Diet breakfast, lunch and dinner. Menu for a week for healthy eating for the family: breakfasts, lunches and dinners Needed for breakfast lunch dinner

Nutritionists unanimously claim that our health and appearance depend on a properly composed menu. At the same time, we will receive all the nutrition the body needs and will not gain excess weight.

What does a properly selected menu for the whole day consist of?


Morning nutrition is necessary for our brain to better concentrate and remember information.

As proven Scientific research, a person who is used to eating breakfast is less stressed and has a stronger immune system compared to people who refuse to eat their morning meal.

Statistically, people who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to get into car accidents.

If you have a busy day at work, have a good breakfast and get to work. Know that you have created a reserve of energy for yourself that will increase your performance by 30%.

Don't think you'll gain weight by eating extra calories in the morning. On the contrary, the earlier you have breakfast, the sooner your body will wake up and start working. Morning calories never turn into fat, but are spent without a trace.

When you don’t eat anything for half a day, then, firstly, you deprive yourself of energy replenishment, and secondly, you don’t allow metabolic processes to wake up. And your body, instead of actively getting to work on breaking down fats, puts everything off for “later.” That's why you get better.

But how can you force yourself to have breakfast early in the morning when you still want to sleep?

And you try to develop a special nutrition plan for yourself and your family. For example, after a morning exercise or jogging, the body itself will not refuse something tasty in order to replenish the calories expended.

What's for breakfast?

Nutritionists have varied opinions on this topic. But general conclusions can be drawn as follows:

Breakfast should take place as early as possible (half an hour) after waking up, and make up 1/3 of the daily diet of a healthy person.

Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast, which take a long time to digest, supplying the body with energy for a long time. These can be vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, pasta, dairy products, but in no case oil, meat or lard. Heavy food causes drowsiness, and breakfast should be high in calories, but at the same time light.

Whole grain oatmeal is the best breakfast food that won't leave you hungry. Buckwheat and other cereals are also useful in the morning.

Eggs are also considered the best food for breakfast, as they do not contribute to weight gain, but fill you up for a long time. for a long time.

Bananas, apples and figs make you feel full for a long time. Other fruits and berries are also good for breakfast. You can make fresh juice or fruit salad from them.

Choose bread made from whole grains or wholemeal flour, which has a lot of fiber that takes a long time to digest, causing the body to produce energy. Toasts and breakfast are welcome.


Food taken at lunch should make up the largest part of the daily diet - about 40%.

No matter how much you have breakfast, you must have lunch. Firstly, because you are already hungry, because you had breakfast 4-5 hours ago. Secondly, you need to have lunch so that during dinner you don’t pounce on food like a hungry wolf and eat more than you need. And thirdly, the best part: at lunch you can eat everything that is not recommended for breakfast and dinner.

What's for lunch?

The first one is a must.

Soup, borscht and other first courses help improve digestion because they are hot and heat speeds up food digestion. In addition, the first dish quickly fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness, and is not a very high-calorie product.

Recent studies by American scientists have confirmed: those who eat first courses consume 1/3 less calories and food than those who eat dry food.

The second course is meat, fish or poultry, with or without a side dish - choose for yourself. You can just eat a salad or vegetable dish. It’s just not recommended to overeat, otherwise after lunch you’ll start to feel sleepy.

Thirdly, compote is not recommended. You cannot wash down a hot (and especially fatty) lunch with cold drinks. Because cold drinks, when mixed with hot and fatty foods, slow down and even stop digestion. But hot tea after lunch will come in handy.

As for desserts and sweet dishes, everyone chooses for themselves: do you need additional calories, or can you do without them. The fact is that sugar is simple carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed, causing a feeling of joy. And after half an hour, the blood sugar level drops just as quickly, which causes an attack of hunger.


The debate among nutritionists on the topic of dinner does not subside for a moment:

Is dinner even necessary?

Is it possible to have dinner after 18.00?

What can you eat for dinner and what can you not?

Let's try to draw general conclusions:

You should have dinner no later than 10 hours after breakfast, or 4-5 hours after lunch. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.

Avoid eating spicy and fried foods at night, as they stimulate the appetite, which can lead to overeating.

The best choice for dinner is protein foods - dairy products, white meat, fish, egg whites, nuts.

Salads and vegetable dishes are good for dinner, as well as fruits, dried fruits and fruit salads.

Before going to bed, if you are hungry, eat a banana or an apple, after cutting it into small pieces. You can slowly chew a few dried fruits or nuts.


The question of whether or not to drink food while eating is a heated debate among nutritionists. Because all this is individual.

But if during a meal you feel that the food is very dry and difficult to chew, then you need to wash it down, at least to swallow it.

It is better to drink coffee, tea, milk, juices, water and other drinks not with food, but before and after meals and between meals.

A glass of water or a cup of coffee half an hour before meals will allow those on a diet to eat less. And 30 minutes after eating you can drink any drinks.

Concerning strong drinks, for example, wine, etc., then everything is clear here: alcohol stimulates digestion, helps the absorption of heavy and fatty foods, and also reduces fermentation in the intestines.

But beer is a drink that is drunk cold, so it is better not to mix it with food.

Here, approximately according to this principle, you can vary your daily menu, relying on your own tastes and capabilities. Bon appetit everyone!

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    Lenka writes:

    good article. I learned a lot of useful things.

    Tanya writes:

    There are two additions from the American film:
    - food pureed into liquid puree leaves you feeling full for a very long time.
    - when working outdoors, it is better to have snacks than a full lunch at one time.
    With a full stomach, one works hard and tends to rest... But by simply having a snack, a person remains just as energetic and ready to work.

    • Demilara writes:

      Thanks for the additions. Agree with you.
      Only, as for pureed food, you almost don’t have to chew it when eating it. And with chewing movements, additional energy is produced, and calorie consumption increases (note those who want to avoid gaining excess weight).
      And one more thing: experts do not recommend getting carried away with pureed food, as the stomach begins to get lazy and not work at full capacity.

Losing weight is promoted not only by sports, but also by proper nutrition. Healthy low-calorie food will not only saturate your body, but also fill it with useful substances.

The diet for weight loss should be varied and consist exclusively of healthy recipes and fresh products. Convenience foods and other unhealthy foods will not only aggravate your health, but will also add stress to the body, in the form of a couple of extra pounds.

We’ll look at how to choose the right food for breakfast, what to avoid at lunch, and what an ideal dinner for weight loss should be like in the next article.

How should you eat to lose weight?

To “start” the process of losing weight, you should limit yourself to high-calorie recipes and devote your time to proper nutrition. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this, since refusing large amounts of food is no different from regular fasting. And frequent hunger strikes not only relieve a person of excess weight, but also significantly deplete the body.

