Structure of the learning process Associate Professor G.A. Kapranov

A teacher is a creator, he creates a lesson as a work of pedagogical skill, creates it for children and together with children. The lesson should have its own personality, originality, which is ensured by the individual style of the teacher and the personal identity of the students. But in addition to creative originality and mastery in the lesson, the simple literacy of the teacher should also be visible: - the importance of what factors determine the meaning and essence of the lesson; - ability to plan, conduct and analyze a lesson.

A lesson is a living cell of the educational process. All the most important and most important things for teachers happen in the lesson



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2014 The lesson as the main form of organizing the educational process Shulyatyeva Pavlina Nikolaevna, methodologist of OGOBU SPO ITTriS

Purpose of the seminar: To systematize knowledge on lesson theory (structure, goal setting)

“A lesson is a mirror of the teacher’s general and pedagogical culture, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his horizons and erudition” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A lesson is a form of organizing training with a group of students of the same age, a permanent composition, a lesson on a fixed schedule and with a uniform training program for all. This form presents all components of the educational process. A lesson is a form of organizing the activities of a permanent staff of teachers and students in a certain period of time, systematically used to solve the problems of teaching, developing and educating students.

Only in the lesson can you see: -what is the relationship between the teacher and the student; -he knows his subject deeply or superficially; -who is he: a primitive informant or organizer of the process of teaching children; -does it provide solid knowledge, skills and abilities;

General requirements for the lesson: DIDACTICAL, EDUCATIONAL, ORGANIZATIONAL.

Lesson components: Organizational - organization of students throughout the lesson, student readiness for the lesson, order and discipline. Target – setting learning goals for students, both for the entire lesson and for its individual stages. Motivational – determining the significance of the material being studied both in this topic and in the entire course.

Lesson components: Communicative – level of communication between the teacher and the group of students. Content-based – selection of material for study, consolidation, repetition, independent work, etc. Technological - the choice of forms, methods and techniques of teaching that are optimal for a given type of lesson, for a given topic, for a given group, etc. Control and evaluation - the use of assessing the student’s activities in the lesson to stimulate his activity and develop cognitive interest. Analytical – summing up the lesson, analyzing the students’ activities during the lesson, analyzing the results of one’s own activities in organizing the lesson.

Organizing a lesson is possible only if certain rules are observed: First, defining the goals and objectives of the lesson; The second is to clarify the type of lesson; Third, clarifying the type of lesson; Fourth - the choice of teaching methods and techniques; Fifth - determining the structure of the lesson.

Goals and objectives of the lesson For the goals and objectives, it is necessary to design the activities of the teacher and students. A goal is a programmed result that should be obtained at the end of the lesson (model of the desired future). Only when the student understands the meaning of the educational task and accepts it as personally significant for him, his activity will become motivated and purposeful. Goals must be sufficiently intense, achievable, conscious by students, promising and flexible, that is, responsive to changing conditions and opportunities for achieving them. The goals of the lesson should be as specific as possible so that when summing up the lesson, we can reasonably answer the question “Did the lesson achieve its goal?”

Goals and objectives of the lesson Objectives are steps to achieve a goal. The objectives of the lesson include: organizing interaction; mastering knowledge, skills, abilities; development of abilities, experience in creative activity, communication, etc. The objectives of the lesson must be formulated in such a way that it is clear how the set goals of the lesson are achieved. Tasks are set FOR STUDENTS in a language they understand (what students must do in class)

A learning task is a goal that a student sets for himself. What? For what?

Learning goals are set based on the TOPIC and type of lesson (study the topic, repeat, generalize...), include students’ mastery of a system of knowledge, practical skills and abilities to set learning goals and objectives, it is recommended to use verbs indicating an action with a specific result: “ choose”, “name”, “define”, “illustrate”, “write”, “list”, “execute”, “systematise”...

Educational goals example: history lesson on the topic “Reforms of Peter I”. The teacher set the following goals: 1. Explain to students that the reforms of Peter I led to the strengthening of royal power. 2. Reveal the progressive nature of Peter’s reforms. 3.Form value judgments based on a generalization of events and phenomena of a certain historical period. The teacher set these goals for himself, not for the students. TASKS are set for students based on the goals: 1. Select the state reforms carried out by Peter I 2. Group the customs, highlighting those that existed before Peter I and those introduced by him. 3. Indicate at least 6 features characterizing the reforms of Peter I.

