Vlad leaves the funeral. Who was behind the murder of Vlad Listyev: influential people or "criminal boys"

The first bullet hit in the arm, the second - in the head. Valuables and a large amount of cash that he had remained intact, which led investigators in this case to assume that the murder was related to the business or political activities of the TV presenter. Despite numerous statements by law enforcement agencies that the case is close to being solved, neither the killers nor the customers have been found (as of 2011).

On television, Listyev's murder was first reported by Mikhail Osokin.

The death and funeral of Listyev were accompanied by a wide public outcry. The funeral, which took place on Saturday March 4, was attended by tens of thousands of people, television programs were stopped, March 2 was declared the Day of Mourning, all day long on the air of the 1st channel Ostankino, as well as in prime time on other channels (RTR, NTV) showed a portrait of a journalist and the words: "Vladislav Listyev is killed."

Listyev's funeral took place at the Vagankovsky cemetery.


According to investigator Boris Uvarov, who was assigned to investigate the murder of Listyev in 1995, when he reported to I. O. Attorney General Alexei Ilyushenko that the case was practically solved, and asked to sign a number of authorizations for the arrests and searches of the suspects, he was immediately forcibly sent on leave.

After the murder of Listyev, a number of criminals confessed to his murder, but then retracted their testimony. For example, a suspect in the murder of deputy Yuri Polyakov confessed to the murder of Listyev, but then he refused to testify.

Version about Boris Berezovsky

Articles and books by Paul Klebnikov

In 2000, Khlebnikov published the book "Godfather of the Kremlin Boris Berezovsky, or the History of the Plundering of Russia", where he expressed his point of view on Berezovsky's activities.

Khlebnikov argued in his book that the original idea of ​​privatizing the first channel belonged to Vlad Listyev. Being the leading producer of the channel and the author of the idea of ​​its privatization, Listyev was the main candidate for the post of head of the new company. According to Khlebnikov, the management of LogoVAZ pushed Berezovsky's ally, producer Irena Lesnevskaya, to this position. Berezovsky was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors.

According to Khlebnikov, ORT's total share capital was $2 million. Berezovsky's companies bought 16 percent of the shares. Berezovsky also controlled another 20 percent. According to Khlebnikov, with an investment of about $320,000, Berezovsky acquired control of Russia's main television channel, with the state receiving 51 percent of the shares. Khlebnikov claimed that Listyev's negotiations with the head of Reklama-Holding, Sergei Lisovsky, dragged on.

On February 20, 1995, Vlad Listyev introduced a temporary moratorium on all types of advertising until ORT developed new "ethical standards". Korzhakov argued that "the abolition of advertising (on ORT) meant personally for Lisovsky and Berezovsky the loss of millions in profits."

According to Khlebnikov's materials, in one of the reports, an employee of the capital's RUOP noted that Listyev feared an attack and at the end of February told his closest friends why he could be killed. When he decided to end his monopoly on advertising, Lisovsky came to him and demanded damages in the amount of $ 100 million, threatening to kill him. Listyev said that he had found a European company that was willing to pay much more for the right to manage advertising time on ORT - $200 million. According to Khlebnikov, Listyev turned to Boris Berezovsky, the chief financier of ORT, with a request to carry out an operation to pay 100 million to Lisovsky. Khlebnikov wrote that the money was transferred to the account of one of Berezovsky's companies, and that Berezovsky promised to transfer the funds to Lisovsky in three months.

Khlebnikov claimed that, according to the analytical service of Onexim-Bank, Listyev's ban on advertising on ORT was explained by the fact that he was seeking better offers for the right to dispose of advertising on ORT. Lisovsky offered ORT 100 million dollars, but Listyev counted on 170.

Khlebnikov wrote that Berezovsky was at that time negotiating with several criminal gangs, and that in early 1995, the gangster authority, who was in prison, announced that he had received a request to kill Listyev from Berezovsky's assistant Badri. According to Khlebnikov, on February 28, the day before Listyev's assassination, Berezovsky met with a thief in law named "Nikolai" and handed him $100,000 in cash.

