Steve Jobs and his son. Steve Jobs in his youth: biography, life story and interesting facts

Who hasn't heard of Steve Jobs? This is a true legend of our time. But not everyone knows about his personal life. Let's figure it out. Everyone knows that Steve worked hard and hardly appeared at home. But everything changed when he met her - Lauren.

Personal life

Lauren and Jobs got married in 1990. Soon he had a son, and later two daughters. At that time, Jobs spent a lot of time with his family. He became more responsible and attentive. Family friends did not expect that a businessman could be such a good family man. In his youth, Steve was far from an ideal husband.

Lauren, without realizing it, had a very strong influence on her husband. It was thanks to her support that Steve was able to combine work at Apple, Pixar and raising children.

Jobs met his future wife in a parking lot. It was love at first sight, Steve recalls. He realized that he was ready to spend his whole life next to this woman. He immediately asked her on a date, and they never parted again. A year later, the couple got married.

At that time, Jobs already had a daughter, Lisa, from his first lover. For a long time he did not dare to recognize her as his heiress, but soon he admitted his mistake and became a good dad.

During his illness, Steve rethought a lot and realized that he was truly happy. He had everything - a favorite job, a wife, children and devoted friends. Of course, he made many mistakes in life and his path to success was long and difficult. But thanks to the love and support of Lauren Jobs became a legend.

By the way, it was Lauren who first found her husband dead. In the severe stages of the disease, she did not leave him a single step. She told the world about the last moments of her husband's life. It turns out that Steve and Bill Gates were not ardent enemies, as it seemed to society. On the contrary, in recent years they communicated well and even became friends with their families. And all those disagreements that were between them have long been forgotten.

After the death of her husband, Mrs. Jobs became one of the richest women in the United States. Some sources claim that she took up charity work.

She is one of the richest women in the world - her fortune is estimated at $ 20.7 billion. Let's learn a little more about the life of a business woman and a philanthropist.

Lauren Powell Jobs was born in West Milford, New Jersey in 1963. Her father, a pilot, died in a plane crash when she was 3 years old, and a little later, her mother remarried.

After graduating in political science and economics from the University of Pennsylvania, Powell Jobs briefly worked with Wall Street banks like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs before heading west to earn an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business by 1989. .

One day, Steve Jobs, who was supposed to be a guest speaker, found himself in the seat next to her in the university auditorium. The girl was remembered by him, and later he invited her to dine together.

They married in March 1991 at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. The couple have three children: Reed, Erin and Eva.

When Jobs died of cancer in 2011, his wife inherited his fortune - including 5.5 million shares of Apple and 7.3% of The Walt Disney Company. This instantly made her a billionaire.

According to Variety, the stake in Disney made Powell the company's largest individual shareholder, but by 2017 she had cut her holdings in the company in half.

Powell Jobs pays great attention to philanthropy. "We want to use our knowledge, connections and relationships to try and bring as much value to society as possible," she told The New York Times in 2013.

In the early 90s, she founded Terravera, a natural products company focused on developing organic raw materials for the food and feed industry, including legumes and cereals. Powell later moved out of the company personally in order to spend more time with her family.

In 1997, Powell Jobs founded College Track, a non-profit organization that helped low-income applicants prepare for college. College Track later opened eight offices in California, Colorado, and Louisiana.

In the early 2000s, Powell Jobs founded the Emerson Collective, a Ralph Waldo Emerson foundation that provides grants and investments in the areas of global migration, social justice, and education. As a private company rather than a traditional nonprofit, the Emerson Collective also funds start-ups such as AltSchool, an experimental school that is trying to personalize learning through the latest technologies.

Last September, Powell Jobs pledged $50 million to develop the XQ: The Super School Project, which seeks to reform education from the inside out by offering universities a new approach to the curriculum. She is the chairman of the board of directors of XQ.

Powell Jobs has served on the board of several organizations, including Teach for America, Conservation International, and the New America Foundation. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Board of Trustees of Stanford University.