Educational goals Each lesson should also have an educational goal. THE LESSON SHOULD BE EDUCATING. V.goals contribute to: nurturing a positive attitude towards knowledge and the learning process; formation of ideas, views, beliefs, personality traits, assessment, self-esteem and independence; gaining experience of adequate behavior in any society. Educational work The lesson must be planned very carefully. The formulation of educational goals must also be specific. The following formulations can be used when setting an educational goal: to arouse interest, arouse curiosity, arouse interest in solving problems independently, encourage students to be active, express their attitude... instill, strengthen... skills;

Educational goals Formation of moral qualities: Self-demandingness Pride Integrity Responsibility Self-esteem Honesty Modesty Self-respect Perseverance Accuracy Sense of duty Responsibility Hard work Empathy Feelings of pride in what has been achieved Patriotic feelings

Educational goals Formation of moral qualities: Formation humane relations to “other people”: Fellowship Kindness Delicacy Politeness Modesty Discipline Responsibility Honesty

Developmental goals During the lesson, a developmental goal should also be set. Developmental goals contribute to: the formation of general educational and special skills; improvement mental operations; development of the emotional sphere, monologue speech of students, question-answer form, dialogue, communicative culture; the implementation of self-control and self-esteem, and in general - the formation and development of personality. For example: learn to compare, learn to highlight the main thing, learn to build analogues, develop an eye, develop analytical skills, develop the ability to navigate the terrain.

Developmental goals Development of thinking: Learn to analyze Learn to highlight the main thing Learn to compare Learn to build analogies Learn to generalize and systematize Learn to prove and refute Learn to define and explain concepts Learn to pose and solve problems

All lessons can be divided into groups: - Lesson introducing students to new material; -Lesson to consolidate knowledge; -General lessons -Lesson testing knowledge, abilities, skills.

Familiarization lesson This is a lesson whose content is new, material unknown to students, which includes a relatively wide range of issues and requires significant time to study. Structure of the familiarization lesson: Repetition of previous material; Teacher explaining new material; Checking understanding and initial consolidation of knowledge; Homework assignment. Forms of familiarization lesson: Lecture, excursion, conversation, laboratory work, conference, traditional lesson

Consolidation lesson The main content of the work in this lesson is the secondary comprehension of previously acquired knowledge in order to strengthen it. Consolidation lesson structure: Checking homework; Performing oral exercises; Performing written exercises; Checking the completion of tasks; Homework assignment. Forms of consolidation lesson: Seminar, workshop, consultation, laboratory work, conference, lesson on key tasks, work in pairs of permanent and mixed type

Generalization lesson: The most significant questions from previously covered material are systematized and reproduced, existing gaps in students’ knowledge are filled and the most important ideas of the course being studied are revealed. Such lessons are conducted at the end of the study of individual topics, sections and training courses as a whole. Their mandatory elements are the introduction and conclusion of the teacher. Forms of generalization lessons: Story, short messages, reading individual passages from a textbook or conversations between the teacher and students.

Lesson testing knowledge, skills and abilities: Allows the teacher to identify the level of training of students in a certain area, identify deficiencies in mastering the material, and help outline ways for further work. Test lessons require the student to use all his knowledge, skills and abilities on this topic. Verification can be carried out both orally and in writing. Forms of lessons for checking ZUN: Independent work, test lesson, test, interview, quizzes, games, etc.

Forms of organizing the educational process: Lecture is the most difficult type of lesson even for an experienced teacher. The lecture form of teaching gives a positive effect in cases where: The volume of theoretical material is large, but there are not enough tasks for it; Most of the material is of an auxiliary nature and is not necessary for all students to master; What has been previously learned is not enough to organize active learning, i.e. the topic is almost new for students; An introductory or overview story by the teacher on a major topic of the course is required.

Seminar Most often used to review additional material, the reproduction of which by each student is not required, but individual conclusions and facts are very useful and even necessary. In preparation for the seminar, students acquire skills in conducting scientific research and its design, learn to defend their beliefs, review the speeches of their comrades. The seminar combines the form of conversation and discussion among students in order to deepen and improve knowledge

Consultation The purpose of the consultation is to teach the student to think about the problem, to understand what difficulties arise when getting acquainted with a certain topic; and to resolve these difficulties, formulate questions to which he would like to receive an answer. At the very beginning of consultations, you can help students formulate questions. For each consultation, you can invite students to prepare cards with questions and tasks.

