How to find out who is an administrator in a VK group. “The Elusive Avengers” - how to find out who is the admin of a group if he doesn’t want it

An administrator on the VKontakte social network is a person who performs certain work in a group, public or community. Often, without hesitation, people exceed their authority and create chaos in the pages, thereby humiliating its participants or those who have long left the subscribed feed. That is why the question of how to recognize the admin of a VKontakte group remains one of the most pressing. There are proven and good ways.

Look at the page carefully

In every community, group or site public page There is a tab called “Contacts”. It displays the names of those who deal with news and, in fact, information in the public. This is the easiest way to find out the admin of a VKontakte group, since each person has a signature indicating how he is involved in the group. For example, this could be a community creator, administrator, moderator, designer, proofreader, and anyone else. Using the “Contacts” tab, you can determine who exactly may be responsible for this or that information published in the community.

The disadvantage of this method is that recently a function such as “hide information about the administration” has appeared in groups of some types. Some communities use it successfully, wishing to remain anonymous. Because of this, determining the administrator of the VKontakte group becomes difficult, although possible.

Exploring the community wall

Each public or other page in the described social network has its own “wall”. This is the place that is seen either by everyone or a limited circle of people, the part where all the community news is displayed. And every post can be signed. Often the administration begins to hide their contacts some time after this. This means that there is a way to find out the admin of the VKontakte group. You just need to scroll through the “wall” as far as possible, to one of the first posts of the community. There is a chance that some will be signed. It's not that difficult to ask a person if they are an admin of a particular group, have ever been one, or perhaps know how to contact them.

The disadvantage of this method is that the admin may not admit that it is him. Or your message will remain unanswered. It is also possible that you will be provided with assistance and all kinds of assistance in finding an administrator. In any case, they won’t punish you for asking on a social network; there is a chance to try to do everything yourself if you put in a little effort.

Let's use a trick

When the administration does not want to make contact, stubbornly hides and does not respond to any messages, you can resort to a sophisticated method of identifying the admin of the VKontakte group, if you use a trick. For example, this social network has a simple function: “Create a meeting or event.” It is with the help of this that there is a chance to identify the administrator of the VKontakte group, if everything is done correctly and cunningly.

Create an event that is relevant to the community in which you want to recognize the administration. This can be done in the “My Groups” tab, “Create a Community” item, “Event” sub-item. Take the chance and make the meeting private so you can clearly track who signed up for it and when. Next, set up a general invitation mailing list. Create a goal for yourself - the community you are interested in (the one where you are looking for administration contacts) should want to fit into the organizers of the event. Show your imagination and make sure they can’t miss the meeting. And after that you can safely go to the “Community Management” panel, then “Participants”, “Organizers”. This subsection has a nice postscript: “Leaders of the organizing community.” Voila! You can see who is doing what in the group you are interested in.

The disadvantage of this method is that not every community is ready to attend events or be its organizer. However, if you create a really killer topic and invitation for the meeting, then there is a chance that you will eventually be able to find out all the details you are interested in.

Breaking down the defense

There are many programs and sites on the Internet that promise to quickly and efficiently determine who is the administration of a group on the VKontakte social network. Unfortunately, not all services work “cleanly”. Most of them provide data that is not true. Carefully read reviews of programs before using them.

Last resort

If you no longer have any idea how to find out the administrator of the VKontakte group, but there are good reasons to find this data, then you can take an extreme measure - contact the technical support of the social network. In the “Help” section, describe your problem in the dialog box, provide a link to the community, and wait for a response. If technical support If he does not tell you the contacts of the group administration, he will make every attempt to restore your good name or issue a warning to the admins.

Some social network users are interested in the question of how to find out the administrator of a VK group. There may be several reasons: someone is simply interested, someone wants to propose their idea to the creator of the community or discuss something, someone wants to make a claim. We will talk about how to figure out who the admin is, even if the page is closed or hidden, in this article.

Find out the group administrator if the admin is open

Finding out the admin of VK is not difficult if he has not hidden himself with settings. And it doesn’t matter whether you are interested in the administrator of an open or closed community. All you have to do is complete two simple steps and you're done.

Open group

Open the community whose admin interests you. Scroll the page until the Contacts tab appears in the right sidebar.

Paying attention to the above tab, let’s see who the admin is.

Closed group

When faced with a closed group, do not despair. If the administrator has not taken care of his confidentiality, it will not be difficult to identify him.

Go to the group and scroll down.

Find the Contacts tab, which is located in the lower right corner. We see who the admin of this group is.

