Where is it better to install parking sensors? How to install parking sensors yourself: detailed instructions

No amount, even the most high-tech equipment, can replace the confidence and correctness of actions if you have experience. Hands, reaction speed, and keen vision of the driver are much more important than all existing auxiliary systems. However, driving mastery can only come with experience (and perhaps with scratches on the car body). To minimize problems due to inept parking, humanity came up with parking sensors. Naturally, these devices are not a panacea and cannot work in the same way as eyes and hands. But parking sensors can save you from scratches and collisions in tight parking lots. The device will be very useful for novice drivers, especially if it is selected correctly. But buying it is only half the battle. You also need to properly install and connect the front parking sensors, as well as configure the system. In today's article we will tell you how to do this.

What is parking sensors?

These are special systems that serve to indicate the dimensions of a car using sensors. The main function of parking sensors is to warn the driver about any object or object in the vehicle's path. There are both rear and front parking systems.


A typical parking radar consists of an electronic unit. It controls all executive elements - processes the received data and performs self-diagnosis. Ultrasonic sensors are used as actuators in most parking sensors. It is these elements that detect various obstacles and send a signal to the electronic unit.

The parking complex also includes a light indicator or display. With the help of these elements, the process of informing the driver about the distance to the obstacle is carried out. Parking sensors with indicator lights are the simplest. Models with a display are more functional and allow you to connect rear or front view cameras. Some devices have the ability to project data onto Windshield. But not all cars have these.

How it works?

Before installing parking systems on your car, you should know and understand how these devices work. So, the electronic unit sends to the sensors. The sensors emit an ultrasonic wave at 120 degrees. If the wave encounters an obstacle on its way, it will be reflected. The sensor will be able to detect it and then transmit information about it to the unit.

The control unit calculates the time required for the sensors to generate a wave and receive it, and then calculates the distance to the obstacle on the way. Then all information is transmitted to warning devices. The device starts automatically - when the driver engages the appropriate gear and starts moving, all sensors come into operation. In the case of gear, the rear sensors and the two front ones on the edges are activated. When the driver brakes, all sensors on the front bumper are activated. The system works automatically.

The feasibility of front parking sensors

Everything is clear with rear parking sensors - they are very helpful for novice drivers when parking, leaving yards and surrounding areas. But many consider the installation of front parking sensors inappropriate. As for installation technology, it depends on the specific car model.

The fact is that the curb is the same height almost everywhere. Ground clearance for a crossover and a sedan - different. If the car has high ground clearance, then the front parking sensors will really be of little use. But if the car is low (“Chevrolet Cruze”, “Fiat Tipo” and so on), then it is worth equipping the car with a parking radar.

Features of installation and operation of systems

There are also certain features of connecting the front parking sensors. With sensors on the rear bumper everything is much simpler. In the case of rear sensors, the electronics react to the gear being engaged and do not interfere with the driver while driving with false signals.

The front sensor should be tied to the brake press or the speed at which the car is moving. All this requires deeper integration into the car’s electronics. Therefore, front parking systems are more expensive than rear ones.

Installation of sensors on the front bumper of a car

Let's see how to do it with our own hands. In most cases, the control unit is mounted in the trunk. It is best to start installation work from the rear of the car.

It is recommended to remove the bumper. Next, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and washed. On new cars, the manufacturer has already made factory markings on the surface of the bumper for installation. But on older cars this is not the case - in this case, the markings are done by hand.

It must be taken into account that the sensors must be installed at a height of at least 50 centimeters from the ground. The installation sites are marked so that there is an equal distance between them. They also monitor the distance from the edges of the bumper. It should also be the same.

It is unacceptable for the sensor to be covered by license plates or moldings. If all is well, then use a drill and a thin drill to make holes in the bumper. Using the included cutter, the hole is widened. Then sensors are installed in the resulting hole. All wiring is securely secured with clamps, which are then secured to the bumper. The sensors must be installed so that they are at an angle of 90 degrees to the ground surface.

How to connect front parking sensors?

If the process of installing the front and rear sensors is practically the same, then connecting the front parking sensors (control unit) is much more complicated. There are different options - with a button to activate the parking sensors, with pressing the brake, with activation after engaging the first gear.

