Profiles for girls for dating. What should you write about yourself on your resume to interest an employer? The position of commercial director involves

Communication on dating sites is actively gaining popularity nowadays. This is much easier than starting to communicate in reality. But what should you write about yourself on a dating site so that your profile attracts the attention of the opposite sex?

What to write about yourself on a dating site for men and girls

First, you need to understand that there is a completely different approach to women’s and men’s profiles. And here all the details are important.

Women's profile: rules and examples

When filling out a questionnaire, a girl often notices that there is no feedback from men. So what important things do you need to mention in your profile in order to be in the center of attention and make acquaintances?

Rules for filling out a questionnaire for a girl

  • Men most often pay attention to a woman's name. If the line is empty or a set of letters is written there, it is unlikely that anyone will respond to such a questionnaire. You should not use playful phrases or nicknames; they will only attract men with frivolous intentions. It is best to write your real name in full form.
  • You should immediately decide what the purpose of creating the questionnaire is. Some register for the purpose of simple communication, others are looking for acquaintance with the opposite sex. Therefore, in the “purpose of meeting” column, you need to indicate the real reason.
  • In the same column you can leave a small bait for the male sex. For example, indicate your knowledge in the field of fishing, if you really have it. You should write about this briefly and concisely - for example, “I love hiking and fishing.”
  • In the section about yourself you need truthful information. Real weight and age will play a special role - if a brunette over forty comes to the first meeting instead of a young blonde, the man is unlikely to be happy. And then your communication will clearly not work out.

All men love a girl's sense of humor, so it's worth mentioning this in your profile. Not with funny pictures, but with a couple of subtle phrases with humor.

Samples of filling out the “about yourself” section for girls

Below are some successful examples for filling out a woman’s profile on a dating site:

“Lovers of life, ready for a serious relationship with bright impressions, write. I’m mischievous in life, elegant in a restaurant and able to make dull everyday life not boring and warm.”

“I always remain optimistic. I believe in people and dream of meeting a worthy man who needs care, love and tenderness.”

“Do you also think that without love life seems incomplete? Are you looking for a reliable companion who knows how to surround a man with comfort? Congratulations, you found me and you weren’t mistaken.”

“Friendly and romantic girl. I'm sentimental and don't like lies. I love rain and books, I dream of a man for whom family is the main thing.”

“I want to remain a mystery so as not to write platitudes out of a desire to get married as soon as possible. I’d rather wait for a man for whom our acquaintance will be luck, and our family will become a small home fortress.”

Men's profile: rules and examples

What should the profile of a young man or a respectable man look like? It is usually more difficult for men to fill out a profile on a dating site, because it is not enough for them to simply present themselves, as women do. What should a man write in his profile? How to correctly compose a male profile to attract attention?

Rules for filling out a questionnaire for a man

A correct questionnaire must be drawn up taking into account a number of simple rules:

  • A masculine name is important for a woman, but it should not be too simple and hackneyed. Male names look attractive. For example, Kolya sounds too simple, but Nicholas can attract attention.
  • It is important to tell the maximum truth about yourself. It is useful to write about your hobbies, which will be non-trivial and interesting - for example, scuba diving.
  • The column “requirements for the interlocutor” should not contain information about what shortcomings irritate you in girls. If a girl falls in love, she herself will begin to get rid of bad habits.
  • You should not indicate too specific an image of the desired chosen one. If you indicate that you only like brunettes, then you may well miss the ideal blonde girl who could change her hair color for the sake of her chosen one.
  • It is better to indicate real parameters about appearance, otherwise the first date will be unsuccessful because it will not live up to expectations.
  • When describing the work, it is worth expressing it in a modern way. The work of a policeman can be called a detective, and a driver can be called a freight forwarder. Girls value modern professions.
  • The question of financial situation can be embellished a little. If your earnings are not very high, you can indicate “financially secure.” Any girl, even if she doesn’t need money, wants to see a man next to her who can provide for her family. Therefore, if you write “enough to live on,” you can alienate many girls.
  • About your marital status you need to indicate the honest truth without details. For example, we were in a relationship and broke up by mutual consent.
  • You can mention a car or an apartment, but without much fanaticism. Today this is no longer considered a special luxury, so you should not try to buy a girl with this.

