Quiz on Andersen's fairy tales for elementary school. Fairytale, literary quiz based on Andersen's fairy tales

Literary quiz on fairy tales

Hans Christian Andersen

Host: Guys, now I’ll tell you a story about how one school teacher once told his student: “You are a stupid young man, and nothing worthwhile will ever come of you. You are going to start scribbling paper, but no one will ever read your essays! They will be bought up by junk dealers. Oh, I’ll make you cry again, you big guy!” The student listened with his head down. He was long and awkward. At that time he was already 17 years old, and among the second-graders at the gymnasium, he really looked ridiculous. And yet the evil teacher was wrong. Nobody remembers what his name was now. And all the children of the world know and love the unlucky student. You, of course, guessed that this is the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875).

He was born in the city of Odense on April 2, 1805. He had homemade toys, a cardboard puppet theater and a bunch of old theater posters. The son of a shoemaker could not afford a theater ticket. Hans hid in a corner of the house and composed and acted out plays for himself. They made fun of him, laughed at him and teased him as a dreamer. But Hans Christian grew up and became a writer. You know and love his tales, and I hope you will remember them during our game.

2 teams play. They need to come up with a name and motto in advance that is related to the work of Hans Christian Andersen.

1 competition “Star Hour”.

The presenter hangs out sheets of Whatman paper with 5 wrong and 1 correct answer written on them. The teams confer and raise a sign with the number of the correct option, in their opinion. The jury evaluates the speed and accuracy of the answer.

Question 1: In what country did the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen live?

Sweden Germany Norway ItalyDenmark France

Question 2: Of the 6 works, 1 is not by Hans Christian Andersen. Name it.

Ole – Lukoje The Snow Queen

The Princess and the Pea Wild Swans

ugly duck golden goose (Brothers Grimm)

Question 3: Of the 6 proposed items, 5 are taken from the fairy tale “Flint”. Identify the extra item.

satchel coins

box tin soldier

saber flint

Question 4: What fairy tale is this song from?

“Ah, my dear Augustine, everything is gone, everything!”

Little Mermaid Wild Swans

ugly duck Swineherd

The Snow Queen The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Question 5: Which of Andersen’s heroes could say about himself this way: “It was when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived amicably and cheerfully, but one day a piece of the trolls’ mirror got into my eye, and I began to see everything as evil and ugly.”

Kai Eliza

Thumbelina Soldier


2nd competition "Lost and Found"

Task 1 team: name who these things belong to:

Umbrella (Ole Lukoje)

Pea (Princess and the Pea)

Sledge (Kayu)

Walnut shell (Thumbelina)

Task 2 team:

Paper ship (To the soldier)

Nettle (Else)

White and red roses (Gerda and Kaya)

Musical pot (for the prince from the fairy tale “The Swineherd”)

3rd competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”

Determine which fairy tale these words refer to:

Task 1 team:

Sun, snow, lamp, glass, mirror, morning, rose, crow, deer, friendship (Snow Queen);

Grass, toad, ring, patience, nettle (Wild swans);

Swan, egg, dream, duck, frost, chicken, water (The Ugly Duckling);

Mattress, shower, galoshes, princess (Princess and the Pea).

Task 2 team:

Sea, wind, witchcraft drink, pain, prince (The Little Mermaid);

Nora, field mouse, wing, flower, elf (Thumbelina);

Hollow, wind, dog, cradle, flint (Flint);

    rose, nightingale, pot, rattle (Swineherd).

4th competition “Portraits of Heroes”.

The presenter reads excerpts from Andersen's works. Teams must find out which characters are in question.

Task 1 team:

“In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, and shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders.” (Elf from the fairy tale “Thumbelina”).

“She was so beautiful, so tender, all made of dazzling ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor beauty in them.” (The Snow Queen)

“They were already going to school, each had a star on his chest, and a saber rattled at his side; They wrote on gold boards with diamond leads and could read perfectly - whether from a book or by heart - it didn’t matter. You could immediately hear that real princes were reading! They had a sister...” (11 prince brothers from the fairy tale “Wild Swans”).

Task 2 team:

“Oh my God, what she looked like! Water ran from her hair and dress... but she still insisted that she was real... (Princess from the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”).

“A soldier was walking along the road: 1-2! 1-2! Satchel behind the back, saber at the side; he was walking home.” (Soldier from the fairy tale “Flint”)

“Once upon a time there were 25 soldiers, brothers on the mother’s side - the old leg. A gun on his shoulder, his head straight, a red and blue uniform - what a beauty, what kind of soldiers. All the soldiers were exactly the same, except for one. There wasn’t enough tin for him, and he was one-legged.” (Soldiers from the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”).

The children are invited to continue the tale, that is, to retell it close to the text.

6th competition – captains competition.

The captain who names the most works by Andersen gets the right to open 1 of 2 boxes containing various prizes and distribute them to his team.

The jury sums up the results of the game and presents the winning team with the “Andersen Gold Medal” and small souvenirs from 2 boxes for all participants in the game.

