Tales about cars for children. Tales about cars

Mom, tell a story, the kid asks.

What? Mom asks.

About the car, - the little son answers.

Mom thinks - as a child, she was told fairy tales about princesses, fairies or sorceresses, but about cars - no, because it is believed that these are fairy tales for boys. What to do? Go to the library? Do not hurry. For such a case, we have prepared a list of the most popular and interesting fairy tales about cars. We hope you enjoy them too.

Nikolai Nosov

The famous Soviet writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is a recognized coryphaeus of children's literature. Nosov's fairy tales have been read by children for more than half a century. different generations. They are addressed to readers of primary school age and preschoolers.

The writer has one story called "The Car". It is quite short, and an 8-9 year old child will be able to read it on their own. This story is about two boys who first discussed a car parked in the yard, and then, when the driver started the engine, they climbed onto the bumper and drove off.

The policeman stopped the car and began to scold the driver for creating an emergency. The boys got scared and ran away. Then they discussed this situation and decided that they had behaved incorrectly by putting the driver in a difficult position. They wrote a letter to the policeman, in which they asked not to punish the driver and confessed their guilt.

Nosov's tales, "The Car", in particular, always contain a moral component. They teach children friendship and honesty.

Tamara Kryukova

Tamara Kryukova wrote a lot of fairy tales about cars for children. They are enjoyed by children of both sexes.

Two cycles of stories about the train Pykh and the little car Bip have long won recognition among little readers.

The first cycle begins with the fact that the boy Lena is given railway with a clockwork locomotive. It is he who becomes the hero of stories about the little train Pykh. In the second, he is given a toy car. Beep the car is the main character of the second cycle.

Each story contains some moral lesson or information about the world. The language of Tamara Kryukova is very light, the stories are fascinating and extraordinary, and the bright pictures that decorate each page make her children's fairy tales about cars even more attractive. They are intended for children from three to seven years old.

Olga Ryndina

Quite a lot of cute interesting stories the children's writer Olga Ryndina wrote on the automotive theme. A car named Mashka, and it is this car that is a participant in all the funny stories invented by Olga Ryndina, turns out to be a witness to the construction of a new road. She is talking to a small tractor, Kotka, whose father, a large excavator, is busy with work. When Mashka appears, Kotka plays ball. He meets her, and together they begin to watch how the old, bumpy road turns into a smooth and beautiful highway. Masha is happy: now she can drive to the lake without getting stuck in muddy puddles, and her wheels will always be clean.

Stories about Masha's typewriter very quickly became popular with children. preschool age. Books with colorful pictures depicting Masha and her friends never stay on store shelves.

Antonina Lukyanova

Antonina Lukyanova has many wonderful stories for children. Since we are looking for fairy tales for boys, we will focus on the dump truck story. Boys are very fond of big and serious cars. This is exactly what the car from "The Tale of the Dump Truck Who Wrote a Song" is. This is a solid construction truck. He must deliver a body of sand to the construction site. In order not to be bored on the road, the car begins to compose a song. As you understand, while the dump truck is driving, different stories happen to it: either it meets a lost hedgehog, or a mischievous sparrow, or a tearful deer. He helps everyone and adds to his song.

Interestingly, from this fairy tale, kids will learn what to do if someone accidentally fell into a deep hole. You just need to pour sand there until the fallen person can independently and easily get out of it. This is exactly what happened to the deer's mother - she fell into a trap dug by poachers, and a dump truck saved her.

In each fairy tale by Antonina Lukyanova, a new situation is considered that will be useful to the baby when he grows up.

Gennady Tsyferov

If a child likes large construction vehicles, then Gennady Tsyferov’s fairy tale “How the Crane Rested” will be a good gift for him.

This story tells how two cranes drove into the forest. They wanted to settle down in a quiet clearing and relax after a hard day's work, but they failed to spend the evening calmly. First, a bear cub came, who dropped a bucket into the river and asked a big car to help get it, then it turned out that the frog family needed help. One crane lay on the grass all evening, doing nothing, and the other spent all his rest helping the little animals.

The cranes returned home late. The one that did not manage to lie down on the grass and take a nap was very cheerful and cheerful - his long arrow was decorated with a garland of fragrant forest flowers, donated by the grateful inhabitants of the forest. His comrade, on the contrary, complained that his sides hurt and his back hurt.

