Dimensions of the thorn sign. Dmitry Medvedev made changes to the traffic rules

The identification symbol “Spikes” is a sticker in the form of a white triangle with equal sides, whose borders are painted in red and inside which the letter “W” is depicted in black. The pointer indicates that this remedy movement has studded tires.

According to part 8 of the set of provisions on the approval of a car for use, as well as clause 2.3.1. Traffic regulations, the “Spikes” sign is included in the list of identification symbols whose installation on a vehicle is mandatory. Provided that the car has studded tires.

In practice, car owners do not always place the required symbol on their car. This is fundamentally wrong. From April 4, 2017, the absence of a “Spikes” sign is equated to the presence of a malfunction, which accordingly imposes a ban on permission to drive vehicles. In other words, the presence of studded tires in the absence of a sign is a gross violation.

Identification mark size

According to state standard, the parameters of the identification indicator “Spikes” are the following dimensions:

  • the length of each side of the triangle figure is at least 20 cm;
  • the width of the red stripe located along the edge of the figure is 1/10 of the length of one side of the triangle, in other words, at least 2 cm.

It is important to accurately observe the dimensions of the identification mark. The slightest deviation from the norm will automatically lead to the loss of legal force by the symbol. And even if there is a pointer, but, for example, a smaller one, it will be considered that there is none on the machine.

The sign can be purchased at any auto supply store and even at a gas station, but most often such copies are far from the parameters required by the state.

It is also possible to print the symbol yourself using a color printer. And some car owners even draw the sign by hand. In fact, how the pointer is made does not matter. The main thing is that if the car has studded tires, the car is equipped with a sign whose dimensions comply with the standards.

Where should the sign be placed?

As for where the sign should be stuck, it should be placed on the back of the vehicle. Since the code of traffic rules does not contain more specific information on this issue, we can say that it is permissible to install a sign on rear window car both outside and inside, as well as on the lid or trunk door, and even on the bumper of the vehicle. In practice, the most optimal place to place the sign is the rear window of the car.

Responsibility for the absence of a sign

Since the absence of the “Spikes” symbol is equated to a vehicle malfunction, the traffic police inspector has the right to impose a fine on the car owner. This is regulated by Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code. Since the spring of 2017, the fine is 500 rubles.

Video about the use of the sign

The “Spikes” sign, placed on a vehicle if it has studded tires, has certain parameters established by the state. When preparing the index, you should carefully check whether its dimensions comply with the regulated standards. The slightest inaccuracy will lead to the fact that the identification mark will not be valid, for which the car owner may be subject to penalties in the form of fines.

Many motorists have had to be fined by traffic police inspectors for not having the “Ш” sign when the vehicle had studded tires. In a particular case, the actions of traffic police inspectors are completely unlawful, because they replace points.

Is the “Spikes” sign really necessary?

Winter in most regions of Russia is replete with precipitation and ice on the road. An ice crust on the road surface significantly impairs the adhesion of car wheels to asphalt or soil. Therefore, braking on icy conditions is often not very effective and, as a rule, leads to the vehicle skidding.

As a radical measure to combat this scourge, many motorists equip their car tires with special studs, which allow the driver to better control the car on a slippery, ice-encrusted road. Since such a device affects the driving parameters of vehicles, there must be a special pictogram on the rear window of the vehicle to warn drivers of vehicles driving behind.

This “Ш” sign should be installed only on those vehicles with studded tires on the wheels. The purpose of such a sign is to protect all participants in the DD. Wheels with studded tires may lose their studs while driving and may cause damage to nearby vehicles and pedestrians.

What fine is provided in 2017 if there is no sign “Ш”

Russian Government Decree No. 333 of March 24. 2017 states that from 04.04. 2017, a traffic police inspector may prohibit a motorist from driving a vehicle with studded tires if such a vehicle does not have a “Sh” sign.

Sanctions for such a violation are predetermined by Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia. The motorist faces a warning or may be fined in the amount of 5 hundred rubles.

Installation of the sign "Ш"

In clause 08 of the Basic Provisions on Car Admission Vehicle To drive with studded tires, there must be a sign in the shape of an equilateral triangle, with a red and capital letter “Ш” in the middle of the triangle on a white background.

