Candidates for deputies of the State Duma declaration. Tsik published declarations of all party candidates for State Duma deputies

Declarations of income and property of some candidates for deputies of the House of Representatives of the sixth convocation have been made public. Including current deputies who decided to compete again for a seat in parliament.

Naviny. by studied how much deputies received over the past year and compared their income with average salaries across the country in other areas.

The total annual income of a member of the Communist Party of Belarus, the current deputy from the Chkalovsky electoral district Natalia Klimovich for 2015 amounted to over 304 million non-denominated rubles. On average, she received over 25 million non-denominated rubles per month. According to the official average rate, her monthly earnings were almost $1,600.

Current deputy from the Shabanovsky constituency Oksana Nekhaychik declared an annual income of over 305 million non-denominated rubles. On average, like her colleague, she earned over 25 million non-denominated rubles, or $1,600, per month.

Total annual income of a member of the Standing Committee on Budget and Finance Valeria Borodeni, who is registered as a candidate for deputy in the Vasnetsovsky electoral district, amounted to almost 340 million non-denominated rubles. On average, he received over 28 million non-denominated rubles per month, which is over $1,700.

Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko, who will compete for the “old” seat in the new parliament (running in the Dokshitsy electoral district), declared an annual income of over 410 million non-denominated rubles. His average monthly salary last year exceeded 34 million non-denominated rubles, or $2,100.

Many Belarusians never even dreamed of such high incomes. Last year, the nominal accrued average monthly salary in Belarus was just over 6.7 million non-denominated rubles, or just over $420.

At the same time, if we assume that average salary deputy for the last year amounted to 25 million non-denominated rubles, then it is 2.1 times more than in financial sector, 3.3 times more than in construction, 3.6 times more than in industry, 4.6 times more than in health care and social services, and 5.1 times more than in education.

It is worth noting that according to the law “On public service in the Republic of Belarus", deputies of the House of Representatives receive a monthly monetary remuneration in the amount wages minister.

It is not surprising why some current MPs have expressed a desire to again compete for a seat in parliament.

The incomes of candidates for the State Duma in 2016, published by the Central Election Commission, show that the wealthiest candidates represent the party in power. The portal "" analyzed the incomes of candidates for the State Duma 2016 and publishes the ten richest representatives of the parties participating in the elections.

United Russia

The wealthiest candidate for deputy turned out to be the United Russia candidate Leonid Simanovsky, who already occupied a seat in the lower house of parliament in the previous convocation. His income for 2015 amounted to 909 million rubles. In addition, Simanovsky’s property includes three land plots, two city real estate properties, as well as six vehicles, including several foreign cars and a boat.

Just Russia

On the second line of the list is Abubakar Arsamakov, running for the A Just Russia party. While serving as the head of the bank, in 2015 he managed to earn 569 million rubles. Among the businessman's property: 19 land plots, two apartments and two vehicles.


State Duma deputy Valery Seleznev took third place. The LDPR representative earned 392 million rubles in 2015. Unlike the aforementioned colleagues, the Liberal Democrat has no land in his property: only two apartments and two vehicles (a jet ski and a boat).

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The closest to the top three was Vladimir Blotsky, who represents the interests of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections. It works general director a large company - in a year the top manager earned 329 million rubles. Blotsky owns eight land plots (all in the Moscow region), three residential buildings, five apartments and two cars Porsche brand. Among the "other" real estate» the facility is listed in the UK with a total area of ​​more than 1.3 thousand square meters.


In fifth place is State Duma deputy Mikhail Slipenchuk with a total income for 2015 of 294 million rubles. He represents the Party of Growth in the elections. At the same time, the candidate for deputy is one of the leaders in the number of land plots in the property - he owns 229 such objects. The politician also has two residential buildings (one of them is in the Congo) and an apartment in France.


Sixth place in the ranking was taken by Alexander Peterman from the Rodina party, where he holds the position of head of the branch in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. During this period he earned 123 million rubles. He has at his disposal three plots of land and four vehicles, including a snowmobile, a boat and a boat.

Patriots of Russia

In seventh place is the head of the Smolensk branch of the Patriots of Russia party, Oleg Aksenov. The candidate received 79 million rubles in 2015. The politician’s property includes 64 plots of land, an apartment, a garage and other types of real estate, and all this is in the Smolensk region. Aksenov also owns ten vehicles.


The eighth place in the rating went to the leader of the Green party list for the State Duma, Oleg Mitvol. His income for 2015 amounted to 63 million rubles. The zealous environmentalist has a plot of land in the Moscow region, a residential building, and four apartments in Moscow. Mitvol has four foreign cars at his disposal.

Pensioners Party

In the penultimate place on the list was businessman Viktor Stolkov from the Party of Pensioners. The entrepreneur's annual income in 2015 reached 49 million rubles. Stolkov owns four plots of land, three residential buildings and one apartment. In the declaration, the deputy modestly indicated only one car - a 2001 Toyota Land Cruiser.


The tenth position remained with the candidate from the PARNAS party, Viktor Zinoviev. As the general director of the company, he earned 26 million rubles in a year. According to the candidate’s declaration, he does not have cars or land: he only owns an apartment in the Moscow region and three bank deposits, the total amount of which does not exceed 25 thousand rubles.