If the admin is hidden

But everything is not always so easy and simple. You may encounter a group in which the contacts are not listed. You will be faced with the question of how to find out the hidden admins of a VK group. You can proceed in the following way, which is currently the most effective and correct.

Open the group page, click on the “Community Posts” tab, which is located almost under the main information about the group.

A window opens. Enter “gif” into the search bar. Press Enter.

Hover your mouse over the first GIF you like. Click the right mouse button. In the pop-up menu, select “Open link in new tab.”

Pay attention to the url line. There are now incomprehensible numbers or a short name of the gif.

Select it by double-clicking with the left mouse button.

You need to make adjustments to the URL that appears. Instead of “doc” we enter “id”, as shown in the screenshot.

Now you need to get rid of everything that follows the underscore, including it.

Press Enter. A page opens before us for a user who is an administrator or one of them.

Other methods

While looking for a way to help identify the administrator, you may come across sites that offer to download certain programs or scripts that help resolve this issue. You shouldn’t rely on them and download anything, much less pay for them. As a rule, such behavior is not justified; in addition, the possibility of a virus attack and hacking of your contact page cannot be ruled out.

Like analysis

You can analyze the likes appearing in a group. This does not apply to hearts located under community posts. Here we are talking about liking comments, especially those where they express admiration for the group and its content.

Browsing the community page. Let's see who likes most often.

But here you need to be careful in your conclusions. After all, it is possible that many likes do not come from the admin, but from an ardent fan of the group in question.

Comment analysis

You can identify the administrator by carefully studying the community wall and viewing more than one comment.

We may notice that a particular person repeatedly answers user questions. Apparently he is an administrator or is one of the administrators, if there are several of them.

Analysis of discussions

This method is applicable if the community has a discussion tab.

Let's join the group. Scrolling down the page, on the right side of the screen we find the “Discussions” tab.

Hover your mouse over the topic of any discussion. Click the right mouse button. Select the line “Copy link address”.

Now we need to create our own community. To do this, open the list of your groups and click on the “Create Community” button, which is located at the top of the page.

We are asked to choose the appropriate option that will correspond to the theme of the group and the posts published in it.

Click the “Create Community” button.

Immediately after inserting it, a window opens indicating the administrator's name. In such a situation, all you have to do is look for the owner of the name among the subscribers of the desired group. But when using this method, it is not always possible to get to the person’s name; it often leads to identifying the name of the community, as happened in my case.

Now you know how you can find out the creator of a VK group. As you can see, it is quite common to see who exactly is the administrator, even if the group is closed. Just scroll down the page, paying attention to the contacts. But even if he is hidden, you will also be able to identify this person by following the recommendations outlined in the article.

I’ll say right away that if you want to find in this article how to find out the password of a VKontakte group admin, then you have come to the wrong address. We don’t know ourselves :)

In this article you will only learn how to find out the admin of a VKontakte group.

Contacts of the administration of a public or group may be needed if you want to offer cooperation, complain about users who violate the rules of this community, order advertising, mutual PR, ask to be an editor and.. in general, there are many reasons.

How to find out the admin of a group or public:

The easiest way is to look at the “contacts” block. Typically, in this block, each link is signed (administrator, editor, etc.).

How to find out the public admin if he is hidden:

This is where things get more complicated. You can ask in the comments who the admin is, or you can try find the group admin in the search, put the name of the public in the “place of work” column.

If this does not help, then perhaps the most effective way is the following.

We go into the community and search the posts by typing gif into the search bar. That is, we need to find at least one GIF image that was uploaded to the group by the community administrator.

How to search by records? - click on the number of records (“all records”) and in the line that opens above the records to enter search details - search by records.

We saw the list and went down to the very first GIF. Right-click and select “open in new tab” from the drop-down menu. Now let's turn our attention to the URL that appears in the line with the image address.

You need to change doc to id, and simply cut off the end of the address, starting with the underscore. Now go to the resulting address - you will see the personal page of the administrator of the community that interests you.

As you can see, find out who is the admin of VK community will not be difficult. The main thing is that he does not forget to upload the GIF)) Also, a problem may arise if the community is large, and users can upload GIFs. But in large communities, you will usually see someone to contact in your contacts, since such communities are often interested in advertising orders. This means there is no point in hiding for the administrator.

There are several valid ways to find out the admin of a VKontakte group. Let's look at the simplest of them, and most importantly, tested in practice.

Page Research

Most communities, especially popular ones, contain information about administrators in the public domain. Typically, contacts are located to the right of the public wall under the “Photos”, “Videos” or “Discussions” section. A group can be managed by one or more people. In the second case, the responsibilities of everyone (administrator, moderator, etc.) are prescribed.

