What is a rule? Main rules of life

Lesson objectives: development and strengthening of knowledge about the basics of life safety acquired in primary school; consolidation of the rules of life safety studied in the first quarter; presentation of “Fifth-grader Diplomas”.

Tasks: repeat dangerous life situations with children; how to protect yourself from dangers; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and rules for handling electrical appliances; consider fire hazardous situations.

Equipment: textbooks, computer, projector, tables, “Diplomas for fifth graders.”


1. Organizational moment

- Hello! Guys, we have already managed to make friends and get to know each other. I am very pleased with our mutual cooperation. Today we have a general lesson where we will summarize the results of the first quarter of teaching the basics of life safety in the fifth grade and repeat the main rules of life safety.

2. You are fifth graders. Every day brings you new knowledge, interesting things to do, various situations that can upset us. And you and I have already considered many of them, when we need to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and promptly recognize, avoid, contain and reduce dangers. By discussing cautionary tales, we take the first steps towards preventing and overcoming dangers. We find the causes of troubles and make recommendations for safe behavior.

– I am your guide to all the rules of the basics of BJ. I will be glad to advise you, help you, and study all kinds of situations. And, therefore, always contact me for advice and any questions. You can also contact older comrades and parents. Everyone around you will meet you halfway and help you. After all, when we are armed with certain knowledge, we contribute to the formation of our environment in accordance with all safety rules.

3. Before we start reviewing some of the questions we have studied during this period, I would like to present you with the 5th Grade Diplomas.
Here I have noted special moments from my observations of your actions in and outside of class. I came up with my own disciplines that did not exist at school, printed them out and collected them in a book. And I hope that you will save them, and from time to time you will remember these disciplines and reflect on your actions. Although I have presented these disciplines in the form of joke names, they have deep meaning that will help you in various activities.

Life safety – protection of our lives! And to begin with, I will ask you to read short poems about life safety. Children read poetry.

If suddenly a fire breaks out,
You immediately collapsed from fear.
Remember our life safety,
And consider yourself saved!

I was swinging on a swing
And she hurt her leg.
“Give me help immediately!”
I shout to Seryozhka.

4. Presentation of “diplomas”

(The following is the content of this material.) Congratulations and wishes.

A real fifth-grader diploma

Municipal educational institution secondary school No.

2011-2012 y/y.

During a short trial period from 09/01/2011 to 10/25/2011 I completed a full training course
to study in the fifth grade and studied the “ABC of Life Safety with the main rules of Life Safety.”

By the end of the first quarter, he has the following indicators in the following disciplines:

What does life safety teach!?
Familiarization with the life safety room
Obstacle running in the classroom
Amateur course on the topic: “Fight in the corridor, everything is in smoke, nothing is visible”
Development of thunderous speech
The ability to keep your mouth shut when asked to answer
Course on familiarization with the nature of the school yard: “No matter the bush, there is no leaf”
Curiosity is not a vice, but a method of learning “Why”
Learning by playing
A moment of rest
ABC of life safety
Writing fantastic stories, fables and puzzles
Coming up with new concepts, how to “increase”
A gas mask is a means of protection in the classroom when the teacher is absent
Invent and find dangers for yourself at home and on the street
Traffic rules. Whoever pushed harder with his shoulder went to the main...
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)
– 5 (Great)

Completed a full elective course using the “Give back to the offender if the teacher is not looking” method
if he’s watching, know how to shed a tear in time” to “excellent.”
By decision of the special commission of secondary school No., this student is recommended
continuation of further study of the life safety course at school.

Teacher -
Director -
Head teacher –
Printing op-amp

5. Friends, remember. Any business has its own procedures, rules of action.
While driving on the road, everyone obeys strict laws with numerous warning signs. We will repeat the traffic rules and watch the slide film “Traffic Safety”.

Questions and answers for this section. Active discussion.

6. Demonstration of a presentation on traffic rules

7. Show table with traffic signs

A student reads a poem about traffic rules that we taught in the last lesson.

