Nutmeg: composition, use and contraindications. Nutmeg: benefits and harm Nutmeg harm

Nutmeg – we know it as a spice that is obtained from ripened nutmeg seeds. There are about nine species of this evergreen plant. The walnut tree grows up to 8-11 meters. The plant's habitat is places with a tropical climate. One of the main cultivation centers is the island of Rhun, where hundred-year-old trees capable of bearing fruit can be found.

However, the active fruiting period for nutmeg is about 40 years. When ripe, the tree produces a fruit similar in size to an apricot, with light brown grains inside and a sweetly spicy aroma. There are two types of this plant: Indonesian - orange in color and Grenadian - yellow. The first type has a high content of essential oils, with a pronounced aroma and with a much higher cost than the nut growing in Grenada.

Externally, the fruits of nutmeg can be compared to apricots. The leaves reach a size of 14 centimeters, and the plant blooms throughout the year.

Today, these two varieties of nutmeg are used as a spice all over the world.

Composition of nutmeg

100 gr. nutmeg contain:

Nutmeg - 12 Health Benefits

  1. Improved brain activity

    Due to the presence of elemicin, the plant has a tonic effect on human brain activity. Representatives of the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations used these qualities of the nut as a tonic. Nowadays they are used to treat various types of depressive conditions. The plant helps increase concentration and helps improve memory processes. A special advantage of the plant is the presence of the substances myristicin and macelignan in its essential oil. Connections of these chemical substances reduces the degree of degradation of the nervous system in people with Alzheimer's disease, while increasing the quality of the body's cognitive functions.

  2. Nutmeg helps with insomnia

    Even in ancient times, nutmeg was used for many generations for sleep disorders - insomnia. Rich in magnesium, it is able to relieve fatigue, excess irritability and anxiety. Promotes feelings of relaxation and emotional peace. Live in modern world is often full of stress and we, wanting to relieve them, resort to the help of depressants and neurotransmitters, forgetting that we have beautiful things at hand natural remedy in the form of nutmeg, which can restore us to a balanced state of mind and healthy, restful sleep.

  3. Reduced blood pressure

    The presence of potassium in nutmeg gives the plant properties aimed at dilating blood vessels, and as a result, the ability to reduce blood pressure readings in people suffering from hypertension, facilitating the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  4. Improved Bone Health

    Nutmeg has a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue, since potassium, being one of the components of the plant, can reduce the signs of osteoporosis, maintaining bone integrity for a long time.

  5. Healthy teeth and gums

    Having antibacterial properties, nutmeg is able to eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth, as it has a detrimental effect on the bacteria and microbes that cause it. Many leading toothpastes include nutmeg extract in their composition. It not only improves the microflora of the oral cavity, eliminating pathogenic microbes, but also helps maintain healthy gums.

  6. Relief of various types of pain

    In Drevne Chinese medicine One of its main ingredients is nutmeg. The Chinese used it to relieve disorders of the digestive system and eliminate pain associated with arthritis. They treated purulent wounds with it, used the nut as a tranquilizer and turned to its properties in the treatment of a host of other diseases. So the plant helped relieve abdominal pain, eliminated intestinal upset and increased appetite.

  7. Benefits of nutmeg for kidneys and liver

    Pollution environment, consumption of low-quality products, bad habits, all this leads to the accumulation of toxic substances that adversely affect the functioning of the entire body. The process of detoxification, the natural removal of toxins from the body, is inherent in us by nature itself, but there are many factors that disrupt the natural removal of unnecessary substances. Nutmeg, acting as a tonic, can cleanse the liver and kidneys of slagging and put their functioning functions in order.

  8. Facial skin care using nutmeg

    The components of nutmeg contribute to the improvement of facial skin and give it good appearance. Scrubs made with the inclusion of plant extract renew the epithelium of the skin, which is useful in solving acne problems, when excess fatty secretions clog the pores of the face from the free access of oxygen. A paste made from nutmeg powder with the addition of honey in a 1:1 ratio is used to correct scars on the skin left after acne, as well as for manifestations of furunculosis and residual effects of smallpox.

  9. Help for leukemia

    Research in the field of combating various types of malignant neoplasms note that the presence of nutmeg in the composition essential oil methanolic is able to stop the division of cancer cells and their metastasis in a bone marrow cell disease such as leukemia.

  10. Benefits of nutmeg for men

    Nutmeg is an aphrodisiac and has stimulating effects aimed at libido and sexual activity. In the industry of products that increase the “strong” qualities of men, the plant extract is used to increase sexual tone.

  11. Benefits of nutmeg for women

    In cosmetology, along with other essential oils, nutmeg oil is used selectively. This is due to its ability to irritate the skin epithelium. But if the correct dosage is observed (one or two drops per liter of water), the oil has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and blood circulation, improves the condition of not only hair and facial skin, but the body. Many perfume compositions of leading brands include nutmeg essential oils in their products.

  12. Nutmeg in cooking

    Nutmeg has many uses in cooking. In its ground state, it is used for baking buns, all kinds of cookies, and muffins. It goes well with fruit cocktails. When canning at home, housewives add it as a flavoring and preservative for preparing marinades. In the meat industry, plants are included in sausages and pates. The tobacco industry produces a variety of cigarettes with the addition of nutmeg essential oil.

Contraindications to the use of nutmeg

Excessive consumption of plant fruits can be harmful to health and lead to irreversible consequences.

    When using nutmeg, you should remember that large doses of it can cause hallucinations and can be fatal.

    The optimal dosage of the plant per 10 kg of human weight is 1 gram of raw material.

    People with hypersensitivity.

    For exacerbations of an allergic nature.

    Nutmeg is not compatible with alcohol, as it can cause convulsions.

    In case of individual intolerance.

When buying a fruit, you should not immediately grind it completely. When stored for a long time, it loses its aromatic properties. You should rub it as needed, and store the unused portion in a dark, well-ventilated place in a hermetically sealed container.
The flag of Grenada features an image of a nutmeg. This country is the leader in plant exports.
The larger the nutmeg fruit, the more pronounced its spicy aroma.
Ancient healers prescribed this spice to people who had lost vitality, and called it “cheerful to the heart.”
During the Middle Ages, nutmeg was attributed with magical properties and was believed to be able to protect the home from evil spirits. The nuts were sewn into special bags and placed in the folds of clothing, believing that their aroma would scare away the witches' spells. Due to its high cost, only wealthy layers of the nobility could afford such a talisman.
Nuts were King Ludwig's favorite treat; they were grown in His Majesty's personal garden. And they got there by smuggling, as they were stolen from tropical plantations.
In the 60s, representatives of the hippie movement, knowing about the narcotic properties of nutmeg, organized night parties, fortified with two or three spoons of nutmeg spice.

We have all heard about him, but everyone has his own opinion about him. For some, nutmeg is an exceptionally aromatic spice for meat and fish dishes. Others consider it a dessert flavoring. Some people use nutmeg as a medicine, while others fear it, considering it poisonous and capable of causing hallucinations. So, where is the truth? Let's try to figure it out.

