Watermelon is a family of gourds. Watermelon plant: description, properties, benefits and harm to health

Everyone’s favorite fruit without exception...

Bright green-striped balls - dark and light, round, elongated, and there are even square ones! Watermelon slides stacked along the roads have been pleasing to the eye since August, the last summer month. Then they appear in stores and markets. The sweet delicacy is bought up with pleasure, anticipating eating the juicy and aromatic fruit. However, does everyone think about what ended up on the table in the house? Watermelon is a berry or fruit, and possibly a vegetable...

Not all watermelon lovers wonder what species it belongs to, where its homeland is, how long ago residents of northern latitudes recognized it, which cannot be said about professional botanists.

Its ancestor is colocynth or colocynth - a plant belonging to the Watermelon genus from the Pumpkin family. It inhabits northern Africa, the Mediterranean and Asia. Some people call it the vine of Sodom because of the vine that spreads along the ground. Its fruits are small, the size of an orange or lemon, but with a green, hard and spotted skin. And its flesh is different from the usual watermelon - it is white.

Disputes about whether the fruit belongs to one species or another are ongoing among experts.

What does watermelon have in common with:

  • fruit - only the external similarity and the sweetness of the pulp. The familiar fruits grow on trees, while watermelon grows on the ground;
  • vegetable - that this garden plant is suitable for consumption. Watermelon is a vegetable - a wrong definition, since from this point of view, everything that grows in the garden can be classified as a vegetable, but this is not so. Nobody calls pears, apricots or gooseberries vegetables!
  • berries - a lot. Firstly, it is a multi-seeded fruit; secondly, its pulp is juicy, enclosed in a dense shell - the peel. Although it is the peel that is confusing. In berries - cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries and others - it is thin and tender, while in watermelon it is thick and hard. Because of this difference, experts classify watermelon as a false berry, and also a pumpkin. And this is absolutely fair. The fruit is large and cannot be compared with garden berries; the peel is thick and tough.

This is why watermelon is a berry, not a fruit or a vegetable.

Properties and composition of watermelons

An indispensable dietary fruit, 80% consists of water, low-calorie - only 30-40 calories per 100 grams of product. At the same time, the chemical composition inspires respect.


  • A (retinol) – for skin health, antioxidant, improves vision;
  • B1 (thiamine) – essential for the nervous system;
  • B9 (folic acid) – important for the immune system and circulatory system;
  • polysaccharide Pectin - improves metabolism;
  • potassium – normalizes heart function, conducts nerve impulses, regulates salts, acids and alkalis in the body.


  • magnesium – protects the heart, inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, performs anticonvulsant functions;
  • phosphorus – promotes bone development, strengthens muscle tissue, necessary for normal mental activity;
  • iodine – helps the thyroid gland, controls stress, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • fluorine – participates in the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens teeth and hair, removes heavy metals, inhibits the process of osteoporosis;
  • cobalt (one of the elements of vitamin B12) - breaks down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, synthesizes red blood cells, is important for the pancreas, regulates the release of adrenaline.

Thanks to this composition, it will not be an exaggeration to say that watermelon is a miracle berry.

Beneficial features

In ancient times it was used as a thirst quencher. He came to Russia along the Great Silk Road, connecting East Asia with the Mediterranean, and found refuge for centuries on the banks of the Volga. Initially, it began to be cultivated in the hottest regions - Astrakhan and Kuban, but today breeders have worked wonders, thanks to which the famous fruit grows successfully in the Middle Zone, and even in the northern latitudes.

Its most important value is its diuretic effect.

  1. Not a single patient seen by a urologist avoids a special diet that includes watermelon. In addition to flushing the kidneys, it cleanses the urinary tract. Diseases such as cystitis and urethritis, in addition to the use of medications, require natural cleansing with the beneficial juice of watermelon pulp.
  2. Diabetics are grateful to the fruit because it allows them to experience a sweetness that is inaccessible to them in confectionery products. Reasonable consumption of berries will not affect blood sugar levels in any way.
  3. It will also serve well for people suffering from constipation. Fiber will help remove toxins from the body.
  4. Benefits for all humanity suffering from liver dysfunction. Choleretic properties help with cholecystitis, hepatitis A, cirrhosis, and will also improve intestinal function in case of poisoning.
  5. The condition of blood vessels will improve if you regularly eat watermelon during the season - it removes harmful cholesterol.
  6. Vitamin B9 will help slow down cell aging, and it will also improve the condition of your nails and hair.
  7. And on a hot day, without thinking about the medicinal properties of the fruit, you can simply eat a couple of pieces - instead of ordinary water, and the issue with thirst will be resolved. Watermelon berry will help!