Khlebnikov claimed that at 3 pm, when Berezovsky returned from the memorial service to the LogoVAZ building, there were many policemen from the RUOP and riot police there. They produced a search warrant and permission to interrogate Berezovsky as a witness in the Listyev case. The oligarch demanded an explanation, and his guards (including an FSK officer, Alexander Litvinenko) did not let the policemen through. The confrontation continued until midnight. In the end, the Ruopovtsy asked Berezovsky and his assistant Badri to drive to the police station for interrogation. Khlebnikov claimed that Berezovsky had called Acting Prosecutor General Aleksey Ilyushenko, and that the latter had ordered Berezovsky and Badri's statements to be taken at the LogoVAZ office, not at the police station.

According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky asked Irena Lesnevskaya, a friend of Yeltsin's wife and one of Channel One's chief producers, to perform with him. Khlebnikov wrote that Lesnevskaya blamed Vladimir Gusinsky, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and the KGB for the murder of Vlad Listyev. According to Khlebnikov's book, as a result of a video message from the heads of the investigation, Moscow prosecutor Gennady Ponomarev and his deputy were fired, and the police were ordered to leave LogoVAZ and Berezovsky alone. Khlebnikov quoted Korzhakov as saying that Berezovsky "openly used his political connections to avoid legal interrogation." According to Khlebnikov, Berezovsky concealed from the investigators that he met with Listyev at the LogoVAZ reception house on the eve of the assassination.

Khlebnikov wrote that after the murder law enforcement Gusinsky was never interrogated in connection with the murder.

Paul Khlebnikov was killed in Moscow on July 9, 2004 by unknown people. As of 2011, the crime remained unsolved.

Statement of the convict

Yevgeny Vyshenkov from the Agency for Journalistic Investigations reported on the testimony of Yury Kolchin, convicted in the murder of Galina Starovoitova. Kolchin, according to Vyshenkov, said that one of the disgraced oligarchs, Boris Berezovsky, ordered the assassination of Listyev to crime boss Konstantin Yakovlev, and that the latter organized the murder at the hands of Eduard Kanimoto, Valery Sulikovsky and an unnamed third performer. According to Kolchin, he and another crime boss Vladimir Kumarin witnessed the conversation between the organizers and the customer. The motive was Listyev's ban on advertising on ORT. . Vladimir Kumarin himself told the investigator that the version was frankly fictitious, since, according to medical documents, in the second half of the year and almost until the end of the year he was treated in a German hospital, where, after a severe bullet wound, he first lay in a coma, and could not move independently. Later, Yuri Kolchin unsuccessfully passed the polygraph test (lie detector), which showed the conscious unreliability of the story of the witness being tested.

Opinion of colleagues

Other versions

The investigation into the murder of TV journalist Vladislav Listyev was entrusted to investigator Lema Tamaev, Rosbalt reports, citing a source in the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office (currently [ When?] Tamaev heads the headquarters for the investigation of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP; also L. Tamaev is a brother [the significance of the fact?] well-known investigator Ruslan Tamaev, who investigated the so-called "

Leaves from a simple journalist quickly turned into a real star of domestic TV. Despite his great fame, Vladislav was quite modest in everyday life.

Possible versions and hypotheses

According to the memoirs of his girlfriend Albina, for a long time the couple huddled in her workshop, so there is no question of financial motives for the murder. Why was Listyev killed in this case? Among modern versions, personal motives and the theory of the uncleanliness of business partners are especially popular.

"Vladislav Listyev is killed!" Photos and reports from the scene in the newspapers caused a resonance in post-Soviet society - the target of the criminals was not a private entrepreneur or a deputy, but a journalist. It was then that versions of political overtones in a difficult matter fell down. Potential leaders and perpetrators of contract killings were looked for both at the top of power structures and in the crowd of influential businessmen.