Samples of filling out the “about yourself” section for men

“IT technology specialist. I'm looking for an interesting girl of any appearance. I love walks in the evenings and sports, my weakness is delicious home-cooked food.”

“My life is full of interesting events. The only thing I miss is my beloved girl next to me. I would share this busy life with her, which is why I decided to create a profile here. It’s much easier to meet interesting people on the Internet.”

“I don’t like sports - instead I spend my time investing in the future that I dream of sharing with you. By the way, I meant watching football, and the gym is sacred. I will show you my strength in order to protect and protect the fragile you.”

Now you know what to write about yourself on a dating site. These are simple phrases that you can specify about yourself on a dating site. The key rule is maximum truthful information, a real photo and a little about your hobbies.

Very high. To get a prestigious job, you need to think carefully about what to write about yourself in your resume. There are quite a few examples where a well-drafted document brought success to a candidate for a position. After all, a resume is the first thing that characterizes you in the eyes of a potential boss.

What should a resume look like?

A resume is your face. This is how the employer will make their first impression of you. An example of a correct resume should meet the following parameters:

  • volume - no more than 1 page;
  • easy to read font;
  • describe personal qualities and professional skills in the first person, in the present tense;
  • uniform design style;
  • presence of a photograph;
  • no errors;
  • business style;
  • The resume language is the one that is used in the organization (for example, if you are applying for a position in a foreign company, the resume needs to be translated).


Not everyone knows how and what to write about themselves on a resume. Examples of similar documents allow us to conclude that they all have a similar structure. No matter what position you are applying for, your resume should contain the following key points:

  • Personal information. This is everything that identifies you - full name, date of birth, address, contact information, etc.
  • Career objective.
  • Education. Indicate all educational institutions with clarification of time frames.
  • Experience. A list of all companies with which you have worked, indicating the time period, position, responsibilities and special merits, if any.
  • Key skills. It is your abilities and specialized knowledge that characterize you as an experienced specialist.
  • About Me. This is any additional information that will help the employer make a positive impression of you. Personal qualities, hobbies, etc. are usually included here.
  • Recommendations. If you have positive reviews from previous places of work, be sure to indicate this.
  • Portfolio. In the resume itself, it is enough to indicate that you can provide examples of successfully completed work.

Section "About yourself" in a resume, examples

When writing a resume, many people make the mistake of omitting the “About Me” section, believing that only data related to professional activity is important. But this is not entirely correct, because you are not just a working mechanism, but, first of all, a person. Therefore, always include an “About Me” section in your resume. Examples highlight the following basic information:

  • Personal qualities. In this section, describe all the characteristics that make you appear to be a good employee. If the company’s website describes the requirements for applicants for a position, you can transfer personal qualities from there to your resume.
  • Habits. We’re not just talking about bad habits, but if you don’t have any, it’s a good idea to point this out. But it's worth looking a little deeper. For example, the habit of always finishing what you start or working beyond the expected time will characterize you extremely positively.
  • Business connections. This is participation in any organizations not related to the main activity. Perhaps you are a member of a social movement or charity foundation.
  • Documentation. Here you need to indicate whether you have a driver’s license, open visas, etc. It is quite possible that this will be useful to you in your work.
  • Hobby. If you are seriously interested in something (sports, some kind of art, collecting, etc.), be sure to indicate this. But it’s better to remain silent about some negative hobbies (card games, participation in sweepstakes, etc.).
  • Foreign language skills.

Lively speech instead of dry bureaucracy

Of course, your resume should be short and concise. However, a dry list of clerical terms cannot characterize you as a person. It seems that you simply copied a standard set of qualities from the Internet. It is necessary to design the “About Me” section more vividly and colorfully. Examples of the formulation of personal qualities could be:

  • Communication skills - the desire to build trusting and respectful relationships with colleagues and partners for productive teamwork.
  • Responsibility - quick response to instructions, prompt independent work to carry them out.
  • Discipline - strict adherence to the standards, rules of work and behavior adopted in the organization.
  • Punctuality - strict adherence to established schedules and deadlines.
  • Efficiency - completing a large volume of work on time without loss of quality.
  • Loyalty is respect for the interests, beliefs and personal qualities of fellow employees.
  • Analytical skills - the ability to study and structure large amounts of information, as well as draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Customer focus is the habit of working in strict accordance with the expectations and requirements of clients.
  • An active life position is the desire to improve one’s own performance and rationalize the labor process.

