Alcohol intake and homeopathy, their compatibility. Does homeopathy help against alcoholism and what medications are best to take? Homeopathy for alcoholism

One such moment of "wonderful misunderstanding" is the old homeopathic legend of the "withdrawal rules." As a rule, all insinuations are based on a misunderstanding of real facts, the main one of which was the “withdrawal factor according to Hannemann”, in such a way that, as we have already said, any homeopathic medicine cancels the effect of the disease that it describes - causes in large doses. However, based on this fact, legends arose about the presence of homeopathic antidotes - drugs that cancel the effect of homeopathy. In particular, this usually means: coffee, tea, alcohol. Well, here it is: there is none of this, no homeopathy drugs can cancel the effect. Another thing is that taking any powerfully active agents can change the effect of the drug. In this case, we are talking about any agents that bring the body out of balance. A few clarifications are needed here. Taking any medications to which the body has already adapted does not have any effect on the effect of homeopathy. If you are used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning - this is your usual daily norm, then you can literally wash down 6 homeopathic peas with this cup of coffee - the drug will be fully effective. It’s another matter if, instead of your usual cup of coffee, you drank, let’s say, a glass or a bucket. Since such a dose is unusual for the body, it, of course, will react to it in an abnormal way, while the total effect will be determined by the effect of the drug against the background of a “bucket of coffee” - the effect, we repeat, will be total and one can only guess about its consequences. By the way, drinking alcohol, for example, vodka, not only does not cancel the effect of homeopathy, but also produces a very interesting effect, similar to a random change in the potency of the drug. So there may be the most “wonderful” effects, but not a cancellation of the action at all. In any case, accepted homeopathy will have an effect, but it will be modified in an indefinite way, and therefore extremely dangerous. Therefore, I do not recommend drinking homeopathy with a “bucket of coffee” at all, of course, if this is not your usual norm.When carrying out any energy-compensating therapy, in particular, treatment with homeopathy, you should not change your usual rhythm at all: if you were drinking a cup of coffee or even smoking, you should not quit immediately and abruptly - the abolition of habitual physiological agents dramatically changes the state of the body. In this situation, the already selected drug may, at best, not work, and at worst, even worsen the condition. So if you want to get rid of bad habits, especially if you started taking homeopathy, you need to do it gradually - there is no need for harshness here.In particular, if you decide to quit smoking, you should first consult a homeopath. Of course, tobacco has a pathogenic effect on the body, significantly “reducing the liver.” If it is abruptly withdrawn, “hepatic hyperactivity” may occur, which significantly affects the psyche in the direction of “increasing rage” - see the description of the 5 elements. Therefore, if someone abruptly quits smoking without homeopathic support, then, as a rule, his relatives complain about the appearance of increased irritability and aggressiveness. So even good deeds are done deliberately and only after consultation with a homeopath. Moreover, there are homeopathic medicines that significantly reduce the craving for tobacco and can help get rid of tobacco and other types of addictions.As a result, homeopathy provides a unique opportunity to combine the use of any medications - homeopathic and allopathic. You can say that already in this book there was an “advertisement by the author” regarding the “not very favorable effect of taking allopathic drugs,” but now it is said that all this can be combined. Everything is absolutely correct, but the fact that allopathy does not affect homeopathy creates the possibility of a smooth transition from taking allopathic drugs to homeopathic ones without any aggravation and the slightest risk to health.So, for any of the most severe chronic conditions, when the body is accustomed to taking allopathy, homeopathy should be prescribed in parallel, and after the condition improves, depending on how you feel, you should gradually reduce the intake of allopathic drugs until they are completely discontinued. This applies to a number of drugs, the use of which is clinically indicated - for diabetes, asthma and many other conditions.Well, of course, after switching from allopathy to homeopathy, it will be necessary to carry out a course of purification that will cancel the side effects of the allopathic drugs that were already taken - this, of course, goes without saying.Here you should remember the fact that when creating “homeopathy from allopathy” using the method of dynamization or microwave copying, the final drug will retain the beneficial effects of the base drug on the body and cancel all harmful side effects. Beneficial action is understood as an action that stimulates the energy and vital forces of the body in general. Therefore, in particular, drugs such as antibiotics, which do not have a stimulating effect on energy, will be completely canceled. In this sense - in relation to antibiotics - homeopathy is a pure antidote.Regarding the withdrawal of one drug by another. In a number of works on homeopathy there are even tables that give a list of drugs that have mutually canceling effects. This is especially developed in the Kyiv school of Tatyana Dementievna Popova. It must be said that this fact is also really missing. Namely: taking any second drug does not cancel, but replaces the effect of the first. In this case, the action is only primary.Each homeopathic medicine acts in the general energy cycles of the body, according to which during the first day it has the most powerful primary effect. The next energy cycle is one annual energy or two months, the next is a year. Therefore, 60 percent of the action ends on the first day, 30 percent of the drug’s action lasts for another two months, and 10 percent—a weak but powerful aftereffect—occurs for another year. Therefore, each subsequent drug replaces the effect of the previous one, but only it. Therefore, if you took Digitalis in the morning and Sepia in the evening, then from the moment you took Digitalis until the moment you took Sepia, Digitalis acted, after taking Sepia its effect will become the main one - but only 60 percent, the secondary effect of Digitalis will still persist for two months even after one-time dose.Repeating techniques is associated with the effect that Hahnemann described as the “accumulation of the action of homeopathy,” when the effect—the strength of the drug’s effect on the body—gradually accumulates. Therefore, if after the first dose you have not experienced a “miraculous healing”, do not despair: the effect of homeopathy accumulates, and your body simply has not yet collected enough strength for healing. Imagine the surprise of those recovering when, after a week of taking the drug Nux Vom (for constipation), suddenly one day a “complete breakthrough” occurs - usually diarrhea with complete normalization of stool after its end. This effect often occurs when they have already “forgot to wait” for it.So for a whole week, taking Nux Vom, we expected a “miracle of healing,” gradually losing enthusiasm, and when we stopped waiting, here it was. However, there is no miracle here, any constipation is always associated with hyperintoxication, and the body simply accumulates strength in order to carry out a complete cleansing at some point - diarrhea always indicates a “massive release” of toxins, which, in general, is always favorable, with the exception of rare pathogenic cases of indomitable diarrhea (for example, in pregnant women), which significantly depletes the body, since toxins are also eliminated nutrients. Of course, after such cleansing, intestinal activity can be completely normalized.However, there are a number of interesting facts. Everyone who had the opportunity to meet the author at seminars or has already read something from the “literary creations” is inclined to suspect that the author is a serious person, so if in relation to the “bucket of coffee” it was a joke, then in relation to alcohol it was not at all , because in every joke there is a grain of joke.So, these two curious facts - the accumulation of doses of homeopathy and the “not at all canceling” of the action of homeopathy with alcohol, have their own curious effect. After taking a course of homeopathy by a heavily drinking person (and he may not even be aware of it), a series of “oddities” begin: with a normal daily intake of alcohol, by the end of the month he begins to “weaken” - ever smaller doses of alcohol cause a gag reflex. As for surprise, it really comes after about two months - when at the mere thought of alcohol the standard effect - vomiting - occurs immediately.At the same time, there are no restrictions on the dose of alcohol intake: no matter how much you drink, the effect will still occur. I don’t know about you, but “your dear author” evaluates such possibilities of homeopathy as a real miracle, if only because the effect here is one hundred percent, despite the fact that you can drink vodka during the course without restrictions, this will not affect the effect of homeopathy in the least. Moreover, the more you try to drink, the more dramatic the effect will be - drinking alcohol increases the potency of the drug, according to which the power of the effect also changes. Like this. Of course, the topic of abolishing pathogenic addictions, in particular alcohol and drugs, is serious and extensive, and there is special work on this topic.