To lose weight without harming your health, you need to properly distribute food throughout the day. The correct breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss depends on the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. Calculate the required number of calories per day based on the fact that you are aiming for the number on the scale. Moreover, there are different calculations for men and women:

For men: 66 + (13.7 x body weight*, kg) + (5 x height, cm) - (6.8 x age in years)


  • Proper nutrition for weight loss - menu for the week
  • Diet "Roller Coaster" - menu for every day
  • Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass
  • Proper nutrition menu for weight loss for every day with recipes

For women: 655 + (9.6 x body weight*, kg) + (1.8 x height, cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

To correctly calculate your daily calorie needs, you must also take into account the rhythm of your life. To lose weight, you need to multiply the result by:

  • with a sedentary lifestyle - by 1.2;
  • with average activity (exercises up to 3 times a week) – by 1.375;
  • at high activity (up to 3-5 times) – by 1.55;
  • at high loads up to 7 times a week – by 1.725.

For the greatest weight loss effect, for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed, from 15 to 25 percent.

After calculating the daily calorie needs, they must be properly distributed for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks:

  • Breakfast should be the most satisfying and high-calorie - 30% of the daily value;
  • Dinner helps maintain energy throughout the day, in the form of 40% of the daily calorie intake;
  • Dinner– the easiest, most quickly digestible meal. Its calorie content should not exceed 10% of the daily value;
  • Snacks contain 20% of the daily calorie intake. Their quantity should be 3-5 times a day.

Proper breakfast

Proper nutrition for breakfast for weight loss is necessary to properly start metabolism and obtain energy for the whole day. Each breakfast should be observed between 7 and 9 am.

If you often skip breakfast, the human body will “break” into snacks in the form of prohibited foods:

  • chocolate;
  • buns;
  • fatty sausage;
  • fresh bread made from premium flour;
  • fast food.

Let's look at what proper nutrition should be like. for breakfast:

  • boiled eggs;
  • bran;
  • steamed omelette;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, bell peppers;
  • fruits - citrus fruits, apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, strawberries;
  • dried fruits - raisins, figs, prunes and dried apricots;
  • porridge made from oatmeal, buckwheat and rice;
  • light soups from the above cereals;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

Also, morning is the ideal time for sweets, since all the calories acquired at this time are wasted during the day. If you want to treat yourself to low-fat fruit yogurt, honey, sweet cottage cheese, marshmallows or marmalade for breakfast or lunch, do not deny yourself anything.

What's for lunch?

Proper nutrition for lunch for weight loss should contain exclusively proteins:

  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken meat;
  • kefir;
  • beans;
  • mushrooms.

And carbohydrates:

  • porridge - pearl barley, barley, buckwheat;
  • pasta;
  • Rye bread;
  • bran;
  • broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • fruits - apples, plums, pears, apricots, peaches;
  • vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, radishes.

For proper nutrition, the following are suitable for lunch: food options for weight loss:

  • low-fat soups made from chicken or turkey meat;
  • porridge cooked in water;
  • stewed zucchini, tomatoes, peppers;
  • bran.

At proper nutrition, carbonated sweet drinks and products containing alcohol, strictly prohibited.

To lose weight, you should not completely limit yourself to fatty foods, as this causes a loss of strength, as a result of which the body is depleted, especially if you play sports.

Diet dinner

Now let's look at proper nutrition for dinner for weight loss:

  • low-fat cottage cheese, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casseroles;
  • milk jelly;
  • buckwheat and rice kashm;
  • yogurt with fruit and cinnamon;
  • baked apples.

A diet dinner for weight loss should be your last meal; no snacks after it are allowed. Food should be low-calorie and contain proteins - omelettes, milk, cottage cheese, kefir. Also, when losing weight, unsweetened fruits and berries are allowed in moderate quantities - apples, pears, raspberries, currants. Smoothie - wonderful Alternative option light dish for dinner for weight loss.

For weight loss, you should exclude mushroom and meat dishes from your dinner diet, as they cause headaches. Replace the above with proper nutrition:

  • stewed zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, peppers;
  • kefir, milk, fermented baked milk;
  • trout, salmon and perch dishes.


Let's consider the most useful diet recipes for weight loss:

Rice porrige

Rice porrige

Required products: 400 g of white rice, 250 ml of milk, cinnamon and favorite berries.

  • Soak the rice in water for an hour and rinse;
  • boil in milk;
  • Add berries and cinnamon to the finished dish.

The above recipe would be most appropriate as a healthy meal for breakfast or lunch.

Cheesecakes with banana

Cheesecakes with banana

Required products: 250 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 green banana, 150 g flour, egg, low-fat yogurt, cinnamon, a pack of vanilla, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

  • peel and cut banana;
  • then place it in a blender, adding cottage cheese, yolk, white and vanillin and mix everything until smooth;
  • while stirring, gradually add flour;
  • heat the pan;
  • Make small pancakes from the resulting dough and place them in a frying pan;
  • fry on both sides;
  • Pour yogurt over the finished cheesecakes and sprinkle with cinnamon.

The following recipe for weight loss will relieve everyone from hunger:

Curd and berry roll in lavash

Necessary products: one pita bread, 250 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 150 g blueberries.

  • put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl;
  • mix with whites and yolks;
  • spread the pita bread and spread the cottage cheese evenly over it;
  • place blueberries on top;
  • roll the pita bread into a roll;
  • cover a baking tray with baking paper and place the roll on it;
  • beat the yolk and brush the surface of the roll with it;
  • cook in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

The above desserts will both stimulate your weight loss and keep you in a good mood.

Light dinner

A low-calorie dinner for weight loss helps satiate the body and has a beneficial effect on sleep. Let's consider what kind of healthy meals can be prepared for this time of day.

A quick, easy dinner for those losing weight - recipes from simple ingredients:

Curd dietary spread

Curd dietary spread

Necessary products: 250 g low-fat cottage cheese, 150 ml yogurt, 100 g dill.

  • mix cottage cheese with yogurt;
  • finely chop the dill and add to the yogurt-curd mass;
  • spread the resulting mixture onto the bread.

Fresh vegetable salad with apple

Necessary products: 150 g of lettuce, three carrots, the same number of cucumbers and apples, 50 ml of sour cream and 50 ml of lemon juice.

  • wash the cucumbers, carrots and apples and cut them thinly, then mix;
  • Divide the lettuce leaves into 4-5 parts and add to the above mixture;
  • Season the resulting salad with sour cream and lemon juice.

Apple-grape smoothie with banana

Apple-grape smoothie

Required products: 100 g of grapes, 2 kiwis, 1 green banana and apple, a tablespoon of green tea.

  • peel and cut fruits;
  • then place them in a blender;
  • Pour tea on top and whisk.

Healthy dinner for weight loss may consist of the following healthy foods:

  • light cabbage and cucumber salad and low-fat salmon;
  • cottage cheese dishes;
  • kefir and buckwheat porridge;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • low-fat broth.

A salad for dinner for weight loss can be made from any vegetables except potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and beets, as they contain a lot of sugar. The dressing should be easily digestible - olive oil or low-fat natural yogurt, kefir.

What to cook for lunch?

In order to effective weight loss, you can prepare the following dishes for lunch:

Vegetarian pilaf with champignons

Required products: 250 g rice, 300 g champignons, 450 ml water, one carrot, two onions, 2 tbsp. l. refined oil, 50 g raisins, garlic and a pinch of salt.

