Roadmap for the development of education of the year. Documentation

October 29, 2018 for approval by the President Russian Federation A development roadmap has been sent to Vladimir Putin National system qualifications in the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.

Based on the results of the absentee meeting of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications, which took place on October 19 of this year. a roadmap for the development of the National Qualifications System in the Russian Federation for the period until 2024 was approved.

The road map was prepared in furtherance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024.” The main goal of the road map is to create the necessary conditions for personnel support for solving key tasks defined by the decree.

« The creation of a modern highly mobile labor market, provided with qualified personnel, is a basic prerequisite for the successful implementation of most industry projects and programs", the document emphasizes.
To overcome structural limitations in the functioning of the labor market, it is planned to modernize the mechanisms of interaction between business and the education sector, and introduce a system for managing the qualifications of workers at all levels: from the national economy to corporations. The activities of the road map prepared by the National Council are aimed at strengthening links between the labor market and the personnel training system, ensuring international comparability and recognition of qualifications.

Following the meeting, the Chairman of the National Council, President Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin sent the road map for approval to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In addition, the National Council approved projects new professional standards: « Nanny (childcare worker)" and "Consultant in the field of development of digital competencies of the population (digital curator)".
Draft professional standard " Nanny (childcare worker)" developed by the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education Russian Academy education in order to implement state policy priorities to support motherhood and childhood. Its implementation will be a prerequisite for the formation of a transparent and safe market for childcare and childcare services. For this purpose, the specialized council for professional qualifications plans to organize independent assessment of qualifications persons applying for work as a nanny. The presence of a certificate of qualification will become a “quality mark”, a guarantee that the candidate has all the necessary professional knowledge and skills.

Draft professional standard " Consultant in the field of development of digital competencies of the population (digital curator)” was prepared by the Russian Society “Znanie”; leading Russian IT companies and universities participated in its development and discussion.

Digital curator - a new profession in the field of social services to the population. The emergence of this profession is connected with the tasks of developing the digital economy of Russia. Thanks to the digital curator, any Russian citizen, especially older ones, will be able to receive professional advice on how to effectively use modern information and communication technologies in everyday life: from mobile phone to the “Public Services” portal.

Minutes of October 19, 2018 No. 30

Road map

December 17, 2019, Railway transport The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways has been increased for the purpose of comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk - Taishet Krasnoyarsk section railway Order No. 3048-r dated December 14, 2019, resolution No. 1687 dated December 16, 2019. The authorized capital of JSC Russian Railways was increased by 8.23 ​​billion rubles for the purpose of comprehensive development of the Mezhdurechensk – Taishet section of the Krasnoyarsk railway. Corresponding funds are provided in the federal budget.

December 17, 2019, Automotive and special equipment The implementation plan for the Automotive Industry Development Strategy until 2025 has been approved Order of December 7, 2019 No. 2942-r. The plan, in particular, provides for the creation of mechanisms to stimulate the implementation of R&D, the development of production of automotive components in Russia, the use of locally produced components by Russian automakers, and the integration of Russian component suppliers into global supply chains.

December 16, 2019, Circulation of medicines, medical devices and substances On changes in the system of state registration and re-registration of maximum selling prices for medicines included in the list of vital and essential medicines Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1683. In particular, the Rules for mandatory re-registration in 2019–2020 of registered maximum selling prices of manufacturers for medicines included in the list of vital and essential drugs were approved. The procedure for calculating the maximum selling price for medicinal product when re-registering it in order to reduce it.

December 16, 2019, Monotown A decision was made to create the Tulun priority development territory in the Irkutsk region Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1682. The creation of the Tulun ASEZ will help diversify the city’s economy, reduce dependence on the city-forming enterprise, increase the investment attractiveness of the city, create new jobs, and attract investment.

December 16, 2019, General issues of industrial policy ABOUT state support research and development work on modern technologies as part of the implementation of innovative projects Resolution of December 12, 2019 No. 1649. Subsidies from the federal budget will be provided in order to stimulate the innovative activities of organizations based on R&D on modern technologies, directly related to the subsequent creation and adaptation to the requirements of individual markets, production and sale of competitive industrial products as part of the implementation of innovative projects.

