when the baby is actively growing and learning to control its body, to childhood - a time of curiosity and meaningful exploration of the world around us.

Physical development of a child 1 year 3 months

Height and weight of a child at 1 year 3 months according to the standards of domestic pediatricians:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

Height and weight of a child 1 year 3 months old according to WHO:



Bottom line

Upper limit

Bottom line

Upper limit

Head circumference, cm

When asked how many teeth a child should have at 1 year 3 months, dentists answer: the approximate norm is 12 teeth. To the “standard” 8 teeth for one-year-old babies, the first upper and then the first lower molars, or chewing teeth, are added. Of course, each child’s body is individual, so the timing and pace of teething can vary significantly.

Day, sleep and feeding schedule of a child at 1 year 3 months

The baby can still sleep 2 times during the day, and this is absolutely normal, but many children switch to 1 day's rest at this age. The total duration of sleep at this age is about 13.5 hours, of which 10-11 hours sleep at night.

The child is still fed 4-5 times a day, with intervals between feedings of 3-4 hours.

Psychology and mental development of a child 1 year 3 months

The main quality of a child aged 1 year 3 months is curiosity! Baby everything around is interesting : he will explore all the corners of your house, open the doors of cabinets and nightstands that catch his eye, taking out their contents, and with equal delight will look at cars on the roadway, other children on the playground and pigeons pecking at grains. Having seen something new and alluring for himself, your discoverer will hurry there as soon as possible - and here the mother must be on alert to prevent possible dangers. But there is no need to protect the baby from everything, because right now he is learning and actively exploring the surrounding space.

The behavior of a child at this age is based on instincts and feelings . He clearly adopts the facial expressions and actions of other people: he smiles, frowns or laughs, seeing such manifestations of emotions in a close adult or another child. Now you can understand the expression on your baby’s face – happy or sad, pleading, interested, indignant.

The baby is quickly distracted and switches attention , the mood can change very often. Refusal or restrictions in actions cause a clear protest in the child, expressed by facial expressions, gestures or screaming. An unsuccessful action, as well as everything new and unexpected, can cause obvious tension and even grief in the baby.

Mom still remains the main person for the baby . If a child is relaxed with a loved one, smiles and looks into his eyes, attracts attention in every possible way and is sad when he leaves, then a stranger can cause tension and even fear.

At this age for a child the adult’s reaction to his actions is very important . Despite the increased independence, the mother’s praise and encouragement are the main motivators for the baby. That is why he constantly watches and tries to imitate the actions of adults he sees - he wipes the floor with a cloth, tries to put things in washing machine, combing his hair. In this way, the baby tries to determine its position in the social environment.

Skills and abilities of a child at 1 year 3 months

A baby at 1 year 3 months can already distinguish the shapes and sizes of objects: balls, cubes, rings; big and small toys. Can sort them by color.

The child is already quite confident in assembling a pyramid and building a tower of 4-5 cubes.

Draws with interest with a pencil/felt-tip pen, holding it in his fist.

Play actions with objects are mostly imitative - those that adults taught (feed a doll, put a teddy bear to sleep).

As for everyday skills, the baby drinks from a cup, knows how to scoop food into a spoon and bring it to his mouth (an adult usually feeds him at the same time). Tries to dry his hands after washing. He may start asking to go potty.

Speech of a child at 1 year 3 months

Despite the fact that the child still speaks very little (up to 20 facilitated words), his understanding of speech has increased significantly over the past 3 months. Now he knows the names of many household items, toys, clothes, actions, situations. Remembers the names of close adults. Upon request, the baby can show body parts of himself and the toy, and fulfills simple requests.

By this age, the child’s interest in books increases. Parents will be pleased with how accurately the baby remembers everything that is told and read to him - if you ask him to find this or that picture, he will open the right page of the book and show the right image.

The number of words of active speech may vary among different children, but usually their pronunciation is associated with:

  • moments of joy, surprise;
  • seeing a familiar phenomenon;
  • own movement or play;
  • imitation;
  • request from an adult.

First simple words often associated with imitation of sounds made by animals or objects (mu - cow, ga-ga - geese, tu-tu - train).

