Preventive work to prevent crimes committed by the class teacher. Work experience of a class teacher in crime prevention and preventive work with disadvantaged families and “at-risk” children

1. Closing gaps in student knowledge is an important component in the system of early prevention of antisocial behavior. Daily monitoring of progress and monitoring the filling of diaries with positive assessments on my part and informing parents and class teachers allows us to take timely measures to eliminate gaps in knowledge by conducting individual work with such students, organizing assistance from the subject teacher and successful students. In our class, on Saturday after school, students collect diaries for checking and Rasil’s diary was always missing, I had to look for it in my bag. Having moved to our class, the boy did not want to fill out the diary and every week he had to reprimand him, a conversation was held with his parents, the guys helped him in filling out and filling it out, and only by the end of the quarter the boy began to fill out the diary on his own and submit it for verification.
2. Combating absenteeism is the second important link in educational and educational work, ensuring successful crime prevention. So, following the example of Samarina V. in the last academic year and Samigulov R. in the current one. In both cases, together with the class teachers, it was decided to control the students and wake them up in the morning. Today at 7.30 we make a control call to Rasil to check his location, because... Vera goes to school without delay.
I monitor class attendance on a daily basis, and weekly records of student absences for good or no good reason. If a student misses classes, I find out from the parents the reason for the absence.

3. Organization of leisure time for students, wide involvement of students in sports, artistic creativity, and the work of associations is one of the most important areas educational activities, promoting the development of the child’s creative initiative, active, useful leisure time, and the formation of law-abiding behavior.
I took measures to attract sport sections, bringing together a wide range of students, especially children at risk, but, unfortunately, students in our class are not involved in any sports section due to health reasons. Only one student from the class, Samarina V., found something to her liking in the choir and dance group. The rest of the students are involved in the class circle " Skillful hands", which is organized by educators. Participation in remote competitions and exhibitions, involving children in them not only as participants, but also as fans, spectators, and organizers, helps to satisfy the children’s need for communication, organizes their activity at school, significantly limiting the risk of motivation for antisocial behavior.

4. Promotion of healthy lifestyles comes from the needs of children and their natural potential.

Not only specialists (medics, psychologists) are involved in the program for promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing bad habits, but also widely using children’s potential.

Our boys Sadrtdinov I. and Nikolaev A. love ski view sports Last year they took their skis and jogged around the school every day. When visiting Ilnar at home, his passion for the sport of football was noticed.

Several times a week I feed the kids lunch, during which I make sure that they eat well, because... their habit is “dry food”. If Subbotina D., Samarina V. did not eat soup, it should be noted that after multiple conversations held during classroom and educational hours, examples given by me from life and constant monitoring by adults, the situation began to improve. In promoting a healthy lifestyle, classroom hours are devoted to the following topics:

    "Movement is life"

    “Do we know how to be healthy?”

    "Sports Encyclopedia"

    "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

    "Body beauty and physical culture"

Watching presentations during breaks and holding various conversations about sports. The children really like to listen to examples from the teacher’s life and carry on a conversation from personal experience. Such students as Boykova T., Andreev N., Subbotina D., Gizyatullina R., are active in the conversation.

5 . Legal education. In solving the problems of preventing delinquency among minors, those carried out in educational institutions Crime Prevention Months. Not only class teachers and teachers participate in their organization, but also employees of the traffic police, teaching staff, fire department, representatives public organizations represented by members of the commission on juvenile affairs, specialists in family affairs, youth, employment, law enforcement agencies; workers of medical institutions, psychologist, deputy director for educational work of the school. The following events are being held as part of Crime Prevention Month:

    participation in interdepartmental operations “Attention! Children!”, “Teenager” week legal knowledge.

    together with an educational psychologist, a survey was conducted “Attitudes of adolescents towards addictions”

    month of military-patriotic education

Conducting discussions during class hours, explanatory work about the types of responsibility for certain unlawful acts, types of crimes characteristic of adolescents, concepts about administrative, civil, and criminal responsibility of minors provide motivation for responsibility for their actions. My role is to guide the discussion and summarize the results, providing maximum opportunity for children to be active in organizing the event and freely express their opinions. Unfortunately, students do not have their own opinions; weak students support the opinions of strong ones.

During the 2013–2015 academic year, classes were held on the following topics:

    "Rights and responsibilities of a citizen"

    "I am a child! I am a citizen!"