Lesson - test Test is a special stage in control, the purpose of which is to check whether students have achieved the level of mandatory training. Tests are divided into current and thematic. Current ones are carried out systematically during the study of the topic and cover small semantic portions. Thematic sessions are held at the end of the topic. Tests are: Open - this is when students provide lists of mandatory questions. Closed - tests without providing lists of mandatory questions. Systematic monitoring of students’ knowledge is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education.

Thank you for your attention prepared by Shulyatyeva P.N. 2014

Lesson plan: Two-way nature of the process
Communication during the learning process
The role of environmental influence in the process
Structure of the learning process
Process Components

Two-way nature of the learning process

Learning process
Learning process
or team


Training necessarily involves
interaction between teacher and
Subject and object of learning
It’s not just the teacher’s influence on
student, namely their interaction!!!
The interaction can proceed as follows:
direct, as well as
indirect form.
The learning process is not
mechanical sum of teaching and
teachings, this is qualitatively new, holistic

Communication in the learning process.

Unity of knowledge and teaching
Communication during the learning process affects:
to motivate learning,
to develop a positive attitude towards learning,
to create favorable psychological conditions
Teacher Characteristics that Contribute to Successful
Clarity, organization in work,
Tact in relationships and help in studies,
Objectivity in assessment
Endurance in difficult situations

The role of environmental influence in the learning process.

Personality development is influenced
Facilities mass media,
Labor activity,
Game and leisure activities
putting effort into creating
child's environment!!!

Components of the learning process.

Target Component
Training content
Operational activity
Control and regulation component
Evaluative-resultative component

Target Component

Target process component
training reflects:
teachers' awareness of goals and objectives
studying the topic
student acceptance of goals and objectives
studying the topic.

Significance of the target component

Significance of the target component
goals and objectives
studying the topic
goals and objectives
studying the topic.

The importance of the stimulating-motivational component

The importance of the stimulating motivational component
The teacher stimulates
students are interested and
need for teaching
Students internal process
development of motives
trainingDetermined by:
state educational
textbooks on this subject.
Contents of individual lessons
specified by the teacher taking into account:
assigned tasks, specifics
industrial and social
school environment, level
preparedness and interests of students.

Operational component

Operational component
reflects the procedural essence of learning.
It is in the activities of teachers and
students, in their interaction,
flowing in time, and the task is realized
assignment by schoolchildren of a wide
social experience of humanity.
Operational component
implemented through certain
methods, means and forms of organization
teaching and learning

Control and regulation component

Control and adjustment
The control-regulatory component involves
control of the teacher and self-control of students.
Control is carried out through inspection work,
surveys, tests and exams.
Self-control includes self-examination of students who
independently check the degree of mastery of what is being studied
Control and self-control ensure functioning
feedback in the educational process - received by the teacher
information about the degree of difficulties, the quality of the process
Feedback causes the need for correction,
regulation of the educational process, making changes to
methods, forms and means of teaching
Regulation of the process is carried out not only by the teacher, but
and by the students themselves (self-regulation of their actions,
working on mistakes, repeating issues that cause

Evaluative-performance component

Evaluative and effective component of training
assessment by teachers and
self-esteem by students achieved in the process
learning results,
establishing their compliance with the supplied
educational tasks,
identifying the causes of shortcomings,
designing new tasks that take into account
also the need to replenish
identified gaps in knowledge and skills.

Interrelation of training components

Interrelation of learning components
The purpose of training determines its content.
The purpose and content of training require
certain methods, means and forms
stimulation and organization of training.
As training progresses, current
control and regulation of the process.
Finally, all components of the learning process in
their totality provide
a certain result.

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“Technology Rules” - Before starting the lesson, put on overalls. Introduction to the textbook "Technology". Instructions for labor protection when working with scissors. Why do you need to unplug the sewing machine after finishing work? Hazardous factors: injury to hands, eyes; electric shock. Sewing factory. Instructions for labor protection when working on a sewing machine.

“Safety in the workshop” - Injury to hands due to improper handling of the cutter. Malfunctions and dullness of the cutting tool. Injury from fragments of poorly glued, cross-layered, knotty wood. Tidy up your workspace! Don't get distracted while working, follow the correct working techniques. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl.

