What does the number 12 mean? The time on the clock is a signal from your angel

Numerology pays special attention to numbers and digital combinations encountered on people's paths. The meaning of the number 12 in this science is an unusual combination of leadership and romantic traits of the bearer, ambiguity and idealism. In ancient times, twelve was a super-perfect combination, a symbol of completeness. It promises changes and challenges, invites you to take a closer look at your surroundings and decide on the right actions. Only in this way will the combination bring good and not evil to its bearer.

In ancient times, the number 12 was considered a perfect combination

The meaning of combination in numerology and mythology

12 is called comprehensive in numerology - it can be found at every step in our lives:

  • 12 months in a calendar year;
  • 12 hours of daylight;
  • 12 hours night time;
  • 12 signs of the Zodiac.

This directly points to the fact that the combination in one number of two contradictory values, which are consistent in nature, that is, located in a row in a digital series, can either become an assistant or destroy all undertakings.

“Twelve symbolizes cosmic order and salvation. It corresponds to the number of signs of the Zodiac and is the basis of all duodecimal groups. Associated with it are the concepts of space and time, as well as the wheel and the circle.”

Indeed, twelve appears in many myths, spiritual scriptures and numerology.

Another meaning of the number 12 is truth. It allows you to see the truth behind the veil of lies, to discern the essence, to see the real you.

The magic of the number 12 allows you to reach a new level, symbolizing the passage of the test through the physical and spiritual body. Inner fire, its retention and control are the main test of a person’s strength of spirit and the correctness of the collected experience.

The influence of the number on the fate of the carrier

The number 12 is omnipresent, relevant to every area of ​​life, meaning both the spiritual and material world. A personality under the influence of 12 is ambiguous and unpredictable. Such a person easily gets along with other people, but often changes his plans and behavior, creating a reputation for himself as an unreliable friend. He is gentle with his partner and usually creates a strong marriage with a person who loves him. Has the ability to be straightforward in circumstances that require it.

By decomposing the combination into its components, one can only become more convinced of the contradictory meaning of the number. The characteristics of the unit are leadership, determination, idealism and the desire for freedom. The number two symbolizes tenderness, romanticism, dreaminess and kindness. Their combination gives the wearer a desire to help people. To do this, he uses leadership qualities and a desire to make the world a better place.

Three, as the sum of the components of the number 12, significantly increases the influence of one, giving the bearer the traits of an egoist and a tough person. The number two regulates the thirst for power and prevents one from slipping into tyranny, softening the character and reminding one of the environment.

In men, the influence of the unit predominates; they are tougher and more demanding. They are ready to do anything for their family if they feel full dedication. Women under the number 12 are affectionate and vulnerable, protecting their soulmate.

Thus, the fate of the bearer of the number 12 promises to be difficult; it is important for them to always remember their family and friends and not get carried away by selfishness and power.

Positive influence of the number 12 on human life

The number 12 gives its owner the characteristics of an excellent leader. They are moderately ambitious, know how to establish relationships with clients and subordinates, and love justice. Kindness will prevent you from becoming harsh with the team; a strong character will have a great effect on the working atmosphere and work efficiency.

The caution of the bearer of the number 12 will have a beneficial effect on all areas of his life, will help him make the right decision and see what is hidden.

In his personal life, the native 12 strives for a strong union, demanding the same from his partner.

Negative qualities of the combination

The number 12 has quite a few disadvantages, but they can all be corrected. For a strong character, like every owner of 12, this will not be a problem.

Carriers of 12 are impulsive and hot-tempered, they can take a harmless phrase to heart and start a conflict out of the blue. Without making efforts to improve relationships, owners of the number 12 may lose close acquaintances. Often individuals of the number twelve abandon their endeavors when the slightest problem appears, instead of searching for an acceptable solution: the number two adds indecisiveness to the character and can significantly influence fate.

Two can bring indecision into a person’s character

If shortcomings predominate, you should remember the importance of loved ones, moderate your temper and desire for ideals, and try to understand your relatives by establishing old relationships.

The number 12 in numerology has meaning in all areas of human life and is part of many myths and legends. Carriers of the number 12 can be called complex and ambiguous personalities. They value their relatives, respect their colleagues, and strive for a strong family. They may find it difficult to accept others, to understand correctly, and to moderate their impulsiveness.