The city in which you and I live,
It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.
ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the ABC of roads,
So that no trouble happens to you.

8. Dangerous situations. What are they? Where are they?
Let's try to outline the space in which we live.

(All places are listed - bathroom, kitchen, balcony, store, school, bus, theater, etc.)

Wherever we go, wherever we live, dangers can await us. And we remember various unfavorable factors and conditions. Also, our actions in dangerous situations. The work is carried out in the form of a conversation and question-answer. At the request of the students, 2-3 situations are considered.

9. Fires. Fighting fires and protecting life during a fire.

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Cat’s House.” Conclusions are drawn about fire safety and actions during a fire.

Tili-tili, tili-bom!
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
A chicken is running with a bucket,
And behind her with all his might
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet - with sieve
And a goat with a lantern.


Hey fire brigade
We must hurry!
Harness ten pairs.
Let's go, let's go to the fire.
Hurry, without delay,
Pour water into barrels.
The cat's house is on fire!
Stop, pig! Wait, goat!
Why are you staring?
Carry water in buckets.

Man has long learned to use the “red flower”, i.e. fire. But whenever a person forgets about caution, a peaceful fire turns into an uncontrollable flame of fire. Fires are scary not only because of fire, but also because of its companions:

1) toxic smoke;
2) high temperature;
3) poor visibility;
4) panic and confusion;
5) breakage of electrical wires and the possibility of electric shock;
6) collapse of structures.

Let's now point out the reasons that led to the fire in the Cat's house. A short discussion of fire and its “companions.”
Consider the following situation: “On a hot July night, a resident of the Moscow district of Cherpanovo noticed a small glow near the garages, similar to the light of a car’s headlights. But this glow was weaker and lower, which attracted attention. Using binoculars, he managed to notice a small stream of smoke. Arriving firefighters found that oily rags and oil cans had caught fire in the garage due to the heat. Thus, the vigilance of a Muscovite prevented a large fire in the courtyard of a residential building.
Guys, let’s evaluate this person’s actions in small phrases.

Brief discussion.

10. Summing up the results of our work today, I want to once again emphasize that dangerous situations can and should be foreseen, provided that we comply with all the safety rules that we are studying and have yet to study. Indeed, in every dangerous situation there is necessarily an obvious or hidden reason for its occurrence, which is the result of incorrect human actions. Therefore, I will once again ask you to repeat and remember all the rules that we are talking about: rules of behavior at home, in public places, in transport, on the street, in reservoirs, rules for using electrical appliances, and many others.

11. The board is displayed through a projector: “Our future is in our hands! Our actions are our rules! Follow the rules of life safety!

12. Thank you for a wonderful hour. See you!

04.05.2013 21:33


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It is necessary to instill safe behavior skills from preschool age, subsequently developing and complicating these rules throughout schooling. Young children should learn, preferably in a playful way of presenting the material, the most basic concepts about themselves, health, communication mechanisms and possible dangerous situations.

Let's look at the main life safety rules for children and we will try to give them some kind of playful form for easier perception of the material. You can also read the article “Children’s Safety in Summer,” and educators will be especially interested in the material “Kindergarten Conversations with Parents on Safety.”

Children's safety rules - main points

You can divide your children’s education into the following mini-sections:

  • Self-identity – general knowledge about health and yourself
  • Child and surrounding nature - possible dangers
  • Baby at home
  • Protect your health and avoid dangers
  • We are on the street - possible dangers

Effective techniques include pictures, play situations, fairy tales, and active communication with children. Depending on the chosen intensity of the material, one or more lessons can be devoted to each section.

The baby must learn the following points:

  • You cannot take dangerous objects either at home or on the street.
  • You cannot use complex electrical and thermal appliances without an adult.
  • You cannot do things that are dangerous to yourself or others.
  • You cannot communicate with strangers, go with them, or take anything from them.
  • You must always be careful and know about information about yourself and about possible problems, at home, on the street, in nature.