Key skills in a resume: examples

Writing a resume drives many people into a dead end. It would seem that you are an experienced worker, but you cannot make a list of key skills and competencies. As a rule, everything is limited to knowledge of a computer, a foreign language, and the ability to work with documents. But this does not characterize you as a specialist. How to write a resume for a job? An example of an algorithm for searching for key skills is as follows:

  • On a piece of paper or electronically, make a list of everything you know (regarding the job). Don't limit yourself to standard items. Think about everything you had to do in your previous jobs. Thus, your list can be supplemented by such provisions as “negotiation skills,” “public speaking,” “recruitment,” etc.
  • Carefully re-read the list and divide your skills into several groups according to the degree of proficiency in them. Be sure to indicate this parameter in your resume so as not to overestimate or underestimate your merits.
  • From the list compiled, select exactly those items that are most relevant to the position for which you are applying.

In what form should I submit my resume?

A professional resume example should be short and to the point. But not only the content is important, but also the form of presentation. A common mistake is writing a resume in continuous text. It is acceptable to use bulleted lists, but the best form is a table.

applicant for position (title)

personal information
Full nameFullyPhoto
Date of Birth
Family statusNot necessary. You can also indicate whether you have children here.
Position and salary
Job titleYou can omit this item if you indicated it in the title
SalarySet the indicator based on your work experience or the industry average. Do not underestimate the size, because the employer will probably want to “bargain” with you
SchoolNamePeriod of study
Secondary special educationName of establishmentFaculty/specialtyPeriod of studyDegree
Higher education
Educational coursesNamePeriod of studyConfirmation document
Place of work 1Job titleJob responsibilitiesAchievementsWork period
Place of work 2
key skills
Skill 1
Skill 2
About Me
Personal qualitiesCan be combined
Business connections
Foreign languagesIndicate the degree of proficiency
List of applications
Annex 1NameDescription
Appendix 2

Individual approach

An example of a correct resume implies an individual approach to a potential employer. Try to find out more about the organization itself, as well as the personal qualities of the boss. Of course, most managers value an employee's qualifications. But if, for example, your director does not have a higher education or special knowledge in some area, he may see you as a potential competitor or even an enemy. Therefore, it is not always worth listing all your merits and regalia. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your competence on the job.


An example of the right resume for a job will certainly bring you success. Give as much attention and time to this issue as possible. Draw up a standard document that you will adjust based on the requirements of a particular organization.

July 11, 2015, at 4:15 pm

You have decided to meet someone on the Internet and the first question that comes to you is “What should I write about myself on a dating site?” By the way, if a person is asking this question, it means he is taking the matter seriously. Since many people use dating sites as a platform exclusively for virtual communication, without expecting the development of further relationships in real life. The first point indicating the seriousness of your intentions is precisely filling out the “About yourself” section. Below we will not give any template examples for copying, but will only create an approximate framework. Because only you or your loved ones can tell you truthfully and beautifully about yourself. We'll give you just a few basic tips.

  1. Decide on your goals
    Further description of your personality should directly depend on who you want to find on a dating site. Think about what you would like to know first about a stranger and write it about yourself.
  2. Write the truth
    First, analyze yourself a little. Of course, anyone will want to present themselves in the most favorable light, but do not overdo it by praising yourself. You can omit the negative traits of your character, if any.
  3. Keep it short
    You shouldn’t write out your biography for several paragraphs. For example, if you are sociable, then write so, briefly and clearly. You should not write something like: “I like to make new acquaintances accompanied by pleasant communication over a cup of coffee in my favorite cafe” - this is completely useless information that does not carry any value. Although, of course, if eloquence is your distinctive feature, then you should not hide such a feature.
  4. If it's hard to describe yourself
    If you have difficulties in describing your personality, then you can simply watch how others do it. Open several profiles of people of the same sex with the “About Me” column filled in and look at them.