    The life feat of M. Jalil.

    Car, road, pedestrian.

    Liability of minors

    Know the rules traffic– great achievement

    Me and my actions

    Revenge or forgiveness?

    "Basic Law of Russia"

    "Intolerance and disorder"

6. Working with parents. Work to identify students and families in socially dangerous situations is being built as planned. If negative facts are identified, class teachers inform the school's Prevention Council. This is how a conversation was held with the Kashkarov and Vatranov family.

I, as a class teacher, together with teachers, get acquainted with the living conditions of students, conduct conversations with parents and adult family members at home, and draw up inspection reports living conditions, we find out the child’s position in the family, his relationship with his parents.
Throughout the school year, we try to visit all students in the class, especially the problem ones: Kashkarov A., Subbotina D., Nikolaev A., wards: Boykova T., Samarina V.

Important directions in this work are:

    establishing a trusting relationship between parents and teachers;

    explaining to parents the basics of interpersonal relationships in order for them to understand the causes of negative manifestations in the child’s behavior: anger, aggression, resentment, fear, etc.;

    formation in parents of the correct attitude towards the child’s sense of self-worth, because Any help to both the child and the family with a “difficult” child should begin with the correction of this feeling.

Every Saturday I do a lot of work to promote pedagogical knowledge among parents, regularly hold dialogues, conversations and consultations on educating students according to their age characteristics, individual conversations:

    “How to overcome learning difficulties. Parental help"

    “Why does a child not want to study”;

    parent meetings:

    “Your child has become a teenager. Problems of education",

    “Rights and responsibilities of the child in school and family.”

It is gratifying to note that parents parent meetings actively take part in discussions about raising their child.

All these activities are aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, strengthening the interaction between family and school, strengthening its educational potential, as well as involving parents in raising children.
When working in a classroom with students who have behavioral disorders, it is necessary to select correction methods.

One of the methods for educating social behavior in children with intellectual disabilities is

    Order method.

The assignments offered to students must correspond to their physical, physiological, psychological and other capabilities. Students should be given assignments that, when completed, give them positive emotions. The teacher's task is not only making the right choice instructions, but also in organizing specific assistance to the children performing it. For example, when they “tamed” Dasha, I invited her to my office and asked her to find the necessary pictures for her lessons or to prepare the office for the lesson. She liked it very much, because... she felt needed by someone. This has become a habit and today after every lesson she comes in and asks: “How can I help?” At least it's better than running around school.

    Method of reward and punishment.

Promotion- this is a pedagogical influence on a child (or team), when the teacher (or team) expresses a positive assessment of the behavior of the student (or team)

The educational value of rewards is very high. They increase the sense of responsibility for their deeds and actions, strengthen self-confidence, increase self-esteem, personal self-esteem, contribute to the formation of positive relationships between educators and students, and with collective rewards they unite the children's team.

Punishment - such an impact on the personality of an individual student or on the team as a whole, which expresses condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to follow certain requirements accepted in the team. The psychological meaning of punishment is that it should cause students to feel shame and guilt.

Strict individualization of punishments in correctional school means taking into account the characteristics of the structure of the defect, the nervous system, the level of intellectual development and the characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child.

1. Punishments associated with the expression of moral censure, public discussion:

a) an oral reprimand or reprimand made in private;

b) an oral reprimand or reprimand made in public;

c) public discussion (class meeting, teacher council, parent committee, etc.).

2. Penalties associated with the imposition of additional duties. For example: if you litter - clean up, break - fix, be rude - apologize, let down - fix, help, etc.

In order for punishment to have an educational meaning, every teacher and educator must remember that it should serve the role of instruction, and not retribution for an offense.

9. Formation of skills, habits, disciplined behavior and polite treatment of others:

The habit of coming to classes and events on time, the ability to actively oppose rule violators (those who are late or miss classes for an unexcused reason); the habit of helping disorganized or sick comrades; (Samarina V., Samigulov R.)

The habit of saying hello not only to school staff (teachers, educators, etc.), but to all its visitors (this can be much more difficult to achieve in a correctional school than in a mass school). (Samigulov R.)

The ability to provide assistance to comrades who are experiencing difficulties in completing tasks or assignments; (Subbotina D., Bykova T., Gizyatullina R.)

The habit of listening carefully to the explanations of the teacher, educator and other senior comrades;

The ability to calmly and correctly respond to comments without entering into arguments (especially when discussing grades), etc.

