Until what age do you need a child car seat? What is the fine for transporting children without a seat? Isofix system to secure the device in the cabin

On July 10, 2017 (still in effect), new rules for transporting children in a car came into force in Russia.

Amendments to the rules for transporting children are contained in Government Decree No. 761, which was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on June 28, 2017.
Main changes:

Only car seats are now allowed for transporting children (the term “other devices” is excluded from the traffic rules)

Children from 7 to 12 years old can be carried in the back seat either in a car seat or with regular seat belts.

Children under 7 years old can only be transported in a car seat, no exceptions

Children under 12 years of age can only be transported in the front seat of a car in a car seat.

Children under 7 years old are not allowed to be left alone in the car.

In 2007, our country introduced liability for the absence or malfunction of a child car seat, the fine was 500 rubles.
Starting from 09/01/2013 to this day, for failure to comply with safety rules (Article 12.23, part 3) while transporting children, the driver will be required to pay a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Transportation of children SDA 22.9 traffic rules dated June 28, 2017 N 761

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, “transportation of children under 7 years of age in the back seat and up to 12 years of age in the front seat is carried out in vehicles equipped with seat belts, using child restraints that correspond to the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened with using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle.”

Thus, in our country, small children can travel in infant carriers, car seats and boosters - seats without a backrest. The age and build of the child must correspond to the characteristics of the specific model of child car seat.

According to traffic rules, a car seat must have an intact frame without internal or external damage. There are no dents or cracks that could compromise the integrity of the seat. Car seat belt straps and car seats cannot be frayed or worn out, and locks and mechanisms must be in good condition.

The Car Seat Act allows a child car seat to be secured using the Isofix system or on a special base (belt or Isofix). Devices for transporting children are certified according to established rules.


According to traffic regulations, a child car seat is installed in the back seat of a car. Statistically, the seats in the middle of the back seat and behind the driver are considered the safest. A child under 12 years of age cannot ride in the front passenger seat. The exception is infants who are transported in car seats secured against the direction of travel of the car. In this case, the front airbags must be disabled.

If there is a car seat in the cabin, but the baby is not transported in it - for example, the mother is holding him, this is still considered an administrative offense and is punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles. Premature and low-weight babies should not be transported in arms, but in adapted “car seats”, which have an almost completely horizontal position and are equipped with a soft insert for newborns.

Fans of car travel to different countries: In Germany, if there is no child seat in the car, you will have to pay a fine of 40 euros. In Italy, the penalty amount is 71 euros, and in France – 90. The highest fines are observed in the USA. For not having a child seat, the fine can be up to $500.

Video of transporting children in a car, traffic regulations 2019

Filming in our store, NTV channel, program "Main Road" "

If children are traveling in the car, then the presence of special seats becomes a mandatory requirement. Motorists all over the world know about this. But few people remember the current age restrictions for these devices.

Thanks to the use of child car seats, owners receive serious benefits.

  1. One of the main conditions for preserving the life and health of a child during travel.
  2. Compliance with legislation in the Russian Federation in full.
  3. A wide range allowing you to make the right choice taking into account individual characteristics.
  4. Protection against effects such as motion sickness.
  5. Solving the problem of finding a place to sleep for long trips.
  6. Reliable fixation that does not hinder free movements.
  7. The ability not to be distracted by the child while driving.

An expert’s opinion on the need to use child car seats, see this video for more details:

Statistics show that Child car seats reduce injuries by 80 percent or more.

What devices can you use?

Until what age do you need a child seat in a car? At what age can you drive in a car without a child seat? These questions concern many parents.

Many parents believe that simply wearing a seat belt is enough. But this is only correct for children aged 12 and older. When traveling with children, this option is unacceptable.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of models of several groups:

  • Boosters. Seats without backrest. For babies weighing over 15 kilograms. For fastening, so-called stock seat belts are used. For this purpose, the product has special holes. More suitable for trips that don't take up too much time. Children aged 5-12 years can travel in this car seat.
  • Regular chairs. Full seats for those whose weight is already in the range of 10-25 kilograms. And at the age of 1-12 years. Special straps will allow you to secure the chair on the back sofa. Standard car seat belts or internal straps help secure the passenger in one position.
  • Car seats. Suitable for newborns whose weight does not exceed 10-12 kilograms in a horizontal position. Age limit – up to one year, or up to one and a half years maximum. Most often, this product is used until the baby reaches the age of six months. The fastening is perpendicular to the movement of the machine. It is important to turn off side airbags if they are used in a vehicle.

