The most famous brands of cars. All car brands

The car catalog on Acars is its own world for each brand of car. In an extensive auto catalog all brands of cars are represented. You just need to click on the brand you are interested in and a page will open that provides comprehensive information about the brand from its history to test drives, and a list of car dealers.

Catalog of automobiles.

The car catalog is arranged in alphabetical order. All brands of cars are conveniently located in the center of the page. For convenience, you can include sorting the catalog of machines by country or alphabetically. There is a very convenient function - highlighting new or popular car brands.

Car catalog from Acars.

The Acars website presents you with a car catalog where you can find information about any car brands you are interested in. It does not matter whether you are interested in European or Russian car brands, whether you prefer Japanese or American brands - in any case, you will find them in our car catalog. The catalog is very easy to use. For your convenience, there are two sorting methods: by default, car brands are listed alphabetically, but it is also possible to select car brands by country, so you can easily find the brand you are interested in.

By choosing any brand of car, you will receive comprehensive information about it:

  • Stamp history. Find out how brands appeared and how they developed.
  • Car logos. For those who want to know what the emblems of cars of different brands look like or what they are called.
  • Latest events in the world of cars. The release of new models, the emergence of new technologies and other news from the life of your favorite brands.
  • Test drives. Detailed reviews test drives contain information about the capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of a particular model and can seriously help in choosing, and will also be of interest to motorists.
  • Surveys of individual models. By opening the page of any of them, you will find everything that may interest you there: the popularity rating of the model and consumer reviews, the opportunity to view the car in detail from all sides in the photo gallery, information about both the average price and the best offers among car dealers, as well as places where you can buy this car.
  • Lists of auto dealers. The catalog contains a fairly extensive database of car dealers and their offers, both new and used cars.

Why Toyota cars round heart? Why did a bull get on the hood of a Lamborghini? And what is the significance of the six stars in the Subaru galaxy? The world of autoheraldry is mysterious and multifaceted… There are so many names of cars in the world that you can get confused. Let's analyze the main brands of cars and their emblems.

1) bmw. Let's start with a white and blue nameplate with a black border. Its modest appearance, however, does not interfere with awe in everyone who really appreciates comfort and quality in a car. But few people know that before becoming a reference company for the production of driver's cars, bayerisch motoren werke specialized in the production of aircraft engines. This explains the bmw logo depicting a propeller against the sky.

2) MAZDA. Japan in symbols, as always, is superstitious and somewhat abstract: the emblem of Mazda cars is a stylized checkmark depicting outstretched wings, as a symbol of creative flight, tenderness and flexibility. “All this is present in Mazda cars!”, the manufacturer assures.

3). In the interpretation of the Citroen logo, the French have completely refuted their traditional sophistication. André Citroën started out as a manufacturer of gears, and the signature two chevrons signify a gear train. Unexpected, right?

4) Audi. In 1899, an inventor named Horch founded Horch & Co. She prospered for the next ten years. But the flowering ended in 1909 when Horch built a new 6-cylinder engine. He did it very unsuccessfully and almost bankrupted the company with his invention.

For this, the partners decided to get rid of him and ... kicked him out of their own company. And he quickly founded a new Horch side by side, but by a court decision (the partners tried again) it had to be renamed. And since the founder's last name is translated from German as "listen", Horch turned to the Latin version of this word, resulting in Audi.

And the four rings symbolize what happened in 1932, saving for the brand, the merger of four automobile companies into Auto Union.

5) . Such an automonster as Subaru began with shipbuilding. Its name comes from the company's native Japanese and means a group of six stars in the constellation Taurus. They flaunt on the grille of Fuji Heavy Industries cars.

6). The motto: “Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float” is actively used by the Japanese auto giant Nissan. Everything is simple here! However, like his own Infiniti, whose sign is a stylized symbol of infinity, stretching into the distance.

7). The Maybach logo is interesting. In the entire history of the company, 800 cars have not been sold, which does not prevent the company from living. Some decipher the two Ms on the nameplate as Maybach Manufakturen (because each copy is exclusive and assembled by hand), others as Maybach Motorenbau. In fact, MM on the nameplate was captured in the history of the Maybach father and son.

8) . At English cars there is a difference, especially characteristic of brands with great story. This is the presence of wings on the logo and, one way or another, the names of the founder. illustrative examples- Aston Martin, Bentley, Austin and others.

9) VOLVO. The Latin name is the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo, which means - "I roll" (from the verb volvere - "roll"). Members of the board of SKF supplemented the capacious and memorable name with an original logo - an ancient symbol of iron, reflecting the power, reliability and durability of Volvo cars.

On the first car in 1927, a strip was attached to the nameplate, diagonally crossing the radiator. Initially, she held the emblem, and when the need for this disappeared, she became a decorative element.

10) OPEL. The branded emblem of the OPEL brand car did not appear immediately. At first it was just an inscription, and the lightning in the emblem migrated from the Blitz model, which, in fact, is translated as such.

eleven) . Things are more complicated with the decoding of the Toyota symbol: there are three options here for sure. On the one hand, Toyota mugs can depict an eye of a needle with a thread, indicating the origins of the company, because it started with the sale of spinning machines. The yen proceeds from this fishery were used to invest in the auto business.

On the other hand, the emblem of a fully “people's” car can be explained by the image of the globe with parallels and a meridian, as a sign of the scale and prevalence of Toyota cars.