Library lesson


Quiz on fairy tales by H.H. Andersen for 3rd grade.

(Preliminary preparation: distribute to children a list with the names of fairy tales by H.H. Andersen for reading during the holidays.)

During the holidays we read fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen:

  1. The king's new dress.

  2. Flint.

  3. Wild Swans.

  4. Ugly duck.

  5. Mermaid.

  6. Swineherd.

  7. The Snow Queen.

  8. Nightingale.

  9. Shepherdess and chimney sweep.

  10. Childish chatter.

  11. Fast walkers.

  12. This fable is written about you.

  13. Silver coin.

  14. Ole-Lukoje.
For fairy tales, come to the school library and the library of the House of Officers.

Goal: to introduce the life and work of G.Kh. Andersen

Cultivate interest in fiction;

Improve the skills of independent work of schoolchildren, increase the level of knowledge and erudition in the field of literature;

Create conditions for creative self-realization of students;

Promote class team unity;
- develop attention, memory, speech, thinking.


Host: Guys, now I’ll tell you a story about how one school teacher said to his student: “You are a stupid young man, and nothing worthwhile will ever come of you. You are going to start scribbling paper, but no one will ever read your works!... Oh, you will cry with me, you such a brute!” The student listened with his head down. He was long and awkward. At that time he was already 17 years old, and among the second-graders at the school he really looked ridiculous. And yet the evil teacher was wrong. Nobody remembers his name now. And all the children of the world love and know the unlucky student. You, of course, guessed that this is the great storyteller HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN.

He was born in the town of Odense on April 2, 1805. He had homemade toys, a cardboard puppet theater and a bunch of old theater posters. The son of a shoemaker cannot afford a theater ticket. Hans hid in a corner of the house and composed and acted out plays for himself. They made fun of him, laughed at him and teased him as a dreamer. But Hans Christian grew up and became a writer. You know and love his tales. I invite you to remember them and answer the quiz questions on Andersen’s fairy tales.

(Children sit on chairs arranged in advance so that there are two teams).


1. She just came out….., clean and bright, rolled and rang: “Hurray! Now I’ll go for a walk around the world!” And she went. ("Silver Coin")

2. A prize was assigned, even two, one big, the other small - for speed - not in the competition, but in general for the speed of running for a whole year. (“Fast Walkers”)

3. The rich merchant had a children's party; All children of rich and noble parents were invited. (…..) So, a large company gathered in his house, but exclusively for children, the children chatted incessantly; As we know, what is on their mind is on their tongue. ("Baby Talk")

4. In China, as you know, both the emperor himself and all his subjects are Chinese. It was a long time ago, of course, but that’s why it’s worth listening to this story until it’s completely forgotten. (…….)

Travelers from all over the world flocked to the emperor's capital, they all marveled at the magnificent palace and garden, but when they heard the nightingale singing, they said: “This is the best!” ("Nightingale")

5. Have you ever seen an ancient, antique cabinet, blackened by time and all decorated with carvings in the form of various curls, flowers and leaves? Just such a closet - an inheritance from my great-grandmother - stood in the room. ("The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep")

6. In the open sea, the water is as blue as cornflowers and transparent as clear glass - but it’s also deep there! So deep that not a single chain would be enough for the anchor to reach the bottom, and to measure this depth one would have to pile who knows how many bell towers on top of each other. That's where they live (“The Little Mermaid”)


1. How many coins did the soldier promise to the boy for the flint delivered to him? (4)

2. How many children did the king have in the fairy tale “Wild Swans” (11 sons and daughter Eliza)

3. How many oysters did the old mother, very proud of her origin, carry on her tail from the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid,” while nobles had the right to carry only six? (dozen)

4. How old did the little mermaids have to be before they could rise to the surface of the sea? (15)

5. How many years do mermaids live? (300)

6. How many kisses did the prince demand for the rattle? (100)

7. How many times did the artificial nightingale sing to the emperor and his courtiers? (33)

8. How many words are in the name of the hero with goat legs, small horns on his forehead and a long beard from the fairy tale “The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep”? (Chief Non-Commissioned General Admiral Sergeant Kozlonog – 6)


(children take out objects from the “magic chest”)

Which fairy-tale characters do these items belong to?

1. Umbrella.

2. Pea.

3. Paper boat.

5. Egg.

6. Needle.


What fairy tale do the selections of words you read belong to?

1. Sun, snow, lamp, glass, mirror, rose, crow, deer, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")

2. Grass, toad, ring, nettle, patience. ("Wild Swans")

3. Mattress, carriage, shower, galoshes, princess. ("Princess on the Pea")

4. Prize, hare, pillar, snail, boundary marker, fly, vegetable garden with cabbage. (“Swift walkers”)


(children should recognize the characters by description).

1. “She was so lovely, so tender, all made of dazzling ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor beauty in them...” (The Snow Queen)

2. “They were already going to school, each had a star on his chest, and a saber rattled at his side; They wrote on gold boards with diamond leads and could read perfectly - whether from a book or by heart - it didn’t matter. (Eleven Brother Princes)

3. “Oh my God, what she looked like!” Water ran from her hair and dress straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, but she still insisted that she was real...” (Princess from the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”)

4. The other sisters decorated their garden with various varieties that they got from sunken ships, but she loved only her flowers, bright as the sun, and a beautiful white marble boy who fell to the bottom of the sea from some lost ship.”

