Yanukovych’s escape route: exclusive details of the ex-president’s last three days. Details of Yanukovych's escape have been established

At this moment, a surprise occurred - the plane was prohibited from taking off due to the lack of proper documents. However, even then Yanukovych was not detained. As eyewitnesses said, the frightened Yanukovych waited for the car and went to hide behind the walls of Renat Akhmetov in the Donetsk botanical garden. The next day, from the residence of a Donetsk businessman, Yanukovych rushed along the Mariupol highway. This was the most mysterious part of his route, because the final destination was an open field. Eyewitnesses say that dozens of expensive cars arrived there, and two still unidentified helicopters arrived.

They say that Yanukovych and his two sons took to the skies and returned a few hours later. It was from this moment that Yanukovych decides to flee to Russia through Crimea and says goodbye to his eldest son Alexander, who goes to Lugansk. Locals claim that Alexander Yanukovych is still there.

One of the former officers of the UGO said that Yanukovych was allowed to leave Ukraine: “Or they didn’t know what to do with him... The amount was 2.5 billion or something... there were talks, but I didn’t see this money.” On February 23, Yanukovych stopped by the SBU in Yalta, where state guards write resignation letters. 15 thieves still remained with the guarantor. They settled in a Russian boarding house next to the famous Tiflis restaurant, which locals call the presidential restaurant. On the evening of February 23, Avakov and Nalyvaichenko are already hunting for the guarantor.

Meanwhile, Yanukovych himself is being taken to Russia by road from Yalta. His motorcade of three cars could easily have been intercepted on the road to Sevastopol. This was not done, as the head of the Criminal Investigation Department Kulik assures, because they had no legal grounds to detain the president who was still acting according to the law. At 23:30 in Cossack Bay Yanukovych was met by Marines of the 810th separate brigade Marines of the Black Sea Fleet, put on a landing boat, and within a day Yanukovych reached the shores of Novorossiysk. It is noteworthy that the helicopters and the plane on which Yanukovych tried to fly out of Ukraine also disappeared.

Yanukovych, Viktor Fedorovich
Former President of Ukraine, Honorary Leader of the Party of Regions.

Journalists managed to reconstruct the details of the last three days of the fourth president, Viktor Yanukovych, in Ukraine. Unian reports this. Yanukovych's aircraft, on which he fled from Kyiv, flew to Moscow.

This is TSN. The day was confirmed at Vnukovo airport, where two helicopters and the ex-president’s plane are now parked. Moreover, Ukrainian officials allowed this transport to take off from Donetsk airport in mid-March. It is likely that there was no pursuit of the ex-guarantor. At the end of February, when dozens of activists were being executed in Kyiv, Yanukovych and 21 security guards headed to Kharkov in two helicopters, ostensibly for the congress of the Party of Regions.

He arrived at Kharkov airport on the night of February 22 and went to the presidential residence - a secret facility, the "regional committee dacha", located in a forest park. The service staff were warned two hours before the arrival of the important guest and were forced to leave the dacha. Yanukovych spent the night there and after lunch with a motorcade he left the residence for the airport.

Within an hour (February 22 at 16:00), the ex-guarantor and his guards landed in Donetsk. The purpose of the trip was to get to the Falcon jet and escape to Moscow. At this moment, a surprise occurred - the plane was prohibited from taking off due to the lack of proper documents. However, even then Yanukovych was not detained. As eyewitnesses said, the frightened Yanukovych waited for the car and went to hide behind the walls of Renat Akhmetov in the Donetsk botanical garden. The next day, from the residence of a Donetsk businessman, Yanukovych rushed along the Mariupol highway. This was the most mysterious part of his route, because the final destination was an open field.

Eyewitnesses say that dozens of expensive cars arrived there, and two still unidentified helicopters arrived. They say that Yanukovych and his two sons took to the skies and returned a few hours later. It was from this moment that Yanukovych decides to flee to Russia through Crimea and says goodbye to his eldest son Alexander, who goes to Lugansk. Locals claim that Alexander Yanukovych is still there. The youngest son goes with his father to Yalta. Further, the route was led by security chief Kobzar, coordinating the action plan with Russia. One of the former officers of the UGO reported that Yanukovych was allowed to leave Ukraine: “Or they didn’t know what to do with him...

The amount sounded like 2.5 billion or something... there were conversations, but I did not see this money."

On February 23, Yanukovych stopped by the SBU in Yalta, where state guards write resignation letters. 15 thieves still remained with the guarantor. They settled in a Russian boarding house next to the famous Tiflis restaurant, which locals call the presidential restaurant. On the evening of February 23, Avakov and Nalyvaichenko are already hunting for the guarantor. Meanwhile, Yanukovych himself is being taken to Russia by road from Yalta. His motorcade of three cars could easily have been intercepted on the road to Sevastopol. This was not done, as the head of the Criminal Investigation Department Kulik assures, because they had no legal grounds to detain the president who was still acting according to the law. At 23:30 in Cossack Bay, Yanukovych was met by marines of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, put on a landing boat, and within 24 hours Yanukovych reached the shores of Novorossiysk.

