This weekend, Ukraine switches to winter time: why they have not yet abandoned the clock change (infographics). When do they change time in Europe? How big are the savings?

MINSK, March 15 – Sputnik. The transition to summer time this year will take place on the night of March 25th to 26th. As mandated by the European Parliament and the Council, clocks in Europe are changed to summer time every year. Thus, daylight saving time will traditionally move an hour ahead relative to the time in which each zone now lives.

What time are we in?

In spring and autumn, clock hands in Belarus were moved for 19 years - from 1992 to 2011. In 2011, Russia switched to unified time, and our country followed suit. However, on July 1, 2014, the State Duma of the Russian Federation decided to return winter time to the country. Belarus, in turn, refused to change the clock hands - now the time in our countries is the same, only the neighbors live in winter time, and we live in summer time.

Back in February, Minsktrans adjusted the schedule of international routes in connection with Europe's transition to summer time. Everyone who travels is asked to take into account the changes that will occur in the time of Western countries, especially in the first days after the clock switches - it is at this time that the most troubles occur due to passengers forgetting about the transition of many countries to daylight saving time.

Are the savings great?

In some countries, the issue of the advisability of seasonal clock changes is still being discussed, among them are Germany and Latvia. The transition to summer time in Europe is explained by economic feasibility - many experts believe that this procedure saves energy on lighting due to the fact that daylight hours are becoming longer.

According to rough estimates made by RAO UES, changing the clocks allowed saving about 4.4 billion kWh of electricity annually. In 1975, the US Department of Transportation estimated that electricity consumption was falling by 1% and oil consumption by 3 million barrels per month. But a year later, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology noted that there were no significant savings.

What if you don’t translate?

The only European countries that do not change their clocks are Iceland and Belarus, and last year Turkey also abandoned the seasonal change - now they live according to summer time.

Opponents of "translation" offer an alternative strategy. A number of countries that have abandoned the time change practice shifting the start of work at some enterprises to the summer. That is, the time is not changed, but work begins an hour earlier. However, there are nuances here. The Japanese, who also do not change time, have decreed that work in certain jobs that require high concentration should not begin until 2 hours after sunrise - for example, when taking exams.

When do they change time in Europe? and got the best answer

Answer from?at???[guru]
The clocks are changed to winter time on the last Sunday (night from Saturday to Sunday) of October (this year - October 27). Despite the fact that many people change their clocks in the evening when they go to bed, or in the morning when they get up, there is a clear time for changing the clocks. In Russia, until recently, clocks were set at 3 o'clock in the morning, in Ukraine - at 4 o'clock. Total time necessary, in particular, in order to maintain the train schedule - a night train that left on summer time will arrive at its destination already on winter time, but according to the schedule.
The main reason for changing clocks to winter time is to save electricity. Switching to winter time allows you to save about 2% of electricity annually. Most people change their clocks to winter time. European countries, USA, Australia, Paraguay, New Zealand, Chile, Brazil and some other countries. The equatorial countries, Japan, China, South Korea, etc. do not use summer time and, accordingly, do not switch back to winter time.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: When do they change the time in Europe?

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Are they really doing such stupid things there? ! it is unlikely

Answer from Zinaida[guru]
Like many others: on the last Sunday in October in the middle of the night.

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On the night of Sunday, March 26, all of Europe (with the exception of Russia, Belarus and Iceland) switched from winter to summer time. Thus, at 01:00 GMT, Europeans and residents of a number of other countries moved their clocks forward an hour, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

It is worth noting that, according to the proposal of the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the countries of the European Community, the transition to summer time is carried out on the last Sunday of March. According to this time, the Old World will live until the last Sunday in October (this year it is October 29).

In the northern hemisphere, daylight saving time is used almost everywhere in the USA, Canada, Mexico (except for a number of states and provinces), completely in all European countries except Iceland, Russia and Belarus, as well as in Morocco, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine . In the southern hemisphere, summer time is used in Australia (in a number of states), New Zealand, Paraguay, Brazil (in a number of states), Namibia.

According to the recommendation of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, daylight saving time begins on the last Sunday in March. At this time, 78 countries will live until the last Sunday in October (in 2017 it is October 29).

In Russia, the change of clock hands was canceled back in 2011 on the initiative of then President Dmitry Medvedev.

At first, in Russia the clock hands were fixed to summer time. This decision caused a lot of controversy in society, as citizens did not like the fact that daylight hours in winter shifted to the evening hours. The disputes led to Russia making the reverse switch to permanent winter time in 2014. But many did not like this either, since in a number of regions sunlight became less frequent in the evenings.

As a result, in 2016, some subjects of the Federation were allowed to move to other time zones and thereby adjust the time.

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In the near future, the tradition of changing time twice a year will remain: the relevant committee of the Rada reported that no bills to abolish summer time have been registered.

Winter time in Ukraine corresponds to astronomical time - at 12 o'clock in the afternoon (noon) the sun is at its highest point - zenith. In summer, the sun rises to its zenith at 13:00 due to the fact that the clocks on the last Saturday of March are moved forward an hour.

Not everyone translates

Two thirds of the world's countries do not change their clocks depending on the time of year (see infographic). Although over the years, about 50 countries experimented with the translation of the arrows, but over time they abandoned this. For example, Chile, which stretches 6.5 thousand km from north to south, introduced and canceled daylight saving time four times, returning it last time in 2016.

Researcher at the Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory Felix Bushuev explained that changing clocks makes economic sense in our middle latitudes, where daylight hours in winter and summer differ in duration by almost half - 8 hours in winter and 16 hours in summer.

Near the equator (zero latitude) and 3,300 km north and south of it, where day and night are almost the same, there is no economic sense in changing the clocks. This is what explains that time change exists in Europe, the USA and Canada, but it does not exist in the countries of Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Until 2015, clocks were changed in Russia, but they also abandoned this tradition, leaving winter time forever.

Ukraine and time

Our country lives according to Kyiv time, which corresponds to the 2nd time zone (+2 hours from Greenwich Time, taken as the reference point). Although geographically 5% of the territory “falls out” of this zone: part of the Transcarpathian region falls into the 1st time zone, and Lugansk and part of the Kharkov and Donetsk regions - into the 3rd. Therefore, according to Bushuev, when it is 12:00 in Kyiv, then in Lugansk “according to the sun” it should be 12:40, and in Uzhgorod - only 11:35. Because of this, in the eastern regions people are unhappy with summer time, since it gets light there at 3 a.m., and in the western regions they are unhappy with winter time, which is why it is still dark at 9 a.m.

Savings and health

It is believed that rising early in summer and late in winter reduces the country's electricity consumption. According to economists, savings are up to $1 per Ukrainian per year, or about $40 million per year (0.15% of the state budget).

But doctors are against it. Corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Vasily Lazorishinets says that “winter” time is more acceptable for the human body, since it corresponds to its biological rhythms. Core workers and night owls suffer the most from the change in time tracking.

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