Scheme with a button

This option is much easier to implement, and it works quite effectively. True, you need to launch it manually - if necessary. To implement the scheme, you need a button that needs to be installed in any place convenient and easily accessible to the driver.

Power can be taken from the same place where the DVR or interior lighting is powered. The principle of this connection of the front parking sensors is simple - when the engine is started, power is supplied. If the engine is turned off, then the system will turn off. Of course, this option is not ideal - according to all the rules, the parking system should turn on automatically if the speed is 20 kilometers per hour or lower.

Connection to first gear

Everything is more complicated here, but not much. For this implementation, you will need a first gear engagement sensor. It could be an ordinary button. You also need to make a suitable holder or bracket to mount this button. When the gear is engaged, the gearshift lever will activate the button, and it, in turn, will turn on the parking system.

The front parking sensors are connected from first speed as follows. First, disassemble the gearbox selector housing. There is a lot of free space here. You can also find fastening elements there. On an individual basis, you need to make a special holder for the fasteners. It is better to select a button that has a click - this is very useful in some situations. The button is then inserted into the holder. The system is checked on the car. If necessary, the design is adjusted.

Circuit with button and time relay

This is another interesting option for connecting front parking sensors. It is especially useful for owners of cars with automatic transmission. So, in addition to the button, a time relay is connected - when you press the toggle switch, it will start the parking sensors for a while, and then the system will turn off. This is especially convenient when in a difficult situation you need to hold the steering wheel with both hands.

Other schemes

You can also implement an alternative connection scheme for the front parking sensors. On cars with automatic transmission there is a sensor that monitors the gear engaged. In the engine compartment there is special block, on the contacts of which, depending on the gear engaged, there will be + 12 V, from which the parking system can be powered.

This is roughly how the connection diagram for the front standard parking sensors on the AX35 Hyundai works. The front sensor turns on when switched to Drive mode. The device turns off at speeds above ten kilometers per hour.

Connecting the camera to the front parking sensors

Those who find the parking assistance system not enough can additionally install a camera. To do this, you need to purchase a special parking device with an input for video devices. The camera connects directly to the parking sensors and radio. A picture with system readings will be superimposed on the latter’s screen.

There is no other diagram for connecting the front camera to the parking sensors. The camera turns on automatically. This happens after the ignition is turned on. The system turns off if the car reaches a certain speed. Usually this limit is from 10 to 20 kilometers per hour.


As you can see, front parking systems are very necessary. If installed correctly, they can even respond to curbs. Connecting the front parking sensors is really more complicated. But nothing is impossible - installation can be done with your own hands.

Parktronic is a device designed to help motorists in parking vehicle. Drivers, as they say, are divided into two types - those who never recognize such a device and those who simply cannot park without it. So how is it installed, what do you need to know about the parking sensor operation scheme - read about it below.


Parking sensor operation diagram

If you have decided to install parking sensors yourself on the body or bumper of a car, then first we will understand how the device works. Its main purpose is to signal to the motorist using sound and light pulses that the vehicle is too close to an obstacle. Today, there are many types of such devices, including those equipped with cameras that display images on the display of the radio, a separate monitor, or even the windshield.

So, if you decide to install parking sensors, then familiarize yourself with its operation diagram below:

  1. The circuit is equipped with several sensors, which, once connected, allow you to detect obstacles using an ultrasonic pulse.
  2. When the regulator detects an obstacle, a wave is returned to it.
  3. The regulator transmits an impulse about existing interference to the control unit, which subsequently processes the received data.
  4. As a result, if the connection and configuration were made correctly, the driver is notified of interference. This can be an audio signal, visual or complex. The distance to the object of interference can be displayed on the display of the radio or the device itself. But in fact, our car enthusiasts usually perceive only sound impulses.

Installing parking sensors yourself

How to install parking sensors, how do you drill holes and connect the device to the bumper? Is it possible and necessary to paint it, what color should it be painted, how to do everything correctly? Installing parking sensors yourself and setting it up is not a particularly complicated procedure. You will need time and, of course, a standard repair kit.

So, installing parking sensors means right choice the device itself - in this case, you focus on your preferences, as well as your budget. So that you do not have to constantly make repairs, decide in advance which model you want to purchase. To do this, use online review monitoring to understand what type of devices other car enthusiasts choose and how they behave.