And on the third hand, Toyota Motor Company itself today interprets its ellipses as the heart of the buyer, the heart of the product and the unlimited possibilities of the company.

12) . The Porsche emblem is the coat of arms of the German city of Stuttgart. And he himself was built where the stud farm was previously located.

13) SKODA. The Czech automaker has changed its logo 12 times since 1895. Although often these same replacements were not visible to the naked eye, today's SKODA symbol is not much different from what was approved 83 years ago: a winged arrow with three feathers. In 1991, an original design solution appeared - the use of black (as a symbol of an age-old tradition) and green (as a sign of the company's special attention to the protection of nature and ecology).

14) . Chrysler's symbol is a winged wax seal. This is due to the fact that initially Walter Chrysler cars worked for the US Postal Service. Long-term cooperation Daimler Chrysler ended with "divorce and maiden name." Chrysler today returns, so to speak, to the roots even in terms of the Pentastar logo, which is a five-pointed star, symbolizing the five brands in the concern.

15) MERCEDES-BENZ. Mercedes-Benz marketers decided not to bother with updating the symbol, but simply announced that from November 1, 2007, the brand star-logo in print can be seen from above, separately from the name, since "the star is always high." And the nameplates of the Mercedes brand are one of the most chipped off in Russia. And here hooligans and thieves do not miss: they take with them not only "a symbol of power over land, sea and air", but also about a thousand rubles.

16) DODGE. Today, the "American" Dodge, more and more confidently "walks" along free roads to the big heart of the Russian car consumer who loves brutality. He inherited his name from the founding brothers Dodge, and the logo in the shape of a ram's head symbolizes a long thinking gearbox. Joke, of course! The ram is here as an example of the assertiveness inherent in the cars of this brand.

17). Fundamental China decided not to go far and interpreted its auto dignity in the language of traditions, albeit translated into English: a piece of the Great Wall of China flaunts on Great Wall cars.

18) . The story of yet another American auto brand is long and pointless to retell. It is only worth noting that in a hundred years of life (precisely life, not existence - the project was obviously successful), the emblem of the Cadillac brand has changed 7 times. It went from a shield with merlettes combined with a wreath of tulips and a crown, through a V-shaped element (for models V8, V12 and V16) with the same crown, to a “symbol of excellence”, inspired by the work of the European geometric painter Mondrian.

19) . The logic of the ratio of the "cat" appearance of Peugeot cars and the symbol of this brand is obvious. And it went from one of the earliest Peugeot models - Lion. But the lion, in turn, was borrowed by Belforts Inn from its hometown of Beltford, where the production of cars of this brand began.

20) . As the legend explains, the creation of a car under the Lamborghini brand is the result of hurt pride. There are many interpretations of this story, but in general terms they are similar.

Every day, when you go out into the street, many cars of different brands, made in different countries of the world, pass by you. Each of them has a unique emblem on the grille and on the trunk lid -. Of course, this is not a chaotic design invention. Every combination of numbers, letters and symbols has a meaning.

Volga GAZ 21

Experienced designers have been working on any logo of a particular car brand for years, trying to reflect in it the history, traditions and many other nuances that are important for the owner of the company, thanks to which in the future this emblem will be associated with a reputable car brand.

Of course, the various stories associated with the names of a particular car are often directly related to the founders of the companies that produce them. Some of these names influence the exterior trim and serve as a starting point for the design of the emblem, a kind of identifying mark of the car.

The long history of the automotive industry has its own myths and legends. They are mainly associated with the history of the creation of a particular emblem (logo) of the car. Each of them has its own message from the past, and books and articles are written about the entertaining stories of the creation of the logo of a particular trade brand, as well as television programs are filmed.

In this article we will talk about 100 car emblems of the world with names and photos. We cover many countries and almost all continents and parts of the world. Are you ready for an exciting journey? Then buckle up. Go!


001 holden

The image of a lion in the name of the company dates back to the time when it was engraved on the threshold of the house at the end of the 19th century, at which time the company produced saddles and carriages. In 1928, the famous sculptor J. R. Hoff sculpted the sculpture "The Lion and the Stone". According to ancient Egyptian legend, a man invented the wheel when he saw a lion rolling a stone. The symbolic image of Hoff's sculpture formed the basis of the logo of the Australian company.

Emblem Holden



002 TATA Motors

The emblem of this most famous Indian car brand is somewhat reminiscent of the Korean trademarks of Daewoo and KIA, the same fonts, the same colors. In 1945, the first locomotives left the assembly line of the Indian plant, this was the beginning of the TATA company. And in 1954, the production of the first cars under the same brand began.


003 Iran Khadro

The word “khodro” in translation means “fast-footed horse”, hence the head of the horse on the shield in the emblem of the Iranian car, which is very similar to the French model Peugeot 405. The company for the production of cars in 1962 was created by the brothers Ahmad and Mahmoud Khayyami.

Emblem of Iran Khodro


The color scheme on the emblem of the Chinese car BYD is another example of plagiarism that has nothing to do with either the process of creating a model or its manufacturers. Look closely and you will see the resemblance to the BMW trademark.

BYD emblem

005 Brilliance

Of course, even the ignorant, it is clear that the name of this brand is translated as "diamond". By this, Chinese manufacturers wanted to emphasize the high quality of the goods offered. Himself trademark consists of a combination of two hieroglyphs that mean this word.