Lessons for teaching children life safety rules

Here are possible lessons on child safety.

Life safety lesson on “who am I?”

The child must learn basic concepts about himself and his loved ones. Such knowledge includes:

  • First name, last name, home address and telephone. Parents' names.
  • Basic characteristics of the body: you can get hurt by something sharp, burn yourself by something hot, hit something heavy, etc.
  • The child should understand in general terms what situations should be avoided: touching the fire, falling on the asphalt, throwing stones, etc.
  • The child must understand that the people around him are also at risk, so he must behave carefully so as not to harm them (for example, children who are nearby)

Use pictures and descriptions of situations during the lesson. Communicate with children, tell a story in which knowledge helped a child avoid danger. Tell us about the human structure, about blood circulation, about when knowledge of the address may be needed.

Lesson on life safety on the topic “Nature and its dangers”

Studying the safety rules for children in nature should be accompanied by walks, excursions, and showing pictures and posters. Always consider your local area.

The baby must learn that

  • There are dangerous phenomena in nature - lightning strikes, hail, etc. Link the information to your region, for example, possible floods or earthquakes or landslides.
  • There are dangerous diseases in nature. Methods of protection against them. Hygiene, hardening, etc.
  • There are dangerous animals in nature, including danger that can come from urban animals, such as dogs.

Actively use play situations and images of dangers to strengthen children’s visual memory.

Children's life safety lesson on the topic “Our home - rules of safe behavior”

Safety rules for children at home are very important, place special emphasis on this lesson.

Children should learn the following concepts:

  • There are dangerous objects at home that children should not touch at all. Lighters, electric heaters, sockets, etc.
  • There are things at home that can only be used with adults. For example, TV, computer, etc.
  • There are dangerous objects at home that you need to be careful with. Scissors, knives, needles, etc.
  • There are things at home that only adults should take. Medicines, household chemicals, dyes, etc.
  • There are places where you can't go. The stove is on, the windows are open, etc.
  • There are situations where it can be dangerous for children. For example, there is a pot of hot soup or an iron on.
  • At home, you cannot open doors for strangers or talk to them on the phone.
  • Do not open the gas tap or leave an open water tap unattended.

Accompany everything with pictures and posters. Have lively and active communication with the kids.

Children's life safety - lesson on the topic "Common dangers"

When teaching safety rules to children, describe common dangers that children may encounter. The child must learn:

  • The dangers of talking to strangers
  • Risk of falls on hard surfaces
  • Danger of cutting and burning.
  • How to avoid injuries and how not to inflict them on others. You cannot throw stones, sticks, climb to great heights, hit children, etc.
  • What can't you do yourself? For example, turn on the stove, iron, light matches.
  • What is dangerous around: sockets, broken glass, open hatches, large dogs, etc.

Ask the guys a lot of questions, let them comment on any situations and talk about correct and incorrect conduct.

Lesson about life safety on the topic “Possible dangers on the street”

Teaching children safety rules should contain a list of potential problems on the street and on the road. Guys must learn:

  • Do not lift objects from the ground, especially take or approach dangerous objects: syringes, knives, broken bottles, etc.
  • You cannot talk or go somewhere with strangers or take anything from them.
  • The child should know what to do if he gets lost, for example, in a supermarket. That you have to stand and wait for your parents. He needs to know who to approach first, for example, a store security guard, a salesperson or a policeman (militiaman).
  • You can't run away from your parents or hide.
  • The child must learn the basic rules of the road rules (traffic rules). Cross only at the crossing, when the light is green, do not play near the road, etc.

Summary of life safety rules for children

Always explain the rules clearly and ask the children to comment on the information received, this way you will know the level of mastery of the material. Life safety rules for children should be instilled together with their parents; for this, active work should also be carried out with adults so that they reinforce this knowledge in practice in children. It is also important that adults do not set a bad example by their behavior.

