My weight loss experience. Kremlin diet

Elena Selivanova

Perhaps the Kremlin diet is the most dangerous for those losing weight. Most doctors believe that this is the shortest route to hospitalization or something worse.

However, professional fitness diets are not much different from the “Kremlin diet” in terms of the principle of action. And results like “losing 40 kg in just 6 months” on this diet are quite real.

Where is the golden mean between slimness and health, and does it even exist?

Kremlin diet: benefits and rules

The biggest plus of the Kremlin diet for a person with experience of “sitting” on all kinds of yogurt and carrots is that it includes tasty and satisfying foods.

The classic “Kremlevka” recipe allows for high-calorie foods that are prohibited by almost any nutritional system for weight loss. Do you like sausages, sausages, meat and meat products, fatty fish, cheeses, brisket and lard? Please! You can eat cottage cheese, kefir, milk, eggs in unlimited quantities and wash down all this splendor with dry red wine, vodka or cognac.

How does this fit in with losing weight?

The basic principle of the diet: counting the so-called “conventional units”, in other words, grams of carbohydrates per 100 g of food - no more than 40 grams per day. That's why healthy foods such as bran bread, whole grain cereals and fruits are limited on the Kremlin menu.

In fact, no one forbids you, for example, bananas or chocolate, you just have to manage to eat enough to squeeze into 40 grams of allowed carbohydrates.

True, if you get all 40 grams of carbohydrates, for example, from sweets, then a problem with stool will arise. After all, meat, which forms the basis of the diet, does not contain fiber.

Does everyone lose weight on the Kremlin diet?

The basic principle of the Kremlin diet is based on two unproven clinical statements.

1. Only carbohydrates are to blame for obesity; their consumption “swings” blood sugar levels and leads to increased insulin production, and therefore to hunger “attacks”.

2. If you eliminate carbohydrates, your metabolism will be restored and you will begin to lose weight.

However, if you look at the forums or ask your friends who have been on this diet, the reviews will be radically different. First of all, not everyone loses weight on the Kremlin diet.

Why? The fact is that the first statement is true exclusively for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and cravings for flour and sweets. Doctors have proven that to get rid of sugar-insulin swings and sudden attacks of appetite, it is enough to replace simple carbohydrates like sugar, fructose and glucose with complex ones. That is, a good portion of porridge will only satisfy hunger, and will not trigger the “overeating” mechanism, as supporters of low-carb diets believe.

The second statement is pure speculation. Yes, a number of “Kremlin members” are really losing weight. But this happens not because of the semi-mythical “improvement of carbohydrate metabolism and cessation of fat production,” but due to a banal reduction in calories.

A diet with an excess content of protein-containing foods is good because protein breakdown products discourage appetite. That is why those losing weight on the Kremlin diet generally eat less compared to the usual regime.

All supporters of exotic theories should remember that doctors today agree with only one way to lose weight - creating an energy deficit. Simply put, it doesn’t matter what you are going to overeat on, carbohydrates or proteins with fats, but if you eat more than you spend, you will gain weight, not lose weight.

The Kremlin diet: disadvantages and effects on health

The Kremlin diet is potentially dangerous for the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and heart. This is due to the fact that the human body is not designed to digest such amounts of protein.

If you sit on the “Kremlin” in order to eat as much as you want, then it is likely that health problems will arise in the near future.

Other “troubles” are also associated with low carbohydrate content. First of all, low-carbohydrate nutrition is quite difficult to combine with any type of mental work. To maintain intellectual activity, you need approximately 130 grams of carbohydrates according to WHO standards, and with the allowed 40 grams you will, at a minimum, feel some sluggishness of thought.

Complaints of relieved migraines and headaches in those on the Kremlin diet have been described. This is also due to the peculiarities of nutrition at the Kremlin.

When there are not enough carbohydrates, when burning fat, a large amount of ketone bodies enters the blood, and ketosis begins - the process of poisoning the body with ketone bodies. In this condition headache quite natural.

Another problem with a diet low in fiber: constipation. To avoid them, eat bran and fresh vegetables (not potatoes). It is also worth adding prebiotic products to your diet, such as lemon juice, sauerkraut, yogurt, curdled milk. They help normalize digestion.

Who is the Kremlin diet suitable for?

Let's be honest, if you're not into strength training and your goal is to build lean, ripped muscles, you don't need it. You can lose more weight accessible ways, for example, with the help of a balanced medium-calorie diet and fitness training. For example, the Five Factors weight loss program.

The modified Kremlin diet, namely a diet of lean sources of protein, non-starchy vegetables and bran (all without added salt) is used in the last stage of preparation for bodybuilding or bodyfitness competitions.