  • heat water and pour in rice;
  • leave for 5-10 minutes;
  • peel and wash vegetables;
  • chop carrots, onions, garlic and mushrooms;
  • fry in a frying pan;
  • then add raisins and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • add rice and continue to simmer for 5-10 minutes;
  • add water and salt;
  • The pilaf will be ready when all the water has evaporated.

Oat cookies from cereals and nuts

Required products: 150 g oatmeal, 50 g granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l. refined oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. poppy seeds, 50 g raisins and 25 g walnuts.

  • grind 100 g of flakes to flour;
  • mix water, sugar and honey and bring to a boil;
  • the syrup will be ready when the granulated sugar is completely dissolved;
  • pour syrup into flour;
  • add oil and mix products;
  • add the remaining 50 g of flakes to the resulting mass and mix;
  • then add poppy seeds, raisins and nuts;
  • stir and leave for 2-3 minutes;
  • form cookies from the resulting dough;
  • place on a baking sheet;
  • bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

It is recommended to use this sweet recipe for lunch for weight loss no more than once a week.

Salad with squid, onion and egg

Required products: 300 g of squid, 100 g of broccoli, one egg, half an onion, 150 g of canned green peas, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 30 ml of olive oil, a pinch of salt.

  • pour boiling water over the squid;
  • then place in cold water;
  • remove the skin from the seafood and remove the entrails;
  • wash the seafood and cut into rings;
  • peel and chop the onion;
  • pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up;
  • fry onions and squid;
  • wash and coarsely chop the broccoli;
  • cook in boiled water 2-3 minutes, then drain the water;
  • boil the egg, peel and cut into large cubes;
  • mix the egg, squid and broccoli, adding peas to them;
  • add salt and season with soy sauce.

Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast dishes for weight loss are also varied and nutritious:

An unexpected recipe that will diversify your breakfast menu for weight loss:

Salad with oranges and tomatoes

Necessary products: half a kilo of oranges and tomatoes, 50 g of green onions, a pinch of parsley, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

  • peel and cut citrus fruits;
  • wash the tomatoes and chop finely;
  • chop the onion and parsley;
  • mix all products.

Consider recipes for pancakes for breakfast for weight loss:

Dietary gluten-free oat pancakes

Required products: 250 ml of milk, 100 g of oatmeal, two eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, tbsp. l. honey and a pinch of salt.

  • grind the oatmeal until it becomes flour;
  • mix flour with eggs, butter, honey and salt;
  • while stirring the dough, add milk to it;
  • leave the prepared mixture for 25 minutes;
  • fry pancakes on both sides in vegetable oil.

Pancakes from rye flour

Pancakes made from rye flour

Necessary products: half a liter of milk, 250 g of rye flour, 50 g of sugar, one egg, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, a pinch of salt.

  • sift flour;
  • then add salt, sugar and mix;
  • add milk, egg and mix until smooth;
  • leave the resulting mass for 20 minutes;
  • pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up;
  • Using a ladle, place the pancakes in the pan and fry on both sides.

The above recipes will make your breakfast richer and fill your body with vitamins.

Is it possible to lose weight if you don't eat dinner?

Even if you're losing weight, you shouldn't skip dinner, as there's a high chance you'll break down and empty the refrigerator in the middle of the night. But eating enough at night is harmful, since the body is resting at this time and is not able to digest the food it receives. Also, by refusing dinner in order to lose weight, you risk worsening the condition of the digestive system, hormonal levels and nerves.

Everyone on the EiF team has experience in the topic of weight loss in one way or another. They share their stories with me. Here is one of them. Irina Ageeva told it to me.

When I'm in Once again decided to lose weight, I took up this matter decisively and seriously. Suddenness and unpredictability are not the best companions for those who have decided to get rid of extra pounds. I know myself - and I know what I will do if I don’t have a clear and detailed nutrition plan for every day. I’ll just open the refrigerator and eat what’s bad. For example, I’ll make a sandwich or cook dumplings that are missing in the freezer. Or maybe I'll order pizza. In general, to avoid such situations, you need to prepare for each day in advance. And in order not to be tormented by thoughts every day, it is best to create the right menu for the week. How in kindergarten: schedule of breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners from Monday to Friday for all days of the week - so convenient! Or a piece of paper called “business lunch” in the nearest cafe - everything is simple and predictable. In general, I took this tool into service - and I was right. During three weeks of the experiment, I discovered not only a loss of 2 kg, but savings in time, money and nerves. I changed my strategy for replenishing food supplies and now I can go to the hypermarket to buy groceries once a week. I have a list in my hands based on the menu and I know exactly what and in what quantity I need to buy. I remember with horror how I used to wander around the store for hours, and then spend hours thinking about what to cook from all this? My experience has shown that there is more choice in the hypermarket, and for those losing weight, variety in diet and control over the composition and especially the fat content of products is important. And the prices for many goods are lower than in the nearest store, where I now go only in emergencies.

I have a plan

I like everything to be visual, so all sorts of electronic signs were not suitable for me. On the next day off, I armed myself with a notepad and pen, inspected the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets and made my first proper menu for the week. I don’t like rigid boundaries and prefer to have room to maneuver according to my mood. Therefore, on separate multi-colored pieces of paper I wrote 6 options for dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that they could be swapped. The main dish, side dish and soup are all separate. So what if I suddenly realize that I don’t want to eat tomorrow morning? buckwheat porridge, then I can easily replace it with curd mousse with berries, for example. I designate Sunday as a “holiday of disobedience”, when you can not plan anything and allow yourself a break from restrictions. This approach helps me avoid breakdowns, and helps my body receive the signal “everything is fine, we are not in danger of hunger, we don’t need to store fat.”

General principles of the correct menu for the week

Losing weight needs to be delicious - this is my basic principle. Nutrition should be balanced and varied. My diet should include poultry, fish, legumes, occasionally meat, lots of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cottage cheese. An incredible number of dishes can be prepared from these basic products. I took the “12-16” principle as a daily basis. That is, I planned carbohydrates until 16.00, and fruits until 12.00. With this approach, you can prepare different porridges and cottage cheese dishes for breakfast. For lunch - soup and a protein dish with a side dish. For dinner - chicken, fish or meat with vegetables. I don’t plan snacks, they are always the same: before lunch - fruit, after lunch - yogurt or cottage cheese. In general, everything is simple. I wrote down the names of the dishes and compiled a basic menu from them. This is what my correct menu for the week looked like.

Correct menu for the week: breakfasts

1. Overnight Oatmeal

Pour a couple of tablespoons of rolled oats with kefir overnight and put them in the refrigerator. In the morning, add any berries - fresh or defrosted, baked apple, banana, flax seeds. For those who have a sweet tooth, you can add a spoonful of honey. Although I can do without it.

2. Corn porridge with pumpkin

I prepare it the evening before. I boil the cereal, separately – the pumpkin cut into pieces. I combine the prepared cereal and mashed pumpkin, add a little milk. I don't add sugar - there is enough of it in the pumpkin.