The number 12 is sacred in numerology. Remember: 12 signs of the zodiac, the same number of months in a year, 12 apostles of Christ... This list goes on ad infinitum. Many peoples of the world revered this number. Numerology undertakes to predict the character and habits of a person born on 12, it reveals the meaning of this number.

About the number 12

Numerology prefers to deal with single-digit numbers from 1 to 10. Therefore, when analyzing the number 12, we decompose it into two components: one and two. In this pair, number 1 is a desire for leadership, the ability to analyze the current situation, and take initiative. Whereas 2 is the opposite of one. This number gives a person romanticism, daydreaming, uncertainty, and a desire to constantly receive approval from others.

If you add both numbers, you get the number 3. It also gives a person leadership qualities, its value is the same as 1, but enhanced several times. Two balances the number 12 and adds softness to it. Therefore, a person born 12 is a born leader, tactful with subordinates. He lives in harmony with them, listens to the advice of his colleagues, and waits for the approval of the entire team.

Relationships with other people


It is easy to maintain relationships with people who were born 12, you can immediately find a common language. They need approval from others, including their employees, and they attach great importance to it. These people love communication, company, and avoid conflicts, but if necessary, they will put the brawler in his place. Ready to express everything they think. These are excellent companions because they have a positive character and a sharp mind.

People are attracted by their goodwill and nobility. A cheerful disposition, a sense of humor - all this creates a pleasant impression. In addition, they need communication. But they repel people by being excessively scrupulous and demanding.


When choosing a soul mate, it is important for them to find a person who is the same as them in mind, spirit, and intellect. Only then will the union be successful. In intimate life they are able to show tenderness, but are not against experiments, they are sexually strong. The partner must also be free from internal prohibitions and prejudices. The main thing for them is spiritual unity with another person. They are open and expect the same from their partner.

They attach great importance to marriage and live together happily ever after if the partner does not have the same shortcomings as the person himself. They are kind to their significant other, consult with her on all issues, even allow themselves to be commanded. But they are jealous and possessive. If the family breaks up, he will take it painfully; for him it is the ruin of his whole life.

Character traits

Numerology emphasizes that due to their impulsive nature, people born on 12 refuse projects that could play a huge role in their lives and bring them success and fame. They often quit their job at the very beginning. Therefore, they achieve success only in adulthood, after 50 years.


  • Excessive sensitivity. They have difficulty forgetting someone and cannot forgive the offender. Resentment poisons their life and makes a person unhappy.
  • Uncertainty.
  • They do not like to listen to advice and do not know how to listen to criticism; they only require approval.
  • , he cannot finish what he started.
  • Fussy, nervous.


  • Born leaders, they strive to lead and command.
  • A strong character.
  • They are sensitive and try not to offend others.
  • They don't sit idle. Having finished one, they immediately begin to complete the next task.

To achieve happiness, you need to overcome daydreaming and uncertainty. It also doesn't hurt to work on your patience. If something fails to bring plans to life, there is no need to abandon them, it is important to continue the fight and not give up. But this number 12 attracts good luck, so there will be few difficulties. Success awaits on the following days: 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12. You need to be careful on 4, 7, 13, 16 and 31, which are considered unlucky days.

The number "twelve" symbolizes a complete cycle, cosmic order, is a symbol of the "philosopher's stone", completeness and the divine circle that rotates the universe. The duodecimal structure of the universe, the presence of the number 12 in many realities of life and religious and spiritual traditions have been noted by many researchers.

So prof. A.F. Losev, speaking about ancient culture and the works of Homer, testifies: ".... we find in Homer: 12 Thracians killed by Diomedes, 12 Trojans killed when Achilles appeared after the death of Patroclus; 12 captives sacrificed by Achilles; 12 sacrificial bulls . , 12 foals of Boreas, 12 sacrificial calves of Hector, 12 bulls as the price of a tripod for the winner at the games in honor of Patroclus, 12 mares for one of Penelope’s suitors, 12 legs for Scylla... And these are not all examples of the use of the number 12 in Homer. It was applied to cities, ships, pig sheds, amphorae, axes, jewelry, clothing." (1)

From ancient history it is known that Hercules performed 12 labors

In astronomy and in the calendar, this number plays an important role.

Since ancient times, twelve signs of the Zodiac have been compiled, corresponding to the celestial constellations:

male part - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius;

the female part is Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces.

The Chinese Zodiac also includes a cycle of twelve numbers (earthly branches): Rat (Mouse), Ox (Cow), Tiger, Hare (Rabbit), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep, Ram), Monkey, Rooster (Chicken) ), Dog, Boar (Pig).