3 votes, average rating: 4.00 out of 5

A child's development at 1 year and 3 months is rapid. The baby walks, climbs on chairs, gets off them, and begins to master the steps. The baby understands many words and pronounces about a dozen. He can play with several objects at the same time, tries to draw and sculpt from plasticine. Regular classes in the form fun game will help him get to know the world better and learn something new.

Physical development of the child

In the first half of the second year of life, boys weigh 9.2-11.5 kg, girls - 8.5-10.9 kg. Boys' height reaches 76.6-81.7 cm, head circumference - 45.5-48.1 cm. Girls grow to 74.8-80.2 cm, their head circumference is 44.3-47.0 cm Children's figures are becoming more and more athletic. Their tummy disappears, their arms and legs are no longer so plump. This is not surprising, because babies move actively.

Most children one year and three months are already walking. If your baby still hasn’t gotten back to his feet on his own, you should consult a doctor. Some babies still combine walking and crawling, whatever is more convenient for them in a particular situation. They know how to not only crawl onto and off a chair. On all fours they climb up and down the stairs. The child easily makes turns in any direction when walking, and even when running. Without any problems he bends and rises, squats and sits on his butt. Falls in children after one year still occur frequently, but much less frequently than when they took their first steps.

The baby tries to back away and sits well in the highchair. After a year, you should consider how to lock cabinet doors. The child can now calmly open them and take things out of them. He does a great job with his toys. They pull the cars by a string or push them, throw the ball and try to dig with their feet. The toddler begins to actively use household items, eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, and combs his own hair. When you pack it up for the street, it helps to put the handle in the sleeve of the jacket and put the foot in the boot.

Intellectual and emotional development

After a year, the child begins to actively develop speech. His passive reserve is quite large; at the age of 1 year and 3 months he can actively use a dozen or two words. The baby gladly fulfills the parents' requests to show this or that object. Often mom and dad are surprised how he remembers names. After all, not all things were specifically shown to him. The fact is that the baby listens carefully to adults; their communication is also a kind of learning for him. The baby talks a lot to himself and his toys, repeating his mother’s intonations and inventing his own. Every day, children's active vocabulary increases, they are constantly improving their vocabulary.

The baby's games also become more complex. He is already transporting small animals and blocks in the truck, trying to assign roles if his mother showed them to him. Some children can form a stable pyramid of 3-4 cubes and correctly place simple figures in the right places on the frames. A child can draw and sculpt, which brings him incredible pleasure. They play with their mother and on their own, and their independent play can last 10-15 minutes without a break. Much depends on the character of children, which clearly manifests itself after one year of age. There are calm kids who love to play quietly, study the structure of toys, build turrets, and tinker with cars. There are children who prefer to run and exercise.

Changes at the age of one year and three months and social behavior. The child is still attached to his mother, but is already showing more independence. His social circle, in which he feels safe, is quite wide. Includes not only mom and dad and grandparents, but also parents’ friends who often come to the house. The baby behaves warily with new people, but in the presence of his mother he already tries to establish contacts. Shows interest in peers, although children at 1 year and 3 months do not yet fully understand how to play with each other. Most likely they will sit side by side, each doing their own thing. They will try to take away toys or, on the contrary, share their things. Sometimes they babble something, but this is not a real conversation or interaction.

The emotional and psychological development of a child at 1 year 3 months is also intensive. The baby is able to vigorously express his joy at the sight of familiar people. He is happy to go for a walk and is delighted by the word “walk”, or by the sight of a jacket that his mother takes off the hanger. Babies who love water respond joyfully to the word “swim.” Children already know the names of loved ones well and react joyfully to the words “dad”, “grandfather”, “grandmother”. The child also exhibits negative emotions. He becomes capricious when he wants to get his way. Sometimes he becomes stubborn and does not want to fulfill the requests of his parents. The baby still has difficulty controlling his emotions. How positive they will be depends on the environment. If there is a calm and joyful atmosphere at home, the child is not scolded, he will have fun and laugh more often. When a baby sees quarrels, constantly angry and nervous mom and dad, he will copy their behavior and become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Child's regimen and nutrition