3. Cereal bread with cottage cheese

The store's selection of breads is amazingly diverse, so I spent a lot of time studying the products presented on the shelves. I found a whole grain and not too high in calories option. I add cucumber to the cottage cheese (finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater) and a lot of greens. Tasty and beautiful!

4. Buckwheat porridge

Everything is simple here. I cook crumbly porridge, turning on the double boiler at night. In the morning I add low-fat milk. The taste is like in childhood!

5. Curd mousse

It also needs to be taken care of in the evening. I have two favorite options.First: soak 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin in water, dissolve in a water bath. Beat soft cottage cheese for 3 minutes, mix with gelatin, beat for another 3 minutes. Add your favorite berries and mix gently. Place in bowls and put in refrigerator until morning.Second: Mix 1 avocado, 1 banana, 100 g of natural yogurt and 5 teaspoons of cocoa in a blender. Place in bowls and refrigerate until morning.

6. Hercules

I’m not so used to porridge with water, so I just take low-fat milk, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio and add a little honey.

Correct menu for the week: lunches


I prepare them for two days and the situation becomes much simpler.

1. Vegetable puree soup

I love this option for the variety of flavors. Any vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, Bell pepper, spinach, onions, carrots - boil in any combination in boiling water, add a little milk and puree in a blender.

2. Lentil soup

Legumes are useful as a good source of protein and are very relevant for those over 40. Pour cold water over yellow and red lentils and boil. Separately simmer the onions, carrots and chopped and peeled tomatoes. Add vegetable mixture to lentils. When serving, sprinkle generously with chopped parsley.

3. Vegetarian borscht

Grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater and simmer with a little olive oil, adding tomato juice or grated tomatoes. Place chopped potatoes into boiling water, and after a few minutes add shredded cabbage. Then add vegetable stew and juice of half a lemon. When serving, add garlic and herbs.

Main course

I try to eat meat less often - even beef; I prefer chicken, turkey and fish. Therefore, these dishes are the basis of my lunch menu.

1. Turkey meatballs

I cook them without flour or eggs. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of oatmeal. When they become soft and cool, mix them with minced meat, add salt and pepper. Pour some water into the pan and add the meatballs. Then add chopped tomatoes or tomato juice and your favorite spices. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.

2. Baked mackerel

It is a source of healthy fats and is easy to prepare. Salt the gutted carcass, put chopped parsley, dill and lemon in the belly. Bake in the oven.

3. Chicken steak

Beat the breast through a bag, add salt and pepper. Drizzle the grill pan with olive oil and cook the steak. It is made similarly from turkey.

4. Stuffed peppers

Cut the pepper in half lengthwise, trying to keep the stem, and remove the seeds. Prepare minced meat: you can take chicken, turkey, lean beef. Add boiled rice and spices. Fill the pepper halves with minced meat, place them on a baking sheet with the filling facing up and bake in the oven. You can pour a little water on the baking sheet. At the end, sprinkle the peppers with grated low-fat cheese and leave for a few more minutes.

5. Spaghetti Bolognese

The sauce is made from leftover baked poultry or meat. Fry the onion in a small amount of oil, add the prepared meat minced through a meat grinder, grated tomatoes and spices. Mix boiled spaghetti with tomato and meat sauce and sprinkle with low-fat grated cheese.

6. Beef roll

Cut a piece of meat into a layer, beat it, brush it with sauce - I love pesto. Roll up, tie with thread, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 1 hour.

Side dishes

Everything is simple with them - you need to choose your favorite cereal (I use buckwheat, basmati rice and bulgur) or make a salad of fresh vegetables with olive oil and lemon juice.

Correct menu for the week: dinners

1. Large salad with squid

The most energy-consuming part is to boil and cool the squid carcasses. I buy peeled ones right away so as not to waste extra time. Tear iceberg lettuce with your hands, chop cucumber, sweet pepper, parsley, add squid, cut into strips, season with yogurt and lemon juice sauce.

2. Zucchini and chicken rolls

Use a vegetable cutter to cut young zucchini into thin slices, place thinly chopped slices on them chicken fillet, salt and pepper and sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese. Roll into rolls and secure with wooden skewers. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

3. Eggplant with minced meat

Cut the eggplants lengthwise and boil in boiling water for 5 minutes. Cool, cut out the pulp to make “boats”. Fill them with minced raw or baked meat or poultry, chopped eggplant, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers. Sprinkle with low-fat grated cheese and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

4. Salad with beans and cheese

If I boiled white or variegated beans in advance, then I take them. If not, a pod will do, which needs to be immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then everything is simple: mix beans, cheese, iceberg lettuce, parsley. Top with yogurt.

5. Vegetable muffins

Place boiled vegetables in small forms - green pea, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans. Beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and pour this mixture over the vegetables. You can sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven.

Advanced level

When I mastered the basic version of the correct menu for the week, I decided to go further. I bought kitchen scales and found tables on the content of fats, proteins, carbohydrates (the same BZHU) and calorie content of different foods. Now each dish passed through my scientific laboratory and at the end I received a complete dossier that allowed me to know exactly how many calories I consumed per day, how many of them came from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This allowed me to be more attentive to the composition of dishes, look for new recipes and make research expeditions to the hypermarket - this is how I managed, for example, to discover feta cheese with a fat content of only 2% per 100 g, several varieties of yogurt with a fat content of only 1.5% and delicious cheese, which fit within my limitations.

Unexpected effect

I placed my menu on the refrigerator door and immediately received a question from the non-losing male part of the family: is this for us? Once again I carefully looked at what was written - everything was tasty and healthy. And she answered - yes, this is for everyone! In practice, I “enhance” a man’s dinner with a side dish or soup that I prepare for lunch. My husband and son are not home during the day, so these dishes can easily be transferred to dinner. So, the correct menu for the week, in addition to losing extra pounds, saving time, money and nerves, has one more advantage - healthy eating for all the family!


Proper nutrition has a number of benefits, such as:

  • improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • good health;
  • healthy glowing facial skin;
  • healthy hair and nails;
  • good mood.

In a world full of events and stress, a person spends a colossal amount of energy. It is wasted on any action, be it movement, communication, work and even night rest. Replenishing energy is necessary for the body to continue to function normally, so that its reserves are not depleted. By consuming food, a person fully compensates the body for all energy costs and receives substances, vitamins, amino acids and minerals necessary for life.

Rhythm of life modern man It is extremely fast and eating in it often happens on the run, just to throw something into yourself and run on. This approach can lead to sad consequences, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of general condition, unhealthy complexion, sleep disturbances, irritation and depression. The food a person eats can bring him both great benefit and irreparable harm.

In order not to harm your body, a person needs to eat right. A varied, balanced diet will certainly have a positive effect on your health and appearance person. A deficiency of nutrients during a strict diet, for example, leads to a deterioration in overall health, loss of strength, and negatively affects the condition of hair and nails. At the same time, excessive food consumption leads to the same consequences and obesity.

How to support your body with proper nutrition

So how can you avoid harming yourself? How to keep your body normal, give it everything it needs and replenish enormous energy costs? You just need to eat right, monitor your diet, consume and correctly combine healthy foods. Drinking clean, filtered water also plays an important role in ensuring good health. By drinking enough liquid, a person helps his body get rid of waste and toxins accumulated over the years. Water helps speed up the digestion process, improves brain activity and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Starting your day with a glass of clean water, a person prepares his body for vigorous activity, giving it a huge boost of vivacity and energy.