Brilliance Emblem

006 Chery

In 2013, Chery Automobile presented the world with a new modified logo. It looks like an oval with a diamond-like triangle in the center. According to the comments of Chinese manufacturers to the emblem of their cars, the sides of the triangle symbolize the main indicators of the company's work: quality, technology and development.

Emblem Chery

The emblem of this one of the oldest brands consists of two modified hieroglyphs, which are read as "first" and "car". The designers of this symbol claim that they conceived it in the form of a hawk spreading its wings in flight. This symbol is filled with pride in the success of Chinese engineering.

F.A.W. Emblem

008 Foton

Another example of imitation. Only in this case, the logo of the Chinese car brand very similar to the well-known sports shoe brand Adidas. At the same time, Foton cars are among the three most significant auto brands in China.

Foton emblem

009 Geely

In April 2014, representatives of Geely announced the launch of new cars with an updated logo design. The new Geely emblem retains the design of its hybrid Emgrand concept, but has new colors - bright blue and black.

Emblem Geely

Emblem Geely Emgrand

010 Great Wall

For a long time, only small trucks were produced under this brand. Now Great Wall Motors is a powerful design and testing center located in the Baoding Industrial Park. The emblem has two large letters "G" and "W". And the closed ring of the logo is a symbol of the Great Wall of China.

Great Wall emblem

011 hafei

Cars produced under this brand are inexpensive and are in demand among the general public. The logo looks like a shield, and the waves symbolize the channel of the Songhua River, near which the city of Harbin is located. It was in it that TM Hafei began its history.

Emblem Hafei

012 Haima

If we divide the name of this brand into two words "hai" and "ma", then connoisseurs will notice that the first word symbolizes the name of the province of Hainan, and the second the company "Mazda". Even the logo of this car is very similar to its Japanese prototype.

Haima emblem

013 Lifan

The emblem of TM Lifan is, schematically depicted, three sailing ships. The very name of the car in translation from Chinese means "to race at full speed."



014 Proton

The logo of this Malaysian company initially looked like a crescent and a star with fourteen ends. In the late nineties, the updated car brand received a new emblem. Now it has the appearance of a tiger's head and an inscription with the name of the brand.

Proton emblem


015 Uz-Daewoo

In March 2008, a joint venture GM Uzbekistan was established in Uzbekistan. It began to produce cars of the Uz-Daewoo brand. It is clear that the original logo of the popular Daewoo brand has not changed much. Only two letters were added to it in front. In recent years, the products of this Uzbek company have been included in the list of ten best-selling brands in Russia.

Uz Daewoo Emblem

South Korean

016 Daewoo

The word "daewoo" means "big universe" in Korean. And the emblem of this popular brand from South Korea looks like a stylized sea shell.

Emblem Daewoo

017 Hyundai

The emblem of this famous South Korean TM looks very simple. This is the first letter in the company name - "H", written in a beautiful design style. But if you look into the dictionary and see the translation of this word, you will find out that literally it means “modernity”, “ new era' or 'new time'.

Hyundai emblem

This word literally translates as "the rise of Asia." The 3D logo symbolizes a young and energetic company. Red color is the warmth of the Sun, like aspiration upwards. An ellipse serves as a symbol of the Earth here, it emphasizes the global fame of the brand.

Emblem KIA


019 Acura

In Latin, the syllable "Acu" means accuracy, reliability and accuracy. The logo contains the letter "A" modified in the form of a caliper. The purpose of this logo is to highlight the technical and design strengths of the Japanese brand.

Acura emblem

020 Daihatsu

The emblem of this Japanese brand looks like a stylized letter "D" and symbolizes convenience and compactness. For completeness, remember the company's slogan "We make it compact" and you will understand everything.

Daihatsu emblem

021 Honda

Deciphering the meaning of the Honda TM logo is very simple. Firstly, this is the first letter of the word, and secondly, this is the name of the founder of the company, Soichiro Honda.

022 Infiniti

During the initial work on the creation of the logo, the idea was to use the infinity sign, because in translation the word has exactly this meaning. But, then they made it in the form of a road going to infinity. This symbol has an underlying meaning of perfection in everything.

Emblem Infiniti

023 Isuzu

Everything is elementary, the logo looks like a capital letter "I" in a stylized version. But, wise Japanese, even in one letter they can find a lot of meanings. They interpret this logo and, especially, its color scheme as openness to the world and burning hearts of the company's employees.

Isuzu emblem

024 Lexus

The idea of ​​the emblem belongs to the Italian designer Giorgetto Giugiaro. He did not like the first idea of ​​the logo, which looked like a heraldic shield. He came up with the idea of ​​bending in dynamics and placing the model's capital letter in an oval. In his opinion, this option symbolizes luxury.

Lexus emblem

025 Mazda

Starting in 1934, the logo of this car had six variants. The latter was recorded in 1997 and presented to the world along with the slogan "Zoom-Zoom". True to the spirit of the company, the capital letter "M" with wings symbolizes the ideas of freedom and flight. There is a legend that the grandfather of the founder of the company was a big fan of Chekhov and once got to the Moscow Art Theater for the play "The Seagull". Many years later, his grandson saw a seagull logo on an old program and decided to use it in his business.

Mazda emblem

026 Mitsubishi

The name of another popular Japanese brand has a secret meaning. Its name consists of two words "mitsu" - "three", and "hishi" - "water chestnut", it is also called "diamond-shaped diamond". Official translation the words sound like "three diamonds". And the company's logo combines the coat of arms of its founders, the Iwasaki family, which consists of a three-row diamond and a three-leaf crest of the Tosa clan.

