Dream interpretation: the towel is clean. What can a dreamed towel tell you?

Dream Interpretation Towel

Nowadays, we are accustomed to such benefits as a terry towel, a comfortable duvet cover or pillowcase. But previously, all these conveniences were not possible for people, and they had to make do with what they had. Why do you dream of such attributes?

According to the dream book, a towel is a sign of hospitality and cleanliness, generally symbolizing the house and its space. To interpret it, it is necessary to take into account some important details that leading predictors and psychologists will help clarify.

What should the interpreter say?

Starting to analyze why a towel is dreamed of, whether it is dirty and wet or smelling clean, you need to remember a few important details that will help you understand your future fate.


First of all, we pay attention to appearance products. Condition, material and even color will help give the correct interpretation.

What was the color?

If you dreamed of a towel

Modern industry provides many different products and we have the power to choose everything that pleases our hearts. A towel, duvet cover, even any minor hygiene product is presented in all sorts of color palettes.

  1. Red. You should be especially careful with individuals who you have recently met on your life’s path. Hiding behind good intentions, they can cause considerable harm not only to you, but also to loved ones.
  2. White. Feel free to expect to meet a person who will change your whole life. He will give you new sensations and emotions, and perhaps he will become your future spouse.
  3. Black. Beware of dubious deals and connections. Some personalities can drag you into very adventurous and dubious affairs. Be careful and do not be influenced by others.

Product material

According to the dream book, a towel is a very ambiguous symbol. However, it, along with other means, be it a sheet or duvet cover, requires attention to its material.

  1. Linen. It didn't matter whether it was dirty or clean. This is a harbinger of unprecedented success in financial affairs. You will be able to fully realize yourself in your favorite profession, as a result of which you will achieve career heights.
  2. Terry. But this episode means rapid changes, with which your life will no longer be the same. It is impossible to say for sure whether they will be pleasant for you. But in the end they will definitely give you joy and peace.
  3. Cotton. Seeing a towel made of this material in a dream means support from loved ones. Fate will send you a test that will be very difficult to cope with alone. Know that you can always count on the help of your relatives.

The wanderer's dream book believes that a towel is a sure sign of impending illnesses and troubles.

Features of the item

Continuing to analyze why you dream of a towel, you need to pay attention not only to the color and material, but also to the features inherent in this product.

Participate in a dream

Sometimes we are awarded not only the role of an observer, but also an active figure. What did you happen to do in your night dreams?

Wipe the body

Most often we use this item for its intended purpose. What part of the body did you have to wipe?

  1. Face. Get ready for a long and long journey. The trip will not only be full of vivid impressions, but will also strengthen your marriage.
  2. Hands. Now you are in a very difficult situation in which you need to make a difficult choice. The interpreter assures that whatever the decision, it will be correct.
  3. Head. You will receive good news from an old friend whom you have already forgotten. It is also a symbol of short-term pleasures, which, although momentary, are pleasant.

If in a dream you wiped your entire body, then this is a symbol of good health, and for sick people - a speedy recovery. Also, such an episode is a harbinger of winning in court cases.

Other interpretations

Why do you dream about a towel according to other sources? Famous psychologists and seers are ready to answer this question and provide their interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book

Be an observer

If the towel was wet or dirty

A dirty, moldy towel indicates that your soul is full of vices, dominated by envy. You cannot get rid of the habit of comparing yourself with other people, as a result of which you constantly suffer and cannot rightfully appreciate what you have. You need to reconsider your values ​​and try to start life in a new way.

But if it was wet, then you should expect flattery and deception from people you know. And vice versa, if the wet thing was in the hands of another person, then he should be wary of two-faced friends, and you will experience joy and fun.

How many were there?

Pay attention to how much of the towel appears to your eyes. So, if it was in a single copy, then soon you will go on a business trip on work issues. The trip will help you find your coveted position.

But many things symbolize the danger that may await you at a mass event. Currently, it is better to wait out all the events at home and refuse public meetings.


If you had to throw away this thing necessary for bath procedures, then this is an indicator that your soul is filled with resentment and bitterness. Don’t hide it to yourself, but share it with your loved ones. This will help alleviate your suffering, or even get rid of it altogether.

Are you drying your hands with a friend or work colleague? In the future, you will have a close relationship with this person. He will help you out in some difficult life situations, and you will not refuse help.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This source believes that the embroidered towel symbolizes receiving news from a person with whom communication was unexpectedly interrupted. Expect a letter or an unexpected call.