December 16, 2019, Housing policy, housing market The specifics of the payment of monetary compensation for the rental of residential premises in 2020–2022 have been established individual categories military personnel Resolution of December 16, 2019 No. 1681. In order to strengthen the social protection of soldiers, sergeants, sailors or foremen and members of their families, it is planned to pay them monetary compensation for renting residential premises, similar to the amount of payments to officers, warrant officers and midshipmen.

December 16, 2019, Mediasphere. Internet The rules for choosing a municipal mandatory public television channel and the procedure for its broadcast have been approved Resolutions of December 10, 2019 No. 1630, No. 1631. The decisions made will contribute to the provision of information to the population with programs covering issues of local importance, in which both broadcasters of municipal compulsory public television channels and telecom operators are interested.

December 14, 2019, General issues of cultural policy On improving the bonus system in the field of culture Resolution of December 11, 2019 No. 1640. From 2020, six Russian Government awards will be awarded annually for significant contributions to development Russian culture creative workers and cultural figures, the Fyodor Volkov Prize for contribution to the development of theatrical art, five “Soul of Russia” awards for contribution to the development of folk art, seven A.V. Lunacharsky Prizes for significant contribution to the development of Russian culture.

December 14, 2019, Disabled people. Barrier-free environment A list of specialized food products for disabled children for 2020 has been approved Order No. 2984-r dated December 11, 2019. The list includes 76 specialized products for dietary therapeutic nutrition of disabled children suffering from orphan diseases. In 2016, such a list included 54 products, in 2017 – 69 products, in 2018 – 71 products, in 2019 – 75 products.

December 13, 2019, Issues of organization and quality of services in the social sphere The implementation plan for stage II of the National Action Strategy for Women has been approved Order of December 7, 2019 No. 2943-r. The plan includes 21 enlarged activities aimed at addressing the priority objectives set in the National Strategy for Action for Women.

December 12, 2019, National program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” On state support for digital transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere Resolution of December 5, 2019 No. 1598. A procedure has been established for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to support projects to transform priority sectors of the economy and social sphere based on the introduction of domestic products, services and platform solutions created on the basis of “end-to-end” digital technologies, using preferential lending.

December 12, 2019, State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation Implementation plan approved State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation for 2020–2022 Order of December 4, 2019 No. 2917-r. The implementation of the plan will create conditions for the voluntary resettlement of 197.5 thousand compatriots to Russia in 2020–2022.

December 12, 2019, Social support for families with children A list of subjects of the Federation has been approved in which in 2020 expenditure obligations to support families in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children will be co-financed Order of December 10, 2019 No. 2968-r. In 2020, it will allow regions with an unfavorable demographic situation to continue supporting families at the birth of a third child or subsequent children, aimed at creating conditions for increasing the birth rate.

December 12, 2019, Shipbuilding and marine technology The procedure for providing subsidies for the construction of large-tonnage vessels has been established Resolution of December 4, 2019 No. 1584. The adopted decision will allow the creation of new growth points for the domestic industry, will contribute to the utilization of enterprises, increase the volume of competitive products, meet the needs of the domestic market for large-tonnage vessels and create favorable conditions for the development of shipbuilding in general.

December 12, 2019, Migration policy Identified need to attract foreign workers in 2020 Resolution No. 1579 of December 3, 2019. The need to attract foreign workers arriving in Russia on a visa in 2020 is 104,993 people - 72.6% of the need determined for 2019.

December 11, 2019, A decision was made to transform the Gydansky State Nature Reserve (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) into national park Resolution of December 10, 2019 No. 1632. Within the boundaries of the Gydansky Nature Reserve live small indigenous peoples - the Gydan Nenets and Entsy. In order to ensure their traditional economic activity The reserve has been transformed into a national park, which includes a zone of traditional extensive nature management, within the boundaries of which fishing, hunting, berry and mushroom picking are allowed.

December 11, 2019, Quality of regional and municipal governance 5 billion rubles are allocated to encourage regional and municipal management teams of the constituent entities of the Federation, which achieved the best performance indicators of regional executive authorities in 2019 Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1614, order of December 9, 2019 No. 2960-r. 5 billion rubles are distributed among the subjects of the Federation occupying places from 1st to 71st, both according to the summary assessment of the achievement of indicator values, and according to the achievement of indicator values ​​grouped into economic, social and internal political blocks, separately.

