Christian Bale's dramatic weight change for roles (11 photos). Actor Christian Bale: incredible transformations for roles in films Christian bale before after weight loss

For a famous actor Christian Bale every new project– this is another test for your body. We will tell you in this article how an actor manages to radically change his weight quite quickly, just think about losing 30 kg in a year, and then gaining 40 kg in a few months without harm to your health.


Christian Bale

  • Date of birth: January 30, 1974.
  • Height: 183 cm.
  • Weight: 55-90kg
  • Best films: "The Prestige, The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight, Swingers, Empire of the Sun."

Unusual transformations by weight of Christian Bale (2000-2012)

Below we will look at his training methods, but remember it’s better not to repeat this :)

Christian Charles Philip Bale was born in Wales on January 30, 1974, but did not stay there for long - the family kept moving, and the guy grew up in England, Portugal and the USA. Christian Bale's mother changed a lot of occupations, including working as a clown in a circus, and his father traveled from the age of 13 and was first a sailor, then an airplane pilot. There were three more children growing up in the family (sisters, all older than Christian). Now one is a musician, another works in a computer company, the third is a theater director. Louise, who played in the theater, inspired her brother to work as an actor. At the age of 9, Christian Bale starred in an advertisement for the game Pacman, and at 13 he made his film debut in the Soviet-Scandinavian “Mio, my Mio,” directed by V. Grammatikov. That same year, Bale got to film Spielberg’s acclaimed “Empire of the Sun.”

Recently, Christian could be seen in the film drama “The Fighter,” for which he lost a lot of weight, and then had to gain more than 30 kilograms for filming the latest Batman. Experience in such experiments already includes several films. Let us remind you that for the film “American Psycho” Bale gained a lot of kilograms in order to correspond to the image of the 80s - a muscular handsome man. We will tell you in this article how the actor manages to radically change his weight quite quickly without harming his health.

Training program

According to his fellow Welshmen, Bale is a firm believer in the benefits of running, which is why he started with it. They say that the actor himself admitted that running or cardio training helps cope with a hangover, because Christian can drink a pint of beer or even two in the evening! This amusing quality will probably cheer up many, but beer lovers are advised to look for other similarities with the Hollywood star - friends experienced in such matters say that Bale is also distinguished by his complete lack of fear of brutal training.

Strength exercises

Experts suggested to the actor program consisting of explosive strength exercises, compound (multi-joint) exercises, exercises to develop speed of movement and speed of reaction. This system included:

Jay Cutler is an American actor and bodybuilder. He is a four-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Jay also received the Grand Prix in competitions in Austria, Romania, and Holland. He is currently the only bodybuilder in IFBB history to regain the Mr. Olympia title after losing in 2008.

Tom Hardy is slowly approaching success. He starred in such famous films as “Dot the i’s”, “Star Trek: Into Darkness”, “Bronson”, “Inception”, “Warrior”, “This Means War”, “The Dark Knight Rises”. This is a unique actor; from one role to another he either loses weight or gains muscle again. How does he manage to do this?

Today you will learn from a new article detailed information about how the famous actor Christian Bale lost weight for filming the film “The Machinist.”

A little history

The right way out

To avoid gaining extra pounds after this, do not rely on familiar foods for the first time (approximately the first two weeks). Do not eat ice cream, pastries, cakes, and other foods that are high in sugar. You should not eat fried, fatty, salted, smoked, pickled or any dishes that have added oil. Consequently, any trips to cafes are temporarily cancelled.

What should you eat then? Low-fat and healthy foods: cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, any fermented milk and dairy products whose fat content does not exceed 5%, dietary meat prepared in a certain way (boiling, baking without adding oil and stewing).

For example, your post-diet menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream
  • Second breakfast: a handful of berries
  • Lunch: 200 ml (it is better not to add salt and seasonings)
  • Afternoon snack: 100 grams of low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: steam omelette with any one vegetable (200 grams is enough)

In addition, as during the Christian Bale diet, you should drink a lot of water - at least two liters per day. Water helps cleanse the body and eliminate excess weight.

  • Date of birth: January 30, 1974.
  • Height: 183 cm.
  • Weight: from 55 to 90 kg.
  • Best films: “The Dark Knight Rises”, “The Prestige”, “Equilibrium”, “Terminator: May the Savior Come”, “American Psycho”.

Filming in the film "The Machinist"

For the filming of The Machinist, Christian Bale lost a third of his weight, losing up to 55 kg. The method is simple: a cup of coffee, an apple and a can of tuna per day (1) - 200-250 calories. The result: a dramatic loss of both fat and most muscle.

The break between filming “The Machinist” and the first scenes of “Batman” was only six weeks, during which the actor tried to regain shape and gain muscle mass as quickly as possible. As a result, he increased his weight to 86 kilograms.

Christian Bale's diet for filming Batman

The actor needed to regain muscle very quickly, and the total calorie intake was almost 4000 kcal. Every day he ate 350 g of protein, 500 g of carbohydrates and 70-90 g of fat. The training was as active as possible to minimize fat gain.