Svetlana Malysheva

The tale of Svetlana Malysheva's cars is a great poem. It will appeal to kids, because it describes a very touching story about the boy Vanya and his toy cars.

Vanya was very fond of his cars - he built garages for them from cubes, made bridges, laid roads. But one day he was given a new toy. It was a car with opening and closing doors, a siren lamp on the hood, and when a button was pressed, the headlights lit up. Soon this machine became the only participant in his games. The boy abandoned the rest of the toys. And then one night, when he was fast asleep, the cars agreed to leave him for another child who wants to play with them.

No sooner said than done. The crane extended its boom, opened the door, and the cars set off. They drove for a long time along the dark streets of the city, fell into ditches, drowned in puddles and dreamed that someone would shelter them. Finally, they met a large crane, which gathered them all into its bucket and put them in the cab of a truck. They dried up and perked up.

Suddenly, the crane saw a boy crying on a park bench. It turned out that he had no toys at all. The cars asked him to take them. The boy, and his name was Zhenya, was very happy and agreed. He brought all the cars to his house, cleaned them of dirt and wiped them dry. He built garages for them. He played with them every day, and before going to bed, he put them in their places.

Elena Lapardina

The fairy tales of Elena Lapardina will be a pleasure to listen to and then read to small children of any age. She has a very light language, and the plots capture from the beginning of the tale and keep in suspense until the very end.

An example of this is the story "How a tractor with a trailer drove for Christmas trees." Surely this tale has become a favorite among all the guys who heard it. This is a New Year's story in which a tractor and a trailer went to the forest to get Christmas trees for the New Year, but got into a serious mess - at first they were chased by unkind people to be scrapped, and then the tractor got stuck in the snow. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden came to the aid of the already very frozen poor fellows.

Andrey Skrebtsov

A small yellow car ended up in a store that mainly sold solid cars, such as jeeps. Every jeep dreamed that some "fat bald guy" would buy it. They laughed at the elegant yellow car and said that it could not even move with such a passenger, but the yellow car did not want such an owner. She was waiting for the princess.

One day, a beautiful princess entered the shop. Everyone immediately understood which car she would choose. Of course, it turned out to be a graceful yellow car. He and the princess were perfect for each other, and the jeeps have since ceased to dream of mountains and swamps. Each of them wanted to become a small car, and that a charming princess with golden hair would certainly sit behind the wheel.

Natalya Yaschenko

If it's time to introduce the baby to the seasons, then Natalya Yashchenko's fairy tale "Willie's Little Crane" will come to the rescue.

Willy has parents who are big construction machines and a grandfather who is a big old tower crane. One day at the end of winter, Willy went to the lake to skate on the ice. It was there that trouble happened to him - the ice began to crack and break. The small crane began to call for help, but no one answered. When Willy's right caterpillar began to sink into the water, his grandfather heard his cry. He picked up his grandson with a huge hook and pulled him ashore.

After some time, the kid came to his senses, dried up and began to scold the beginning of spring, because of which the ice lost its winter fortress. Grandfather objected to him, explaining that spring is also a good season: boats can be launched along streams of melted snow. Summer comes after spring, and the funny Games on the grass. After summer, autumn comes and decorates nature with yellow and red leaves.

Irina Glazunova

The famous children's writer Irina Glazunova wrote several fairy tales about cars. They are very short but very informative. For example, the fairy tale "Museum". In it, a small Zaporozhets car ends up in a car museum. He sees unusual vintage cars and finds out why they are here.

Another of her tales, The Rules, teaches children the need to follow various rules, from traffic rules to personal hygiene. Main character of this fairy tale - the Gazelle car. This little car did not like to stand on the road and wait for the traffic light to change from red to green, allowing passage. As a result, an accident occurs and the Gazelle ends up in a hospital for broken cars - a service station.

In the fairy tale "Friendship" "Gazelle" delivers New Year's gifts to children. On one of the roads, misfortune happens to her - she pierces the wheel with a nail that fell out of the back of a large truck. Her friend, a powerful and high-speed white Ford, comes to the aid of a small car. He also tells her why, with the advent of winter, it is necessary to change the wheels that provide better grip with the road.