Led by the class teacher, educators diagnose the level of education of students and monitor the level of school motivation (twice a year for half a year). Based on these indicators, I design development value orientation, personal properties and qualities, a plan for the educational work of the class is developed (“Classroom Leader’s Folder”).

REFERENCE on the activities of class teachers of the MBOU "Koltsovskaya Secondary School" on the legal education of students and the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors. Purpose of the inspection: to study the organization of class teachers of grades 1 - 11 in the legal education of students and the implementation of the law "On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors." Verification period: November 2016 Forms and methods of verification: thematic interviews with class teachers and students, verification and analysis of plans for educational work, analysis of attended events. The inspection was carried out by a commission consisting of: Fadeeva M.V. – Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, Andreeva I.A. – Deputy Director for HR. In accordance with the HSC plan, the effectiveness of the work of class teachers in legal education and the prevention of neglect and delinquency among students was checked. The inspection established: 1. Work on legal education and prevention of crime and neglect among students is systematic in school. The work is carried out in the following areas: a) compiling a database on various social categories of children and their families and planning individual work with them; b) monitoring the progress and attendance of students in classes; c) involving students in socially significant and extracurricular activities; d) study of the Rules of Student Conduct, the School Charter, familiarity with the laws of the Russian Federation; e) prevention of road injuries; f) prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; g) joint work with TsSSDM and PDN “Saki”. These issues are given a lot of attention in the educational work of the school. Issues of educating the needs for a healthy lifestyle, anti-drug, anti-alcohol propaganda, and smoking prevention are included in the plans of educational activities of class teachers of grades 1–11. According to the plan of educational activities, the main emphasis on the prevention of bad habits is made in October during the month of legal education and crime prevention. However, at other times, the plans of educational activities of class teachers of grades 1–11 include issues of raising the need for a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of bad habits. Preventive work in schools is carried out in the following directions: creating a situation in the school environment that prevents drug abuse and reduces the harm from their use; dissemination of information about the causes, forms and consequences of drug abuse; developing in adolescents the skill of analyzing and critically evaluating information received about drugs, and the ability to make the right decisions. Educational work is carried out throughout the entire period of a child’s education at school, starting in the lower grades and continuing until graduation. And during the course of the program, students are provided with reliable information about drugs and their impact on a person’s psychological, social and economic well-being. The following activities were carried out:

information has been updated in the legal corners (school-wide and classroom) “The Law and We”, in school library an exhibition of information and explanatory literature on legal topics “The Laws of Man and Society” was organized; “Legal Knowledge Corner”; the work of the Prevention Council and drug treatment post has been intensified; an information corner “Caution, drugs!” has been created, and anti-drug information in the legal corners has been updated (legal page in the classroom corners); a visit to students who require special pedagogical attention at home was organized together with the employee of the Center for Education and Social Development E.S. Seitvelieva; Leisure activities for students during the holidays are organized; a legal lecture for students “On the legal responsibility of minors” was organized (Andreeva I.A.); Lectures “Stop the drug!” were held for parents and students together with an employee of the Center for Social and Social Development. with the distribution of booklets. Questions were raised about the dangers of drug addiction and smoking; a legal lecture was held for parents by class teachers of grades 7–11 “The Rule of Law. Know and exercise your rights"; individual and collective conversations were held between class teachers and students and parents on the legal topic “Prevention of crime among youth”; a meeting was held with the inspector of the Saksky ODN “Identification of the causes of child crime”; a Unified Day for the Prevention of Delinquency and Crime was held; organized and conducted conversations, classes, lectures, “ round tables", parent lectures as part of the month of legal knowledge (according to a separate plan); a survey “Attitude towards bad habits"; Measures were taken to improve the level of work with students who require increased pedagogical attention (consultations with teachers, involvement of children in this category in cultural work at school and in extracurricular activities, interviews with parents on crime prevention, home visits to students). The Deputy Director for Educational Work has a selection cool hours on legal education of students, prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors, video materials on traffic rules, anti-drug propaganda, prevention of bad habits. At the beginning of the school year, a database is compiled for students who are under intra-school supervision, students requiring increased pedagogical attention, and disadvantaged families. Class teachers are working to record students' attendance at classes, the reasons for absences are being clarified, and the necessary measures are being taken. Conclusions and recommendations: 1. The activities of the school and class teachers in legal education are considered satisfactory. 2. When organizing, preparing and conducting classes, class teachers should more often use the capabilities of the media and video library in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of events. Involve parents of students in the preparation of technical documentation. 3. Diversify the forms of work of the drug post. Deputy Director for HR I.A. Andreeva

Analysis of work on the prevention and prevention of crime.