These nuts grow on the nutmeg tree. It is not known exactly when it began to be cultivated. But it is clear that this happened more than a thousand years ago. Today the nut is grown in the tropics. It is transported all over the world from Grenada, Indonesia, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka.

The nut and the pulp that surrounds it (name - mace, nutmeg color) are characterized by a very interesting aroma, as well as a burning taste. It is thanks to these qualities that the nut is used as a seasoning. The nutmeg color is considered more valuable - its aroma and taste are delicate. Cooking uses nut powder. It is added to sauces, liquid dishes, baked goods and desserts, and drinks. It has also found its use in cosmetology, perfume preparation, aromatherapy and medicine.

The nut contains proteins and fats, carbohydrates, as well as water and dietary fiber. In addition, it contains many useful microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium), folic acid, choline, niacin and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C.

The calorie content of the nut is about 525 kcal per 100 g.

To get all the health benefits from a nut product, you need to choose it correctly. The spice is sold in the form of whole nuts and also in powder form. It is recommended to choose the first option. Whole nuts, like coffee beans, have a more pronounced taste and aroma. The crushed spice loses these qualities during the packaging process.

A good nut weighs approximately 5 g. Its approximate size is 2 cm. The most characteristic nut - its smell. It is sweetish and has woody notes. The color of quality nutmeg is light brown. There should be no large cracks or any stains on the surface. There is one ancient means for checking the quality of a nut. If you pierce it with a needle, oil should come to the surface.

But buying a quality nut is one thing. Proper storage is another matter entirely. If you keep the spice in the wrong conditions, it will deteriorate, lose its aroma or saturate third-party products with it. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to keep the nutmeg in a container or jar with a sweat lid. This way the seasoning can be stored for several years without loss of aroma and taste.

In addition to its taste, nutmeg is rich in beneficial microelements, which led to its use in medicine, including folk medicine.

For men

There are several reasons why men consume this wonderful product. The most important argument is the effect on male strength. It has long been known that nutmeg is an aphrodisiac. It has a very good effect on potency. In addition, we can call these beneficial features spices:

  • Strengthening the nervous system and regeneration of nerve cells;
  • Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract during bloating, disorders, internal inflammation;
  • Improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • Fighting insomnia;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;

It is important to understand that, like any other remedy, nutmeg must be used with caution. There are certain dosages and it is extremely important to adhere to them. In addition, contraindications are taken into account.

The recipe calls for taking a solution of nutmeg powder. The stimulating effect of this medicine may last approximately 3-6 hours.

For women

Nutmeg has the same positive effects on women as described above. It is taken for neuralgia, arthritis and osteochondrosis. The nut just needs to be added to the cream for these diseases. Nutmeg warms, eliminates inflammation, and also improves blood circulation. Instead of purchased creams, you can simply mix the spice with vegetable oil or natural wax.

Dissolved spice is taken against colds and insomnia. Increased swelling is relieved using diluted seasoning. The product improves kidney function and reduces urine acidity.

The special value of nutmeg for female body– positive impact on beauty. The spice helps hair and skin look healthy. It also eliminates irritability and other unpleasant symptoms during difficult periods: menopause, menstruation.

It is worth mentioning the stimulating effect that also affects the female sex. Nutmeg can increase libido and female sensuality. The product is also used in the treatment of certain female diseases, for example, mastopathy.

This category of the population should use nutmeg with extreme caution. But in some cases this remedy is still used. A small amount of grated nut can be added to milk. After sweetening the drink with honey, it should be given to the baby before bedtime. This remedy can calm a baby when he is teething.

The substance can also help children fall asleep and become calmer during the evening whims. Sleep after such a drink will be sound and pleasant. In addition, nutmeg in minimal doses can be given to newborn babies as a carminative for colic.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Expectant mothers, as well as nursing mothers, should not overuse nutmeg. The substance can harm the baby and may cause allergies. But the remedy can also be beneficial. For example, during lactation, nutmeg will help improve it. To do this, it is recommended to prepare an interesting and very tasty spicy cocktail. A pinch of nutmeg should be added to a glass of kefir. Just a little crushed dill seeds are added there.

You can use nutmeg as a spice while breastfeeding. It is advisable that after adding it, the dishes still undergo heat treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes

Every day you need to drink nutmeg powder diluted in water. You can consume up to 1/3 teaspoon of spice per day in this way.

For neuralgia

Crushed nutmeg must be added to the cream or ointment prescribed by your doctor. You can grind it with vegetable oil, beeswax, thus preparing your own ointment. The substance must be applied to the skin when heated.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Flu, colds and coughs can also be treated with nutmeg tea. A small pinch of spice is added to any warm drink - milk, raspberry tea or simple black tea with lemon.

To remove and reduce urine acidity

Throughout the day you need to drink a glass of nut drink. ½ tsp. spices are dissolved in 250 g of water. Drink in small sips.

To treat this disease, you need to prepare a tincture. In 1 tbsp. boiling water, add 100 g of honey and 20 g of crushed spices. It is recommended to use this remedy 3 times a day before meals.

Application in cosmetology

Nutmeg began to be used as a cosmetic product many centuries ago. The essential oil of this nut has a very good effect on the skin. Therefore, it is actively used in the preparation of creams, gels, and lotions. When exposed to nutmeg, facial skin becomes younger, stronger, and cells are regenerated. Very often this substance is added to anti-cellulite and rejuvenation products. Massage cosmetics also include nutmeg, due to its warming and soothing effect.

By mixing a couple of simple ingredients, you can prepare wonderful beauty products yourself.

Cream for youthful skin

A couple of drops of nutmeg oil are added to a regular cream, lotion or face mask. Such cosmetics will be useful for sagging skin and the presence of wrinkles.

Hair Mask

In 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil you need to add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 5 k. nutmeg oil. The product is heated in a water bath, after which it is applied to the entire length of the hair. The mask should be kept for 1 hour under a towel, being warm. It is washed off with shampoo.

The main contraindications for use are:

  • Pregnancy. Abuse of this seasoning provokes a rush of blood to the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. Myristicin also has a negative effect on the fetus. This substance is contained in nutmeg, and it is able to overcome the protection of the placenta, penetrating inside.
  • Having allergies;
  • Severe mental disorders;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Children and old age;
  • Lactation period.

Consumption of nutmeg in minimal quantities as a culinary spice is allowed, but it is best to consult a doctor. For groups of people for whom this nut is contraindicated, it is extremely important to consult with doctors before using the seasoning for medicinal purposes.

Nutmeg occupies a leading position among the entire variety of spices available. The spice is used in baked goods, meat and fish dishes, homemade compotes and jams. Nutmeg is often used for medical and cosmetic purposes. The therapeutic and prophylactic orientation is due to the accumulation of many valuable elements in the seasoning. For this reason, people are interested in the benefits and harms of spices.

