The easiest ways to tie a scarf for a Muslim woman. How to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman's head

The scarf has accompanied women for many centuries, and today it remains a stylish, beautiful accessory, an addition to the wardrobe and an indispensable headdress. Its purpose among the Slavs at first had purely practical significance. A scarf was tied to a girl when she got married. It would seem that simple observance of tradition carried a deep meaning. Entering adulthood, a woman took on a number of responsibilities around the house and household. And loose hair was not conducive to cooking or caring for children, especially babies.

When entering a church, women cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of modesty and humility. Muslim girls who have reached adolescence do not go outside with their heads uncovered due to religious beliefs.

The current scarf has virtually no traditional meaning, but this headdress is comfortable, practical, and beautiful. It transforms a woman and brings elegance to her usual attire.
There are a lot of variations on how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head. Today we will talk about the most common options for tying a scarf on your head.

A headscarf can be tied in different ways. The optimal shape of such an accessory is a square with a side of 90 cm.

Classic version never goes out of style. For this option, the scarf is folded in half diagonally and draped over the head. The hairline and bangs should not be covered with fabric. The narrow ends of the scarf are thrown back and tied in a knot. Popular film stars prefer this type of attire.

The so-called peasant way. In the question “how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head,” he occupies one of the leading positions. The scarf is folded, as with the classic one, only the ends immediately fall down and are tied under the hair.

The beach is worth taking advantage of pirate style tying a scarf. The fabric is also folded and draped over the head, but tied at the back over the middle corners. A bandana is tied in the same way.

Gypsy way how to beautifully tie a scarf on a Muslim woman’s head is somewhat original: the folded scarf wraps around the head, tying on the side. The ends are tucked under the fabric.

You can make it from a scarf headband. The square folded diagonally is folded several times until a strip 5 cm wide remains. They tie it around the head, connecting the ends at the back. A wide headband over your hairstyle will give your look a hippie look.

The most fashionable style today is turban. The scarf is chosen to be larger in size, folded in half, and thrown over the head. The ends are crossed at the back, thrown forward and tied on the forehead over the fabric. The ends can be removed or left free.

In fact, not everyone is concerned exclusively with the visual design of the external image, and thinks about how beautifully to tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head.

From a practical point of view, a scarf also has many advantages and features of wearing.

First of all a scarf is good protection from cold, sun, dust and other external influences environment. Thanks to its compactness, the scarf takes up little space both in the closet and in the purse, but with the help of one such thing you can change your look every time and be unique.

We hope you were able to find the best way for yourself on how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head after reading this short note.

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In the Islamic world, all women's clothing that leaves only the face and hands exposed is called the hijab. In Western culture, this is only the name for the headscarf worn by Muslim women. Girls learn to tie this traditional item of clothing from early childhood.

Hijab in modern society

The East has always attracted people with its mystery and color, and now the most fastidious fashionistas around the world have begun to use the hijab as decoration for their costume. And therefore, today for many women the question of how to tie headscarves in a Muslim manner is relevant.

Girls raised in Western culture can also learn this art, especially since they can come up with their own original ways of wearing the hijab. For an Islamic woman, there are clear rules for being Muslim - this means that not a single strand of hair should peek out from under the headdress, and neither ears nor earrings should be visible. Only the face can be uncovered, and, in addition, it is not allowed to display jewelry, since a Muslim woman cannot show off her wealth.

How to wear a hijab

Let's look at several ways to tie scarves the Muslim way:

  • One option involves using a small cap called a bonnet. First, they put it on, and only then tie a triangle-folded scarf on top, wrapping its ends around the neck and securing them at the back of the head. An easier way is to pin the hijab under the chin.
  • As an alternative to the bonnet, you can use mihram - this is a rectangular scarf made of non-slip fabric. It is put on, hiding all the hair, and the ends are wrapped around the head. A hijab is worn on top, and its edges are hidden under the mihram.
  • Another option on how to properly tie a Muslim scarf is a combination of two scarves, and they can be of different colors. This method allows a woman to decorate herself without violating Islamic laws. In this case, the lower hijab is tied at the back, and the upper one is wrapped around the face and secured near the ear.
  • You can throw a long scarf over your head and secure its ends at the back, and then twist them into a rope and wrap it around your head, securing it with pins.
  • One of the ways to tie a scarf in a Muslim way is to use a turban, which is especially popular in Turkey today. To tie a hijab in this way, it is folded diagonally and placed on the head. Twist one end into a rope and wrap it first at the back and then around the head, hiding the rest under a scarf. The same steps are repeated with the second end of the scarf, and then the turban is straightened on the head.