The hero of the fairy tale "Dream" is a blue Ferrari. Once, a Ferrari arrived at the airfield and saw how large winged aircraft were preparing to fly. The blue car also wanted to fly into the sky and visit the moon. The planes explained to her that they did not fly to the moon - there were only rockets. Then the Ferrari went to the spaceport. There was just a rocket standing there, ready to go into space. She explained to the little blue car why it couldn't fly to the moon, but had to live on Earth.

Children will learn about machines that swim under water and are called amphibians from the short story "The Gift". The main characters of this story are Zhiguli, Lamborghini and a river boat.

On one of the wonderful warm spring days, Zhiguli and Lamborghini decide to get out into nature - to fish and admire the fuss of bees that have awakened from their winter sleep and begin to fly around the first flowers. Friends see a ship floating on the river. He hums merrily to them and offers them the gift of a voyage on board.

The tale "Help" is dedicated to friendship. It meets an old jeep and a brand new Volvo. The jeep has not been going anywhere for a long time - it is broken and rusted. He tells Volvo about how bad it is to be old and useless. Volvo disagrees. He offers the jeep his friendship.

Yuri Magalif

Yuri Magalif is the author of fairy tales about the Bibishka truck. In the first story, he talks about how Bibishka was born. This happened at a large Volga plant, which makes large and small cars. His parents are factory workers. These are turners, locksmiths, mechanics, electricians, engineers - people of different professions, without whom the truck would never have been born.

Tales about Bibishka's truck introduce children not only to different professions, but also to the geography of Russia - Bibishka travels to different cities and meets new people, as well as cars. He finds himself in various situations, from which young readers will learn how to act in a given situation.

The audience of children who would be interested in the tales of Yuri Magalif is very wide: these are both preschoolers and students elementary school. This author has created a book that is largely aimed at expanding the horizons of children. She also teaches them friendship and instills communication skills.

Anna After all

Boys love big cars. It was for them that Anna After all composed her fairy tale about a fire truck. This is a story about Bibi - the little son of a big fire engine. Bibi, following the example of her father, really wants to go to fires and put out fires, but her mother says that first he needs to grow up and go to school. Once, when the kid was left alone in the garage - dad went to the fire, and mom went to the car wash, he got bored and decided to go to dad and look at his work.

The burning house frightened him, and he almost cried. And then a small fire truck saw a girl whose balloon flew off and caught on a tree branch. Bibi extended his ladder and removed the ball. And later he did some more good deeds - he helped to water the garden, return the chick that fell out of it to the nest and remove the kitten from the roof.

This short fire truck story is for preschoolers. From it, they learn that they need to help those who are in trouble, as well as obey their mother and study well.

Svetlana Shevchuk

Svetlana Shevchuk is a great master of writing fairy tales about cars. And tractors and trucks and cars, appearing in her stories, are endowed with human qualities. There are no people or animals in her stories - only cars. Her tales about cars are not as informative as the stories of Yuri Magalif or Irina Glazunova, but they teach very young children friendship, mercy and kindness. Small cars in her stories help big ones, and those, in turn, do not leave little ones in trouble.

For example, a large crane damaged the wheel and could not move. A small car drove by, delivering milk to kindergartens. She could not linger, as she had to be in time for breakfast. The big crane suggested that she do this - she will go to the construction site and call the big machines. They will help the trouble of the crane, and he will load a small milk truck and deliver it to the kindergarten in a matter of minutes.

From "The Tale of the Little New Tractor" kids will learn how he learned to say the letter "r". At first, instead of “p”, the tractor got “l” and other machines laughed at him. The red "Icarus" sympathized with the kid and said that his misfortune was fixable: he would learn to pronounce a difficult letter after he did a good deed. A suitable opportunity was not long in coming - some car fell into a ditch and could not get out of it. A small tractor undertook to help her. At first, nothing happened, and he only desperately puffed, finally, on the third attempt, he still pulled it out. The machine thanked the tractor and said that it had done a good deed. The little tractor was very happy and shouted: “Urrrrraaa!” And the letter "r" rumbled quite like an adult.