Along with Michael Bloomberg and Ray Dalio, Powell Jobs is a founding member of the Climate Change Council.

Powell is also interested in the world of professional sports: she bought a stake in Monumental Sports & Entertainment, which owns the Washington Wizards and Washington Capitals teams, as well as the Capital One Arena.

Through the Emerson Collective, Powell Jobs enlisted writer Leon Wieseltier to launch a new magazine called Idea. However, she abandoned the venture in October when Wieseltier's former New Republic colleagues confronted him with allegations of sexual harassment.

On July 28, 2017, Emerson Collective acquired a majority stake in The Atlantic. Powell Jobs released a statement thanking the magazine for "pursuing equality for all people, desiring to uphold and defend the American cause, honor American culture and literature, and highlight our wonderful, if sometimes messy, democratic experiment."

Prepared by Taya Aryanova

August 7, 2017, 12:10

Thinking about the women who are chosen as companions by the powerful of this world, I almost always think of this beautiful couple.

And although their relationship was not always cloudless, for me this particular tandem is exemplary, because the strength of a woman lies not in conquering, but in accepting.

It was simply impossible to do otherwise with Steve Jobs, but first things first.

Lauren and Steve met in October 1989 at a lecture at Stanford Business School, where she was a graduate student, and he was invited as a speaker.

“Looking to my right, I saw a beautiful girl, and we talked for a while until I was called on stage,” Jobs recalled. They exchanged jokes, and Powell said that she came here because she won the lottery, and her prize was dinner with him.

After the report, Steve talked to the students for a while. Lauren first waited for him, but then left. He caught up with her in the parking lot and invited her to dinner on Saturday, she agreed and left him her phone.

Jobs said goodbye and went to the Thomas Fogarty winery in the Santa Cruz Mountains, where his NEXT colleagues were waiting for him, but suddenly he turned around.

“I thought, yes, I would rather have dinner with her than with the guys from NEXT. I ran up to her car and said, how about dinner tonight?”

Since then they have been together.

However, despite such a romantic beginning of the relationship, the Powell-Jobs love boat was quite stormy until the very wedding, and even Lauren's pregnancy did not always contribute to the calm in their relationship.

Steve was thrown from one extreme to another: he thought only of Powell, and she was at the center of the universe, then he switched to work and became cold and distant.

In September of the same year, the girl's patience ran out and she moved out from the founder of APPLE. In October, he gave her a diamond engagement ring and she returned.

In December, Steve took Lauren to his favorite vacation spot, Kona Village in Hawaii, where she got pregnant safely.

But as soon as they returned from vacation, Jobs suddenly became disillusioned with the idea of ​​marriage. The bride in anger moved out from him and broke off relations.

Steve was offended and decided to return to his ex-girlfriend - Tina Redse. And then he proposed to her. Enough for a long time the millionaire could not decide who he really loves and with whom he should connect his life.

But in the end, as we see, he made the right choice.

Steve loved and respected Lauren. And even though he did not see anything mystical in her, she became the anchor of sanity in his life. Many of his girlfriends, starting with Chrisanne Brennan, were emotionally unstable, but not Powell.

“He was lucky that he got Lauren - she is smart, she is a worthy conversationalist, she can withstand his mood swings and his violent nature,” said Joanna Hoffman. “She doesn’t have neuroses, so it seems to Steve that she is deprived of some kind of mystical feeling, like, for example, Tina or someone else. But that's stupid."

Jobs understood this too. Despite his emotional outbursts, their marriage proved to be strong, and lasted until Steve's death in 2011.

The couple had three children together: a son, Reed, and two daughters, Eve and Erin.

They also raised Steve's daughter from Chrisanne Brennan - Lisa.

After the death of Jobs, Lauren did not become a recluse, she actively develops her own projects and does charity work. In particular, she is the founder and chairman of Emerson Collective, a large organization whose main goal is to promote social reform and financial assistance to students in need. It is this foundation that oversees the reform of XQ: The Super School Project, which is aimed at updating the system of work of the so-called High School, an analogue of our high school.