Every woman who professes Islam must wear a hijab. In countries such as Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, wearing it is mandatory. In some others, for example, in France, Tajikistan, Tunisia, a law was passed prohibiting the wearing of a headscarf in educational institutions. Whatever the attitude of the authorities, even among Islamic women there are both supporters and opponents of the hijab. But in any case, without this attribute, we can no longer imagine an Eastern woman who, from infancy, mastered the science of how to beautifully tie a Muslim headscarf.

All Muslim scarves can be divided into two types: rectangular and square.

Rectangular scarves

First, let's figure out how to tie a rectangular scarf correctly:

  1. Usually a hat is worn under the scarf. In most cases, this is not necessary, but a scarf that is too thin can be a little see-through, and then a cap is indispensable. Bonnet also allows the scarf not to slip on your head, and will allow you to pull the scarf a little. You need to put on the bone in the same way as a regular bandage. It is better to cover your ears, because they can be seen through a scarf that is too bright or thin.
  2. Next, you need to put the scarf on the crown of your head so that about a third of the length of the scarf remains on one side and another two-thirds is on the other.
  3. The scarf should be pinned under the chin. Typically you will use a small pin to do this. You need to make sure that the shorter side of the scarf is near the chin, while the long side is on top.
  4. The part of the scarf that has been made longer must be taken in your hand and wrapped around the back of your head at the same distance between the crown and the top of the neck. The height of the scarf depends mainly on the shape of the head. The higher the scarf is wrapped, the more it will cover your shoulders and neck.
  5. After wrapping the long end around your head, you will need to pin it under your chin, although you can do it on the side. To secure the scarf more securely, a pin is inserted under two layers of its fabric. If you pin it on both sides, the hijab will stay on your head all day. Tailor's pins can be well suited for this purpose, because their multi-colored heads allow you to quite accurately select the required color of the pin, which will go well with the color of the scarf.

That's all you need to tie a rectangular scarf.

Square scarves

Now let's move on to the square one. In order to tie it, you need:

  1. Fold the scarf diagonally to form a triangle.
  2. Attach it under your chin.
  3. Attach one end of the scarf to the clothing near the shoulder.
  4. The other end of the scarf is also placed behind the shoulder and secured with a small pin.

Video on how to tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman's head

Hello, dear readers. An unremarkable, but very significant fact prompted me to write this article. Yesterday in one of social networks One person “knocked” on my friend’s door. Usually I always agree to be friends with people, but I deliberately rejected her offer. Do you want to know why he did this? Believe me, there was a very good reason for that...

The girl is clearly from (even the city was indicated on the page, I will not divulge details), dressed like a “moth” - brightly painted lips, a huge neckline, a long skirt, stilettos on her feet, a smile with 32 teeth. You will say that “nothing special, today half of the Internet is such miracles,” but... this madam’s head is “decorated” with a Muslim headscarf, neatly tied in the form of a hijab.

I can’t say that I am a deeply religious person, but at that moment the only thing I could say was Alhamdulillah! Of course, this expression literally translates as “Praise be to Allah,” but is most often used by Muslims when something really “amazes the mind.” And in this case, the sight of this “Muslim woman” struck me so much that I could not say anything else.

Despite the fact that in the article I carried out a small evidentiary analysis in favor of wearing a traditional Islamic headdress, in this situation I would gladly tear the scarf from this madam’s head. Moreover, he would generally prohibit wearing Muslim attire in this form. I don’t want to rant further about the “ban on wearing the hijab”; it’s better to watch an interesting discussion on this topic in Vladimir Solovyov’s program:

In the comments, I will be glad to read your opinion about everything that was said in the video. Below I will not write another word about that “Muslim woman,” since the main goal of the article is to understand the types of Muslim headscarves and the myths that have developed around their wearing. To be honest, before writing this article, I myself did not clearly understand what types of clothing women have. But now I’ve figured it out and I hasten to tell you about it. Believe me, you will make many interesting discoveries for yourself.