What to write about yourself on a dating site - examples

As mentioned above, we will not give specific examples of what to write about yourself on a dating site, but will only create a framework for your description.

  1. Appearance
    Of course, the main criterion for assessing your appearance will be photographs, but this way you can show how adequately you evaluate yourself.
  2. Character
    Describe the main traits of your character - adequacy, responsiveness, sentimentality, gullibility, etc. and so on.
  3. What people do you like and what people don't you like?
    Indicate what you value most in people and what irritates you the most. Good or bad habits, positive or negative character traits.
  4. Hobbies, what you love, sports
    Indicate what you do regularly. It doesn’t matter what it is - bead weaving or communication on social media. networks. It can be anything. Also, be sure to indicate if you do any sports - visiting the pool, yoga, gym. People like it when the opposite sex takes care of themselves.
  5. Goal - who or what you want to find
    Be sure to indicate in a separate paragraph who you want to find on the dating site. Friends - what kind and for what?. Man, woman, boy, girl - which one? Just communication, etc.

This is your foundation. Of course, it is not at all necessary to describe yourself point by point, much less follow their order. Let's try to create a description of a person using this grid:

  1. Romantic girl
    Nice and friendly. Partially sentimental.
    I can't stand it when people lie to me.
    I love reading Chekhov and falling asleep to the sound of rain.

    I want to find a man for whom family is the main value in life

  2. A guy leading an active lifestyle
    I don't complain about my appearance. Active and purposeful.
    I don’t like women who smoke and people who sit still.
    I love alpine skiing, football and generally anything related to movement.

    I'm looking for a girl who will share my interests and won't nag me for late-night gatherings in a sports bar :)

As you can see, with the help of this template it is possible to describe people who are completely different in character and attitude to life. It turns out quite short, but succinct.

A well-written resume is a guarantee of getting the desired position, however, it often happens that a person submits a resume to several organizations at once and is rejected everywhere. How to avoid this and find a good job – we’ll look at it here.

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What should the “About Me” section contain?

When filling out this column, it is worth remembering that it is this that characterizes you both as a person and as a professional. This is your “calling card”, a self-presentation, the content of which determines your future.

This section contains several subparagraphs that you should not skip filling out, even if you have no work experience.

key skills

In order to interest a potential employer in the content of the “Key Skills” column, follow three simple rules:

  • The skills listed must be relevant to the desired position. There is no need to invent anything, otherwise you risk causing confusion to your superiors when checking your professional qualities.
  • Avoid having too many personality traits. A standard mistake of those who want to get a job is to list a dozen or more skills, creating the impression that a kind of “superman” with superpowers is looking for a subordinate’s job. Be realistic about opportunities. It is better to indicate 2-3 best qualities and describe each of them. For example, “I try to study regularly, attend conferences, take courses, and follow news in this area.” Such a concise but informative mini-review will inspire more confidence and increase your chances of getting hired.
  • If you are looking for a management job, then the skills must be appropriate so that the resume does not look ridiculous.

Complete the professional skills section based on the requirements specified in the vacancy announcement.

Personal qualities

The manager’s decision about hiring you directly depends on how competently, concisely and vividly you present yourself.

It is worth answering honestly the question of what qualities you possess, which of them are important for a particular specialty. You shouldn’t indicate and describe more than 5 advantages, much less invent non-existent ones.

Here are some examples of what qualities are indicated depending on the position:

Speciality A list of qualities that must be on your resume.
  • ready for a business trip;
  • I work responsibly with any reporting;
  • my articles were published in the magazine “Glavbukh”;
  • I have an annual subscription to resources and periodicals for an accountant.
Sales Manager
  • in two years he progressed from a consultant to a department head;
  • hardworking, I bring all operations to completion;
  • I try to calculate possible risks;
  • ready for additional training, including on-site training.
  • I strive to gain experience in the field of software development;
  • I attend the New Technology conference every year;
  • There is a certificate of completion of courses in programming languages.