The main thing is to carefully study the operating instructions, which are always included with the products. Chairs that have any defects deserve special attention. Or models that have already been in accidents.

From what age and until what age is it necessary to use child seats?

Child seats are used from 0 to 12 years. After this, you can safely discard them, using standard seat belts as a replacement. Up to 12 years, car owners must choose the type of equipment that is most suitable in a particular case.

In what situations can you drive without a seat in a car?

There are not so many situations when the need for an accessory disappears. The use of car seat belts will be sufficient if the passenger has not yet reached the age of 12 years, but his height already exceeds 140 centimeters. Another situation is when a child is overweight.

Table for choosing the right car seat.

Then there is only one solution - the use of standard seat belts. But there is no need to specifically make the chairs optional. Otherwise, the life of the little passenger will be in danger.

In the period from 6 to 12 years, car seats can be replaced with special overlays for standard seat belts. But this rule does not apply to cases where the child is placed in the front seat. Such actions without chairs are unacceptable.

What fines have been introduced for violations?

If there is no special restraint device, then an administrative fine is imposed on the owner of the car. Until 2013, it was equal to 300 rubles. After this time it was increased to three thousand.

A situation where there is a car seat, but the child does not sit in it, is also considered a violation. And his parents just hold him in their arms. In this case, a fine of 3,000 rubles is also imposed.

It is cheaper to purchase the device itself than to pay for its absence later.

Additional features and conditions

It is used if at least one of the conditions described above is met:

  1. The standard seat belts have been completely removed from the car. If they are present only in the front seats, then children are also transported in front, using a seat.
  2. They tried to fit more than one child in one car seat.
  3. The child is sitting in a seat, but he is not wearing a seat belt.
  4. The child is too big for restraints, although he has not reached the age when such transportation becomes necessary.
  5. When babies sit not in a chair, but in the arms of one of the parents. This is a violation even when seat belt use is confirmed.

But applying a fine is illegal when:

  • The vehicle is stationary.
  • Transportation safety is ensured not by the seat, but by other types of restraint devices.

How to choose and install a car seat correctly is described in this video:

How many fines are imposed if there are 2 or more children without a seat?

In this case, the fine for transportation will be used alone. After all, punishment is provided for violation of safety rules in general, and not for each child individually. It does not matter exactly how many passengers are in the vehicle when the fact of non-compliance with the rules is discovered.

How inspectors check the availability of seats

There are special administrative regulations that prescribe any inspection procedure. Each of them has a separate order.

Many people are faced with a situation where inspectors open doors on their own to see if all the safety features are inside. It is illegal.

This also applies to the need to draw up a special protocol in advance. Only the presence of this document will allow you to open the doors and conduct an inspection without violating the requirements of current legislation. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a video recording or invite witnesses.

Useful information for purchasing car seats

Manufacturers are trying to make their products accessible to everyone and as easy to use as possible. The production of child seats for cars was no exception.

Isofix is ​​one of the companies that pleases with the high quality of their products. The main advantages are worth noting:

  • Rigid fixation of the seat directly to the car frame.
  • Reducing the ability of the chair to move, even in the event of an accident.
  • Simplification of the chair installation procedure.
  • The ability to avoid serious mistakes during installation.

Safety during transportation is guaranteed only if the structure itself is secured in compliance with all necessary rules.

Established standards and regulations

Isofix makes a fastening system that is recognized not only by Russian, but also by European companies.

Isofix (an abbreviation for International Standards Organization FIX) is a European standard for all manufacturers of car seats and cars, which is a system for rigidly attaching the seat to the car body.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are no clear standards that child seats must meet. You can only rely on the requirements that apply to products in European countries. All world-famous manufacturers try to rely on them.

From time to time the rules change, but then the information is brought back to a single form. There are also separate points in these rules that relate to quality control, tests and trials.

Only purchasing a quality seat will make any trip enjoyable and safe. Then you won’t have to think about what happens to the child during the trip.

