The problem of pain during bowel movements after childbirth. Why does blood come from the anus during bowel movements after childbirth Bleeding from the anus after childbirth treatment

Due to postpartum complications, women sometimes begin to experience severe pain during bowel movements, which may contain blood. Blood in a woman’s stool after childbirth occurs for various reasons. The most common are hemorrhoids, polyps, anal fissures, stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, proctitis, as well as increased stress.

You shouldn’t be embarrassed or put off visiting a doctor, because if you contact a specialist right away, everything will only cost you drug treatment, but if the disease is in an advanced form, then only surgery can solve the problem.

Constipation is common cause the appearance of bleeding during bowel movements after childbirth. They may appear due to:

  1. Weakness of the abdominal and perineal muscles.
  2. Hormonal changes.
  3. Pressure of the uterus on the intestines, due to the fact that it remains large for some time after delivery.
  4. Weakening of intestinal motility.
  5. Psychological problems due to the new status.
  6. Returning the intestines to their original place.
  7. Improper diet during lactation.
  8. Caesarean section, due to which the woman in labor is afraid to push because there are stitches.

Can the patient cope with this disease on her own? Yes. Nutrition adjustments are needed.

The following foods contribute to normal bowel function:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • buckwheat;
  • apricots;
  • yoghurts;
  • cabbage;
  • dill;
  • bran;
  • oatmeal.

During lactation, you are allowed to use some medications that help with bowel movements, but you should not get carried away with them, as they become addictive. Before deciding on medication, you should consult your doctor to see if this medicine can be taken while breastfeeding.

Hemorrhoid factor

Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease that occurs without any symptoms at the beginning of its development and is characterized by inflammation and expansion of varicose veins around the rectum. Most patients discover this disease in themselves after the birth of a child. The disease can begin during pregnancy, when there is a heavy load on all internal organs.

There are two types: internal and external. In both cases, the veins become enlarged and thickened.

Factors influencing the appearance of hemorrhoidal cones after the birth of a child:

  1. constipation;
  2. great physical activity;
  3. use of laxatives;
  4. the large size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the veins, thereby causing stagnation and inflammation;
  5. an increase in pressure during pushing, as a result of which the veins enlarge and inflammation occurs.

The disease can be recognized by the following factors:

  • burning and itching in the anal area;
  • pain during defecation;
  • loss of nodes;
  • feces with blood.

If at least one of the signs is detected after childbirth, you need to make an appointment with a proctologist as soon as possible. Since untreated hemorrhoidal varicose veins can lead to complications such as:

  • oncological pathology;
  • infection or injury;
  • necrosis of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • constant bleeding and, as a result, the development of anemia;
  • paraproctitis.

If there's blood coming out from the anus during defecation, which means the pathology is in an advanced form or there is a tumor and you need to urgently consult a doctor. Early stage cancer, as well as hemorrhoids, is easier to treat.

If you apply for it in time medical care, inflammation of hemorrhoids can be cured with conservative methods, for example, suppositories, ointments, tablets. But by selection medicines should be handled by a doctor. When visiting a specialist, the mother must warn her about breastfeeding.

In advanced stages of hemorrhoids or if conservative methods Treatments do not help, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Anal fissure

It can also cause blood to appear during bowel movements. An anal fissure is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. In most cases, this is not a separate disease, but a sign of progressive pathology. Often this is inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of an anal fissure include pain and bleeding during bowel movements. Since the disease is not independent, it is not the symptoms that need to be eliminated, but the root cause of the illness that arose after childbirth in a young mother.

Other reasons

There are several types of bleeding:

  1. Due to constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus, cracks appear, which provoke the appearance of blood from the anus after childbirth with chronic difficulty in defecation.
  2. Bloody diarrhea indicates an infection or microflora disorder, dysbacteriosis.
  3. Feces of normal consistency with a bright red admixture are a sign of dangerous pathologies, possibly oncology.
  4. The appearance of pus and mucus in the feces may indicate the development of polyps or inflammation inside the rectum.

All this cannot be self-medicated; this can only provoke the development or exacerbation of a chronic form. The first thing a mother should do is see a doctor.

You can’t put off visiting the doctor! Pathologies that are not serious at first glance can provoke anemia, which negatively affects the health of not only the mother, but also the child during lactation.