Having chosen the right device, all you have to do is drill holes in the bumper, install and paint the device in the appropriate color. Keep in mind that each vehicle has certain design features; as a result, drilling the bumper may take some time. Accordingly, if you do not want to receive an impulse from the asphalt or the sky, you need to immediately know how to properly drill holes in the bumper and install it in general on your car model.

The parking sensor kit should include instructions for drilling the bumper, connecting and setting up, from which you can fully understand how this procedure is carried out. If there are no instructions on how to install the devices in the kit, then it is better not to choose such devices. In this case, you can simply purchase a flashing device for yourself, which will be of no use, no matter how you adjust it.

So, if you do not want to face repairs, then opt only for high-quality parking sensors. In general, the procedure for drilling the bumper and painting the device in the appropriate color is universal for all types of parking sensors. If the manufacturer has proven its products to be of high quality, the kit will include not only instructions, but also a cutter to size the regulators. This cutter will allow you to correctly select holes for drilling a vehicle bumper (video author - Autoden TV).

How to install and connect the device?

How to properly install the device in a car bumper, how to adjust it and how to paint it in the desired color - we will talk about this further:

  1. First you need to properly prepare the place for installing the device. The gadget's electronic control unit is mounted in the luggage compartment; you need to choose the right installation location. You can mount the device under the plastic lining of the trunk or in the free space under the wing. This is not important, the main thing is that the control unit is not affected by moisture and other external factors.
  2. Now you can start preparing the bumper itself and first of all you need to wash it thoroughly. After this, taking into account the number of regulators that come with the device, you should correctly mark this body element. As a rule, modern gadgets are equipped with four sensors; in accordance with this number, the bumper can be correctly marked. As a rule, the outer two regulators are distributed to the lateral, radial parts of the bumper. The distance that remains can be divided into the appropriate number of parts, depending on the number of regulators that come with the kit.
  3. As for the marking itself, it can be done using a felt-tip pen or marker. In order not to spoil the color of the body, the marker is subsequently washed off with alcohol. It should also be noted that the marking is done in accordance with certain parameters of the gadget, that is, it is necessary to take into account the performance indicators of the device noted in the instructions. In most cases, the height from the ground is half a meter.
  4. Using a cutter, you need to drill the corresponding holes in the bumper, and then install the regulators into them. In most cases, the regulators are installed in their seats without problems, but to be more sure that they will not fall out, they can be glued on.
  5. Before painting the regulators in the desired color, they must be connected to the control unit, as well as to the monitor. To do this, use the diagram included in the kit. Next, you need to paint the sensor leads so that they match the bumper. In principle, the conclusions don’t have to be painted, it all depends on your preferences.
  6. The final stage will be diagnosing and testing the working condition of the gadget, and testing should be carried out with obstacles.

In general, the process of installing a gadget is not particularly complicated; in principle, anyone can handle this procedure if desired. If you have doubts about this, it is better to pay once and trust the specialists, but be confident in the functionality of the device.

Video “Installing parking sensors at home”

How to install such a device on a car with your own hands - step-by-step instruction presented in the video (the author of the video is Made in Garage).

Installing parking sensors allows you to avoid collisions in busy traffic. The essence of the device is extremely simple, but this does not make it any less effective. Special sensors emit sound signals and thus read the features of the external environment.

Properly placed sensors allow you to determine not only the distance to a fence or curb, but also indicate the location of the glass display case. Once installed, parking sensors provide excellent signals even about small obstacles such as a traffic pole. The system gives an audible warning to the driver and he slows down, avoiding a collision with an obstacle.

Modern parking sensors can be equipped with cameras and many additional functions. If you wish, you can see in detail what is behind the car.

Sensors can be installed either at the rear or at the front. If you want to save money, you can do without installing front parking sensors. But at the same time, you must take into account that the car becomes vulnerable to obstacles that are difficult to notice naked eye.

Another reason for installing parking sensors with front sensors is the convenience of parking in particularly difficult places. The thing is that, relying solely on vision, it can be extremely difficult to estimate the distance to the nearest car in the parking lot. Parking sensors completely save you from such problems. It will show you the exact distance to the nearest bumper, and you will be able to park according to all the rules.

