Stories when a hen raised ducklings. Lexical topic "poultry"

Hen Hilda is a caring mother and a brave defender of her duck brood. The motley family goes out to graze in the meadow and the chicken does not notice at all that these are not her children. It all started when Hilda mistook someone else’s eggs for her own and hatched the “chickens” for almost a month.

Hilda had no idea that five eggs were laid by a duck. This incident occurred on the farm of Philip Palmer in Dorset (UK). The fact is that on the farm, ducks and chickens live together. It turned out that one of the ducks left the clutch with eggs, and the hen mistook the duck eggs for her own.

And even after 28 days, when the ducklings hatched and did not look like fluffy yellow chicks, Hilda did not leave, but accepted the children as her own.

Philip is 45 years old, he has worked on a farm since childhood, and about what happened he says with joy: “Hilda doesn’t seem to worry at all - the ducklings follow her the same way as chickens would. The ducklings don't know that their mother is a hen and Hilda is completely unaware that she is actually the mother of a whole brood of ducks. The ducklings do not stray far from her, and if they get scared, they run for cover under their mother’s wing. It’s very cool to watch, because everything that happens is so sweet and touching.”


V. Suteev

The duck and ducklings and the hen and chicks went for a walk. They walked and walked and came to the river. A duck and ducklings can swim, but a hen and chicks cannot. What to do? We thought and thought and came up with an idea! They swam across the river in exactly half a minute: a chicken on a duckling, a chicken on a duckling, and a chicken on a duck!

1. Answer the questions:
Who went for a walk?
Where did the duck and ducklings and the hen and chickens go for a walk?
What can a duck do with its ducklings?
What can't a hen do with her chicks?
What did the birds come up with?
Why did they say “kind” about the duck?
The birds “swimmed the river in half a minute,” what does this mean?
2. Retell.

N. Nosov
The guys built a snow slide in the yard. They poured water on her and went home. Kotka didn't work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates and went up the hill. He skates across the snow, but can’t get up. What to do? Kotka took a box of sand and sprinkled it on the hill. The guys came running. How to ride now? The guys were offended by Kotka and forced him to cover his sand with snow. Kotka untied his skates and began to cover the slide with snow, and the guys poured water on it again. Kotka also made steps.

1. Answer the questions:
What did the guys do?
Where was Kotka at that time?
What happened when the guys left?
Why couldn't Kotka climb the hill?
What did he do then?
What happened when the guys came running?
How did you fix the slide?
2. Retell.

In autumn the sky is cloudy and overcast with heavy clouds. The sun barely peeks out from behind the clouds. Cold, piercing winds are blowing. The trees and bushes are bare. Their green outfit flew around them. The grass turned yellow and withered. There are puddles and dirt all around.

1. Answer the questions:
What time of year is it now?
What is described in the story?
What is the sky like in autumn?
What is it tightening with?
What is said about the sun?
What winds are blowing?
How does the author talk about trees?
What happened to the grass in the fall?
And what else distinguishes autumn?
2. Retell.

E. Charushin.

A hen and her chicks were walking around the yard. Suddenly it started to rain. The chicken quickly sat down on the ground, spread out all its feathers and cackled: “Kwoh-kwoh-kwoh-kwok!” This means: hide quickly. And all the chickens crawled under her wings and buried themselves in her warm feathers. Some are completely hidden, some have only their legs visible, some have their heads sticking out, and some only have their eyes peeking out.
But the two chickens did not listen to their mother and did not hide. They stand there, squeal and wonder: what is that dripping on their heads?

1. Answer the questions:
Where did the hen and her chicks go?
What's happened?
What did the chicken do?
How did the chickens hide under the chicken's wings?
Who didn't hide?
What did they do?
2. Retell.


The mother swallow taught the chick to fly. The chick was very small. He flapped his weak wings ineptly and helplessly.
Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was seriously hurt. He lay motionless and squeaked pitifully.
The mother swallow was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screamed loudly and did not know how to help him.
The girl picked up the chick and put it in a wooden box. And she put the box with the chick on a tree.
The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food every day and fed him.
The chick began to recover quickly and was already chirping cheerfully and cheerfully flapping its strengthened wings.
The old red cat wanted to eat the chick. He quietly crept up, climbed the tree and was already at the very box.
But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the cat’s very nose.
The cat rushed after her, but the swallow quickly dodged, and the cat missed and slammed to the ground with all its might. Soon the chick completely recovered and the swallow, with joyful chirping, took him to his native nest under the neighboring roof.