Before transporting a baby in a car, you need to study the rules and requirements provided by law, and the main thing is that the baby must be in a restraint device. The most popular are various models of car seats. To avoid a fine and for the safety of your child, you should know at what age you need a child car seat and how to use it correctly.

Some amendments are made to traffic regulations almost every year, so drivers are advised to periodically monitor new information so as not to break the law. According to the rules, more stringent requirements are imposed on the transportation of children than on adults traveling in a car. If it is enough for a man or woman to be wearing standard seat belts, and this is mandatory only for passengers riding in the front seat, then children cannot be transported in this way.

The law states that children from birth to twelve years of age can only be transported in a car using a special restraint device.

Most often, by the term “restraint device,” parents mean a special car seat, the model of which takes into account the characteristics of the baby’s age, height and weight. Traffic police officers warn parents that the law establishes a fine for incorrectly transporting a child. How much will you have to pay? For example, if an adult passenger in a car is not wearing a seat belt, the driver will lose 500 rubles. But if the rules for having a small passenger in the car are violated, then the parents or another person driving the car will face a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Some parents prefer to take the risk and pay the fine, but continue to transport their child without a restraint device. However, experts warn that, first of all, adults put the health and life of their child at risk. After all, even the most experienced drivers are not insured against an accident, sudden braking or a strong impact. Situations on the road can be different, so it's better to be safe.

Necessary nuances: you need to take into account weight and age

Not only the presence of a car seat in the car is decisive for traffic police officers. The restraint device must suit the child according to many criteria. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to choose the right car seat model. To ensure the safety of children, restraints must be designed to limit the child’s mobility during an impact or sudden braking. It should not fly through the glass or hit.

Taking into account the results of numerous crash tests, car seats are the safest. If they are installed correctly in the car and fit the child’s parameters, such devices can protect the baby from impacts, especially frontal ones.

Models of car seats depending on the weight, height and age of children - table

On sale you can find universal models of car seats that are designed for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg and combine categories 1, 2 and 3. These restraints are very popular among drivers, as they allow you to save money and not have to buy a new car seat quite often as the child grows older.

Experts draw the attention of parents that when choosing a car seat, the main rule is to be guided by the weight of the baby, and not his age. The fact is that upon impact, the child’s weight increases several times, and if the device model is not designed for such a load, this may increase the risk of injury to the baby. For example, if your baby is one and a half to two years old, but weighs more than 18 kg, it’s time to change the car seat and buy a category 2 model.

Car seats of different categories - photo gallery

A category 0 car seat can only be installed parallel to the rear seat
A group 0+ car seat is a carrier with a handle and is installed on the front or rear seat strictly against the movement of the car. Group 0+/1 is transformed as the child grows up.

Group 1/2 car seats can be installed in front or behind in the direction of travel of the car. Group 2/3 car seats are intended for the older age group (from 15 to 36 kg)
This group is suitable for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg

Drivers should be aware that according to traffic rules, it is allowed to transport children under 12 years of age in the front seat, but only in a car seat. However, if a small passenger is driving in front, the airbag must be turned off and the seat must be moved back as far as possible, so that in the event of an accident the child will not be injured.

Until the child reaches one year of age, the restraint system must be placed in the front seat strictly against the direction of travel.

Is it necessary to put a child under twelve years old in a car seat if the seat is already too small for him in weight and height?

Recently, proposed amendments to the law on the transportation of children under 12 years of age in cars are often discussed among drivers and specialists. In particular, this applies to the use of car seats for children under 7 years of age. After the child turns seven, parents have the right to independently decide whether the child needs a restraint device or whether it is possible to transport him in a car without one.

The experts who proposed such changes motivate their decision by the fact that children of the same age can differ significantly in weight category and height. Sometimes a nine-year-old child is larger than a twelve-year-old and simply does not fit in a car seat.

However, regarding riding in the front seat, all the rules remained in force: up to 12 years old - only in a car seat.

That is, the new rules provide for avoiding a fine for drivers if a child over seven years old is in the back seat of the car and is wearing standard seat belts. Some experts proposed replacing the age criterion with the baby’s weight and height, but did not come to a decision on how traffic police officers would be able to check these parameters.