Composition of nutmeg

The calorie content of the spice is 526 Kcal. based on 100 gr. The pleasant aroma of nutmeg is due to the myristicin and elemicin contained in its structure. In addition, the spice is rich in thiamine, retinol, pyridoxine, folic acid, tocopherol, vitamin PP, and riboflavin.

The seasoning contains many macro- and microelements. Among them are chlorine, magnesium, copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

The spice is rich in proteins, pectin, starch, carbohydrates, essential oils, fiber, and amino acids.

Nutmeg is useful because one valuable component complements the action of another. The optimally balanced composition copes with many dermatological problems and is widely used in medicine.

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Benefits of nutmeg

  1. The spice is used in very small quantities due to the strong concentration of beneficial enzymes in the composition. The main effects of the nut include giving tone to the entire body and stimulating brain function.
  2. Studies have shown that with systematic and dosed intake of the product, a person begins to assimilate information more easily, his memory and visual perception improve.
  3. The spice quickly relieves fatigue, including chronic fatigue. Muscat helps to recover from prolonged depression and stress. The seasoning is responsible for the entire psycho-emotional background of a person. It prevents insomnia and apathy.
  4. Chinese healers still use nutmeg as an aphrodisiac to this day. Spice has been proven to increase female and male libido. Increases a person's attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. It saves a man from “powerlessness” and a woman from frigidity.
  5. The seasoning is used as a means of increasing appetite. This is relevant for patients with dystrophy and anorexia. It is generally accepted that special chemical composition spices stimulate the desire to eat, improve digestion, and lubricate the walls of the esophagus. Food is quickly absorbed and digested, against this background all metabolic processes increase.
  6. Muscat is added to regular cosmetic oils for massage. As a result, under the influence of the seasoning, fatty compounds are broken down and cellulite disappears. The warming effect reduces the number of stretch marks and removes uneven skin texture. Nutmeg is often added to hair masks to combat dandruff and alopecia.
  7. If you take the spice systematically and in doses, you will increase the body's resistance to viruses. Protective functions will be maintained at the desired level, which is useful for people with low immunity by nature. In addition, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency in the off-season decreases.
  8. According to some data, nutmeg has a positive effect on the body, which contains the beginnings of cancerous tumors. The nut blocks blood circulation to tumors and stops the growth of malignant tissues. This causes the cancer to self-destruct. Periodic intake of nutmeg will prevent oncology.
  9. It is useful for girls to consume nutmeg to normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve painful cramps during menstruation. The spice also replenishes the lack of iron when the element is washed out along with the blood. As a result, when taken systematically, hemoglobin remains at the optimal level.
  10. Spice relieves oral cavity from an unpleasant odor coming from the stomach or teeth. Nutmeg also prevents chronic fatigue, partially treats tuberculosis, fights diarrhea and varicose veins.
  11. Walnut-based oil is used in aromatherapy as a means of relaxation and normalization of mental background. Usually add 3-5 drops to a bath or aroma lamp, then conduct a relaxation session. This therapy clears the airways, dilates blood vessels, and helps treat respiratory ailments.
  12. It is useful for obese and overweight people to take nutmeg for weight loss. The spice speeds up metabolism, improves food digestibility, and reduces the number of hunger pangs. Blood flow also increases and, as a result, fatty plaques are broken down.
  13. Muscat is useful for women, it reveals sexuality, increases libido, and reduces the number of hot flashes during menopause. The product also has an auxiliary effect in the treatment of mastopathy and ailments of the female reproductive system.
  14. For men, the spice is useful because it increases potency, prevents premature ejaculation, and fights prostate diseases. The spice is considered a remedy for poor fertility and increases sperm production.

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Uses of nutmeg

For impotence

  1. Nutmeg has an excellent effect on the sexual function of the stronger sex. Regular use solves problems with impotence and completely restores male strength.
  2. To achieve the desired result, nutmeg can be consumed in various dishes or mixed with water and drunk. The main condition remains regular consumption of the composition. It is enough to take 4 grams. powder per day.

For neuralgia

  1. To get rid of a diagnosed illness, ground nuts must be mixed with beeswax, ointment, vegetable oil or cream.
  2. Before you apply the remedy, the sore spot must be warmed up.

For seasonal illnesses

  1. At the first symptoms of a cold, the situation can be corrected with nutmeg.
  2. Simply sprinkle ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife into hot tea. Add lemon and honey to taste, stir. Drink the drink 3 times a day.

For kidney problems

  1. To improve kidney function, relieve swelling and rid the body of excess moisture, you need to consume nutmeg with water.
  2. Take a standard glass (250-300 ml) and add 6 grams. ground nutmeg, pour in warm water. Stir the ingredients and drink 1 sip throughout the day.

For varicose veins

  1. A tincture based on nutmeg has shown good results for varicose veins. Combine in a heat-resistant container 22 g. ground nutmeg, 110 gr. flower honey and 300 ml. boiling water
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and wait until the bee product is completely dissolved. Cool the product, use 30 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

For sleep disturbances
To cope with sleep problems, it is recommended to mix 30 grams of warm milk in a glass. honey and 2 gr. ground nutmeg.

benefits and harms of walnuts for women and men

Nutmeg in cooking

  1. Nutmeg has gained great popularity among culinary experts. The product acts as a spicy seasoning. The bulk composition goes well with meat, fish, sauces, vegetables, baked goods, desserts and various drinks.
  2. Nutmeg extract is often used in the food industry. The product is used as a base for sausages, marinades, ketchups, juices, tomato pastes, sweets, canned fish, vegetable preparations, alcoholic beverages and chocolate.

Nutmeg in cosmetology

  1. In the cosmetic world, essential oils obtained by steam distillation from nutmeg kernels are in demand. The herbal composition increases blood flow, improves metabolic processes, and has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  2. Nutmeg ether is included in the base of hair products. Such products effectively restore the structure of strands, improve their appearance, make them stronger and healthier. The herbal composition is used in face masks, the skin is noticeably tightened and younger.
  3. In a short period of time you can achieve visible results. Systematically use various cosmetics with the addition of nutmeg. The scrub showed an excellent effect. Mix nutmeg powder, kefir and oatmeal. Use classical technology.

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Harm of nutmeg

  1. The spice affects the functioning of the heart, having a negative effect.
  2. When it comes to essential oil, it includes hallucinogens that irritate the nervous system and brain.
  3. If you eat 3 or more nutmeg kernels in a short period of time, you risk falling into a deep coma.
  4. Frequent use of ground nutmeg provokes shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  5. The spice has an unpleasant effect on the uterus. The spice is contraindicated for pregnant girls because there is a risk of abortion.
  6. The seasoning is contraindicated for use by people who have severe neurological disorders.
  7. This aspect is not a contraindication. However, do not add a lot of seasoning to your dishes so as not to spoil the taste.

Nutmeg is valuable for the body if the rules of use are followed. Do not forget, like any useful product, if you abuse it, you can encounter a number of troubles. Please note that nutmeg is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

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Video: nutmeg and its medicinal properties

Currently, nutmeg is most often used in cooking and the food industry.