1. Answer the questions:
What misfortune happened to the chick?
When did the accident happen?
Why did it happen?
Who saved the chick?
What is the red cat up to?
How did the mother swallow protect her chick?
How did she take care of her chick?
How did this story end?
2. Retell.


The weather was hot. Three butterflies were flying in a forest clearing. One was yellow, the other was brown with red spots, and the third butterfly was blue. Butterflies landed on a large beautiful daisy. Then two more colorful butterflies flew in and sat on the same daisy
It was cramped for the butterflies, but it was fun.

1. Answer the questions:
Who is the story about?
What is said first?
What were the butterflies like?
Where did the butterflies go?
What kind of chamomile was it?
How many more butterflies have arrived?
What were they like?
What does it say at the end?
2. Retell.


Grandmother Nyura's goat Nochka has disappeared. Grandma was very upset.
The grandchildren took pity on their grandmother and decided to help her.
The guys went into the forest to look for a goat. She heard the guys' voices and went towards them.
Grandma was very happy when she saw her goat.

1. Answer the questions:
Who is the story talking about?
Why was Grandma Nyura upset?
What was the goat's name?
What did the grandchildren decide to do? Why?
How was the goat found?
How did this story end?
2. Retell.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Olya and Lida, little girls, went into the forest. After a tiring journey, they sat down on the grass to rest and have lunch.
They took bread, butter, and eggs out of the bag. When the girls had already finished lunch, a nightingale began to sing not far from them. Enchanted by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move.
The nightingale stopped singing.
Olya collected the remains of her food and scraps of paper and threw them under a bush.
Lida wrapped the eggshells and bread crumbs in newspaper and put the bag in her bag.
-Why do you take trash with you? - Olya said. -Throw it under the bush. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see.
“I’m ashamed... in front of the nightingale,” Lida answered quietly.

1. Answer the questions:
Who went to the forest?
Why did Olya and Lida go into the forest?
What did the girls hear in the forest?
What did Olya do with the garbage? And Lida?
Why is the story called “Ashamed Before the Nightingale?
Whose action do you like better? Why?
2. Retell.

In the summer, a squirrel and a bunny were friends. The squirrel was red, and the bunny was gray. Every day they played together.
But then winter came. Dropped out White snow. A red squirrel climbed into a hollow. And the bunny climbed under a spruce branch.
One day a squirrel crawled out of a hollow. She saw the bunny, but did not recognize him. The bunny was no longer gray, but white. The bunny also saw a squirrel. He didn't recognize her either. After all, he knew the red squirrel. And this squirrel was gray.
But in the summer they get to know each other again.

1. Answer the questions:
When did the squirrel and the bunny become friends?
What were they like in the summer?
Why didn't the squirrel and the bunny recognize each other in winter?
Where do the squirrel and the hare hide from the frost in winter?
Why do they recognize each other again in the summer?
2. Retell.

L.N. Tolstoy.

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped on them. One ran, climbed a tree and hid, while the other stayed on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.
The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.
The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.
When the bear left, he climbed down from the tree and laughed.
“Well,” he says, “did the bear talk to you in your ear?”
- And he told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger.

1. Answer the questions:
Why is the fable called “Two Comrades”?
Where were the boys?
What happened to them?
What did the boys do?
How do you understand the expression “fell to the ground”?
How did the bear react?
Why did the bear think the boy was dead?
What does this fable teach?
What would you do in this situation?
Were the boys real comrades? Why?
2. Retell.

We have a cat. Her name is Murka. Murka is black, only the paws and tail are white. The fur is soft and fluffy. The tail is long, fluffy, Murka’s eyes are yellow, like lights.
Murka has five kittens. Three kittens are completely black, and two are mottled. All kittens are fluffy, like lumps. Murka and the kittens live in a basket. Their basket is very large. All kittens are comfortable and warm.
At night, Murka hunts mice, and the kittens sleep sweetly.

1. Answer the questions:
Why is the story called "Murka"?
What have you learned about Murka?
Tell us about the kittens.
What does the ending say?
2. Retell.

N. Sladkov.

A bear entered the forest. A dry twig crunched under his heavy paw. The squirrel on the branch got scared and dropped a pine cone from its paws. A cone fell and hit the hare on the forehead. The hare jumped up and ran into the thick of the forest. He ran into forty and jumped out from under the bushes. They raised a cry throughout the entire forest. The moose heard it. The moose went through the forest to break the bushes.
Here the bear stopped and pricked up his ears: a squirrel was babbling, magpies were chirping, moose were breaking down bushes... “Isn’t it better to leave?” - thought the bear. He barked and gave chase.
So the bear scared itself.