Julia Zotova

Her stories take place in a car country. The main character is Dan's car. The relationship between Dan and his friends is very similar to the relationship in a human society. So, in the fairy tale "Friends' Birthdays", Dan ends up at his friends' house, and they play different games. Another time, the celebration takes place at a chocolate factory, where friends are taught how to make sweets. In the third - they get to the "Museum of Light" and learn about how lights are arranged, how light signals work at airports on runways, and much more, no less interesting and useful.

Robocar Poli

Robocar Poli is a fabulous South Korean animated series that has become the basis for a large number of comics. The main characters in it are cars. Robocar Poli is a police car that leads the rescue team.

Funny and funny tales about the police car Paulie and her friends have long won the love of kids around the world. Pauly has a fire engine on his team, Ambulance and a helicopter. Each of them is a transformer robot. The fire department turns into a robot truck, an ambulance - into a robot van, a helicopter - into a robocopter. Helps friends dispatcher - a pretty girl named Jean.

Each story contains useful information on life safety rules. The tale of Paulie's police car can be recommended to children from an early age. Comic books have many vivid pictures from which they can retell the content of stories, thereby developing memory, vocabulary, speech and imagination. Short sentences of explanatory text are ideal for primary education reading.

Police car comics about Paulie and her friends can be useful companions for a child until they start school.


In one cozy house lived a little boy Vanya. Like most boys at his age, he loved to play with friends, watch interesting cartoons and read fairy tales about cars. Most of all, Vanya loved the story about the rescue team, so he really wanted Polly the robocar to be presented to him for his birthday. Imagine the boy's disappointment when, instead of the desired toy, he received an ordinary truck with a red body and a blue cab. Vanya threw it into the basket with the old cars and quickly forgot about it.
Every evening, mother read entertaining stories to her son about everything in the world. Since the tales about cars for boys are the most interesting, they sounded the most often in the room. The little truck listened with pleasure to stories about brave rescuers and secretly dreamed that one day it would also become so famous. He was very offended by the fact that they did not play with him at all, because life in the old box was boring and dreary. The truck hoped that if he managed to prove himself as a brave rescuer, then Vanya would look at him differently and would definitely fall in love.

Fairy tale about cars: how to become a hero

In dreams and expectations of the right moment for a feat, days passed after days. From time to time the truck woke up with the certainty that an event would happen today that could change his life, and sometimes he was completely desperate and upset. But the evening fascinating stories of Vanya's mother did not let him give up and added courage and optimism.

Once, among Vanya's toys, a dispute began about who is more important: robots or dinosaurs. The truck was rooting for the first and was very happy, because they almost always won. But then one day he saw that the robots were behaving dishonestly and the dinosaurs were about to suffer a residual defeat. It was terribly unfair, so in one minute the truck changed the team of favorites, because those who act dishonestly do not deserve respect and support.
“If they could move faster, things would be different. - the truck said aloud and did not have time to come to his senses, as he was already rushing to the aid of the dinosaurs.
"Get in, I'll take you!" - he shouted and boldly rushed into battle with the main dinosaur in the back. The example of a brave truck was followed by other old cars. With their help, dinosaurs were able to attack robots faster and defeated injustice.

The little boy was very surprised by the action of the forgotten toys. He realized his mistake, went to the truck and picked it up.
I didn't think you were so brave. You rushed to the aid of the dinosaurs, like Polly the robocar with a rescue team. I'm proud of you, my truck Polly!
The truck was really happy, and the old cars too, because Vanya decided that it was bad to forget about old comrades, and no longer left toys in a boring box, but played with everyone in turn.

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Once upon a time there lived a racing car. He was bright red. And his form was special - elongated, graceful. The car is beautiful! His name was Gulka.

Somehow Gulka raced along the road and overtook the wind. Stopped on the side of the road to take a break. And the wind is right here:
- Hey, Gulka! Who taught you to move so fast?
- Who taught? So I have four wheels and a powerful engine!
- And I have no wheels, no engine ... - thought the wind. - Maybe that's why you overtook me today?

The next day, Gulka and Veter raced again.
And again Gulka was the first.

How so? Wind asked in surprise.
- So I have a whole tank of fuel! - Gulka shouted in response.

The wind scratched the hair of a nearby poplar: “Yes ... And I don’t have any fuel either.”

Gulka and Veter decided to ask some sage to solve their riddle about which of them is faster and - most importantly! -why.