Muslim headscarf - myths and types of women's headdresses

If you ask an ordinary person what traditional Muslim headdresses he knows, then, at best, you can hear - hijab, burqa and veil. But can you distinguish, for example, a burqa from a veil? This is where things get tricky, although yours truly has serious “problems” with this too. Let's figure out together what is what. Here, look:

Now, I think it’s clear that the burqa is the strictest Muslim attire. And it differs from the veil in that the face is covered with a net. In addition to the above three types of women's religious clothing, there are more than a dozen varieties in Islam. We will talk about them below, but now I would like to dispel some of the myths that have developed around the hijab and others like it.

  • Myth No. 1– The Koran strictly requires a Muslim woman to hide her face.

If you show me at least one verse in the Koran that would oblige women to hide their faces, then I will publicly apologize to everyone and you can consider me ignorant. So, we open the 24th sura of the Holy Scripture, which calls “An-Nur” (Light) and see:

“Tell believing women that they are ordered not to show bodily beauty that seduces men - the places where a woman wears jewelry: chest, neck, shoulders, EXCEPT the FACE and hands. Tell them to cover the places visible in the neckline of their clothes, such as the chest and neck, by throwing their head coverings over them.”

Thus, the Koran requires women to hide their hair, chest, neck, shoulders, but not their entire face. Another thing is that some people specifically interpret the requirements of the Koran in a way that is beneficial to them. This is the basis for all sorts of disputes and misunderstandings. By the way, here is one of the disputes:

  • Myth No. 2– Girls must wear the hijab from the moment they reach adulthood.

This is not even a myth, but some kind of misconception, since many people confuse the modern understanding of “coming of age” from the Muslim interpretation. In Islam, a woman is required to wear the hijab from the moment of mukallaf - the time of mental and puberty. It is very important here that a person must mature mentally.

In the Islamic world itself, opinions were divided regarding the timing of the onset of mukallaf. Some pundits believe that it occurs before the age of 15, when secondary reproductive organs are formed. Others argue that a person becomes a mukallaf only after full puberty. This is probably why in some Arab countries it is customary to marry off girls before the age of 15. Why are you surprised? There are suggestions that the Virgin Mary married Joseph at the age of 12...

  • Myth No. 3– The Muslim headscarf is prohibited only in Christian countries.

One of the first countries to ban the wearing of hijab in public and educational institutions, became Islamic Türkiye. The ban law was passed back in 1925. Subsequently, the same ban was introduced in Tunisia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and recently in Azerbaijan (note, all Muslim republics), which caused violent indignation among believers:

What can we say about France, Holland, Germany and Belgium! Only I am personally amazed by one fact - how do these Europeans allow monstrous same-sex marriages, gay pride parades and other heresies, but prohibit people’s religious preferences? This is a question to think about.

If you wish, you can debunk many myths, but we will not reveal all our cards. Let’s better understand what types of women’s headdresses are most common in Islam today. You need to understand that the traditions of wearing Muslim headdresses can vary greatly in different parts of the world, due to well-established morals, customs and gender relations in society.

Three types of hats have already been mentioned above:

Hijab is a garment that covers a woman's body from head to toe, but leaves her face uncovered. Sharia says that the hijab should be long, but not tight or provocative. By the way, we have an incorrect stereotype - by hijab we mean muslim headscarf, which is not true.

Burqa - from the Persian word "faraji" - outerwear with long sleeves, was previously worn by men. Now most common in Central and Central Asia. As I already noted, the burqa covers the entire body, and there is a net on the face (most often made from a horse’s tail). By the way, in the famous film “White Sun of the Desert” Gulchatay and all the other wives of Abdullah were dressed in a burqa.

Veil – big light a robe-bedspread made of good quality fabric in white, black or dark blue, which covers the entire body. Most often, women wear a veil when going out. By the way, it has two varieties:

  • with an open face (called "charshou") is more common in Azerbaijan and the south;
  • with an opening for the eyes (traditional type of veil) common in Iran. Here is an interesting report from France about the veil:

Now let's talk about those hats that we didn't mention...