Some children still continue to eat mother's milk after a year. This is quite normal; pediatricians now recommend weaning children at two years of age. Breastfeeding is carried out 1-2 times a day, morning and evening. It happens that babies wake up to eat at night. During the day, the baby eats 4-5 times; his diet should include porridge, vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, and cottage cheese. He should drink 500-700 grams of milk per day, including breast milk. If the baby is prone to allergies, instead of the usual cow formula, he can be given an adapted formula for children after one year. The child’s menu should constantly expand; introduce him to new dishes, select them according to the child’s taste. Here is an example of a menu for one day for a child of one year and three months:

  • Morning meal. Millet porridge with milk pumpkin, tea, bread with butter and cheese.
  • Dinner. Broccoli puree soup, steamed veal cutlets, grated boiled carrots, apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Milk pudding.
  • Evening meal. Carrot and rice soufflé, bread and butter, yogurt.

At one year and 3 months, the child can already be given a little citrus fruits and grapes, but the emphasis should be on berries, apples and pears. All vegetables are allowed, including legumes and white cabbage. But you shouldn’t overuse foods containing a lot of fiber. They can cause bloating and diarrhea in the baby. Once a week you need to give fish, 2-3 times - eggs. The menu must include fermented milk products, fermented baked yogurt, and kefir. Smoked meats, canned food and marinades should not be given. You should also hold off on sweets, except for unsweetened cookies.

Since a child after a year is actively moving and exploring the world, he gets tired. Therefore, you should follow the regime correctly. A baby at this age sleeps once or twice during the day. The first dream should be longer than the second. Night sleep lasts about ten hours. Children can still wake up at night to eat. You need to put your baby in the crib at the same time both during the day and in the evening. The same goes for bathing and eating. If the baby develops correctly the baby will early age, it will be easier for him to adapt to kindergarten and school.

Activities with a child

All activities with a child after one year should be in the form of a game. The child should not get tired and accept learning with joy. Exercises for emotional and mental development should alternate with gymnastics. It is best to do exercises while listening to music. If your baby doesn’t really like to walk and run, try to interest him. Place the toys on the chairs and ask your child to put them together. Ask him to bring something from another room. When outside, offer to carry your own stroller. Play tag with him, show him how other children can walk and run.

Squatting exercises will be useful. Take the baby by the arms and try to sit down with him. To develop your baby's dexterity and coordination, teach him to climb over a hoop or other obstacles. Just show your baby different dance moves, either on your own or on video, and your baby will be happy to repeat them. All children have different musical ears, but they perfectly distinguish between cheerful melodies and calm ones. They dance to some, and fall asleep to others.

anonymous, Female, 26 years old

Hello, my son is one year and three months old, height and weight according to his age, but I have doubts about his development. Doctors at annual check-ups seem to say it’s normal, although he didn’t show his mother then, 10 words per vocabulary neither then nor now. He walks well, runs, tears and breaks everything. Among the skills: he assembles a pyramid but the rings are not in order, colored cups of different sizes only with my help, he knows where the machine is, knows how to open all the cabinets and throw things out, plays with the cars, with the ball, and can play with himself for a long time. There are not enough words: mom (does not always mean mom), rrr (car), that, that, yes, nana. He does not know how to show parts of his body, does not show his mother, other relatives, toys, does not drink from a cup, does not eat by himself, and is afraid of the potty. I try to study with him, my husband hardly studies at all. I'm afraid we're falling very far behind. Please tell me, do we need to see a developmental doctor and are things really bad with us??-

Hello! You are developing completely normally, as befits a child of his age: he knows how to fold a pyramid with you, study independently, knows words, pronounces them, walks, even runs. What are you talking about?! Are you alright! Don't rush, you develop according to age. Grow up healthy! If you have any more questions, write!