To prevent the phenomenon of bloody stools after childbirth, the mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Normalize feces with diet. Eliminate fried, salty, spicy foods from your diet.
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Move as much as possible, sit and stand less.
  • Stay outdoors as much as possible.

Intestinal problems are a common problem during the postpartum period.

You can avoid troubles by leading a healthy lifestyle.

All diseases are much easier to treat in the early stages. Thus, at the first signs you need to contact a specialist. Self-medication will result in scant results, and the risk of complications will increase many times over.

The appearance of blood in the stool is an alarming symptom of many diseases, which characterizes a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall and can lead to serious complications. For women of reproductive age, this symptom most often indicates internal hemorrhoids - a disease with pathological expansion of the veins of the rectum and the formation of nodes. However, in addition to hemorrhoidal veins, blood in women during defecation without pain can also accompany other pathologies of the intestines and anus.

Blood characteristics

The source of bleeding can be determined during visual assessment of the stool. Color, quantity and viscosity are taken into account. Most often, patients complain of the presence of small scarlet impurities in the stool and on paper, which indicates pathology of the final part of the rectum or anus.

If the feces become black (like tar) in color, there is a pathology of the upper parts of the digestive tract (stomach), where the blood is exposed to the chemical influence of hydrochloric acid. Blood from the rectum bright red and in large quantities (all stool is bright-colored, liquid) is characteristic of damage to the artery wall and entry into the intestinal cavity under pressure. Venous blood in the stool has a dark cherry color, often in small quantities and in the form of muco-blood impurities.

A change in the color of stool to red or black is often a consequence of using medicines or certain foods (such as beets). Therefore, if this symptom appears, you must inform your doctor about the medications and foods you are taking.

Pathologies of the rectum

The occurrence of the symptom of blood discharge from the anus can be associated with both traumatic, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The rectal source of blood in the stool may be:

  1. Hemorrhoids are a pathological condition characterized by expansion of the lumen and thinning of the wall of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum with the formation of peculiar nodes. The formation can have different sizes and come out when straining. Blood from the anus after childbirth appears due to increased pressure during contractions and pushing. Blood from the anus after childbirth is not a rare occurrence.
  2. Anal fissure is a violation of the integrity of the cover in the area of ​​the rectal sphincter (the muscle that closes the anus). Occurs as a result of chronic infection, traumatization by coarse feces and constipation. Blood is most often bright red, in small quantities, and appears only on paper.
  3. Cryptitis is an inflammation of the sinuses of the rectal mucosa, most often of infectious origin. Accompanied by itching, discharge of pus during defecation along with red streaks.
  4. Proctitis is inflammation of the rectal mucosa due to venous stagnation, microbial or helminthic infection, chronic constipation or radiation (after radiotherapy for pelvic tumors). In the ulcerative form of the disease, a small amount of blood is present during stool in the form of drops (dark or bright red) or clots. In some cases, discharge of blood from the anus is observed in women with tenesmus - a false urge to defecate.
  5. Rectal polyps are benign formations on the mucous membrane that have the shape of a mushroom: a thick expansion (“cap”) on a thin base (“pedicle”). Multiple polyps occur as a result of a genetically determined disease (for example, familial polyposis). Blood in the stool appears when the fine structure of the formation is traumatized by hard feces; most often it is bright red in small quantities.
  6. Rectal cancer (decay stage) is a malignant formation that is characterized by unlimited proliferation of cancer cells and deep damage to the rectal wall. There are exophytic (the tumor grows into the lumen, closing it) and endophytic (accompanied by deep ulcerative lesions of all layers of the intestinal wall) forms of the disease.

Bloody discharge in the stool in women may appear after anal sex or the introduction of any foreign bodies into the anus, which is accompanied by injuries to the mucous membrane and superficially located vessels.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Bloody discharge from the anus when the small and large intestines are affected is characterized by massiveness: the processes of digestion and absorption occur in the small intestine, so the blood supply is strongest there. In addition, it changes chemical composition blood after exposure to herbal enzymes.