Gulka said that for him the wisest of the wisest is his driver Pyotr Petrovich. He knows how the engine works, only Pyotr Petrovich changes the wheels and it is he who pours some special fuel into Gulka's tank.

And for the Wind, the Moon turned out to be the wisest.
It is she who can be in the sky day and night, in heat and in cold. It is she who sees and hears everything, everything that happens on Earth.

Of course, the Sun also sees and knows a lot. But at night it certainly rests. And at night there are many strange and interesting events. That's why - the moon! Only Luna can sort out their dispute.

Already late in the evening the wind and Gulka were again rushing along the road in one direction. This time the wind was a little faster. Quiet near the roadside willow bushes, the wind waited for Gulka. The car door opened and the driver, Pyotr Petrovich, stepped onto the side of the road.

It was then that Gulka asked his question.

Tell me, which of us is faster - me, the Car, or the Wind?
Pyotr Petrovich became thoughtful and began to reason.

If the car is serviceable, filled with good fuel, then on a flat road it rushes at the highest speed. And if there is a breakdown or pits on the road, it will crawl like a turtle ...

And what do you think, wise Moon? - the Wind picked up the question.

The moon illuminated the place where Gulka and the Wind had gathered, and answered:

It all depends on the weather, folks. If the day is clear, sunny, and windless, then the Car will certainly run faster. And bad weather will break out, a hurricane will fly in, the elder brother of the Wind, bending trees, here, perhaps, you will be on an equal footing. In autumn, when the Wind is given the task - to pluck the yellowed leaves on the trees, it blows with all its might. That's when he can be faster than a car. It is even more dangerous if a Tornado flies in, forming a funnel and preventing the car from moving. In winter, the wind can collude with a snowstorm. Together they will cover all the roads with snow! What is the speed of the car? No...

Gulka and Veter thought.
Yes, man is strong.
But, it turns out, natural forces can also put him to a standstill.

Well, then, we have nothing to argue about.
You just need to be friends.

Pyotr Petrovich picks up the conversation:
-Snow drifts removes Man on snowplows.

A person drives a car and corrects what is disturbed by the force of the wind.

We are different! Both of us can be both strong and weak! - decided Gulka and Wind.

So everyone will do their own thing. And racing is just fun.

And they again moved along the road, not overtaking each other, but as if accompanying, noisily and joyfully.

Lucy's car was in the garage. It was early in the morning, the birds began to wake up and chirp lazily. Lucy stood alone in her garage, she was a little sad and lonely, because she had no one to talk to, the birds did not understand her, and she also did not understand their bird language. And she so wanted to have a girlfriend with whom she could discuss fashion news, healthy eating, her owners and many, many other interesting things. In the meantime, she has to talk only to herself, and from the sound of her own voice heard alone in the silence of the garage, she became even more dreary.

But today has prepared an incredible surprise for Lucy. It turns out that the owner decided to buy a second car, and leave Lucy to his wife. And so, when the sun had already risen high, the garage doors automatically opened, the owner entered with his wife, started Lucy, and together they went to the car dealership.

On the way to the car dealership, Lucy's heart sank with excitement from the upcoming meeting with her new girlfriend, Lucy's tires just flew along the road without touching the asphalt.

And here is the car dealership. The owner and his wife got out of the car and they began to walk along the exposed cars, looking at them and discussing their advantages and disadvantages. Lucy herself also examined the whole the lineup presented for review. She did not like one car for its pale color, the second looked like a tank, the third car had such an arrogant look that Lucy also raised her bumper and began to look in the other direction.

And then she saw a sooooo car. Not a car, but just a fairy tale! Beautiful, graceful, smooth contours, and at the same time it is felt that the car is powerful, just a hurricane! Lucy froze in amazement, looking at this handsome man!

In the meantime, the owner and the owner began to talk with the dealership manager, asking him about the presented cars, prices and terms of purchase. The owner told about what kind of car he needs, what color he wants, what equipment of the car, what characteristics of the car will suit him.

The dealership manager listened to him carefully and offered to see 3 cars that meet the necessary requirements.

The first car was not far from Lucy, but it did not make any impression on her at all, it turned out to be some kind of car that was too closed and unfriendly. The owner looked at her carefully and went to see the second car. This car already looked more impressive, but it seemed somehow clumsy and bulky, Lucy would not want to be next to one in the same garage, she would feel very uncomfortable next to him. The owner also did not like something in this car.