Late Monday evening, he released information about the candidates' income from. Earlier, the Central Election Commission published declarations of candidates for the State Duma from other parties. In total, candidates from 14 parties out of 77 registered are running for election to the federal parliament.

The leader of the United Russia federal party list, head Dmitry Medvedev, declared an income of 8.7 million rubles for 2015. Among the real estate, he indicated an apartment with an area of ​​367.8 square meters. m, as well as two objects, one - 16.2 sq. m. m, and the other - 16.3 sq. m. Both are jointly owned.

With such income, Medvedev declared two modest cars of the GAZ-20 and 21 models (1948 and 1962), as well as Volkswagen Golf 1999.

Unsystematic millionaires

Of the leadership of non-parliamentary parties, the wealthiest leader of the Growth Party.

In 2015, he officially earned 208 million rubles, in addition, he has two land plots in Russia and Spain, two residential buildings, two apartments, five cars and about 200 million rubles. on bank accounts.

In the Growth Party, one of the richest State Duma deputies is a former deputy from United Russia. According to the declaration for 2015, the businessman’s income amounted to 294 million rubles. In 2014, the figure was even more significant - 868 million rubles, and in 2013 the deputy’s income exceeded 1 billion rubles.

The head indicated an income of 1.5 million rubles. Together with his wife, he owns five apartments in Moscow, two houses, four plots of land, a multi-storey building in Latvia and a Mercedes S600.

The second number in the federal top three is PARNAS, a former deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, who received 4.09 million rubles in 2015. According to official data, he has no property.

The leader listed an apartment in Moscow as his property; his income for 2015 amounted to 2.4 million rubles. The former mayor of Petrozavodsk from the Yabloko list in the State Duma earned 1.5 million rubles in a year. (she has two apartments in Karelia and Opel). And the deputy - 4.7 million rubles. (indicated apartments in Bulgaria, an apartment in Moscow and an Audi Q7). The richest candidate on Yabloko’s list is Alexander Svitin with an annual income of 15.2 million rubles.

The leader, State Duma deputy, received 4.98 million rubles last year.

Three candidates from Rodina ended up with real estate abroad.

Veteran Alexey Novgorodov from the federal list of “Motherland” has apartments in Portugal and Italy with his wife. Sergey Zakipnev from the regional group in the Krasnodar Territory, together with his wife, owns a house in France, his wife also has an apartment in Turkey. And former inspector for the Sakhalin region Valery Kalachev (regional party group for Moscow) owns an apartment, a parking space and a storage room in Belgium. The richest candidate from Rodina earned about 130 million rubles.

The leader of the Communists of Russia earned approximately 670 thousand rubles in 2015. The head of Civil Force, Kirill Bykanin, declared an income of 1.2 million rubles. The head of Patriots of Russia reported an income of 1.2 million rubles for 2015. The leader of the Greens indicated an income of 213 thousand rubles.

The leader of the “Civic Platform” is a political strategist with a modest income of 5.3 thousand rubles. owns an estate in Finland, and also residential building in Italy.

In addition, he has land in Tver and Moscow, a house in the capital and an apartment in St. Petersburg.

There were also millionaires in the ranks of the Pensioners Party. The richest candidate from the “pensioners” is Viktor Stolkov from Altai with an income of 49 million rubles for 2015. The candidate's sources of income include: Following him is Sverdlovsk “pensioner” Ilya Tishchenko with an income of 35 million rubles, he has 18 plots and 13 real estate properties.

Published declarations of all candidates for State Duma deputies who are nominated by parties. The richest contenders for seats in the lower house of parliament, according to the published documents, were representatives of United Russia, notes Data on the income of the most famous candidates is provided by "Rain" .

Yabloko leader Emilia Slabunova earned 1.7 million rubles in 2015.

The founder of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, earned 2.3 million. Their associates Lev Shlosberg and Dmitry Gudkov earned 677 thousand and 4.7 million rubles, respectively.

The income of the chairman of the PARNAS party, Mikhail Kasyanov, last year amounted to 1.5 million rubles.

The leader of the Growth Party, Boris Titov, earned 2.1 million rubles in 2015. The incomes of his associates differ significantly - Oksana Dmitrieva earned 5.8 million, Irina Khakamada - 14 million, and Andrei Nechaev - 130 million.

The head of the Green party, Anatoly Panfilov, declared 213 thousand rubles, and the leader of his party’s list, Oleg Mitvol, declared 63.8 million. The income of the leader of “Patriots of Russia” Gennady Semigin was 12 million rubles, the income of the head of the “Civil Platform” Rifat Shaikhutdinov was five thousand rubles, the income of the chairman of the “Civil Force” Kirill Bykanin was 1.2 million. The head of the Communists of Russia, Maxim Suraikin, earned 671 thousand rubles, and the leader of Rodina, Alexey Zhuravlev, 4.9 million.

Judging by the declaration, Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya has neither a house, nor an apartment, nor a dacha, nor a car. Her income for 2015 amounted to just over 2.32 million rubles, and her bank deposit was 141 rubles 51 kopecks.

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