Powell is also the co-founder and director of the non-profit College Track program, which helps students from low-income families get an education.

As for her personal life, Lauren is currently dating former Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, but that's another story.

The text uses fragments of an interview from Walter Isaacson's book "Steve Jobs".

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, inventor, and industrial designer who is widely recognized as a pioneer of the information technology era.

Jobs is best known as one of the founders of Apple and Pixar. Many consider him a real revolutionary in the field of mobile gadgets, as well as a brilliant marketer.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but was expelled from it six months later. This was due to too expensive education, which turned out to be unbearable for his parents.

After leaving Reed College, Steve became seriously interested in Eastern spiritual practices. In addition, he refused to eat meat and repeatedly experimented with fasting.

An interesting fact is that Jobs liked to spend his free time with hippies, listening with them to The Beatles, who were at the peak of their popularity.

In 1975, Jobs set about improving the circuitry for a video game. He had to upgrade the board, minimizing the number of chips located on it.

For each chip removed, Atari paid $100. But since Steve was not good at development electronic circuits, he was forced to turn to Wozniak.

As a rule, it took more than one month to complete such work, but he convinced a friend to complete the task in 4 days. As a result, after 4 days of intensive work, Wozniak managed to optimize the board for the game.

For such an outstanding result, the company paid Jobs $ 5,000, but he told his friend that he received only $ 700, after which he divided this amount in half.

Thus, in his hands was enough money that allowed him to quit his job.

Jobs career

When Steve Jobs was 20 years old, he first saw Wozniak's computer, which he created with his own hands. Then friends seriously thought about selling such equipment.

However, this required start-up capital. By selling some personal belongings, they were able to save $1,300.

After that, the guys found a customer who was ready to buy as many as 50 computers from them. To fulfill such an order, they had to take out a loan, because it was necessary to purchase a lot of materials.

After 10 days, the inventors managed to sell some of the computers, which they decided to call "Apple 1". The price of each of them was $666.

At the same time, IBM began mass production of computers. Then Jobs thought about how to get ahead of the competitor and emerge victorious in this difficult race.

Millionaire at 25

By that time, Wozniak was able to improve his PC, as a result of which the “Apple 2” was released. This model was faster and had a better design.

As a result, Apple technology began to spread around the world, and the number of their computers exceeded 5 million copies. This event has become one of the most significant in the biography of Steve Jobs.

At the age of 25, he and his friend Steve Wozniak became millionaires.

The inventors did not stop at the results achieved, but rather continued to upgrade their products.

Soon there was a new PC "Lisa", which Steve named after his daughter.

Later, his colleagues Mark Markulla, who invested more than $ 250,000 in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and decided to remove Jobs.


After being fired, he began to collaborate with Jeff Raskin. Together with him, he wanted to create a portable machine that would have small dimensions and could fit in a small suitcase. Later this device was called "Macintosh".

It is worth noting that conflicts often arose between Jobs and Raskin, since Jobs was already a very demanding and principled boss.

As a result, Ruskin was fired, and later, due to disagreements, John Scully and Wozniak also quit.


After that, Jobs formed the NeXT hardware company.

In 1986, he became the head of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many popular cartoons.

Apple soon announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was finalized in late 1996, and Jobs was introduced to the Apple team as an "adviser to the chairman."

Return to Apple

The company immediately began to feel the movement: production was reduced, followed by a series of personnel changes and reshuffles.

It became clear that Jobs would try to regain Apple, although he himself called himself only a “consultant” and in every possible way denied claims to power, citing his employment at Pixar and the need to devote more time to his family.

At the same time, Jobs quickly managed to get people loyal to him into key positions in the company and gained an unequivocal reputation: he became a gray eminence at Apple.

After a short time, he received the position of Apple's managing director, joining the board of directors. An interesting fact is that in 2000, Jobs entered the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the smallest salary - $ 1 per year.