December 11, 2019, National project “Ecology” A decision was made to create the Koygorodsky National Park (Komi Republic) Resolution of December 7, 2019 No. 1607. On the territory of the Komi Republic, the Koygorodsky National Park will be created with a total area of ​​56,700.032 hectares. The adopted decision will create a legal basis for ensuring a regime of special protection of natural complexes and objects included within the boundaries of the national park, and will also contribute to the development of nature-oriented, educational and sports tourism.

December 11, 2019, Nature Conservation. Nature reserves, national parks The territory of the Land of the Leopard National Park in the Primorsky Territory has been expanded Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1578. The national park includes land plots with an area of ​​6928.28 hectares on the Gamow Peninsula, which are typical places habitats of the Far Eastern leopard, have great importance to preserve the biological and landscape diversity of the southern part of Primorsky Krai.

December 11, 2019, Territories of rapid socio-economic development in the Far Eastern Federal District The boundaries of the Kamchatka ASEZ have been expanded Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1580. The expansion of the Kamchatka ASEZ will allow the implementation of an investment project in the field of liquefied natural gas transportation and will ensure the creation of new jobs.


Abankina Irina The price that the social sector will pay for the next reform may be too high, experts warn. We are talking with the director of the Institute for Educational Development at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Irina Abankina. The price that the social sector will pay for the next reform may be too high, experts warn. We are talking with the director of the Institute for Educational Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Irina Abankina - Russia has adopted the “Program for the gradual improvement of the remuneration system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012–2018.” It is also called the “Road Map”. Why was she needed? After all, the wage system in Russian educational institutions has been improving for so many years! – The Road Map was adopted by the Ministry of Labor.

Education Roadmap

It is expected that by 2015 all children from three to seven years of age who need it will be able to use the services of preschool educational institutions(currently 82%). 3. Increasing the number of children using additional education services.

It is planned that at least 65% of Ugra children aged 5 to 18 years will receive additional education services by 2018 and 67% by 2020; today the share of such children is 53.3%. It is important to note: “road maps” are not limited to these three directions.

These are the key priorities for the near future. The structure of the “road map” assumes coverage of all levels of education, taking into account measures aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of services in the field of education, correlated with the stages of transition to an effective contract.

What will happen to teachers’ salaries, or fortune-telling on the “road map” of the Ministry of Labor

This money is not only intended for the education system. They will be distributed across the regions in a comprehensive manner, according to agreements, “money in exchange for obligations.”


To receive this money, governors must have a comprehensive policy regarding the social sphere. And this is perhaps the most difficult thing. – The regions have long discussed the principles and criteria for calculating teachers’ salaries and have already begun to work with them.

But after the adoption of the “Program for the Phased Improvement of the Remuneration System,” won’t we have to start this work from scratch? After all, it will be necessary to develop and agree on a common approach to assessing the work of all public sector employees - including teachers, doctors, cultural workers... - The adoption of a unified methodology for the entire social sphere is not included in the program. In any case, this is not stated in black and white.

What has changed in the teacher remuneration system in 2018

Educational policy priorities enshrined in this document: 1. Increase wages teachers. By 2018, the wages of teaching staff, teaching staff of preschool and additional education, workers of general education organizations, teachers and secondary vocational training specialists will increase vocational education, teachers, teaching staff of educational organizations of higher education.

In 2013, it is planned to increase the wage fund of the specified categories in order to achieve the target average wages (teachers of preschool institutions up to 43,601 rubles, teachers in the field general education up to RUB 54,181). The budget of the Autonomous Okrug provides additional funds for the implementation of the May decrees of the President on increasing wages in the field of education.

Teachers' salaries in 2018 in Russia

  • region - in central district and in areas with a harsh climate, wages will be higher;
  • class management - it also increases the amount;
  • advanced training - the more timely it is carried out, the higher the likelihood of an increase in wages.

The teacher's salary is based on the following components: Component Characteristics basic payment is for the daily work typical of a teacher: teaching lessons and extracurricular activities, checking notebooks stimulating bonus is given for the development of innovative teaching methods or high performance of students compensatory additional payment for work associated with special conditions, for example, conducting a correctional class bonus bonus for high performance labor and exceeding standards Based on the above data, a teacher’s salary should be high.