Achievements and other information

What achievements can be listed on a resume? There is no universal list of achievements.

They are different for each profession, indicate at least 2-3 from the list below and be sure that the employer will pay attention to you.

For a resume for a retail worker:

  • retained regular customers during times of crisis;
  • expanded sales through branches, which increased profits by 10%;
  • eliminated competitors in large retail chains, thereby increasing profits by 1.2 times;
  • developed a new strategy for attracting customers, attracted more than 60 clients in a year, 6 of which are large;
  • repeatedly included in the top three best employees of the month.

IT technology specialist:

  • improved the operation of servers, while their accident rate decreased by 3 times;
  • under my leadership, an online store was developed, which entered the TOP of search engines;
  • increased the security of the company’s personal information;
  • carried out a complete diagnostic of the technical part of the company, while reducing 25% of the funds intended for its maintenance.

When describing achievements, it is important that the employer sees the problem, your actions to eliminate it, and the final positive result.

What should you not write on your resume?

Specialists from the site (Head Hanter), dedicated to job search, have found out the common reasons for refusal when applying for a job.

  • Avoid personal pronouns(I, me). Sentences like “I need a salary” or “I want to work for you” are unacceptable.
  • Complex sentences also do not contribute to a positive decision by the employer. Remember, on average, an HR manager has 3-4 minutes to review a candidate's resume. In the fabric of the text, the main idea is simply lost.
  • Avoid impersonal standard characteristics: ambitious, sociable and others. The employer is interested in specific skills and character traits.
  • Attempts to joke, indication of family problems, absence of bad habits, financial situation are inappropriate in a resume.
  • Lack of literacy is perceived negatively by most employers, because the presence of errors indicates a low level of education or inattention. And who would want to hire an inattentive employee? Having structure and formatting in your resume is also a must.
  • Lack of consistent chronology of previous jobs or confusion in the dates leads employers to believe that your previous career was not very successful, or you were disingenuous when filling out the “Work Experience” column. It is not necessary to indicate all places of work if it often had to be changed. Indicate 3-4 places where your reputation will be confirmed.
  • Most HR managers are annoyed by the lack of several ways to contact an employee, listing of job responsibilities from the previous place of work, etc. Please include full contact information and achievements.
  • There is no need to go into details. The personnel officer does not need a list of all hobbies, achievements in school competitions and summer tourist trips. More detailed information about you will be learned at the interview, if necessary. Include as many useful skills as possible, even if they are not job-related. This could be language courses, skills in working with equipment or programs.
  • Unclear goals make employers wary. Write a clear and honest statement of what you expect from working in this place. The same applies to achievements. Instead of writing “I quickly assimilate knowledge,” write “I mastered working with new equipment in two weeks.”
  • High-quality photography plays a role, because people are judged by their cover. Therefore, try to take a photo specifically for your resume in the studio.

How to write “About yourself” correctly - samples

Do not include marital status on your resume unless required.

Here are examples of the main points that different specialists should have in the “About Me” column:

Job title About Me
Sales Manager
  • I easily communicate with people of any age;
  • I have a car, license category A, B;
  • Confident PC user (1C, MS Office);
  • I have business-level knowledge of English (I have a certificate).
Delivery driver
  • have experience of long business trips;
  • driving experience more than 20 years;
  • I have experience driving trucks (category D license).
Deputy Financial Director
  • knowledge in the field of accounting and taxation;
  • understanding sales and marketing strategies;
  • knowledge of the programs Guarantor, Chief Accountant, and the Financial Director system.
Chief Engineer
  • management of a team of more than 50 people;
  • full maintenance of enterprise equipment from diagnostics to repair work;
  • have experience in solving administrative issues;
  • I have skills in operating special equipment (loader, excavator).
Head of Sales Department
  • I have experience in monitoring the competitive environment;
  • there is a ready-made customer base of clients and suppliers;
  • Experience in organizing product exhibitions and successfully implementing tenders.
Administrator or office manager
  • Confident user of office equipment and PCs (knowledge of MS Office, C++);
  • I ensure that subordinates strictly follow job descriptions;
  • I have experience in the field of office management.
Excavator driver
  • experience of working on a rotational basis in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for more than 8 years (construction);
  • I work with equipment from any manufacturer;
  • I have a welder's certificate.