The school has developed and operates a crime prevention and prevention system.
Work is being carried out in a number of areas:
Identification of children and families in need of special assistance. Studying this population of students, identifying problems.
Coordination and implementation of preventive activities.
Implementation of individual support programs for students.
The school’s social passport was compiled for the academic year (in accordance with the social cards of each class).
Data from the school’s social passport for the academic year indicate an increase in the number of single-parent families (122 single-parent families), a lack of parental attention and care in the education and upbringing of children and, as a result, an increase in the number of families in a socially dangerous situation (16 families) and as a consequence “at-risk” students (17 students are at the High School, 4 of whom are registered as PDN).
At school, preventive work is carried out through:
Implementation of preventive measures (“Good habits” - 4th grade, 6th grade; “Childhood without alcohol” - 7th grade, 8th grade; “All colors except black” - 2nd - 4th grades; “Tobacco-free school” - 7th-10th grades); “School of Mutual Understanding” - grades 8-10; “Learning to communicate” - grades 5-6; “Planet of Tolerance” - grades 5-10).
A system of additional education (clubs, sports sections) that provide employment for students. The school has 7 clubs in various areas: sports club “Me and My Health” - children learn sets of exercises to strengthen their health, get acquainted with the elements of massage; artistic circles - “The World of Fairy Tales”, “In the World of Books”, “In the World of Theater”, where children not only travel through fairy tales, but also feel like fairy-tale characters; “Skillful Hands” and “Fun Workshop”, the main task of which is the development of general and fine motor skills of students, where children create extraordinary crafts from the simplest materials, developing aesthetic taste; Ecological and biological circle “Floriculture”, to instill a love for nature and the native land is the main task of this circle.
For several years, a historical and literary museum has been operating, which highlights the history of the Oryol region. The students themselves are museum guides. They take great responsibility for conducting excursions for schoolchildren, OSU students, teachers, and parents.
Organizing a system of practical conversations during class hours, social hours, and school-wide meetings.
Conducting monthly events to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent crime.
Interdepartmental interaction is carried out: planning joint work with the traffic police inspector; interaction with medical specialists.
Class hours, conversations, meetings with the PDN inspector, club activities, participation in quizzes, health festivals, and school-wide events helped improve the psychological and socio-pedagogical support of the educational process.

Measures of pedagogical influence:

The school holds weekly disciplinary meetings, where the results of the week are summed up according to the “Disciplinary Calendar”, point by point: replacement shoes, absences and tardiness for lessons, culture of behavior, bad habits.
For active participation in school-wide work, creative and sports activities, success in studies and work, children are awarded certificates of gratitude, souvenirs. School-wide holidays are held for students: “Bread is the Head of Everything,” “Maslenitsa,” “Formation Review and Songs,” “School Around the World” and many others.

Individual work with children at risk:

An individual correctional program is drawn up for each “at-risk” student and includes the following sections:
1. Information about the child and his parents;
2. Psychological and pedagogical study of the student;
3. Organization of psychological and social assistance;
4. Organization of the student’s free time;
5. Accounting and work results.
This direction is the most important, as it is aimed at providing specific assistance to the child.
During the school year, all socially disadvantaged families were visited at home; weekly consultations with parents were conducted by a social teacher and educational psychologist of the school (12 individual and 5 group consultations were held during the school year).
During the school year, documents were submitted to the Commission on Minors' Affairs regarding the parents of a student in grade 8a. Class teachers have constant contact with families at risk, but the school administration repeatedly talked with the students' parents during the year. Informing parents about activities educational institution is one of the conditions for organizing cooperation between school and family.