To the question, can you drink alcohol if you are taking homeopathic medications? given by the author Adapt the best answer is On those days when you drink alcohol, you should not drink homeopathy - no side effects and you won’t get complications, but hemopathy won’t help either. Either eliminate alcohol, or postpone the course of homeopathy for a more successful period (without holidays and reasons to drink).
Here are the rules for taking homeopathic medicines:
-Homeopathy is an individual therapy, therefore the selection of a homeopathic medicine, its dosage, frequency of administration and combination with other drugs are determined only by a homeopathic doctor (this applies to single-component homeopathic medicines, and not to complex preparations).
-Homeopathic medicines should not be used together with coffee, green tea, alcohol, as well as vinegar and products containing it.
-Keep homeopathic medicines in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of +15 to +25o C. Do not store homeopathic medicines in the refrigerator.
-The time for taking homeopathic medicines is determined by the homeopathic doctor. Otherwise, take your medications in the morning, 30 minutes before meals.
- Alcohol intake during and after homeopathic treatment should be stopped. If the patient cannot stop drinking alcohol, then it is better to drink white wine.
-If during the process of homeopathic treatment you have any questions about your condition, be sure to discuss them with your homeopathic doctor and do not self-medicate.
-If during homeopathic treatment you are forced to continue taking conventional chemical medications, then all information about them should be provided to your homeopathic doctor. Often, while taking homeopathic medicines, the dose of chemicals may be reduced.
-During homeopathic treatment, it is necessary to avoid the use of various skin ointments (zinc talkers, hormonal ointments, etc.).
-The diet of a person receiving homeopathic treatment should include: beef, lean lamb, any vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating foods containing preservatives (ham, sausages, etc.). Home-cooked fish dishes are a good addition to the diet of a patient receiving homeopathic medicines.
-Sports and proper nutrition improve the possibilities of homeopathic treatment.