5. “Wearing only stockings, he quietly climbs the stairs, then carefully closes the door, silently steps into the room and lightly sprinkles sweet milk in the children’s eyes.” (Ole-Lukoie)

6. “Oh, unhappy me...! What is the use of my silver, my dignity, my coinage, when all this is of no use! In the eyes of the world, you will remain whoever he takes you for! How terrible it must be to have a bad conscience, to push forward in unclean ways, if it’s so hard for me, innocent of anything, just because I seem guilty!.. Passing into new hands, I tremble every time from that look, which will fall on me now: I know that they will immediately throw me aside, abandon me, as if I were a deceiver! (Coin)


Who are the passages talking about?

1. “I wish I had a wife like that!” But she’s probably of a noble family: what a beautiful palace she lives in. And all I have is that the box, and even then there are as many as 25 soldiers in it, there is no place for it there! But you can get to know each other!” (The Tin Soldier and the Dancer)

2. “Oh, I’m unhappy! - she said.

Now I just despise you! – he said. “You didn’t want to marry an honest prince!” You didn’t appreciate the nightingale and the roses, but you kissed the swineherd for his toys! Serves you right! (Swineherd and Princess)

3. “How can I see her? - he asked.

This is absolutely impossible! - they told him. “She lives in a huge copper castle, behind high walls with towers. No one except the king himself dares to enter or leave there, because the king was predicted that his daughter would marry a simple soldier, and kings do not like this.” (Soldier and princess. “Flint.”)

4. – Thank you, thank you! I remember you. I drove you out of my state, and you drove away terrible ghosts from my bed! How can I reward you?

You have already rewarded me once and for all! I saw tears in your eyes for the first time when I sang in front of you - I will never forget this! Tears are the most precious reward for a singer’s heart. Go to sleep now and wake up healthy and alert! I will lull you to sleep with my song! (Emperor and Nightingale)

5. “I wish I could be in their place,” he thought. Suddenly he heard the girls chattering, and listening to it, one could lose heart. After all, his parents didn’t have a penny in their piggy bank; They didn’t even have the means to subscribe to a newspaper, let alone publish it themselves. But the worst thing was that his father’s last name, and therefore his own, just ended in “sen”! Nothing good will ever come of it! What a disaster! (Childish chatter. Thorvaldsen.)

6. – You know what! Do not be scared! I'll show you the mouse now! She came to invite you to the wedding! Two mice are going to get married tonight. They live under the floor of your mother's closet. Wonderful room, they say!

How can I get through the small hole in the floor?

Rely on me! You will become small for me. (and he touched the boy with a magic syringe.) (Ole-Lukoje. Thursday. Hjalmar and Ole-Lukoie)

7.–I got the first prize! (hare) If the judges are your close friends and family, then their decision is always fair! But award the second prize to her! (to the snail) It even offends me!

I deserved the first prize, not the second! - she (the snail) remarked. “I know that he (the hare) runs only when he thinks that he is being chased - out of cowardice!” But I look at the movement as my life task and suffered in the service! Yes, if anyone should have been awarded first prize, it should be me! But I don't like shouting about myself! I despise it!

But in my opinion,” she thought (wild rose), she did not say anything out loud: it was not in her character, although it would have been better if she had spoken out, “in my opinion, it was he who deserved both the first and second prizes!” (sun ray) In an instant, it runs through the endless space separating the earth from the sun, and awakens all nature from sleep. ….he will outlive us all! (Fast walkers)


Which character and from which fairy tale sang such a song?

1. My Yalmar, I remember you

Almost every day, every hour!

I can’t say how much I wish

At least see you again!

I rocked you in the cradle,

Taught me to walk, talk,

She kissed me on the cheeks and on the forehead,

Because I can't love you!

I love you, my dear angel!

May the Lord God be with you forever!

(Hjalmar’s old nanny. “Ole-Lukoje”)

2. Step forward, always forward!

Glory awaits you beyond the grave!

(The Steadfast Tin Soldier)

3. Ah, my dear Augustine,

Augustine, Augustine!

Ah, my dear Augustine,

It's all gone, it's all gone...

(The bells of a wonderful pot. “The Swineherd”)

4. Let's tighten up the song more friendly,

Let it rush like the wind!

Although our couple, hey,

There will be no response.

They both stick out from the husky

On sticks without moving,

But their outfit is luxurious -

A feast for the eyes!

So let us glorify them with a song:

Hurray, bride and groom!

(Ole-Lukoje. Friday. Wedding of the dolls Herman and Bertha)


  1. ...to recognize the real princess? (Place the girl on 20 mattresses and down jackets, and put a pea under them).

  2. ... the mermaid now has a pair of slender legs? (Give your vote to the witch for a drink).

