How to court an Aries girl. How to keep an Aries woman for life, how to please her and make her fall in love with you

A self-sufficient, courageous and rebellious Aries woman is not so easy to win and keep near you. This representative of the fire sign needs a partner less than others, as she easily copes with everything herself. She can do a man's work and walk in the dark without fear. But she always remains a woman and the earthly feeling of love is not alien to her. If you wish, you can win the heart of a beautiful Aries girl. You will have to show courage and make a lot of effort to get this faithful and loving woman.

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A girl born under this zodiac sign must be conquered. It is difficult to attract her attention without showing persistence, bordering on pressure. This is the only way she can understand that a man is interested in her and he wants to date her. At first, the Aries girl is repulsive with her rudeness and harsh statements. This is how she shows that she is not suitable for everyone, and a guy who is scared off by her behavior should not even try to please her.

If the girl does not alienate the young man with her behavior, he will earn her respect and get a chance to continue the relationship. To win the heart of an Aries girl who always wants to be first, you need to follow tips that will help you attract the attention of a self-sufficient beauty:

  1. 1. Be a brave conqueror of peaks and a popular, noticeable personality. It’s good if many women like him, but only one of them stands out.
  2. 2. Show honesty. This girl cannot stand lies and senses falsehood from a distance. Suspecting a guy of insincerity, she will not perceive him as a partner.
  3. 3. Be cheerful and romantic. Deep down, the Aries girl loves romance.
  4. 4. Become her friend and ally. The woman of this fire sign has the character of a comrade in arms and, together with her beloved, is ready to go through fire and water. A man must meet certain requirements.
  5. 5. Protect her. Although this is not a necessity, and she can stand up for herself, she wants to see her partner’s willingness to stand up for her.

Despite her courage and independence, the Aries girl is a dreamy and romantic person. At heart she is tender, reverent and vulnerable.

It is not easy to win and fall in love with such a girl, but to keep her is even more difficult. The time spent in her company will not be in vain; the man will fall in love with this special woman and will not want to lose her.

How to keep her forever

To keep an Aries woman, you must not let her get bored. A man with a certain amount of madness in his character will cope with this best. She must be aware of all events and not be left unattended. She needs intrigue and the desire to challenge any circumstances, constant struggle like air. To keep her close and tie her tightly, a man must pay attention to the following points:

  • satisfaction in sex;
  • expression of feelings;
  • lack of boredom;
  • confidence in her abilities;
  • manifestation of a strong masculine character;
  • understanding her intentions.

Sex plays an important role in the life of an Aries woman. She is passionate, easily aroused, and satisfaction is a must. She needs nourishment and renewal of feelings. A small showdown with a good ending in advance is the most The best way revive the feelings. The main thing is not to overdo it and not make her angry. To keep her from getting bored, weekend hikes and short trips out of town will create the illusion of adventure and add bright moments to family life. Women of this sign have masculine endurance, and they are not afraid of difficulties in traveling, they save them from boredom and give them satisfaction. Walks in the park, going to the cinema and cozy cafes are also suitable.

To keep a girl near you forever, you cannot laugh at her and doubt her abilities. She is touchy and will not forgive her man for such an attitude, as well as his reluctance to spend money on her.

Relationship Benefits

Life with an Aries woman is filled with positive energy and lack of boredom. Her husband will always be in good shape next to his fighting friend. The need to be first in everything will manifest itself in the fact that a man will find a good mistress and mistress. With her he will always feel young and full of energy.

Living together with an Aries pushes a man to conquer career heights and to constantly improve. After all, such a purposeful lady must conform, otherwise she will stop respecting her husband. She charges with the energy of competition, but not with her, but with the world around her.

Challenging difficulties together and conquering the impossible are the main life values ​​that she shares with her loved one. Being her life partner is a great success for a brave man.

Compatibility with other signs

The Aries woman finds best mutual language with representatives of the fire element. Leo does not like boredom and craves fame and recognition of talent. Together they will shine in society and lead at work. Two strong personalities get along well in everyday life if the woman pretends that her husband is in charge. This is a passionate couple in which there is love and a showdown.

With another representative of the fire element, the Sagittarius man, relationships are based on common interests, the same temperament and respect. Partnership is based on emotion, passion and friendship. Together they go through any life tests, and this relationship only grows stronger.

With representatives of the air element (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), life together consists of clarification of relationships, reconciliation and confrontation. Most suitable sign For Aries, Libra is considered. These are not conflicting men, only they can cope with this fiery girl. With Aquarius there can be only friendship, but with a superficial Gemini it will be difficult to find a common language.