Creating a “working” resume - examples

It is important to follow simple recommendations that will help present yourself to the employer in the most favorable light.

Creating a concise yet effective resume is not an easy task.

Statistically, spelling errors and false information are not the only things that will scare off a potential employer, so job search portals have identified additional factors that will influence a positive hiring decision.

Here they are:

  • A lot of unnecessary words or lack of information will also scare off the employer. If you do not indicate previous places of work and merits, then your resume will be unclaimed. Also, you should not indicate absolutely all the points where your activity turned out to be useful. A huge list of merits will force the employer to move on to the next candidate:
    • You should not write: CJSC "Santekhprom" - customer service manager, LLC "Leto", Trading House "Varyag" - manager, junior administrator, head of the sales department. Responsibilities - compiling a customer base, answering calls from visitors, drawing up contracts and conducting transactions until they are completed, etc., etc.
    • It's better to write it like this: CJSC Santekhprom – customer service manager. Job responsibilities: searching for clients and servicing them; creation of a client database.
  • Vague requirements put forward by a potential candidate for the position:“I will consider any option”, “I agree to any conditions”, etc. Phrases like these characterize a person without ambition who is unlikely to become a professional in his field:
    • You should not write:
      • agree to any job;
      • I am engaged in personnel training;
      • helped the company get off the ground “from scratch”;
      • I'm a fast learner.
    • It's better to write it like this:
      • I am seeking promotion to the position of department head;
      • At my last job, five new employees completed successful internships with me;
      • made a proposal to rationalize production, which allowed to reduce the company’s costs by 20%;
      • mastered new equipment in 4 weeks.
  • Inaccurate description of skills. Often, a potential candidate for a position colorfully describes his skills, but at the same time does not indicate any specifics. If you are a confident PC user, you should not write about this, but rather indicate a list of programs that you own. It is also important to ensure the correct spelling of the product you know how to work with:
    • You should not write:
      • I am looking for a worthy use of my skills;
      • was responsible for several areas in her previous job;
      • I can work in the photo editor Photoshop.
    • It's better to write it like this:
      • effectively applied the skills (list) at the previous place of work;
      • was responsible for (indication of what exactly);
      • I work professionally with Photoshop.

Thus, the resume should not be too long, but it should contain everything that the employer requires.

Take action!

A resume allows you to collect and structure the most important aspects of your biography, previous work experience in other companies, and also makes it clear to the employer what knowledge and skills you have today.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to fill out a resume correctly:

  1. Ideal when a resume takes no more than one printed page. Maximum - two.
  2. Contact information. You should not indicate the addresses of pages on social media. networks. Contact information must contain the following information: last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant for the vacancy, full address (where you live or are registered), telephone numbers by which you can be easily and quickly contacted, as well as email.
  3. The purpose for which you are looking for a new job. Decide what kind of career you would like to build and describe your goals as briefly as possible. Based on this, the HR department decides whether you are a suitable candidate for the proposed position. The correct wording will make it clear that you are really interested in this work and will perform all the functions and responsibilities assigned to you.
  4. Education you currently have. Try to avoid the wording “incomplete”, “unfinished”. It is mandatory to include a detailed listing (by year) of all educational institutions that you have completed to date. It’s a good idea to include additional courses in which you received certificates and awards, which will significantly increase you in the ranking of potential candidates for the proposed position.
  5. Previous work experience(listing places of employment in chronological order). The list starts from the last place of work and in descending order (by year). The main information here is about the company where you worked, the positions you held, as well as the tasks you had to solve. List a few people you know who could give positive recommendations in your favor.
  6. Professional knowledge and skills are the main point of any resume. Here you must provide as much information as possible that is true and correctly reveals all your acquired professional skills and abilities. Many candidates choose their own rating scale to clearly demonstrate their level of proficiency in a particular aspect.
  7. As for such a section as additional information, all information must be provided here, having a driver’s license, participation in certain political, labor, and sports groups. Try to describe as clearly as possible your interests and hobbies that relate to your future job. It would be useful here to indicate several people and their contact information who can give you a positive assessment in your social activities.