Mitsubishi emblem

027 Nissan

The name of the company appeared in 1934 from the merger of two words meaning directly the country of manufacture, Japan, and its industry. The red circle on the company logo symbolizes the rising sun and a sense of sincerity. The blue rectangle is the symbol of the sky. This emblem fits perfectly with the company's motto "Sincerity brings success."

028 Subaru

Translated from Japanese, the word "subaru" can be translated as "pointing the way" or "gathering together", as well as a galaxy of stars in the Taurus Constellation. The emblem of the car, on which the six stars "shine" matters High Quality manufacturing, use of advanced technologies and excellent driving performance of the machine.

Subaru emblem

029 Suzuki

The history of this logo is also insanely simple. The Latin letter “S” is stylized as a Japanese hieroglyph and is the first letter of the name of the founder of this TM, Michio Suzuki.

Suzuki emblem

030 Toyota

In 2004, the emblem of the well-known Toyota brand has undergone some changes. The manufacturers of this product promised their customers superior quality. Accordingly, the emblem should have been excellent. This is a three-dimensional image in silver metallic color, with three ovals, two of which are located perpendicularly in the center of the composition and symbolize mutual understanding between the manufacturer and buyers.

Toyota emblem


031 Buick

The Buick luxury car emblem has changed many times. In 1975, the name of the company returned to the logo, as it was at the very beginning of the production of this model. And when the company launched a new kind of machine called the Skyhawk, a hawk figure was added to the emblem. The Skyhawk ceased to exist in the late eighties, and the three coats of arms of the Scottish aristocrats and founders of the Buick family returned to the emblem.

Buick emblem

032 Cadillac

In 1999, the owner of TM Cadillac, GM, decided to make changes to the existing emblem. In order to make it modern in the coming 21st century, it was decided to remove the images of birds and crowns from it. It was decided to make the remaining coat of arms of the ancient noble family de La Mothe Cadillacs and the wreath framing it in the form of graphics. Piet Mondrian, an abstract artist from the Netherlands, was invited to work on the new emblem. Thus, on the verge of centuries, it turned out to connect the past and the future.

Emblem Cadillac

033 Chevrolet

There are several versions of the appearance of the emblem of this iconic car. One of them says that one of the founders of the company, William Durant, while visiting Paris, saw this drawing on the wallpaper of a room in a hotel and made it the logo of a new car. According to another version, Durant often drew various versions of the emblem and ended up drawing the same bow tie, which became the Chevrolet emblem. And finally, the latest version is that Durant saw an advertisement for a coal company using this symbol in one of the newspapers and patented it for his business.

Chevrolet Emblem

034 Chrysler

The twists and turns in the history of the Chrysler car emblem are like a long-running Brazilian TV series. For the last century appearance changed a lot of times. For example, in 2007, it looked like a star with five rays. And in 2009 it was changed again, and now it looks like its name, placed on a blue background with outstretched silver wings.

Chrysler logo

035 Dodge

The Dodge logo has changed many times during the 20th century. In 2010, it was decided to remove the ram's head from the emblem and make a simple inscription with the name of the company and two oblique stripes.

Dodge emblem

036 Eagle

The logo of this trade brand is a triangle with arc sides in the form of a coat of arms, inside of which there is an outline image of an eagle's head. The emblem is made completely in black with white contour lines.

037 Ford

In 2003, in honor of the centenary, it was decided to make small changes to the logo. The company reverted to the 1927 oval "flying letters" emblem, replacing only the color lining from purple to blue with iridescence.

Ford emblem

The General Motors Corporation was founded in 1916. The founders of the company, the Grabowski brothers, were engaged in the production of trucks before the creation of GM. After William Durand joined them, the company took on a new name and united the entire engineering industry of Michigan around itself. The emblem is nothing special and only wins by colors red with silver trim.

GMC Emblem

039 Hummer

Initially, this trademark of the General Motors SUV was intended for use in the army, a little later it began to be sold to civilians. There are no frills in the emblem. And why are they in the army?

Emblem Hummer

040 Jeep

Just like the Hummer, the Jeep brand car was made for military use, and therefore no one paid much attention to the originality of its logo. In the beginning, it simply didn't exist. When the car was put on sale, a logo appeared, which is two circles and seven rectangles arranged vertically. This composition is visually similar to the front of an SUV.

Jeep emblem

041 Lincoln

The Lincoln logo is based on a stylized compass that simultaneously points to all directions of the world. At a time when this trademark was a huge success around the world, such a logo was appropriate. At the moment, demand for the company's products has fallen significantly even in the United States.

Lincoln emblem

042 Mercury

Not so long ago in the logo car brand Mercury got a stylized "M". And in 1939, the son of Henry Ford Edsel came up with the name of the new car in honor of the patron god of trade, the god Mercury, and depicted his profile on the emblem of the car.

Mercury emblem

043 Oldsmobile

The last of the existing emblems of the now defunct company was made in the Japanese automotive style, characterized by simplicity and conciseness. It looked like a stylized letter that "breaks" through the oval frame in which it is located. The emblem was intended to symbolize the technological modification of the model, which is able to compete with similar car models from Europe and Japan. There was also a slight “nod” towards the old logo, in the form of a hint of a rocket inside the emblem.