It makes sense to practice this diet for no more than 6 weeks and “turn on” only when muscle mass already dialed. However, every athlete who practices such weight loss is familiar with the concepts of “competition weight” and “off-season weight.” Simply put, it is almost impossible to maintain the results of a low-carb diet for a long time, so you should think about what you are doing all this for.

If the goal is not related to professional sports, you should rather pay attention to a carbohydrate alternation diet, which is less dangerous to health and allows you to maintain a completely normal training regimen and daily activity, and removes excess fat just as well.

Elena Selivanova,
fitness trainer

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  • Sveta:29 January 2019 22:31

    On the Kremlin in 2 days, weight 1.5 kg, I’m happy, I continue

  • Natalia:5 August 2018 21:56

    I was on the Kremlin diet for 2 weeks, allowed myself no more than 20 points of carbohydrates per day, the result was minus 0 kg ((((i.e. no result

  • Mariska:11 June 2018 11:50

    I've been on the Kremlin for a week, only 2 kg. I will continue

  • surgut:2 July 2017 13:51

    Hello again!! I wish the CD started and ended soon!! On the diet since June 23, the plumb line is 2,700 and this is in 10 days! I read the advice of some nutritionists - everyone advises to start losing weight after, but then the plumb lines should be... wow!! Girls! Who else is losing weight now on the Kremlin, let's get together!! And the volumes are going great! Things are very noticeable!

  • surgut:28 June 2017 21:25

    I started losing weight on the Kremlin diet on June 23, 2017 from 96.7 kg with a height of 162 cm! As of today, June 28, my weight is 94.5. That is, in 5 days minus 2.2 kg. Not enough, of course, but critical days are coming soon, maybe that’s why. I wanted to lose weight on Dukan first, but the Kremlin diet is mine! The first two days I ate nothing but nothing, I ate to my heart’s content. Then I added cucumbers and bran, no problems with stool! My waist is minus 3cm, my stomach has finally started to retract - I’m still retracting it. Another plank - while your arms endure and swing your arms and legs 50 times. Smooth bends with your hands to the floor - I stretch my spine, I have osteochondrosis. The main thing is that I have gained so much strength! And when I eat, I immediately feel hot, it feels like fat is burning! Join us! It's more fun together, and there will be no breakdowns!

  • Sasha:30 April 2017 18:29

    I’ve been sitting on the Kremlin for 8 days and have lost 4 kg, summer is very soon, so I’ll sit until I lose another 10-15 kg. In general, the diet is very effective, about 7 years ago I lost weight on it after giving birth, in 2 months I lost 12 kg and kept it all up until now, until I gave up on myself, now I’m getting into shape again

  • Nastya:9 January 2017 13:47

    Hello! I lost weight on the Kremlin diet for about a year, during which time I lost 48 kg)) My happiness knew no bounds, from 96 kg to 48, everyone around me was in shock. Then I got pregnant, gave birth at the same 96 kg, I felt like a hippopotamus, after giving birth I was 82, now I’m 96 again, I’ll go on a diet again. Disadvantages of the Kremlin diet: fainting, bad breath, kidney complications, I’m treating my kidneys. What complex vitamins do you recommend taking?

  • Ribbon:1 July 2016 16:05

    I’ve been on the Kremlin diet for 4 days, I’ve lost 2 kg. My height is 165, my weight was 72. Now I comply, I don’t feel like eating at all, but I’m always thirsty - that’s for the best. At first I really wanted sweets, I couldn’t be in the mood without them, so once I allowed myself green tea with honey. 20 USD It’s a lot for me, I only eat half of the menu. Protein products are filling in themselves, it doesn’t add up. In the morning I constantly feel nauseous and don’t want to eat, maybe just because I eat only proteins and the body receives few vitamins and minerals, so I started taking vitamins. I want to hold out for a month.

  • Anonymous:25 April 2016 17:01

    I’ve been sitting on Kremlyovka for 16 days, now my weight is 102 kg, it was 113 kg. I don’t feel hungry, I don’t overeat, I feel much better. I’m already used to without sweets and starchy foods. I want to bring my weight up to 95 kg.

  • Anonymous:4 March 2016 14:24

    Greetings to everyone who also benefited from the Kremlin diet. Reviews are mixed, many write about bad breath and almost. But I sat in the Kremlin for the first time 5 years ago, when after my first pregnancy I gained 20 kg. Then I gained 72 kg in 10 months, started counting points and lost 20 kg. The main kilos went away in six months, and then the last ones went away more slowly. For two years I kept the weight off, and just like during the diet, I didn’t eat bread, cereal, or sweets, but I no longer counted carbohydrates.