However, since ancient times, our ancestors knew about the unusual healing properties of the plant, giving it mystery and mythical significance.

Ground nuts, as well as whole grains and seeds, can be used for medicinal purposes. Due to its unusual composition, nutmeg benefits the body only when consumed in moderation.

If you exceed the daily intake of nuts, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Nutmeg plant

Initially, nutmeg originates from the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. Nutmeg is a long-lived plant that can bear fruit from the age of five for more than forty years. Every year, pickers remove up to ten thousand nutmegs from one fruiting tree.

The appearance of the nut resembles a peach; however, when ripe, it cracks in half, exposing the core of the seed, which is surrounded by the seed.

IN folk medicine nutmeg seeds are used, as well as dried under sunlight auxiliaries. When harvesting ripened fruits, the pulp is usually thrown away and the pit is recycled.

In order to achieve a lasting aroma, after separating the wrapper from the seeds, it is necessary to dry them over an open flame from charcoal. After the kernels have acquired a persistent brown tint, they are ground and transported to other countries.

After drying, the seeds also have an unusual specific aroma and beneficial properties; in the world food market, nutmeg is considered a valuable product and is much less common.

It is used by chefs to give dishes a more pronounced aroma.

In addition to the two types of spices, essential oil is extracted from the fruits of the nutmeg tree, which is widely used in cosmetology, cooking and oil therapy.

Oil is often added to massage creams for better rubbing of muscles in athletes; it has an antispasmodic effect and can relieve cramps.

Like many other nuts, nutmeg fruits are considered high in calories, per 100 grams. accounts for about 550 kcal.

It contains a huge amount of different essential oils, which in small concentrations benefit human health. Among them are dipentene, linalool, augenol and others; more than 25% of them are concentrated in nutmeg.

However, it should be borne in mind that they contain toxic elymicin, which has a narcotic effect on the central nervous system; if taken into the body in large quantities, it can cause hallucinations.

It is enough for an adult to eat no more than three nutmeg kernels per day.

The nut contains a multivitamin complex, including B vitamins, pyridoxine, folic acid, vitamin C, and so on.

In addition, nutmeg contains large amounts of minerals, micro- and macroelements. It contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

Copper, zinc, iron are microelements that contribute to the functioning of regulatory and metabolic processes in the body.

Among the organic compounds in nutmeg seeds, pectin compounds, proteins and saponins predominate. They contribute normal operation all vital functions in the body, slow down the aging process.

Therapeutic effect

In alternative medicine, nutmeg is used as a powerful tonic and immunostimulant.

It has a whole range of useful properties:

  1. The main function of nutmegs is to fight for youth and beautiful appearance.

The essential oils that make up it fight against teenage acne and acne.

It also stimulates the production of collagen fibers, eliminating facial wrinkles and maintaining skin elasticity;

  1. Its external use stimulates blood circulation in the head and strengthens the hair follicles, which stops hair loss in large quantities;
  2. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the nut helps improve appetite, enhances intestinal motility and has astringent properties for diarrhea.

Nutmeg also has wound-healing properties, so it is used in the treatment of peptic ulcer stomach and small intestine;

  1. For pain of unknown etiology, aching toothache or muscle spasms, it is recommended to take nutmeg;
  2. When interacting with milk, it has a sedative effect, calms the nervous system and has a hypnotic effect;
  3. For men, this spice is indispensable for increasing potency and enhancing desire. The nut is considered a strong aphrodisiac, affecting both men and women;
  4. The benefits of nutmeg for the liver - it removes toxic substances, cleanses the kidneys and, when consumed regularly, helps break down small stones in the urinary ducts or kidneys;
  5. Due to its composition, the nut participates in the burning of excess fat and reduces cellulite crust in problem areas;
  6. Potassium and magnesium in the composition strengthen blood vessels, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and improve the functioning of the heart muscle;
  7. With regular use of nutmeg in women, hormonal levels are restored, the menstrual cycle is normalized, and the initial manifestation of menopause becomes invisible;
  8. Essential oils in the nut fight benign tumors and prevent the development of cancer cells;
  9. Nutmeg contains certain substances that stimulate blood circulation in the brain, which, in turn, improves its functioning, promotes concentration and improves memory.
  10. To give a bright aroma, nutmeg spice is added to cosmetic creams and ointments, as well as for the treatment of gouty arthritis and osteochondrosis.

Harm of nutmeg to health and possible contraindications to its use

With irregular and excessive consumption of nutmeg, serious disturbances in the functioning of metabolic processes can occur in the body.

With excessive concentrations in the body, nutmeg can provoke heart attacks, tachycardia and a sharp increase in blood pressure. In addition, coordination of movement, severe dizziness and other signs of severe food poisoning may be impaired.

The constituent components of the nut are some toxic and hallucinogenic substances that, at high concentrations, can cause a euphoric feeling, hallucinogenic types and narcotic convulsions.

You can eat no more than three nutmegs per day, otherwise it can lead to coma or death.

Toxic miracistin is able to penetrate the placental barrier, causing harm to the fetus.

Also, nutmeg pods are contraindicated:

  • patients suffering from allergic reactions;
  • for epileptic seizures and severe mental disorders;
  • during lactation and for young children.

Due to the fact that nutmeg powder is recognized by doctors as a natural herbal antibiotic, you should not combine nutmeg intake with alcohol and certain medications.

Medicinal recipes using nutmeg

In addition to the fact that nutmeg powder is used in the food industry and serves as a spicy spice for many dishes, some of it is used in folk medicine to treat many ailments.

  • For intestinal disorders and diarrhea, it is recommended to take nutmeg powder on the tip of a spoon, mix it with a spoonful of ghee and take the resulting mixture throughout the day before each meal.
  • In the absence of appetite and in order to get rid of excess gas formation in the intestines, doctors suggest making an unusual mixture of half a glass of liquid yogurt, half a glass of drinking water, adding a pinch of nutmeg and ground ginger.
  • Warm cow's milk mixed with a small amount of nutmeg spice can help calm the nervous system as a sedative, as well as for babies during teething.
  • To treat rheumatoid and gouty arthritis, osteochondrosis, doctors prescribe applying a special paste of nutmeg and vegetable oil to the sore spot.
  • You can get rid of acne by applying a mask of honey, nutmeg powder and cinnamon to your face, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions.
  • Men with problems in intimate life are prescribed regular use of nutmeg seasoning as an additional spice to food.

You can also make an alcohol tincture. To do this, take half a glass of nutmeg powder, ground ginger powder, anise seeds and pour in a liter of alcohol. After this, the mixture is left in a glass container for a week. After preparing the tincture, it is recommended to consume one dessert spoon daily.

  • To strengthen hair follicles.

Take half a glass of chopped nutmeg, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then you need to strain this solution and apply it over the entire length of your hair, cover it with a hairdresser’s cap and walk like this for half an hour.

