Seitan is a vegetarian wheat “meat”. Vegetarian meat Meat made from flour and water

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating often adjust their diet towards reducing the consumption of meat products. Increasingly, modern consumers are turning their attention to various alternative meat substitutes. These include soybean substitutes, legumes, and mushrooms. But the wheat product seitan is recognized as the closest in taste.

Wheat meat

A product made from wheat gluten most closely resembles natural meat in taste and texture. It is obtained by washing starch from wheat flour by pouring water up to several times. The remaining gluten is seitan, or meat for vegetarians. This meat tastes like regular chicken and is actively used by adherents of a vegetarian diet for preparing various dishes.

Useful properties of seitan

Vegetarian meat has recently become not only a product for vegetarians, it has also become popular among health-conscious meat eaters. Seitan is a healthy product, rich in a number of amino acids, nutrients and trace elements. Vegetarian plant product, or seitan, common calorie content about 350 kcal per 100 grams of weight, while remaining a fairly healthy and low-fat product: for 75 grams of protein there are only about two grams of fat. This low-fat product is also preferred by those who are watching their weight; many nutritionists include seitan in the approved foods for their patients who want to adjust their weight. One serving of seitan will fill one quarter of the body’s daily need for sodium and restore the body’s electrolyte balance.

Harmful properties of seitan

Almost everyone can eat vegetarian meat, however, there is one strict contraindication. Those people who suffer from the rare disease celiac disease, or the inability of the intestines to process gluten from cereal plants, are strictly prohibited from consuming seitan. Violators of the ban risk developing cancer of the digestive tract, ulcerative erosive lesions of the digestive organ, osteoporosis and a number of other diseases. Seitan should also be consumed with caution by people with a history of allergic reactions, since gluten can act as a strong allergen on the body.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question? This almost Shakespearean dilemma faces modern people who think about the benefits of meat and healthy eating as such. If you dig deeper into the issue, it turns out that there are a huge number of plant-based meat substitutes. They have the same taste and will help calm the mind that is worried about the lack of meat products in the diet.

In our review, we will talk about the most popular plant-based meat analogues, their methods of preparation and compatibility with other products, as well as their benefits and possible dangers to the body.

Soy meat

Soy meat is usually produced from defatted soy flour and consists of 50-70% protein. This meat is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins D, E and group B, and important microelements.

With skillful use of spices, they can replace almost any meat, since soy meat resembles an animal in its fibrous structure. Another advantage of using soy meat is its low price and wide availability.

But there are rumors about the dangers of soy meat. And they are not unfounded. Since the 1990s, GMO soybeans began to go on sale. And just such a product is dangerous. If used regularly, it can cause harm to the body.

There is only one way out: be careful when purchasing soybean semi-finished products and do not purchase GMO products.

Unmodified soy meat is also not entirely safe: soy can cause allergies, and its excessive consumption can lead to problems with the body’s absorption of proteins. Also, soy meat is not recommended for pregnant women and children. But – we repeat – this only applies to uncontrolled consumption of soy.


Tofu obtained by coagulating soy milk protein. Tofu can be fried, boiled, baked, used in soups and sauces, and steamed. In terms of taste, taking into account the addition of certain spices, tofu can replace chicken and beef.

Similar to soy meat, tofu contains almost no fat, but is rich in essential amino acids and is also a source of iron and calcium.


Tempe- as a rule, these are briquetted fermented soybeans. Because of its texture, tempeh is perfect for fish dishes. Unlike tofu, tempeh is high in dietary fiber and is a source of dietary fiber.

Bars of fresh tempeh wrapped in palm leaves at a market in Jakarta, Indonesia


Seitan- a food product made from wheat protein (gluten, gluten). Its main advantage is that it is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to knead the dough from flour and water and then stir it under running water for 30–40 minutes until the water flowing from the dough is no longer cloudy.

In this case, the starch is washed out of the dough and only gluten remains. This is what seitan is. The taste is given to it using a strong broth with a large addition of spices and soy sauce, in which the seitan should be boiled (without them it is bland and tasteless). It can also be stewed or fried in sauce.

Using seitan in dishes can replace beef and pork.

In addition to proteins, seitan also contains potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

But it is important to remember that seitan is a gluten-containing product, so it is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance (ciliacia).


Mushrooms often called "plant-based meat". Indeed, in addition to plant components, mushrooms combine some of the characteristics of animal protein. Mushrooms are very rich in vitamins and microelements, and also have a rich aroma.

However, in Vedic culture it is believed that mushrooms, being a type of mold, belong to foods in the guna of ignorance, so eating them is not recommended (although it is not prohibited, especially champignons).


Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit, the fruit of which can be used in stir-fries or sandwiches. India is considered the birthplace of jackfruit; the fruits can reach up to 34 kilograms. We sell fruits weighing about five kilograms and are much more expensive than in India.


Homeland eggplant India is also considered. Thanks to its taste and beneficial properties, eggplants have been well cultivated over a long time and have found their admirers throughout Europe. Eggplants make a good substitute for meat in Italian dishes such as lasagna or pasta. They can be stuffed with other vegetables, added to pilaf, cabbage rolls, casseroles, dumplings, salads, and stews.