    But then I became pregnant for the second time and already relaxed, after giving birth I began to weigh 68,800 and again on the Kremlin. In 2 months I lost 5 kg, then took a break for 3 months, ate very well, and again gained 2 kg. And again at the CD, now I’m seriously going to go to the end, I want 55 kg. I will say that Kremlevka is the best of everything there is. There are no problems with your health, on the contrary, you feel much better, there is no heaviness in your stomach, and you are always full. I can no longer drink anything with sugar, it doesn’t taste good to me – I got out of the habit while I was counting the points. Now I started again, and in 4 days I lost one and a half kg.

  • I was always plump, but then it so happened that I lost a little weight without going on a diet. This gave me an incentive because I was still overweight. I started reading on the Internet what kinds of diets there are, and then I found this Kremlin diet.

    I started following her rules, but didn’t eat more than 20 grams of carbohydrates. in a day. Well, what can I say, I’m not hungry, it’s delicious... I sat there for a week. The results were pleasing - 2.5 kg per week. Well, I didn’t stop here, and I even got my mother involved))) and we started this “diet period” together. Now my weight was 82kg. And my mother is 98kg.

    Our sample menu:

    Morning - 1 boiled egg

    Lunch-soup (meat, mushrooms, cabbage) is boring, right?)) But these products were with minimal c.u.

    Dinner - vegetable salads, beef liver sour cream sauce(liver fried on vegetable oil and just added homemade sour cream) it’s very tasty even without lua, this is our favorite dish)))

    In the morning we always ate eggs (either boiled or fried, and even with sausage)))

    And for lunch they changed dishes... sometimes jellied meat, sometimes eggs again, sometimes fried meat, boiled meat, cheese, baked fish in the oven... whatever your heart desired.

    For dinner we ate meat products, well, we can’t live without vegetables!)) Lenten salitiki, baked fish with vegetables, vegetable soup - delicious! Why not eat like this, and you can also lose weight!)))

    I love to cook and fantasize, so I came up with this low-carb snack:

    eggs, salt, mayonnaise, sour cream - beat with a blender or mixer until fluffy, then fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil, like pancakes. It turns out a lush omelette! Then the filling is prepared: sausage or mushrooms + cheese - grate or cut and season with mayonnaise! then put this filling on the edge of the omelette and roll it up like a tube! It turned out delicious snack! There are very few carbohydrates here - eggs, sausage, cheese - these products have little e.g., only mayonnaise and sour cream have them, but you don’t need a lot of mayonnaise and sour cream!

    We also ate a little honey every day (just a teaspoon, but not before bedtime!)

    You should definitely eat dairy products - they contain a lot of calcium!

    Well, of course, we excluded sweets and flour products, including bread.

    So we spent two weeks on this diet.

    I lost 4 kg, mom 6.600

    My stomach noticeably deflated, my clothes became looser, and a feeling of lightness appeared.

    I watched my weight change and noticed that every day I was losing less and less excess weight. Therefore, immediately after the diet, we went on another one! And the weight began to rapidly fall down again!

    More than 4 months have passed since the end of the diet, now I am not on a diet, because my weight is now 58 kg!

    The weight is staying on, and all because as soon as I realized that I didn’t need to lose weight anymore, I “sat down” on porridge. And she sat there for a week. I lost 2 kg in a week on porridge and now I just eat in moderation and eat right. And now the fogographies:

    This is how I was after the two-week Kremlin diet.

    Some complain that they have been on the Kremlin diet for a week or two, but there are no results. The weight remains the same.

    Firstly, the result is that the weight has not risen. After all, opponents of low-carb diets claim that eating meat, eggs, and cheese will make you plump by leaps and bounds.

    More often, something else happens - the weight drops over several weeks. And then - a stop. What to do?

    First of all, don't panic! The vast majority of those who lost weight on our diet had such periods of “stagnation” (in dietary science they are called plateaus). Two each. or even three or four weeks. Read carefully the stories of people who have lost weight. I specifically placed them in this book for your moral support. Know that you are not the only one facing this problem. Please also note that extra pounds are easily lost in the first period. Then the weight loss slows down.

    Really evaluate your figure and build, so as not to envy other “heavyweights” who, in your opinion, have easily lost 20–40 kilograms. Perhaps your “unearned savings” in the abdomen, hips and other parts of the body are much smaller. And you will part with them more slowly. And there will be more stops.

    There is one golden rule. The slower your pounds go, the greater the chance they won't come back. The body must get used to the new way of eating. After all, the Kremlin diet is not a fashionable one-day diet, designed for quick fat loss, and then again gobble up kilograms of candy, buns and cakes, washed down with sweet Pepsi-Cola. In this case, it is better to find another means of losing weight.