Principles of proper nutrition

When eating properly, you should follow some rules. Over time, they will develop into a habit and will be performed automatically.

Breakfast - proper nutrition

In the morning, when the body has just woken up, it does not require a large amount of food. Therefore, after drinking a glass of water, perhaps adding lemon juice or a spoonful of natural honey, you need a light breakfast. These can be your favorite fruits, various cereals, such as rolled oats or buckwheat, steamed vegetables, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

A wonderful, light breakfast can be curd cheesecakes, baked in the oven without oil, oatmeal with berries, a piece of lean chicken or turkey, a couple of eggs boiled “in a bag” with a piece of toasted bread. Eating good, proper carbohydrates in the morning will give you energy for the whole difficult and eventful day.

Lunch - proper nutrition

Lunch, unlike breakfast, should be denser and richer. A maximally balanced lunch meal will contribute to the further proper functioning of the body. The daily meal should contain a sufficient amount of calories and at the same time not be overloaded with harmful, hard-to-digest foods. Proper distribution of fats and carbohydrates will help the body expend the necessary amount of energy until the end of the day.

A proper lunch includes a first and second course, a drink and a dessert. You can start your meal with a light vegetable salad seasoned with a little olive oil or natural yogurt. The hot first course is any low-fat soup. For the second course, meat or fish dishes with a side dish of potatoes, other vegetables, cereals and durum wheat pasta are perfect.

For lunch, you can treat yourself to some healthy dessert. They can serve fruit salad, freshly prepared berry mousse, light cottage cheese pastries, cheesecake and even ice cream. The main thing is not to overload your stomach with excessively heavy food, eat in moderation.

You can end your lunch with a cup of aromatic, preferably herbal, tea.

Dinner - proper nutrition

In the evening, a tired body urgently needs to replenish its strength. There is an opinion that dinner is harmful to health. But that's not true! With a modern lifestyle, a person, as mentioned above, spends a huge amount of energy and needs to replace it. A dinner prepared according to all the rules will help compensate for all the expenses of the day. The main rule of a healthy dinner is that it is easily digestible and eaten a couple of hours before bedtime.

A proper evening meal should include protein foods such as cottage cheese, soft cheese, eggs and mushrooms. You can diversify your dinner with vegetables, lean fish, poultry, and seafood.

If you feel very hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, eat an apple or a handful of nuts and dried fruits. You should not sit down at the table very tired; you should first take a short rest, take a refreshing shower, and only then start eating.

By eating right, a person will not only protect himself from health problems, but will also help his body function flawlessly, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones.

Proper nutrition in summer, winter, spring and autumn is what a healthy person needs. Eat foods that suit the seasons. For example, in summer, berries and fruits are much healthier than in winter. Don't get hung up on certain products. Food should be varied. Eat grains, vegetables, fruits and berries. Foods such as potatoes and beans contain starch, in other words, carbohydrates. Cereals contain large amounts nutrients necessary for our body. You need to eat dairy products every day. Don’t forget about fish and poultry; dishes from them must be included in the menu.

The proper nutrition program consists of small portions. The best option is, for example, 100 g of meat (fish or poultry of your choice), the same amount of vegetables (rice or pasta), a slice of grain bread and fruit.

For many, proper nutrition (reviews on forums talk about this) is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Everyone should strive for this. In order for your daily diet to be healthy, you need to monitor the amount of calories you consume. As for fats, their amount should not exceed 1/3 of the total. There is no need to completely abandon such products. This is very harmful, since the body must receive a certain portion of fat. But an excess of these substances will adversely affect the functioning of the body. The essence of proper nutrition is this: try to reduce the amount of fat you consume. For example, you can eat breast meat without the skin, consume low-fat dairy products, and it is better to buy skim milk and cottage cheese. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of pizza, mayonnaise, butter, hamburgers, chips, sauces.

For some, avoiding fatty foods and processed foods is proper nutrition. Reviews from such people are supported by facts about the pounds lost. However, this is not always the case. As you know, cholesterol is not only present in fatty foods, such as hamburgers, chops and fried potatoes. This substance is also found in egg yolks, dairy products and meat. It is worth reducing the number of such products. For example, eggs can be eaten no more than once a week.

As mentioned above, fatty foods provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Reduce their number. Butter can be replaced with olive oil, whole milk can be replaced with skim milk. Then the daily fat intake will be reduced to normal.

It's no secret that proper nutrition, reviews of which are only positive, involves daily consumption of vegetables and fruits. Include foods such as carrots, broccoli, citrus fruits and tomatoes in your diet.

Vegetables and fruits will not only provide lightness and energy, they are also very healthy. For example, citrus fruits reduce the risk of heart disease. Vegetables rich in antioxidants resist tumor formation.

Increased protein intake leads to increased muscle mass. It is eaten in large quantities mainly by athletes who want to build up their figure. A proper breakfast, lunch and dinner should not contain more than 12% protein products. You don’t need to eat shrimp and fatty cottage cheese every day. It is better to replace these products with low-fat yogurt, beans, etc.

Everyone knows that sweets not only do not contain nutrients, they also belong to the class of high-calorie foods. Try to eat less sweet buns and muffins, cakes and pastries. If you really want it, you can indulge in dark chocolate in the morning. It’s best to replace sweets with fruits or dried fruits.

Our body's daily need for salt does not exceed a teaspoon. More sodium ions are harmful to us. Try to avoid salty foods. It's better to under-salt your dishes. Soon you will get used to the new “unsalted” taste of foods and find your own zest in it. In order not to exceed the norm, it is advisable to limit the consumption of pickled foods (cucumbers, sauerkraut) and cheeses. People who overuse pickles suffer from edema, high blood pressure and etc.

Calcium is vital for the human body. It is useful for the formation of bone tissue, it ensures bone strength. Women after menopause should especially take this into account. Daily intake of calcium is necessary, since bone density decreases significantly with age.

Proper nutrition per day involves drinking at least 1.5 liters of water. The human body loses a large amount of fluid during the day. Losses must be restored. In this case, we are not talking about juices, tea and other drinks. It is best to drink clean water. A glass of liquid half an hour before a meal is enough to achieve the norm. You definitely need to eat soups and broths. Fruits and vegetables also contain large amounts of liquid.

Alcohol abuse leads to various diseases and health problems. Everyone knows this. Proper nutrition (reviews about this are increasingly appearing on the Internet) without alcohol - this is what everyone should strive for. After all, there is nothing healthy in alcoholic drinks. There are no vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. However, alcohol contains a large number of calories that enter our body. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of red wine. Occasionally you can afford a glass of beer. It is better for women to abstain from alcohol altogether, as it has an adverse effect on the skin. Also, alcoholic drinks generate aging processes.

Below is a balanced meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is not necessary to follow it blindly; some products can be replaced.