In life, quite often you find yourself face to face with trouble, and you have to overcome it yourself. Therefore, if you find yourself in a dangerous situation, a person must be able not to get lost and find a way to salvation. In such a situation, in addition to physical strength and perseverance, you will definitely need knowledge about dangers, ways to overcome them and survive.

There are many dangerous situations. No one knows in advance when and under what circumstances troubles or misfortunes may arise. Here's an example.

This happened in the spring in the village. Tumors of the Pskov region. Seventh-graders from a local school had a drawing lesson on the shore of a beautiful lake. One schoolboy picked a plant that looked like parsley. After washing its root in water, he began to chew it. His classmates followed his example. It turned out that they were chewing hemlock (vekh) - a very poisonous plant. As a result, 16 schoolchildren were seriously poisoned, and one girl died.

Often dangers arise precisely at the moment when you are not expecting them and are not prepared for their appearance.

It also happens that our constant erroneous actions lead us to a dangerous situation.

The purpose of the life safety course is to teach us not to allow unreasonable actions, and to act meaningfully and confidently when faced with dangers.

  • study the types and causes of dangers, be able to recognize them;
  • learn to anticipate dangerous situations;
  • do not allow dangerous situations, avoid them, avoid dangerous places, do not take unnecessary risks;
  • do not be scared or panic in difficult situations;
  • When faced with danger, act thoughtfully and decisively;
  • seek advice and help from parents and specialists;
  • choose the safest course of action;
  • in difficult situations, fight for yourself.

These rules of life safety appeared thanks to the experience of our ancestors, brave people, military personnel, rescuers, firefighters, athletes, and travelers.

Of course, these are not all safety rules. You will learn about some others in the following sections of the textbook.


  1. What is a rule? How do you understand the meaning of this word?
  2. What safety rules do you know?
  3. Name the most important, in your opinion, three rules of life safety.
  4. Why do you think safety regulations came into being?


  1. Draw a poster dedicated to one of the safety rules or warning about a danger. Discuss your drawings with your classmates.

Compiled and conducted by Nagoeva S.A.

Lesson topic: ABC of life safety. Main rules of life safety

Lesson objectives: development and strengthening of knowledge about the basics of life safety acquired in primary school; consolidation of the rules of life safety studied in the first quarter; presentation of “Fifth-grader Diplomas”.

Tasks: repeat dangerous life situations with children; how to protect yourself from dangers; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and rules for handling electrical appliances; consider fire hazardous situations.
Equipment: textbooks, computer, projector, tables, “Diplomas for fifth graders.”

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment. Hello! Guys, we have already managed to make friends and get to know each other. I am very pleased with our mutual cooperation. Today we have a general lesson where we will summarize the results of the first quarter of teaching the basics of life safety in the fifth grade and repeat the main rules of life safety.

2. You are fifth graders. Every day brings you new knowledge, interesting things to do, various situations that can upset us. And you and I have already considered many of them, when we need to demonstrate the necessary knowledge and promptly recognize, avoid, contain and reduce dangers. By discussing cautionary tales, we take the first steps towards preventing and overcoming dangers. We find the causes of troubles and make recommendations for safe behavior.

I am your guide to all the rules of BZ basics. I will be glad to advise you, help you, and study all kinds of situations. And, therefore, always contact me for advice and any questions. You can also contact older comrades and parents. Everyone around you will meet you halfway and help you. After all, when we are armed with certain knowledge, we contribute to the formation of our environment in accordance with all safety rules.

3. Before we start reviewing some of the questions we have studied during this period, I would like to present you with the 5th Grade Diplomas.
Here I have noted special moments from my observations of your actions in and outside of class. I came up with my own disciplines that did not exist at school, printed them out and collected them in a book. And I hope that you will save them, and from time to time you will remember these disciplines and reflect on your actions. Although I have presented these disciplines in the form of joke names, they have deep meaning that will help you in various activities.

Life safety – protection of our lives! And to begin with, I will ask you to read short poems about life safety. Children read poetry.