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers should use the fruit with caution. Only the attending physician can give an exact recommendation. Of course, the vitamins and microelements contained in it are useful. However, if a woman suffers from edema, diarrhea, urolithiasis or high blood pressure, eating the berry may aggravate the problems. This applies, first of all, to the first months of pregnancy. In recent months, it is better to avoid it altogether, since a large amount of liquid will cause unnecessary heaviness and can provoke premature contractions.

For weight loss

Low calorie content allows you to eat quite a large amount. Some people are happy to arrange fasting days for themselves, eating only watermelon. It cleanses the body, saturates it with vitamins, creates a large volume in the stomach, which “deceives” the feeling of hunger. However, such a diet should be recommended by a nutritionist.

About seeds

Watermelon seeds are an excellent remedy for neutralizing and removing harmful substances from the kidneys - uric acid, have a diuretic effect, and also help reduce inflammatory processes.


Any product, in addition to its benefits, can cause significant harm. And watermelon is no exception. It is contraindicated for certain categories of people:

  • stones and sand in the kidneys (the diuretic effect can provoke their rapid progression, which will cause colic);
  • diarrhea (a laxative effect will only worsen the troubles);
  • last months of pregnancy;
  • young children (up to 2 years old) - due to the presence of nitrates, which accelerate the growth of berries, it is not recommended to feed children watermelon before September, when they ripen on their own, without adding fertilizers.

The enormous benefits of watermelon for humans have made it a favorite treat on the table in the first autumn months, when it is completely ripe and filled with sweetness. The debate about whether it belongs to fruits, vegetables or berries has subsided, and the time has come to enjoy the gift of nature.

Well, for those who like to eat healthy and tasty, but at the same time want to be sure what is in their plate, we will have to remind you: watermelon is a berry!

Few of the world's population do not like summer; at this time, many fruits and berries ripen, which bring a huge portion of vitamins and microelements to our body. At the end of summer, the melon harvest is harvested, and then disputes begin between different generations of the family about whether a watermelon is a berry or a fruit.

This question worries many, but few turn to scientific works to thoroughly understand this. Everyone proves their opinion, relying on the knowledge gained at school from the botany course.

Most people consider berries to be small fruits with soft, juicy pulp. The presence of seeds is mandatory; there can be one or many.

From a scientific point of view, this is an incorrect statement. Botany characterizes this fruit as follows: the berry has a thin peel, many seeds (by the way), hidden by a hard seed coat, and a juicy intercarp. It can develop from the upper or lower ovary. Why is watermelon called a berry? The answer is simple, let's remember the structure of the fruit, and where it grows is not important.

Why is watermelon a berry and not a fruit?

A juicy fruit with a hard skin and a lot of seeds inside, where should I take it? Is watermelon a berry, or a fruit, or a vegetable? Let's figure it out together.

Science classifies watermelon as a berry; it is neither a fruit nor a vegetable. But to prove ownership, you will have to disassemble the plant and study it in detail.

The school botany course states that watermelon is a pumpkin. Botanists made conclusions by studying the plant in detail and comparing it with other representatives of this family. An annual herbaceous plant, the stems and leaves of which are covered with a rough edge, the flowering period falls in the summer months, usually from June to August, completely fits the description of the family. The characteristics prove this:

  1. The root of the watermelon is powerful, capable of penetrating deep into the soil (20 m), and can grow on the sides by 6-8 m. Thanks to this, melon plantations are not afraid of an arid climate and adapt well to drought.
  2. The stem can reach 5-7 m in length, spreads, and has many shoots. Branching helps retain more moisture, which gives strength to the plant itself.
  3. The leaves come in different sizes, can reach 20 cm, and are usually divided into five toothed parts. One plant can have 1500 leaves of different sizes and shapes.
  4. It blooms with dioecious yellow flowers, 4 cm in size. The corolla is painted in yellow-gray tones.
  5. The fruit of the plant is covered with a dense skin, the color range of which is quite varied, it can be whitish or have a dark green color. Science calls it pumpkin.

Botany classifies pumpkins as berry fruits. This means that watermelon is a large, fragrant, everyone’s favorite berry with melons, which is good for health.

Interesting! There are more than 1,200 types of watermelon; they are cultivated in 98 countries of different continents.

