City. Traffic rules (English)

HELP ME, PLEASE!!! Open the brackets to make the sentences complete/

The cyclone (come) from the East. Dorothy (run) into the house. The girl (not know) what to do. Dorothy (think): "I shall go to bed and sleep." She (get up), (find) her bed and (lie) down on it.


_____________ (live) in Glasgow and ________________ (work) for an
advertising company He _______________ (have) a good job and
______________ (earn) a lot of money. He ________________ (meet)
many people every day and _______________ (lead) a busy life. The
company ________________ (expand) rapidly and today he ___________
(see) a new client.
and Anna ________________ (fly) to Paris on Monday for a holiday.
Their flight _______________ (take off) at 7.10 in the morning and
___________ (arrive) in Paris at 8.10. Anna's cousin _____________
(own) a house there, so they ___________ (stay) with him.
neighbor _______________ (bang) on ​​the walls of his flat when he
___________ (do) repairs. This week he ________________ (install) a
new bath, and the noise _____________ (drive) me crazy. He
___________________ (not/ seem) to care about the way he
________________ (both) other people.
is an athlete. Every morning he ____________ (swim) ten laps in the
pool and _____________ (lift) weights for an hour. This year he
_____________ (train) harder because he ______________ (want) to
compete in the next Olympic Games.

Regulatory document establishing a uniform procedure traffic throughout the territory Russian Federation. [GOST R 22.0.05 94] Topics: man-made emergency situations Generalizing terms, terms and definitions of concepts necessary for... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Traffic Laws- The “traffic rules” request is redirected here; see also other meanings. Traffic rules (abbreviated as SDA) a set of rules governing the responsibilities of road users (drivers) Vehicle, passengers, pedestrians... ... Wikipedia

Traffic Laws- in the USSR, a normative act establishing traffic regulations. P.D.D. are mandatory for all road users: drivers, pedestrians, and passengers. P.D.D. are valid not only in relation to the streets and... ...

Traffic Laws- The traffic rules request is redirected here. See also other meanings. Traffic rules (abbreviated: traffic rules) a set of rules governing the responsibilities of vehicle drivers and pedestrians, as well as technical requirements requirements for... ... Wikipedia

Traffic Laws- a uniform procedure for road traffic throughout the Russian Federation, established by a regulatory act. Source: Directory of road terms... Construction dictionary

TRAFFIC LAWS- basic requirements for traffic participants to ensure transport safety. facilities and pedestrians on city streets and roads. In the USSR, P.D.D. determine the order of movement and are obligatory for all persons and organizations. P. d. d. contain: General requirements By… …

Road rules for bicycles- This article or section describes the situation in relation to only one region (Russia). You can help Wikipedia by adding information for other countries and regions. When driving on public roads... Wikipedia

Road safety- Road safety is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of all road users. According to Russian legislation, road safety is the state of this process, reflecting... ... Wikipedia

Traffic regulation- a system of organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing traffic speed and safety. The essence of R.D.D. is to oblige, prohibit or recommend that drivers and pedestrians take actions in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

TRAFFIC CONTROL- a set of measures to ensure rational use bandwidth streets and roads, convenience and safety of traffic on them. R.D.D. is carried out using technical equipment. activities (marking streets and roads, installing road signs and... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

Traffic organization- (ODD) a complex of organizational-legal, organizational-technical measures and administrative actions to control traffic on the roads, aimed at ensuring road safety. One of the types of ODD is... ... Wikipedia


  • Traffic rules, Lebedev-Kumach Vasily Ivanovich. The very first rules of the road for a child! The training book will help your child develop observation and caution, teach him to identify possible dangers on the street and introduce him to... Buy for 330 rubles
  • Traffic Laws , . Traffic rules are a boring document. You could say sad. For this reason, it is difficult to remember. Is it really impossible to teach the rules in clear words and with interesting examples? Certainly…

Teacher details: Pervukhina Maria Nikolaevna, MBOU “Secondary School No. 56”, Barnaul

Item: English language. Class: 6. UMK “English in Focus” Textbook: English language. 6th grade. Yu.E. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O.E. Podolyako, V. Evans

Lesson topic:"Road safety"

PlacelessonVeducationalplan: Module 3 "Getting around"; 3a "Road safety"

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

Forms of work: individual, pair and group.