These requirements are explained by concern for the safety of all, without exception, participants in traffic accidents, because the wheels of vehicles with spikes can easily cause a very serious accident:

Braking distances motor vehicle with studded tires, somewhat shorter than those of vehicles of the same brand and configuration, without studs on the wheels.

So, a person driving a car moving behind is unlikely to have time to react and stop in a timely manner, since many rely on personal experience and maintain a safe distance based on the braking performance of vehicles with standard tires.

Poor-quality studding of tires is manifested by spikes flying out when moving, which can damage the front window of the car behind. In addition to spikes, stones often fly out from under the wheels of a vehicle.

“Ш” should be clearly visible from 20 meters, and therefore should be mounted on the rear window of the car. But if the car windows are tinted, then on the outside.

Motorist liability in case of an accident

If a car owner decides to ignore the requirements of the law, then he should prepare for the most negative consequences. If an accident occurs, the formally guilty motorist who crashed into a car with studded tires has the right to sue the careless motorist who did not deign to warn the other participants in the traffic accident about the features of his car.

Practice has repeatedly shown that judges often hold both motorists responsible for the incident. And this is important when resolving your issues with the insurance company: usually, both the first and second car owners have to repair damaged vehicles at their own expense. So, driving a vehicle presupposes mandatory strict compliance with the rules of the traffic control, and, in addition, a respectful attitude towards other participants in the traffic control. Ultimately, this behavior also affects the safety of the motorist himself.

Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, abolishing the obligation of drivers to inform other participants traffic about the presence of studded tires using a special sign “Spikes” was published on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts back in May 2018, but it was adopted only on November 29 (RF PP dated November 24, 2018 No. 1414).

We’ll tell you what the “Spikes” sign is and why it’s needed; whether or not the obligation of drivers to inform other road users about studded tires on their car’s wheels was abolished in 2018.

Was it canceled or not?

After the Draft Resolution passed public hearings, many media outlets wrote that the “Spikes” sign was canceled as of July 1, 2018. However, it is not. The corresponding decision was made and signed by Prime Minister Medvedev only on November 29.

In accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2018 No. 1414, in paragraph 8 of the “Basic provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation...” the third paragraph is invalidated, which specifically states the need to fix the “Spikes” sign on the rear of vehicles when changing tires to studded ones.

Let us remind you that the obligation to glue “Spikes” when using the appropriate rubber was introduced on April 4, 2017, when Government Decree No. 333 of March 24, 2017 came into force. It introduced clause 7.15.1 in the appendix “List of faults and conditions under which operation of the vehicle is prohibited” to the “Basic Provisions” regarding the absence of identification marks specified in clause 8 of the “Basic Provisions”. That is, the absence of the “Spikes” sign is a malfunction that, until today (November 29, 2018), resulted in a ban on the use of mechanical transport.

Fine for missing a sign

From the date of entry into force of Resolution No. 1414, the absence of a sticker, if the car is shod with “spikes”, no longer entails an administrative penalty. Let us recall that in paragraph 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions” states that driving a vehicle with malfunctions for which the use of the vehicle is prohibited will entail a warning or a penalty in the amount of 500 rubles. However, as before the beginning of 2017, the “Spikes” sign is now of a recommendatory nature; its absence is not a reason to impose a fine.

Why inform DD participants about spikes on tires?

Installing studded tires has a number of advantages:

  • summer ones, made of hard rubber, become hard at sub-zero temperatures. As a result, the grip of the wheels on the road deteriorates and the braking distance lengthens. The production of winter tires uses soft rubber, specially designed for cold weather, maintaining good road grip;
  • The presence of studded tires is an ideal option for driving on snowy roads or ice.

While there are advantages, there are also negative factors for using studded tires:

  • With frequent movement on asphalt, the rubber quickly wears out, as a result, the studs fly out of their sockets. There is a danger that they may fly off into a car moving behind and hit the windshield, bumper, or hood;
  • when driving on an asphalt road, the studs damage the rubber itself, tearing out pieces of the tread and rendering the tire unusable;
  • braking distance on snowy or icy road surfaces is reduced compared to summer tires. During emergency braking, the risk of an accident with participants driving behind the car increases.