Outset of events

The difficult situation in Ostankino in 1993 led to the need for change.

The constant lack of state capital greatly hindered the development of the TV channel. In 1994, out of the required 1.3 trillion, the company was able to get 320 billion.

To solve the problem, the editors were given the opportunity to earn money on their own, but this did not bring relief at all - even hardened journalists of that time categorically did not know how to work in the advertising field, including Listyev Vladislav Nikolaevich. Who killed him, how and why, is still unknown to this day, but many colleagues associate the event with the big money that was circulating in Ostankino.

Drama in Ostankino

Who benefits?

The information about the initiator of the proposal to corporatize Ostankino is somewhat contradictory.

According to the main version, the founder of the production center REN TV is responsible for this, the second version calls the name of Alexander Lyubimov.

Lyubimov's plan provided excellent prerequisites for the formation of a nationwide TV, which Lyubimov saw as a joint stock community. Actually, this theory existed because of an interview with Boris Berezovsky given in the summer of 1994. In a television interview with the Vlast newspaper in April 2005, he said that the news agency was conceived as “the most powerful mechanism for socio-political struggle”, “an independent television channel for the whole country” . Why Listyev was killed, for money or for politics, after frank interviews with the magnate, it was impossible to understand more.

Role of Berezovsky

This mechanism, according to Berezovsky's speeches, was needed for the purpose of a future war with the communists, who, after the failure in the Duma in 1993, would definitely want retribution and revenge in the media space. In November 1994, Yeltsin signed the Order on the formation of the "Public Domestic Television". In the ranks of the company's shareholders were Berezovsky's LogoVAZ and United Bank, Khodorkovsky's MENATEP correspondent bank, Smolensky's Stolichny correspondent bank, Fridman and Aven's Alfa-Bank, Efanov's Mikrodin enterprise. The notes “Vladislav Listyev has been killed!”, close-up photos and versions of the investigation have since and forever acquired an unpleasant aftertaste of big politics and big money.

Listyev's plans

51% of the shares of the new Ostankino were owned by the state, and 49% were listed in the assets of personal Money. since September 1994 he was appointed vice-president of the National TV Academy. Colleagues and friends of the journalist mentioned that he literally dreamed of a different television. He was curious to imagine a different way of development of his offspring, and not to observe the complete degradation of the ethers.

Although his circle of interests extended only to the production and production of new projects, to the question “Why was Listyev killed?” there is a standard answer - for money, a lot of money.

Undoubtedly, he was interested in working as a film producer, but such an attitude to the position imposed responsibility for the affairs of the TV channel on other employees. Vlad did not delve into debits-credits and similar accounting trifles, his talent was elsewhere.

Memories of colleagues

The journalist Razbash recalled: “A few days after the terrible event with Listyev, our number was called. After a short pause, a cold, completely emotionless voice said something along the lines of: "If you start to twitch, you'll go after him...". Most colleagues received phone calls asking them not to cover the incident in any way in the press and not to stir up a public scandal. Why they killed Vlad Listyev - we do not know and did not know, but we began to dig in all possible directions precisely after a series of calls from unknown numbers.

During the investigation period, about 2 thousand eyewitnesses, witnesses and possible participants in the events were interrogated. 10 different people confessed to committing the offense, but these versions were not subsequently confirmed in any way. To the question “Why was Listyev killed?” most of them did not even have a clear answer, and even more so, motives and opportunities.

FSB version

Hypotheses were repeatedly expressed that Boris Berezovsky and his henchmen were the real customer, then a "Solntsevo trail" was formed, leading to the criminal group of the same name.

It is considered information about the systematic ejection from the media space by Listyev of the company Global Media Systems, whose interests were defended by the "man of Solntsevo" Kartsev. The "family" hypothesis was also worked out.