Emblem Oldsmobile

044 Plymouth

In 2001, this brand ceased to exist. And until that moment, its logo looked like the Mayflower ship, with the help of which its discoverers sailed to America, moored at Plymouth Stone.

Plymouth emblem

045 Pontiac

At the beginning of the existence of this car, its emblem was an Indian headdress. In 1957, its appearance was changed, and it became like a red arrow, which is visually located at the place where the radiator bifurcates. Unfortunately, this brand american car ordered to live long.

Pontiac emblem

This car from the Chrysler Group LLC has a crested logo with the head of a hardhorned ram placed in the middle of the emblem. The whole composition is made in the color of metallic silver with a shimmer.

RAM emblem

047 Saturn

Another car from the "retired" category. On its emblem there is an image of the planet Saturn with rings. The inscription on the emblem is made in the same font as on the Saturn-5 launch vehicle that took the Americans to the moon.

Saturn emblem

048 Scion

For this brand, the logo was invented by California designers. It is based on the letter "S" in the form of exposed shark fins, since this car was originally intended for fans extreme species sport and fishing on the ocean. The word "scion" is translated as "heir".

Scion Emblem



049 Aston Martin

The logo of the first James Bond's favorite car appeared in 1921 in the form of the letters "A" and "M", which were inscribed in a circle. Company founder Lionel Martin gave his brainchild the second part of the name, and the first part was taken from the town of Aston Clinton in England, where the car won its first race. In 1927 wings were added to the existing emblem.

Aston Martin emblem

050 Bentley

Open wings, symbolizing speed, independence and strength, are successfully inscribed into the TM Bentley logo. The letter "B" is placed in the middle of the composition, in honor of the founder of the company, Walter Bentley. The background on which the letter is located is very important. The green background is for racing cars, red is for models with a delicate taste, and black means power and strength.

Bentley emblem

051 Caterham

The emblem of this TM at the beginning of its creation had a striking resemblance to the logo of the Lotus car. The magical number 7 has been on the logo for quite some time and has been associated with the Caterham Super Seven brand. In January 2014, a completely new logo appeared, featuring the traditional green color and the outlines of the UK flag.

Caterham emblem

052 Jaguar

It is clear that the symbol of this machine is a well-known feline animal. So a car with that name should have power, beauty and grace. A sketch of a jumping jaguar was drawn in 1935 by the head of advertising and sales of Swallow Sidecars and showed the drawing to sculptor Gordon Crosby. And he blinded such an elegant figure of a jaguar in a jump. There was a time when savvy car dealers would sell this figure to car buyers for a surcharge.

Jaguar emblem

053 Land Rover

"Land" is the earth, "Rover" is the wanderer. A car that travels the earth. This is the main essence of this wonderful SUV. It's been over 60 years since Maurice Wilks came up with this name for his all-terrain vehicles. There are two types of TM Land Rover emblem. The first looks like silver letters on a black background, the second looks like gilded letters on a green background.

Land Rover emblem

054 lotus

The logo of TM "Lotus" is a bright yellow circle resembling the sun, and a British Racing Green triangle inscribed in it. The name of the car brand and the initials of its creator Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman (ACBC) are inscribed in the triangle.

Lotus emblem

Apparently, the designers did not sweat for long over the creation of this brand name. The brand name is simply inscribed inside a regular octagon.

MG Emblem

056 MINI

It is one of the "soaring" trademarks with wings that traditionally mean agility, speed, strength and freedom. And black is strong in innovation, dynamics, elegance and perfection. And what about without the silver color with its sophistication and grandeur. No way!

Emblem MINI

057 Morgan

Apparently the favorite representatives of the fauna in the UK are birds. Another "winged" logo with a cross-shaped emblem on the background of a circle and the inscription Morgan has a small company from England "Morgan Motor Company", which produces retro-style sports coupes with the most modern "insides".

Morgan logo

058 Noble

The emblem of this trademark flaunts the name of Lee Noble, who was the main designer and led the Noble company from 1996 to 2009. Now the company is engaged in the production of sports cars with high speeds.

Noble Emblem

059 Rolls Royce

There are two emblems of this famous car. On the first are the double letters RR. These are the names of the founders of the brand, Sir Henry Royce and Charles Stuart Rolls. There is a version that the color of the letters from red to black was changed immediately after the death of Sir Henry Royce in 1933. Another symbol of this car, which is placed on the hood, is a figure of a woman soaring, as if taking off, with a fluttering dress. This figurine is sometimes referred to as the "Spirit of Rapture".

Rolls-Royce emblem

This car owes its birth to two British engineers - Trevor Wilkinson and Jack Pickard, who in 1947 formed the company "TVR Engineering" and gave it the name of Wilkinson - TreVoR. The company specializes in light sports cars.

Emblem TVR

061 Vauxhall

The emblem of this oldest British car brand flaunts the image of a griffin - a mythical creature with the body and head of a lion and eagle wings. The name TM comes from the area on the south bank of the Thames.

Vauxhall emblem


062 Alfa Romeo

In 1910, draftsman Romano Cattaneo was waiting for a tram at Piazza Castello station in Milan. Suddenly he turned his attention to the image of the red cross on the flag of Milan and to the emblem that flaunted on the facade of the house of the noble Visconti family. The emblem depicted a snake that swallows a person. Over time, he combined the cross and the snake. The result is the logo of a famous automotive brand. In 1916, the word Romeo was added to the first name, in honor of the Naples entrepreneur Nicola Romeo, who became the new owner of the company.