1. Answer the questions:
Where did the bear go?
What crunched under his paw?
What did the squirrel do?
Who did the bump fall on?
What did the hare do?
Who did the magpie see? What did she do?
What did the moose decide? What did they do?
How did the bear behave?
What does the expression “gave a streak”, “barked” mean?
How does the story end?
Who scared the bear?
2. Retell.

L.N. Tolstoy.

It often happens that in cities during fires, children remain in houses and cannot be pulled out, because they hide and are silent from fear, and from the smoke they cannot be seen. Dogs in London are trained for this purpose. These dogs live with firefighters, and when a house catches fire, the firefighters send the dogs to pull the children out. One such dog saved twelve children, his name was Bob.

One time the house caught fire. When firefighters arrived at the house, a woman ran out to them. She cried and said that there was a two-year-old girl left in the house. The firefighters sent Bob. Bob ran up the stairs and disappeared into the smoke. Five minutes later he ran out of the house, carrying the girl by the shirt in his mouth. The mother rushed to her daughter and cried with joy that her daughter was alive.

The firefighters petted the dog and examined it to see if it was burned; but Bob was eager to get into the house. The firefighters thought there was still something alive in the house and let him in. The dog ran into the house and soon ran out with something in its teeth. When the people looked at what she brought out, they all burst out laughing: she was carrying a large doll.

1. Answer the questions:
What happened one time?
Where did this happen, in what city?
Who did the firefighters bring to the house?
What do dogs do in a fire? What are their names?
Who ran out to the firefighters when they arrived?
What did the woman do, what did she talk about?
How did Bob carry the girl?
What did the girl's mother do?
What did the firefighters do after the dog carried the girl out?
Where was Bob going?
What did the firefighters think?
When the people considered what she had endured, what did they do?
2. Retell.

L.N. Tolstoy

The mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after lunch. They were on the plate. Vanya never ate plums and kept smelling them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat it. He kept walking past the plums. When there was no one in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.
Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and saw that one was missing. She told her father.
At dinner my father says:
- Well, children, didn’t anyone eat one plum?
Everyone said:
- No.
Vanya blushed like a lobster and said too:
- No, I didn't eat.
Then the father said:
- What any of you ate is not good; but that’s not the problem. The trouble is that plums have seeds, and if someone doesn’t know how to eat them and swallows a seed, he will die within a day. I'm afraid of this.
Vanya turned pale and said:
- No, I threw the bone out the window.
And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.

1. Answer the questions:
What was the name of the main character?
What did the mother buy for the children?
Why did Vanya eat the plum?
When did your mother discover it was missing?
What did the father ask the children?
Why did he say it was possible to die?
Why did Vanya immediately admit that he ate the plum?
Why did the boy cry?
Did Vanya do the right thing?
Do you feel sorry for the boy or not?
What would you do in his place?
2. Retell.