Selection and proper storage

Muscat bears fruit throughout the year, so ripe fruits are harvested three times a year. The ripeness of the fruit is determined by the cracked pulp, from which the appendages are visible. After harvesting, the nuts are separated from the pulp and dried in the sun.

After preliminary drying, the nuts are laid out on special grates and subjected to heat treatment by fire for several weeks. In this case, it is necessary to turn them over regularly.

After complete drying, nutmeg acquires a brown tint, and its shell breaks easily.

The finished nut in its entirety looks like an elongated, egg-shaped nut with a pattern of light veins. In this case, one end of the nut should be light, and the opposite end should be dark brown.

Experts recommend storing nutmeg in its entirety, without crushing it. In this form it will be stored for a longer time without losing its taste and healing properties. In this case, for storage, it is recommended to pack the nutmeg in a foil bag or in an airtight glass container and put it in a dry, cool, dark place.

If necessary, remove whole nut kernels and grate them or grind them in a blender.

Thus, nutmeg has many healing properties that allow the human body to cope with serious diseases. However, if consumed in excess, more than 4 nuts per day, serious intoxication can occur, which can lead to death or hallucinations. Therefore, the main rule when consuming nutmeg fruits is moderation.

Nutmeg is a popular and beloved spice by many. It is often used in cooking, because nutmeg has a wonderful aroma and taste. In order for dishes to acquire a unique shade and taste, you need very little nutmeg. If you like a natural product, you can buy not a ready-made spice in a bag, but whole nutmeg and grind it yourself. This way the dish will become as rich as possible. But remember that very little of this seasoning is required, “at the tip of a knife,” cookbooks advise and they are very right, because in large quantities nutmeg turns into real poison.

Composition and beneficial properties

The composition of nutmeg is rich and varied. It includes:

  • Vitamin PP, B1,2,5,6,9, H, U, A.
  • Macroelements such as: potassium and magnesium, calcium and sodium, fluorine, phosphorus and sulfur.
  • Essential oil that contains pinenes, confen.
  • Terpene alcohols.
  • Fixed oils.
  • The fat composition contains narcotic substances.

Nutmeg kernels are rich in such elements as:

  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Silicon;
  • Iron;
  • Manganese;
  • Aluminum;
  • Titanium;
  • Strontium;
  • Tin;
  • Colbat;
  • Bromine;
  • Nickel;
  • Zirconium;
  • Vanadium.

This nut is used in minimal quantities because it is very effective. The main effect of nutmeg is toning and stimulation.

Doctors say that frequent use This spice has a good effect on the functioning of the brain, and it also improves memory and helps in the fight against stress.

In traditional Chinese medicine, nutmeg has been used as an aphrodisiac and also as a male enhancement agent.

The fruits of the nutmeg tree improve digestion and stimulate appetite, which is why experts recommend consuming this spice in case of eating disorders. Also, if your body does not digest food efficiently enough, then nutmeg fruits will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can also use nutmeg as a topical remedy, because it has a warming effect. It can be added to massage mixtures to improve blood circulation, to stimulate hair growth - to balms and hair masks.

With frequent use, nutmeg has an antiviral effect, strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resistance to various infections.

How to take nutmeg

Taking nutmeg is very beneficial because of its unusually rich, healing composition. This spice contains a lot of important micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins and substances. This is a real storehouse of unique substances that cannot be found in such quantities in any other spice. Therefore, people have been using nutmeg since ancient times. Its use is known even in Ancient China, which, as we know, was famous for its healers and sages.

Nutmeg milk

A recipe for milk with nutmeg will help improve memory, calm down headache, help with insomnia. This drink is not recommended to be consumed at night, as it stimulates and tones the body. Making milk with nutmeg is a simple task that anyone can do. So, how to prepare milk with nutmeg:

  • Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly so that the milk does not accidentally burn;
  • Nutmeg is added to the already warm milk at the tip of a knife, as well as sugar or honey.
  • To make the milk more airy, you need to stir it well;
  • This milk should be consumed warm, before it cools down and, of course, in the evening, after 18.00.

Nutmeg powder

When preparing nutmeg powder, use a dosage of 1:10 (1 gram per 10 kilograms of weight). Large dosages can seriously harm your health, cause hallucinations and even lead to death due to intoxication.

How to make nutmeg powder?

Take nutmeg and grate it 10-15 grams weighing 60-70 kg, but you can buy ready-made spice in a bag. Add water until the dish becomes mushy. Eat this mixture twice a day.

Benefits of nutmeg

The benefits of nutmeg are great and simply invaluable, because it:

  • It is an excellent blood circulation stimulator;
  • Strengthens hair and has a beneficial effect on its well-being;
  • Very useful for various arthritis, with manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • Stimulates blood circulation;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Strengthens the body's protective barrier.

But that’s not all, since the list of beneficial properties of nutmeg can be continued endlessly. If the dosage is observed, its benefits are limitless.

For women

Women will find the use of nutmeg in cosmetology. It is used with various essential oils. Nutmeg has an irritating effect on the skin. Nutmeg oil has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes in the skin, improves complexion. But it is very important to observe the correct dosage (1-2 drops of nutmeg per 1 liter of water).

We also note that nutmeg essential oil is often used in the production of perfumes.

For children

Children can only consume nutmeg after 12 years of age, but for younger children, consuming this nut can be harmful, so parents should not allow their baby to come into contact with this spice. Nutmeg is difficult for children to digest.

Nutmeg in cooking

Where else, if not in cooking, has nutmeg found wide application. And this is not surprising, because the spice has a pleasant, characteristic aroma that will add piquancy, a special taste and an amazing aroma to any dish. The smell of nutmeg is impossible to confuse and unrecognizable!

In powder form, this spice is used in baking confectionery and bakery products. It is also actively added to fruit cocktails. Housewives use it for home canning, adding it to various marinades. In the meat industry, nutmeg has also found its use. It is added to sausages and pates. When cooking meat at home, it is also very popular and in demand.

Medicinal properties

Since nutmeg is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it is used in various fields of medicine. The fruits of the nutmeg tree contain saponins, starches, eugenols, pigments, and proteins that help fight various diseases.

Therefore, nutmeg is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. The nut has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. Minimal doses can help people who suffer from overstimulation of the nervous system, as well as insomnia.

Muscat has a warming effect, so it is indispensable if you suspect a cold. We also note that this nut perfectly helps with constipation, diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, and poor appetite. As you can see, the spice we are used to has a lot of medicinal properties.

Application in cosmetology

The use of nutmeg in cosmetology is due to its wonderful aroma, which cannot be confused with any other. Muscat gives balms, creams and gels an amazing aroma.

Perfume, which has a subtle scent of nutmeg, will not leave anyone indifferent, even the most discerning perfume connoisseurs. Muscat has a sedative, calming effect, which is why it is so valuable in aromatherapy.

What are the health benefits of Brazil nuts and what properties they have? You will learn from the article how macadamia nuts affect our body, we will tell you here!