    Our diet, I repeat, involves a slow but sure return to natural, natural nutrition, traditional for humans.

    If you really need to lose more pounds (see the table of ideal weight formulas, pp. 40–41), then strictly drop by 15–20 points per day. For a week.

    Try eating more fish, lean meat, eggs. Plus low carb vegetables.

    Eat more often, but in small portions.

    Don't forget to have dinner. We spent a long time trying to understand with one reader why her process stopped. It seems to be doing everything right. But the arrow of the scales doesn’t move! It turned out that she had almost stopped eating dinner. In the hope that this will speed up the process. I recommended her a normal dinner. And soon the arrow of the scale crawled down again.

    Eliminate for a while any fruits and dairy products (except cheese, but even that - no more than 100 grams per day). Flaxseed oil helps burn fat. Add it to salads.

    Will not help? Give up nuts, coffee, black tea, ANY alcohol for a while. The reason for stopping the process may be sweeteners, especially aspartame (Nutrasvit).

    Don't get carried away with the sausage. Although formally there are no points or only one and a half, we don’t know what manufacturers are actually adding there now. Maybe there is starch on top of the stern.

    Increase your physical activity. Do exercises, walk more, run. Any decent diet should be complemented by exercise. Ours is no exception.

    Once a week, be sure to go to the bathhouse or sauna. But don’t stay in the steam room for a long time. As in the case of fractional meals, go to the steam room more often for a short time.

    Carefully examine the products on your table. There may be hidden sugar in foods (especially low-fat foods). The same yogurt with fruit additives contains a lot of carbohydrates.

    Drink more clean water. It helps burn fat.

    The problem may be in the thyroid gland. When you wake up, hold the thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes. If your temperature is less than 36.6°C for several days, you may have hypothyroidism. Its signs are headaches, constipation, depression, fatigue, chills, brittle hair, nails, sexual problems, weight gain.

    Contact an endocrinologist about your thyroid.

    Grooms may be prevented from losing excess weight by taking birth control pills.

    You've probably already tried a lot of extreme diets. Therefore, the frightened body stubbornly keeps its fat reserves intact. It takes time to “calm” the body.

    And the most radical way to start the weight loss process is fat fasting.

    It was tested back in the middle of the last century by English scientists Kakkvik and Powen... It was prescribed by the famous Dr. Atkins to HEALTHY patients who could not begin to lose weight in the usual ways.

    5 times a day (with breaks of 4 hours) eat one of the servings:

    30 grams of pine nuts.

    60 grams of sour cream with 3 tablespoons of red or black caviar.

    2 hard-boiled egg yolks with a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

    2 chopped hard-boiled eggs, seasoned with two teaspoons of mayonnaise.

    You can “fast” only on cheese, eggs, nuts, or alternate portions. But don't eat anything else for 4 days. Drink water. The bold “post” should start the process.

    Then sit down for 20 points.

    6. How quickly do the kilograms come off?

    - Differently. Some people quickly lose kilos in the first week, others, on the contrary, in the second or third. It depends on age, gender, amount of excess weight, metabolism, health status, illness and even PMS in women. (During “critical days,” the weight loss process slows down, for some it stops altogether, and some even gain extra grams and kilograms.)

    For example, in the first week I lost 5.5 kg. Then it was slower. Sometimes not a single kg was lost in a week. This condition - weight bearing for a week or two, or even more - happens to everyone. There is even a name in dietetics - PLATEO.

    As an example, I will give a weight loss graph for Vladivostok resident Anastasia Solovyova, recorded in the Far Eastern edition of Komsomolskaya Pravda in 2005. Anastasia then became the winner of the regional competition “Lose weight with Komsomolskaya Pravda.”

    Nastya started with 123 kg

    First week – minus 4.5 kg

    Second week – 3.5 kg

    Third week – 2 kg

    Fourth week – 1 kg

    Fifth week – 2 kg

    Sixth week – 2 kg

    Seventh week – 1 kg

    Eighth week – 2 kg

    Ninth week – 6 kg

    Tenth week – 2 kg

    Eleventh week – 1 kg

    Twelfth week – 2 kg

    Thirteenth week – 1 kg

    From thirteenth to fifteenth – 0 kg

    Sixteenth week – 2kg

    And most importantly, she still maintains this weight. They even lose weight on bananas... But stay for a long time in the new weight category much more difficult. And this is the advantage of the Kremlin.

    I always encourage NOT to Rush. The slower the kilograms go away, the more guarantees there are that they will not return. The body must get used to the new state, the new eating style. This is especially true for those who have already tried many diets. Their body is wary of new dietary challenges and is very reluctant to part with excess fat. What if this is another eccentricity of the hostess? So lose weight slowly.

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