State autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Komi Republic “Vorkuta Medical College. Vorkuta Medical College is among the best Among the best

Today our college trains students in the specialties “Nursing” and “General Medicine”. The educational and practical base of the college includes all hospitals in the city. At the bases, they improve the techniques of caring for patients, practice practical skills, and become familiar with the future profession. The main task of all educational work is to train specialists of a high professional level, capable of quickly adapting to the difficult conditions of modern life. The teaching staff of the college are people of high creative and scientific-pedagogical potential who work hard and effectively to introduce active and innovative teaching methods into the educational process: lectures and seminars, debate lessons, business games, problem situations, test control, programmed training. Our college employs teachers with the highest and first qualification categories, clinical disciplines are taught by the main specialists, heads of departments of the city's healthcare facilities - Yurtin M.A., Yurchenko L.A., Polyakhov V.P., Lipiridi I.I., Fertikova T. N., Omelchenko T.A., Demin Yu.E. and many others. Active support in the work of the college is provided by the head of the GULPP of Vorkuta D.B. Berezin. Over the years of its existence, the college has developed its own traditions, which have become an integral part of the life of the team. “Initiation as a student”, “Teacher’s Day”, “City Day”, and of course a drawing and poster competition dedicated to the city of Vorkuta, providing the “Best in Profession” competition among graduating students, participation in city KVN games and sports competitions, competitions that are held not only at the college level, but also at the city and Republic level. The college invariably hosts subject weeks, TSO. Performances by the studio "Keepers of Health".

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:
Providing qualified nursing care to the population to preserve and maintain health at different age periods of life.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
1. the patient and his environment;
2. healthy population;
3. means of providing diagnostic, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation care;
4. primary labor collectives.

The nurse/nurse brother prepares for the following activities (basic training):

4. Carrying out work in one or more occupations of workers, positions of employees (appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard).

The nurse/nurse brother prepares for the following types of activities (in-depth training):
1. Carrying out preventive measures;
2. Participation in diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation processes;
3. Providing first-aid medical care in emergency and extreme conditions;
4. Implementation of organizational and research nursing activities;
5. Organization and implementation of diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and preventive measures for patients of all age categories in the primary health care system in specialized and high-tech medical care institutions;
6. Carrying out work in one or more occupations of workers, positions of employees (appendix to the Federal State Educational Standard).

Affairs of days gone by

For more than half a century, mid-level medical workers have been trained in Vorkuta. In May 1962, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR signed a resolution on the opening of a medical school in this polar city, attributing it to the system of the Ministry of Health of the Komi ASSR. The duties of the director of the new educational institution were entrusted to the deputy head of the medical department of the Vorkutaugol plant, Maria Antonovna Halla.

The first academic year began in a small two-story building on Komsomolskaya Street. According to the ministry's plan, the school was designed for 300 places, but enrollment was increased by 94 people due to the city's urgent need for medical personnel. Training was carried out in such specialties as dentistry, medical laboratory assistants, paramedics, obstetrics, and general nursing. There were only four full-time employees: in addition to the director, his deputy for academic work Ilya Matveevich Sekuler, the only full-time teacher Emma Mikhailovna Griner taught Latin and German lessons and worked as a secretary, and Nadezhda Nikolaevna Grisheva worked as a storekeeper. A year later, the school was located in the building of a former mine hostel at 8A Moskovskaya Street, where it is still located.

In 1964, the first graduation of nurses took place, and today, half a century later, specialists who received specialized secondary education at their alma mater work not only in all regions of the Komi Republic and many regions of Russia, but also outside the country. In March 1989, an advanced training department for paramedical workers in Vorkuta and regions of the republic was opened, and twenty years later the Vorkuta Medical School was transformed into a college.

Bringing care and mercy

Over the years, the educational institution has formed its own traditions, which have become an integral part of the life of the team. Initiation as a student is so exciting that it remains in the memory for a lifetime. Teacher's Day also takes place with amazing variety. On City Day, future health workers take part in a historical quiz, a recitation competition for the best performance of poems by Vorkuta poets. The “Best in Profession” competition, where graduating students compete, attracts sold-out crowds. Boys and girls participate in city historical and local history quests and sports competitions.

Invariably, the college hosts subject weeks, scientific and practical conferences, specialized clubs and sports sections. In recent years, student participation in intellectual competitions at the republican, federal and international levels has intensified. In the collection of student achievements are diplomas of prize-winners of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Step into the Future”, the All-Russian competition of scientific research, inventive and creative works of students “Youth. The science. Culture" and other well-deserved awards.