It should be remembered that eggplants should not be eaten raw, and you should not buy overripe fruits due to their high solanine content. Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the eggplants in salted water.


Legumes: red, green and black lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas... Another source of plant protein. Be sure to try Jamie Oliver's recipe for Vegan Chickpea Burgers.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds can be used to make vegan cheese, and can also be added to vegan burgers to add richness and meatiness. However, it should be remembered that ideally nuts and seeds should not be heat treated. It is preferable to soak them in drinking water for several hours. This way you can get the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients from them.

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating often adjust their diet towards reducing the consumption of meat products. Increasingly, modern consumers are turning their attention to various alternative meat substitutes. These include soybean substitutes, legumes, and mushrooms. But the wheat product seitan is recognized as the closest in taste.

A product made from wheat gluten most closely resembles natural meat in taste and texture. It is obtained by washing starch from wheat flour by pouring water up to several times. The remaining gluten is seitan, or meat for vegetarians. This meat tastes like regular chicken and is actively used by adherents of a vegetarian diet for preparing various dishes.

Useful properties of seitan

Vegetarian meat has recently become not only a product for vegetarians, it has also become popular among health-conscious meat eaters. Seitan is a healthy product, rich in a number of amino acids, nutrients and trace elements. Vegetarian plant product, or seitan, common calorie content about 350 kcal per 100 grams of weight, while remaining a fairly healthy and low-fat product: for 75 grams of protein there are only about two grams of fat. This low-fat product is also preferred by those who are watching their weight; many nutritionists include seitan in the approved foods for their patients who want to adjust their weight. One serving of seitan will fill one quarter of the body’s daily need for sodium and restore the body’s electrolyte balance.

Harmful properties of seitan

Almost everyone can eat vegetarian meat, however, there is one strict contraindication. Those people who suffer from the rare disease celiac disease, or the inability of the intestines to process gluten from cereal plants, are strictly prohibited from consuming seitan. Violators of the ban risk developing cancer of the digestive tract, ulcerative erosive lesions of the digestive organ, osteoporosis and a number of other diseases. Seitan should also be consumed with caution by people with a history of allergic reactions, since gluten can act as a strong allergen on the body.

Seitan: benefits and harm on the site.

Life in the modern world is replete with many factors that negatively affect a person. The main ones are poor ecology, questionable quality of food, contaminated drinking water, poor quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to regular healing of the body using various methods and means. Before using the information, be sure to consult with your doctor. All advice on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace examination, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

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The recipe for seitan, or wheat meat as it is called, comes from Japan. This is a very interesting and high-protein product. And most importantly, seitan is very easy to prepare at home, and it requires very affordable and simple ingredients! In this recipe, we suggest preparing seitan itself; this semi-finished product can be used to prepare many dishes, which we will discuss below.


For seitan

  • White flour, premium– 2 kg
  • Water – 1.2 l

For the broth

  • Water – 2 l
  • Soy sauce – 0.5 cups
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns– 15 pcs.
  • Any other spices to taste (khmeli-suneli, curry, coriander, asafoetida, etc.) - 3-4 tsp. different spices

How to cook seitan - step-by-step recipe with photos

To prepare seitan, you need to wash out the starchy substances from the flour so that only the gluten (or gluten) remains. To do this, you need to knead the dough from flour and rinse it under running water. All the details are below.

  1. Pour the flour into a large bowl. Add water and knead into a homogeneous elastic dough.

  2. First mix with a spoon.

  3. Then move from the bowl to the table and knead with your hands. Knead until the dough sticks to your hands and the table.

  4. Place the finished seitan dough in a bowl, cover with film or a towel and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

  5. Next, place the bowl of dough under cold running water to wash out the starchy substances and leave behind the gluten. To do this, you just need to constantly knead the dough with your hands in a bowl of water, leave the running water, let it continue to flow.

  6. The water will quickly turn milky. Occasionally empty the bowl and refill it with clean water while continuing to rinse the dough.

  7. The dough will gradually become porous - which means we are on the right track.

  8. At some point, the piece of dough will begin to fall apart. Be careful so that valuable pieces do not disappear. To make it more convenient to work, we suggest taking a capacious colander and continuing to rinse the dough in it. This is not necessary, you can do it without a colander, but it will make the process easier.

  9. Seitan is ready for further action as soon as the water in which we washed the dough remains clear. That is, all the starch will be washed away.
  10. The mass of seitan itself will become rubbery, grayish in color and will look like a sponge. It should hold together again in one piece and not fall apart. The mass of seitan will decrease by 3-4 times compared to the original mass of the dough. Here it is, pure protein!

How to properly boil seitan

The starchy substances have been washed out, but the seitan is not yet ready. In order for it to be consumed, or to further prepare delicious dishes from it, it must be boiled. To do this you need the following.

seitan rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 13.3%, vitamin E - 17.3%, vitamin PP - 14.5%, silicon - 13.3%, cobalt - 16%, manganese - 28.5% , molybdenum - 17.9%

What are the benefits of seitan?

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched amino acids. A lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads and heart muscle, and is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Silicon is included as a structural component in glycosaminoglycans and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

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