If a watermelon is called a berry, then a melon should be included in the same category: the two fruits have many similarities in structure, methods of cultivation, and ripening periods (find out). This is an erroneous opinion; botanists combine watermelon and melon into one class and classify them as different species. Melon is considered a fruit, watermelon is considered a berry. Let’s try to answer “Why is watermelon a berry and melon a fruit?” in clear words, to get to the heart of the matter.

Considering the melon as a plant, we can draw some parallels with the watermelon:

  • stems develop identically;
  • root systems have certain similarities;
  • leaves and flowers are similar to each other and pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers.

Where to take the melon? The answer is quite confusing and lies in the differences.

  1. Skin. Melon is much thinner, softer, and practically no different from pulp.
  2. Seeds. The placement of seeds is completely different, watermelon seeds are scattered throughout the pulp, while in melon they are collected closer to the center of the fruit, separated from the pulp.

The teaching is attributed to the close relationship of melon with cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin. Watermelon is considered a distant relative.

Having studied the information, we can conclude that although watermelon and melon are united by one family, they are completely different. Melon is closer to vegetables, representatives of the pumpkin family, watermelon tend to berries.

Which family does it belong to?

Botany, having studied the characteristics of the watermelon, officially classified it as a member of the pumpkin family, which has many different representatives. It is represented by vegetables, berries and even fruits.

What is the name of the watermelon fruit?

Science has introduced the name pumpkin, which is the official name of the watermelon fruit. This name is given to the fruits of melon, zucchini, cucumber and the pumpkin itself. You should not mix the names pumpkin or berry; they characterize the fruit from different angles.

What does it consist of?

Chemical analysis of the pulp showed the inside of the watermelon. It contains:

  1. Vitamins A, C, K, PP, and group B are present in almost their entire composition.
  2. Microelements are widely represented: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus.

The pulp contains glucose and fructose; sucrose accumulates during long-term storage. Watermelon is very.

Important! The low calorie content of the product allows it to be used in most diets.

This composition is indicated for consumption by everyone, young and old, and the high water content perfectly quenches thirst and maintains normal water balance in the body.

Interesting! Easily digestible sugars in watermelon range from 5 to 13%.

Origin story

Watermelon came to our table in the Middle Ages from Egypt, it was brought there from the South American continent, namely from the Namib Desert. Wild liana-like plants with small fruits are still found in the forests of South America. Their taste is very different from our idea of ​​watermelon.

There is no exact information on how this plant crossed the ocean and ended up in Africa; the ancient Egyptians successfully cultivated watermelons and developed new varieties. The Russian Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter the Great loved watermelon very much; by a special order, melon fields were laid out in the south of the Russian Empire.

Having received the information and analyzed it, I dare to hope that you will never ask the question “Watermelon is a berry or a vegetable.”

I immediately remember my school biology lessons. Everyone there tried to get it into our heads that watermelon is not a fruit, but a berry. Of course, for many it was surprising: how is it possible, such a huge berry. But, the years passed, and I decided to connect my life with the study of biology, and do you know what I found out? Watermelon is not a berry.

Why is watermelon called a berry?

I honestly don't know where this started the myth that watermelon can be classified as a member of the berry family. Oddly enough, many biology textbooks and, of course, school teachers repeat this. I can’t even imagine why many people began to classify watermelon as a “class” of berries.

In fact, a berry is considered to be a small fruit with juicy pulp. This is known to everyone strawberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries and so on. By the way, tomato and eggplant are also berries, We’re just not used to calling them that.

What is watermelon

It has long been decided in the scientific world that watermelon is a pumpkin. Yes, yes, not a berry, not a fruit, not a vegetable, but exactly pumpkin. Nevertheless, Watermelon is still allowed to be called a berry, since it cannot be 100% attributed to any one family.

Why is watermelon a berry, but melon is not?

As I said earlier, it's official watermelon is notberry, that's it sizes are too big for berries, fruit seeds Also too big and there are more of them than there should be. Melon has almost the same structure as watermelon, so it also belongs to the pumpkin family. From this I can conclude that, theoretically, we can call melon a berry, although, in fact, watermelon and melon are pumpkins.

  1. Watermelon consists of 92% water.
  2. There are about 1,000 different varieties of watermelon in the world.
  3. Seedless watermelons exist and they are not genetically modified.
  4. The largest watermelon in the world weighed 160 kg.

We all love to eat tasty and healthy food. As watermelons ripen closer to August, lovers of their bright taste and juicy sweet flesh again enter into an argument about this fruit belongs to berries or fruits? Or maybe for vegetables? Let's figure it out.