Wiping your hands with them means joys that you will experience on a long journey. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone and travel. Many pleasant impressions and acquaintances await you on your trips.

Well, in the case when it was inconspicuous and moldy, then you should be prepared for illness. The dream book notes that the larger it was, the more severe the illness may be. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist now and be under the supervision and control of doctors.

Your mark:

Every time after a hard day at work or a wonderful weekend, it seems to us that when we get to a warm, soft bed, we will drop dead. But it was not there! Daytime events are replaced by night dreams.

And here everything is completely unpredictable. You may see both the most ordinary things and phenomena that border on the fantastic. Today we will not talk about the supernatural, but will discuss such a simple item as a towel. So, the topic of the conversation: “Why do you dream about a towel?” To avoid misinterpretation, try to reproduce all the details of your vision:

  • Have you seen a towel from the side or dried yourself with it?
  • Maybe you bought it in a store or gave it to someone.
  • Appearance of the product (new, clean, wet, dirty).
  • Why do you dream of a terry, kitchen or waffle towel?
  • The opinion of a famous psychoanalyst on this matter.

What will sweet dreams say?

First, let's look at the general interpretations. What should you expect if you happen to see a towel in a dream? There are several options. Firstly, this product is seen as a symbol of hospitality. Soon you will either go to a meeting with your friends or relatives, or you will receive guests yourself. Secondly, a joyful event awaits you. True, the dream book does not even give a hint of what it will be connected with. Well, time will tell.

Thirdly, you will go on the road, but it will be boring and will not bring the desired impressions. Fourthly, there is a risk of health problems. To minimize their consequences or avoid such troubles altogether, you should pay attention to yourself. Make an appointment with a doctor and get examined.

Pay attention to the appearance of the product. As the dream book says, a clean, beautiful towel portends rest for the dreamer; you will be able to completely relax and restore your strength. To deceive you dream of wet towels. Take a closer look at the people around you - maybe you will be able to identify the ill-wisher and disrupt his plans?

A dirty product promises disagreement between family members. Try to keep your emotions under control, don’t find fault over trifles, be more lenient with people’s words and actions, and conflict situation can be avoided.

In addition, such a vision may indicate envy in your direction, gossip. Believe me, there is no need to be upset. If people are jealous, then there is a reason, and this is already good. But gossips and intriguers will never cease, so what can you do?

As the dream book says, a towel decorated with embroidery is a good sign. Soon you will receive long-awaited news that will delight you. Possibly noisy merry feast. Seeing a white, freshly washed towel in a dream means receiving a generous reward for your labors.

New towels that no one has used yet are also a good sign. Lady luck is on your side, success will follow you everywhere. This will especially affect your work activity - climbing the career ladder is guaranteed.

If in your sweet dreams you dreamed of a linen towel, financial well-being awaits you. A terry product indicates your neighbors' dissatisfaction with you. A waffle towel promises vain promises. A kitchen towel portends trouble from the opposite sex.

A dream in which you dry yourself with a towel suggests that the decision you made is the only correct one. If you wipe your face with it, then joyful events or a meeting with an old friend await you. In addition, such a vision may foretell preparations for the journey. Wiping together with someone means quarreling.

If you dry yourself with a fresh, clean towel, you will soon be caressed. But if the towel was dirty, then you risk being involved in bad deeds.

A towel on (for example, you wrapped it around your hair after a shower) is a sign that you will soon take part in an unusual event. It will play an important role in your life, and if you behave correctly, you will achieve a lot and understand a lot.

What if in a dream you went along? So, buying a new towel in your sweet dreams means in reality you will bring comfort and well-being into your home. A few words about if you had such a dream: a towel that you gave to someone. This vision warns you against excessive praise towards others. You can simply put the evil eye on a person without meaning to.

Let us dwell separately on the opinion of psychoanalyst Miller. He views the vision in which you dry yourself with a towel as a desire to pour out your soul. If you are afraid to get it dirty, then you feel guilty, ashamed of something.

It's time to sum up the conversation about what a towel means in dreams. If it is fresh and clean, then pleasant changes await you: meeting loved ones, joy, relaxation, success in business. But an untidy product promises trouble. But don’t rush to get upset, because they are all temporary, and in some cases, by adhering to the instructions of the dream book, there is a chance to avoid them altogether.