Requirements - where to glue?

Until now, many motorists have a question: where to put the “Spikes” sign? According to GOST 2018, neither the place for the sticker nor its size is regulated - you must see paragraph 8 of the “Basic provisions for vehicle approval”. According to it:

  • the figure of an equilateral triangle with the base down is clearly stated;
  • main background is white;
  • red border around the perimeter;
  • inside there is a printed letter “Ш” in black;
  • the length between the peaks is at least 200 mm, the thickness of the border is 10% of the length of the rib.

The position gives minimum dimensions, maximums are not specified.

Before deciding where to put the “Spikes” sign, remember: the sign cannot cover the license plate, it must create clear visibility at a distance of 20 m and not block the driver’s view when driving.

Where to attach?

The Regulations stipulate where to place the “Spikes” sign. According to the 2018 rules, it is attached to the rear of the car. The exact location of its attachment is not formally specified. This can be either the rear window or the trunk, depending on the body type:

  • sedan. The optimal place to attach the sign is the top of the rear window, preferably on the left. This way, it will quickly fall into the field of view of the driver moving behind. The sticker is fixed both outside and inside the car. On tinted glass, for better visibility, the sign is attached to the outside;
  • pickup. It is best to attach to the rear of the body;
    gazelles, vans and trucks. The recommended place to stick the sign is on the back of the body or on the awning;
  • SUV. Several options for where to glue it on a car (for example, Chevrolet Niva): on the rear window, on the rear part of the body, on the spare wheel cover.

Having chosen the outer surface of the glass as the area where you want to glue the letter sign, make sure that the windshield wiper does not catch it when brushing away the flowing water.

In any option, make sure that the special sign has enough mounting area and is clearly visible to other participants on the road.

Where to put the “Spikes” sign: photos on the streets

Passing a technical inspection

Technical inspection is an assessment procedure technical condition Vehicle compliance with safety requirements in order to allow vehicles to participate in traffic. While the “Spikes” sign has not been abolished in 2018, if the wheels have studded tires and there is no identification mark, a malfunction is detected, diagnostic card will not be given out. Therefore, before undergoing a technical inspection on a vehicle with winter tires The presence of the “Spikes” sign is mandatory.

Video about traffic rules: the “Spikes” sign, where to put it according to the rules

On the eve of winter, several places of activity of motorists are observed every year. In the first place, of course, are tire shops, where drivers strive to “change the shoes” of the iron horse. On the second floor are the actual tire stores, where these same “shoes” are purchased.

And the third place has recently become auto stores, and specifically racks with “Spikes” stickers. Their placement on the rear window is now mandatory, provided that the appropriate tires are used.


By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2018 No. 1414 (LINK), changes were made to the traffic rules, according to which CANCELED It is the driver’s responsibility to install the “Spikes” identification sign on vehicles with studded tires!

Read more about this in.

Moreover, the demand turned out to be so high that many sellers are simply unable to satisfy it. However, many advertising agencies responded to the increase in demand and quickly launched the production of such stickers.

Even some students, seizing the moment, decided to earn extra money with “Spikes” stickers. But how gracefully they do it! Well done Timurovites! 😉 (photos are clickable):

So what is this sticker?

Video - “Spikes” sign according to GOST:

Formally, the “Spikes” sticker carries an informational load, warning that a car with studded tires has a shorter braking distance than its “studless” counterpart, additionally warning about maintaining a safe distance for vehicles moving behind. That is, if the sign is missing, this may serve as an additional excuse for a motorist who has rear-ended in a traffic accident.

Video - the opinion of the presenter of the “First Transmission” program on this matter:

Where to glue according to the rules

The “Spikes” sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles - this is the only requirement for its installation, which is contained in clause 8 of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation:

8. Vehicles must be equipped with identification marks:

“Spikes” - in the form of an equilateral triangle white top up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

Therefore, in principle, car owners can place it at their discretion: on the rear window (inside or outside) or on the metal panels of the rear of the car.