However, to date these amendments have not been adopted and the old rules for transporting children in a car apply. Therefore, drivers are advised to carefully monitor changes in legislation to avoid breaking the law. But the question of many parents remains open: how to behave if the child is physically larger than the average weight and height for his age and does not fit in a car seat. The fact is that if a car is stopped by a patrol, then they focus only on the age of the child: he is under 12 years old - he must be in a restraint device. If this rule is not followed, the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Therefore, parents can transport their children using other restraint devices. For example, a frameless car seat or buster. But here there are weight restrictions: the baby should weigh no more than 36 kg. And for a booster, height is also important, which must be at least 120 cm. In this case, traffic police officers will not be able to issue a fine, since the rules for transporting a child will be observed.

Today, special restraint devices for transporting children in the car are not only car seats, but also bussters and FEST belt adapters. There were plans to change the law in 2017 to ban the use of the buster and belt adapter. It was assumed that for children under seven years old only a frame car seat should be used. However, these amendments have not yet been adopted and the new law has not entered into force.

Have there been new amendments to the Russian law on transporting children in a car - video

If you have a car seat, but use it incorrectly, is there a fine and what?

Often parents, even having a car seat, can find themselves in a situation where they cannot avoid a fine. This applies to cases where the restraint device is not used correctly. The fact is that the safe transportation of a child depends not only on the presence of a car seat: the baby must be securely secured in it. And the device itself is attached to the car seat in several ways. Therefore, drivers face a fine of three thousand rubles if:

  • The car seat was incorrectly fixed in the car: there are several options for installing the model. You can secure the seat with standard seat belts or use the Isofix fastening system. Experts recommend the second option, because it almost one hundred percent eliminates the possibility of incorrect installation of the restraint device. If the car does not have an Isofix system, you need to carefully check that the seat is attached correctly. If the car seat is not securely secured, the passenger may suffer a face or head injury from hitting the back of the front seat during an impact or braking;
  • incorrectly installed: different models of car seats are attached to the seat in different ways. For example, if the car seat is not parallel to the seat or the group 0+ car carrier is secured in the direction of travel of the car, the driver cannot avoid a fine;
  • A category 0 car seat - a car seat - is located in the front seat, and according to the instructions this is prohibited. It is worth knowing that you cannot transport a child in the front seat in frameless chairs and other restraint devices;

    In models of group 1-2-3 it is possible to remove the back of the chair and use it as a buster. If parents prefer to carry the baby in front, then this is allowed only in a fully equipped car seat. Once it is converted into a booster seat, the passenger must sit in the back.

  • the baby is not fastened to the seat or is not fastened as required: if the baby weighs less than 15 kg, then he is secured in the seat using a five-point seat belt. As soon as the baby’s weight exceeds this figure, he is fastened with standard car seat belts. If parents use a booster or FEST, then the baby is secured only with the belts of the car, so you should pay attention so that the belt does not pass through the child’s neck. This requires a special limiter.

    It is not enough just to sit the baby in a chair; he must be fastened with belts. If this is not done or done incorrectly, the driver will in any case pay a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

  • According to the law, the driver is required to pay the fine within sixty days from the date of receipt. He also has ten days in which the driver can appeal this inspector’s decision in court.

    Fastening car seats with belts - photo gallery

    Category 0+ car seats can be installed both in the rear and front seats of the car, but always only rear-facing. In the car seat, the child is held in place by internal belts. Many people consider it cost-effective to purchase car seats that combine two or even three weight groups at once

    How to use other restraints without a child car seat

    In many cases, parents prefer to transport their baby in a frame car seat. But according to the law, they can choose other restraint devices:

  • frameless car seat - attached to the back seat of the car using special seat belts. Such models are adjustable depending on the height and weight of the child. However, experts warn that such devices do not protect children from either frontal or side impacts. And numerous crash tests show: during an impact, seat belts often break; they simply cannot withstand the increased load of the passenger’s weight at the time of the collision;
  • buster is a special device that is a seat without a backrest. His role is quite simple: to lift the baby so that he can be fastened with the standard car seat belts without squeezing his neck. But during an accident, boosters very often move out of place, and a belt without a limiter can squeeze the baby in the neck;
  • FEST belt adapter - this invention is used to fix the standard belt of a machine. The passenger's height is still too small to fasten him with regular seat belts, and the adapter fixes them in such a position that they do not squeeze the baby's neck. However, statistics show that during sudden braking, impact or collision, adapters often become dislodged. And this can lead to suffocation of the baby.
  • Safety restraints that can be used to transport a child in a car - photo gallery

    Characteristics of restraint devices - table

    Some parents believe that babies can be transported in a carrycot or stroller unit. However, this is completely against the law. It is prohibited to transport a baby in a car: the inspector is obliged to issue a fine for non-compliance with traffic rules. And also in this case, parents expose the health and life of the child to great danger.