Among the earth signs, the most suitable one is a man born under the sign of Taurus. Partnerships and friendships will develop with him, but there will be little passion in marriage. Relationships with the pragmatic Virgo do not work out because of her criticality and habit of acting according to the rules. This contradicts the Aries temperament, which does not tolerate any boundaries. Strict Capricorn will not be able to mate with her for the same reasons as the Virgo man, and also because of his tediousness and petty character.

The Aries woman is an active, business-like and successful lady. She has many interests. She clearly has a protest against routine. She needs emotions and vivid impressions.

How to win an Aries woman

The Aries woman will melt before compliments that come from a pure heart. She subtly senses intentional flattery or veiled falsehood.

A determined and courageous man will be a wonderful partner for an impulsive and bright lady. He should not be afraid to take the first step. The Aries woman will prefer a sudden “attack” to long, languid attempts at courtship. Good method Unexpected positive actions and pleasant surprises will attract her attention.

A representative of the opposite sex with high intelligence will be able to arouse the interest of a lady “with a spark.” He must be able to carry on a conversation on any topic.

In trying to win a self-confident and strong woman, a man should not completely submit to her and fulfill all her whims. The fan needs to be slightly reserved, indifferent and independent.

In a relationship with an Aries woman, you should not try to tame her. You will have to moderate your ardent ambitions and accept her for who she is - wayward and stubborn, but at the same time tender and caring.

How to keep an Aries woman

To keep an Aries woman, the partner must well understand the subtleties of her character. The representative of this zodiac sign combines self-confidence with vulnerability. She needs a strong-willed and proactive partner who can approve, support and shower her chosen one with compliments. The approval of a loved one is very important for such a woman. A sentimental lady needs a harmonious and romantic relationship. At the same time, she should not be allowed to get bored.

The chosen one of the representative of the fire element will have to constantly balance between two types of behavior. The first is tough and confident, the second is sensitive and soft. The Aries woman will not want to see a weak-willed weakling next to her, but an authoritarian man will not be able to hold her for long. The contradictory soul of the representative of this zodiac sign accepts both subjugation and submission. The chosen one will have to give her complete and unconditional freedom, without hoping for reciprocity from his partner in this regard. Having the opportunity to independently manage her own time, the Aries woman will be able to properly waste her emotions and energy.

The representative of this zodiac sign does not tolerate criticism. A partner should always speak tactfully and delicately about both his companion and her loved ones.

The ideal companion of an Aries woman knows how to adapt to her mood. Only by sharing her sorrows and joys can you take an important place in the life of this strong but sensitive lady.

How to get an Aries woman back

The Aries woman is quick-tempered and emotional. This causes many conflicts with her. After an ordinary quarrel, the partner will most likely go to reconciliation herself. In such a situation, it is better for a man not to focus on the disagreement, especially on the lady’s fault. This can deal a blow to the excessive pride of the representative of this zodiac sign.

If the conflict has a serious basis and is associated with betrayal or wounded pride, then the chances of returning the chosen one are also quite high. To make peace with an Aries woman, a man should sincerely apologize without humiliating himself or being intrusive. There is no point in causing jealousy. A pleasant surprise or an unusual act will play into your favor. He will arouse interest in the chosen one and make her change her anger to mercy. Compliments will be good helpers. Everything must be from the heart, since such a lady is categorical about hypocrisy.

Changes will help convince your partner to return. You need to get as close as possible to her ideal - become more loyal to the peculiarities of her character, develop tolerance in yourself and turn into a reliable support. The Aries woman will return to such a man without hesitation.

The Aries woman is in many ways similar in character to the men of this sign: she is active, businesslike, strives for success, independence, has a lot of interests and cannot come to terms with routine and lack of emotions and impressions. The Aries woman loves men's company, firstly, she is flattered by the attention, and secondly, she is interested and fun. These women, even at any age, look bright and well-groomed, and masculine character traits do not prevent them from remaining sensual, gentle and attractive. From the man she loves, she expects respect, recognition of her talents and successes, as well as honesty. At the same time, an Aries girl cannot be conquered by a man who is submissive like a calf.

Women of this sign will appreciate confidence and healthy charisma. They are attracted to successful, moderately tough men who will share their interests and beliefs. At the same time, a man who dreams of winning the heart of an Aries woman must be equal to her in strength of character and intellectual development, but should not limit her in work and self-expression. The Aries woman will not forgive only three things: disrespect, betrayal and indifference.