It is not surprising that many people are thinking about purchasing and installing parking sensors. Luckily this device is not particularly expensive. It can be purchased for 2-3 thousand rubles. Of course, such parking sensors will have a maximum of six sensors (three are installed in the front and three in the rear). But even this will be quite enough to navigate the city with greater convenience.

How many sensors should a good parking sensor have?

The minimum combination is 3 at the back and 2 at the front. Very important correct installation parking sensors. If you connect the wires incorrectly, then even the most good system will constantly fail.

Advice! An entry-level device can be purchased for 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

Much more interesting is a system that includes monitoring of blind spots from all sides. The price of such a parking sensor is about 10-15 thousand rubles, but the capabilities of the device are truly amazing. It protects the car while driving by warning the driver of danger in real time.

Important! Installing expensive parking sensors with full control of blind spots is a much more difficult task and requires a thoughtful approach.

Installing parking sensors that monitor blind spots allows you to insure your car against accidents that may occur while changing lanes. A special radar constantly scans the space. Moreover, the smart system excludes the cars that you are overtaking from the list of potential dangers.

Advice! A good parking sensor, the installation of which will allow you to increase safety on the road, is ParkMaster Plus BS-4661.

Installing parking sensors with blind spot monitoring allows you to monitor those areas that do not fall into the field of view of the side mirrors. Notification is carried out via sound signals and LEDs. The LED panel is mounted near the rearview mirror (in most cases).

Typically, the installation kit for parking sensors with blind spot monitoring includes 6 sensors located on the bumpers and four on the sides. Correctly installed modules are invisible to the naked eye. To find them you need to be a specialist or spend a lot of time and effort studying bumpers.

Advice! The sensors are mounted with inside bumper This makes them almost invisible.

Painting works well to camouflage the sensors. Special mention in modern systems deserves an intellectual element. The built-in software can easily distinguish a parking post from a car moving at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour.

Installing parking sensors with blind spot monitoring allows you to safely perform complex maneuvers on the road without the slightest risk to the safety of passengers and the vehicle. Moreover, the sensors perform their functions perfectly in complete darkness.



To install the front parking sensors, a twisted pair cable with a cross section of 0.2 mm is used. In order to connect the entire system you need at least 12 meters of wire. The unit is installed in the trunk. This is where the wires will go.

Important! There are wires from the trunk to the speaker and buttons.

The number of wires going to the rear bumper depends on the number of sensors that are included in the installation kit. It is necessary to connect the plugs to the buttons and the block. You will also need to connect a speaker. To create reliable connections when installing parking sensors, you will need corrugation and electrical tape.

As an installation example, let’s take the most complex system consisting of 12 sensors. The fastenings of the front side modules are slightly different from the others. When installing the system, the location where the wiring begins plays a special role. In some cars it is the left headlight, in others it is the right headlight.

You need to know which headlight wiring comes out of it in order to make the correct pinout. You need to add two wires and the same number of plugs to the rear bumper. Plugs are needed for side sensors.

Tool required for work

An important step Preparation for installing parking sensors is the selection of the necessary tools, which includes:

  • side cutters,
  • roulette,
  • pencil,
  • masking tape,
  • spanners,
  • screwdrivers,
  • drill,
  • insulating tape,
  • epoxy adhesive.

Naturally, to install parking sensors you will need the kit itself, the completeness of which will not hurt to check before direct installation.

Front parking sensor installation process

To ensure that the parking sensor installation process goes smoothly, try to follow the instructions, taking into account, of course, the technical specifications of your car. The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Remove both bumpers.
  2. Remove the headlights and remove the trunk trim.
  3. Take out the dashboard. The same needs to be done with the right fender liner and glove compartment.
  4. The wire runs along the left side.
  5. From dashboard make branches to the speakers and buttons.
  6. The wires are pulled to the plug (usually it is installed between the door and the front fender).
  7. Make a hole in the plug and thread the wires through it. The pre-twisted pair must be packaged in corrugation.
  8. The wires reach the headlight. All this is done under the wing of the car.

Actually, this is the main method for installing parking sensors. When working, it is best to use rag tape. It provides good insulation and decent appearance.