Niqab is a headdress with a hole for the eyes. It consists of three parts - a headband and two scarves sewn to the headband. One scarf is sewn on the front in two places (which leaves a slit for the eyes), the second is sewn on the back without any slits and covers the hair and neck.

Jilbab is primarily the outer garment of a Muslim woman, covering the entire body of a woman, with the exception of the arms and legs. The face may be covered with a separate scarf, but it may not be covered. At the moment, it has practically lost its purpose, since the word “jilbab” in the Arab world is used to describe any outerwear - a coat, raincoat or dress.

Burka - no, this is not the famous Caucasian robe made of sheep or lamb skin. In our case, a burqa is a type of burqa common in Pakistan. The difference is that the burka can be worn with an open face. By the way, most often they also wear a special skullcap with a burqa.

Tired already? I told you that muslim headscarf"not alone". Can you imagine how my brain was racing when I was figuring all this out. So, here are a few more options - dupatta, khimar, al-amira, sheila. I won’t describe them in more detail, it’s better to look at the picture:

There are more than a dozen other types of wearing Muslim headscarves, but the most common ones are shown above. If you know any other ways, please write in the comments. We will all be interested in learning even more about the culture of wearing women's headdresses.

This is where I end, but very soon, at the request of readers, I will write a very interesting article about the role and place of women in Islam. Believe me, there are a lot of subtleties, nuances and stereotypes that require a sober assessment.

According to holy quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, a woman should not show her beauty to strangers. The Qur'an says: “Let them (believing women) not show off their embellishments, except for those that are visible (i.e. the oval of the face and hands), and let them cover the neckline on the chest with their veils...” (Surah an-Nur 31). Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that one day Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr, came to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ wearing thin clothes. The Prophet ﷺ turned away from her and said: “O Asma! A woman who has reached the age of majority should not open places other than these places,” pointing to her face and hands.” According to this, Muslim women are required to completely cover their heads along with their necks, with the exception of their faces. The Almighty created men and women to be attracted to each other, and a woman’s openness pushes a man to forbidden actions leading to bad consequences. Dressed according to the instructions, the girl is protected from the gaze of strangers and emphasizes her chastity.

Is a headscarf a hijab?

A headscarf cannot always be called a hijab. Since hijab means hiding the entire female body except the oval of the face and hands, with clothes that are not transparent, not tight-fitting, and do not attract the attention of the opposite sex. If you wear any scarf so that the head and neck are covered except for the oval of the face, then it also becomes part of her hijab. Sometimes the headscarf does not meet the conditions of the hijab, as some Muslim women tie it in such a way that part of the head, hair and neck are visible. This does not correspond to the canons of Islam and if strangers see her, she falls into sin.

What should a Muslim woman's headdress be like?

We can say that the answer to this question has already become clear from the previous answers. However, I want to add that when putting on a scarf, girls should understand that the scarf should not be made of bright colors that attract the attention of strangers, like her other clothes, her hair or bare parts of the body should not be visible from under the scarf. A Muslim woman must understand that a headscarf covering her entire head is not only her style of clothing, but also her life position, a manifestation of her faith. It is faith, since the girl, by covering herself, does what is prescribed to her by Allah Almighty. And many girls admit that wearing a hijab gives them a sense of security and confidence, makes her beauty modest and dignified, protecting and protecting her.

Should a Muslim woman always cover her head?

A woman is obliged to cover her head from strangers who do not belong to the “mahram” category. She may not cover her head in front of women, close male relatives (mahram) and her husband. But if a stranger who is not a Mahram comes to visit, then even in the presence of her husband, brother, or father, she is obliged to cover her body except her face and hands.

Mahram men include those men who, according to Islam, do not have the right to marry her for the following reasons:

1) Consanguinity (father, grandfather, son, grandson, great-grandson, paternal and maternal uncle, her siblings and sons of siblings).

2) Dairy relationship (foster brother or husband of her foster mother).

3) Marital relationship (father-in-law or father-in-law's father, her mother's husband (stepfather) or his father, as well as her husband's son or grandson).

When should a Muslim woman wear a headscarf or hijab from childhood?