One year consists of 12 months, there are 12 hours in the day and night, and a day consists of doubling the number “12” (12 + 12 = 24). The number of minutes in an hour and seconds in a minute represent a fivefold increase in the number "twelve": 12x5=60. The minute hand on a watch moves 12 times faster than the hour hand.

It is known that humans have 12 pairs of ribs

There are many sayings with the number 12

“There are twelve months in a year, and each has its own berries.”

“The truth will break twelve chains.”

“One sparrow cannot be divided into twelve dishes.”

In everyday life, the word "twelve" sometimes replaces the word "dozen". The basis for the formation of this word is not the word “hefty”, as you might think, but the Latin pronunciation of the number “12” - “dyudesim” - which came to Russia through the French language - “dozens”. Dozen as a measure of piece counting of homogeneous objects, equal to 12, was widely used before the introduction of the metric system and is still used to this day when assembling, for example, sets of forks, large sets of furniture, which are almost always produced for 12 or 6 (half a dozen) persons

12 volts is the most common nominal voltage on a car and the supply voltage for many low-current devices

The computer keyboard uses 12 function keys (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12).

The number 12 is used in the Old Testament.

Solomon's Temple was divided into 12 parts

The Star of David has 12 angles

Twelve symbolizes perfect rule.

12 patriarchs from Seth to Noah.

12 patriarchs from Shem to Jacob.

12 tribes of Israel.

Jews became adults at the age of 12.

The 12 legions of Angels symbolize the perfect angelic power, Matthew 26:53.

12 anointed people - 5 priests and 7 kings:

Aaron, Exodus 39

Eleazar 5. Ithamar

Saul, 1 Samuel 10:1

David, 1 Samuel 16:13

Absalom, 2 Kings 19:10 9. Solomon, 1 Kings 1:39

Jehu, 2 Kings 9:6

Joash, 2 Kings 11:12

Johaz, 2 Kings 23:30

In ancient Rome, twelve elder gods were worshiped, whose cult was adopted from ancient Greece (Greek gods are indicated in brackets):

1. Jupiter (Zeus) - god of the sky, thunderstorms, king of the gods.

2. Juno (Hera) - goddess of femininity, wife of Jupiter.

3. Minevra (Athena) - goddess of crafts and arts.

4. Venus (Aphrodite) - goddess of love.

5. Mars (Ares) - god of war.

6. Mercury (Hermes) - god of trade.

7. Neptune (Poseidon) - god of the seas.

8. Vulcan (Hephaestus) - god of fire.

9. Apollo (Apollo) - the god of harmony and beauty.

10. Diana (Artemis) - goddess of the hunt.

11. Ceres (Demeter) - goddess of fertility.

12. Vesta (Hestia) - goddess of the hearth. (2)

After coming to power, Hitler especially promoted the Nazi SS unit "Totenkopf", where they were called up for compulsory service for 12 years.

In 1935, Hitler issued a law on universal conscription and the creation of an army consisting of 12 corps and 36 (12x3) divisions

On the night of March 12, 1938, Germany captured (annexed) the first state - Austria. A month earlier, on February 12, Hitler presented an ultimatum to the Viennese government. And exactly four years earlier, on February 12, 1934, the fascists fired at the neighborhoods of Vienna.

By June 1941, Germany had captured 12 European countries: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece. The USSR became the 13th in a row for the Third Reich - a fatal state. .

At the Nuremberg trials, 12 of Hitler's associates were sentenced to death.

The Third Reich itself lasted for just over 12 years (3)

After World War II, 12 countries formed NATO in 1949.

After the Great Patriotic War, 12 cities in the USSR were awarded the title “Hero City”.

According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ had 12 apostles: Andrew (son of Jonah), Bartholomew (Nathanaite son of Tolmey), James (son of Alpheus), James (son of Zebedee), John (son of Zebedee), Judas Iscariot, Matthew (Levitic son of Alpheus) , Peter (Simon son of Jonah), Simon (Kanait son of the Zealot), Thaddeus (son of Alpheus), Philip, Thomas (son of the Zealot). After the expulsion of the traitor Judas from among the apostles, in order to preserve the number "12", Saint Matthias was numbered among the apostles. (4)

There are 12 main celebrations in Christianity - the “Twelfth Feasts” (dates are given according to the new style):

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - seven days before Easter.

Ascension of the Lord - 40th day after Easter.