Answer from Nina Gataullina (Morozova)[guru]
During homeopathic treatment, strong tea, coffee, onions, garlic, medicinal herbs and alcohol. There will simply be no effect from the treatment.

Answer from [guru]
it is strictly prohibited these are incompatible things first you are antidoting the drug second you will get a complication

Answer from Irrigate[guru]
No you can not!

Answer from Flush[guru]
Homeopaths strictly prohibit it. Although, I must admit, I have never seen any sense in homeotherapy.

Answer from V.T.A.[guru]
my friend is currently undergoing treatment homeopathic medicines, there are no restrictions regarding alcohol, but there are others, such as mint (you can’t even use toothpaste with mint), but it’s still better to consult a doctor, because the drugs are different and there are probably also restrictions!

Principles of homeopathic therapy

Is it possible to combine homeopathy and alcohol?

The drug "Alcobarrier"

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.


Homeopathy offers treatment with highly diluted preparations in which herbs or natural substances are present in minimal doses. Even among people who are passionate about such unconventional therapy, there is no consensus on whether homeopathy and alcohol are compatible. Doctors give a clear answer to this: no, you cannot drink alcohol while taking homeopathic remedies.

The basic principle of homeopathy: “Like cures like,” the main emphasis is on activating the body’s protective processes. In order for recovery to proceed quickly, the patient needs to carefully monitor what he eats and drinks so that the substances do not weaken the effect of the drugs.

The reason for the incompatibility of alcohol and homeomedicines lies in the concept of “antidote”. This is a substance that suppresses the effect of the drug, reduces it to zero and masks the process that became the root cause of the disease. All this leads to the fact that the doctor is not able to select the appropriate course of treatment. For homeopaths, such an antidote is alcohol, or rather, the ethanol contained in it.

However, a number of doctors believe that there are a number of drugs (there are very few of them) that are combined with a small dose of alcoholic beverages, and their effect on the body will not decrease. To determine whether it is possible to drink alcohol in a particular case, and which drinks should be preferred, the patient should consult a homeopath. He will study the pharmacological properties of the prescribed medications and will be able to tell whether combination with alcohol is acceptable.

If it turns out that alcohol will not affect the prescribed drug, you need to pay attention that you can not drink every product and in limited doses. For example, if a glass of dry red wine or a mug of beer is considered acceptable, then you should refuse vodka or cognac in any case, because they are antidotes for all medicines.

If the patient decides to approach therapy responsibly and not drink alcohol during this period, then the last portion of the strong drink is drunk no less than 24 hours before the first dose of medication, and the next one – a day after the final dose.

Important! No doctor can accurately predict how the body will behave in response to the combined use of homeopathic medicines and alcohol, so it is still recommended not to combine them. It is possible that symptoms may occur that will lead to fatal or critical consequences: a drop in blood pressure, disruptions in the functioning of the heart and liver, even complete organ failure.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

What to exclude from your diet

Homeopathy imposes minor changes on the usual way of life. In addition to giving up alcohol, it is worth temporarily removing some foods from your diet: drinks with caffeine and mint in all its forms (candy or mint toothpaste), as well as sausage, kefir, kvass and some confectionery.