In 2001, Jobs introduced an MP3 player called the "iPod" to the world, which became incredibly popular. The player had unique specifications, great design and large memory capacity.

After that, a series of bright events related to innovative developments took place in the biography of Steve Jobs.

Apple introduced the Apple TV media player, and soon the iPhone touchscreen phone was on sale. Less than a year later, the company has developed the thinnest notebook "MacBook Air".

Genius Jobs

Researchers have always been interested in the question of why it was Apple products that for a long time occupied a leading position in the global electronics market, leaving all competitors far behind.

In answering this question, it is impossible not to admit that this was only possible thanks to Steve Jobs.

Jobs attached great importance appearance and interface of their devices. Apple products were unique in their kind and could not be confused with any other brand.

Steve always thought a few steps ahead and tried to anticipate the desires of the consumer. It is worth noting that he often used other people's developments, which he brought to the ideal before implementation.

You can recall one interesting fact from the biography of Steve Jobs, which fully reveals his marketing talent. In 2010 he was presented iPad tablet, as a full-fledged alternative to a laptop.

However, the audience was little interested in the gadget. The situation was further complicated by the fact that he actively advertised his netbooks, claiming that the future was behind them.

It was here that Jobs' oratorical talent manifested itself. He described the iPad so masterfully that he literally forced people to buy it.

As a result, in just one year, more than 15 million people purchased the tablet, which was almost a record figure in .

Personal life

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs met Chris Ann Brennan, who was a hippie. Together they mastered various oriental practices, and also hitchhiked.

In 1978, their daughter Lisa was born. An interesting fact is that initially Jobs categorically denied his paternity, stating that Chris met not only with him. As a result of litigation and a genetic test, it turned out that he was the father.

When Lisa grew up, Steve got along quite well with her, and he recalled the story of denying his paternity with annoyance:

“I shouldn't have behaved like this. Then I did not imagine myself a father and was not ready for this. If it were possible to change everything now, I would, of course, behave better.”

In 1982, Steve began an affair with artist Joan Baez, but their relationship ended after 3 years.

After that, he met Tina Redse, whom he fell in love with at first sight. At that time, she worked as a computer consultant, and most importantly, she was also fond of the hippie subculture.

Feelings arose between them, but the matter never came to the wedding. When Steve Jobs proposed to her, Tina turned him down and their relationship ended.

In 1989, Jobs met and began dating Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee. A year later, they decided to get married. Later, they had a boy, Reed (1991), as well as two girls, Erin (1995) and Eve (1998).

Death of Jobs

In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Doctors unambiguously insisted on urgently operating on him.

However, he refused the operation for 9 months, preferring to use non-traditional methods. He later regretted it very much.

He held his last speech on June 6, 2011, and on August 24 he announced his resignation as CEO of Apple.

Fully concentrating on the fight against a terrible disease, he used various methods of treatment, but he did not succeed in defeating the disease.

Some researchers call Jobs "the greatest entrepreneur of our time", and put him on a par with such personalities as Thomas Edison and.

Jobs statue at Graphisoft Park in Budapest

In 2013, Jobs: The Empire of Seduction was filmed based on facts from his biography.

In 2011, Graphisoft unveiled the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs, calling him one of the greatest figures of our time.

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October 5, 2011 - Steve Jobs dies from respiratory arrest caused by pancreatic cancer.


Steve Jobs is undeniably an outstanding person by all standards. He made a significant contribution to the development of five industries: in personal computers with the Apple II and Macintosh, in music from the iPod and iTunes, in iPhones, and in animation from Pixar. middle class hippie boy graduate built a computer empire, became a multi-millionaire in a few years, was fired from his company and returned to it a decade later, and turned it into one of the most powerful corporations in the world. He also contributed to the creation of the company that would lead the animated film industry for decades to come. For years he was called an upstart, but now he is deservedly recognized as one of the most prominent business managers and an unrivaled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology easy to use, fun and aesthetic.

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