FSB Lieutenant Colonel Litvinenko indirectly accused Korzhakov in his book of planning and directing the assassination of the journalist.

On April 21, 2009, according to the current investigation procedure, the process was temporarily suspended "due to the impossibility of identifying the person responsible for the crime." However, the search was soon resumed, since information appeared about the participation in the case of a member of the Tambov group, Yuri Kolchin, who is serving a sentence for the murder of Galina Starovoitova.

a harbinger new era It was he who was TV - Listyev Vladislav Nikolaevich. Who killed the journalist and why he left the body - will remain a mystery for the coming decades. Contrary to existing hypotheses, the aforementioned Kolchin threw a completely new and somewhat unexpected version, and also brought investigations to major crime bosses. However, according to the perpetrator, Berezovsky still ordered the murder. After the deed was done, the oligarch paid the Tambovites for silence for a long time.
served as Attorney General during the scandalous case, wrote a book that tells in detail about the people, versions and motives of the crime.

The novel "Who killed Vlad?" did not answer these questions. Who killed Listyev remained unknown. Although the main chapters repeated the investigative materials, the individual personalities of the work were called by other names. The story lines were also slightly different from what actually took place. Despite the skepticism of the general public and the cries of paid articles, Skuratov mentioned that there were no people named Kolchin among the real killers of Listyev. Why Listyev was killed and how the authorities are connected with this is a mystery.

Interview with the investigator

After the publication of the novel, controversy unfolded around the events in the book and in reality, supporters and opponents of the author argued different versions and called more and more new names.

Who killed Listyev is a question without a clear answer even today, since people interested in the death of a journalist are quite alive and well. Several details of the case were clarified by numerous interviews given by Piotr Triboi, the investigator:

Why was Listyev killed? Who did it?

The situation is transparent.

Where are the accusations and the trial for the criminals? Did someone dare to interfere with the investigation?

Not really. There were threats when in the process I found Interesting Facts; no one interfered openly. Justice is a matter of evidence. If the lawyers dispute the prosecutor's version, the main defendants will run away, and we will never see them. Since they are all wealthy people, a fair trial in other states should not be expected.

Why was Vladislav Listyev killed? Is the political elite involved in this?

Some are still in power, some are long gone. There are many motives, it is impossible to identify one specific one, since journalistic activity forced Listyev to take part in various financial and social life of the state.

To the question: “In what year was Listyev killed?” the current younger generation is not able to answer, and for his contemporaries the journalist was a real harbinger of the new TV, the main propagandist and pioneer of high broadcasting standards.

After the death of its ideologue, ORT became an ordinary politically biased channel, participating in various PR campaigns of various figures. Since then, the political activities of the media giant have been criticized more than once, but the project has no more new inspirers.

25 years ago it was difficult to find a person in Russia who did not know Vlad Listyev. During the years of perestroika, he literally broke into television, created and hosted several successful television shows himself, many of which are still being broadcast today.

The murder of Vlad Listyev in March 1995 caused a huge public outcry in the country. And it's not that a talented person died, everyone was rather frightened and outraged by the fact that a journalist who was trying to tell the truth without embellishment was killed. Many believe that it was for his liberalism and frankness that the TV presenter paid with his life.


Not everyone knows Vlad Listyev what year of birth. The future journalist was born on May 10, 1956 in Moscow into a family of ordinary factory workers. From an early age he went in for sports, even graduated from a sports boarding school named after the Znamensky brothers. Here he even achieved his first outstanding results, became the champion of the USSR in 1 km running among juniors. The difficult situation in the family and the lack of financial assistance gradually led the young man to leave the sport. Already after graduation high school Listyev taught for some time as an instructor in physical culture in the Spartak Society.