Even for people who cannot live without coffee and alcohol, this is not a very strict restriction, because homeopathy is usually used for emergency relief from cough, disturbed sleep, elevated body temperature or motion sickness, and the course of treatment is short-lived (usually this is one or two weeks).

Alternative opinions

Some experts believe that it is impossible to say unequivocally that any product cancels the effect of the medicine. But substances that have a “bright” effect on the body can change the effect.

For example, there is an opinion that eating foods that a person is accustomed to will not have any effect on homeopathy. If the patient is accustomed to drinking a mug of coffee every day in the morning, then over a long period the body has adapted and considers this mug to be the norm, therefore, when drinking a cup of drink with medicine, the latter will work in full force. In this situation, a malfunction can occur if instead of one mug you drink ten (again, if the usual norm is ten mugs, then nothing will happen).

When treating with homeopathy, it is not recommended to change the lifestyle to which a person is accustomed. You cannot exclude sharply bad habits or certain foods, because in this case the medicine may react to stress in the body and not work at all or even cause a negative reaction. Therefore, before changing your lifestyle, you should consult a homeopathic doctor.

But some experts are more categorical about combining alcohol and drugs. They believe that ethanol does not cancel the effect of homeopathic medicines, but radically changes their effect (in different ways, depending on the organism). This is what leads to side effects that can result in serious and dangerous consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to give up alcohol to everyone who cares even a little about their health.

What else is treated with homeopathy?

This therapy is actively used in the fight against alcoholism. It is very important that the patient agrees and is committed to treatment. Before starting therapy, a full examination is carried out and the general state of health is determined in order to select medications (the more individual characteristics are taken into account, the greater the effect of therapy will be).

Treatment of alcoholism with homeopathy is carried out only according to the scheme determined by the doctor. A follow-up consultation is carried out when the patient notices positive results. In this case, the doctor cancels some medications and prescribes others that will consolidate the gains and continue treatment no less effectively.

If a person does not suffer from drunkenness, but occasionally he may experience poisoning from alcohol-containing drinks, he can also resort to homeopathic treatment. It is used to alleviate the condition of the body, eliminate the cause of illness and eliminate symptoms. In particular, the drugs are used to relieve withdrawal symptoms, hangovers, headaches, reduce sweating and restore healthy sleep.

Important! During a consultation with a homeopathic doctor, you should tell about all the medications that a person takes, even vitamins and herbal remedies. This is necessary because medication and homeopathic treatments do not always work together.

Combined products

On the shelves you can find composite industrial medicines that are combined, that is, they contain several active components at once. As a rule, in the instructions for such drugs, manufacturers indicate which substances can weaken the effect of therapy and cause harm to the body. But if the instructions do not indicate whether the product can be used together with alcohol, and a person is overcome by doubts, then it is better to contact a specialist who will analyze the drug by its components and give an accurate answer.

Despite the fact that on pharmacy shelves you can now find a large number of homeopathic medicines for all occasions, you need to remember that these medicines are strong medicines that can only be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after a thorough study of the body’s characteristics and medical history. You cannot start a course of treatment on your own. Despite the widespread belief that homeopathy is absolutely harmless and brings only benefits, this therapy has a number of the following contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • tumor (benign and malignant);
  • heart disease;
  • mental disorders.

There are no fewer fans of homeopathic treatment, so the question of the compatibility of homeopathy with alcohol remains relevant. Experts in this regard are of the same opinion - combining drugs with alcoholic beverages is not recommended. Least, medicinal properties will be reduced to “no”. At most, ethyl alcohol can change the principle of action of the medicine and cause symptoms in the body that can lead to irreversible and dangerous consequences. In particular, to liver failure or cardiac dysfunction.

Some people believe that a glass of dry red wine or one glass of beer a day when using certain homeopathic medicines will not cause harm.

Only a specialist can prescribe a course of medications, so before mixing medicine and alcohol, it is better to consult with him.

Treatment with homeopathic medicines for alcohol dependence or alcohol intoxication is carried out only after examination by a doctor and drawing up an individual plan, taking into account all the characteristics of the body (lifestyle, presence of bad habits, medications currently used, dietary habits).

Do not forget that this therapy, contrary to popular belief, is not suitable for everyone and has a number of contraindications. If during treatment the patient plans to change habits (quit smoking), then this should also be discussed with a homeopathic doctor to eliminate the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the drugs.

even an experienced alcoholic!”