Trinity Day (Pentecost) - 50 days after Easter.

Transfiguration of the Lord (ascension to Mount Tabor with the apostles Peter, James and John) - August 19.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross (return to Jerusalem of the found Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified) - September 27

Twelve Greek craftsmen participated in the construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, one of the first Russian monasteries.

After the death of Emperor Alexander I, calculations were made indicating the fatal significance of the number “12” in the life of the monarch

The Swedes approached Kronshtat in 1789, when Alexander was 12 years old.

The accession to the throne took place on March 12, 1801, at the age of 24, which is 2 times 12.

The French invasion in 1812 happened in the 36th year of his life (3 times 12).

He died in 1825 at the age of 48 (4 times 12), 12 months and 12 days after the flood of 1824.

I was sick for 12 days.

He reigned for 24 years, which is 2 times 12.

In addition, the given information about the meaning of the number 12 in the life of Alexander I was published by the Petersburg Leaf newspaper on August 12 in No. 220 of 1912, and if we add the serial number of the month - “8” with the sum of the digits in the serial number of the newspaper 4, we get again number 12.(6)

The symbolism of the number 12 is closely related to the image of Heavenly Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem (Rev. 21) will have 12 gates, 12 Angels, 12 foundations. The perimeter of the city is 12,000 stadia.

The revelation of John the Theologian contains the following description of the Mystical City:

“It (the city) has a large and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve Angels on them; on the gates are written the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: on the east there are three gates, on the north there are three gates, on the south there are three gates, on the west there are three gates. The wall The city has twelve foundations, and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb."

Elsewhere in the Apocalypse it says: “And he showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of its street, and on both sides of the river, was the tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, giving for every month its fruit; and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations."

1 A.F. Losev Homer. Moscow, 1960

2 E. M. Shtaerman Roman mythology “Myths of the peoples of the world.” Encyclopedia. (In 2 volumes). "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1982. T. II, p. 380-384.

3 http://knol.google.com/k//255504nkwsbl Mysticism of the Third Reich

4. Practical encyclopedia of the Orthodox Christian. Satis. Power. 2005 p.15

5 Ibid p.50

6. [email protected] Fatal number of Alexander I

Prepared by Alexander A. Sokolovsky

An intelligent person, full of initiative, creative ambitions, and irrepressible energy, is usually born on the 12th day of the month. He has the intellect of number 2, the practical vein of number 1, and is disciplined under the influence of the total number 3 (1 + 2 = 3). It is from people born on the 12th that excellent leaders emerge, ready to take power into their own hands only with the consent of the entire team; They are not rude to their subordinates, as people of number 3 listen to the advice of colleagues and before acting, they will receive approval from their environment (influence of number 2). But, having already made a decision, they do not deviate from the intended path and firmly defend common interests (the influence of the number 1).
The native of the 12th displays some self-doubt, but he is determined to achieve his goals, healthy ambitions and desires for creative self-expression, which manifest themselves in everything he does. Such a person never remains idle, does not give himself a minute of respite, and, having finished one activity, immediately starts another. The number 12 person does not find peace for himself, because he feels that he is not able to be on time everywhere. For this reason, he is often unable to adequately perceive the changes taking place in life, because he is so busy that he no longer has the strength for new beginnings. It is the vibration of the number 12 that makes him such a somewhat fussy and nervous person. To neutralize the excessive burden of responsibility, he often searches for those to blame. Excessive scrupulousness and exactingness sometimes lead to the fact that he pushes away people who do not meet his evaluation criteria.
It happens that the bearer of the 12th is picky in his preferences, but life flows on its own and does not always meet all our requirements. Having learned to relax and accept reality in all the diversity of its manifestations, a person born on the 12th day of the month will rid himself of negative emotions and stop bothering people with inappropriate nagging. After all, he has a naturally playful and cheerful disposition, and combined with a subtle sense of humor, he creates the impression of himself as a person capable of enjoying life to the maximum. Those around him are attracted by his nobility and goodwill; a person with the number 12 in his birthday never misses an opportunity to demonstrate his altruism and ability to give of himself. A person whose birthday number is 12 really needs to communicate with people. As a rule, he makes new acquaintances without difficulty, quickly gets used to any team and feels at home everywhere like a fish in water. A person of number 12 is well-mannered and, thanks to his good manners and observance of decency, feels comfortable not only in a friendly company, in the workplace, in the family circle, but also alone with himself.
Oh, if only he weren’t so stubborn and self-willed! Usually he manages to restrain his emotions, but no matter how much he suppresses them, sooner or later they, like a genie from a bottle, burst out. And then a person, under the influence of the total number 3, begins to tear and throw, his behavior becomes very aggressive. If he feels violated in his rights or offended, he always takes revenge. However, time heals all grievances and wounds, and emotional manifestations can always be redirected in a constructive direction.
The vibration of the number 12 also predetermines a person’s belonging to a large army of jealous people and owners. The bearer of the 12th owes these qualities to his high self-esteem or, conversely, to a sense of his own inferiority, which makes him very vulnerable. Only by realizing the right of each person to personal choice can he become more tolerant and gain peace of mind.
In the sphere of personal relationships, for a person celebrating his birthday on the 12th, the main priority is family. Despite his clear mind and natural intelligence, he almost always turns to his other half for advice and allows her to rule in the house. With her, he is kind and noble and always meets the wishes of his chosen one. In the event of conflict situations, the bearer of the 12th tries to extinguish the quarrel with appropriate wit or ridicule the very subject of the unnecessary dispute. However, when parting, you can expect from him not just a surge of emotions, but a real flurry of them. After all, throughout the life of a person born on the 12th, the desire to have his own, the strongest and happiest family does not leave him. The collapse of his home is almost like the collapse of his entire life.
Of course, he is always full of ideas and plans, which, when materialized, bring him success and satisfaction. But among all the blessings in the world, he gives preference to family values.