    Car seat or other devices: what to choose for safe driving - video

    Parents are first of all obliged to think about the safety of their baby when traveling in a car; he must be in a car seat or other restraint device. Otherwise, the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles for violating the law. Experts note: according to statistics, a child is more likely to suffer fewer injuries and survive during an accident if he is securely secured in a car seat.

    All children under 12 years of age must be secured in a child restraint system (LEE). Violators of this requirement are punished with a fine. The size of the penalty for parents, taxi drivers and officials differs, and there are also some features of repayment of the fine.

    Penalty for not having a child seat

    The regulatory act of traffic rules, paragraph 22.9, sets out the rules that must be followed when a child is in the car, in the front or rear passenger seat.

    The following standards must be observed:

      up to seven years - travel in the back and front seats and with full fixation using a cradle or car seat;

      being in a seat and secured with belts is mandatory, even for short trips;

      for children from 7 years to 12 years, and large children who do not fit in a seat can be transported without a seat only in the rear seats of the car;

      The cradle or chair is selected according to age and weight.

    For violation of these rules, an administrative fine is imposed for a child without a chair - 3,000 rubles in all regions, in accordance with Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

    For leaving a child under 7 years old in the car, the penalty amount is 2,500 rubles for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and 500 rubles for other regions (Clause 1.Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code).

    Fine for ordinary people, officials and legal entities

    The fine for not having a child seat varies depending on who committed the offense:

    It is possible to pay the fine with a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of delivery of the decision to the citizen.

    At what age should children be transported in special seats?

    Transportation of children under 12 years of age must be carried out in accordance with traffic regulations (clause 22.9)

    The main provisions of this regulatory legal act:

      Fixing belts and a seat are a prerequisite for transportation. Other devices, including homemade ones, cannot be used in 2018, this is noted in the traffic rules.

      In the back seat, without using a seat, but with securing belts, you can seat a child from 7 years old.

      Placing children on motorcycles is strictly prohibited.

    The driver of the vehicle is also fined if:

      the minor is in the seat, but is not wearing a seat belt;

      two children were seated in one standard chair;

      the child is fastened, but is in the arms of an adult;

      the child is large and the purchased chair does not fit;

      The car is not equipped with standard securing belts.

    For transporting children without a seat, a fine is imposed after drawing up a report on the offense.

    If several children are traveling in a car, and all of them are without a car seat, then a standard fine is imposed - 3,000 rubles, since only one offense was recorded. You can avoid a fine when transporting children over 7 years old by using a special seat with a belt - a booster.

    The inspector does not have the right to impose a penalty if the car was not moving, for example, standing in the parking lot.

    Taxi fine if a child is without a seat

    Taxi drivers can be brought not only to administrative, but also to criminal liability under Article 238 of the Criminal Code “... provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.” However, this measure is rarely taken. Most often, both the driver and the owner of the taxi company - a legal entity - are fined.

    According to administrative legislation, a driver who violates transportation rules is obliged to pay a fine of 25,000 rubles, since he is a responsible official. The director of the company pays 100,000 rubles.

    If driving without a child seat causes injury to a child in a car accident, criminal proceedings are initiated. The fine under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can range from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles.
    The taxi service must have its own car seats for children of different ages. However, it is important to consider that if parents call a taxi without warning that there will be a child in the car, the driver has the right to refuse to provide the service.

    Why is it necessary to use a child seat?

    The task of every parent is to ensure the safe passage of the child in the car. The requirement for car seats was introduced for a reason: in reality, in the event of an accident, a child secured in a seat has a greater chance of surviving.