If suddenly a fire breaks out,
You immediately collapsed from fear.
Remember our life safety,
And consider yourself saved!

I was swinging on a swing
And she hurt her leg.
“Give me help immediately!”
I shout to Seryozhka.

4. Presentation of “diplomas”. (The following is the content of this material.) Congratulations and wishes.

A real fifth-grader diploma
MBOU secondary school No. 3
2013-2014 y/y.

For a short trial period from 09/01/2011
to 10/25/2011 completed a full course of preparation for teaching in the fifth grade and studied
"The ABCs of life safety with the main rules of life safety."
By the end of the first quarter, he has the following indicators in the following disciplines:

What does life safety teach!? - 5 (excellent)
Familiarization with the life safety room - 5 (excellent)
Obstacle running
in class - 5 (excellent)
Amateur course on the topic: “Fight in the corridor, everything is in smoke, nothing
not visible" - 5 (excellent)
Development of thunderclap
speeches - 5 (excellent)
Ability to keep your mouth shut when asked to answer - 5 (excellent)
Course on familiarization with the nature of the schoolyard: “No matter the bush, there is no leaf” - 5 (excellent)
Curiosity is not a vice, but a method of knowledge “Why” - 5 (excellent)
Learning by playing - 5 (excellent)
Minute of rest - 5 (excellent)
ABC of life safety - 5 (excellent)
Writing fantastic stories, fables and puzzles - 5 (excellent)
Coming up with new concepts, how to “increase” - 5 (excellent)
Gas mask - a means of protection in the classroom when the teacher is absent - 5 (excellent)
Invent and find dangers for yourself at home and on the street - 5 (excellent)
Traffic rules. Whoever pushed harder with his shoulder went to the main... - 5 (excellent)

Completed the full elective course
according to the method “Give back to the offender, if the teacher is not looking, but if he is, know how to shed a tear in time” with “excellent”.

By decision of the special commission of secondary school No., this student is recommended to continue further study of the life safety course at school.
Teacher ---
Director ---
Head teacher ---
Printing op-amp

Main rules of life safety

1. Study the types and causes of hazards
2. Learn to anticipate their occurrence
3. If possible, avoid dangerous situations, bypass dangerous places, do not take unnecessary risks
4. Don’t be scared or panic in difficult situations
5. When danger appears, act decisively
6. Always seek advice and help
7. Choose the safest path or course of action possible.
8. Actively fight (by any legal means) for your life, your rights, property

SAFETY is a state of protection of a person, his property and the environment from the effects of adverse factors.

A DANGEROUS situation is an unfavorable environment in which harmful factors of various nature operate that threaten human health, life, property and the environment.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

Put out the spark before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.

Knowledge is power!

There is courage, and skill is also needed.

Don't tease the dog, it won't bite.

Where it's thin, that's where it breaks.

Many dangerous situations are the result of inattention, ignorance, caprice, stupidity, and disobedience.

Learn to use household appliances correctly.

Knowledge, abilities, skills in life safety are a “safety belt” for you.

Follow all the rules everywhere - you are protected in many situations!

5. Friends, remember. Any business has its own procedures, rules of action.
While driving on the road, everyone obeys strict laws with numerous warning signs. We will repeat the traffic rules and watch the slide film “Traffic Safety”.
Questions and answers for this section. Active discussion.

6. Demonstration of a presentation on traffic rules.

7.Show a table with traffic signs.
A student reads a poem about traffic rules that we taught in the last lesson.

The city in which you and I live,
It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.
ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head:
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the ABC of roads,
So that no trouble happens to you.

8. Dangerous situations. What are they? Where are they?
Let's try to outline the space in which we live.
(All places are listed - bathroom, kitchen, balcony, store, school, bus, theater, etc.) Everywhere we go, where we live, dangers can await us. And we remember various unfavorable factors and conditions. Also, our actions in dangerous situations. The work is carried out in the form of a conversation and question-answer. At the request of the students, 2-3 situations are considered.