Storming the wall

What to do if there are no public contacts? You can find out the admin of a VKontakte group, if he is hidden, by carefully monitoring the “life” of the public. Often administrators “forget” to hide the name when adding news. You should look for it under photos or videos. First you need to study a dozen or two additions, preferably in a few days. The most common name may be the one you are looking for. However, it is worth remembering that the group can be managed not by the administrator, but, for example, by an editor or deputy.

In public comments, pay attention to the frequency of responses from users, as well as objections to subscribers’ dissatisfaction and excuses from the “administrator.” This person probably has something to do with community management.


Do you like funny animations in gif extension? And not in vain! They are the ones who will help you get to the bottom of the truth and find out who the administrator of the VKontakte group is. First, find a suitable news published on behalf of the community and open it in a new tab.

In the address bar, remove the characters up to the underscore (_) and change doc to id.

We get the address, clicking on it, we find the admin!

Detective investigation

You can use the resource Go to the website and select the desired item from the menu.

The resource provides the ability to determine the admin of a group by adding its id or domain.

After clicking the “find out admin” button you will receive a response.

Remember, the service is free only for groups of no more than 150 people. To calculate the admins of large communities, you can get a paid VIP account.

There are other identifying sites, but none of them should ask for a login and password for your page!

Do not under any circumstances try to “hack” the page. Firstly, this task can only be done by people with the appropriate amount of knowledge; you are unlikely to do anything good, but you will spend a lot of time. Secondly, even if you succeed (although the probability of this is 1 in 1,000), this is not entirely fair to the person who runs the public, because you could have been in his place.

The VKontakte website regularly updates a huge number of public pages and communities for every taste. They perform different tasks: educational, entertainment, commercial. People constantly absorb new knowledge, learn about the services offered, and find friends. Other communities are private, gathering around a narrow circle of people (work colleagues, classmates, neighbors).

Let's try to use our imagination, taking the place of an ordinary visitor to a VKontakte group or public page. If a sensitive situation arises (or simply out of curiosity), he will want to find out who exactly is the person who created the community. Any complaints, wishes, suggestions, reviews, gratitude are important for the development of the blog, so both parties are interested in such communication (ideally).

The goal is quite clear. But how to achieve it? How to find out who the admin of a VKontakte group is if he is hidden? Let's try to figure it out.

If you want to find out the identity of the creator of the community (for publishing your own content in the public, advertising offers, friendly communication), you need to follow these recommendations.

  • Go to social network VKontakte, and then click on the “Groups” section, it is located on the left.
  • Find the group you are interested in in the list of communities that opens.
  • Go to the main community page.
  • Pay attention to the right side. There is a list of contacts there.

Each person on the list is usually accompanied by a short, succinct description, which indicates his role in the creation and development of the public. Sometimes the description is humorous and formal, which complicates the task. Serious communities publish clear, accessible, verified information so that users have the opportunity to express their point of view in private messages.

We do not recommend boring administrators and moderators with unnecessary questions. The answers are easily found in the “Discussions” section, where the most popular, hot-button topics are often listed. You can also ask other users, community subscribers: they are probably familiar with your problem.

How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group if he is hidden

Above we described the ideal option, which is rarely found in reality: administrators are people open to dialogue, the necessary data is publicly available. Practice shows that the prospects are usually not so rosy: communities are often led by people who do not strive for openness, discussions, feedback. How to find out the admin of a VK group if he is hidden? The question is ambiguous and not always solvable, but we will try to find the answer.

  1. Go to the community you are interested in, then find the discussion section. If it is missing, further actions are pointless.
  2. Hover your computer mouse over any list discussion. Press the right key, select “Copy link”.
  3. Now go to a group where you yourself are an administrator (or create a separate group for testing).
  4. Select the “Links” section, “Edit”, then “Add link”.

You will see the name of the person who created the community that intrigues you. The method does not always work: instead of the person’s first and last name, the name of the community appears. But the probability is high, it's worth a try. There are no other methods to find out the identity of the moderator. Now you know how to find out the creator of a VKontakte group if he is hidden.

Alternative methods

  • Often, administrators begin to hide their identities when the published content becomes unflattering: maintaining anonymity ensures security. Manually scroll through the community wall to earlier posts. There is hope that the admin forgot to “cover his tracks” and delete the posts that were published on his behalf.
  • Organize a small event and create an online discussion, inviting the group administrator you want to identify. If he agrees to become an organizer, you will be able to see the administrator's name in the “Leaders of the organizing community” column.
  • If offensive materials are published in the group, please contact the site's technical support.
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