Proper breakfast:

Option 1 - an omelette, a green salad with olive oil, crispbread or grain bread, herbal tea (possibly with sugar) and fruit.

Option 2 - piece chicken breast with parmesan, green beans with boiled potatoes, fruit, tea with lemon.

Option 3 - 150 g of boiled rice, a piece of meat, green salad (200 g), tea and fruit.

Proper lunch:

Option 1 - salad, boiled meat, chicken broth, mineral water with lemon, toast.

Option 2 - bread toast with fish, green salad with olive oil, tea/water.

Option 3 - boiled brown rice, stewed vegetables, a cup of mint tea, fruit.

Proper dinner:

Option 1 - low-fat cottage cheese, small fruit, water.

Option 2 - green salad, boiled fish, water with lemon, toast.

Option 3 - stewed vegetables, toast, water with lemon.

So, let's eat right! Meals (recipes were described above) can be combined with eating a handful of nuts, dried fruits or yogurt - this will allow you to survive a long time from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner. Try to eat at certain hours and follow a routine.

Eat a balanced diet, following a meal schedule;

Evenly combine proteins, carbohydrates and fats;

Periodically arrange a day of healthy eating for yourself - cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances;

Drink enough fluids;

Play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Such programs in Lately very popular. The main target audience is women who want to lose weight, get back to normal after childbirth, etc. Lose extra pounds, get in shape, start an active and healthy lifestyle, look attractive - everyone wants this. You can follow the tips described above, then over time you will get used to eating right.

Many people turn to specialists for help and purchase special programs that allow them to calculate the number of calories in a particular dish. In such programs, as a rule, a varied menu has already been compiled. If desired, you can find a suitable menu for the day, week or even month. There is a separate diet for people leading a sedentary or active lifestyle.

Professional nutritionists advise using such balanced nutrition systems. Thanks to them, you do not deviate from the prescribed rules and do not allow yourself to consume extra calories. A balanced diet disciplines and develops a healthy habit of eating right. However, such programs do not take into account individual characteristics. Typically, systems are compiled according to general statistics that are suitable for a healthy person. That is, the nutrition system does not take into account your diseases, ailments, condition, lifestyle, physiological abilities, preferences. Only a professional, qualified doctor will advise you on certain products based on these factors. Before contacting a specialist, think carefully about what is bothering you. Write down on a piece of paper the diseases that you have had recently, chronic illnesses, etc. A balanced diet should be present in your life constantly, the result will be visible not in a week or two, but only after a long time. Therefore, by starting to eat right and writing down all the information about yourself, in a year or two you will be able to compare your condition and draw conclusions.

A balanced diet is always strictly individual. The same foods and eating patterns can be both beneficial and harmful different people. Approach this issue extremely responsibly and seriously, after consulting with a specialist.

There is a very accurate saying: “We eat to live, not live to eat.” IN modern society There is a stereotype: healthy food is tasteless. However, this is not the case. Eating healthy foods can be both beneficial and enjoyable.

What are the consequences of nutritional errors?

A balanced diet is not only about a slim figure. The condition of the skin, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the function of the heart muscle and the cleanliness of the blood vessels depend on the quality and quantity of food consumed.

The main problem with the nutrition of modern people is lack of time. Due to the constant rush to work and school, the daily menu is filled with semi-finished products, baked goods, and fast food products. The result of regular eating at fast food eateries is atherosclerosis, obesity, and disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The main mistakes in nutrition according to the latest research by nutritionists:

  • exceeding the daily calorie intake - for people whose profession is not associated with heavy physical labor, the daily calorie intake should be within 2000
  • uncontrolled fat consumption - about 50% of the population is overweight because it does not regulate the intake of fat into the body (eggs, potatoes, fish, meat, lard fried in refined oil, dressing salads with mayonnaise or ready-made sauces)
  • liquid calories - doctors have long sounded the alarm about excessive consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, which contain prohibitive amounts of sugar; High-calorie drinks also include alcohol, which additionally whets the appetite, forcing you to consume more food.
  • three meals a day - the stomach is not designed for large portions of food, and long intervals between meals lead to stagnation of bile
  • excess confectionery
  • improper processing of food - deep frying destroys beneficial features products, adding excess fat and carcinogens

People forget that with age, the calorie content of meals should decrease, since metabolism slows down and it is much more difficult to spend the calories received.

The daily menu should have the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is the basic rule of healthy eating. To determine the balance, there is a “plate rule”: it is mentally divided into three parts, of which half of the diet is taken up by vegetables and herbs, 25% is given to complex carbohydrates (porridge, legumes), 25% remains for protein products.

Nutrition rules

Basic rules of healthy eating:

  1. There should be 3-4 main meals and 2 afternoon snacks per day.
  2. 75% of food should be consumed for breakfast and lunch, leaving 25% for dinner.
  3. It is advisable to distribute meals at the same time.
  4. Food should not be too hot or cold; the recommended temperature range is from 50 to 10°, otherwise you may get heartburn.
  5. There is no need to swallow food in chunks: the more thoroughly the food is chewed, the better it is saturated with saliva, so the food is more easily absorbed by the stomach and upper intestines.
  6. You can't skip breakfast. It is advisable to eat no later than an hour after waking up. Headache, weakness, fatigue - all this is the result of skipped breakfasts.
  7. Adequate water intake. 1.5 liters of water, including liquid in fruits and soups, is the minimum requirement per day.
  8. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. Ideal option: vegetables + fish, vegetables + lean meat.
  9. Restriction on salt and sugar. By reducing salt consumption, the body gets rid of excess fluid, swelling goes away, and heart function improves. The amount of salt is 1 tsp, sugar - 6 tsp. (including salt and sugars already contained in foods).
  10. It is worth giving preference to vegetable fats rather than animal fats.
  11. Do not forget about the benefits of seasonal products: strawberries in December are unlikely to saturate the body with vitamins.

Boiled, baked, stewed dishes will bring maximum benefit to the body.

The notorious sandwiches and coffee cannot be called a healthy breakfast. Fast carbohydrates are instantly digested by the body and after half an hour the person will want to eat again.

Healthy breakfast

The leader among all possible breakfast options is porridge:

  • oatmeal with milk and fruit
  • buckwheat porridge with boiled or baked meat and vegetables
  • corn porridge with dried fruits
  • rice with stewed vegetables
  • millet milk porridge with honey and pumpkin

Another popular and useful product for breakfast: egg dishes. An ideal low-calorie source of protein comes with wholemeal bread and baked or steamed vegetables. Options:

  • Omelet with cheese
  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes
  • omelette with mushrooms
  • fried egg
  • hard boiled eggs with toast
  • egg baked in potato or tomato

The latest culinary invention that combines the benefits of oatmeal and eggs: oatmeal pancake. The recipe is very popular among those who want to lose weight: 2 eggs are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 30 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste. The well-beaten mixture is fried in a non-stick frying pan or a regular one with minimal addition of oil. For filling use: cottage cheese, cheese, banana, vegetables, dried fruits, lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef).