In the morning, waking up from sleep, you may wonder why you dream of a towel, if something like that was in your dream. A towel is generally associated with cleanliness and personal hygiene. It is these aspects of life that are mentioned first in dream books.

How to interpret a dream

What you dream about in a dream does not always need to be taken literally. A towel is an object well known to every person; in night dreams it can become a harbinger of an important trip or a long journey.

It is believed that a terry towel in a dream is a harbinger of future life changes. However, all changes and surprises will pass surprisingly easily and gently for the dreamer.

If in a dream you saw a new towel, causing aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of cleanliness, it means that you are on the eve of a white streak in your life. Since a favorable period is approaching in life, it is necessary to use its opportunities to the maximum, but at the same time do not forget to take care of your loved ones, participate in charity and remain kind to the people around you.

If in a dream you not only looked at a towel, but also used it for its intended purpose, it means that real life you will be right, you will win the argument, you will be able to prove your point of view, you will defend your interests.

Purchasing a towel in a night dream is interpreted in the dream book as imminent dramatic changes in your life. Perhaps you will meet a new person who will become an authority for you, or vice versa, you will find out that one of your old acquaintances has greater capabilities than you thought.

A white towel is interpreted very differently in different dream books. Some of them say that this is a symbol meaning the erasure of old adversities, others promise an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If your health is normal, you can reassure yourself that the first option is closer to you.

If in a dream you saw yourself with a towel on your head, you will soon achieve success and universal respect. Such a cozy and homely headdress is also a good period in personal relationships, when you will be filled with affection and understanding.

A kitchen towel given by someone in a dream promises that in real life you need to expect the arrival of guests. If you gave the towel, the dream book advises not to praise someone excessively, because after a while you may regret what you said.

Washing a towel in a dream - this dream reminds you that the time has come to correct the mistakes made in the past. This kind of washing usually concerns relationships, so start to benefit from everything that happened to you earlier, forgive the person for his mistakes, accept the fact of the breakup and wish him good luck.

Versatile interpretations

One of the ancient interpreters says that if you dreamed of a towel, you should expect to receive new information. As you know, previously embroidered towels were filled with deep meaning and the corresponding symbols were stitched onto them.

Martyn Zadeki’s dream book states that for unmarried people, sleeping with a towel promises a meeting with their soul mate in the near future. But for families, it is important now to preserve what you have, since a dream can warn of misunderstandings and discord in relationships.

Grishina's dream book considers a towel as a long sheet symbolizing the road. Thus, the dream should be interpreted as a promise of an imminent short but significant trip or trip to another country.

Today we have prepared Full description Topics: dream "towel": what is the dream about and full interpretation from different points of view.

In a dream, a towel is associated with cleanliness, and also, being an item of personal hygiene, with something inviolable and even intimate. It is these aspects of existence that the dream book first mentions when explaining why this bath attribute is dreamed of.

What you see should not always be taken literally. This well-known object in night dreams can be a harbinger of an important trip or a long journey, as well as a carrier of information.

When you see a terry towel in a dream, the dream book interprets this symbol as a sign of impending changes. Any, even the sharpest turn in fate will turn out to be surprisingly gentle and will not upset the dreamer at all.

If the towel in your dream is new and evokes a feeling of cleanliness and aesthetic pleasure, the dream book characterizes this symbol as the start of a white streak in your life. Now is a favorable period for you, try to take maximum advantage from it.

If you happen to not only see a towel in a dream, but also dry yourself with it, in reality you will be on top: you will be able to win a hopeless argument, defend your interests or point of view, the dream book promises.

Explaining why you dream of buying a towel, the dream book mentions a person who will radically change your life. It is quite possible that you will meet an influential person, or it will turn out that someone you already know has much greater powers than previously thought.

Why you dream of a white towel, the meaning takes on a contradictory character. On the one hand, it erases past adversities, on the other, it can signal an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If everything is in order with your health, the dream book reassures that your option is the first.

Anyone who had a towel on their head in a dream will bathe in the rays of glory, admiration and respect from others. Such a homely and cozy headdress also portends success in love; you can count on affection and understanding.

If you were given a kitchen towel in a dream, in real life expect guests. If you are the giver, the dream book advises you to refrain from excessive praise addressed to someone, so as not to have to take your words back later.

When you wash a towel in a dream, it seems that the time has come to correct the mistakes of the past. Why do you dream about this washing, in most cases it concerns relationships; perhaps you have been unfair to someone for too long.