Homeopathy is one of the types of alternative medicine that uses in its concept the principle of “similia similibus curantur”, which translated means “like is treated with like.” The action of her drugs is based on highly diluted substances that cause symptoms very similar to those of the patient’s illness. There are quite a few followers of this method of medicine, but the World Health Organization warns against using homeopathy as an alternative to primary treatment. And many professional medical and scientific organizations openly criticize homeopathy, arguing their objections based on the lack of evidence of the effectiveness of such drugs. But still, every year there are more and more people who are fascinated by this science and who readily use homeopathic medicines for treatment. Of course, such people often wonder whether it is possible to drink such drugs at the same time as alcohol and what is their compatibility.

The basis of homeopathic therapy is the molecule ordinary water, in which the active substance is dissolved in very small doses. But sometimes it also happens that a water molecule is taken as a basis, which contains nothing else, but it carries the memory of the active substance. The substance obtained in this way is applied to sugar balls, which are subsequently taken by the sick person.

Are homeopathy and alcohol compatible? The fact is that in this science there is such a thing as antidotes. These are substances whose intake makes homeopathic remedies ineffective. And also in homeopathy there is suppression - this is a process that involves the use of certain substances that can hide the essence of the disease, which is why it is not possible to choose a normal homeopathic treatment. Alcoholic drinks may well play the role of both an antidote and a substance that suppresses the symptoms of the disease. However, ethanol can have completely different effects on different drugs. For some, it can actually act as an antidote, and therefore their simultaneous use is contraindicated, since treatment with homeopathic remedies becomes absolutely useless. For others, it will be an activator, in which case its use will not entail any negative consequences. Or alcohol may have no effect on such drugs at all.

In order to accurately find out about the compatibility of homeopathic medicines with alcohol, you need to:

  • make an appointment with a homeopathic doctor and undergo an examination;
  • purchase the necessary homeopathic remedy;
  • Get the necessary recommendations from your doctor regarding this drug, as well as learn about its antidotes and suppressants.

Of course, the doctor will advise you about the possibility or impossibility of using this drug with alcohol. At the same time, if a ban still exists, then you will have to give up alcohol for the entire course of treatment, taking into account the day before and after the end of using the drug. At the same time, the ban applies not only to alcoholic beverages, but also to various confectionery products or food products that may contain even a minimal amount of ethanol: kefir, kvass and others.

If the doctor has not prohibited the intake of alcoholic beverages, then you should not abuse it either. It's better to limit yourself good wine or quality beer. However, you should not consume more than 500 ml per day. Strong alcoholic drinks are almost always antidotes, so it is better to avoid drinking them during treatment.

There are also prepared complex homeopathic preparations, which contain several active substances at once. In this case, an indication of all possible adverse effects or combinations should be specified in the instructions for use of this drug. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that even if there is no clear instruction about giving up alcohol, it is better to play it safe and abstain from alcohol during the course of treatment.

Complex homeopathic preparations are used in various areas:

  • to get rid of symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, runny nose, cough, sore throat;
  • with a slight increase in body temperature;
  • for sleep disorders and insomnia;
  • to get rid of seasickness and much more.

Typically, a course of treatment with homeopathic medicines lasts no more than two weeks, and this is not at all the period that needs to be discussed when giving up alcoholic beverages. After all, a person who really wants to heal quickly and get rid of unfavorable symptoms can easily endure this period of time without drinking alcohol.

In addition, it is worth noting the fact that not only alcohol can be an antidote to homeopathic medicines. Coffee, mint, and products containing it often also appear in this form. It is also not recommended to dye your hair during treatment.

Homeopathic medicines are often used in the treatment of nervous disorders, to get rid of symptoms of depression and nervous tension, stress, insomnia and other psychological or neuropsychiatric problems. In this case, drinking alcohol can only increase the symptoms of a nervous disease, and the effect of treatment will be reduced to zero. Another reaction may also be observed: alcohol in this case can act as a substance that suppresses the symptoms of the disease. After all, alcoholic drinks are often consumed in order to cheer up, forget, relax, drown grief, and so on. And in case of depression or a depressed, depressed state, such use will only make it difficult to identify the cause of the disease, and thereby make it inaccessible to the homeopathic remedy.