Fine for not having a “Spikes” sign

Nominally, the requirement to use such an information sticker has always existed, but previously it was purely advisory in nature. Starting from 2017, the package of amendments (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 333 of March 24, 2017) includes a mandatory requirement for the use of stickers.

Video - whether the “Spikes” sign was canceled or not, whether it needs to be glued in the fall of 2018:

In accordance with clause 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, its absence may cause the imposition of an administrative a fine of 500 rubles. If the sticker does not meet the requirements of GOST, the fine is the same amount as in the case of its complete absence.

This is the reason for the excitement that has arisen in car dealerships.

Video about sticking the “Spikes” sign:

Dimensions GOST

Another important point is the fact that the attached sticker must meet the GOST standard.

Its width must be at least 20 centimeters, and the red border around the sign must be 10% of the side. The letter "Ш" must be black and placed on a white background.

Download and print for DIY

You can download and print the GOST 2017 “Spikes” sign (PDF file).

Video - how you can make the “Spikes” sign with your own hands in two minutes:

Various amendments have been repeatedly applied to the “Spikes” sign. A lot of controversial issues in practice this symbol was discovered.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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The drivers did not fully understand where exactly it should be placed, what size the sign should be, and so on. For example, changes were introduced from April 4, 2017, and also from June 1, 2020.

Incorrect placement, absence, or incorrectly sized stickers were punishable by monetary penalties - violators were issued fines. But now the situation has changed radically, so you should carefully study the situation regarding the “Spikes” sign.

What does it mean

The automobile sign "Spikes" indicates timely use by motorists winter tires on wheels, which are equipped with a special tread surface - spikes.

The anti-slip system allows cars to brake normally on snowy or icy roads. The length of inertial movement during braking using such wheels is reduced.

Three types of winter tires:

  1. Studded– metal spikes are built into the rubber, allowing the wheel to stop moving much faster, taking into account the difficulties of the road surface in winter.
  2. Corrugated rubber– deep tread “patterns” allow the wheels to “stick” a little to the icy or snowy surface. This makes braking faster.
  3. Combined– deep grooves on the treads are combined with spikes.

In addition to these options, there is also universal rubber, which is suitable for demi-season use. But it is suitable only for regions where there is no severe and long winter.

The designation itself, which drivers attach to the back of the car itself, is designed to inform other road users about the presence of:

  • there are studs on the tires;
  • shortened braking distance;
  • the likelihood of a spike hitting the windshield if it flies off from a ramp made of low-quality material, and rear car got too close.

Such a notification allows other motorists to correctly determine the moment of braking of their car because the braking distance of the car in front will be much shorter.

Timely awareness of road users can prevent accidents on winter roads.

The orientation is to keep a decent distance from those cars that signal with a sign that they have studded tires on their wheels.

When was it introduced?

The “Spikes” sign was part of all road warning information signs back in 1993, when they were finally formed.

Back in 2017, such a sign was required to be present on cars equipped with ramps with spikes on their wheels. Such regulations were introduced into the Rules, which came into force on April 4 of the same year.

At the same time, the rules stated that if such a sign was not there, it would be regarded as a malfunction of the vehicle.

This means that the car could easily be towed to an impound lot and the driver prohibited from driving it until the problem is fixed. A fine for such offense was also determined - 500 rubles (Part 1).

As of June 1, 2020, this sign has already been removed from the Rules - clause 8. This was done by excluding a paragraph from the text of paragraph 8 of the traffic rules.

Now the presence of this signal “display” on the back of the car body or glass is not an obligation for motorists.

What does the spike sign look like and its dimensions according to GOST

The appearance of the designation signaling the presence of reinforced winter tires on a car is represented by GOST in the form of a triangle, inside of which is the letter “Ш”, symbolizing the abbreviation of the corresponding word.

The plate itself and the drawing must have standard sizes. Otherwise, using the wrong dimensions will result in fines that the traffic police will issue for using a non-standard sign.

Table of characteristics of the “Spikes” sign:

There is an important nuance associated with the use of the “Spikes” sign and car insurance. Motorists may be concerned about whether insurers will refuse to pay if the car did not have a sticker warning of the presence of studded tires, but it happened due to the fault of another participant.