The life of Vlad Listyev did not indulge in happiness. The fate of his parents was tragic. When Vlad was 17 years old, his father committed suicide by drinking dichloroethane solution. He held a fairly high position in the People's Control Committee, and after the disappearance of money from the society's cash desk, he was frightened of the accusations and decided to end his life so tragically. After some time, the mother found another man, an alcoholic, and she almost drank herself. The young man was very upset by family troubles and soon got married and left his home forever. His mother also did not die of natural causes: at the age of 62, she was hit to death by a car.


The biography of Vlad Listyev was full of dark and tragic moments. All his life he defended his principles, fought for the truth and met with desperate resistance from conservatives and other opponents of change. He was unhappy in his personal life, which sometimes led to serious problems with alcohol.

In marriage, Listyev did not find family happiness. They got married with their first wife very young, they met with Elena Lesina at a sports camp, but the family did not last long. After the death of her newborn son, the woman had a nervous breakdown and they broke up, despite the birth of another child. From this marriage, Listyev had a daughter, Valeria, but her father practically did not participate in her upbringing.

The second wife was close to Vlad in upbringing and hobbies. Tatyana Alekseevna Lyalina was a philologist by education, was an editor and translator. The woman already had a small child, in marriage with Listyev they had two sons. One of them became blind and deaf at the age of 3 months due to the negligence of doctors and died at the age of 6. Another, Alexander, lived and studied in England for a long time, but at the beginning of the 2000s he returned to Russia and followed in his father's footsteps. He started as a simple administrator and rose to the rank of executive director of the largest projects of Channel One. True, like his father, Alexander had problems with alcohol, he was even detained for driving while intoxicated.

The second marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful, moreover, during this period the TV presenter experienced an acute nervous breakdown, quit his job and even tried to commit suicide. Albina Nazimova, who soon became his third wife, literally pulled him out of this abyss. It is she who is called the main muse and assistant presenter, after his death, friends claimed that it was Albina who made him so successful. The widow herself denied such statements.

Carier start

The biography of Vlad Listyev is an example of the life of a successful person with a strong life position. Immediately after the army, he decided to devote his life to journalism and entered the faculty of Moscow State University with this direction. Although the media in the 70s were under the strict control of the ruling party and there was no talk of any creativity, all reports and programs corresponded to the aspirations of socialism.

The young student understood this trend during his studies and already at the institute he set himself the goal of changing the situation, making journalism as open and comprehensive as possible. Listyev even refused an invitation to undergo an internship in Cuba or in another country of the socialist world, he already knew for sure that he wanted to work for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

TV work

The entire biography of Vlad Listyev is inextricably linked with the 1st channel of Ostankino, and later with ORT - Public Russian Television. An eminent TV journalist became the ideological inspirer and the first general director here. From the first days of practice, he showed himself as a tenacious and active employee, in a few years he quickly climbed the career ladder and already in 1982 worked as an editor in the broadcasting department. In those years, it was the main propaganda studio of the USSR, that is, it was here that they listened to foreign channels, and also sent information of a socialist nature.

This experience turned out to be fateful in the biography and personal life of Vlad Listyev, here the young employee made new friends and made his first enemies. He was able to look at the world here and there and compare. Moreover, the comparison was not in favor of Soviet journalism, completely mired in ideological slogans and empty appeals. Perhaps it was here that Vladislav Nikolaevich developed a special vision of the Russian media, developed and began to implement a strategy to "save" domestic journalism. He was deeply indignant at the cowardice of his colleagues, since he himself was not used to being silent, and if he spoke, then the truth and loudly.


Listyev's success at the State Radio and Television was swift. Already in 1987, he became the host of the Vzglyad program, at that time the only one in which it was possible to speak more or less openly about social and political problems. "Vzglyad" became a kind of outlet for viewers of the late 80s, allowing them to take a break from ideological appeals.

Relative journalistic freedom reigned here, foreign music played and sometimes very serious issues were discussed. The popularity of the presenters was prohibitive, when in 1990 they wanted to close the program, a rally in support of Vzglyad gathered near the TV station. It was on the wave of this popularity that Listyev and his associates had the idea to create their own television company VID, which is still operating and producing well-known programs for Channel One.