"road map"

At the end of 2017, the State Duma approved an updated version of recommendations regarding the establishment of an updated system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions, including teaching staff. This decision was determined by the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.

At the same time, the rules that were in force before have lost their force and will not be used in 2018. Today we’ll talk about changes in the remuneration system for teaching staff and how the approach to this issue will change.

In 2018 with new indicators and without a reduction in wages Starting in 2018, remuneration for teaching staff will be calculated taking into account the new indicator. From now on, when forming the income of teachers and lecturers in mandatory The average monthly earnings of employees of private companies and individual entrepreneurs are taken into account.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

The same is said in the new Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”: additional payments for book publishing products, for academic degrees and titles should be included in the guaranteed basic part of the salary. For the amount of work, in accordance with its complexity, for the qualifications of the person who performs it, there should be a decent base salary.

There is no need to replace well-deserved payments with incentives! – Now teachers are discussing the issue that they do not need an incentive part of their salary at all. Many speak out for a decent guaranteed salary.

And - for a bonus, say, once a year. It's clean Russian version or global practice? – Various systems are being tested all over the world. Now the results of the direction that is focused on paying for the results of teaching work (taking into account performance indicators) are being summed up. This system has been implemented in individual US states.


In addition, commercial organizations or individual entrepreneurs that are engaged in commercial activities in the field of education can enlist government support and receive real assistance in the construction of private kindergartens for children and schools. The road map in the field of education obliges municipalities and regional authorities to return all previously used buildings of kindergartens and secondary schools to their intended purpose.

Now kindergartens for children will have to be built in order to open a secondary school in the same building. For children, this order of receiving education will be the most convenient, since the children will not change their route, and after leaving the kindergarten they will go to a comprehensive school, being familiar with the teachers in advance. This helps accelerate children’s adaptation to new conditions of education.

Roadmap in the field of education 2018 salaries for teachers

  • school teachers;
  • university teachers;
  • coaches of children's sports sections;
  • persons engaged in activities in the field of additional education.

Taking into account these innovations, any changes in the teacher’s working hours should also be reflected in the employment agreement. However, you should remember the conditions under which this may become possible:

  • by agreement of the parties to the contract;
  • in exceptional cases - unilaterally by the head of the educational institution. This norm can be used if the amount of working time according to the curriculum has decreased, the educational organization has not recruited a sufficient number of students, etc.

From this year this criterion must be taken into account when developing cost plans aimed at increasing the amount of remuneration for teaching staff and employees in other public sector areas. In July 2016, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree, according to which Rosstat was obliged to prepare the above data by 04/15/2017. When the tripartite group discussed the new regulations, a clause was added to the document about the inadmissibility of reducing wages for employees of kindergartens, schools and state universities. In accordance with this norm, in 2018 the level of remuneration for teaching staff will not be lower than in 2017. Accordingly, kindergarten teachers will receive a salary no lower than the Russian average (last year - just over 28,000 rubles).
What needs to be taken into account when following accepted recommendations In order to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations in the institution, the employer, as well as government officials, need to pay attention to certain aspects. In particular, these include:

  1. The establishment of wages and salaries must be carried out in accordance with the qualification group of the employee.
  2. If an employee of a budgetary institution works in a position that is not related to professional categories, the rate of his salary is calculated based on the difficulty of the duties assigned to him.
  3. It is imperative to take into account the need to use incentive payments and all kinds of compensation.

Russia's special path is original and thorny in all respects. The situation with the remuneration of scientific workers is no exception. Market transformations in the sphere of science and higher education led to the fact that in 2010-2012, a professor at a capital university received approximately half as much as a teacher primary classes high school. This is, of course, an absolute record and a truly unique phenomenon in world practice. Obviously, the awareness of the inadmissibility of maintaining such a situation led to the signing in 2012 of the so-called “May” decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, in pursuance of which, in particular, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2014 No. 722-r on the approval of the action plan (“road maps”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science.” This document set the logistics for reforming the salaries of the country’s scientific personnel relative to the regional average salary level (Table 1).

About where higher education in the Russian Federation is heading, following the “road map”

About where higher education in the Russian Federation is heading, following the “road map”

A new text from the co-chairman of the trade union “University Solidarity” Vanda Feliksovna Tilles, dedicated primarily to the problems of UrFU. In this text in Once again demonstrating the craftiness of the “road map”, all sorts of rankings and statistics that university bosses love to juggle.