It is noteworthy that the helicopters and the plane on which Yanukovych tried to fly out of Ukraine also disappeared. It turned out that from March 12 to March 19, Yanukovych’s air transport left Donetsk airport unhindered and one by one and went to Europe. The Falcon 900 plane flew to France for technical inspection, and two Agusta 139 helicopters flew to Moldova and Romania, where they were refueled, and from there they went to Switzerland for technical inspection.

At the end of March, all this air transport flew to Moscow to the most expensive private air transport site in Russia, Vnukovo-3. So, the question still remains unanswered: why the air transport, which costs tens of millions of dollars and is material evidence in the case of Yanukovych’s escape, was released from Ukraine.

January 2016 added new colors to the story of the Independence politician, who had lost popular recognition. One of the world organizations proclaimed former president Ukraine Yanukovych heads the list of the most frequently and actively taking bribes of individuals on Earth. Although... they say that it’s better to “let them criticize than forget,” right?

Is it really surprising that after such an almost Forbes rating, anyone else is surprised that only the dogs of mistresses President Yanukovych spends up to 400 “green” dollars monthly - if at that time his assets, according to current data, contained about 12 billion in the same US currency? All that remains is to sympathize with the poor dogs who are forced to somehow eke out an unattractive existence... (which, however, still did not significantly affect the then pensions of Ukrainians, who, according to official data, received only $34 during the era of Yanukovych’s Prime Minister...)

But let's go back to the past. Everyone remembers about Yanukovych, how this lover of golden loaves was forced to flee the country, hastily throwing his fox hats into his bag, entering “Donetsk” into the crossword puzzle as a clue to the capital of Ukraine and hastily wiping the Constitution goodbye...

Glory to the Almighty, Mother Russia will not abandon the sick: in this regard, we have always been distinguished by our compassion. And on February 23, 2014, in honor of the holiday of masculinity and determination, Russia opened its arms to Yanukovych, as well as the Barvikha resort for the still “fading” President of Ukraine. This phenomenon received the textbook name “ Yanukovych's escape"and became a global symbol of the betrayal of a personal country.

“Professor” of all Ukraine (yes, this is exactly how the ex-president described his occupation when running for head of state - with two “Fs”), all Yanukovych fled, having secured the affiliation of Putin, who did not leave him in the eyes of the public covered the rear.

According to Putin, Yanukovych not only escaped from Kyiv, he moved to the province, and as soon as he left the capital, the opposition immediately encroached on the government building... But something completely different was promised: when Yanukovych signed the agreement on February 21 and received a guarantee from the European foreign ministers, he was guided by the fact that the agreement would be supported, and it, unfortunately, consisted in the fact that he, Yanukovych, liquidates the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the central part of Ukraine and forgets about armed forces, and in return, the opposition liberates the besieged buildings, clears the barricades of weapons and dissolves its besieged unit, as Putin said on this matter.

Yanukovych, according to him, was ready to agree to anything: both the old Constitution and new presidential elections ahead of schedule... And if his enemies continued to narrow the circle, he would have promised re-election of the president in a couple of months... But no - as soon as he left Kyiv and removed the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the capital, it immediately began coup d'etat. Why did it have to be done so clumsily and openly? Why was it necessary to plunge Ukraine into the state it is in today?

All these questions hang unanswered. No one could comment on this. And yet, we all know that everyone has their own level of responsibility, everyone makes decisions in critical situations based on “their personal life experience and life attitudes.” This is why some people prefer flight to direct action. Maybe the President of Honduras will defend the area entrusted to him with his chest and will not allow extremists into his territory... But this does not mean that everyone will do the same.

Yes, maybe in the KGB they are “educated” in absolute devotion to their people and state. And then you have no reason or desire to violate the principles on which you were raised. However, this is absolutely normal in politics: here, as in living nature, there are wolves and hares. Not everyone should be a leader, someone should flee... Not everyone can rise to the challenge of circumstances with dignity.

And it’s normal that the strong sometimes protect the weak. The main thing is that this weak one does not try to bite on the sly.

Residence of the fugitive President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in Mezhyhirya, whose whereabouts have been unknown since Friday evening, opened its doors to everyone on Saturday.

On the morning of February 22, journalists descended on Mezhyhirya in search of the president: it turned out that there was neither him nor his personal security there. The remaining guards handed over the residence to the Maidan self-defense, which took control of the building so that it would not be looted.