Parking sensor installation option 2

You can do the installation of parking sensors yourself in another way. As clear example you can take parking sensors BEA 300. Its price is in the middle price category and provides high level control on the road.

Parking sensors are mounted in the bumper. For installation you will need 20mm cutters. In this case, it is not necessary to use original components; you can get by with less expensive analogues.

To install parking sensors, remove the bumper and upholstery inside the trunk. The bolts are under the trim, so it will have to be removed. Unscrew the internal fasteners that secure the bumper.

Attention! To unscrew the screws of the mudguards when installing parking sensors, you will need a special key.

The bottom of the bumper is fixed with two self-tapping screws. There may be more depending on the specific car model. In order for the parking sensor installation to go according to plan, you will have to unscrew them all.

Sometimes difficulties arise when removing the bumper due to rust that has formed in the fixation areas. WD-40 will best solve this problem. This is a unique lubricant that will allow you to easily remove the bumper. A few drops are enough and the screws will unscrew.

Mark the places where you will mount the sensors. Please note that the distance to the ground should be at least half a meter. Otherwise, the sensors will constantly trigger, mistaking speed bumps for an obstacle.

Important! The distance between each sensor is 25 cm.

Parking sensor modules must be installed so that central device was located on the center line of the bumper. First, take an awl and mark the future holes. For further work you will need a drill.

Please note that plastic can easily melt from the use of a drill. To prevent this from happening, water the surface from time to time. This will cool the material and minimize the damage caused by the tool.

Minimum size holes 18 millimeters. Here everything largely depends on the model of parking sensors you are installing. After the holes are drilled, you can begin laying the wiring.

First, the surface must be wiped with a cloth and dried. The places where the sensors will be installed must be treated with special glue. Before this, a degreasing composition is applied. It ensures the strength of the adhesive bond.

Once you have pasted the sensors, the next step in installing the parking sensors will be attaching the bumper to the car. In this case, you need to pull the gluing wires into the pre-prepared hole.

The most critical stage of installing parking sensors is installing the control unit. Connection to electrical diagram car must be done according to the manual that comes with the device. In this case, you need to periodically check the car’s instructions to know which cable to connect where.

Speakers should be placed where they can be heard best. The part of the body between the front glass and the door is ideal for this. The entire system will be powered from the rear lamp of the car.

Installing parking sensors with your own hands involves running wires under the covers. In this case, the emitter can be placed in the left rack. More traditional is placement of belts under the brackets.

At the end the entire system is tested. If everything is in order, it means that the installation of the parking sensors was successful and you can test it in real conditions. However, you shouldn’t go straight to the highway; instead, try out the new device somewhere not far from the garage.


Installing parking sensors allows you to acquire the necessary gadget that will allow you to park even in the most difficult places. Moreover, advanced models can simplify maneuvering and protect the vehicle from collisions with other cars. The main thing in installation is attentiveness and scrupulousness. Particular attention should be paid to the wiring.

You can find a huge number of devices on the market that make driving a vehicle easier. One of these can be called parking sensors. It is also called parking radar or sonar. The parking sensors are tasked with warning the driver about a possible obstacle in the blind vision zone.

Operating principle of parking radar

  • Sensors installed in the bumper detect interference using ultrasonic waves.
  • The wave is reflected from the obstacle and is picked up by the sensor.
  • The signal from the sensor is transmitted to the electronic control unit (ECU).
  • The electronic control unit processes the information and transmits it to the signaling device. The person driving receives audio, visual or combined signals.

What signal the driver receives depends on the model of the parking radar. Some parking sensors are equipped with a rear view camera, and then the image from the camera can be displayed on a standard or additional LCD screen.

How to install parking sensors with your own hands

Some modern cars equipped with factory parking radar. This option can be ordered when purchasing a new car. But if this is not possible, then any technically knowledgeable car owner can install parking sensors with his own hands on a new or used car.

Before purchasing, it will be useful to study the materials of several automobile forums. They repeatedly discussed various models of parking sensors and the features of their installation on different cars. After analyzing the information, you can safely go to a store with auto products and select the device you need. When purchasing a parking sonar, pay attention to the complete set. The installation kit includes:

  • 4 or 8 sensors (depending on the radar model);
  • electronic control unit (ECU);
  • cutter for drilling seats;
  • signaling device with an audible or visual signal;
  • wiring;
  • instructions with connection diagram.