It is also important to remember that the Aries woman can be terribly jealous, she is a big owner, and she does not allow herself or her partner liberties, so it is better for you not to provoke her anger by paying attention to other ladies. The Aries woman, despite her toughness and hot temper, is very romantic and attentive. If he loves and trusts, then it’s hard to imagine a better companion and mother for future children.

What to do to win an Aries woman

Having learned the characteristics of an Aries woman, you will receive a double benefit: firstly, knowing everything about a person, it is much easier to conquer him, and secondly, having found out what they really are like, maybe you will change your mind about conquering them...

An Aries woman will never let you get bored. The whirlwind of emotions that rages in them sucks in everyone around them, sometimes forcing them to do things that they seemed never capable of. The Aries woman will never be satisfied with little. She expects from her chosen one actions that can surprise and amaze her.

Chair pushed back opened door, a given coat - she won’t demand any of this. Moreover, the Aries woman is able to cope with all her life problems without the help of a man and do it better than he could do. By doing this, she humiliates the pride of most men, so it is not surprising that only a compliant man can be next to her, even with a certain degree of humility.

If, after reading all this, the desire to tie such a woman to you has not disappeared, if the upcoming difficulties of conquering her have not frightened you and the question of how to conquer an Aries woman still remains relevant, just listen to a few simple tips:

  1. Surprise. This is the most effective way to conquer an Aries woman. Do something that will make her gasp in surprise and turn her interested gaze in your direction.
  2. To achieve, but not to conquer. Well, firstly, it’s still unlikely to turn an Aries woman into a submissive housewife. You will only ruin your nerves and anger her. And secondly, attempts to subjugate such a woman will result in a final break and the inability to restore the relationship.
  3. Don't allow any delays. If you decide that this is the woman you need, don’t waste time. The best effect can be achieved by surprise. Long beating around the bush will not only not help you win over a representative of this sign, but can also have the exact opposite effect: she will have an opinion about you negative opinion, which will be very difficult to change.

Understanding and understanding again is the secret of success for representatives of this sign. Therefore, it is worth weighing everything again and acting. Persistently, but gently. Intelligible, but with understanding!

Those who want to conquer an Aries woman should be warned: an affair with this charming fury is a test of the strength of your nerves! Beware!

She laughs loudly, throwing her head back, and at that moment you believe that the whole world is bright and beautiful, and the spring morning is endless. When you are around her, life seems fiercely scorching, and at the same time, refreshing, like the morning breeze. Yes, they are like that, Aries women. You want to hold them tightly, preserving forever the feeling of the fullness of life, the sea wind in your face, the delight of flight and the dizzying fear of the unimaginable heights at which you find yourself when you are next to this girl. It must be admitted that those in love with Aries do not care about their unpredictability, impulsiveness and truly sheepish stubbornness. These lucky ones care about only one thing: ways to conquer the fiery Sheep. And they are right! An Aries woman in love is the most beautiful creature in the world.

Strong, energetic Aries women (and they really are very strong, and, as a rule, successful) for some reason seem to men to be more practical and pragmatic than they really are. Anyone who dares to conquer the fiery Virgo should know: she loves to daydream by an open window, wander around on a May night with a bouquet of lilacs wet from a downpour in the form of the Rain Fairy (even if during the day the Sheep is a businesslike and collected office worker). So the bouquet and candy period is inevitable. And also, if you want everything to be fine with your significant other, read about the compatibility of Aries with other signs. This woman is not suitable for everyone, or maybe it’s the other way around: you’re not suitable for her?

If you think it’s stupid to look for snowdrops in the middle of winter, then she’s not your girl and never will be. She definitely needs that damn white horse! Or climbing the fire escape to the tenth floor with a rose in your mouth, or a quiet Christmas morning on the outskirts of Prague, where all the Angels seem to have flocked at once. There is one more detail: in addition to being romantic, Sheep are also devilishly smart. Therefore, stamps and duty bouquets do not affect them. Now it’s clear why Christmas is in Prague and not Paris? – Paris is too hackneyed. Bad taste and kitsch will push the Sheep away from you forever. She will never listen to “Tender May,” but she will shed bright tears listening to Anne Murray’s song “You Needed Me...”.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the opponents. There is one very dangerous one, it will be difficult to defeat him: this is an invented image of a knight who performs miraculous feats and puts the whole world at her feet (remember - she is a dreamer!). Regarding “live” rivals, you can leave all fears aside: even when the romance is at the stage of development, everything is still shaky and uncertain, the Aries girl will never “play on two fronts”: she is not capable of relationships with several men at the same time.