The new company began operations in 1990, and three years later Listyev became its CEO. All projects produced by VID have gained immense popularity. For example, "Guess the Melody", "Field of Miracles", "Rush Hour", "Star Hour" and many others. Moreover, Vladislav Nikolayevich often himself acted as a presenter.

The murder of Vlad Listyev

At the post CEO Broadcasting company Listyev did not stay long. Unprecedented popularity and, of course, large profits led to a split among former associates, so the director was soon removed. Vladislav Nikolaevich left as the head of ORT, where he worked no less efficiently and confidently. However, his idealistic ideas of an advertising-free television were met with hostility. But Listyev not only dreamed, but also acted: he tried to impose a moratorium on advertising. In response, all advertising companies united in the struggle for control in this area.

Friends warned Vlad more than once that large shadow forces were involved here, from which one could expect anything. But he did not believe in such an outcome, he stubbornly walked towards his goal. In the meantime, threats began to come to work and home, he was even recommended to hire a bodyguard, but Vladislav Nikolayevich was not used to backing down.

On March 1, 1995, the journalist was shot dead while returning from the filming of the Rush Hour program. The journalist was shot twice, in the shoulder and head, which indicates the professionalism of the shooter. A photo of Vlad Listyev, lying in the entrance of his house, spread all over the country. The death of the famous TV presenter was announced by President Boris Yeltsin himself, who promised that the criminals would be found in the near future. Unfortunately, the investigation dragged on for decades, and after that it was completely closed.


The fact that Listyev crossed the road to very influential people was obvious to everyone. He interfered with many: businessmen, advertising agencies, and finally, some colleagues. So his close acquaintances were not even surprised by what happened. Although the official reason for the murder of Vlad Listyev has not yet been named. Initially, there was a version of robbery, but neither money nor valuables were stolen.

At first, law enforcement agencies began to investigate very briskly. After all, the order to find the killers, no matter what, came from the Kremlin, from the President himself. And although the investigators reported success, the case soon slowed down. It was rumored that the criminals were covered up by very big cones at the top, so no results should be expected.

In the first months, the alleged killers were found, some of them even confessed to their deeds, for example, Yuri Polyakov, but later they all retracted their testimony. Following the inconclusive investigation, many journalistic investigations and documentaries were released, where Boris Berezovsky, Alexander Korzhakov, and Sergei Lisovsky were called the customer of the murder of Vlad Listyev. But there is still no exact data of the investigation. The case was suspended in 2009, but the investigation does not exclude the possibility of its reopening if new facts appear. Although 23 years have passed, many witnesses to that case are already dead or inaccessible to Russian justice.

family strife

After the death of the leader, who did not leave a will, a desperate struggle for the inheritance began. It was not possible to establish the exact amount of Listyev's income, but there were rumors in the media about $ 15 million and shares of the VID television company. After multiple litigations, the eldest daughter Valeria got an apartment on the outskirts of Moscow (moreover, the girl’s grandmother fought for the inheritance, the first wife did not participate in the scandal), the second wife received a country house and an elite apartment, and the percentage was equally divided by the third wife Albina Nazimova and son Alexander.

Contribution to the development of television

Listyev set himself a gigantic task - to make journalism objective and honest, turned to the people, protecting the interests of ordinary people, and not the party. At that time, such thoughts were not only forbidden, but also very dangerous. Although with his biography, Vlad Listyev proved that he was never afraid of anything. Modern researchers of the history of the development of domestic media call Listyev and his associates the pioneers of the author's word, a democratic view of reality. What these people started in the late 80s will eventually develop into modern journalism, largely open and independent of the state.