  3. ... brothers turned from swans into princes? (Weave shirts for brothers from nettles growing in the cemetery).

  4. ...to kill the dogs in the dungeon in the fairy tale “Flint”? (Put each dog on a witch's blue checkered apron.)

  5. ...for the princess to get a pot of bells? (The princess must kiss the swineherd 10 times).

  6. ...to find out which of the dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid? (Show the king's new dress made of wonderful fabric).

  7. ... the children fell asleep and Ole Lukoje could tell them fairy tales? (Ole-Lukoje translated into Russian means “Ole Close your eyes.” Sprinkle sweet milk into your eyes from a syringe and blow on the back of your head.)

  8. ...the dog, standing in the valley at the foot of the mountains, heard the sounds of the trumpet coming from the castles on the top of the mountain, and had time for a meal?
Leading. Which of the following works can be considered redundant? Why? Tell us about the ingenious method invented by the sages of ancient times. How can you, without causing offense to a person, still tell him the truth in his face?

Which of the proposed proverbs reflects the moral of this fable?

  1. Don’t be angry at a joke, and don’t be offended.

  2. To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

  3. Sees a lot, thinks little.

  4. A thin head and legs are restless.

  5. If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

1.Which fairy tale chapters are named after the days of the week? (Ole-Lukoie)

2. To which character do the author’s words refer: “It’s no problem to be born in a duck’s nest if you are hatched from a swan’s egg.” These words became a proverb during Andersen’s lifetime. Why? This tale can be considered an autobiography, a confession of the writer himself.

3. “Why don’t we have an immortal soul? I would give all my hundreds of years for one day of human life, so that later I too could ascend to heaven.” Whose words are these? Andersen said about this tale: “It is the only one of my works that touched me while I was writing it.”

4. While coming up with this tale, Andersen thought about the wonderful singing of the wonderful singer Jenny Lind, who was called the “Swedish nightingale” and whom he loved hopelessly. The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish real values ​​from imaginary, false ones.

5. This is a Danish folk tale reworked by Andersen. In it, under the guise of animals and objects, the characters of people and life situations are depicted. (“Fast Walkers”)

6. This fairy tale is also autobiographical, because Andersen was also taught in childhood that “nothing would come of a poor man like him.” The father of one of the heroines of this fairy tale was a chamber cadet and the girl knew that this was something “terribly important.” What kind of rank is this?

7. Name fairy tales whose main characters are birds.

8. “Eliza asked if this was the country where they were flying, but the swans shook their heads; she saw a wonderful one in front of her. The ever-changing cloud castle of Fata Morgana; Not a single human soul dares to penetrate there.” What did Eliza see?

Leading. Well done boys. You prepared very well for the quiz. Let's summarize... .

Bottom line. Since 1835, collections of Andersen's fairy tales have been published every Christmas, and there is a prestigious international prize for children's literature that bears Andersen's name. It is often called the “Little Nobel”. It is awarded to the best children's writers and artists; this ceremony takes place once every two years on April 2 - Andersen's birthday. All over the world this day is celebrated as International Children's Book Day.

Quiz game “Tales of G.H. Andersen"

Competition 1. Crossword puzzle based on fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen

Horizontally: 4. What genre of literary works did G.Kh. especially like to write? Andersen? 6. The bird that saved the Chinese emperor from death with its miraculous singing. 8. The name of the girl who was born in a flower bud. 10. A fairy tale about a stupid princess who was punished by a poor but smart prince. 11. Magic item Ole-Lukoje.

Vertically: 1. The bird is Thumbelina’s faithful friend. 2. The tale of an extraordinary silver flower with a golden heart and a lark who died in captivity. 3. A beautiful bird that an ugly duckling turned into. 5. A boy whose heart turned into a piece of ice from evil magic. 7. The magic item that the Swineherd made for the Princess. 9. The heroine of the fairy tale “Wild Swans”.

Answers. Horizontal: 4. Fairy tales. 6. Nightingale. 8. Thumbelina. 10. Swineherd. 11. Umbrella. Vertical: 1. Swallow. 2. Chamomile. 3. Swan. 5. Kai. 7. Pot. 9. Eliza.

Competition 2. “Know a fairy tale by its beginning”

1. “Once upon a time there was a girl, very sweet, very pretty, but she was very poor, and in the summer she had to walk barefoot, and in the winter in rough village shoes, which hurt her feet terribly...” (“Red Shoes.”)

2. “Once upon a time there was a woman, she really wanted to have a child, but where could she get one...” (“Thumbelina.”)

3. “A soldier walked along the road: one-two, one-two. A satchel on his back, a saber on his side - he was walking home from the war...” (“Ognivo.”)

4. “Once upon a time there was a prince, and he wanted to marry a princess too, but only a real one...” (“The Princess and the Pea.”)

5. “In the open sea, the water is completely blue, like the petals of the most beautiful cornflowers, and transparent, like pure glass, but it’s also deep there...” (“The Little Mermaid.”)

6. “Many years ago, there was a king in the world, he loved to dress up so much...” (“The King’s New Dress.”)