The main areas of interaction between family and school:

1. Study of the conditions of family education.
2. Informing parents about the content of the educational process and its results.
3. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
4. Interaction with the parent committee.
5. Joint activities of parents and students.
You can add to them:
-completing tasks designed for joint work of the child and parents;
-participation in exhibitions and competitions organized for students and parents; - holding health days and joint holidays with the participation of parents.
The main forms of work with families in our school are group and individual.
Individual forms include, organized by class teachers and teachers, conversations with parents on issues of education and upbringing of the child, consultations, visits to families, which helps to become better acquainted with the living conditions in which the child lives. Consulting with parents is beneficial both for them and for the teacher. Parents receive a real understanding of school affairs and the child’s behavior, while the teacher receives the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the problems of each student.
Forms and methods used in preventive work, do not humiliate the honor, dignity, self-esteem and self-esteem of minors and their parents and do not create a negative attitude towards students and parents.
Preventive work during the school year yielded positive results. The school will continue to work with students on the prevention and prevention of offenses in these areas in the coming academic year.

“On the state of work of class teachers

on the prevention of surfactant use"
In accordance with the school work plan for the 2012-2013 academic year, based on order No. 281 of November 30, 2012. Deputy Director for Educational Work Nikonorova M.V. Monitoring of the status of class teachers’ work to prevent the use of psychoactive substances was carried out.”

The purpose of control: the state of work of class teachers with participants in the educational process to prevent the use of psychoactive substances.

Type of control: thematic.

Form of control: personal.

Method of control: study of plans for educational work, interviews with students, class teachers, questionnaires of classes. managers.
During the study of this issue, the following was established:

In accordance with the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020, the school is implementing a set of measures to implement state program prevention of psychoactive substance use. When drawing up a school plan for joint work on crime prevention, the main directions of the Strategy of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation until 2020 were taken into account. All plans for educational work with classes provide for measures to prevent the use of psychoactive substances by students.

In this direction, class teachers use social, pedagogical and psychological technologies to prevent the use of psychoactive substances: as part of the implementation of the program for promoting a culture of a healthy lifestyle, classroom hours are held promoting healthy habits (all classes), adherence to a daily routine (grades 1-2), and sports activities ( 4b), showing the consequences of smoking and consumption alcoholic drinks(5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b), correct and healthy eating(2b).

Class teachers use a variety of forms for conducting class hours: hour-conversation, hour-reflection (all classes), lecture (all classes), hour-debate (5a, 7a), project presentation (5a, 6a, 6b, 8a), practical lesson (2a, 2b, 3a, 5a, 6a, 6b, 7a, 9a).

Class teachers conduct individual conversations about negative impact Surfactants on the children's body: 6a (with Kononov S.), 6b (with Reisbich D.), 7a (with Falev D., Dedukh M., Veretenkin P.), 7b (with Shayakhmatov S.), 8b (with Nashchekina A ., Matantsev A.), 8a (with Osipenko G., Zaitsev M., Kosolapov V.), 9a (with Seleznev A.), 9b (with Anosov E., Gorbunova A., Kozlova V.).

The following students were invited for preventive conversations with their parents: Logunova A. (3b), Sinyakov K (3b), Kononov S. (6a), Khorina E. (7b), Stolyarova E. (8a), Osipenko G. (8a), Kozlov V. (6b), Melkov K. (6b), Reisbich D. (6b).

During the year, students take part in school (all grades) and city (1a, 2b, 3b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8a) sports competitions, 39% are enrolled in sports sections and clubs.

At class parent meetings the following issues were discussed:

Schoolchild's daily routine (1a, 1b, 4b);

Prevention of surfactant use (5a, 6b, 9a, 9b);

Child nutrition (2b).

Health care specialists are invited to conversations and classes: 5a, 6a, 6b, 7a;

1. Class teachers of grades 7-9 invite medical specialists to conduct preventive conversations and lectures.

2. In March, conduct a survey of students “Me and my health” in order to identify children’s attitudes towards their health (Responsible class teachers).

3. As part of the month of promoting a healthy lifestyle, conduct an anonymous survey of children in order to identify facts of use of psychoactive substances by school students (Responsible: Gommerschmidt N.O.).
The certificate was compiled by the deputy. Director of VR

Nikonorova M.V.

"On the state of planning

educational work in the classroom"
In accordance with the internal school control plan for the 2012-2013 academic year, based on order No. 218 of September 18, 2012. from 09.20.12 until 09.30.12 the status of educational work plans in classes was monitored.

Purpose of the inspection: compliance of educational work plans with the school’s goals.

The plans for the educational work of each class teacher. As a result of the inspection, the following was revealed:

  1. Class teachers 5a (Kononova Z.G.), 7b (Krivtsova E.V.), 8a (Osipenko E.I.) did not prepare plans for educational work in a timely manner.