Emblem Alfa Romeo

063 Ferrari

The prancing horse on the emblem of this TM was first placed on aircraft piloted by Francesco Baraka during the First World War. In 1923, Alfa Romeo driver Enzo Ferrari and Barack's parents met. They invited the racer to place a picture of a prancing horse on his racing car as a symbol of good luck and in memory of their son. Ferrari did just that, adding the official yellow color of his hometown of Modena to the drawing, and lifting the horse's tail up.

Ferrari emblem

064 fiat

In 2007, after Fiat had won the World Car of the Year title for the eighth time, it was decided to change its emblem. From the old sample, the red color and the shape of the shield have been preserved. 3D shape and color features have been added. They symbolize the development of advanced technologies in production, the peculiarities of Italian design, dynamics and individualism.

Fiat emblem

065 Lamborghini

This emblem was invented by the founder of the company, Ferruccio Lamborghini. He placed the bull on the emblem because he was born under the zodiac sign of Taurus. According to legend, Lamborghini simply copied the shield of the Ferrari brand, and changed the yellow and black colors in places.

Emblem Lamborghini

066 Lancia

In 1911, the first logo of this Italian car brand was created. It looked like a four-spoke steering wheel with an accelerator handle, which is under the flag and brand name. This emblem was designed by Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia. In 1929, he proposed placing the emblem on a triangular-shaped shield. Over time, the shape and color of the emblem changed, various elements appeared and disappeared, but the basics of the logo, invented in 1929, have survived to this day.

Lancia emblem

067 Maserati

This company was founded in 1914 in the city of Bologna and specializes in the production of sports cars and business class cars. The logo features a trident, which is one of the elements of the Neptune Fountain in the company's hometown.

Maserati emblem

068 Bugatti

The logo of this old Italian brand was created by its founder Ettore Bugatti. This is an oval-shaped pearl, studded with pearls around the edges. The fact is that Ettore's father, Carlo Bugatti, was engaged in jewelry design. In honor of his father, Ettore came up with the logo. In addition, inside the logo you can see the initials of the founder of the company "E" and "B". The red color of the emblem embodies passion, excitement and energy, black - masculinity and the pursuit of excellence, and white refers us to the concepts of nobility, purity and elegance.

Emblem Bugatti


069 SEAT

The gray capital letter "Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo" and the brand name of the car in red form the basis of the new SEAT emblem. It began to be produced in 1950. In those days, there were only 3 cars per 1000 inhabitants of Spain.

Emblem SEAT


070 Audi

The emblem of this car can be conditionally called the “sign of four”. The four rings on the car's logo represent the conglomerate of four previously independent companies, Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer, which merged in 1932.

Audi emblem

In 1917, the first version of the famous TM BMW was created, which looked like a rotating propeller. The logo was full of small details and in 1920 it was decided to change it. The circle from the propeller was divided into four components with alternating light silver color and a shade of blue sky. Plus, blue and white are the basis of the flag of Bavaria.

BMW emblem

072 Volkswagen

In German, this word means " people's car". In 1934, its release was sanctioned by the leaders of the Third Reich. In 1945, the German military authorities took over the management of the company. The city where the cars were produced took the name Wolfsburg and its coat of arms became the first Volkswagen logo. It depicted the Wolfsburg castle and the figure of a wolf. For the export version of the car, the letters “V” and “W” appeared in the logo.

Volkswagen emblem

The luxury car manufacturer Maybach has decided to place two large Ms on its emblem, which originally symbolized the Maybach Motorenbau company, and now have a new meaning of Maybach Manufaktur.

Maybach emblem

074 Mercedes-Benz

The brand emblem of the famous German manufacturer was registered on March 26, 1901. The meaning of the three-ray star is that the engines produced by the company are suitable for use on land, sky and water. For the first time, this star is mentioned in a letter from the founder of the company, Gottlieb Daimler, which he wrote to his wife. He implied that the star would point to the place where the new Daimler house in Deutz would be built and it would be located on top of the roof of his new car factory, symbolizing the success of the company. Daimler's sons decided to use this symbol in the emblem of the new car.

Emblem Mercedes-Benz

075 Opel

In 2002, Opel decided to make its logo more vibrant and dynamic. The lightning was replaced by a large three-dimensional sign, and the name of the company has shifted down.

Opel emblem

076 Porsche

The car was named after Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. The rearing horse was taken from the coat of arms of the city of Stuttgart, and the appearance of horns, red and black stripes on the emblem is due to the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg, in which Stuttgart was the capital. This logo appeared on the car in 1952.

Porsche emblem

Of course, it will not be difficult for English speakers to translate the word “smart” as “smart”. But, things are different. This word has parts of three other words: "Swatch" (the most famous Swiss watch brand), "Mercedes" (the current owner of the brand) and "Art" (art). At the beginning of the emblem is the letter "C", which means the compactness of the car and the arrow, hinting at avant-garde thinking.

Emblem Smart

078 Wiesmann

Models of this automobile company are called "exclusives". This is also hinted at by the lizard, which is placed on the hood of the car. It symbolizes speed, extravagance and wealth.

Wiesmann emblem


The abbreviation of this Polish brand comes from the name of the Car Factory (Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych). It was founded in 1951. There is a legend that in 1684 the world's first scooter was developed, which was powered by a rocket engine. Then the literal translation of the emblem sounds like Special Scooter Factory. In the emblem, the letter "F" consists of part of the letter "S" and is outlined by the letter "O". And red is a manifestation of passion, quality and trust.