As for the specific age at which a girl should be taught to wear the hijab, theologians recommend from the age of seven, based on the hadith: “Tell your children to pray when they are seven years old, and punish them if they do not do so when they are ten years old. And separate them in different beds" (Abu Daoud). This includes all the requirements of Islam, and not just the performance of namaz.

For not wearing a hijab, a girl falls into sin from the age of majority. Signs of a girl coming of age include the following: the appearance of hair on the genital organ, the appearance of wet dreams or first blood (menstruation).

How to tie a Muslim headscarf correctly

For a Muslim woman, a headscarf is not only a tribute to the traditions of her ancestors, but also a beautiful accessory that decorates her. And the point here is not only the diversity color palette scarves, but also methods of tying. And learning how to tie them beautifully is quite easy. If you don’t figure it out, watch the video on how to tie a scarf the Muslim way. useful tips will help you figure it out.

How to tie a Muslim headscarf correctly

It is recommended to wear a cap called a bonnet under the scarf. It resembles a headband. With a bone, the scarf will not slide on your head. In addition, the cap will completely cover your hair. To fasten the scarf, you can use a special needle or safety pin.

It’s better to start with the simplest way to tie a scarf in the Muslim way. Take a rectangular scarf. Place the narrow side of the scarf in the center and fold the ends back. Now bring the ends behind each other and secure with a pin. Next, wrap the long side around your neck and secure it again with a pin. Wrap the remaining fabric around your head and pin on the other side. The long part should hang freely over the shoulder.

You can tie a Muslim headscarf in another way. Take a scarf and place it on the crown of your head so that the long part is on the right side and the short part is on the other. Now be sure to secure the scarf under your chin with a small pin. It is important to remember that with this method of tying, the short side of the scarf should always be closer to the chin, and the longer side should be on top of it. Now wrap the long part around your head just below the crown. Keep in mind that the lower the scarf, the more it will cover your neck and shoulders. Next, re-pin the ends under the chin or on the side. To securely and correctly fix a Muslim headscarf, you need to thread a pin under two layers of scarf fabric. You can pin pins on both the right and left.

Now try tying a triangular scarf. Fold the scarf diagonally to form a triangle and place it in the center of your head. Use your index finger and thumb to hold both sides of the scarf. Press the ends of the scarf against your cheekbone and begin to slowly twist one end of the scarf forward. Holding the fabric on one side, pull the other end out from under your ear. Next, wrap the scarf around your neck with your right hand, while not forgetting to hold the twisted end of the scarf under your chin. The remaining end of the Muslim headscarf should hang freely.

For many hundreds of years, Muslim headscarves that cover the entire head have been considered the dignity of every woman in the East, an indicator of loyalty and love for Allah. If you meet a girl in a headscarf and a closed robe on the street, you can easily determine what religion she is. According to historians, these stereotypes and rules were not originally Islamic. Researchers are inclined to believe that wearing headscarves came to Islam from Iran. The borrowing of customs began from the time of the conquest of nearby states by Muslims.

The meaning of this tradition remained unchanged - the girl was hidden from prying eyes, since the mentality of Eastern people was built on exalting the beauty of a woman, her body parts, the shape of the figure was carefully hidden, only close relatives could see them.

There are several types of scarves in the East:

  • hijab - a scarf up to the shoulders and chest, covering the head, leaving only the face visible;
  • niqab is a traditional black stole that leaves only the eyes visible;
  • veil - a large stole (sometimes up to the waist), hiding parts of the body along with the head;
  • burqa - a robe from head to toe that hides the face, the eyes are covered with a net;
  • turban - fabric wrapped around the head 2-3 times.

Hijabs are the most common type in the world. This type of headdress represents purity among Muslims. The Koran says that this headdress can cleanse a girl’s heart from envy, anger and sin.

Not every oriental headscarf is worthy of being called a hijab. Only if a number of rules are followed can a woman be proud of him:

  1. clothing covers the entire body and does not highlight the shape of the hips and chest. It is allowed to open the face, hands and, in rare cases, feet;
  2. the color of the fabric of clothing and headdress is pale dark tones, without decorations;
  3. clothes and scarves cannot be see-through;
  4. the headdress is free;
  5. The use of incense is prohibited.