As TSN reports, thousands of people are now walking on the territory of Yanukovych’s country estate, the entrance to which is completely free. They are shocked by the luxury that reigns there.

In particular the residence contains a huge ship and a garage with many rare cars and motorcycles, and kilogram gold coin with the image of Yanukovych, a golden loaf, a zoo with peacocks and much more.

Journalists also managed to visit the presidential sauna. Its area is 100 sq. meters. It is luxuriously furnished, including a gold-plated bidet. On the shelf there were also towels folded in the shape of swans and red family panties neatly laid out.

Let us note that, among other things, they were found in a warehouse near Kiev 12 expensive passenger cars- presumably belonging to the son of Viktor Yanukovych Alexander.

In addition, a whole pile of documents became available to journalists, which the former owners of the residence did not have time to get rid of. As Ukrayinska Pravda reports, the papers concerned the activities of the co-owners of Mezhyhirya - the Tantalit company and the Revival of Ukraine charitable foundation. They indicate violation of the law, bribery of judges, and tax evasion.

According to TSN, they initially tried to burn some of the documents, but then threw them into the water.

The budget also includes 6 thousand UAH (about 24 thousand rubles) for the maintenance of dogs, 4 thousand 500 UAH (about 18 thousand rubles) for food for birds and animals, and 85 thousand 280 UAH (about 340 thousand rubles) for information signs for dogs. In addition, there are documents about expenses at Yanukovych’s residence “Sukholuchye”: more than 11 million UAH (about 44 million rubles) were spent on one of the objects - “Acacia Territory” -.

In addition, according to UNIAN, among the documents there is information about additional payments to employees of the Road Patrol Service (DPS) in dollars and expenses for special apartments.

In the evening, divers descended into the Dnieper to obtain the remaining documents. In addition to the documents divers found ammunition for various weapons.

The day before, there were proposals to establish a museum of corruption in Mezhyhirya or transfer the territory to a camp for sick children. How the residence will actually be used is unclear. The Blitz-info website also reported that security allowed visitors into yet another Yanukovych residence, Sinegora, near Ivano-Frankivsk. True, not indoors. Those who wished could only walk around the previously closed territory.

Meanwhile, video from surveillance cameras in Mezhyhirya, taken the day before, on February 21, appeared on the Internet.

The footage shows people driving away from the entrance. trucks and foreign cars. You can also see how some of the things are loaded into helicopters on which a group of people are flying away. At least five in the frame trucks, two helicopters and a couple of SUVs.

Let us remind you that the day before the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted to remove Viktor Yanukovych from power. The decision was supported by 328 parliamentarians. At the same time, Yanukovych himself did not recognize the Rada’s decision.

“The President does not recognize this decision of the Verkhovna Rada and considers it illegal. He has been on a working trip to Kharkov for only half a day, which was interpreted as self-removal,” said Yanukovych adviser Anna German.

After this, information appeared that Yanukovych had flown to Russia. Advisor to the head of state Anna German denied this information. “No, he remains in Ukraine and will not leave Ukraine. Viktor Fedorovich will travel around the south-eastern regions, hold meetings, talk with people. He will not leave for Russia. These are just fairy tales,” she explained.

Later, assistant to the chairman of the State Border Service, Sergei Astakhov, said that Yanukovych tried to leave the country on a charter flight from Donetsk airport, but was stopped by border guards, Utro.ru reports. After this, the president left the airfield in an armored car.

The motorcade of three cars could have been detained on the road from Yalta to Sevastopol, but not a single police patrol did this.

One of the former officers of the UGO said that Yanukovych was allowed to leave Ukraine: “Or they didn’t know what to do with him... The amount was 2.5 billion or something... there were talks, but I didn’t see this money.”

On February 23, Yanukovych stopped by the SBU in Yalta, where state guards write resignation letters. 15 thieves still remained with the guarantor. They settled in a Russian boarding house next to the famous Tiflis restaurant, which locals call the presidential restaurant.

Read also:

Meanwhile, Yanukovych himself is being taken to Russia by road from Yalta. His motorcade of three cars could easily have been intercepted on the road to Sevastopol. This was not done, as the head of the Criminal Investigation Department Kulik assures, because they had no legal grounds to detain the president who was still acting according to the law.

At 23:30 in Cossack Bay, Yanukovych was met by marines of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, put on a landing boat, and within 24 hours Yanukovych reached the shores of Novorossiysk.

It is noteworthy that the helicopters and the plane on which Yanukovych tried to fly out of Ukraine also disappeared. It turned out that from March 12 to March 19, Yanukovych’s air transport left Donetsk airport unhindered and one by one and went to Europe. The Falcon 900 plane flew to France for technical inspection, and two Agusta 139 helicopters flew to Moldova and Romania, where they were refueled, and from there they went to Switzerland for technical inspection.

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