Versatile interpretations

If you dreamed of a towel, the interpretation of the dream, which is offered by an ancient interpreter, connects this symbol with receiving information. The interpretation dates back to the times when they were embroidered towels, the patterns of which were filled with deep meaning.

Martyn Zadeki's dream book claims that unmarried people who see a towel in a dream will be lucky enough to find a partner in the near future. But the interpreter advises family dreamers to take care of what you have: a dream may be a harbinger of discord.

Grishina's dream book considers a towel as a long sheet reminiscent of a road. The interpretation of what this symbol means in a dream indicates that the dreamer is awaiting a journey or a short, nevertheless significant trip.

A towel is an essential item in the household. Waffle - for the kitchen, soft terry - for the bath, medium size - for hands, small - for the face. And the range of colors is completely diverse: striped, polka dot, single-color, multi-color, and white. Nowhere without a towel! It can even happen in a dream! What does such a dream prophesy?

I dreamed about beautiful towels - good events happened

Who is having the dream: a woman or a man?

The interpretation of the dream depends on the gender of the dreamer:

  • if a woman dreams of a towel, it means the birth of a newborn;
  • for a pregnant woman - to a successful birth;
  • married - to grief and deprivation;
  • for a girl - beware of your rival;
  • For a man, a towel in a dream is a symbol of home comfort.

What the towel looked like: new, clean, embroidered, terry, linen, bath

To explain events in reality, it matters what the thing was in the dream.

  1. I dreamed of a new towel - they are attacking Good times. Take advantage of fate's favor.
  2. Pure - someone unexpected will be affectionate with you.
  3. Embroidered - for a feast and even for a wedding.
  4. Terry - changes are coming. Even if it seems to you that everything is bad, events in life will gently unfold for the better.
  5. Flaxseed - to a rich life.
  6. Bannoe - you will have to make a deal with your conscience.

    Dreaming of a new towel - to well-being in the dreamer’s life

Old, dirty, wet, grave

  1. Old - to failure. Be careful, don't start new things.
  2. Dirty - to discord in the family.
  3. Wet - your friends will deceive you; if someone lays a wet towel, it means that the dead person is in reality.
  4. A coffin or ritual, which is lowered into a coffin with a deceased person - pay more attention to your health.

Towel color: white, black, red, yellow, pink

To correctly interpret the dream, remember what color the towel was.

  1. White towel: this dream has two interpretations - either it means illness in reality, or the problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Black - for adventure.
  3. Red - to malaise on the upcoming journey.
  4. Yellow - to treason.
  5. Pink - to hopes.

The dreamer's actions: buy, wear on his head, dry himself, wash, give, pack in a suitcase

The answer to the dream also depends on what you do with the towel in the dream.

Interpretation of other dreams: the dead man asks for one towel on a hook or many...

Remember your dreams, interpret them - and let only good things come true!

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Dream book of the writer Aesop

What does a towel mean in the dream book?

Towel - A symbol of purity, hospitality, harmony, love and respect. Wiping your hands in a dream on the same towel with someone predicts a quarrel; a dirty towel means troubles in family life, a quarrel; wiping your face with a towel symbolizes joyful events, a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance. If you dream of a Towel, the Towel has long been considered a symbol of hospitality, harmony, love and respect.

At a wedding, the newlyweds are tied together with a towel, and if they wipe their hands on the same towel at the same time, this will lead to a quarrel. Perhaps this is exactly what your subconscious wants to tell you. In your night dreams, seeing an embroidered towel is a sign of a cheerful feast. A dirty towel means trouble in family life, a disagreement with a loved one. Wiping your face with a towel means an unexpected joyful event, a meeting with a friend or old acquaintance.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about a Towel in dreams?

Towel - Wet and you can’t find a dry one - deception of friends, this is an interpretation of what you dreamed at night. Towel - Wet towels lay down - tear road (dead person, Muscovites). Towel - to death. If you dream of an embroidered towel, expect a long-awaited letter from someone. If you dream of canvas, there will be some kind of distant road, and if towels are a close road, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Towel - Drying yourself with a towel in a dream is a sign that there is a chance to clear yourself of accusations by winning a hopeless case. The towel symbolizes the road, joy. Seeing a wet towel is a sign of deception; throwing it on yourself is a sign of joy; wiping yourself with a clean towel means unexpected affection; dirty ones mean the danger of being involved in a dirty story. If you dream of an embroidered towel, you will receive a long-awaited letter.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Towel - Justification; disease. Towel – Dirty – envy; interrupt - hostility. Towel - Disease. The more, the more severe the disease. Whose towel is the one who gets sick? Giving a towel to “jinx it.” Refrain from praise and excessive joyful emotions. This may have an undesirable effect. With a towel – Wiping your face or hands means the road. With a towel – Covering yourself is a joy; wipe off - road; wet - a friend will deceive.