The appearance of discharge after defecation is characteristic of the following pathologies:

  1. Diverticula of the digestive tract are external protrusions of the muscular layer of the intestinal wall, which occur with reduced elasticity of the fibers, increased peristalsis (contractile activity of the intestine to move feces) or due to genetic diseases. Most often, bleeding occurs due to inflammation of the formation (diverticulitis) or perforation (perforation of the wall).
  2. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis – chronic inflammatory disease lower parts of the digestive tract, which is characterized by a cyclical course (remission and exacerbation) and severe bleeding from the anus. The appearance is accompanied by deep ulcerative lesions of the intestinal walls over a large extent (in some cases, from the appendix to the rectum).
  3. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane due to the predominance of aggressive factors (acidic environment, bacterial invasion, poor nutrition) over protective factors (synthesis of hormones and biological active substances, which increase the durability of the shell).
  4. Blood from the upper digestive tract most often has a thick consistency and black color due to the ability of stomach hydrochloric acid to coagulate blood proteins (hemoglobin is converted into hydrochloric acid hematin). The occurrence of bleeding in an ulcer is most often not accompanied by pain, since the alkaline reaction neutralizes the irritating properties of the acid.
  5. Crohn's disease is a nonspecific chronic inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is characterized by granulomatous formations and segmented lesions (healthy areas are located next to the affected ones). Often accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. There are small amounts of fresh blood in the stool.
  6. Colon cancer is in the decay stage. As with tumor lesions of the rectum, deep ulceration of the wall with the occurrence of bleeding is characteristic, which for a long time can be the only symptom of the disease.

Another reason may be an ectopic form of endometriosis - a pathological growth of tissue of the inner layer of the uterus in the intestine. In accordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle, the pathologically altered tissue in the intestines changes and may be accompanied by bleeding during menstruation.

Other reasons for the appearance

In addition to the above non-infectious intestinal diseases, spotting may indicate the following diseases:

  1. Dysentery (shigellosis) is an infectious lesion of the final sections of the large intestine caused by Shigella dysenteriae. The disease is transmitted by the fecal-oral route and is characterized by scant discharge (“rectal spitting”: a little feces, mucus and streaks of blood) and a false urge to defecate.
  2. Amebiasis is an infectious disease caused by intestinal amoeba entering the intestinal lumen. Blood during bowel movements has the appearance of “raspberry jelly”: there is a lot of mucus, which dilutes the bright red color.
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver, which is accompanied by varicose veins of the esophagus and other parts of the digestive tract. When the condition decompensates, the vessel wall becomes thinner and slight irritation from solid feces can cause bleeding.

Another reason why there is bleeding from the anus may be a side effect of medications: Erythromycin, Lincomycin, Asparkam, Kalinor, Aspirin. The occurrence of discharge during emptying in this case is associated with a violation of the permeability of the vascular wall or inflammatory ulceration of the mucous membrane.

If blood comes from the anus, then other symptoms may appear (nausea, vomiting, weakness, discomfort and a feeling of “bloating” in the abdomen), the severity of pain in chronic diseases is significantly reduced, or there is no pain at all. Therefore, the most common reason for visiting a doctor is the presence of blood in the stool.

What to do if blood appears in the stool

Bloody discharge from the anus after defecation is a serious reason to visit a doctor, since the symptom may be the only sign of a serious pathology (for example, rectal cancer).

To make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, a number of studies are carried out. Complete blood count - the hemoglobin indicator characterizes the degree of blood loss, leukocytes - the severity of the inflammatory process. Biochemical blood test to assess the functional state of the liver and kidneys.

Important! Coagulogram – for diagnosing disorders of the blood coagulation system. Coprogram is a microscopic examination of stool to determine non-poisoned food debris, bacteria, protozoa or worms.

Endoscopic examination (fibrogastroduodenoscopy or colonoscopy) - using a flexible video endoscope inserted through the mouth or anus, the localization of the pathology is diagnosed. If possible, the bleeding is stopped and a piece of tissue is taken for laboratory testing to identify cancer cells.

If bloody discharge occurs during bowel movements, women should definitely consult a doctor. Delaying diagnosis and self-medication can lead to the development of complications and the need for surgical intervention.