    Why use a chair:

      Safe transportation of a child. Crash tests have shown that children who are not secured in a seat hit the front seat and are thrown back, resulting in life-threatening injuries.

      Safety for the driver. Because babies and teenagers are often restless, they may suddenly interfere with someone who is driving, for example by throwing a toy at them. A child fixed in a chair has limited mobility.

      Safety while playing in the car. A restrained child can do whatever he wants without slipping or hitting himself.

    With the advent of car seats, many women were able to drive a car by placing the child in the front or rear seat in a restraint system. Even in the event of an accident, the child will remain secured in the cradle or seat, and most likely will not receive dangerous injuries.

    What are the downsides to car seat laws?

    Most often, difficulties with the law on child seats arise in large families. One car can comfortably accommodate two, rarely three, seats, but without them all four or even five children could fit in the back seat.

    Another drawback is the imposition of fines on taxi drivers. Sometimes parents deliberately do not warn that there will be a child in the cabin, so as not to increase the cost of the trip. When an inspector stops a car, the blame falls on the taxi driver. In extreme cases, the fine for parents will be 3,000 rubles, and for the driver – 25,000.

    Types of seats

    Types of car seats for children on the Russian market:

    Child's age

    Restraint type

    (class) car seats

    from birth to 1 year

    Carrying or “cradle”. They are installed in the car in one of two positions: horizontal, in which the child can sleep in the car, vertical, in which the baby is held using a special belt.

    up to 1.5 years. Can be used for children from the first day of life.

    Armchair. The child in it is in a “reclining” state.

    The device can be positioned either with your back or facing the direction of travel.

    from 1 year to 4 years

    Armchair. Installation can only be done in the direction of travel of the vehicle.

    The child is secured using durable, five-point harnesses.

    from 3 to 7 years

    Armchair. Standard seat belt. The chair has an adjustable backrest that can be adjusted to the height of the child.

    from 7 to 12 years

    Seat without backrest. The child is held in place by an additional seat belt.

    Each type of seat is used only for children of a certain age. Some car seats, for example, categories 0 and 0+, are adjustable depending on the child’s height and weight, but from 1.5 years old it is necessary to purchase a larger seat.

    Finding a child in a chair that is not suitable for him is equivalent to the absence of a device.

    What to look for when choosing a car seat

    When purchasing a child seat for your car, there are a few things to consider:

      Type of belt fastening. There are two types of fastenings: standard and improved - ISOFIX. Both options are suitable for passing a traffic police check, but the ISOFIX system is more reliable in the event of an accident.

      Seat belts on the seat. Small children must be secured in the bassinet. Special built-in belts are designed for this - three- or five-point. Fixing with a safety table is also possible. The best option is a five-point harness.

      Chair frame. The most durable and reliable is the aluminum frame, as opposed to plastic.

      You should choose those models that are equipped with a durable, large headrest and sides.

      Preference should be given to covers made of cotton fabric, as they are better suited to the baby's skin and do not irritate it.

    Also, when choosing a chair, you should pay attention to the markings. The product must contain a mark indicating that the product complies with the European standard - ECE R44/04.

    A good car seat will provide not only protection, but also comfort for your baby.

    In Russia, finally, which concerns the rules for transporting children in cars. So from now on, the new rules for transporting children under 11 years of age are regulated by changes to the traffic rules adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

    For example, new rules oblige drivers to transport children under 7 years of age only using child restraint systems () that are appropriate for the child’s weight and height. That is, from now on it is strictly prohibited to transport children using “belt adapters”, frameless devices and other seat belt guides. For violating this traffic rule, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Transportation of children under 7 years of age is permitted only in car seats and boosters.

    How can children under 7 years of age be transported in a car?

    Let us recall that previously the legislation allowed drivers to use, in addition to car seats and boosters, when transporting children, various "other devices" , which include: book, frameless device, seat belt strap corrector (adapter).

    But, according to changes in traffic rules, now the words "other devices" removed on the basis of Government Decree No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

    Accordingly, transportation of children under 7 years of age is now possible only in special car seats, boosters, which take into account the height and weight of the child.

    So, according to the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, changes are made to paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules:

    Traffic rules 29.9 Transporting children in a car

    "Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system*, should be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

    * The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.