The following are considered healthy breakfasts:

  • syrniki
  • dumplings with cottage cheese
  • vegetable fritters (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin)
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • sandwiches made from whole grain bread with boiled meat and herbs
  • fruits with cottage cheese and raisins in the oven

For drinks, it is preferable to drink green tea, fruit and berry compote, and freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable not to overdo it with coffee: no more than 3 cups per day with the addition of milk (to avoid leaching of calcium).

There should be at least 3 hours between meals. Lunch is the most problematic meal of the day because most people don't have time for it. Buns, cookies and pies for a sedentary worker will result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and obesity. Lunch options at work:

Proper lunch

For a complete, proper lunch, muesli alone will, of course, not be enough. For lunch, it is advisable to prepare a hot dish (soup, borscht), vegetable salad and meat. However, soups are not useful for everyone: patients with peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcers, they are not recommended because they increase acidity.

On weekends, lunches that are familiar to our mentality and proper nutrition are perfectly combined: recipes for the week

  • buckwheat, pearl barley, rice soup with chicken broth
  • borscht with lean pork or beef broth
  • pickle
  • mushroom soup or beans
  • mashed potatoes, chicken pilaf
  • stewed potatoes with meat
  • baked fish with cheese crust
  • vegetable casseroles
  • durum wheat pasta
  • chicken fillet with grilled vegetables in the oven
  • beans with tomatoes in soy sauce

For dessert you can allow healthy sweets: honey, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dark chocolate (of course, within reason).

A healthy dinner should have maximum benefits and minimum calories. It is not recommended to eat porridge (except buckwheat) at night: complex carbohydrates take a long time to break down and can create heaviness in the stomach. But you shouldn’t dine on kefir alone either: fasting provokes excessive production of gastric juice and bile, which negatively affects the digestive system, even leading to the formation of ulcers or gastritis.

Example of a healthy dinner

The following dishes will bring the greatest benefit at dinner:

  • vegetable or potato puree
  • vegetable casserole with cheese
  • pasta with baked lean poultry
  • brown rice with seafood
  • vegetable stew made from seasonal vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, onions, carrots)
  • pike perch, cod, pollock, tuna, carp baked in foil
  • rabbit meat in the oven with vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil
  • pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese
  • omelette with herbs and tomatoes
  • spaghetti and Caesar salad
  • lasagna made from vegetables or with minced chicken or turkey

It is useful to add hot spices to dishes prepared for dinner: they stimulate blood circulation, speed up metabolism and the breakdown of food. Salads are perfect for an evening meal: in summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, in winter - from boiled beets with prunes, carrots with nuts, fresh and sauerkraut.

For healthy salad dressings, it is better to use olive oil, low-fat sour cream or unflavored yogurt. For dessert, you can make a smoothie with berries, cottage cheese cakes with fruits or berries.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink green tea with honey or a glass of kefir: such drinks will only benefit the body.

The ideal time for a small afternoon snack: 1.5 hours after breakfast and a couple of hours before dinner. It is advisable to eat a nutritious product, but a small portion. Options for proper snacks:

Healthy snack option

Sometimes the body confuses hunger with thirst, so before eating chips or cake, it is better to drink a glass of water.

Prohibited products include products instant cooking: mashed potatoes and noodles in bags. Surrogate food is stuffed with preservatives, flavor enhancers, sugars, transgenic fats and other chemicals. Among the foods that need to be eliminated from the diet are:

Fast food is banned

In addition, unhealthy foods include sausages, margarine, and white bread.

I would like to debunk the myth that proper nutrition costs a lot of money. Porridge and fermented milk products do not cost a lot of money, but they bring enormous benefits to the body.

Aug 17, 2016Violetta Lekar

Proper nutrition has a number of benefits, such as:

  • improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • good health;
  • healthy glowing facial skin;
  • healthy hair and nails;
  • good mood.

In a world full of events and stress, a person spends a colossal amount of energy. It is wasted on any action, be it movement, communication, work and even night rest. Replenishing energy is necessary for the body to continue to function normally, so that its reserves are not depleted. By consuming food, a person fully compensates the body for all energy costs and receives substances, vitamins, amino acids and minerals necessary for life.

The rhythm of life of a modern person is extremely fast and eating often takes place on the run, just to throw something in and run on. This approach can lead to sad consequences, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of general condition, unhealthy complexion, sleep disturbances, irritation and depression. The food a person eats can bring him both great benefit and irreparable harm.

In order not to harm your body, a person needs to eat right. A varied, balanced diet will certainly have a positive effect on a person’s health and appearance. A deficiency of nutrients during a strict diet, for example, leads to a deterioration in overall health, loss of strength, and negatively affects the condition of hair and nails. At the same time, excessive food consumption leads to the same consequences and obesity.

So how can you avoid harming yourself? How to keep your body normal, give it everything it needs and replenish enormous energy costs? You just need to eat right, monitor your diet, consume and correctly combine healthy foods. Drinking clean, filtered water also plays an important role in ensuring good health. By drinking enough liquid, a person helps his body get rid of waste and toxins accumulated over the years. Water helps speed up the digestion process, improves brain activity and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Starting your day with a glass of clean water, a person prepares his body for vigorous activity, giving it a huge boost of vivacity and energy.

When eating properly, you should follow some rules. Over time, they will develop into a habit and will be performed automatically.

In the morning, when the body has just woken up, it does not require a large amount of food. Therefore, after drinking a glass of water, perhaps adding lemon juice or a spoonful of natural honey, you need a light breakfast. These can be your favorite fruits, various cereals, such as rolled oats or buckwheat, steamed vegetables, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

An excellent, light breakfast can be cottage cheese pancakes baked in the oven without oil, oatmeal with berries, a piece of lean chicken or turkey, a couple of eggs boiled “in a bag” with a piece of toasted bread. Eating good, proper carbohydrates in the morning will give you energy for the whole difficult and eventful day.

Lunch, unlike breakfast, should be denser and richer. A maximally balanced lunch meal will contribute to the further proper functioning of the body. The daily meal should contain a sufficient amount of calories and at the same time not be overloaded with harmful, hard-to-digest foods. Proper distribution of fats and carbohydrates will help the body expend the necessary amount of energy until the end of the day.

A proper lunch includes a first and second course, a drink and a dessert. You can start your meal with a light vegetable salad seasoned with a little olive oil or natural yogurt. The hot first course is any low-fat soup. For the second course, meat or fish dishes with a side dish of potatoes, other vegetables, cereals and durum wheat pasta are perfect.

For lunch, you can treat yourself to some healthy dessert. They can serve fruit salad, freshly prepared smoothies, berry mousse, light cottage cheese pastries, cheesecake and even ice cream. The main thing is not to overload your stomach with excessively heavy food, eat in moderation.

You can end your lunch with a cup of aromatic, preferably herbal, tea.

In the evening, a tired body urgently needs to replenish its strength. There is an opinion that dinner is harmful to health. But that's not true! With a modern lifestyle, a person, as mentioned above, spends a huge amount of energy and needs to replace it. A dinner prepared according to all the rules will help compensate for all the expenses of the day. The main rule of a healthy dinner is that it is easily digestible and eaten a couple of hours before bedtime.