Take care to formulate your resume competently and beautifully. It must be sent to the HR department along with a cover letter, which contains brief information about you and the desired vacancy.

Funny women's and men's profiles on dating sites

Women's profiles

WITH Gray-eyed, attractive Capricorn is looking for a gentle Virgo.

AND I'm looking for a friend, husband, lover - if all three come, I won't be offended! I'm looking forward to all three rolled into one!

TO wow I want to find: Preferably a guy and not preoccupied...

Z Hello! My name is Raisa. I am 21 years old. If I intrigued you, write me.

X I want to become happy with an independent, accomplished, adequate, free man with serious intentions.
About myself: 36/172/54, complex character, harmful, capricious, spoiled and lazy. I have no real estate or movable property!

M a young, healthy, easy-going grandmother 49/170/74 without bad habits and problems is looking for an active, sexy, caring man under 58 years old without cockroaches and TV for a permanent family life

TO Unfortunately, I am not the lucky owner of enlarged mammary glands and a spacious pelvis, sorry...

M young, naughty, agile... Height, cm: 158 Weight, kg: 85

Z Inka will meet a man for meetings on the territory of the bus station. Financial assistance is required. (joke)


B I can be awesome, I can be awesome - depending on your luck.

X ah! I'm a hot brunette, but Russian. And so I dyed my hair blonde.

IN I love sex: what does not contradict my moral principles.

TO How often would I like to have sex: a couple of times in my life, if I decide to have a child?

I as she is, sometimes angry and sometimes a bitch, but kind and sympathetic.

E there is f\n, a\m, h\u, and where to find your love?

IN mostly sweet, gentle, devoted... I can change!

I a sorceress looking for her magic wand

IN I like sex: playing around

AND I'm looking for a guy. Turnkey family: beautiful wife, child and mother-in-law.

ABOUT to me: a mere mortal woman...

P a tall, unremarkable woman would like it too! Tel. 23-33-44.

WITH It’s easy to talk about me, the main thing is to always agree with me in everything

TO briefly about myself. Nationality: recorded as Russian, mother - Jewish, father - German. So there are a lot of interesting things in my character and appearance...

ABOUT A charming daisy is waiting for a generous bumblebee to visit, who will pollinate its stamen.

TO Beautiful girls will chat with handsome, wealthy kings.

I slim, fit in places. I run in the morning. I would like warmth and affection in the morning!!!

L I love nature, forest and earth. I can create comfort with warmth. I don’t know how to write any more poetry, please don’t answer with VP!

ABOUT for me:
And he sews and knits and doesn’t say a word.
It's not about me!

I gentle and affectionate cat. In sex, it is mainly an asset. I would like to see who I am texting with.

IN Dova will meet the boy. Maybe unsociable. Possibly abnormal. Everything is possible. (joke)

M I ask you not to disturb young people under 19 and over 25 years old, I also ask you not to disturb those for whom the purpose of dating is sex, and who cannot imagine their life without it.
PS: Perverts, please go through the forest!

B Don’t write without a photo - I still won’t answer! And don't offer me anything disgusting ...

ABOUT Bottom line: you can write about a lot of things, but it’s better to know! Don’t offer sex, I’m interested in communicating with nice people!
Purpose of meeting: Friendship and communication, who knows where our conversation will lead.

P an attractive girl, a striking blonde, will meet a man, preferably a doctor, preferably a dermatologist, a specialist in warts.

M It's not hard to describe yourself, so I won't do that. But if someone is interested, I’ll try, maybe it will work.

X I would like to meet an interesting person (who doesn’t want to get bored in his free time from work). This is all in a good sense of the word. Please do not bother me for your sexual needs!

I pretty, no bad habits, don’t smoke, don’t go out, don’t work.

P nice monogamous looking for monogamy

ABOUT to me: I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, the word “ass” makes me faint!