Consequences of the compatibility of homeopaths and alcohol

What consequences should we expect from the combination of homeopathic medicines and alcohol-containing substances? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that a small amount of alcohol consumption will not harm the treatment, and certainly will not entail negative consequences for the body. Others are confident that the simultaneous use of these mutually exclusive substances can lead to critical consequences. But neither one nor the other can provide evidence. But is it worth tempting fate and conducting experiments on your body? Isn’t it easier to just stop drinking strong drinks for a very short period of time? After all, the most minimal harm from such mixing will be zero treatment results.

Homeopathy is quite an interesting science, the debates and discussions of which will not subside in scientific circles. The use of homeopathic medicines is allowed throughout the planet, but there is no evidence yet that they are truly effective. Recently, it is increasingly being declared pseudoscience and attempts are being made to ban the use of such drugs for medicinal purposes. However, this teaching has quite a lot of followers who currently cannot imagine life without homeopathic medicines. Their absolute harmlessness attracts young mothers who are afraid to stuff their child with harmful drugs. And also those people who have already experienced the effects of these medications more than once.

Since there are more and more fans of such medicine, the widespread use of these drugs naturally raises the question of their compatibility with alcoholic beverages. There is no clear opinion on this matter. But, at a minimum, it is worth understanding that the effect of treatment with simultaneous use medicines and alcohol consumption is noticeably reduced, and in some cases reduced to zero. Perhaps this combination will manifest itself in some kind of negative reactions for someone, because each organism is individual and it is unknown how it will react to this or that interaction. Therefore, we can conclude that during any treatment, when using any medications, you should not take strong drinks, because this will definitely not bring any benefit to the body.

Ethanol. Ethanol. Wine alcohol.
“alcohol, or living water (aqua vitae), fiery water, i.e., a symbol of the union of opposites (coicidentia oppositorum). At the same time, the two principles of activity and passivity merge in a smooth, changeable, creative-destructive interaction. Burning alcohol symbolizes one of nature's great mysteries; According to bachelard, when alcohol burns, it seems that the “woman”-water shamelessly and furiously surrenders to her master-fire.”
Alcohols are characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl group (OH) bonded to a carbon atom. The well-known grain alcohol (ethanol) is a stimulant in low doses, but toxic in large doses due to the formation of ethanol in the liver. Fermentation of sugar-containing liquids produces carbon dioxide and ethanol; alcohol can be separated by distillation.
Most low molecular weight alcohols are commercially available. They serve as solvents in the production of dyes, pharmaceuticals, antifreeze, esters and other compounds, and when mixed with gasoline they are used as motor fuel.
Alcoholic beverages have long been associated with rituals, customs and healing procedures.
Alcoholism alcohol addiction reflects spiritual impairment or poor mental/emotional health. The patient has difficulty interacting with others, changes social behavior.
There are 4 phases [according to Jelinek]: 1. Pre-alcoholic phase: craving for habitual use in one’s social environment; feeling of relaxation; Over time, this sensation requires increasingly larger doses. 2. Prodromal phase: intoxication; complete or partial memory loss; secret drinking sessions; feelings of guilt and remorse; blackouts. 3. Critical phase: excessive consumption; uncontrollability of the amount of alcohol consumed, loss of self-control; behavior of rational explanation and self-excusation of drunkenness; reluctance to communicate, boasting, aggressiveness, social isolation; illnesses due to nutritional disorders and lack of vitamins; decreased sex drive; Regular drinking of alcohol in the morning. 4. Chronic phase: long and frequent binges; moral degradation, spiritual decline; alcoholic psychoses, such as delusional psychoses (hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, distorted images, physical and mental suffering, limited self-awareness), alcoholic delusions (pathological jealousy, delusions of infidelity), Korsakov's psychosis (inability to perceive new things, disorientation in time and space, failures memories filled with fabrications). Critical phase: excessive consumption. Uncontrollability of the amount of drinking, loss of self-control. Rational explanation and self-excuse behavior for drunkenness. Reluctance to communicate, boasting, aggressiveness, social isolation. Diseases due to nutritional disorders and lack of vitamins. Decreased sex drive. Regular drinking of alcohol in the morning. Chronic phase: long and frequent binges. Moral degradation, spiritual decline. Alcoholic psychoses, such as delusional psychoses (hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, distorted images, physical and mental suffering, limited self-awareness), alcoholic delusions (pathological jealousy, delusions of infidelity), Korsakov's psychosis (inability to perceive new things, disorientation in time and space, failures memories filled with fabrications).
Chronic alcohol abuse can cause severe organic damage to the liver (cirrhosis), kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Resistance to infections decreases. Chronic alcoholism of one or both parents often leads to inferiority of the offspring. There are more than ten million alcoholics among Americans. It is estimated that 75% of alcoholics are men, 25% women. Alcoholism is a worldwide phenomenon, but it is most widespread in Ireland, France, Poland, Scandinavia, the United States and the former Soviet republics.
There are no tests; symptoms are based on observations of alcohol use/abuse. “the symptoms are collected from various sources, and we consider them reliable, although with some doubt.”