FSO Emblem


080 VIS

The emblem of the company "VAZinterService" is a graphic style using the letters "B", "I" and "C". This is a subsidiary of AvtoVAZ, which specializes in the production of pickup trucks for various purposes.

WIS emblem

081 GAS

The Gorky Automobile Plant produces Volga and Chaika cars and several types of trucks. The logo of the plant was made public in 1950 and had a great resemblance to the coat of arms of the Nizhny Novgorod Principality. A prancing deer is placed on the emblem. Over the years, the image of the logo has undergone changes.

Emblem GAZ

082 ZIL

This famous Russian brand has a rather simple logo with stylized letters. It was invented in 1944 by the body designer I.A. Sukhorukov for the ZIL-114 model. The head of his department liked the emblem, and he handed it over for approval to the top management of the plant. Likhachev.

Emblem ZIL

083 Izh

In 2005, the production of cars under this name ceased. The plant from Izhevsk became the property of the Russian Technologies company. And the old logo was a combination of two unfinished hemispheres with oblique rounded white lines in the middle of the logo, symbolizing the letters "I" and "Zh". As well as a stylized inscription "AUTO" under the emblem.

Emblem IZH

084 Lada

In 1994, the emblem of the Russian model Lada appeared in the form of a white boat under a sail on a blue background. The logo was updated by the chief designer of AvtoVAZ, Steve Mattin, who previously headed the design department of Volvo. This emblem alludes to the location of the plant in the Volga city of Samara. A long time ago, the boat was the main vehicle for transporting merchant goods along the Volga. On the logo, the letter "B" is drawn in the form of a boat.

Emblem Lada

085 Moskvich

The Moskvich logo has undergone changes many times. But, the image of the Kremlin, symbolizing Moscow, was always clearly visible on it. The last emblem of this car looks very plain. The contours of the battlements of the Kremlin wall are connected with a stylized letter "M".

Emblem Moskvich

086 Oka

The emblem of this Russian passenger car looks like stylized capital letters of the word "Oka". This brand was launched in 1988. IN Russian Federation at the KamAZ plant they produce Oka with the letter K, AvtoVAZ produces the Lada Oka-2, and SeAZ launched the production of Oka with the letter C.

OKA emblem

087 UAZ

In 1962, the well-known “circle with a swallow” became the emblem of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. At the beginning of the new century, the name began to be written in Latin letters, and the company changed its logo. Now it is green and with changed forms.

Emblem UAZ


088 Dacia

The company from Romania came up with the emblem of their car based on a blue shield with the name of the manufacturer written on it. Then the emblem became even simpler. This time they did without a shield. Only the silver-colored emblem remains, which bears the name of the company.

Dacia emblem


089 Bogdan

The Ukrainian car "Bogdan" has a logo in the form of the Latin letter "B", which looks like a sailboat with inflated sails. It is a symbol of good luck and success, a fair wind while traveling. The letter is placed in an ellipse on a green background. Green means the processes of growth and renewal, the gray color of the letter and ellipse hints at perfection.

Bogdan emblem

090 ZAZ

The emblem of the Zaporozhye Automobile Plant has been changed. Previously, it depicted the Zaporizhzhya hydroelectric power station, at the top of which were the letters ZAZ.

ZAZ emblem


091 Skoda

The emblem of the famous Czech car in the form of a "winged arrow" appeared in 1926. For 5 whole years (1915-1920) Mr. Maglie worked on this logo. As a result, he got a stylized head of an Indian, which is worn with a headdress with a round clasp and five feathers.

Skoda emblem


092 Koenigsegg

This Swedish company produces exclusive sports class products. It was founded in 1994 by Christian von Koenigsegg. The logo is made in the form of a shield with diamond-shaped lines in orange and red.

Emblem Koenigsegg

093 Saab

The logo of this company is an image of a griffin, which has the body of a lion, as well as the head and wings of an eagle. They took it from the logo of the Vabis-Scania company, which produced trucks, after its acquisition by the Saab concern. The logo is very similar to the emblem of TM Scania.

SAAB emblem

094 Volvo

The word "volvo" is translated from Latin as "I roll." The main composition of the logo was the ancient symbol of iron. In ancient Rome, he was closely associated with the god of war, Mars, who used only iron weapons in battles. And iron is a symbol of durability, reliability and high quality.

Volvo emblem


095 Aixam

The French company for the production of subcompact cars was formed in 1983. Its logo is very simple and clear. It is a capital letter "A" on a blue background, inscribed in a circle with a red stroke. At the bottom is the name of the company, written in capital letters, directed towards the center.

Aixam Emblem

096 Matra

Under this brand, in addition to cars, aerospace equipment, weapons systems, bicycles, and telecommunications equipment were also produced. The logo consists of the name of the company in black capital letters and a circle with black and white stripes, inside of which there is an arrow pointing to the right.

Matra emblem

097 Peugeot

Sometimes the owners of this car affectionately call it a "lion cub". At the beginning of their career, the founders of the company, the brothers Jules and Emile Peugeot, were engaged in the manufacture of cutting tools. And in this case, the lion was a symbol of flexibility, speed and strength. And now, after a while, this symbol migrated from the surface of the saw to the surface of the car. At first, the lion seemed to be walking along the arrow, but then it was reared up.