Opinions are divided on this issue; even botanists have not yet reached a unanimous opinion. In everyday communication it can be called a berry. Scientists tend to classify it as a pumpkin or classify it as a false berry.

From a botanical point of view, calling it a berry is reckless., Why:

  • the berries are consumed whole, they do not need to be cut and eaten in parts;
  • berry seeds are easy to remove or digest;
  • The berries have thin skin.

If we consider the fruit as a garden fruit with juicy pulp, growing on a tree, then immediately it becomes clear that watermelon is not a fruit.

But if we ignore the fact that it grows on melon fields, in everyday communication it is acceptable to call it a fruit.

Scientists tend to classify watermelon as a pumpkin or classify it as a false berry.

In Russia, large-scale cultivation occurs in the Volga region and the Urals, but the Astrakhan region is considered truly the center of cultivation of this crop.

As for appearance, there are different varieties. The color of the peel and core may vary, but this does not affect the taste if the plant is properly cared for.

The usual appearance of the berry is its dark green color with light stripes.

It is often included in diet menus, because it is more than 80% water. Office workers and people leading a sedentary lifestyle can afford a fairly large amount of this fruit.

Its pulp contains from 27 to 38 calories per 100 grams.

It contains (nutrition value per 100 grams):

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13 g (mainly fructose).

The pulp of the fruit is rich in vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • pectin;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin B9;
  • potassium


  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • fluorine and cobalt.

Giant berry watermelon:

The rich composition has a beneficial effect on almost the entire human body. It can be eaten by pregnant women, as well as for diseases of the kidneys, intestines, cardiovascular system and anemia.

You can also use pumpkin to reduce headaches; just apply a fresh peel to your forehead and temples for 7 minutes.

If after the holidays I have a hangover, I need to try some watermelon.

It is also used to improve the condition of the skin by adding pulp to various masks for the body and face.

Watermelon can be eaten for diseases of the kidneys, intestines, cardiovascular system and anemia


Naturally grown plants are very beneficial. Unfortunately, they are often produced using nitrates, which accelerate growth.

A person in good health may not notice any negative effects when eating such a fruit.

A healthy body gradually accumulates harmful substances, which at any time can manifest themselves in the form of weakness, insomnia and nervous disorders. Immunity may deteriorate sharply.

A person with digestive tract problems, a small child or a pregnant woman can almost immediately feel unwell, manifested by a deterioration in their general condition, vomiting and nausea.

Young children should be given this treat with caution., no earlier than a year.

This must be done gradually; you can pour the squeezed juice into the child’s spoon and monitor the baby’s condition, because it can cause allergies.

Young children should be given this delicacy with caution, no earlier than one year.

You should not eat the fruits of the plant if you suffer from:

  • impaired renal function;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are several ways to save from possible infections and poisoning:

  • Do not under any circumstances purchase pumpkin that has external defects - cracks and cuts;
  • do not buy chopped pieces, even if they are packaged in cling film;
  • wash purchased watermelons thoroughly with soapy water, otherwise microorganisms may affect other products in the house;
  • make purchases during the ripening season of late vegetables and fruits, from mid-August to September.

You can check the ripeness of a watermelon by pressing on the fruit. if the bark cracks, it is ripe.

You can make sure that there are no nitrates by dipping a little pulp into water; if it turns pink, you should refrain from consuming it; if the water has only become cloudy, there is no need to worry.

About the benefits and harms of false berries and the rules for choosing them:

Recipes for dishes with this fruit

Fruit icecream

To get a popular delicacy, it is enough to have sugar and fruit pulp in equal quantities in the house.


  • grind the pulp and granulated sugar in a blender;
  • pour into molds;
  • insert wooden or plastic sticks;
  • leave in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours.

You can make ice cream from watermelon pulp and sugar.

Watermelon-apple puree

To prepare this dish you need to take 6 kg of watermelon and 2 kg of apples.


  • thoroughly wash the fruits;
  • cut off the skin, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into pieces;
  • remove the core and hard parts from the apples;
  • grate the apples on a coarse grater;
  • mix the ingredients in an enamel pan and put on fire;
  • stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil;
  • as soon as noise begins to form, turn off the stove and let the dish cool;
  • Place the cooled puree into jars.

Why is it called that and other interesting facts

The modern name “watermelon” was borrowed from the Turkic “χarbuz”, and it, in turn, from the Persian language. In Persian, "χarbūza" meant "melon". The word melon was understood as “huge cucumber.”