You dreamed of a Towel - To the road. Dirty Towel - to lies and deception. Ironing a towel means reconciliation after a long quarrel. Looking at an embroidered towel means trying to get new sensations. What does a Towel mean in a dream - clean, new - for good health, old or dirty - the opposite meaning. Drying yourself with a fresh towel is a break from everyday worries.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about a Towel - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of a Towel - you have a road ahead. Imagine that you are drying yourself with a clean, very soft towel, the touch of which gives you pleasure. Towel - In a dream, you seem to be wiping yourself with a dry, fresh towel - you will be able to ward off unfounded, perhaps even ridiculous, accusations. You dry yourself with a towel and find that it is not dry - perhaps you will deceive your friends, perhaps they will deceive you.

You see bread and salt on a towel - this dream reminds you: perhaps you haven’t been to your parents for a long time; meanwhile they are waiting for you every day. It’s as if you are wiping away blood with a towel - an accident will happen to one of your relatives - you will be one of the first to know about it. It’s as if you are looking for a large terry towel in the store and cannot find it - the dream suggests that your life is unsettled; you would like comfort and peace, but every day new worries come.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

What book do people who need to interpret their night vision start turning to? This is, of course, a dream book. A towel is not a very common symbol in dreams. However, despite this, it has a rather interesting meaning.


First, we should talk about how the image itself is explained, and then discuss the information that the dream book gives us. The towel is a symbol of harmony, hospitality, as well as respect and love. It’s not for nothing that there is a good old wedding tradition when the newlyweds are tied with a towel. This is how they once again strengthen their bonds.

But if a person dreamed that he and someone else were wiping their hands on the same towel at the same time, then in real life one should expect a quarrel. But an embroidered towel foreshadows a cheerful festive feast.

A dirty towel will foretell trouble. Miller's dream book assures that after such a vision one should expect troubles in the family and in relationships with a loved one. If something like this has been planned for a long time, it is worth trying to prevent it.

But if a person wipes his face with it, then in reality something good will happen, some kind of joyful event. Perhaps a long-awaited meeting.

Modern book of interpretations

A vision that featured a clean, new, white towel can be considered a good sign. The dream book claims that this is a sign of rest, pleasure and pleasant relaxation. But being dirty and generally unflattering-looking, it can only bring resentment and failure. If the dreamer has some important event planned for the near future, then perhaps it will end in failure. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, it is very important to prepare for the case as much as possible. And expect the worst. Then the fiasco won't be so offensive. And if everything goes well, there will be twice as much joy.

A wet towel is a symbol of anxiety, and a common one, with which everyone is wiped, usually dreams of a showdown. Seeing a single piece of fabric hanging on a hook means a quarrel. Moreover, it will most likely arise on the initiative of the dreamer. If you want to avoid litigation, it is better to restrain yourself emotionally in the near future.

And one more interesting point, which the dream book notes. A towel can be considered a symbol of hostility towards someone if the person in the story tore it to shreds. Perhaps soon a person will appear in his life, communication with whom will not bring any pleasure.

Chinese dream book

When a person dreams of a small hand towel, he should be more attentive to his health, as this usually promises illness and disease. If a girl sees a snow-white new towel, perhaps her husband will soon propose to her. But a vision with the same plot for a married person is a bad sign, because it means problems in relationships and grief.

Wiping your face with a towel means heading towards the road. If it was linen, then it means abundance and wealth. Wrapping yourself in a towel means receiving good news or gifts from a loved one or friend. A wet towel is not a good sign, as it portends deception and lies from a person from whom this was definitely not expected.

Book of interpretations by Tsvetkov

If a long towel appeared in the vision, then soon the person will set off on a long journey. Perhaps there will be a business trip or travel. The main thing is that it is not wet, because in this case the road will be unpleasant, even sad. If the fabric is rough, the person will have to go through a series of tests. It will be difficult, but the dreamer will cope, which will lead him to happiness.