Peugeot emblem

098 Renault

This company had many logos. The most famous is the vertical rhombus, which appeared in 1925. In 1972 and 1992, it was radically changed. In 2004, a yellow background appeared on the emblem, and in 2007, RENAULT was added at the bottom.

Renault emblem

099 Simca

The logo of the now defunct French car Simca was an emblem base, divided into a blue and red background inside. Moreover, there was a third more red background than blue. In the upper blue part of the emblem there was a stylized image of a white swallow, and the name of the company was written in white elongated letters at the bottom.

Simca emblem

100 Venturi

The emblem of this TM looks like an oval bordered with a silver stripe and a red background inside. In the center there is an emblem-shaped triangle, inside of which there is a bird with outstretched wings, above it, along the upper contour, the name of the company is written in capital letters. The color background inside the triangle is dark blue.


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Car manufacturers do their best to promote their brands on the market, endowing their products with unique distinctive emblems - car brand badges.

Even on this technically insignificant touch, the consumer is ready to choose the products of large automobile concerns.

The brand is recognizable not only by appearance car or manufacturer's name, but also by the badge located on the grille and hood. A list of car brands can be found in any printed publication or online magazine dedicated to the automotive industry.

An excursion into history: how did car emblems appear?

Since 1885, with the advent of the first three-wheeled vehicle its creator Karl Benz marked his “brainchild” with a brand name. Further, with the development of the industry and the transition of the palm in manufacturing from German to French inventors, each of the automakers sought to mark the car with its logo. At first, these were the first letters of the names of the creators, for example, "Panhard et Levassor" in 1889 had two large letters PL in front.

In 1900, Benz decided to name his car after his daughter Mercedes, which became the name of the popular brand. German cars Mercedes, where the triangular star adorns the products of this brand to this day.

With the expansion of the industry, all manufacturers began to choose a specific logo for themselves, trying to give it a unique simplicity and recognizability. The meaning of the emblem was different - from the coat of arms of the city in which the production was based, to graphic images of various names and mottos of companies. Over the years, auto concerns have been working to improve this small design detail without changing its original appearance. Each photo of car brands is made in such a way that a distinctive emblem must be included in the frame.

Interesting facts about car brands from around the world

According to unverified data, there are now about 2,000 brands of cars in the world., but it is simply impossible to accurately calculate all the brands of cars in the world. This speaks not only of a large number of car manufacturers, but also of the constant emergence of new companies on the market through mergers or divisions. The newly formed concerns continue to produce well-known brands, and move on to the development of their own unique models, creating new names and icons for them.

Click to enlarge.

Also, large auto giants can produce in their country a brand of car that does not enter the foreign market and remains unknown to a wide range of motorists. Such products also have their own unique emblems.

Currently, most online magazines for car enthusiasts create special catalogs that indicate car brands and their badges with photos, provide brief historical information about the manufacturer and complete the lineup manufactured products. A large number of videos dedicated to car brands have also been created with the translation of the name of the badges into Russian.

Car brands, their names and icons

Each car has come a long way from the developers to the buyer. And in the process of creating each brand, designers and designers tried not only to confirm the good reputation of the car with their name, but also to come up with a special distinctive sign that reflects the main concepts of the creators. Every year manufacturers rank the popularity of car brands. Of course, the leading places are occupied by auto giants with many years of sales experience in Europe, America and Japan. But they have recently been replaced by young and competitive companies from China.

European cars

  1. Mercedes-Benz has a three-pointed star badge, as "a symbol of power over land, sea and air." The company decided not to change or update such a familiar icon, but simply separate it from the name in print editions from 2007, where the logo will be printed higher than the main name.
  2. The Bayerisch motoren werke concern, before cars, was engaged in the manufacture of aircraft engines and decided not to change anything in the name for their cars. Now one of the world's most recognizable icons with the image of a white propeller against the background of the blue sky, reliable and high-quality BMWs are marked.
  3. Gear manufacturer Andre Citroën gave his Citroen cars a bit of history on the badge - two signs with angles up, as a symbol of a cogwheel.
  4. The four rings on an Audi signify the merger of four automakers into one with the name Auto Union in 1932.
  5. Maybach father and son gave their chic cars two distinctive "M" on the emblem.
  6. Manufacturers logo Opel symbolizes lightning, and appeared when creating the Blitz model.
  7. Coat of arms of the city of Stuttgart in Germany migrated to respectable and always fashionable Porsche cars.
  8. Arrow with three feathers on the emblem of the Czech Scoda has been adorning cars since 1895, although in 1991 it was painted black (a symbol of longevity) and green (a symbol of ecology).
  9. An early model from Peugeot manufacturers, the Lion, gave rise to lion emblems, as a hallmark of this brand.
  10. The icon of the Italian Alfa Romeo is complicated, because it consists of the flag of the municipality of Milan (red and white) and the coat of arms of the Visconti (green snake).

American cars

Japanese cars

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Chinese cars

Recently, a lot of cars from Chinese manufacturers have appeared on the market. Although many talk about plagiarism and the pathetic likeness of the emblems of the leading auto giants, brands Chinese cars are released with their own icons, which are given the closest attention during development. Unlike European and American brands, where the emblem mainly reflects historical facts, family achievements or is tied to the place of origin of production, Chinese designers develop logos for their young car industry, mainly following the company's motto. Therefore, the badges of Chinese car brands are closely related to Chinese history and reflect the desire for the development and implementation of new technologies:

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