Watermelons come in different shapes: round, oval, spherical. If grown in a special mold, they grow into the shape of a heart or even a human face, but require delicate care.

Square watermelons have become popular in Japan. Initially, they were conceived for convenience when stored in the refrigerator, but often they did not ripen and they began to be sold as souvenirs.

Nutritionists consider it possible for a healthy person to consume up to 2.5 kg of fruit per day.

Choline contained in the fruit, able to suppress chronic inflammation. Its use improves immunity and health.

Interesting facts about watermelon:

If we turn to dictionaries, we will see in them that watermelon is called a perennial creeping plant of the pumpkin family or melon crop.

You can approach this issue scientifically and call the fruit a false berry.

In general, no matter what the product is named, the only thing that matters is what pleasure and benefit we get from using it.

    Everyone knows watermelon from school as a very large berry, although it belongs to the pumpkin family. Melon, we know from school, is a vegetable. But it also belongs to the pumpkin family. And all pumpkins are vegetables. Perhaps watermelon is called a berry because of its juiciness and sweetness.

    Let me start, perhaps, with what fruits and vegetables actually are. Literally, fruit (or fruit in English) is a Latin word that is translated into Russian as fruit, hence the somewhat unusual expressions for our ears - fruit of love (in Russian we know this as the fruit of love, i.e. child, and in the original there will be fruit :-)), or fruits of sea (seafood).

    Accordingly, vegetable (or vegetable in English) literally means something plant-based.

    Thus, a fruit (fruit) is what is formed when a flower is pollinated. And in this regard, fruits will include watermelons, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. But real vegetables are root vegetables and stem plants (such as parsley or asparagus).

    But... the Russian language is rich, so in addition to the formal division into fruits/vegetables, we also distinguish berries, nuts, root vegetables, and melons. Therefore, if for Western people watermelon is a fruit, then for us it is a traditional melon crop.

    Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family, and its fruit is called pumpkin. The structure of the fruit is similar to that of a berry, which is why watermelon is considered a berry.

    Melon belongs to the pumpkin family. Also, a fruit like a watermelon is called a pumpkin. All that is sweet is considered by ordinary people to be fruits and berries.

    Now I’ll confuse you even more!))

    Watermelon is not exactly a berry, watermelon is a pumpkin and has only a common structure with berries (size does not count).

    The same goes for melon. Melon is also a pumpkin!

    We were never told about this at school. It has always been said that watermelon is a huge berry, and melon is a vegetable. So the textbook lies not only on history, but also on botany.

    Melon with watermelon - pumpkins. Pumpkin family. Melon culture.

    Watermelon and melon are berries. Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family, which is why its fruit is called pumpkin. In structure it corresponds to berries. Melon also belongs to the pumpkin family and the fruit is also called pumpkin.

    Watermelon and melon are sweet, and what is sweet traditionally refers to berries.

    Watermelon is definitely a berry - juicy, sweet with a lot of small seeds. But I sometimes associate melon with zucchini. Sometimes it is not very sweet, then it has the aftertaste of this vegetable. And the seeds are shaped like cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin seeds.

    I approach this problem philosophically. Let any garden plant be a priori a vegetable, that is, something that grows in the garden and bears fruit. It doesn't matter if it's root vegetables, leaves or pumpkins. It's just something we grow for food. But from botany we know that any plant has fruits that are unique to it or a similar group of plants. All these fruits have their own names - berry, box, pumpkin, even cob. That is, vegetable is the name of the plant itself, and berry is the name of its fruit. Watermelon and melon are classified as melons and have a fruit called pumpkin. It's not quite a berry, but a very close fruit. After all, what is a berry - a fruit with a hard and relatively hard shell, juicy pulp and seeds. Watermelon has it all - relative to its size, a thin hard shell, pulp and a huge number of seeds. The same goes for melon or even cucumber. So you can call a watermelon fruit a berry, just like the plant itself can be called a vegetable.

    Watermelon and melon are classified as berries due to their internal structure. The presence of small seeds and a rather sweet taste make it possible to classify them as berries. In fact, they are also berries, only large and with hard skin.

    Everyone was taught differently. We were taught at school that cucumbers and tomatoes are vegetables, but it turns out that these are unsweetened fruits, since they are formed from the ovary. And vegetables are those that grow in the ground and do not have seeds. These are potatoes, carrots, beets, that is, root vegetables.

    Watermelon and melon are large berries because they grow on bushes and have many seeds.

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