    The ban on children's vehicles for transporting children was necessary in connection with studies that found that such devices not only do not protect children during an accident, but also aggravate the consequences of the accident.

    Thus, as a result of comprehensive tests, experts found that such devices do not provide adequate safety for children compared to car seats and boosters.

    It is also worth noting that during testing of frameless child restraint devices, seat belt adapters and other similar devices, it turned out that the consequences of an accident for a child are aggravated in comparison with seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle and used to secure the child without any additional devices.

    That is, in other words, seat belt adapters, frameless devices, etc., cause more harm than simple car seat belts.

    How to transport children aged 7 to 11 years?

    According to changes in the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, on the basis of Russian Government Decree No. 761, clause 29.9 also includes changes related to the transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years.

    Here is a quote from the new traffic rules:

    Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system must be carried out using (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

    The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the specified systems (devices).

    It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

    Is it possible to transport a child between 7 and 11 years old in the front seat without using a car seat?

    According to the new changes to the traffic rules (clause 29.9), children aged 7 to 11 years are prohibited from being transported without a car seat in the front seat.

    Accordingly, in case of violation of this clause of the traffic rules, the driver faces a fine for violating the rules for transporting children in a car. A fine of 3,000 rubles.

    Is it possible to transport children aged 7 to 11 years in the back seat of a car without a car seat?

    Yes, according to the Government Decree, which amends clause 29.9 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, it is permitted to transport a child in the back seat aged 7 to 11 years, both in a car seat and without it. But in this case mandatory use of seat belts.

    Accordingly, the use of seat belt adapters and frameless child restraints for transporting children in a vehicle is prohibited.

    So, according to the new legislation, the driver has the right to transport a child in the back seat without using a car seat. In this case, you need to fasten a child between 7 and 11 years old with a regular vehicle seat belt.

    Is it dangerous to transport children aged 7 to 11 years without car seats?

    It is worth noting that the appearance in the traffic rules of a clause permitting the transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old, on the one hand, simplifies the rules for transporting a child in a car, but on the other hand, it makes you think that transporting children using seat belts does not always provide adequate protection during an accident .

    Here it’s all about the height and weight of a child aged 7 to 11 years. After all, you must admit that children are different. For example, it is not uncommon for a 7-8 year old child to have the height and weight of a 10-11 year old child, and vice versa, it is not uncommon for an 11 year old child to have a small weight and height comparable to a younger child.

    Accordingly, if you fasten a seat belt on a child aged 10-11 years old, who looks like a child 7-9 years old (due to height and weight), then the seat belt will not be able to fully protect the child from the serious consequences of an accident, since the seat belt is in principle designed for passengers of a height and weight that generally corresponds to people over 12 years of age.

    So we recommend that drivers still use a strictly special car seat for transporting children under 11 years of age, which is naturally safer for your child compared to conventional seat belts.

    Yes, of course, if your 10-11 year old child looks like a 12-14 year old teenager, then it is not advisable to buy a special chair for him. In this case, you should use standard seat belts when transporting a child in the back seat.

    Remember that just because the law allows children between the ages of 7 and 11 to be transported without a seat does not mean that this is the safest method of transport for your child. The main thing is height and weight.

    For example, if your child is not tall enough, then if he is wearing a seat belt in the back seat, there is a risk that during an accident the lap belt strap will move onto the stomach, which can lead to severe injury to the abdominal organs, which is naturally dangerous to the child's life.

    This occurs due to the peculiarities of the skeletal structure of children under 12 years of age. Accordingly, if your child is small in stature and weight, and despite the fact that his age allows you, in accordance with current legislation, to transport children using seat belts, it is best to use it to provide maximum protection for the child in the event of an accident .

    Also remember that under no circumstances should you transport children aged 7 to 11 years in the front seat using a seat belt, since this is not only now prohibited by paragraph 29.9 of the traffic rules, for violation of which you face a fine of 3,000 rubles, but and very dangerous, since even in a minor accident, a child in the front seat can be seriously injured.

    When will the new rules for transporting children in a car come into force?

    According to current legislation, Government Decrees come into force seven days from the date of their official publication. Since Resolution No. 761 of June 28, 2017 was officially published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2017, the new rules for transporting children in a car will come into force on July 10, 2017.

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