It was considered a super-perfect number, a symbol of the “philosopher’s stone”, completeness and the divine circle that rotates the universe. The duodecimal structure of the universe, the presence of the number twelve in many realities of life and religious and spiritual traditions have been noted by many researchers. So Losev, speaking about ancient culture and the works of Homer, testifies:

Meaning of the number twelve

“In addition to the 12 Hesiodian titans given above, we find in Homer: 12 Thracians killed by Diomedes, 12 Trojans killed when Achilles appeared after the death of Patroclus; 12 captives sacrificed by Achilles; 12 sacrificial bulls, 12 participants in the Odyssean reconnaissance, 12 Ithacan suitors of Penelope , 24 (twice in 12) grooms from Zam; 12 slaves busy grinding grain; 12 unfaithful and executed maids in the house of Odysseus, 12 Phaeacian kings, 12 horses of Agamemnon for reconciliation with Achilles, 12 foals of Boreas, 12 sacrificial calves of Hector, 12 bulls as the price of a tripod for the winner at the games in honor of Patroclus, 12 mares for one of Penelope’s suitors, 12 legs for Scylla. And these are not all examples of the use of the number 12 in Homer. It was applied to cities, ships, pig sheds , amphorae, axes, jewelry, clothes."

Indeed, “12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours of day and night, 12 main Olympic gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles, 12 days of Christmas,” according to the researcher of number symbolism A. Holguin, speak of the all-pervasive and omnipresent nature of the number twelve. Arcanological Hermeticism associates with this number the idea of ​​sacrifice, as the only possible condition for a person’s ascent to God. H. E. Kerlot writes: “Twelve symbolizes cosmic order and salvation. It corresponds to the number of signs of the Zodiac and is the basis of all duodecimal groups. The concepts of space and time, as well as the wheel and circle, are associated with it.”

The number 12, many occultists note, is a product of 3 and 4, containing all manifestations of matter and spirit, the various rhythms of the universe, the world order of the manifested cosmos.

Of all the numbers, "twelve" has the widest scope, since the Tarot formulas contain two groups of twelve and four of fourteen, but the components of these numbers do not have sacred and archetypal significance. Kerlot writes about this:

“Taking into account that the two essential prototypes of quantity are the numbers “three” and “four” (meaning, respectively, dynamism or internal spirituality, and stability or external activity), it can be argued that their sum and their product give the two numbers next in importance: "seven" and "twelve". The latter corresponds to the geometric dodecagon; it, however, can also be associated with the circle, since their symbolic meanings are practically identical. Thus, systems or schemes based on the circle or cycle tend to receive as a finite limit number "twelve" Even if structures initially consist of fewer than twelve elements, their tendency later appears to tend towards the perfect number "twelve", as in music, where the seven-note modal scale developed into the twelve-note system of Arnold Schoenberg and his school "