Finally, the manager of the car dealership brought the owner to the very handsome man that Lucy had noticed for a long time. Lucy's engine grumbled in anticipation, Lucy was ready to rev up and take off next to this athlete-car.

While the owner was talking with the manager, Lucy froze in anticipation, all her gears and mechanisms froze in tension.

And lo and behold, the owner decided to buy this handsome man! Beep beep beep!

The owner began to draw up documents, and the hostess got into the driver's seat in Lusya, and then they all drove home, a little ahead of the owner on his new car, followed by the hostess in Luce.

When the owners put their cars in the garage and went into the house, Lucy was finally left alone with her new acquaintance.

- Hi what is your name? Lucy asked.

“My name is Max,” the new acquaintance answered cheerfully. – How are you?

- And I'm Lucy.

"Great, we'll be neighbors now."

- Yes, I dreamed about a girlfriend so much, otherwise it was very sad to stand alone in the garage, but it turned out that I would not have a girlfriend, but a friend.

- Great, I just want protection, otherwise sometimes at night there are scary different sounds, then it seems to me that mice are scratching, then sirens are howling.

- You can no longer be afraid, together it will be more fun.

- That's for sure!

So several days passed.

Lyusya and Max became friends, they found many interesting topics for conversation, Max told her about the latest achievements in the automotive industry, about improvements and inventions. And Lucy shared her secrets, which she learned during her service, how better oil isolate and how best to process the fuel.

But one day Lucy and Max quarreled. On Sunday, the owners decided to go on a picnic, they went into the garage and everyone got into their car. Both Lucy and Max immediately started up, the owner of Max just wanted to leave the garage first, when suddenly Lucy felt a prick of envy, in her very motor, she also wanted to be the first to leave the garage, she no longer wanted to be the last. And so, she rushed forward so rapidly that she drove up to the garage door at the same time as Max, and a terrible accident happened - the cars crashed into each other. Max looked at Lucy in bewilderment, not understanding what had happened. And Lucy cried out of resentment, the headlights cracked and broke. The owner and the hostess got out of the cars and also began to sort things out. The hostess assured that she herself did not understand anything, she had not yet had time to put her foot on the gas pedal, as the car had already jerked off. The owner told her that this does not happen. But then, he calmed down and said that it was necessary to call the master to see Lucy.

The owners put the cars in place, closed the garage and left. And the cars remained standing in complete silence, no one wanted to start the conversation first.

Finally, Max could not stand it and asked Lucy what happened after all.

- How can you not understand, you are always the first to leave, always ahead, and I only get second places, no one appreciates me, I also want to be the first, I also want to win, and not lag behind. I'm tired of losing!

“Lucy, I don’t understand you, what does it have to do with winning and losing? We do not have a competition and not a race, we are friends with you. There are no losers in true friendship, only winners.

- Like this? Lucy asked through tears.

“Well, look: you yourself said that I am strong and powerful, that you need support. Did you speak or not?

- Well, she did. And what does this have to do with it?

- The most immediate. When I'm the first to go, I can assess the situation, warn you in case of danger, take the hit myself. This is how I protect and protect you. Understand?

Lucy was stunned into silence. It didn't occur to her. She decided that since Max is strong and powerful, he is proud of it and feels like a winner, and Lucy felt envy and resentment because of this. But it turns out that she herself came up with all this, she wound herself, her motor so much that the spring could not stand it and burst at the most inopportune moment. Yep, what a discovery!

Lucy looked guiltily at Max with her broken headlights.

- Max, please forgive me, it was envy that twisted me so much and resentment undermined my mechanisms, probably somehow the gear rusted because of this. I understand everything now, I will no longer envy and be offended by you. After all, we are friends, and friends always come to the aid of each other. I am so glad that I have such a good, reliable and wise friend! I'll fix it, honestly! Today the master will repair my worn-out heart, lubricate all the gears, put new clean headlights on me, and I will again be able to look at the world with a clean, uncluttered look. Thank you for having me!

- Lucy, I'm glad you understood everything, but you and I are real friends!

And peace and quiet reigned in the garage, only the measured buzz of motors was heard.

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