It was a warm sunny morning. The fluffy red duckling, trying not to make any noise, opened the door of his house and went out into the street. He happily splashed his wide red paws on the lush green grass. The kid wanted to go as quickly as possible, because he had set off on an important matter, but he just awkwardly swayed from side to side and said with annoyance: “Quack, quack”...
When the duckling passed the last house in their village, a tiny chicken ran out of the grass to meet him, completely yellow-faced and fluffy, like the dandelions that grew around. Quack noticed the scarf covering the chicken's head and decided that it was a girl. The baby was clearly frightened by something, she quickly moved her thin legs, and when she caught up with the duckling, she stopped and took a hard breath.
- Tell me, who are you and what is the name of this village? – the baby asked anxiously.
The duckling looked carefully at the stranger and answered with dignity:
“I’m a duckling, Kryak, and the village is called Kryakvino.” Why are you shaking? – in turn, he asked a question.
– I lost my mother chicken, dear Coco. Maybe you saw her?
- No, I haven’t met your mother. Listen, let's go to the village to see my mother! She probably knows where yours is. By the way what is your name?
“I’m Tsypa,” she said and thought.
- What should I do? - Tsypa thought out loud. - How to find mom?! She’ll scold me,” Tsypa was about to cry, but immediately changed her mind. She was not afraid next to the duckling.
- Quack, are you also lost?
- No. If you can keep secrets, I'll tell you.
- Of course I can. “I love different secrets,” Tsypa looked at him with curiosity, waiting to hear the secret.
“I’m going to the lake,” Quack whispered, “I want to learn how to swim.” All my brothers and sisters do it perfectly, but I just can’t do it. Last night my mother was unhappy with me. She said that I was incompetent and a coward. I was so ashamed... And this morning I decided to prove that I am a real duckling, and just as brave as everyone else. He left the house quietly and didn’t say anything to anyone. Do you want to go to the lake with me?
Chick was delighted: finally she was not alone! She jumped up on her short legs and screamed:
- Yes, yes, let's run!
“I can’t run fast...” Quack sighed.
- What are you talking about, it’s so simple!
“You, Chick, have thin legs and you quickly rearrange them.” And mine are wide, they look like flippers. It’s difficult to walk on such people.
- Okay, I’ll walk next to you. “You swing so funny from side to side,” Tsypa laughed.
– Don’t laugh... You and I are friends now. They don’t laugh at their friends, but help them in everything,” Quack was offended.
“Come on,” Tsypa waved her wing in a conciliatory manner and walked alongside.
For a while she tried to walk slowly, but soon she got tired of plodding and she pulled ahead again, leaving her new friend behind. And when the lake appeared, Chicken screamed:
- Hooray! Here is the lake!
The little girl rushed headlong to the shore and, without hesitation, splashed into the cool blue water...
- Oh, I'm drowning! Help! – Tsypa desperately beat her wings.
The duckling heard a frightened voice and rushed to help, but it was impossible to run quickly. Quack tripped and rolled down the steep slope towards the lake. Once in the water, he plunged headlong, his paws moved by themselves, and he swam to Tsypa. At that moment, the duckling forgot that he could not swim and was not afraid of drowning. He approached his girlfriend, and she was already completely exhausted, her yellow head kept plunging into the water, her beak silently opened, greedily gasping for air.
- Hold on to me! - shouted Quack.
Chick grabbed the duckling's wing and climbed onto his back. Soon both were already on the shore. The chick jumped onto the grass and began comically shaking off her wet wings, exposing one or the other to the rays of the bright sun. A tired duckling lay down on the grass.
- Why aren’t you wet? - Chicken suddenly asked.
- Ducks are never wet. Water rolls off our feathers because they are greased.
“Look there,” said Tsypa, who was straightening out her stuck down fluff with her beak, surprised.
- Why did you jump into the lake? – the duckling was perplexed. - You could have drowned. If you can't swim, don't go into the water. And we ducklings have to do this almost from birth.
- So what! “I’ll learn too,” Tsypa answered arrogantly.
- Chickens don't swim. Although it turns out to be so simple! But you can run fast.
Chick happily stretched out on the grass, exposing her tummy to the sun, and had absolutely no intention of thanking her friend for saving her. Quack stood up and exclaimed:
- Chick! But I did it... I learned to swim!
“You see how I helped you,” Tsypa said proudly.
-You didn't help me. I swam myself and, by the way, saved you.
“If I hadn’t drowned, you never would have learned,” Tsypa continued arrogantly.
The duckling was offended and did not answer anything, he just tucked his paws and turned from his side to his belly.
“It’s boring with you, Quack,” Tsypa rose from the grass. “You can’t even play catch-up.”
She jumped up and began to run and jump around the duckling. At this time, a chicken and a duck appeared nearby, hurrying towards them.
- Our mothers are coming! - Chicken shouted.
Quack jumped up and happily hobbled towards him. When he approached his mother, he immediately quacked guiltily.
“Mommy, forgive me, I won’t go so far alone again,” Quack asked for forgiveness.
At this time, the chicken Coco fluffed her feathers and, spreading her wings wide, headed towards her naughty child. Chicky backed away cautiously.
– Mom, don’t scold me! I almost drowned!
-Who saved you? – Coco asked her daughter and looked at her incredulously.
- Quack!
The chicken stopped and approached Quack.
- Thank you, Quack, for not letting my daughter drown. I wouldn't survive this...
Mother Duck smiled proudly and stroked Quack's head with her wing.
– What a blessing that everything ended well! I worried so much. I forgive you, son. You did a noble deed. But don't leave home without permission anymore. And you, dear Coco, come and visit us. You have a lot of chickens, and we have a lot of ducklings. Let the children play together. Let's be friends.
- Hooray! - Quack and Chicken shouted.
“Thank you for your son and for the invitation,” Coco replied.
They went to their villages, promising that they would definitely meet tomorrow.