Christian Bale is a vegetarian and does not eat meat or poultry (2). The sources of protein were fish, dairy products, eggs, as well as. Meals occurred every 2-3 hours - otherwise he simply would not have eaten so much in a day.

What program does Batman use to train?

The program was based on variations involving several muscle groups at once - both main and auxiliary. The goal was to activate the white muscle fibers responsible for explosive power.

Christian performed barbell push-ups, deadlift variations, squat jumps, and explosive bench presses (3). The exercises were performed at a fast pace, and the workouts included a high volume of cardio.

The first day:

  • Superset of pull-downs and pull-downs – 4 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise. Designed for warming up, light to medium weights are used.
  • Lifting the barbell from the floor to the chest - 4 sets of 10, 10, 8 and 6 repetitions. The lowest point of movement is the barbell on the floor; upper – to chest levels; The first part of the movement is similar to a deadlift, then the barbell rises higher. Light to medium weights are used.
  • – 4 sets of 10, 10, 8 and 6 repetitions.

Second day:

  • Sprint – a race of 10 meters in 5 sets, 30 meters in 5 sets, 40 meters in 5 sets. Rest between sets – 1 minute, between distances – 2 minutes.
  • – 4 sets of 10, 10, 8 and 6 repetitions. Squats with a sharp jump up from the bottom point of the movement, at the top point the legs are torn off the ground. To reduce the risk of injury, only perform with a backpack loaded with weight and not with a barbell.
  • – 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Day three:

  • Superset of Smith rack bench press and dumbbell flyes – 3 sets of 12 reps of each exercise. Designed for warm-up, light weight.
  • Smith's Explosive Rack Bench Press - 4 sets of 10, 10, 8 and 6 reps. Bench press with barbell thrown up. Performed under the mandatory supervision of the insurer. See description below.
  • “Ricochet” – each approach lasts 2 minutes, then 30 seconds. rest; total – 30 minutes. There are 2 squares measuring 30x30 cm on the floor. You need to jump from one corner to another as quickly as possible, constantly changing the direction of the jump.

Day four:

  • Active recreation, which involves cardio exercise to increase blood flow in the muscles and speed up recovery: swimming, elliptical, team sports and more. In total, no more than an hour on this day.

Days five, six and seven:

  • Repeat the first, second and third days.

How to do an explosive bench press?

Three important points: firstly, the exercise must be performed in the Smith stance; secondly, the control of a trainer or insurer is extremely important; thirdly, it is necessary to use light and medium weights to avoid injury.

Exercise technique: lying in a Smith's stance, lower the barbell until it touches your chest, straightening your arms, raise it sharply, at the top point push the barbell up and release it from your hands; then gently accept, lower down and repeat the movement.

The secret of Christian Bale's figure

Please note that none of the exercises included in the program can be safely performed with heavy weights, which Once again proves that a load sufficient for the growth of muscle mass can be achieved with medium weights.

In addition, I would like to separately warn you against repeating the actor’s training methods - sudden weight loss and further weight gain, repeated several times, are without a doubt extremely harmful to both metabolism and health.


Christian Bale is an actor who, out of love for his profession, has already transformed several times from a muscular superman to a concentration camp prisoner exhausted by hunger and back again. But remember that such experiments on yourself are definitely harmful.


  1. Christian Bale: Boy from the circus who was a star at 13,
  2. Christian Bale's Fitness Workouts for Batman, The Dark Knight,
  3. Celebrity Workout – Christian Bale Gets Super-Buff For ‘The Dark Knight’,
  4. All rights to photographs belong to “Universal Pictures Rus”, “Karo Premier”, “SR Distribution”.

Born into an artistic family. His mother was a ballerina, and both grandfathers were actors. And, of course, his artistic nature could not help but awaken in the boy.

Christian Bale's weight transformations. The photo in the center shows the result of losing almost 30 kg. The third photo is from the movie “Batman” (click to enlarge).

From childhood, the boy was surrounded by creative, strong-willed, success-oriented people. He joined the stage very early and began acting in films. In order to play a role well, actors have to fully get used to the role and meet the requirements set by directors and screenwriters.

So Christian Bale more than once had to literally reshape his figure, gaining weight or, conversely, getting rid of extra pounds. So before the film “The Machinist” the actor needed to lose a lot of weight.

Christian Bale's Cruel Diet

As Christian Bale himself says, for this he had to not eat and move a lot. According to the script, Trevor Resnik was exhausted from insomnia, having not slept for more than a year. In order to get into the role, Christian went on a strict diet. The daily calorie content of his diet was gradually reduced to 300-400 kilocalories.

For four months he only drank, ate canned tuna and fresh apples. In addition, he took a complex of vitamins and drank a lot of water. When the actor was hungry, he tried to distract himself with something else, for example, by reading books. The actor tried to spend his free time at home, avoiding communication with other people.