Competition 3. “Correctly combine the words in the titles of fairy tales”

Participants in the competition are given cards.

Answers: 1. Ice maiden; The Snow Queen. 2. Red shoes; Green crumbs. 3. Evil prince; Bad boy. 4. Shepherdess and chimney sweep; Snail and rose bush. 5. Daughter of the swamp king; The king's new dress. 6. The fate of thistle; Stories of a ray of sunshine.

Competition 4. “Say the Word”

Insert the word to make the title of the fairy tale.

1. “Pig-... (piggy bank).”

2. “Pen and... (inkwell).”

3. “Silver... (coin).”

4. “The Princess and... (the Pea).”

5. “Wild... (swans).”

6. “Five from... (one pod).”

7. “Chest-... (airplane).”

8. “Ole-... (Lukoje).”

9. “Steady... (tin soldier).”

Competition 5. “Museum of Fairytale Objects”

The teacher names an object from a fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen (you can use both objects and drawings prepared for the competition), and the children guess which fairy tale they are from.

1. Umbrella (“Ole-Lukoje”).

2. Sleigh (“The Snow Queen”).

3. Pea (“Princess and the Pea”).

4. Walnut shell (“Thumbelina”).

5. Paper boat (“The Steadfast Tin Soldier”),

6. Nettle (“Wild Swedes”),

7. Chest (“Plane Chest”).

Competition 6. “Key words”

Participants or teams are given cards with the name of the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen. In 1 minute you need to write on a card 5-7 words that are key to this fairy tale. For example, for the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea” the keywords would be: mattresses, pea, rainfall, prince, king, queen.

Competition 7. Exhibition of drawings “Heroes of fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen"

Competition 8. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”


Awarding the winners and presenting gifts.


Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen for students of primary and secondary school age.

Librarian of the city library No. 14 MBUK "CBS of Vologda" Romina Natalya Alekseevna.

Description: The literary quiz "In the Land of Andersen's Heroes" is intended for students of primary and secondary school age. It can be used in literature lessons when studying the works of foreign writers, at events dedicated to the anniversary of the Danish storyteller H. H. Andersen, as well as in preparing library lessons in the school library.

- Increasing readers' interest in Andersen's fairy tales;
- Assistance to the educational process;
- Aesthetic, moral education;
- Introduce schoolchildren to the books of the storyteller available in the library.

Decor: the title of the event, a portrait of H. H. Andersen, books by the storyteller, recordings of the songs “The Princess and the Pea” performed by the group “Children's Playground” (author S. S. Savenko); "The Snow Queen" from the film "The Secret of the Snow Queen".

Equipment: music center, tokens, prizes.

Progress of the event
Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Denmark.
In blooming Denmark, where I saw the light,
My world takes its beginning;
My mother sang songs to me in Danish,
My darling whispered fairy tales to me...
I love you, wave of my native seas,
I love you, ancient mounds,
Flowers of gardens, native forests of glades,
I love you, country of my fathers.
H. C. Andersen “Denmark is my homeland”

Andersen's father was a shoemaker, and his mother was a laundress. The boy grew up in poverty: he slept in a small room filled with workbenches and tools for shoemaking. But from early childhood Andersen was familiar with fairy tales and loved them very much. At first he liked listening to them. His father read stories to him and his grandmother told him stories. Fairy tales immersed the impressionable boy in the mysterious world of magic.
Gifted with a rich imagination, Andersen could play alone for hours. He didn't need noisy children's company. Any twig, stick or pebble came to life in his imagination and told its own amazing stories. From these stories his fairy tales were subsequently born.
In total, Hans Christian Andersen wrote more than 150 fairy tales during his life. We have a lot of Andersen's books in our library. (The presenter shows the books) Guys, what Andersen fairy tales have you read? (Children call) Now we will check how carefully you read them. I will ask questions and you will answer. For each correct answer you receive a token. At the end of the lesson we will count the tokens. Whoever has the most will receive prizes.


Competition 1. “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”
1. Why was Thumbelina called Thumbelina? (For a height of just 1 inch = 2.54 cm)
2. How was Thumbelina born? (A flower like a tulip grew from a barley grain)
3. What name did the elf king give to Thumbelina? (Mayan)
4. Name everyone who wanted to marry Thumbelina. (Son of a toad, beetle, mole, elf)
5. Why didn’t Thumbelina’s friends and acquaintances like the beetle? (Because Thumbelina is not like them: she has no waist, no antennae and only 2 legs)
6. Why did the field mouse give shelter to Thumbelina? (The mouse liked Thumbelina because she ate little)
7. What did Thumbelina eat when she lived in the field mouse hole? (Grain)
8. Who didn’t like the sun at all and why? (Mole because he was blind)
9. Who did Thumbelina save from death, and then she saved Thumbelina from an unhappy marriage? (Martin)
10. What did the elves give Thumbelina on her wedding day to the king of the elves? (Wings)

1. What prevented the heroine of the fairy tale from getting enough sleep? (Pea)
2. After how many mattresses and down jackets did the princess feel the pea? (Through 20 mattresses and 20 down jackets)
3. Why did the queen put a pea under the princess’s mattresses? (To find out if she is a real princess or not)
4. What was the weather like outside on the day the princess came to the palace? (It was raining outside)
5. Where was the pea sent when the prince and princess got married? (To the Kunstkamera - a museum of strange things)
Musical pause: The song "The Princess and the Pea" is playing.