9. Fires. Fighting fires and protecting life during a fire.
The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Cat’s House”
And conclusions are drawn about fire safety and actions during a fire.
Tili-tili, tili-bom!
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
A chicken is running with a bucket,
And behind her with all his might
A rooster runs with a broom.
Piglet - with sieve
And a goat with a lantern.
Hey fire brigade
We must hurry!
Harness ten pairs.
Let's go, let's go to the fire.
Hurry, without delay,
Pour water into barrels.
The cat's house is on fire!
Stop, pig! Wait, goat!
Why are you staring?
Carry water in buckets.
Man has long learned to use the “red flower”, i.e. fire. But whenever a person forgets about caution, a peaceful fire turns into an uncontrollable flame of fire. Fires are scary not only because of fire, but also because of its companions:
1) toxic smoke;
2) high temperature;
3) poor visibility;
4) panic and confusion;
5) breakage of electrical wires and the possibility of electric shock;
6) collapse of structures.
Let's now point out the reasons that led to the fire in the Cat's house. A short discussion of fire and its “companions.”

Consider the following situation: “On a hot July night, a resident of the Moscow district of Cherpanovo noticed a small glow near the garages, similar to the light of a car’s headlights. But this glow was weaker and lower, which attracted attention. Using binoculars, he managed to notice a small stream of smoke. Arriving firefighters found that oily rags and oil cans had caught fire in the garage due to the heat. Thus, the vigilance of a Muscovite prevented a large fire in the courtyard of a residential building.
Guys, let’s evaluate this person’s actions in small phrases. Brief discussion.

10. Summing up the results of our work today, I want to once again emphasize that dangerous situations can and should be foreseen, provided that we comply with all the safety rules that we are studying and have yet to study. Indeed, in every dangerous situation there is necessarily an obvious or hidden reason for its occurrence, which is the result of incorrect human actions. Therefore, I will once again ask you to repeat and remember all the rules that we are talking about: rules of behavior at home, in public places, in transport, on the street, in reservoirs, rules for using electrical appliances, and many others.

11. On the board is displayed through a projector: “Our future is in our hands! Our actions are our rules! Follow the rules of life safety!

12. Thank you for a wonderful hour. See you!

In life we ​​may face difficult situations. Each such situation requires us to exert both physical and mental strength. But, in addition to courage, stamina and dexterity, you must have knowledge that will help you avoid dangerous situations or cope with them if you could not avoid them.

The importance of following safety rules

Everyone knows that precautions must be taken when handling flammable materials, heavy objects, and open fire.

We are taught this from infancy - mothers explain to children that they cannot eat unfamiliar berries, they cannot play with matches, or use gas and electrical appliances (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Matches are not a toy for children ()

In many cartoons, you could see how characters do not follow basic safety rules and suffer from it. Of course, in cartoons, heroes are instantly cured, but we understand that in real life recovery will take a long time.

Remember that you should be careful with items that are potentially dangerous (chemicals, fuels and lubricants, explosives).

There are many dangers around and it is impossible to foresee them all. An example is the situation that occurred in the village. Potapovka, Belgorod region.

The children came to visit their grandmothers for the summer. And one of the guys suggested going into the forest and having a picnic (Fig. 2). Children went without adults. One of the guys, while collecting brushwood, found mushrooms and decided that it would be nice to eat the mushrooms himself and treat his friends. Having cooked the mushrooms over the fire, the guys ate them with appetite, without even thinking that the mushrooms could be poisonous. As a result, all six were hospitalized with severe poisoning. Fortunately, the children turned for help in time, so everyone’s lives were saved.

Rice. 2. Picnic in the forest ()

Dangers in the forest

Probably everyone has been to the forest at least once in their life. Some may even live near the forest. In addition to the beauty that can be contemplated in the forest, there are many dangers lurking in it.