The occurrence of troubles associated with the intestines or rectum is delicate. For a long time, people do not seek help, embarrassed to complain to strangers about diarrhea or regular constipation. But when the pain becomes unbearable, blood appears during stool in women and men, the color of the stool changes, then there is no need to talk about embarrassment. These problems can only be solved with medications or, in more serious cases, with surgery. It is extremely important not to delay going to the hospital, because preventing a serious illness is much easier than taking a long and expensive time to treat an advanced disease.

There are two concepts - blood in the stool and blood in the stool in pregnant women and postpartum women. In the first case, this can be caused by many factors - hemorrhoids, anal fissures, polyps, proctitis, colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, diverticulosis, and in the second case, blood occurs as a result of increased stress during the period of waiting for a child and childbirth.

Many people are surprised when they discover such a disorder and do not understand why after pregnancy and childbirth. Indeed, in the process of gestation, the body undergoes enormous changes, decreased immunity, excess weight, hormonal imbalances, and at the same time the blood vessels suffer. They have to work much more actively to supply blood to all organs and systems. Very often expectant mothers experience.

- this is an extremely unpleasant and painful manifestation, only not on the legs, but in the anus. It is accompanied by constipation and bleeding during bowel movements. In this case, blood and feces do not mix. It often manifests itself in women who are predisposed or already suffering from varicose veins, those who have gained too many kilograms during pregnancy, and those who work standing - saleswomen, nurses, hairdressers.

Before childbirth, the uterus swells greatly, squeezing all organs, including the intestines. This negatively affects the blood vessels, already weakened throughout pregnancy. Discomfort and blood loss can lead to anemia for a woman.

Childbirth, pushing, pressure - all this is a hundred times stronger than the most severe constipation. For almost all women, at this important moment, the rectum is subjected to enormous stress and testing. As a result, many women in labor detect blood in their stool. Usually, it passes quickly, recovering along with the entire body. But it happens that things take a bad turn and develop into hemorrhoids.

The main thing is to start on time, inform the doctor about this and coordinate further therapy with him. Not all medications can be taken by nursing mothers.

If blood in a woman’s stool was noticed before childbirth or they suffered from diarrhea and constipation, then after the birth of the child they need to carefully monitor themselves. Is there any constipation left, is there blood in the stool, what color is it and how much is it - drops or a large amount.

If , then you need to call ambulance, if only because not every pregnant woman will be able to distinguish anal bleeding from vaginal bleeding.

In addition, large blood loss is fraught with weakness, sweating, tinnitus, and pale complexion.

Doctors advise paying attention to color. It is based on this indicator that they make a diagnosis. The blood is bright, then perhaps the patient has anal fissures along with hemorrhoids. And if it is dark, then the probability that , is very high. Only a specialist can give advice and tell you what to do with blood in the stool after childbirth.

But folk remedies They can also help normalize injured intestines, relieve constipation and not remember about blood in stool in women after childbirth. It’s not for nothing that even in the ward in the first postpartum hours, doctors advise not to delay defecation.

By consuming yoghurts with active ingredients, you can soften your stool and provide you with normal relief. Later include in your diet: dried fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils. If the process is not progressing well, purchase mild laxatives. But do not overdo it, as they end up in the milk.


By lubricating the anus with vegetable oils, you can promote the speedy healing of cracks. Pharmacies have suppositories with an anesthetic effect to relieve pain. They are also allowed during feeding. Doctors prescribe anti-varicose ointments and gels, Gepatrombin, Troxevasin, Levomekol.

Self-massage your abdomen, buy two-ply toilet paper rather than regular gray, and wash yourself with water at room temperature.

Blood in the stool of women after childbirth is a common phenomenon. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of your health in advance. Go to the pool, do yoga and exercise; if varicose veins exist, lubricate the limbs with special preparations that improve tone. when going to the toilet it will not bother you if, at the first appearance of it, you consult a doctor and get treatment.

Constipation will not bother those who eat a balanced diet and consume herbal preparations to prevent intestinal upset. Not every such ailment can be easily eliminated with the help of grandmother’s advice and vegetable oil. Sometimes treatment requires more attention and serious medications.

In cases where nothing helps and hemorrhoids interfere with a woman’s normal life, she is offered to remove the inflamed node surgically.

A woman may be bothered by bleeding from the anus. The most common cause of this may be hemorrhoids. It causes symptoms such as itching, discharge of small amounts of blood, etc.