Jealousy and suspicion might flatter her a little. initial stage, but if the Sheep feels mistrust, it will offend and outrage her, she will not forgive doubts about herself. This woman will not give you any reason to doubt her sincerity and integrity. Aries is the most honest type of all the zodiac signs, not tolerating lies and duplicity. It is, of course, wonderful that you can trust your girlfriend unreservedly. Only the coin has a second side: if the Sheep feels that she is being lied to, she will create such a scandal that it will not seem like much. The deceiver will quickly become convinced that Aries belong to the fire element and they really have horns...

The next very important question: money. An unrestrained spender herself (and why not? - she knows how to earn money, bills just float into her hands!), Sheep will not tolerate a stingy and tight-fisted economist. Do you know what she loves more than anything in the world? What gives you the greatest pleasure in life? - From gifts that he gives to others. She is happy when she manages to make someone happy. Therefore, she subconsciously begins to evaluate any man precisely by the presence of this quality of character: the ability to give, to spend. And not only money, but also time, energy, emotions.

A bottle of expensive wine in a restaurant is not valuable in itself; the Aries girl is extremely selfless (she herself is ready to please her friends with a dozen of such bottles at any moment). For the Sheep, a man’s generosity is important from the point of view of the lover’s willingness to commit small (and large) madness for her sake. So be prepared for broad gestures and a demonstration of “I don’t feel sorry for anything for you, dear.” You can’t criticize her and you can’t laugh at her (well, only if you make fun of her nicely, and the jokes should emphasize her strengths, not her weaknesses). If one day you catch her sobbing, wearing woolen socks and hugging a huge bear while watching the TV series “Sex and the City” or the movie “Girls,” don’t even try to be ironic! Better give her a disc of retro films with Audrey Hepburn and a box of expensive chocolate. Rest assured: she will appreciate the care and attention.

Sheep cannot be called avid party girls, but the delights of a monotonous existence do not seduce them, and moreover, they frighten them. The sheep must be taken out into the world at least once a week: to the theater, cafe, to a party with friends. Invite her to Italy for three days or India for a week at a time when she doesn't expect it at all! Be a little unpredictable, don’t swear your love to her every minute and don’t try to please her in everything; imagine James Bond, but only on a peaceful scale and a 100% monogamous man, devoted to his death (it is clear that these are mutually exclusive concepts, but you have to try!) - and then you will definitely win her. Yes, and the last thing: representatives of golden youth, eternal losers and socialites are immediately asked not to worry; Aries women never look for life partners in these categories. They clearly told you: James Bond is a monogamous man, period.

The Aries woman is an ambitious person who does not tolerate lies. For such women, love is part of interesting life. That is why among the fair sex belonging to this zodiac sign there are many old maids and lonely business women.

If you decide to conquer an Aries woman, you will have to work hard. She does not react to languid glances and sighs. It is necessary to act decisively, and sometimes even sharply. It is necessary to shower her with compliments, but do not exaggerate. Aries women do not tolerate lies and sycophancy, so all compliments must be sincere. It is worth noting that representatives of the fairer sex, born under the constellation Aries, adore gifts. They are unlikely to refuse expensive perfume or jewelry. To bring the relationship to the registry office, you will have to spend not only your time, but also a decent amount of money. It is advisable to often give her flowers and various little things. There is no need to save money; the “lamb” knows how to distinguish expensive gifts from cheap ones. Aries is the life of the party. They are cheerful, active and lively. They can be distinguished from a group by their loud laughter. But you shouldn’t be afraid of the “sheep”; they are not alien to the feelings characteristic of most women. Deep down, such people are very sensual and want love. “Sheep” will never love a man who does not command her respect. Most often, her chosen one is a mature man 10-15 years older. This is an accomplished person with vast life experience. The chosen one must constantly surprise Aries, since this sign does not tolerate routine and monotony. An Aries woman can hardly be called weak. She always rushes into battle and often wins. Thanks to its persistence and ambition, the “sheep” achieves great heights and financial independence. A woman’s chosen one should not lag behind her. She will not tolerate inertia, and she will not be able to live at her expense either. It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to turn a “sheep” into a submissive housewife. She will not sit at home, waiting for her chosen one from work. Of course, such women are economical and cook well, but they lack organization. Therefore, you will have to fold your socks yourself. Aries is a proud and freedom-loving sign. If you quarrel, then you will have to take the first step yourself. There is no point in hoping that a woman will rethink everything and come to reconcile. You can lose precious time, during which a bright person can find a new life partner.

Ways to conquer Aries:

  • achieve;
  • surprise;
  • don't relax.

These are the main components of success. If you are ready to spend time, money and come up with something new all the time, then the Aries woman will become your other half.

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