Harm of nutmeg

Of course, there is no product that has absolutely no so-called other side of the coin, i.e. contraindications. The same applies to nutmeg. Nutmeg essential oil should not be used for epilepsy, as well as for pregnant women and breastfeeding women. People who suffer from allergies should also refrain from eating this spice. If you have high skin sensitivity, do not use nutmeg under any circumstances. And it is also important to remember about the dosage, because nutmeg is useful only in small doses, since it contains the substance methylenedloxiamphetamine and other components that have a narcotic, hallucinogenic effect.

Nutmeg (Nutmeg tree) is an evergreen dioecious tree of the Muscatnikov family. About 10 species of this genus of plants are known. The tree grows up to 13 meters, with a wide crown, evergreen. The leaves are arranged alternately, the upper part of which is dark green, smooth, elliptical in shape, and the lower part is matte, finely veiny. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, most often white. A drupe-shaped fruit, 5 - 9 cm in length, the pericarp is fleshy, with a red thread-like appendage (which later changes to brown).

Grows all over the world in tropical areas. The Moluccas Islands are considered to be their homeland. The main island for nutmeg cultivation was the island of Rhun. The dense center is edible. Most often, nutmeg is used in cooking as a seasoning for meat, fish, in sauces, creams, baked goods and in the preparation of winter drinks, for example, mulled wine. Without this type of nut it is impossible to recreate the unique taste and aroma. But its use does not end there; very often it is used to make body cream, shampoos, essential oils, and decorative cosmetics. Inventive entrepreneurs use the aroma of nutmeg for scented candles and perfumes. This nut contains many useful substances, namely minerals and fats, which can improve health.

Nutmeg calories (100 g)

Vitamin content of nutmeg (100 g)

Mineral content of nutmeg (100 g)

Useful properties of nutmeg

  • contains a rich set of vitamins and microelements;
  • improves the taste of dishes;
  • Since ancient times, nutmeg has been known as a strong painkiller;
  • will be useful for nervous excitability, help calm and normalize sleep, organize thoughts and emotions;
  • in small doses with systematic use will help strengthen the immune system;
  • can improve mood;
  • causes appetite;
  • you need to remember that nutmeg is often a spicy seasoning in the human diet; it should be consumed with caution, no more than 1 g per day.

Harm from eating nutmeg

In case of an overdose from the illiterate use of this spicy seasoning, the following are possible: side effects, How:

  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • migraine;
  • vomit;
  • with a systemic violation of the dosage, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible;
  • problems can also affect the liver and pancreas.

Benefits of nutmeg for men

  • using nutmeg to treat impotence or use it to prevent this disease;
  • useful for premature ejaculation;
  • relieves general fatigue, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Benefits of nutmeg for women's health

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • prolongs youth;
  • with mother's milk, the soothing and beneficial properties are transmitted to the baby through the milk, and can relieve pain during teething in a baby;
  • women use nutmeg to prevent the development of venous disease.

Medicinal properties of nutmeg

  • can cure pain in joints, arthritis, muscles;
  • restores the epithelium, promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • reduces headache attacks;
  • useful for problems with teeth and gums, eliminates bad breath;
  • speeds up digestion;
  • when consumed regularly in small doses, nutmeg improves blood circulation in the brain and the quality of mental work;
  • when you have a cold, you often get a massage using essential oil; it has an expectorant and warming effect;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • will bring irreplaceable benefits in the fight against tuberculosis;
  • treats diarrhea;

It is better to store nutmeg whole and only grate it before serving, since the essential oils from the crushed spice evaporate quickly.

Nutmeg is the core of the drupe of the nutmeg tree. Many people know it as an exquisite spice with a rich, bitter taste, some trust its medicinal properties, and others believe that it can awaken and enhance sexual desire. What does this popular spice hide, beneficial properties or complete contraindications?

Composition and calorie content

The tree on which the nutmeg grows is an evergreen plant, growing up to 18–20 meters in height and living for about 100 years. Its fruits are the source three types spices - nutmeg, essential oil and nutmeg. Nutmeg is the dried seed of the plant. An indicator of its quality is its bright orange color and the presence of a pronounced pattern. It has a richer taste and smell, but since the oil content in it is much lower, it medicinal properties its less pronounced than those of the nut and essential oil.

In large doses, nutmeg can be toxic

The nutmeg itself looks like the contents of the bone shell of the fruit. In addition to the high content of essential oils, it boasts a very diverse vitamin and mineral composition. It contains 7 types of B vitamins alone. In addition, it contains vitamins PP, E, H, and beta-carotene. Of the minerals here you can find almost the entire periodic table - iron, zinc, manganese, aluminum, strontium, selenium, iodine, cobalt, vanadium, strontium, molybdenum, zirconium, tin, nickel, potassium, calcium, sodium, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur.

Nutrition Facts (Table)

The calorie content of nutmeg is 525 kcal per 100 grams of product, but this is not so scary, because, as a rule, it is consumed in very small doses. If speak about nutritional value, then 100 grams of nutmeg contain:

Another valuable substance that is extracted from this nut is essential oil. It is obtained by grinding the kernel and distilling it in a mixture with steam or water. You can often find counterfeits of this product, when some synthetic compounds or poorly purified tea tree oil are passed off as nutmeg oil, so when purchasing, you should carefully consider the information about the origin of the materials and fully analyze the composition and appearance. Nutmeg oil is an absolutely transparent liquid with a slight beige tint. It has a warm, spicy, rich aroma and a slightly intoxicating effect.. It is not used in its pure form and is never used in concentrated form, since in these doses it has pronounced toxicity.

Properties and benefits

Nutmeg is not only a spicy spice, but also a cure for many diseases.

Walnut kernel

Many people know nutmeg as a spicy seasoning, but not everyone knows about its healing properties.

  • Even the ancient Romans noticed that nutmeg helps to mobilize and strengthen brain activity and increase concentration. This product is recommended for use if you are prone to depression, since the substances included in its composition enhance the production of endorphins - the hormones of joy. It is also included in immunostimulating preparations.
  • Nutmeg can serve as an excellent pain reliever. Even today, many Eastern practices use it to relieve pain and inflammation in joints and muscles.
  • It is also used for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps eliminate diarrhea and constipation, cope with flatulence, and increase appetite.
  • Nutmeg stimulates the kidneys and liver, helping them remove harmful substances from the body. It improves their functioning, prevents the formation of stones, and in some cases even promotes their dissolution.
  • The antibacterial properties of the nut allow it to be used in dentistry. It copes well with bad breath, relieves toothache and prevents the development of caries.
  • Nutmeg can also help solve many skin problems. Just a few treatments with it will help get rid of acne and even remove traces of it. It can also cope with more serious skin diseases, for example, with various dermatoses and lichen.

Nutmeg has been known in Europe since the 6th century AD. e. TO XII century The popularity of this spice has grown so much that almost all European countries began to import it. However, it was originally used not as a spice, but as an aromatic mixture.