Forms of training: individual work, independent work, practical work.

Methods used: problem statement and solution

Equipment: Projector, laptop, CD player, cards with road signs.

Lesson date: 19.10.2015

The purpose of the lesson: teach students to draw up instructions for safe behavior on the street, to speak out on the topic “Road Rules”.


Practical: intensify the use of vocabulary on the topic “Transport, traffic rules” and the imperative mood;

Educational: develop the ability to work in a group, develop a sense of mutual assistance, cultivate interest in learning, academic subjects, broaden students’ horizons, desire to learn;

Educational: develop logical thinking, linguistic guesswork, memory, attention. Development of dialogic and monologue speech, introduction to new social experience through acquired knowledge.

Educational- improve phonetic and lexical skills on the topic “Street Rules”, expand your vocabulary.

Expected results:

1. They will learn to use lexical and grammatical material on the topic in conversational activities.

2. They will learn to give simple instructions on the rules of behavior on the street.

3. They will take a step in developing the ability to set a goal and find ways to achieve it.

Taking into account the specifics of new standards. The entire lesson is designed to achieve a meta-subject result, namely:

1. Students independently determine learning goals, set and formulate tasks for themselves;

2. Determine methods of action within the proposed conditions;

3. They learn to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers;

4. Form and develop competencies in the field of using information and communication technologies;

5. Form and develop legal thinking and the ability to apply it in social practice.

Required preliminary knowledge and skills: Students should know lexical material on the topics “Modes of Transport” and “Road Signs”. Be able to write sentences in the present simple tense, have listening and dialogue skills.

Reflection on learning activities

1. Compiling dialogues in pairs and mini-groups

2. Evaluation of work results by the students themselves.

3. Creating a situation of success - using techniques of a differentiated approach to equivalent tasks, mini-groups are formed according to the principle of comfort and strong-weak.

4. Execution independent work- drawing up instructions for behavior on the road.

Additional tasks: Sign the drawings according to the rules of behavior on the street.

List of literature used to develop the lesson:

1) English language. 6th grade: a book for teachers for school. for general education institutions / [Yu. E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako, V. Evans]. - 2nd ed. - M.: Express Publishing: Education, 2009. - 252 pp.: ill. - (English in focus);

2) English language. 6th grade: educational. for general education institutions / [Yu. E. Vaulina, J. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako,

W. Evans]. - 2nd ed. - M.: Express Publishing: Education, 2008. - 136 pp.: ill. - (English in focus).


I. Good morning dear boys and girls. My name isMariaNikolaevna. I am your teacher today and I’m very glad to see you. How are you?
U. We are fine, thanks.
I. Are you ready for our lesson?
U. Yes, we are!
I. Who's on duty today?
U. (KolyaMuratov) I`m on duty today.

I. What is the date today?
U. Today is the 19th of October.
I. What day of the week is it today?
U. Today is Monday.

I. Who is absent? (the reason of student’s absence)
U. Nobody is absent. (… ill.)

II. Motivation. Goal setting.

Task: activate previously studied thematic vocabulary, motivate students to further work on the topic.

I. Look at the screen. What are we going to speak about? (on the monitor there is a slide with the traffic situation) 1 and 2 slide

I. We know much about transport and signs. But it is very important to be safe on the roads. What are we going to speak at the lesson?
1. To speak how to behave at lessons.
2. To speak how to behave at school.
3. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instructions.

U. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction

I. That’s all right, today we are going to speak about Road Safety rules,

Me: What is our topic at the lesson?

U: About road safety rules.

I: Right. We are speaking aboutroad safety rules .

How should we behave on the roads.

I hope you'll work active.

We"ll remember the words: do exercises, read and listen, speak how to give and ask directions in the city and towns.


But first of all let's do our phonetic exercises.

Standing on the corner bright
Green means go, we all know
Yellow means wait, even if you"re late
Red means stop
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic light
Standing on the corner bright.

IV. Introduction of new lexical material.

Tasks: repetition of learned words and introduction of new words denoting road safety.

1. I. OK. Are you ready to speak? What words about road and road safety do you know? Look at the blackboard. (naslide)Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)?Let`s look and repeat after me. (slides 5 -)

I: Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)?

Pupils: parking zone, pedestrian, traffic sign, traffic warden, zebra crossing, pavement, traffic lights, yellow lines.