1. Who was the son of the old tin spoon? (Tin soldier)
2. Who did the steadfast tin soldier fall in love with? (To the dancer)
3. What difficulties did the soldier have to endure? (Sail in a paper boat, get swallowed by a fish)
4. Where did the tin soldier end his life? (In the oven)

1. Which of the heroes of Andersen’s fairy tales believed that his appearance was to blame for all misfortunes? (Ugly duck)
2. Who did the Ugly Duckling turn into? (Into the beautiful swan)

1. How many stories does the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” consist of? (Out of 7)
2. What are the names of the main characters of the fairy tale? (Kai and Gerda)
3. What did the troll’s disciples smash and thereby bring a lot of trouble to people? (Mirror)
4. Who did Gerda meet on her way while looking for Kai? (A woman who knows how to cast a spell; a crow; a Prince and a Princess; a Little Robber; a Lapland; a Finn)
5. Without him, Gerda would not have been able to get to Kai. (Deer)
6. With what help did Gerda manage to get rid of the spell of the old woman who could cast magic? (Rose flower)
7. Where does the Snow Queen live? (In Lapland; in Finland)
Musical pause: The song "The Snow Queen" is playing.

1. Who guarded the chests with copper, silver and gold coins? (Dogs)
2. What kind of eyes did dogs have? (The first one is like tea cups, the second one is like mill wheels, the third one is like a Round Tower).
3. How did the magical properties of flint manifest themselves? (As soon as you hit the flint with a flint, one of the dogs appeared)
4. What was the first order the soldier gave to the dog? (Bring money)
5. What was the soldier’s second wish? (See the Princess)
6. How did the fairy tale end? (The soldier became king and married the princess)

1. Why did the prince dress up as a swineherd? (To meet the princess)
2. What gifts from the prince did the Princess not appreciate? (Nightingale and rose)
3. Why did the king kick his own daughter out of the palace? (The king saw his daughter kiss the swineherd)
4. How many magical objects were there in the fairy tale “The Swineherd”? (Two: a wonderful pot of bells and a musical instrument - a rattle)
5. What song was called by the bells of the pot? (Ah, my dear Augustine, It’s all gone, gone, gone!)

1. Who sewed a new dress for the king? (Two cheating weavers)
2. What amazing properties did the fabric from which the king’s dress was made have? (The fabric was of an unusually beautiful design and color, and it also became invisible to any person who was out of place or completely stupid)
3. What was the king’s new dress made of? (Out of nothing)
4. Why was everyone around afraid to admit that the king was naked? (We didn't want to seem stupid)
5. Who was the first to dare to say that the king is naked? (A little boy)

Competition 2. “Fairytale mathematics”
1. How many rooms were there in the dungeon where the soldier went down on the orders of the witch in the fairy tale “Flint”? (Three)
2. How many soldier sons did the old tin spoon have in the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”? (Twenty five)
3. How many dogs did the soldier see in the fairy tale “Flint”? (Three)
4. How many mattresses, feather beds and peas were placed on the princess’s bed in the fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea”? (Twenty mattresses, twenty feather beds and one pea)
5. How many kisses from the princess did the swineherd demand for his wonderful gifts (the fairy tale “The Swineherd”)? (Ten for the pot and one hundred for the rattle. Total - 110)

Competition 3. “In the world of birds and animals”
Can you name which Andersen fairy tales these animals are from?
1. Field mouse ("Thumbelina")
2. Chicken ("Ugly duck")
3. Raven ("The Snow Queen")
4. Toad ("Thumbelina")
5. Swan ("The Ugly Duckling", "Wild Swans")
6. Swallow ("Thumbelina")
7. Deer ("The Snow Queen")
8. Cat ("Ugly duck")
9. Mole ("Thumbelina")
10. Dog ("Flint")
11. Beetle ("Thumbelina")
12. Duck ("Ugly duck")
13. Moth ("Thumbelina")

Competition 4. “Remember the names of fairy tales”
Fill in the missing words in the names of the fairy tales:
1. ...queen (Snowy)
2. Galoshes... (happiness)
3. Steadfast... soldier (tin)
4. Wild... (swans)
5. ... house (Old)
6. ... on a pea (Princess)
7. New... king (dress)
8. ... - Lukoje (Ole)
9. Girl with... (with matches)
10. ... duckling (Ugly)
11. Flowers...Ides (small)