Essential oil

In its pure, concentrated form, nutmeg essential oil is rarely used.

The healing properties of essential oil are more pronounced than those of the nut.

  • Nutmeg oil has a stimulating effect on the circulatory system and heart muscles.
  • It facilitates the functioning of the bronchi during colds and viral diseases, softening the walls and increasing their elasticity.
  • Like nuts, nutmeg oil relieves pain and inflammation in osteochondrosis, arthritis and neuralgia.
  • It has hemostatic properties and is often used for various bleedings, including nasal and uterine bleeding.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, to some extent taking on the functions of the female hormone estrogen. It can help reduce menstrual pain and reduce unpleasant consequences associated with menopausal disorders.

How to choose and use spices

The most common and simplest option for purchasing this spice is to buy it already ground. On the shelves retail outlets You can find this spice in glass, plastic or cardboard packages. This product is convenient to use for home cooking, but the downside is that the packaging is not airtight, and under the influence of air humidity and kitchen odors, ground nutmeg quickly loses its taste and aroma. In addition, the beneficial properties of the ground nut do not last long, so using such powders for medicinal purposes is practically useless.

Carefully study the composition of the product before purchasing

If you need a higher quality product, then it is better to buy whole nutmeg. However, before use, you will have to grind it yourself. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase a mill or a special nutmeg grater - you can use a regular one or grind the nut in a coffee grinder, but before that you need to divide it into smaller pieces. It is worth considering that crushed nuts quickly lose their medicinal properties and aroma, so it is better to grate as much spice as you need in the near future.

If we talk about the use of nutmeg in cooking, then it all depends on what you want to get as a result. It should be added to hot dishes only at the last stages of cooking, otherwise they may acquire a bitter taste. For baking, it is best to add it to the dough when kneading, but for drinks there are no specific preparation rules - this spice sets off the taste of both cold and hot equally well, so everything here will depend on your taste.

Hot stuff: nutmeg as an aphrodisiac

Even in ancient times, people noticed that nutmeg can enhance sexual arousal. The fair sex is especially susceptible to its influence, but men do not remain indifferent to it. To make the time spent together memorable for a long time, dishes intended for a romantic dinner can be seasoned with a small amount of this spice. But before that, you should find out whether your partner is allergic to it. You can add the spice either in ground form or in small pieces. Increased sensitivity will persist for 3-5 hours, then the excitement will begin to disappear.

The aromatic properties of nutmeg will also help enhance the effect. Candles with its aroma or a few drops of oil added to an aroma lamp will sharpen the senses and give clarity and expressiveness to sensations.

For a slim figure and weight loss

Nutmeg has long been considered an effective remedy for weight loss. It not only promotes the rapid absorption of foods, but is also an excellent stimulant that has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Don’t be lazy: you won’t achieve great results when losing weight with nutmeg alone

In order to lose weight with the help of nutmeg, you need to follow simple rules:

  • add it to side dishes and salads you prepare;
  • You should not use the nut in dishes that contain sugar or honey - in combination with them, the number of proteins and carbohydrates will be critical;
  • If you decide to lose weight with the help of whole nuts, then you can eat them in small pieces throughout the day, add them to ready-made dishes or drink unsweetened tea, but you should not eat more than 2 nuts per day, this will put too much stress on the liver.

Nutmeg can be used not only by those who are on a diet. The ability to stimulate digestion, speeding it up and helping to digest even such heavy foods as fatty pork or lamb, will come in handy at every formal dinner.

Nutmeg in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of nutmeg are widely used in folk medicine. For treatment, it is better to use whole nuts, grating them in the amount needed to prepare the medicine.

Recipes for varicose veins: drink and vodka tincture

Nutmeg perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins. There are several recipes for this.

To enhance male potency and health

Since nutmeg has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous systems, its properties are ideal for increasing potency and normalizing sexual intercourse. It allows you to stabilize the psychological state, enhance ejaculation, and extend the time of intimacy. You can use nutmeg in the following cases:

  • if a man notices a sudden change in mood associated with excitement before sexual intercourse;
  • if he is too fixated on past failures in his sex life;
  • with physical and emotional stress, constant stress, conflicts;
  • with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Grated nuts are added to salads, side dishes or drinks at the rate of one gram of spice per 10 kilograms of weight. If you want to get the maximum effect, you need to consume 1-2 teaspoons of grated spice (but no more) 3-4 hours before sexual contact. This can be done by adding grated spice to drinks. Please note: they must not contain alcohol. For this purpose, for example, a banana milkshake is perfect, for which 400 ml of milk is mixed using a blender with 100 g of ice cream, a tablespoon of sugar and the chopped pulp of two bananas.

It is unlikely that alcohol will help you relax at such moments, but doing a disservice would be quite

A drink made from equal parts of nutmeg, lavender, cloves and ginger will help ignite your senses and find the right mood. Five parts of rose petals are added to them and brewed in a ceramic or clay teapot. You can drink this drink either pure or diluted with water with the addition of honey or sugar.

For arthrosis, osteochondrosis, neuritis and rheumatism

Nutmeg copes well with pain arising from these diseases, in addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in the form of applications, rubbing and compresses.

All parents are well aware of the problem of newborns, colic. Nutmeg will help solve it. Since it has a beneficial effect on digestion, it is enough to add it to the dishes that mommy eats. It will not only improve the condition of her intestines, but through breast milk it will also help the baby. By the way, nutmeg can also increase the amount breast milk in a woman. For this purpose, you can prepare a drink in which a pre-crushed handful of dill seeds and a pinch of nutmeg are added to 200 grams of kefir. You can drink this cocktail in unlimited quantities.

Adding nutmeg to milk makes a wonderful soothing drink.

Treatment for the thyroid gland

An infusion consisting of the following components will help get rid of nodular goiter:

  • 5 g valerian root;
  • 5 g birch buds;
  • a glass of unpressed walnut kernels;
  • 3 nutmeg kernels.

All ingredients are placed in an opaque glass bottle, filled with 0.5 liters of vodka and left to infuse for three weeks. When the tincture is ready, filter it and take a tablespoon at night to treat the thyroid gland, without drinking water.

In preparing moonshine

The properties of nutmeg are also used in moonshine. Its addition allows you to refine strong alcohol, improving, smoothing and masking their odor. If you use this spice when infusing, the product will receive a piquant, spicy-burning taste. To do this, add 4–6 grams of chopped nuts per 1 liter and leave for 2–3 weeks.

Action when smelling alcohol

You can get rid of the unpleasant odor after drinking alcohol by chewing a small piece of nutmeg.

You should not count on the magical power of nutmeg if you decide to drive a car while drunk: often such pungent odors arouse unnecessary suspicion among road service employees

With kefir and milk as a general tonic

If you add a small pinch of spice to a glass of kefir or milk, it will have a calming effect on both the intestines and the nervous system. For example, warm milk with honey and nutmeg has long been used to normalize sleep. To do this, add grated nutmeg on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm milk. A pinch of spice added to 200 g of kefir or yogurt will help gently solve problems with stool retention.