Before buying parking sensors, carefully study the materials of automobile forums

The absence of instructions in the radar installation kit indicates the low quality of the device. You should not buy such parking sensors!

Necessary tool

To successfully install parking sensors you will need the following:

  • the parking sensor kit itself;
  • screwdriver;
  • insulating tape;
  • knife with replaceable blades;
  • nylon clamps.

Installation procedure for parking sensors

Be careful when installing sensors. They shouldn't look at the sky. In this position, they are unlikely to help the driver park successfully!

Many drivers install the control unit in the luggage compartment

  1. The control unit is usually located in the luggage compartment. The installation location is chosen by the car owner himself. Typically, the parking sensor ECU is located under the trunk trim on the rear fender.
  2. Lay the cable from the control unit to the signaling device. It is usually placed on the front panel in front of the driver or slightly to the side.
  3. Connect power to the control unit from electrical circuit rear brake lights car. The power supply is usually located near the rear light.

Video example of installing parking sensors

If everything is connected correctly, then the parking radar does not need additional configuration. The only thing that may be needed is fine-tuning the sensor position.

Some drivers are skeptical about parking sensors and consider them unnecessary devices. But parking radar makes life much easier for the driver, especially if he is a beginner. Good luck parking on city streets.

Parking often causes difficulties even for experienced motorists, because the dimensions of the vehicle cannot always be observed, and as a result, the car either hits other cars or clings to the curb.

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To remedy the situation, there are special devices, some parking assistants, that are built into the car and help the driver navigate the space by scanning the distance to the nearest obstacle.

There are many varieties of such parking sensors, each of which has its own characteristics, but you need to know how to choose parking sensors (parking sensors) in 2019 so that they are reliable and at the same time easy to use.

General information

Help behind the wheel, especially for beginners, is always welcome, but you cannot always carry with you a more experienced driver who will tell you how to drive correctly and when to turn.

That's why they were invented technical devices, called parking sensors. They greatly simplify the process of parking the car, while minimizing the chance of colliding with objects around.

The device serves the main purpose - to warn the driver of danger by means of sound signals, and expensive models also have rear or front view cameras, which allow you to monitor the situation on the road as objectively as possible.

What it is

Parktronic, also called a parking radar, is a specialized device that monitors the situation around and warns the driver in the event of a risk of critical approach to another object, simply put, a collision.

Parking sensors consist of a set of parts that are mounted in the car’s bumper or trunk lid, and are also placed inside the car.

The sensors themselves work on the principle of an echo sounder, emitting a signal that is reflected from other objects and returned back.

The computing device processes the received data and produces the result in the form of distance to obstacles; this can be a signal of varying strength, duration, or information on the system’s service screen.

Thus, a garage gadget will allow you to quickly and easily drive to the place where your car stops.

Types of modern parking sensors

All existing parking sensors differ in their design, as well as the presence of additional devices that are auxiliary.

Thus, the following types of parking devices can be distinguished:

Standard, ultrasonic It has a different number of sensors, as well as a sound warning system, the signal of which is transmitted to the driver. As a rule, the more often the signal sounds, the closer the obstacle is, but there is also a disadvantage, which is that the driver does not know which side is closer to the obstacle and is forced to park longer
With a camera In addition to sound signals, such parking sensors allow you to see the situation behind you using a camera that displays video on the car’s display. Thus, the driver can understand exactly what obstacle is in his way and what he needs to do
Wireless Instead of wires, which are found in parking sensors, information is transmitted to the display or speakers using a radio signal. It is installed in cars that did not have parking sensors initially, so as not to carry out a lot of work and not spend a lot of time on installation
Tape Instead of the usual point sensors, a metallized tape is attached to the rear bumper, allowing you to practically avoid blind spots. In general, an electromagnetic parking sensor works on the same principle as a regular one.

Current regulatory framework

Parking sensors are used to park in accordance with all the rules described in.

The systems allow you to stand in such a way as not to interfere with other drivers and without driving onto the sidewalk, without creating emergency situations during parking.

If a motorist breaks the rules and acts incorrectly, blocking part of the road, or commits an accident, then the punishment for him will be chosen in accordance with the norms.