Bale's training

He supplemented his diet with grueling workouts - he ran until his muscles weakened and he simply could not move his legs. Poor health and weakness were constant companions of such a diet. Sometimes because of this we even had to change the shooting time.


After The Machinist was filmed, Christian Bale even had to undergo treatment. The treatment consisted of a system proper nutrition and rest. In addition, it was necessary to get rid of toxins that had accumulated in the body during fasting.

Christian Bale accomplished something of a feat in order to play the acting role. To do this, you need to have a very significant incentive and have an iron will and desire to achieve the goal.

The consequences of such weight loss may affect the actor’s health in the future. After all, prolonged fasting affects the general immune system, causing hormonal imbalance and persistent health problems. Sharp changes in weight from 83 kg to 55 kg, and vice versa, can cause disturbances in the functioning of the heart, which may simply not withstand such drastic changes.

And vice versa

It’s funny, but for his next film, “Batman,” Bale had to quickly regain his fighting weight, which he did with honor (bringing it to 90+ kg). As it turned out, the actor overdid it because he no longer fit into the Batman suit. So he had to lose weight again. True, not by 30 kg, but only by 10...

Friends, hello everyone. We continue our series of stories about famous personalities who are trying to create something with their physical form. And today in this issue we will talk about the craziest of people on television screens, by the way, this person is one of my favorite actors - Christian Bale, the transformation of Christian Bale is just something special!

Christian Bale

  • Date of birth: January 30, 1974.
  • Height: 183 cm.
  • Weight: from 55 to 90 kg.

In my opinion, the best films in which Bale starred are: “The Dark Knight Rises”, “The Prestige”, “Equilibrium”, “Terminator: May the Savior Come”, “American Psycho”. I also recommend watching all these films, I guarantee you won’t regret it.

And so, Weight from 55 to 90 kg, why such a spread? Below is a photo that shows Christian Bale's transformations over the years.

As you can see, it is impossible to give an absolutely accurate weight of a given person, because... it is constantly changing. For example, before the start of the film, driver Bale weighed 83 kg. In 4 months (which was exactly the period of time he spent preparing for the film The Machinist), he lost 28 kg (63 lbs), thereby dropping his weight from 83 kg to 55 kg.

A depressing sight, isn't it? How did he do this? The answer is quite simple: 1 apple, a can of tuna, 3 cups of coffee and all this for the whole day. In addition, he used a complex of vitamins and minerals. Total: about 200-250 calories per day. Can you imagine it? Of course, with such a calorie content, the result was a sharp loss of both fat and muscle. That's basically it. Christian Bale's ideas were very simple, he did not have a goal to preserve muscles, he was ready to sacrifice both fat and muscle mass, but physical activity was still present.

But this is not physical exercise with weights, this is a kind of cardio exercise, stretching, isometric exercises, that is, he was physically active, but he ate very little.

What do I mean by this? An adult with a height of 183 cm, brought himself to a weight of 55 kg, having all the temptations that you can imagine in this life, I simply cannot imagine how you can have such endurance, discipline, in general, this is very cool!

Do you think that's all? Hehe, this is just the beginning. It's even cooler!

After filming the film The Machinist, it turned out that filming had begun on the film Batman Begins, where Christian Bale plays the main role of Batman. Judge for yourself, which Batman is made of bones and skin? Christian again had to work hard to look like his fairy-tale hero. So, over the course of 5 months, Christian Bale gains 45.5 kg of lean muscle mass (100 pounds).

How does his diet and training change?

Christian radically changes the amount of carbohydrates and protein in his daily diet.

  • Protein 2.5 grams per 1 kg of desired body weight), i.e. gradually increases to 250 grams per day.
  • Carbohydrates 3 grams per 1 kg of desired body weight), i.e. gradually increases to 300 grams per day.

And, of course, the training itself changes radically. From aerobic exercise, he moves on to hard physical labor, what is called building muscle mass. The most interesting thing is that he gained more than he had before the film as a driver (85 kg), but became 100 kg.

In general, before the film The Machinist he weighed 85 kg, in preparation for the film The Machinist he dropped to 55 kg, and after 5 months his weight became 100 kg. In 9 months, he undergoes various transformations with his body so radically.

Do you think that's all? . I am begging you. When Christian gained weight 100 kg and showed up to the director of the film Batman, the director told him: Christian, this is extra muscle mass. Let's lose at least 10kg back, which is exactly what Christian did. It's incredible what he does with his weight.

But this is not the end, in 2010 Christine Bale was preparing for the main role in the film The Fighter, the actor again lost a lot of weight, although this was not required by the contract, losing weight from 100 to 66 kilograms.

It’s simply incredible, after conducting such an experiment on yourself at least once, no matter how long, you will learn so much about your body that you can do whatever your heart desires! Christian is proof of that.

Well, this is where we come to the end. I bow to Christian Bale from the bottom of my heart, he is an excellent actor, he always immerses himself in the character, in general, in one word - a good person. I hope you liked it, leave your comments. Until next time.

Best regards, administrator.

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