For example, one of the dangers is wild animals. If animals are not provoked, then there will be no danger, but sometimes provocation can occur involuntarily. For example, you accidentally disturbed a bear or other predator while picking berries or mushrooms (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Bear in a raspberry field ()

You need to be extremely careful in the forest. In addition to wild animals, there is a danger of poisoning in the forest if you try unfamiliar berries or mushrooms.

Open fire is also dangerous. You need to keep an eye on him, otherwise you may get hurt yourself and cause irreparable harm to the forest.

Often dangerous situations catch us at a time when we do not expect it and are not ready for it.

Sometimes dangerous situations arise due to our constant wrong actions.

Therefore, every person must know and follow the main rules of life safety.

1. Study the types and causes of hazards

2. Learn to anticipate their occurrence

3. If possible, avoid dangerous situations, avoid dangerous places, do not take unnecessary risks

For example, when you are walking in the yard, there may be a roadway, an open manhole, a faulty slide or an abandoned building nearby. Remember that you need to be extremely careful around such objects, and it is better to move away from them, then the risk will be minimized.

4. Don’t be scared or panic in difficult situations

5. When danger appears, act decisively

If you do find yourself in a difficult situation, then it is worth assessing the degree of danger and thinking about how you can reduce the danger to a minimum. For example, if you are stuck in an elevator, panic will only be harmful, because it will use up air faster. If you are not alone in the elevator, then you may have to help your fellow sufferers (calm them down, provide first aid), so you need to be decisive.

6. Always seek advice and help

7. Choose the safest path or course of action possible.

Rice. 4. Firefighters ()

Rice. 5. Rescuers ()

Even if you are well aware of how to act in dangerous situations, it would be a good idea to seek help from adults or specialists whose job is to save people (Fig. 4, 5). When trying to get out of a difficult situation, you should choose the safest paths so as not to worsen your situation.

Rice. 6. When returning home late, be careful ()

8. Actively fight (by any legal means) for your life, your rights, your property. If it happens that there is an attempt on your life, health or property, or an infringement of your rights, you are obliged to defend your life, health and property. Otherwise, unpunished evil can be repeated or, even worse, become even greater evil for another person.

The Importance of Self-Defense

Indeed, you need to fight for your life and health. An example is the story of sixth-grader Olya from Irkutsk.

The girl was returning home after school. The entrance was not lit, the girl heard steps behind her and felt that someone approached her from behind (Fig. 6).

The story could have ended tragically, because the one who approached was an intruder.

Fortunately, the girl was not at a loss and applied her skills - she had been practicing taekwondo for several years (Fig. 7). She was able to temporarily immobilize the attacker and call adults for help.

Rice. 7. Learn self-defense ()

This story teaches us that it is worth keeping fit, playing sports and knowing at least basic self-defense techniques.

Be vigilant in dangerous places.

These rules have been developed over the years thanks to rescuers, famous travelers, brave people, military personnel, and firefighters.

We have listed only the basic rules. Of course, there are many more, but this will be discussed in other lessons.


  1. Fundamentals of life safety: 5th grade: textbook for educational institutions / M.P. Frolov [et al.], ed. Yu.L. Vorobyova. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013, 174 pp.: ill. Polyakov V.V., Kuznetsov M.I. and others, ed. Latchuka V.N. Fundamentals of life safety. 5th grade. - 2012, 160 p.
  2. Smirnov A.T., Khrennikov B.O. Fundamentals of life safety. 5th grade. - 2012, 191 p.

Additional pecomendovaThese links to Internet resources

  1. Boxing-do.com ().
  2. Medestetik.ru ().
  3. Uroki-online.com ().


  1. Answer the questions on pages 10-11. Fundamentals of life safety: 5th grade: textbook for educational institutions / M.P. Frolov [et al.], ed. Yu.L. Vorobyova. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013, 174 pp.: ill.
  2. Consider the consequences of leaving home without checking that all electrical appliances are turned off.
  3. * Make an illustration of the most important, in your opinion, rule of life safety.
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