Competition 5. “Portraits of Heroes”
1. “She was wearing a thin cambric skirt, a blue scarf on her shoulder and a shiny brooch on her chest, as big as the girl’s head. The beauty stood on one leg, her arms outstretched, she was..." (Dancer, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier")
2. “She was so lovely, so tender, all made of dazzling ice and yet alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor beauty in them.” (The Snow Queen, "The Snow Queen")
3. “In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, and shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders.” (Elf, "Thumbelina")
4. “He was so beautiful that the princess bowed low to him, and he said to her: “Now I only despise you...” (The Swineherd Prince, "The Swineherd")
5. “A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! One-two! Satchel behind the back, saber at the side; he was going home." (Soldier, "Flint")
6. “The son was also wet and ugly - exactly like his old mother...” (Son of a Toad, "Thumbelina")
7. “Oh my God, what she looked like! Water ran from her hair and dress straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, but she still insisted that she was real ... " (Princess, "The Princess and the Pea")

Competition 6. “Andersen’s Hometown”
In what country did the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen live? (In Denmark)
Now, guys, after completing the crossword puzzle, we will find out in which city in Denmark Andersen was born.

Questions for the horizontal crossword:
1. A little girl with a difficult fate.
The girl never boasted about herself.
She knew how to do everything: sweep and sew.
And she stayed with the elves to live on the flowers.

2. He stood at attention,
Even though he was one-legged.
He bravely endured adversity,
No one saw him cry.

3. I must warn you:
I'm so fragile, I'm so tender
What's in a thousand feather beds
One pea
I'll feel it all night
And I still won’t fall asleep!

4. As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.

6. She was so lovely
Beautiful, amazing.
From dazzling ice
There she was. Tender and cold.

In the selected vertical cells: The name of the city where Hans Christian Andersen was born.
Horizontal crossword answers:1. Thumbelina; 2. Soldier; 3. Princess; 4. Duckling; 5. The Little Mermaid; 6. Queen.
Vertical answer:ODENS. There is an Andersen Museum in this city. The museum contains the writer’s personal belongings, various editions of his books in all languages ​​of the world and manuscripts, which attract special attention from visitors. You look at the rapidly running lines, and it seems that along with them you are carried away into your favorite fairy tale world.

Literary quiz based on fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen

(for 1st grade students)

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales by H. H. Andersen (.....)


    Enrich and clarify children's ideas about H.H. Andersen and his work.

    To promote the development of the beginnings of communicative competence among 1st grade students.

    Improve collaboration skills when working in a team.

    Cultivate a caring and respectful attitude towards books.

Boarding children. Children are divided in advance (in classes) into three groups (mixed teams).

The room is decorated on the theme “Fairy Tales of H. C. Andersen”: books with his works, illustrations from fairy tales, illustrations of fairy-tale characters, a portrait of H. C. Andersen.

Leading:Good afternoon to everyone present in the hall.

Leading:Today we have gathered again in a large and friendly company.

Leading: Guys, of course you all love traveling? Today we will take an unusual journey, but a fabulous one.

Leading: Today we will travel to the beautiful country of Denmark, where we will meet the heroes of the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

Leading:Are you ready to hit the road?

Leading:What do we need for a fabulous trip? (children’s answers: attention, perseverance, observation, patience, knowledge and respect for each other)

Leading:We know that our first-graders have all this. Since this is not their first time traveling.

Leading:And yet, as they say: “Repetition is the mother of learning,” I would like to remind you of very important information. To work as a team, and this is how you will work today, everyone needs to listen carefully to each other’s answers and not interrupt the person answering..

Leading:Please note that each of you has an emblem that tells you where the team will be located.

Leading:Now look around you. What's unusual about your team? (That’s right, all the first-graders got mixed up today, you have a mixed team).

Leading:As you remember, it is impossible to work in a team without its name. So now you will guess the name of your team. To do this, let's listen to excerpts from the works.

An audio recording of fairy tales sounds:


    Snow Queen (3 people)


Jury presentation

Host: And now I introduce the jury members:

    Golobokova Alla Arkadyevna

    Evseeva Tatyana Nikolaevna

    Akinina Inga Nikolaevna

    Kovaleva Lyudmila Ivanovna

Leading:So, the first competition “The most attentive”. A presentation is presented to your attention. Your task is to listen carefully to the message and then answer the questions.

Presentation “Biography of Hans Christian Andersen.

On the board there are cards (upside down) with the words:

Team members turn over cards and answer questions.

Leading:The next Lost and Found competition

Guys, do you know what a “bureau” is?( word of French origin, can mean: a desk or the name of an institution (weather bureau))

Leading: We have magic chest, which contains lost things from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales. You need to guess the name of the fairy tale that contains this item.

Phys. minute (musical).

Leading:The next stage of our literary competition will be a Quiz and a crossword puzzle. They will take place simultaneously. To do this, I need 3 people from each team who have read Andersen’s fairy tales and remember the heroes of his fairy tales well. These students will complete a crossword puzzle.

The rest of the guys take part in a quiz based on questions.

Questions for the quiz:

1. In which Andersen fairy tale did the boy’s heart turn into a piece of ice?
("The Snow Queen".)

2. The fragments of what object injured Kai from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (A mirror that was made by an evil troll. In it, everything good and beautiful decreased, and everything bad and ugly increased many, many times.)