Effect in cosmetology

Before grinding nuts for cosmetic purposes, be sure that your blender is designed to grind such hard products! Otherwise, use a grater: everything is safer

Face masks and scrubs

Nutmeg perfectly relieves inflammation on the skin, evens out its color, smoothes out unevenness, and effectively fights acne and its marks.

  • A scrub, for the preparation of which we take equal parts of ground nutmeg and red lentils, diluted with a decoction of chamomile or calendula to obtain a thick paste, will help cleanse skin pores, remove dead particles and relieve inflammation. It is applied to damp skin, lightly massaged and washed off with warm water.
  • A whitening mask can be prepared by taking equal amounts of honey and grated nuts. The resulting mixture is applied to the face, having previously cleansed it, and left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. You can make this mask every day.
  • If you make a paste of grated nuts and milk and apply it to areas of inflammation at night, you can get rid of small pimples in a few sessions. To do this, equal amounts of grated spice and warm milk are mixed and applied to the inflamed areas. To avoid staining the bed linen, it is better to place a towel on the pillowcase.

A mask with honey and nutmeg will easily cope with inflammation

How to use for hair

In order to make a mask that gives your hair shine and enhances its growth, you need to take a tablespoon of grated nutmeg and ground oatmeal, add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to them and dilute them to the consistency of thick sour cream with mineral water, which is slightly heated. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, covered with plastic film and wrapped for 30–40 minutes. After the time is up, wash off the mask with any shampoo.

Nutmeg is a seasoning with a special tart aroma, used not only in cooking, but also to create cosmetics and perfumes. It can transform a dish, but this is not its only valuable quality. The benefits of nutmeg have led to its use in folk medicine. It is distinguished by medicinal and other properties.

Beneficial features

This seasoning is usually used in low concentration. It has an invigorating effect on the body and awakens strength. Let's look at all the beneficial properties of nutmeg:

  • Its regular use optimizes brain function and improves memory properties;
  • Increasing the body's resistance to stress;
  • Prevention of nervous system overstrain and sleep disorders;
  • Establishing digestive processes, improving appetite;
  • Treatment of anorexia, due to the fact that the seasoning improves metabolic functions even in the most severe cases;
  • Improves blood circulation, warming effect, which allows the product to be used in massage products;
  • Stimulating the immune system, which helps protect yourself from colds and viruses;
  • Therapy in the presence of benign neoplasms;
  • Cancer prevention;
  • Establishing a regular menstrual cycle;
  • An auxiliary component in the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • Elimination of diarrhea;
  • Neutralization of bad breath;
  • Reduction of varicose veins.

The benefits of nutmeg cover all areas of the body. Taking it instantly tones you up. It is especially worth noting the benefits of seasoning for the male body. It helps increase potency and helps with sexual impotence. It is a natural aphrodisiac.

How to use

The use of nutmeg depends on the area for which it is required:

  • Hair masks based on the product help stimulate growth processes;
  • To relax and improve the functioning of the respiratory system, reduce inflammation due to viruses and ARVI, you can add the powder to an aroma lamp or a bath of water;
  • To increase potency and eliminate sexual impotence, you can add nutmeg to your food. The main thing in this process is regularity. You can also make a solution based on the product and water. It must be taken in small sips throughout the day. The maximum dosage per day is a third of a teaspoon of powder;
  • If treatment of neuralgia or osteochondrosis is required, massage creams and ointments can be prepared based on the composition. To do this, the seasoning is added to beeswax or vegetable oil. This composition has a warming effect, reduces inflammatory processes, and also activates blood circulation in diseased areas;
  • If you need help with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you can add a little product to warm drinks. For example, it can be mixed with milk or tea. The drink is taken a couple of times a day;
  • You can prepare a solution to reduce swelling, lower the acid level of urine, and stimulate kidney function. To do this, add half a teaspoon of the product to a glass of heated water. The product is drunk in small sips throughout the day;
  • For the treatment of varicose veins, you can also prepare a special composition. To do this, you will need to mix 20 grams of seasoning, 100 grams of honey and 200 ml of heated water. The drink needs to be sued. It is taken three times a day before meals;
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink warmed milk with honey, to which a pinch of seasoning has been added. This composition will prevent insomnia and also ensure sound sleep. You need to drink it in small sips.

Seasoning does not require spending a lot of time on preparation medicinal compositions with her participation. Those available are enough.

Possible harm

Nutmeg doesn't always have one benefit. This is a spice with quite a strong effect that can cause harm. It is a hallucinogen, and when taken in large quantities, psychoneurological effects, hallucinations, and drowsiness are observed. After these effects wear off, a person may experience a powerful hangover. Large amounts of spice taken can also cause serious poisoning. Contraindications to its use are:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Children's age (up to 7 years);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding the baby.

When taking it, you should always remember that this is not just an aromatic spice, but also a very powerful remedy.

Nutmeg oil

Nutmeg essential oil is prepared from the nut kernel or its skin. This is a popular product, and therefore it is often counterfeited. When purchasing, you should check the naturalness of the product. To do this, you should read the instructions and also check the oil for the following signs:

  • Transparency combined with a slight beige tint;
  • Consistency similar to that of tea tree oil;
  • Warm and spicy aroma.

This product can be stored for five years. During this period it will not lose its properties. How is it used? It is forbidden to use the composition in its pure form, as it is toxic. It is usually diluted with water and vegetable oil. You can combine it with most essential products: sage, geranium, eucalyptus and many others. It is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  • Nervous tremors, stress, hysterics;
  • Depression, apathy, depressed states;
  • The need to enhance sexual function.

Has the following effects:

  • Stimulates blood circulation, normalizes heart function;
  • Increased resistance to cold and disease;
  • Normalization of bronchial activity, increasing their elasticity;
  • Improving the quality of respiratory processes;
  • Stimulates digestion;
  • Relief from nausea and heaviness in the stomach;
  • Neutralization of infections;
  • Relieving swelling and pain, increasing mobility in arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • Help with uterine bleeding;
  • Disorders during menopause.

The oil can be added to cosmetic formulations. It helps with hair loss, eliminates fungus and skin lesions. It is especially effective for sagging skin, as it increases its elasticity. But there are limitations in its use. It should not be used in cases of hypersensitive skin. The product is often used to add a special aroma to perfumes, alcoholic drinks. Contraindications for the drug:

  • Pregnancy;
  • A state of strong nervous excitability;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Severe depressive disorders.

Essential oil affects blood circulation, and therefore should be used with caution during menstruation. You should not inhale the aroma of the product for more than four hours. If undiluted oil is applied to the skin, it may cause burns. When used in cosmetics, no more than 3 drops will be required. If the composition is used for rubbing, you can take up to five drops. The oil can be purchased for inhalation and preparation of cosmetic preparations. It is used internally, but in this case there is a limitation - no more than one drop per day.

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