Almost always, when prescribing homeopathic treatment, they warn about the inadmissibility of drinking alcohol during the treatment period. Homeopathy and alcohol are usually mutually exclusive.

is a separate branch of medicine, the action of which is aimed at treating the disease by its causative agent. Simply put, a homeopathic medicine is made from a substance that is the causative agent of a specific disease, only it is present in the preparation in microscopic doses. - the main principle of homeopathy. For treatment to be effective, you should pay close attention to what else, besides the drug, enters the human body. We are talking about substances that can weaken the effect of the drug, and a special place among these substances belongs to alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol is a universal antidote

In homeopathy there is the concept of an antidote. Substances that deprive drugs of their desired effect (block it) are called antidotes. They can hide or camouflage the root cause of the disease. Consequently, the doctor will not be able to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe optimal therapy.

Ethanol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, is one of the strongest antidotes that suppresses the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Source: flickr (Toshali Ghosh)

Homeopathic treatment combined with alcohol consumption may be completely ineffective or may not give the expected effect. This means that drinking alcohol during treatment with almost all homeopathic remedies is categorically undesirable.

And yet there are products with which ethanol in small doses is still acceptable. The fact is that alcohol-containing products, including strong drinks, are not with all medicines behave the same. There are substances that are neutral to alcohol, but there are not so many of them.

To determine the compatibility of certain homeopathic medicines with alcohol, you should first undergo a full examination by a homeopath and, together with a specialist, familiarize yourself with the pharmacological properties of the prescribed remedies to identify active antidotes.

Note! The reactions of the human body are individual for each patient, so no one can predict how a person will react to mixing homeopathic medicines with alcohol.

An experienced specialist will tell you about the presence of antidotes in a particular medicine and recommend avoiding the use of ethanol-containing products during the course of treatment.

When and how much should you give up alcohol?

According to the classical scheme of homeopathic therapy, you should stop drinking one day before the first dose of homeopathic remedies, abstain while the treatment lasts, and stop abstinence no earlier than 24 hours after the last dose of the medicine.

Provided that the doctor does not specify anything about the prohibition of alcohol at the time of therapy, then the patient can sometimes allow himself a glass of red wine. The doctor may also allow drinking beer, but not more than one glass per day. Source: flickr (Dietmar Grün).

As for strong strong drinks, such as cognac or vodka, they act as universal antidotes. They should be completely abandoned during therapy.

Note! When observing patients suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases, homeopaths always prohibit the consumption of alcohol, since ethanol blocks neuroleptics, which prevents the onset of the therapeutic effect.

Homeopathy and alcohol: combined remedies

Among homeopathic remedies there is a list of composite preparations industrial production, which are combined. They contain several active substances. If such medications are prescribed, you should carefully study the instructions for use of these homeopathic remedies. Manufacturers, as a rule, always warn about harmful factors that can weaken the effect of therapy.

Consequences of drinking alcohol during homeopathy treatment

Drinking alcohol-containing drinks always neutralizes the results of therapy, regardless of the prescribed drug.

Moreover, alcohol in combination with homeopathy can have negative effects on the liver.

Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, you can and even need to abstain from alcohol for the entire period of treatment.

Homeopathy is a special regulatory therapy applied individually to each individual person. The basis of medicines used in homeopathy are water molecules that carry information about the substances dissolved in it. The main emphasis is on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. That is, during treatment, the effect is not on harmful viruses or bacteria, but on the activation of the body’s internal defenses.