We have heard more than once about animals adopting other people's babies, but now here is the story of a hen raising ducklings as if they were her own chicks. And it seems that she turned out to be a very caring mother.

A caring hen named Hilda with her unusual offspring

On one of the farms in the county of Dorset in the UK, a hen named Hilda, having discovered a nest with eggs abandoned by some unzealous duck, began to hatch it, completely succumbing to the natural maternal instinct.

After just 28 days, ducklings were born and now follow the mother hen literally everywhere. The little ducklings perceive her as their own mother. But only in the moments when her newly-made children happily jump into the water, you can understand the difference between the hen and her babies. It is clear that Hilda treats water with complete indifference.

According to the story of the 45-year-old owner farm Philip Palmer, it becomes clear why such a situation arose: “Our chickens and ducks live together and so when I saw that Hilda was sitting on eggs, I could not even think that she was sitting on someone else’s nest. She looked completely natural and patiently hatched the eggs for the entire 28 days. Imagine my surprise when I saw her walking with little ducklings!

According to the Daily Mail, the ducklings do not leave Hilda's side and constantly circle around her, only in moments of danger they hide under her wings. And it doesn’t seem to bother her at all that her cubs are not at all like the chicks of ordinary chickens like her.

And, despite the fact that Hilda is a chicken and not a duck, she is a rather caring mother, raising and caring for her offspring well.

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: hen, rooster, chickens, duck, drake, ducklings, goose, goose, goslings, turkey, turkey poults, birds, poultry house, poultry house, chicken coop, egg, shell, feather, beak, legs, paws, membranes , wings, tail, head, body, nest, perch, laying hen, hen.

ADJECTIVES: small, big, large, yellow, colorful, motley, beautiful, fat, clumsy, loud, caring, shy, waterfowl.

VERBS: walk, fly, swim, cluck, cackle, crow, cackle, quack, squeak, chatter, search, peck, pinch, run, play, carry, sit, hatch, breed, care.


Chicken - clucking, clucking
Rooster crows
Geese are cackling
Ducks quack...

Rooster - hen - chickens.
Duck - drake - ducklings.
Goose - goose - goslings.
Turkey - turkey - turkey poults.

Feather (whose?) - chicken, goose, duck, rooster...
Tail (whose?) - chicken, goose....
Eyes (whose?) - duck, turkey...

Who is this?
What appearance?
What habits?
Who are the cubs?
What does it eat?
What benefits does it bring?

What are the similarities and differences (according to the description plan).

Dear parents!

With your children, look at pictures of poultry: rooster, chicken, duck, goose, turkey. Children should be able to show and name them.

Explain: a person keeps these birds near his house in special houses; they are called poultry; poultry brings benefits to humans: they provide meat, eggs, feathers; a person takes care of them: feeds them grain, gives them water.

- what parts of the body do birds have: head, beak, neck, torso, wings, tail, legs; comb, beard, spurs (on a rooster);
- who gives what voice: the rooster crows (“cuckoo-re-coo”); the chicken clucks (“cluck-clack”); duck - quacks (“quack-quack”); goose cackles (“ha-ha-ha”); the turkey is chattering (“bl-bl-bl”);
- names of young poultry: for a hen - chick, chicks; the duck has a duckling, ducklings; a goose has a gosling, goslings; a turkey has a turkey hen, turkey poults.

Invite your child to play the game “Name it kindly” with the words: rooster, hen, chick, duck, duckling, beak, wing, comb, tail.

Learn a riddle about any poultry:

He wanders importantly through the meadow, comes out of the water unscathed,
Wears red shoes and gives soft featherbeds. (Goose.)

I am all golden, soft and fluffy.
I am the chicken's child, and my name is... (chicken).

A scarlet comb, a speckled caftan,
Double beard, important gait,
He gets up before everyone else and sings loudly. (Rooster.)

Clucking, fussing,
Convenes children
Gathers everyone under his wings. (Chicken)

Little white feathers,
Red scallop.
Who's that on the peg? (Peter the Cockerel)

He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds. (Goose)

Along the river, along the water
A string of boats floats,
There's a ship ahead,
Leads them with him. (Duck with ducklings)

He walks importantly around the yard
Inflates like a balloon.
And he’s not at all lazy
Ball-bal-ball scream all day. (Turkey)

The birds have arrived
We sat down near the river.
Cooed: “Gul-gul”
The river sang: “Bul-bul.” (Pigeons)

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