2.Ya. Well done. Now, let`s do the next ex. Read and match the word and the word definition.

Task: introduction and consolidation of active vocabulary in speech.

2. Pedestrian
3. Zebra crossing
4.Traffic warden

a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.

b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.

c) A sign on the road.

d) An area which people use for walking.
e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.
f) A place where you can park a car.

1. Parking zone - f) A place where you can park a car.
2. Pedestrian - a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.
3. Zebra crossing - b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.
4. Traffic warden - e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.
5. Pavement - d) An area which people use for walking.
6. Traffic sign - c) A sign on the road.

3. I. You are smart and know this. Now look at your text books. Ex. 2 p.26. You should match the words in columns A and B to make phrases. Now, please, work in pairs and discuss what is dangerous\safe to do in our country.

Eg. It`s dangerous to run onto the road.

I. Very good. Look at the blackboard and try to make phrases.

It's safe / it's dangerous

wear a seat belt

walk straight across the road

walk on the pavement

look both ways when you cross the road

talk to the driver

cross between parked cars

look for a zebra crossing

push others when you enter the bus

lean out of the window

run onto the road

V.Physical education minute

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Open, wink and smile.

Your eyes are happy again

(Students complete the task according to the algorithm)

VI. Repetition of the theme " Imperative mood (Theimperative)

I. Well done. now we know what is safe and what is dangerous to do on the roads. Let's do ex. 3(b) p.26 and make instructions how to be safe on the street, in the car and on the bus. You are on the street. You are in the car. You are on the bus. What do you do and what don’t you do, but at first let`s read the rule. (Slide 6)

Repetition of the theme “The imperative”

Repetition of the rule (teacher explanation with examples on the board)

The imperative mood is formed using a verb without a subject and is always addressed to the 2nd person singular or plural (Sit down. Take your books.)

The negative form is formed using “Do not/Don’t” and a semantic verb (Do not/Don’t talk to him.)

The imperative mood is used to

give an order (Stop that noise!);

instruct someone (Cut the paper into two pieces.)

offer something (Have some cake.)

express a request (don’t forget about the word “please” at the beginning or end of the sentence (Be quiet, please. Please be quiet.) Pay attention to the comma before the word “please” at the end of the sentence.

construction “Let’s + verb” - an invitation to do something together (Let’s help her.)

I. Well done. Now try to give instructions.

When on the street - look both ways before crossing. Don't run onto the road.

When in the car - wear a seat belt. Sit in the back if you are under 12.

When on the bus - don’t talk to the driver and don’t lean out of the window

2. I. Now, dear pupils I see that you know the means of transport very well.Now please open your student`s books at p.26, ex.4. Now listen to the text and look into the text at the same time.

Now read this text and match the titles (A-D) to the sections (1-4)

(Suggested answers: 1-C, 2- A, 3- D, 4- B)

VIII.Summing upresults.

I. Let's make a conclusion of our lesson. What did we do at our lesson? How do you like the lesson?What new words have you learned today?
Now we know how to be safe on the road. Can you tell this instruction to your mum, to your Granny, to your Dad?

I. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. I give you good and excellent marks today. I hope you will always remember the traffic rules and will never get into trouble.

Well, you did a great job. Remember what goal you set for yourself in class today. Have we achieved results? Have you learned anything new for yourself?

Who wants to express their opinion. (I found out, I was able to, I liked it)

Working with signal cards

I: Open your books and write your homework for the next lesson:SB. Ex.9,

p.27, W.B.p.17

Giving and commenting on ratings.

Additional tasks if there is time left

Work in groups.

Invites students to form groups and explain road signs.

Divide into 3 groups and tell me what the sign means. I give you 5 minutes.

Students receive road signs, each group member presents one of the signs.

P1.The sign “No cycling.” You mustn't ride a bike.

The sign “One way road.” You should go straight ahead.

The sign “Crossing.” You should cross the street when the light is green.

The sign ‘Stop’. Drivers should stop before the sign.

The sign “Bus stop”. You can wait a bus here.

The sign “No walking”.You mustn’t walk.

The sign “Directions”.You should turn left.

The sign “Directions”.You should turn right.

The sign “The Traffic light”

Yellow light means wait,
Red light means stop,

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