Hello, I previously wrote about the development of a baby at one year and three months. I still have a question. Every year we went for an examination with a psychiatrist (just a routine examination) and the doctor said that he should speak 10 words a year, point his finger at mom, dad, toys, at himself and his eyes, nose, and mouth. In a year he showed none of this. I tried to study for these three months, took his finger and showed him to mom, dad, nose, mouth, etc. He doesn’t want to show any parts of his body or his mom and dad, he only knows where his cars are and that’s it. He has shown no developmental changes at all over several months. He knows 6-7 words, but often speaks only of them, ta, and, this, and hums, and does not speak. He doesn’t repeat any words after me, he doesn’t want to read with me, he doesn’t assemble the pyramid like before, he doesn’t want to do anything. I'm already desperate. My husband doesn’t work with him, but it’s hard for me alone. Already giving up. My friends’ children are much smarter and know more. Tell me, which doctor should I contact about developmental delay?

Hello! If the baby does not have any genetic syndrome, there was no birth trauma associated with a disorder of the central nervous system, there was no difficult birth with prolonged hypoxia, there was no intrauterine infection, you did not suffer any severe viral diseases, then this speed of your baby’s development is just his individual speed. There are children who at 9 months already understand everything and walk and talk, there are children who at 4 years old cannot yet say a coherent sentence, but this does not mean that the first are geniuses, and the second are lagging behind. It’s just that each baby has its own rhythm of central nervous system development. And your studies are not in vain. You just don’t need to strain yourself or your child so much. Well, he doesn’t know 10 words a year, that’s not critical! He can’t show his mother’s nose and eyes, but he knows his cars, or reacts to animals. Try not to demand from your baby what he is not yet ready to give you. Children cannot be equated under some conventional boundaries. And the psychiatrist told you a memorized phrase that means nothing to your child. He is your best and smartest, he’s just still very small! 2


Hello. Please tell me whether childbirth can affect a child’s intelligence. I had an emergency c-section with an epidural that didn't work properly, I was on a ventilator during the c-section, and the baby had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 4 times and was hypoxic and didn't cry when he was born. Tell me, could he be slowing down his development because of this and can this be somehow corrected? Thank you in advance for your response.

Hello! Your baby is not slowing down in his development. It develops according to age. At his age, the thought process has not yet developed, so babies do almost everything without thinking: they grab, climb, rush, fall. The most that children can do is repeat, and this is not always and not necessary, but they can show bye-bye, okay, roll a ball, pull toys out of a box, pulling them out is much easier than assembling them, the same goes for assembling a pyramid. Both entanglement and hypoxia can cause mental impairment only if the child was in a serious condition and had irreversible processes in the brain. But in your situation, based on the skills your child has, everything is fine. I don’t know how else I can convince you not to demand the impossible from a little one. He can do everything he needs to know at his age. Other skills are acquired gradually over time. Grow up healthy!


Good afternoon Thank you very much for the consultation! Can I ask you something slightly off topic? About a month ago, the baby began to react unusually to my refusal, for example, he found something inedible on the floor, some string and wants to eat, or I take away a book, which he begins to tear, he begins to be capricious, he may come up to hit me in the leg, or he may I hit myself in the head, and today I hit myself in the face when, after vacuuming, I was about to put the vacuum cleaner in the pantry (my son likes to roll it around like a car, sometimes he pretends to be vacuuming). I don’t know how to react to this, feel sorry for him, maybe ignore him. Is this behavior normal or how should we respond to it? Thank you in advance for your response!

Hello! You show too much attention to the baby’s behavior, looking for some deviations in him. Do not do this. A one-year-old child still does not know how to react correctly to something, learns from his parents, copies, but at the same time, regardless of the environment, he can express his emotions in different ways, the way he wants at the moment. It's okay if he hit himself or if he hit you. But you, as a reasonable person, must explain to him, tell him what he can do and what he cannot do. And even if you say for a month, two, three months that you can’t eat from the floor, but he still does it, this does not mean that he is behind in development or is showing some kind of protest. Most likely, this is a game for him, he takes a thread from the floor and waits for your reaction. Replace this thread with something interesting, don’t leave his hands empty, give him a dryer, let him chew, offer him books that are difficult to tear, for kids. Distract him from his whims, do not let him manipulate you, at the same time, show that you love him. Start making him laugh, tickling him, playing around with him. He won't want to be capricious. And again, if you have such questions, read specialized literature or contact a child psychologist. This will make it easier for you to understand your child. Good health to you!

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