“Technology Tests” - Materials Science. Reproductive tasks. Tests and cognitive tasks on technology. Product processing technology. Test (Cooking). Mark with a “+” the element necessary for the growth of bones and teeth. Mechanical Engineering. A high-calorie drink obtained from the seeds of a tropical tree. Mechanical engineering and machine stitches.

"Textbook on technology" - Flowers. Geometric ornament. Unusual buildings. Portrait. Connecting small group projects. Use of means of artistic expression. Butterfly. Ornament. Using measurements and constructions to solve practical problems. The world source of raw materials. Technical drawing.

“Safety precautions in technology lessons” - Tuck hair under a headscarf. Follow normal operation iron. Do not approach students working on machines. Sew only with a thimble. Safety precautions in technology lessons. Safety instructions. Safety instructions for working with an electric iron. Fingers. Safety instructions for working on a sewing machine.

“Types of technology lessons” - Life situations. Targeted walkthroughs. End of lesson. Types of lessons. Activities of the teacher. Integrated lessons. Teaching methods. Approximate lesson structure. Greetings. Research method. The structure of the theoretical lesson. Presentation of new material. Lesson on solving technical problems. Teaching techniques and methods.

There are 18 presentations in total

State budget educational institution average

professional education of the Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"

Forms of training organization

Completed by a student of group 2 “A”:

  • Pasevin Valeria

  • Concept Form of organization of training;
  • Empirical classification of forms of training organization;
  • Theoretical classification of basic forms of educational organization;
  • Specific forms of training organization;
  • Bibliography.

Form of training organization - this is a way to streamline the interaction of training participants. In didactics there are such classifications forms of training organization: 1. 2. Theoretical classification of basic forms of training organization 3. Specific forms of training organization

Empirical classification of forms of training organization

The classification is empirical in nature, since it is based on a quantitative characteristic: if general class work is carried out, that is, the act of teaching is carried out in relation to the entire educational team (class), then these are frontal forms; if the class is divided into relatively autonomous parts (groups), then group ones; and if each student in a class works separately, independently of the others, then individual.

There are usually three groups of forms of training:



the teacher communicates with all students; students are given one or more didactic tasks; students are involved in the team, they share the common success or failure.


This is a form of organizing student activities in which small groups of about three or five students are created in the classroom for joint educational work.


This is a form of work in the lesson, which assumes that each student receives a task for independent completion, specially selected for him in accordance with his preparation and learning capabilities.

  • Link
  • Cooperative-group
  • Differentiated group


  • Individualized
  • Individual-group

Group form of training

Frontal form of training

Individual form of training

Theoretical classification of basic forms of training organization

The theoretical classification of basic forms of educational organization is based on possible structures of human interaction .

The list of these structures is limited to the following situations: mediated communication, communication in pairs and communication in a group.

In turn, in a group there can be two different structures of interaction between its participants: “one speaks, does - the rest listen, observe” and “everyone communicates in turn with everyone.”

  • individually mediated form organization of training - corresponds to indirect communication;
  • steam room - corresponds to interaction in a separate pair;
  • group - corresponds to communication in a group;
  • collective - corresponds to interaction in a group.

Specific forms of organization with students in the learning process

The learning process is realized only through specific

forms of its organization. Among the specific forms of organizing work with students in the learning process are: lesson And extracurricular .



a) lesson

1) regular:

b) lecture

2) episodic:

a) homework

c) seminar

a) abstract works

b) optional classes or group, individual

d) workshop

d) laboratory work

c) mugs

b) thematic conferences

c) evenings on the subject

d) working with popular science literature

e) test

d) Olympics

d) television programs

g) exam

e) additional classes

  • Dyachenko V.K. New didactics. M.: Public Education, 2001.
  • Dyachenko V.K. Organizational structure of the educational process and its development. M.: Pedagogy 1989.
  • Litvinskaya I. G. On the issue of forms of training organization// Collective way of teaching: scientific method. magazine.
  • Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies: Textbook / ed. S. A. Smirnova. 2nd ed. M.: Academy, 1999.
  • Pedagogy: Textbook / ed. P.I. Pidkasisty. M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.
  • Cheredov I. M. Forms of educational work in high school. M.: Education, 1988.

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