The answer in this case is negative - the law does not say that Insurance companies have the right to refuse to pay insurance due to the absence of this sign.

Where should the sign be?

Motor vehicle regulations do not require drivers to place a sign on the rear window. There is no specific location for placing the warning sign on the vehicle.

But an important detail is prescribed - it should be installed and glued only in the rear of the vehicle and it should be visible to other road users.

Such requirements imply the use of the sign for its intended purpose, when it fully fulfills its practical purposes.

On the other hand, a sticker on the rear window in the center, with a slight offset to the right or left from the center of the glass, will interfere with the driver’s view of the situation on the road.

Assessing the surrounding situation while driving along the highway occurs not only thanks to rearview mirrors and parking sensors (sonars, parking radars, rear view camera).

But you can also inspect what is going on behind the car, using just the rear window of the body. But if a sign is pasted on it, it will greatly interfere with normal visualization.

The most optimal sign placement option:

  • on the rear window directly behind the driver;
  • on the rear window in the lower right corner;
  • on the rear of the body, but in such a way as not to cover other important designations - car brand logo, car license plate, etc.;
  • from inside the passenger compartment on the rear window, so that the sticker’s image is not quickly damaged by exposure to weather conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The requirements of the traffic police service have weakened in relation to the mandatory presence of the “Spikes” symbols on the car if the wheels actually have winter tires.

But this does not mean that drivers do not have the right to use such a sign. Its use can significantly improve the comfort of motorists passing on the roads. But it also has its drawbacks.

The advantages include the following functions:

  1. Reducing the risk of collision due to non-compliance with cars and the difference in braking trajectory between a car with studded wheels and a car with “bald” summer tires.
  2. The car owner protects his car from skidding on snowy roads in bad weather, and, accordingly, from the risk of overturning or colliding with an immovable object due to loss of control on an icy road.
  3. Key role in determining the culprits of a road accident. If the driver did not maintain a distance from a car with such a sign and drove into its bumper, then he, and not the injured party, will bear responsibility.

In the absence of a sign and in the presence of studded tires, both of them will be guilty of a car collision, or the owner of the car who did not place a warning sticker on the car.

As a result, the other participant was unable to correctly calculate the speed of his car, the start time of braking, and the distance.

The disadvantages are:

  1. In cases where the rubber does not have the required quality, the studs often fly out under pressure while the wheels rotate. This damages the treads and creates a dangerous situation on the road - spikes can fly into windshields cars driving behind.
  2. Some unscrupulous motorists do not remove this sign even in the warm season when changing wheel tires for the summer option. Thus, they strive to organize a distance so that other drivers distance themselves as much as possible from them.
  3. Inaccuracies in the meaning of the Rules regarding the location of the sign.
  4. When passing a technical inspection, the presence of a sign should have been mandatory. Since, according to last year’s rules, this related to the serviceability of the vehicle.

Now you can buy a sticker with the symbol “Ш” in a triangle in any store car accessories and details. The approximate cost is 500-800 rubles on average.

They are attached not only to an adhesive base, but there may also be models with suction cups or magnets. Magnetic options cannot be attached to glass.

Therefore, they are installed on the back of the case. But how convenient and reliable it is is the question. You can try to find a model that allows you to mount the device on metal from inside the car so that the sign can be seen through the rear window.

Why was the mark excluded from the new rules?

The new edition of the Road Traffic Rules (SDR) does not include in paragraph No. 8 the obligation of motorists to place the “Spikes” sign on the vehicle.

Reasons for excluding the designation “Ш” from the list of mandatory road signs:

  1. Inappropriate use of the sign. The braking distance in certain weather conditions increases even with studs on the wheels.
  2. Not every tire equipped with a lip system or studs is capable of shortening the braking distance.
  3. Lack of specificity in the traffic regulations regarding the location of the sign. In view of this, some motorists simply kept it in their car, without showing it to other participants.
  4. The magistrates and traffic police did not take into account both sides, if the victim’s car had spikes and did not have a warning sign.
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