The traditional hijab color is black, but today there are many fabrics available in attractive colors and quality. The size of the stole is at least 1.5 m in length and width.

The fabric must cover the woman’s entire head – hair, ears, neck. Only the oval of the face can remain open.

IN modern world The headscarf is worn in a variety of fashionable or traditional ways. Let's try to figure out how to tie it correctly.

How to tie a hijab beautifully

Today, women have tried all the methods of tying stoles, but in first place is the classic one - tying on one side. Modern hijab is distinguished by the permissibility of using fabrics various colors and brooches.

In preparation for tying, gather your hair into a bun. The main places of attachment are under the hair and at the chin. As a result, in the mirror you will be able to see a clear contour of the face - forehead, cheekbones and chin.

Hijab tied to one side

The stole must be draped over the head, covering the hair on the forehead. Attach to the chin area. The edges of the stole will remain hanging freely from the chin to the bottom. We throw the left part back and fasten it to the back of the head. Next, take the lower edge of the right side and wrap the head from below along the oval of the face through the left side. We pin it at the temple on the left side. This option is not only classic, but also fashionable.

Hijab tied at the back of the head

The headscarf is worn on the head in Muslim style , along the hairline, with one edge longer than the other. Its ends are tied at the back of the neck. The short part of the hijab wraps around the forehead and is secured on the other side. The second part goes around the entire neck and secures it on the opposite temple. Fasten the remaining end to the back of the head. The stole lies loosely and covers the neck and décolleté.

Long hijab covering the neck and chest

Mark the center of the scarf, secure it at the back and throw it completely over the right side. It should lie freely and cover the neck. Place one end near the chin and pin at the back of the head on the right side. Throw the other end over your left shoulder and secure above your left ear. This hijab is most similar to an Islamic headscarf and will look free from the outside.

Creative way to wear hijab

There are definitely strict rules for wearing Muslim headscarves, but fashionistas are allowed to make their own changes. One of these methods is to surround the head with cloth along the forehead line. It is pinned on the chin and thrown over the left shoulder. Twist the ends twice and wrap them around your neck. The loose ends remain on the right shoulder. They can be tied into a beautiful knot.

Another way of tying is more open. The hijab is placed over the head along the hairline. They are stabbed at the back of the neck. The loose ends are woven with a braid or whip.

To add more creativity to traditional hijabs, brooches and hairpins are used.

The scarf has accompanied women for many centuries, and today it remains a stylish, beautiful accessory, an addition to the wardrobe and an indispensable headdress. Its purpose among the Slavs at first had purely practical significance. A scarf was tied to a girl when she got married. It would seem that simple observance of tradition carried a deep meaning. Entering adulthood, a woman took on a number of responsibilities around the house and household. And loose hair was not conducive to cooking or caring for children, especially babies.

When entering a church, women cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of modesty and humility. Muslim girls who have reached adolescence do not go outside with their heads uncovered due to religious beliefs.

The current scarf has virtually no traditional meaning, but this headdress is comfortable, practical, and beautiful. It transforms a woman and brings elegance to her usual attire.
There are a lot of variations on how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head. Today we will talk about the most common options for tying a scarf on your head.

A headscarf can be tied in different ways. The optimal shape of such an accessory is a square with a side of 90 cm.

Classic version never goes out of style. For this option, the scarf is folded in half diagonally and draped over the head. The hairline and bangs should not be covered with fabric. The narrow ends of the scarf are thrown back and tied in a knot. Popular film stars prefer this type of attire.

The so-called peasant way. In the question “how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head,” he occupies one of the leading positions. The scarf is folded, as with the classic one, only the ends immediately fall down and are tied under the hair.

The beach is worth taking advantage of pirate style tying a scarf. The fabric is also folded and draped over the head, but tied at the back over the middle corners. A bandana is tied in the same way.

Gypsy way how to beautifully tie a scarf on a Muslim woman’s head is somewhat original: the folded scarf wraps around the head, tying on the side. The ends are tucked under the fabric.

You can make it from a scarf headband. The square folded diagonally is folded several times until a strip 5 cm wide remains. They tie it around the head, connecting the ends at the back. A wide headband over your hairstyle will give your look a hippie look.