3. What flowers did the old witch hide that reminded Gerda of Kai? (Roses.)

4. This heroine was so stubborn and spoiled that she could bite her mother's ear. But she was also touched by the story of a girl who is looking for her adopted brother. Who is she, from what fairy tale?
(The little robber from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen.”)

5. In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” who made the word “eternity” out of ice floes? (Kai.)

6. To stop Kai from freezing, the Snow Queen wrapped him in her bear fur coat, and in addition did this. What? (Kissed him on the forehead.)

7. In which Andersen fairy tale were dogs guarding three chests of money? ("Flint".)

8. Who in Andersen’s fairy tale asked the soldier to get the flint from the hollow of the tree?
(Old witch.)

9. What trick did the Queen Mother in the fairy tale “Flint” come up with to track where the young princess disappears at night? (Leaky bag of buckwheat.)

10. Which of the heroes of Andersen’s fairy tale gave up his home, his relatives, agreed to accept torment and even die for the sake of his beloved prince and find an immortal soul? (Mermaid.)

11. At what age were the little mermaids allowed to float to the surface of the sea? (At the age of 15.)

12. What did the witch take from the Little Mermaid in return for her potion? (Her beautiful voice.)

13. What material is the palace of the sea king built from in the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”? (Coral.)

14. Who was the son of the tin spoon?
(The Steadfast Tin Soldier from Andersen's fairy tale of the same name.)

15. What did the steadfast tin soldier travel on? (On a paper boat.)

16. How many brothers did the tin soldier have in the fairy tale by G.K. Andersen? (24).

17. In the fairy tale “The Steadfast Tin Soldier,” the boy was given 25 tin soldiers. They were all the same, except for one. How was the 25th tin soldier different from his brothers? (He had one leg).

18. Whom did the steadfast tin soldier fall in love with in Andersen’s fairy tale? (Paper ballerina).

19. What item in Andersen’s fairy tale was priced at 100 kisses?
(For the rattle. The fairy tale “The Swineherd” by Andersen.)

20. In which Andersen fairy tale was the young princess considered a witch and wanted to be burned at the stake in the city square? ("Wild Swans".)

21. What was the name of the heroine of the fairy tale “Wild Swans” by Andersen? ( Eliza.)

22. Which hero of Andersen’s fairy tales knows as many fairy tales as no one else knows? (Ole-Lukoje.)

23. With the help of what magical object did Ole Lukoje from Andersen’s fairy tale send fairy-tale dreams to children? (Umbrella).

24. In the beginning there was a grain of barley, then a wonderful tulip flower, and then... (Thumbelina.)

25. Who bit the stem of the water lily while saving Thumbelina from the toad? (Fish.)

26. What gift did the Elves give to Thumbelina? (Wings.)

27. Who was the rich and learned neighbor of the field mouse who fell in love with Thumbelina and wanted to marry her? (Mole.)

28. On whom did Thumbelina make the extraordinary journey from the mole’s hole to the warmer climes? (On a swallow.)

29. Who did the Ugly Duckling turn into in Andersen's fairy tale of the same name? (Into the swan.)

30. What did they put under the mattresses and feather beds of the princess to check that she was really a princess? (A pea.)

Crossword (10 minutes)

The highlighted cells should contain the name of the heroine of one of Andersen's most famous fairy tales.

1. The name of the girl who saved Kai.

2. These flowers danced at little Ida’s ball.

4. The name that the Elf called Thumbelina.

5. The flower that the hero of the fairy tale “The Swineherd” brought as a gift to the princess.

6. The material from which the soldiers were made.

7. An item that made a soldier happy.

8. This heroine turned into sea foam.

9. The object that the Snow Queen broke.

10. The name of the boy to whom Ole Lukoje told fairy tales every evening.

Leading:Guys, I invite you to the wonderful world of illustrations.

Remember what illustration is?

( Illustration - a drawing, photograph, engraving or other image that explains the text). You are especially interested in reading books if they contain many illustrations by artists.

Presentation“Learn a fairy tale from an illustration”

Leading: We continue our journey through fairy tales. Now you must solve the riddles. But the most important thing is to try to explain which words helped you guess the heroine. So, the “Say the Word” competition.

Well, now guess the riddles:

The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What awaits her in this fairy tale?

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole...

Anyway, enough! Do you need a hint?

Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this?

(Thumbelina, H.H. Andersen)

Bad weather broke out

And it's dark outside.

In this bad weather

The girl knocks on the window.

Don't doubt it, prince, she's good,

She's unhappy... (Princess on the Pea)

An evil blizzard has arrived,

Gerda lost her friend.

Kai rushed off to the kingdom of ice!

Gerda! Gerda! Help out!

The blizzard circles to the right, to the left

In a fairy tale... (The Snow Queen)

Leading:Guys, our quiz is coming to an end. While the jury members are counting your points, each team will make a model of the cover - the name of the team.

Fairy tale simulation: The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen, Thumbelina

Simulation Analysis

Jury results (speech)

Reflection (Song of having fun walking together...)

Presentation of prizes.

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