The circular nature of the number twelve testifies to the presence in it of a special order, based on schemes capable of breaking up either into a purely internal tripartite division of an external quaternary scheme, or into an external four-part division of an already internal ternary scheme. All this is evidence of the special symbolism of the Zodiac, built on the principle of the possibility of manifesting the four elements in three different ways (levels). Together this gives twelve divisions. The mystic Saint-Yves dAlvaider believed that in communities of people following the symbolic tradition, “the circle that stands highest and closest to the mysterious center consists of twelve divisions that represent the highest initiation (abilities, virtues and knowledge) and which, among others, other things correspond to the Zodiac." Interesting thoughts about this number are expressed by Guenon, who claims that the duodecimal formula can be found in the “circular Council” of the Dalai Lama, in the person of the legendary Knights of the Round Table and the historical twelve peers of France. Kerlot points out that the Etruscan state was divided according to this principle, and Romulus established Institute of twelve lictors.

The symbolism of the number 12 was closely connected with the image of Heavenly Jerusalem. The revelation of John the Theologian contains the following description of the Mystical City:

“It (the city) has a large and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve Angels on them; on the gates are written the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: on the east there are three gates, on the north there are three gates, on the south there are three gates, on the west there are three gates. The wall The city has twelve foundations, and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb." Elsewhere in the Apocalypse it says: “And he showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of its street, and on both sides of the river, was the tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, giving for every month its fruit; and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations."

Number 13 (Thirteen)

Usually the number 13 is considered unlucky, which is why in many countries this number is not found on the doors of offices, hotel rooms, ship cabins, and houses. This is due to the fact that this number is one higher than the considered super-perfect dozen, and this is dangerous due to disharmony, explosion, and too rapid a transition to a new quality. Hence the connection of this number with the concept of death, since the latter means a transition to a new phase of life, which is another existence in relation to this-worldly existence. The occult tradition claims that the number 13 contains several types of death depending on the causes that cause it, which is expressed in various ways of decomposing the number itself. Here are the types of death Mobius identifies:

1) 13=1+12 - death voluntarily accepted as a sacrifice;

2) 13=12+1 - violent death;

3) 13=11+2 - death consciously choosing its pole;

4) 13=3+10 - natural death from the point of view of human logic;

5) 13=10+3 - natural death from the point of view of the logic of the macrocosm, death in childbirth;

6) 13=4+9 - death, which revealed its secrets during initiation

7) 13=9+4 - premature death from unsuitable living conditions;

8) 13=5+8 - death as required by law (for example, the death penalty);

9) 13=8+5 - death based on the violation of the highest law, that is, suicide;

10) 13=6+7 - death in the struggle for the victory of the idea;

11) 13=7+6 - death in an unequal struggle;

12) 13=12+1 - death as a consequence of the completion of man’s task on earth.

The number 13 played an important role in necromancy and dark cults, where it was used as a force by which spirits were summoned. At the same time, from an esoteric point of view, the number 13 symbolizes death, followed by transformation and resurrection.

The number 13 is prominent in Masonic symbolism. It was introduced into the Seal of the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution in 1789. The 13 stars above the head of the American Eagle symbolize the 13 states that joined the Union. The Seal of Solomon with its magical basis includes 13 stars. Symbolism researcher F. Goodman writes in his book “Magical Symbols”:

"The number 13 was undoubtedly of great significance, which explains the presence of thirteen arrows in the eagle's left paw and thirteen branches of an olive branch in the other paw. One paw symbolizes peace, the other war... these extremes were a reflection of the demands of the times." The Thirteenth Aeon was considered in the Gnostic tradition to be the main one, governing the remaining twelve and associated with Jesus Christ.

The mystical root of the number 13, which is arrived at as a result of the theosophical addition of the numbers 1 and 3, is the number four - the sacred tetractys of the Pythagoreans.

Number 14 (Fourteen)

Expressing the Rosicrucian point of view on this number, Moebius defines its main quality as “moderation”. The ancient authors viewed it in a similar way, identifying 14 with the idea of ​​hermetic equilibrium.

A. Holguin recalls that it consists of two sevens, which the ancient Kabbalists considered to be a sign of happiness and “meant the number of transformations.” H. E. Kerlot states that "fourteen denotes fusion and organization, as well as justice and moderation." The arcanological approach to the number 14 connects it with the concept of deduction, reversibility or irreversibility of certain processes, and “synthetic study of the entropy of closed systems” (Mobius).

The mystical root of the number 14, obtained as a result of the theosophical addition of the number 1 and 4, is the number five.

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