For several years now, the youth volunteer movement “Mercy” has been successfully operating at the college, in which students of all courses take an active part. Thus, in March of the last academic year, the “We do not forget the elderly” campaign was held. At the center for social services, students take care of their elders: they measure blood pressure, blood glucose levels, teach self-control, give recommendations on nutrition and physical activity, and hold discussions and lectures together with college teachers.

Giving people the opportunity to experience the fullness of life is not an easy task, but the nobility of the medical profession allows this to be achieved. Since 2012, together with the rehabilitation center, the “Healthy Heart” project has been implemented, the goal of which is to determine the level of knowledge of the population about risk factors affecting heart disease. During the ongoing actions, college students, together with medical workers, provided medical services for measuring blood pressure to all residents of the city, measured height and weight, conducted questionnaires, and identified risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. To increase the health literacy of the population, students distributed information booklets that contained practical recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, and distributed leaflets for the early recognition of cardiovascular diseases, the prevention of strokes and heart attacks. This academic year, the results of the project were presented at the republican festival-competition of educational and applied creativity of students as part of the implementation of the professional module “Preventive Activities”, and the students’ activities were awarded a first-degree diploma.

College volunteers are also active in other good deeds: providing assistance in organizing and conducting cultural, entertainment and sports events for children with disabilities, conducting preventive conversations about a healthy lifestyle for all segments of the population. It has become a tradition to provide medical support to sports delegations at the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the North. And there are new and necessary initiatives ahead for people.

Focus on success

Over the entire period of its activity, Vorkuta Medical College has trained more than 8 thousand specialists. Today, the college, in accordance with third-generation standards, using modern pedagogical technologies, continues to provide training in the specialties “Nursing” and “General Medicine”.

The educational institution strives to keep up with the times and meet the requirements for the quality of educational services. The college has all the conditions for successful study and creative work: theoretical classes are held in specialized rooms, and the educational and practical base includes all hospitals in the city. In medical institutions, students improve their skills in caring for patients, practice practical skills, and become familiar with their future profession.

The teaching staff of the college consists of people of high creative and scientific-pedagogical potential who effectively work to introduce active and innovative teaching methods into the educational process: lectures and seminars, debate lessons, business games, problem situations, test control, programmed training. Interdisciplinary courses and professional modules are implemented by the main specialists of the city’s medical institutions: Deputy Chief Physician of the Vorkuta City Emergency Hospital E.B. Paliy, head of the surgical department E.G. Nersesyan and the head of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of this hospital V.E. Kurenkov, Deputy Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital
D.V. Tyulkin, chief physician of the Vorkuta Infectious Diseases Hospital S.A. Bakaev and many others.

Among the best

The college pays great attention to issues of education. The teaching staff believes that today the most important conceptual idea that returns education from the field of ideology to the mainstream of human science is self-education. In this regard, the educational institution has developed a concept of an educational system based on the introduction of civic, patriotic, spiritual and moral education of students and health-saving technologies. The results obtained convince us of the validity and correctness of this concept.

In March 2013, the college passed licensing and state accreditation procedures. Preparations for this important event brought the team together, and the joint efforts were crowned with success. A quality management system was developed and implemented, and most recently a certificate was received to use the logo of the National Competition “Best Colleges of the Russian Federation - 2014”.

Despite the difficult economic conditions, the Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic, being the founder of the educational institution, allocates significant funds to improve the material and technical base of the college. Therefore, it was possible to carry out renovations in the classrooms, acquire modern computers and interactive whiteboards, purchase modern simulators and equipment for practicing medical procedures, and gained access to the “Student Consultant” electronic library system located in the computer lab. This library has a large number of multidisciplinary publications, in particular, the necessary selection of medical literature and additional material, including audio, video, animation, interactive material, test tasks and much more - about 1200 titles in total. This electronic database is constantly updated with new publications.

Today, many Vorkuta girls and boys dream of studying at such a prestigious educational institution. The best confirmation is the high competition for admission. Students receive not only good knowledge, but also excellent skills for future work, so it is not surprising that graduates are in great demand in the labor market, and many of the young people will undergo internships at the place of their future work.

The most important long-term task is to achieve such a level of training of specialists that the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of young specialists meet international standards, and the diploma of the Vorkuta Medical College has authoritative recognition not only in the region, but throughout the country.

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