ABOUT You can write a lot of things to yourself, but this is not a fact that it really is :) And I don’t see anything terrible in what is written... Everything is very understandable... There is nothing to be afraid of, but it’s worth delving into it carefully.. .. .For those who are not very understanding

IN I love sex: well, I love something, I guess...

F The otography is, of course, terrible. For some reason the photographer wanted the head to be parallel to the shoulder. He probably loves the song “Moscow Nights”...

TO wow I want to find: A young man with a sense of humor and a subtle understanding of women's desires and fantasies (don't get me wrong)

Men's profiles

ABOUT I'm in good women's hands. Unpretentious when it comes to food, he's taken a break, he's toilet trained, he's got his salary home. There is a passport and vaccinations. I respond to the cat, the bird, my sun, etc. The phrase “Mom does it differently!” I don't use it. Not neutered. For girls who are not very inclined to be overweight and not older than 30. (anecdote)

D Girls, behave well and modestly. Otherwise I will punish you! I am a strict uncle - a policeman. And I work from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. as a police officer in Pskov.

A adequate, handsome guy meets a pretty, slender, adequate girl

B former underground fighter and trainer. Now in business with my brother. Divorced. My daughter is 10 years old. Who will fall in love and take me away from here!

I I'll wait for you, just come forever...

M A man, three times a widower, seventy-five years old, is looking for a woman to live with....
R. s: hobby - I like to pick mushrooms....

IN In general, I love sex, I can’t help it!

N A normal man in all respects wants to meet like an abnormal man!

WITH small ones ( after 21 years old) ! Please do not write!

D a girl named Lena, whom I met on October 12 near the Kuzminki station. Your blond hair and red coat are all I have left. Please respond. Basil.

I divorced, I have an 8-year-old son. Other surprises during communication...

H Four musketeers are looking for their milady to rejoice in their lifetime.

AND I'm looking for a girl the opposite floor.

X I want to meet a girl 25 years old, blonde, height 180 cm, blue eyes, 90-60-90, smart, beautiful. Short About Me - 12 cm ...

AND I’m looking for someone who is adequate for a family with large buttocks, quite well off, I’m looking for someone close in spirit and body with common plans for life, surrounded by care and attention, I won’t answer without a photo

ABOUT I’m really looking for a slender, beautiful dark-haired girl in a green swimsuit who was sunbathing on Luzanovka beach on September 30th. Give me the towel and your phone number please! There were 3 wolves depicted on the towel.

WITH a senior lieutenant from the metro, a girl in uniform (rank of senior lieutenant), gray (possibly gray-green) eyes, brown-haired, came out to Gagarin, who was playing a game of glances with me. :) I have never had such a worthy opponent :).
If you happen to see this ad, then know that I would look into your eyes all my life. It's a pity that I realized this when it was already too late.

M a man with refined taste is looking for a girl 92.346 x 61.712 x 93.451. Not a bore .

AND I'm looking for someone who doesn't have any problems with this, like I do.

ABOUT a lonely man is looking for love, affection, understanding and something to devour.
What should I do? Love, feed and not give to anyone...

B fish with my beautiful lady, and I will be your knight. Who said that the knights died out? Tap my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.

AND the fire burned, the horse ran away. And you are still not there...

ABOUT I graduated from the lyceum, you understand what they do to normal people there...

AND I'm looking for a woman to realize my sexual fantasies (in a\m, in a woman, with a man).

M it doesn’t matter that you like listening to Joseph Kobzon. Signature: Joseph Kobzon .

P I'll take the metro. I'll treat you to some chewing gum. Not an oligarch.

L A woman of Caucasian nationality is looking for the same person, of the opposite sex, without children and bad habits. Love in Russian, details in place.

G You can become good to anyone, anyone! If only there was living space.

I not simple, rather I am not complex. In general, I am mentally healthy.

L I love extreme sex. Letters of recommendation are attached.

X I would like to meet you through the marriage advertisement. I will answer the letter with a photo. Do not send landscapes.

AND I'm looking for a woman with an active lifestyle. Missionary Do not offer.

L People with any mental disabilities - do not write to me!!! I'm looking for a guy, a girl, a M+F couple, a M+M couple, a transsexual for sex.

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