Accounting info. Accounting info 1s 8.3 bp 3.0 closing negative balances

Processing eliminates negative quantity balances on selected inventory accounts for a specific organization as of a specified date.

Let's say our database has problems with taking into account nomenclature ("redness" in the report):

Open processing and fill in the required fields on the form. We indicate the date on which we need to analyze the balances, the organization, in the “Accounts” field we indicate the list of accounting accounts on which we want to remove the “cons” (you can select group accounts). It is necessary to select an income item to fill out the analytics (elimination of minuses will be done by creating a goods receipt). After that, click Create documents:

We see that two posting documents have been created (simply recorded); to post them, you need to click the button of the same name.

On the second tab we see a table of errors - these are the “cons” that cannot be removed by simple posting. In the first line we see a quantity without a sum, and in the second line the quantity is negative and the sum is positive. If such lines are added to the posting, the document will not be posted.

The only option for such cases is to create a manual operation:

As a result, the following accounting certificate is created:

This report helps you obtain summary or detailed information about negative balances on 41 accounts at any time. The result of the report is displayed with default detail (see Fig. 1)

Because Since the report is completely written using a data layout scheme, it will not be difficult for the user to change report sections from user mode (see Fig. 2)

The external report is intended for the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, edition 3.0" and "edition 3.0 (KORP)", running on platform version 8.2 in the “MANAGED APPLICATION” mode.

Free support period: 1 month.

Reasons to buy

Negative balances are always a headache for any accountant. Negative balances on 41 accounts doubly aggravate this situation. This report quickly and clearly shows all "redness" in 41 counts in a convenient and visual form. Moreover lAny negative balance on 41 accounts can be deciphered using the “Subconto Analysis” and “Account Card” reports. At the same time, by combining the use of these reports, it is possible to go straight down to the level of the record documents that caused the movement of goods. To do this, just click on the required number in the report and select the report for decoding.

According to numerous requests from users, a separate version of the report “Control of negative balances on inventory accounts” was created, which added the ability to control negative balances, not only for 41 accounts, but also other main accounts for the movement of inventory items:

Account 07 Equipment for installation
- Account 08.04 Acquisition of fixed assets
- Account 10 all, except 10.07 (Materials transferred for processing to third parties)
- Account 21 Semi-finished products of own production
- Account 41 all except 41.12 (Goods in retail trade(in NTT at sales price))
- Account 42.01 Trade margin in automated retail outlets
- Account 43 Finished products

Also, remember that negative balances can arise not only in inventory accounts, but also in the customs declaration account. If you need to control this account too, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the external report


  1. Connection through the mechanism of external processing and reporting. This allows you to use the report without making any changes to the standard configuration. It is also possible to open a standard report via “File” -> “Open”.
  2. Possibility to customize the report “for yourself” from the user mode.

Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you request this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account.

The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase.

How to control stock balances in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

Any organization must monitor stock balances. And it’s not uncommon for a situation to arise when a product is actually available, but it’s not in the program. And then the accountant is forced to make a decision:

  • allow it to be sold
  • postpone until it becomes clear why this situation arose

The decision, as a rule, is made based on the policy that is followed in the organization in relation to the accounting of balances. Sometimes you can put an item aside and tell the buyer that we cannot sell it to you now. Sometimes this is impossible to do. For example, in retail, when the buyer sees this product or already holds it in his hands.

You can, of course, simply generate a sales document and not post the document, but not all organizations allow this. Therefore, in the 1C 8.3 program (as in 8.2) it is possible to disable the control of negative balances.

If balance control is enabled, then when selling a product that is not in stock (or on the required account), the program will issue a similar warning:

The “Quantity” column in line 1 of the “Products” list is filled in incorrectly.

The indicated quantity exceeds the balance. Remaining: 18; Missing: 111,093

Disabling control of negative balances in 1C 8.3

To disable or enable balance control in 1C, you need to go to the “Main” menu, then in the “Settings” section select “Accounting parameters”.

In some versions of 1C Accounting, these settings are located in the Administration - Document Posting Settings menu.

In the “Accounting Parameters” you need to go to the 1C “Inventories” tab and check the “Allow write-off of inventories if there are no balances according to accounting data” checkbox:

Then all you have to do is click the “Save and close” button. Now, when writing off, balances will not be controlled.

But such a method will inevitably lead to the appearance of negative balances in the warehouse (meaning, in the program). Let's look at how to deal with this.

Report “Control of negative balances”

In the simplest case, you just need to select a period and click the “Generate” button. And it was here that the first surprise awaited me.

I specifically simulated in the test program a situation where I sold more goods than I have in stock. Moreover, he made this sale in 2013. Logically, I still have the same product in the red now, in 2016. Therefore, I didn’t even touch the period, but immediately clicked “Generate”. It didn't work out for me. It turns out that the report can display information about negative balances only for the selected period.