A proper evening meal should include protein foods such as cottage cheese, soft cheese, eggs and mushrooms. You can diversify your dinner with vegetables, lean fish, poultry, and seafood.

If you feel very hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, eat an apple or a handful of nuts and dried fruits. You should not sit down at the table very tired; you should first take a short rest, take a refreshing shower, and only then start eating.

By eating right, a person will not only protect himself from health problems, but will also help his body function flawlessly, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones.

Usually, when prescribing a health course, I recommend sticking to the “proper” regular diet. Unfortunately, people's ideas about healthy eating are often based on statements from TV presenters or promoted detox programs from the Internet. Some people think that you need to eat once a day, others that five times. Some people think it’s right to skip breakfast or dinner. Some people think that you should drink before meals, many are sure that you shouldn’t drink food at all. In rare cases, people are able to accurately calculate calories, are aware of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and know what is contained in various foods. But with all the diversity of opinions, as a rule, no one has an understanding of why food is needed at different times of the day, how to make sure that it is absorbed by the body and does not turn into extra pounds and toxins. Since many people do not understand what will happen if they consume foods at the wrong time or in the wrong combinations, it is difficult for them to associate health problems with their own eating behavior.

Therefore, I decided to write down general recommendations on the basis of which it is easy to create a complete diet for any body type and any dosha. The priorities for breakfast, lunch and dinner are set based on the properties of the products, their digestibility during the day and their compatibility with each other. The recommendations are far from complete, and cannot be so for everyone, but the above diagram will serve as a good basis for creating an individual menu.

Within just a few weeks of following such a diet, people manage to feel a positive effect: they become fitter, look younger, begin to like themselves, give up sweets, starchy foods, and heavy foods and discover many tasty and lively foods. Of course, you should not fanatically adhere to any recommendations, including these. Just keep in mind that if you eat healthy food 80% of the time and on time, this is already enough to maintain your health at a good level. And then in the remaining 20% ​​of cases you can indulge in small pranks (so as not to be drawn to big nonsense).

First of all, a glass of water. But with lemon?

After you have brushed your teeth and tongue, first drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. This will help start peristalsis and cleanse the body after a night's sleep. Lemon, honey and any other products can be added to the morning glass of water only occasionally. You should not consume water with honey or lemon on a regular basis.

Barley or buckwheat porridge for those who want to lose weight. Oatmeal or wheat for those who need to get stronger. A prerequisite is that the porridges must be whole or minimally processed. It is better to cook porridge for adults with water, but you can add just a little milk for taste. The porridge will be well decorated with jam, raisins, and dried fruits. It needs to be refueled butter or, ideally, melted and clarified ghee. Good for some cereals vegetable oils cold pressed, the main thing is not to expose them heat treatment, that is, add at the last stage, when the porridge is already in the plate.

During the warmer months, you can make fruit smoothies or salads with the addition of whole grain flakes.

Eat cottage cheese (raw in summer, in the form of casseroles and cheesecakes in winter) no more than 1-3 times a week. The fact is that fermented milk products consumed during the kapha period (from 6 to 10 am) will increase kapha.

Pancakes, pancakes - no more than 1-2 times a week, always made from whole flour or with the addition of different types(buckwheat, rye, amaranth). Any baked goods will increase weight if consumed during the period of kapha activity (from 6 to 10 am and pm).

Instant porridge. Industrial, purified, refined porridges, muesli with various flavoring additives. Baked goods made from premium flour. White flour, like refined grains, does not contain fiber and cannot be absorbed by the body, and therefore turns into pathogenic mucus in the body.

Remember that fresh fruits do not go well with milk. If you cook porridge with milk, you do not need to add fresh fruit to it, but dried fruits are quite suitable for porridge.

It is not advisable to drink coffee during meals, because... Coffee inhibits the production of enzymes; it is better to drink coffee separately for second breakfast.

Between breakfast and lunch, be sure to eat your favorite fruits or berries. They will help you quickly recharge and stay alert until lunch, as well as process breakfast and prepare your system for lunch. You can make a variety of delicious smoothies from fruits and berries. You can add various energy vitamin supplements, honey, plant leaves, and herbs to smoothies. There are very good wheat and barley sprouts on sale in the form of powders; they will enrich store-bought fruits with vitamins.

Brunch is also the time to eat a couple of nuts, natural vitamin bars, dried fruit sweets, a piece of natural chocolate, and even better, cocoa beans. Non-sour curds, puddings, matsoni, and yoghurts are also good.

You can drink tea with 2-3 livers/bread made from whole flour/with bran/from different types of flour, using sesame seeds, flax seeds, raisins.

Freshly squeezed juice without pulp (fiber) strains the pancreas and, if consumed regularly, leads to diabetes. Remember that freshly squeezed juices quickly oxidize and pose a health hazard after just 15 minutes, so you should drink them immediately after preparation.

Industrial packaged juices are also very harmful to the pancreas.

Do not overuse cookies, pastries, various types of bars and snacks industrial production, they contain margarine, industrial palm oil, flavor enhancers, preservatives, yeast and other substances that suppress natural fermentation and beneficial flora of the body.

What is?

  • The salad is preferably with green leafy vegetables, or with the addition of young unfermented cheese (Adyghe, mozzarella and other white cheeses).
  • Soup (or hot herbal tea).
  • Whole grain bread (from wholemeal flour, with bran), whole grain pasta or durum pasta.
  • Protein: lentils, mung bean, white meat, fish.

Wash down your food with a small amount of water at room temperature or tea (ginger, chamomile, mint, herbal teas).

Vegetarians should often combine rice with legumes for a better protein supply.

Combine meat or fish with vegetables, leafy and vegetable salads.

Drink tea or water within 30 minutes before meals and within 40 minutes after meals.

Drink iced drinks with meals.

Wash down your meal with fresh fruit juices or have fruit for dessert.

Wash down your meal with coffee or tea (caffeinated drinks are best consumed separately).

Animal protein with cereals or potatoes (hard to digest).

Favorite fruits, berries, smoothies, a small amount of nuts, fresh seeds. Or tea with cookies and bread. Or natural fermented baked milk, sour cream with jam, cottage cheese.

Stewed or baked vegetables, vegetable soup. With a small amount of ghee or vegetable oil.

Light grains: buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.

Some whole grain bread.

If you feel a strong feeling of hunger - a small amount of easily digestible protein (young cheese, mung bean, lentils, white meat, fish).

Wash down your meal with a small amount of water at room temperature or warm tea (chamomile, mint, herbal tea).

Heavy fatty, fried foods, meat and fish in large quantities (especially red meat and fish).

Hot sauces, chili and a lot of black pepper, marinades, highly salted foods, a lot of spices. All this can overload and overstimulate the body and nervous system in the evening.

Fermented milk products, when consumed in the evening, excite the psyche, and when taken regularly at night, they lead to the formation of mucus and chronic runny nose.

Milk: does not go well with anything, few people digest it, especially from the refrigerator. It can be consumed separately from other foods, after being prepared with spices, provided that it is natural and that it is absorbed by your body. You can check the absorption of milk by looking at the coating on your tongue the next morning.

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