And even though it is not known who killed Vlad Listyev, everyone understands and honors his work and his sacrifice. For the past 23 years, he has been an example for many Russian journalists. The way he selflessly and stubbornly defended the rights of the domestic media has gone down in history. Such a person could have achieved success anywhere, but he chose the thankless path of a journalism pioneer and thereby opened the way for others eager to bring the truth to the population.

The most famous projects

Modern youth is perplexed when looking at the photo of Vlad Listyev next to the drum in the studio of the Field of Miracles, beloved by everyone. Today, not many people remember that it was he who became the author and the first host of the show. According to Listyev, the idea came to him because of the analogy with roulette, and he took the name from the children's fairy tale "Pinocchio". Although in the USA and other countries such programs have been going on for more than a decade, in Russia the release of "Field of Miracles" has become a grandiose event, it is not for nothing that the show has "survived" to this day with virtually no changes.

Another mega-successful program of Vlad Listyev was the program "Theme", the first in Russia, made like a talk show. The studio raised a variety of issues relevant to modern society. The format was unusual, but therefore very curious. The TV program lasted until 2000. The first host was Listyev himself, later Lidia Ivanova and Dmitry Mendeleev, and Julius Gusman also worked there for some time. Among the topics there were very sensitive ones that were new to the audience of those years, for example, gender change, racism in Russia, the death penalty, cohabitation at work.

fateful for Russian television became another program - "Rush Hour". The format, studio and even many themes were copied from a similar American show by Larry King, but this did not make the program less significant and popular. Until his death, Vladislav Listyev was the host. Each issue invited a guest, with whom a hot topic was discussed. After the murder of a journalist, the show was hosted in turn by all his friends: Leonid Parfyonov, Alexander Lyubimov and Andrei Makarevich. "Rush Hour" lasted until 1998, when it was replaced by Lyubimov's almost identical project "Here and Now".

Memory and merit

The grave of Vlad Listyev is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery. On the day of his funeral, thousands of people went to Ostankino to say goodbye to their idol, there was even a stampede where several people were injured. A modest monument in the form of a thoughtful angel perfectly demonstrates the lonely path that the famous TV presenter went through. On the day of his birth or death, impromptu actions of journalists are often held here, who do not forget and honor the pioneer of the Russian media.

People who happened to work with Listyev note the amazing flair of Vladislav Nikolaevich. He always knew what the viewer wanted, he seemed to be on the other side of the screen, which is probably why all his projects were so successful and loved by the people.

Thus ended the biography of Vlad Listyev, and who killed him is still a hot topic for numerous investigations and documentaries. Interest in the history of this unique person is explained by how extraordinary he was. Every year, new facts of his life path emerge and possible causes murders. It seemed that his whole fate was a kind of struggle with death, and he eventually lost this game.

Monument to Vladislav Listyev (1956–1995), TV presenter and journalist, creator of the VID television company. The bronze sculpture was installed at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Vladislav Listyev - TV presenter and journalist, creator of the VID television company

Vladislav Nikolaevich Listyev (1956–1995) - TV presenter And journalist, the "face" of perestroika television. After serving in the Taman division, he entered the journalism department of Moscow State University, and after graduation from 1982 he worked at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Five years later, he moved to the Youth editorial office, where he became one of the leading "Glance". The courage and novelty of the transmission format made Listyev and his colleagues the stars of Soviet television, a company is being created on the wave of success "VIEW", transmission "Field of Dreams", "Subject", "Star Hour", "Guess the melody". After being appointed CEO of a new company, ORT in 1995 was drawn into the redistribution of the semi-criminal advertising market.

Vladislav Listyev was killed on March 1, 1995, buried in Moscow (plot No. 1, at the very entrance).

On the grave of a TV journalist, it is installed in the form of a female angel. Her posture is full of sadness, suffering and sadness, lowered eyes barely holding back tears, her hand covers her face. The statue reflects the grief of loss and love for the deceased. At her feet is a small block, on which Listyev's name and years of life are carved in relief type. The composition is placed on a black granite slab, the burial site is fenced with a welded

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