A fine will be imposed for parking violations, and if there was an accident that led to a person’s injuries, then you can lose your license and even receive criminal liability for this.

Parking sensor installation procedure

In order to install parking sensors, you do not need any special skills. To do this, it is often enough to make several holes in the bumper, and then connect all the wires correctly.

First of all, you need to understand that the system may also come with a special drill for making holes of the required diameter, but it will not be difficult to purchase it in the store, you just need to measure the diameter of the sensor and purchase a drill a couple of millimeters larger.

To install and connect parking sensors, you need to stock up on:

  • parking system;
  • drilling cutter;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • keys;
  • pencil, insulating tape, tape measure and tester.

After all the parts are taken, you can begin installation. The first step will be to make holes for the sensors; for this you need to remove the bumper, but if you have previously had experience working with a drill, then you don’t have to dismantle it.

First, you need to mark the places for the holes, and you need to follow the instructions, which specify the distance between the sensors themselves, as well as the scanners and the ground.

After marking, you should drill the marked points, while holding the drill only perpendicular to the bumper.

After installation, they are secured with complete rings; be sure to install the sensors in the correct sequence.

Latin letters, according to which nodes are placed from left to right, can tell about it. The signal processing unit from them is placed in the trunk, in which you need to remove the trim, and the wires from the sensors are wound together and routed into the trunk through a technical hole; connecting them to the unit is not difficult.

In order for the parking sensors to work correctly, it must be connected to the lights. reverse to the positive wire.

To do this, it is better to use special rivets with which the power supply wire of the unit is attached to the rear light supply.

Connecting the display will not be difficult, the main thing is to route the wires correctly; this can be done both through the interior and along the side, using technological holes and tape.

Distance between indicators

In order for the sensors to work correctly, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of 20-30 centimeters during installation, but this depends on the number of sensors and their interaction.

Before you check the parking sensor, you need to understand where the most accurate distance data is located.

Most often, they are indicated in the operating instructions of the devices, and it is they who should be guided during installation.

Since different equipment works differently, universal rules may not apply in this case, and as a result, the radar will not work correctly.

Optimal quantity

If the driver has certain driving skills, but recently purchased a car or wants to install parking sensors for peace of mind, then a set of four sensors will suit him.

Thus, he becomes aware of the critical danger. For beginners, we can recommend a set of six sensors, which scans more space, which means it provides more accurate data and even captures “dead zones.”

Principle of operation

All parking sensors work on the same principle - generating waves and catching them back, and subsequently processing them using computer technology.

This nuance allows us to level out the differences different types parking sensors, which essentially differ only in signal quality, viewing angle and of course brands.


Front parking sensors, as the name suggests, are used in the front part of the car, although it is slightly different from the rear one.

The forward radar requires a much shorter range, since the driver can see most of the distance himself; the optimal indicator may be half a meter or a meter maximum.

Front parking sensors differ in connection methods; for example, they can be connected to a speed sensor or brake pedal, but like the rear version, they can be activated by a button.

The principle of operation is no different - these are still the same waves that are reflected from an obstacle.


Rear parking sensors also work according to the scheme of generating waves and reflecting them back, as well as subsequent calculations.

But they differ from the front ones in that they have a greater operating range, and are also often equipped with a camera and supplied in larger quantities, since dead zones will be much more visible in this way.

Video: installing parking sensors

How much does it cost to install a parking radar on a car (price)

Prices for installing parking sensors differ, but are generally similar. The most expensive installation of the sensors themselves, as well as the camera, will be the cheapest to install a monitor, since this is the most hassle-free task.

Thus, the complete installation of a standard parking sensors with 4 sensors will cost about 8 thousand rubles, because to the payment you need to add the cost of consumables, if any, as well as the work itself, since installing parking sensors, although not considered a complicated procedure, requires a certain amount of time and strength from the masters.

DIY installation

The good thing about installing a parking system yourself is that it does not require labor, meaning that paying for the parking system is all that needs to be spent.

But there are also certain risks associated with work done incorrectly.

First of all, this concerns electronics, because when incorrect connection It is possible that not only the device itself will burn out, but also car parts, the repair of which will be quite expensive.

The most common difficulties at work

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