The government has approved a “road map” of changes in the field of education

The government has approved a “road map” of changes in the field of education Education Roadmap: Seems to be a dead end
Andrey Kamenetsky

By June 1, the planning stage of the next educational reform, known as the “education road map,” will be completely completed. The regions have already published ready-made “road maps”, now it’s the turn of the local authorities. The action stage will soon come.

What will happen to teachers’ salaries, or Fortune-telling on the “Road Map” of the Ministry of Labor

What will happen to teachers’ salaries, or Fortune-telling on the “Road Map” of the Ministry of Labor

Irina Abankina

The price that the social sector will pay for the next reform may be too high, experts warn. We talk with the director of the Institute for Educational Development at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Irina Abankina

Medvedev is destroying education. At the same time, preparing his own election platform

Medvedev is destroying education. At the same time, preparing his own election platform

Massive layoffs of teachers and university lecturers are planned for the next presidential elections

The USSR could not be defeated by force of arms. Therefore, the West simply bought the ruling elite and gradually replaced it with ethnically and class-related ones. Moreover, the regime of compradors and their “effective managers” is becoming more and more sophisticatedly arrogant.

Card for Ivan Susanin

Card for Ivan Susanin


The active part of the teaching community again became agitated and threw a hysteria on the Internet. The reason is serious: a road map for the development of the education system until 2018. Officially - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2012 No. 2620-“On approval of the action plan (“road map”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science.”

Yaroslav Kuzminov: “Teachers’ salaries in Moscow will increase to 150 thousand rubles”

Yaroslav Kuzminov: “Teachers’ salaries in Moscow will increase to 150 thousand rubles”

On the eve of the new year, the government issued an order entitled “Changes in social sectors aimed at increasing efficiency and science (Road Map) », which outlines some new guidelines for education reform. In particular, if you look at the new ratio of the number of teachers and students, it is not difficult to calculate that by 2018 it is planned to reduce the number of teachers by almost half. At the same time, wages will also increase - it should be twice the average for the region, while now almost everywhere it is approximately equal average salary(see interactive map). In an interview with Slon, one of the ideologists of the education reform, the rector of the Higher School of Economics, explained by what criteria teachers and rectors will be fired, what resources will be used to increase salaries, why it is necessary to introduce an “applied bachelor’s degree” for two years, and how much to reduce the student load.

“We’re just fed up” Olga Filina talks with Pavel Kudyukin, one of the organizers of the first independent trade union of higher education workers

“We’re just fed up” Olga Filina talks with Pavel Kudyukin, one of the organizers of the first independent trade union of higher education workers

In Russia, 44% of teachers are fired. They decided to respond by creating their own trade union

The first practical steps of higher education reform in Russia, as it turned out, lead to the dismissal of slightly less than half of university teachers in the next 6 years. At the same time, the load on the remaining ones will increase by 28 percent. The teaching community drew this scenario for its future from a decree of the Russian government, “aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science” and signed exactly on the eve of the new year. Of course, the document, approved without discussion with experts, caused a storm of indignation. As a result, a group of proactive teachers from RANEPA, Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State University and other leading universities in the country promised to hold a founding conference of the Free Trade Union of University Teachers of Russia “University Solidarity” in the near future. For the first time, an independent trade union of higher education workers will appear in the country, which, as the organizers expect, will oppose the latest reforms of the Ministry of Education and Science. Ogonyok spoke with one of the initiators of the creation of the trade union, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Public Administration at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Pavel Kudyukin.

On restrictions on irresponsibility Where does the “road map” of key changes in the field of education and science for 2013–2018 lead?

On restrictions on irresponsibility Where does the “road map” of key changes in the field of education and science for 2013–2018 lead?


On December 30, that is, on New Year’s Eve, the government approved a state document - a “road map”, describing a system of key changes in the field of education and science for 2013–2018. In this regard, I would like to refer to my article published in NG on 10/12/12 - “The school will be forced to follow the decile coefficient.” It was about the meaninglessness of one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the State Program for the Development of Education until 2020, approved by the government. I believed that, due to the presence of signs of obvious stupidity, this decile coefficient - and the wits on the Internet, you know what they called it - would be quietly removed from the text of the state program. Not so!

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