  2. All class teachers compiled a social passport of the class and systematized information about the families of students. The most in-depth analysis is in 1a (Galkovskaya I.G.), 3a (Vyshatitskaya N.B.), 4b (Lavrova N.G.), 5b (Gurenovich G.V.).

  3. Qualitative, detailed characteristics of the class and analysis of the state of affairs at the beginning of the year can be seen in the plans of class teachers 2b (Zhuk O.M.), 3a (Vyshatitskaya N.B.). 3b (Larionova E.V.), 4b (Lavrova N.G.), 5a (Kononova Z.G.), 5b (Gurenovich G.V.), 6a (Zhurakovskaya L.M.). Incomplete, generalized characteristics of the class in 1b (Chubarova Yu.L.), 4a (Orlova T.A.). In grade 9b (Pavlova L.I.), the official business style of class characteristics was not followed. At Molchan N.V. (6b), Krivtsova E.V. (7b) there is no class characteristic.

  4. The goals and objectives of the educational work of classes for the 2012-013 academic year correspond to the school ones. In 4a (Orlova T.A.), 9a (Tutova G.N.), the goals and objectives of educational work for the year are not defined. In grade 3b (Larionova E.V.), some problems are formulated incorrectly. In 8b (Harutyunyan I.V.), some tasks of educational work do not correspond to the level of development of the class team.

  5. Class teachers 1a (Galkovskaya I.G.), 1b (Chubarova Yu.L.) and 4b (Lavrova N.G.) developed detailed plans for diagnostic studies of students, prepared methods for studying the class team and the personality of students.

  6. In grade 5b (Gurenovich G.V.), a program of educational work has been developed, which contains references to ineffective regulations.

  7. All class teachers have planned various forms of interaction with parents, but the most detailed areas of work have been developed in 1a (Galkovskaya I.G.), 3b (Lavrova N.G.).

  8. The parent asset is not determined in 9a (Tutova G.N.), 6b (Molchan N.V.).

  9. All plans include thematic classes, conversations, excursions on life safety, healthy lifestyle, patriotic, moral, legal, environmental education, participation in school-wide events, promotions, and months is planned. In 2b (Zhuk O.M.), some planned activities do not correspond to the age of the children. In 3b (Larionova E.V.), the plan for educational work does not take into account school-wide activities, and classes and conversations on legal education and career guidance are not planned. In 4b (N.G. Lavrova) no career guidance activities are planned. In 5b (Gurenovich G.V.), the wording of class hours does not correspond to the age of the children. In 6b (Molchan N.V.) some forms of work are incorrectly formulated. In grade 7a (Stepanova M.Yu.), environmental class hours are not planned. In 9b (Pavlova L.I.) activities for the legal education of students are not prescribed.

  10. In 1a (Galkovskaya I.G.), 1b (Chubarova Yu.L.), 4a (Orlova T.A.), 6b (Molchan N.V.), 9b (Pavlova L.I.) class teachers developed a work plan both with gifted children and with “difficult” children. A plan for working with children at risk has not been developed in 7a (Stepanova M.Yu.), 8b (Arutyunyan I.V.), 6a (Zhurakovskaya L.M.), 9a (Tutova G.N.), although in the class There are children in this category.

  1. Note the quality planning of educational work in 1a (Galkovskaya I.G.), 4b (Lavrova N.G.).

  2. Add characteristics to classes 1b (Chubarova Yu.L.), 4a (Orlova T.A.), write characteristics to 6b (Molchan N.V.), to 7b (Krivtsova E.V.).

  3. To specify the goals and objectives of educational work in 1b (Chubarova Yu.L.), 4a (Orlova T.A.), 9b (Pavlova L.I.).

  4. In the program of educational work 5b (Gurenovich G.V.) make changes, referring to the current regulatory documents.

  5. Develop a plan for working with children at risk in 7a (Stepanova M.Yu.), 8b (Arutyunyan I.V.), 6a (Zhurakovskaya L.M.), 9a (Tutova G.N.),

  6. Zhuk O.M., Larionova E.V., Lavrova N.G., Gurenovich G.V., Molchan N.V., Stepanova M.Yu., Pavlova L.I. make adjustments to the planning of classes and events.

  7. Carry out work on selecting a parent asset in 9a (Tutova G.N.), 6b (Molchan N.V.).

  8. All class teachers fill out a notebook for instructing students on TB.

Compiled the certificate

deputy Director for HR Nikonorov M.V.

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