This should be taken into account, because I often came across the question in the forums “Why doesn’t the report show me anything?” The answers were different, mostly about incorrectly installed filters, but I have never encountered anything about the period.

After I set the desired period, the report was generated correctly:

All other settings are standard, you can set various filters, add groupings, change sorting, add additional fields (the “Show settings” button).

Based on materials from:

Negative balances in 1C are a negative final balance on inventory accounts. Such balances mean that the write-off of goods, materials and products was carried out without having a sufficient amount of inventory in the warehouse. Control of negative balances in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 allows you to manage the possibility of shipment without having inventory materials in the warehouse.

In everyday work, an accountant often needs to ship goods, even if the goods are not yet in stock. Implementation in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program in such cases is possible with certain settings. But keep in mind that the cost of goods will not be written off in accounting. For such sales, a repeat transaction will be required; it must be done after the goods arrive at the warehouse and the accountant will reflect this in accounting. Read here step-by-step instructions about accounting for inventory items in 1C 8.3. Next, read the instructions about controlling negative balances in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Quick transfer of accounting to BukhSoft

Step 1. How to disable balance control in 1C 8.3

By default, the 1C program is configured so that you will not be able to carry out sales without the goods being in stock. But a special setting allows you to disable balance control in 1C. In order to disable balance control in 1C 8.3 Accounting, go to the “Administration” section (1) and click on the “Post documents” link (2). The execution settings window will open.

In the window, check the box next to the inscription “Allow write-off of inventories in the absence of write-off of inventories, offset of advances and repayment of debt” (3). Now you can post sales documents even if the goods are not yet in stock.

This setting applies to all organizations for which you keep records in this 1C database. It is impossible to enable balance control for one organization and disable it for another.

If you have enabled write-off permissions in the absence of balances, then you need to control that there are no negative balances. If they are, then the reasons may be:

  1. You did not record the receipt of goods from the supplier;
  2. You reflected the receipt of goods from the supplier with errors;
  3. The sales documents indicate the product incorrectly.

To identify negative balances in 1C 8.3 there is a special report, about it in the next step.

Step 2. Where to look at negative balances in 1C 8.3

If the permission to write off in the absence of balances is enabled, then you need to regularly monitor negative balances. Such control is especially relevant before, when it is necessary to calculate the cost for the formation of management and tax reporting.

Negative balances in 1C 8.3 are controlled using a special report - “Control of negative balances”. To create it, go to the “Warehouse” section (1) and click on the “Control of negative balances” link (2). The report window will open.

In the report window, indicate your organization (3) and the period (4) for which you want to view negative balances. Next, click the “Generate” button (5). The report will be generated.

The report states:

  • Material assets (6), for which there are negative balances;
  • The number of such residues (7);
  • Accounting account (8), in which negative balances were recorded;
  • A sales document that was posted without any remaining balances (9);
  • Initial balance of inventory (10);
  • Consumption of inventory items (11) for the specified sales.

There should be no negative balances at the end of the period on inventory accounts. The report contains indicators that will help you identify such errors.

Control over warehouse balances is a mandatory accounting procedure at any enterprise working with goods. Often you may encounter a situation where there is no product in the program, but it is actually in the warehouse. In such a situation, there are two options:

  • Send it for sale;
  • Leave it in the warehouse until the circumstances of this situation are clarified.

The choice depends on several factors, such as organizational policies or the specific situation. If the product is on the counter and the buyer is interested in it (holding it in his hands), it is not advisable to refuse the sale.

Some enterprises practice generating a sales document without posting it, but not all use this practice. In case of such situations, the 1C program in its latest versions offers the ability to disable control of negative balances.

When control is activated, the sale of goods that are not in stock according to the program will give the user a warning: “The “Quantity” column in line 1 of the “Products” list is filled in incorrectly. “The indicated quantity exceeds the balance. Remaining: 18. Missing 111,093.”

Disabling control of negative balances in 1C

The operation of turning on/off control of balances in 1C is carried out through the menu “Main” - “Settings” - “Accounting parameters” - “Inventories”. Here you need to check the box “Allow write-off of inventory if there is no inventory according to accounting data.”

After this, the action is confirmed with the “Save and Close” button. In turn, such actions are guaranteed to become the basis for the formation of negative balances in accounting. They will need to be eliminated.

Report “Control of negative balances”

This report is generated through the “Warehouse” - “Reports” menu, where the document is presented. The user is required to determine the request interval and click on the “Generate” button. The absence of a specified period will not allow you to show negative balances, which is a feature of the system that requires mandatory completion of the “Period” column.

The finished report has the following appearance.

A standard set of filters is available for the report itself, including grouping, sorting and other data transformations in accordance with user requests and needs. Using the “Show Settings” button, you can manually include additional rows in the report.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.