But a nice and dry towel is a good sign. Soon everything that gnaws at a person and poisons his life will simply disappear. The problems will be resolved, and he will be able to move on with his life in peace.

Interacting with an Item

To give an accurate explanation of a particular vision, it is very important to remember whether the person in the dream had any relation to the object that appeared in it. So, for example, if he bought a towel, then there is nothing to be afraid of, since this promises comfort in the house and well-being in relations with his soulmate. This is what the English dream book says.

The towel was dirty, and the person dried himself with it? It's worth listening to this vision. Because most often this speaks of gossip and rumors spread by ill-wishers around the dreamer’s personality. And, most likely, they relate to his personal life. But if the towel was clean, it means that the person will only be convinced of the correctness of the decision he made on any occasion. Almost every dream book assures us of this.

The towel is new, but the dreamer decided to wash it? This means that in real life he will have to make amends for his wrongdoing. Perhaps not so long ago a person did something bad, and it greatly hurt his loved ones. If nothing like this happened, then it may happen soon. Therefore, it is recommended to think about your every action in order to prevent mistakes.

Other details

Another point that the dream book warns about. A towel - terry, waffle, bath, kitchen - means something of its own. Therefore, it is very important to remember which one of them appeared in the dream. Terry, for example, symbolizes hostility (according to esoteric dream book). Perhaps someone doesn’t like the dreamer very much. Waffle promises empty promises. If a girl dreams of a kitchen towel, you should expect trouble from men. And a bath towel is usually dreamed of by people who, for some reason, are tormented by their conscience. This means that soon the dreamer will come to a compromise with his inner voice.

But a linen towel is the most pleasant sign. Such a dream foreshadows well-being, financial condition and the onset of the so-called white streak in life.

According to Freud

This dream book can also tell you a lot of interesting information. A towel on the head, for example, usually dreams of an upcoming important event that will literally turn a person’s life upside down. If he just wrapped himself in it, he should expect changes, and of a positive nature.

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A towel in a dream is a symbol of cleanliness. Not only from the standpoint of personal hygiene, but also in terms of inviolability, spiritual purity and purity. This is exactly what the dream book talks about, explaining why a towel is dreamed of.

However, the dream plot should not always be taken literally. Very often, a towel portends a business trip or a long trip in reality. In addition, it can serve as a promise of new information that will change the dreamer's life forever.

Favorable changes

Why do you dream about a terry towel? The dream book believes that this plot foretells changes in the future. Moreover, all of them will turn out to be favorable and will not bring you anything bad.

If in a dream you saw a new towel, its appearance evokes a feeling of cleanliness and almost tangible aesthetic pleasure, then, as the dream book suggests, you have begun a white streak in life. Try to take advantage of all the opportunities that life gives.

If in a dream you were able not only to see a towel, but also to dry yourself with it, it means that in reality success and luck will accompany you in everything. You will be able to win in a seemingly hopeless case, defend your point of view, and achieve your goals.

Buying a towel

The interpretation of why you dream of buying a towel, according to the dream book, can change your whole life. Soon you will meet a person who will become a patron or friend. It may also turn out that one of your existing friends has great influence and power.

Are you wondering why you dream of a white towel? The dream book believes that, on the one hand, this is a symbol that will erase all adversity in life. On the other hand, it foreshadows health problems. For example, a dream can signal an exacerbation of your chronic diseases.

Did you dream that you had a towel on your head? According to the dream book, in real life you will be able to gain fame and recognition from the public. You can also count on success in love relationships, care and understanding from your partner.

If in a dream you were presented with a kitchen towel, then, according to the dream book, you should expect guests to arrive soon. If you presented the gift, then in reality it is better not to praise anyone. It may happen that your praise will be undeserved.

Did you happen to wash a towel in a dream? The dream book explains that now is the time to correct all your past mistakes. After all, washing in a dream is a symbol of relationships in life. You are probably treating someone unfairly in reality.

Other interpretations of sleep

Ancient interpreters explain: in order to understand why this bath item is dreamed of, you should first of all pay attention to the patterns and embroidery with which the towel was decorated. These details carry deep meaning and are very important for prediction.

Thus, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book is sure that if a lonely person sees a towel in a dream, it means that he will soon meet his soul mate. But for family people, a dream may portend a divorce.

Grishina believes that the towel is a symbol of a long journey. Therefore, a dreamed object is a harbinger of a long journey or some kind of trip that is significant for the sleeping person.

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