Today's most Fashionable styleturban. The scarf is chosen to be larger in size, folded in half, and thrown over the head. The ends are crossed at the back, thrown forward and tied on the forehead over the fabric. The ends can be removed or left free.

In fact, not everyone is concerned exclusively with the visual design of the external image, and thinks about how beautifully to tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head.

From a practical point of view, a scarf also has many advantages and features of wearing.

First of all a scarf is good protection from cold, sun, dust and other external environmental influences. Thanks to its compactness, the scarf takes up little space both in the closet and in the purse, but with the help of one such thing you can change your look every time and be unique.

We hope you were able to find the best way for yourself on how to beautifully tie a headscarf on a Muslim woman’s head after reading this short note.

Today there are many simple and complex ways to tie a hijab. We invite you to find out how to do it beautifully and emphasize your own individuality with the help of a universal accessory. The ability to tie a hijab will also be useful for fashionistas who are planning a trip to the Middle East and want to express their respect for the cultural traditions of this people.

How to tie a hijab - the meaning of the accessory for Muslims

The exotic word “hijab” refers to a headscarf under which the female half of the Muslim population hides their head and neck. Literally translated from Arabic, “hajaba” means “to hide from sight.” Eastern beauties wear hijab to show their love, devotion and humility before God. This is how they dress when they leave the house.

By hiding her beauty from strangers with a headscarf, a Muslim woman tacitly declares that she is a person, not a sexual object, and should be judged solely by her intellectual and moral skills. A piece of silk fabric helps Muslim women emphasize their individuality, modesty and femininity. They wear the hijab no matter where they live - in their home country or abroad.

How to tie a hijab - several interesting ways

Decorating yourself with a hijab in one style would be boring, so today there are many options to always look different in a hijab.

The width and length of the scarf should be approximately 1.5 m, otherwise it simply will not take the configuration that you want to give it.

So, when tying a scarf, remember to cover your hair, ears and neck. To do this, the hair is pulled back and secured with a hairpin or elastic band, and then the scarf is carefully placed on the forehead, fixing it under the hair, on the back of the head and under the chin. Here are the easiest and most attractive ways to tie a hijab:

In the form of a sea wave:

  • Cover your head with a scarf, placing its edge slightly below your hairline.
  • Wrap the ends of the hijab around your neck so that there are folds of fabric in front, hanging down on your chest in soft waves.

In the form of a braid:

  • You will need two scarves in a contrasting color - a lower one and an upper one. Pull your hair up. Cover your head with a scarf and wrap it around your neck, leaving the loose ends at the back.
  • Now cover your head with the top scarf, bring its edges back to where the ends of the bottom scarf hang.
  • Combine the ends of the upper hijab with the ends of the lower one and braid it in the manner of a classic loose braid, securing it at the bottom with a beautiful elastic band. To make the head scarf design more compact, wrap the braid around a bun of hair and secure with a bobby pin.

Using a pin and brooch:

  • Twist your hair into a rope and twist it into a bun at the back of your head.
  • Cover your head with an underscarf, bring its ends back and secure with a simple pin.
  • Place a scarf over the top, wrap it around your neck and bring both ends forward. Position the hijab so that one end is much longer than the other.
  • Lay out the long part of the scarf in beautiful folds on your chest, and secure the free end with a decorative pin or brooch above your ear.

How to tie a hijab - a note for fashionistas

  • According to all the rules, the hijab should be worn on top of a special cap that fits tightly around the head. No matter what happens to the scarf (for example, it moves to the side), the cap will reliably hide the woman’s hair from prying eyes.
  • Refuse to use a scarf with inscriptions or any symbols as a hijab.
  • The combination of a hijab with tight and transparent clothes is nonsense.
  • The color of a Muslim headscarf largely depends on the season. In summer, black and dark-colored hijabs are not worn. It is better to give preference to delicate pastel shades. Snow-white scarves are at the peak of popularity.
  • A hijab made of wool or viscose is good as a winter headdress. For summer season Scarves made of chiffon, silk, satin or cotton are ideal.

To learn how to tie a hijab quickly and beautifully, you need skill. With a little practice, you will soon master this activity and add another irresistible look to your fashion collection!

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