Hemorrhoids what is it:

Read also on the topic:

Hemorrhoids are a condition that occurs in the lower part of the rectum.

Factors that increase the chance of developing this disease include:

  1. Pregnancy,
  2. Postpartum period,
  3. Physical inactivity,
  4. Overweight
  5. Vascular diseases,
  6. Constipation.

But the most common reason is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure that occurs during childbirth, thereby provoking the development of the disease in postpartum period. As a result of exhausting efforts for the body, during childbirth the load on the venous plexus in the pelvis increases, which provokes stagnation and bulging of the veins and, as a result, the development of postpartum hemorrhoids. Very often after childbirth, constipation is observed, which further aggravates an already unfavorable situation.

Very often, postpartum hemorrhoids occur in combination with anal fissures. Distinctive signs of hemorrhoids are: the presence of dark blood in the stool (venous blood is darker than arterial blood); with an anal fissure, the blood in the stool is scarlet.

The second most common cause of the appearance of blood streaks in the stool after pregnancy is an anal fissure.

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Blood from the anus during bowel movements in women after childbirth is a common occurrence. Its occurrence can be triggered by many reasons, so before sounding the alarm, you should understand why it occurs. However, you should not refuse to visit a doctor in any case. Accurate diagnosis can only be carried out by a specialist, and many problems associated with the anus can grow significantly.

Why does bleeding occur?

Blood from the anus after childbirth often occurs as a result of:

  • anal fissures caused by overexertion;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of various parts of the digestive tract;
  • polyps and some other pathologies.

The exact classification depends on the nature of the discharge:

Type of discharge Possible reasons
Bright red marks on toilet paper after bowel movement They can be caused by the development of anal fissures during childbirth or the occurrence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially if it was accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle. Associated symptoms in this case will be:


The appearance of heavy bleeding after bowel movements May be associated with the development of cancer or polyps. Less commonly caused by diseases of the digestive tract.
Dark blood clots that smell bad The middle parts of the digestive tract are damaged, and diverticulosis may develop. The colon may also be damaged.
Dark, brown or burgundy, stale-looking blood It occurs for similar reasons, but the disease has progressed quite far.
Black faint blood smears Associated with damage to the upper digestive tract.

In women who have recently given birth, the most common problems are hemorrhoids, which are caused by constipation, which is common in pregnancy. However, a complete diagnosis based only on appearance no discharge is carried out: a full ultrasound examination and, in any case, treatment will be required. Almost all problems that cause bleeding from the anus have serious consequences, so if such a symptom occurs, you should abandon unnecessary shyness and quickly consult a specialist.

Types of bleeding

Blood from the anus during bowel movements in women after childbirth is classified not only by the type of discharge, but also by the type of stool it accompanies.

One should not lose sight of two rather specific reasons for the appearance of blood:

  1. Development of endometriosis. This pathology is characteristic exclusively of women and is caused by the occurrence in genitourinary system cells from the tissues lining the wall of the uterus. It occurs simultaneously with normal menstruation.
  2. Consequences of cancer treatment with radiation.

For many pregnant women, such bleeding is common, and they are associated with varicose veins of the perineum. In this case, you should be especially careful at the end of the term: the blood that may appear during the birth of a child or damage to the fetus is similar to blood from the anus. If there is the slightest doubt about its origin, you must call an ambulance.

Treatment and prevention

Since making a diagnosis on your own in this case can only cause harm, the first thing you should do is see a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.

Before this, and also during the examinations, a number of preventive measures can be applied that can mitigate the problem:

  • stabilize stools with a diet that excludes harmful foods, i.e. fried, spicy and salty foods;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • spend less time sitting;
  • increase the amount of time spent outdoors.

You should not get too carried away with the diet, as this can also cause bowel problems.

You can’t delay seeing a doctor either - even the most dangerous diseases can cause anemia, which is harmful for both the child and the mother during breastfeeding. In addition, there may be abundant internal bleeding, which will be much more difficult to cope with, infections and inflammations.

At an early stage, it is also easier to cope with cancer, the development of polyps and other serious problems.

At the same time, the woman’s body has not yet fully recovered after childbirth, and any pathologies can develop in it more strongly than usual - which means that you need to be more attentive to it.

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