Before starting treatment, many patients ask whether homeopathy and alcohol are compatible. It is impossible to give a definite answer here. The fact is that there are substances called antidotes in homeopathy. They can completely or partially suppress the action of a homeopathic remedy and reduce its effectiveness. As for alcohol, it does not fully possess the properties of an antidote. This means that in one case, it performs a suppressive function, and in the other, it becomes neutral. Sometimes the activity of a particular drug may even increase. It all depends on what medicine was used with alcohol.

Therefore, in order to accurately determine the relationship between the drug and alcohol, you need to be examined by a homeopathic doctor. Only after an examination can you receive an individual homeopathic remedy. The doctor must also give recommendations on how to take it. If it is determined that alcohol is contraindicated, you must stop drinking it for the entire period of treatment.


In addition to the main diseases, treatment of alcoholism with homeopathy is often practiced. In this case, great importance has the voluntary consent of the patient. At the doctor's appointment, a mandatory examination is carried out. Issues related not only to alcoholism are clarified, since in order to compile a complete clinical picture It is advisable to have as much information as possible. This will greatly facilitate the selection of the necessary drugs. Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the body significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Homeopathy for alcoholism is carried out strictly according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor. A repeat appointment is carried out only when a change in symptoms occurs and positive changes are noted. This is necessary to cancel some drugs that have completed their task, and prescribe new ones to enhance and consolidate the effect.


As already noted, homeopathy and alcohol and their compatibility do not have clear boundaries. In addition to weakening the effect of drugs, there may be unpleasant consequences for the whole body. Sometimes there is a drop in blood pressure, as well as other pathologies.

Treating doctors usually recommend abstaining from drinking alcohol. And the person himself must choose either alcohol or full-fledged treatment. Therefore, if someone is unable to give up addictions, then it is better not to start treatment.

When prescribing homeopathy therapy, doctors almost always warn patients that during the course of treatment they need to give up alcohol-containing drinks. As a rule, alcohol and homeopathy are incompatible.

Alcoholic drinks are a universal antidote

Homeopaths have such a definition as an antidote. This concept refers to substances that block the effects of drugs. Antidotes can camouflage the original cause of the disease, so the doctor will not be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen.

Homeopathy therapy combined with drinking alcoholic beverages may be completely useless. Therefore, alcohol is strictly contraindicated during treatment with homeopathic medicines.

But there is a certain group of drugs with which alcohol is acceptable in minimal doses. Strong drinks do not behave the same with all drugs. There are some active substances, included in homeopathic remedies that are neutral to ethanol. But there are very few of them.

To find out the compatibility of a certain homeopathy with alcohol-containing drinks, you must, together with a homeopathic doctor, carefully study the instructions for the drugs and determine the active antidotes.

Each individual patient has an individual reaction to treatment, so it is very difficult to know in advance how the patient’s body will behave when combining alcohol and homeopathy. It's better not to experiment.

Only an experienced doctor who knows his business and has considerable experience behind him will tell the patient about antidotes to this or that homeopathic remedy. But, in any case, the specialist will advise you to give up alcohol during the course of therapy.

In classical treatment with homeopathic remedies, it is recommended to avoid alcohol-containing drinks one day before the start of treatment. The restriction is valid for the entire period of therapy, and is canceled one day after its completion.

If we talk about strong alcoholic drinks(vodka or cognac), then they are a universal antidote. Even in minimal quantities, they completely neutralize the active substances that make up homeopathy, so there will be no benefit from the treatment.

When treating patients suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases, homeopathic doctors strongly recommend giving up alcohol, since alcohol blocks the effect of neuroleptics.

In addition, in addition to alcohol, during treatment, homeopaths recommend avoiding food and hygiene products that contain mint:

  • toothpaste;
  • mouthwash;
  • confectionery;
  • cocktails, etc.

During the treatment period, representatives of the fair sex are advised to refrain from dyeing.

Consequences of drinking alcohol during treatment with homeopathic medicines

Drinking drinks containing alcohol will neutralize the results of treatment with homeopathic remedies, regardless of the prescribed medication.

In addition, in combination with homeopathic drugs, alcohol-containing drinks can have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver.

Therefore, in order to get the expected maximum effect from treatment, you need to completely abstain from alcohol during the treatment period. And it’s not difficult to do it, the main thing is to want it. As soon as the body has fully recovered, you can return to your normal lifestyle, occasionally pampering yourself with a glass of wine.

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