Exercises for skating on roller skates. Roller ski track - a resting place for cyclists, roller skaters and skiers

7 Mar 2016

How to choose roller skis

How to choose roller skis

Roller skis are traditionally divided into two types: roller skis for classic skating and roller skis for skating. Classic and skate skis, in turn, are divided into training roller skis and racing (high-speed) roller skis.

What are the main differences What are the main differences

How to choose roller skis and what are the main differences?

Roller skis for training usually have rubber wheels and do not allow you to easily develop high speed, which primarily provides confidence for a beginner athlete, and for experienced athletes this is an opportunity to get additional load. Roller skis with rubber wheels, among other things, absorb all the unevenness of the road surface, which is so important for our roads. Rubber gives good grip on the road surface. Roller skis with rubber wheels of small diameter are an excellent opportunity to master skiing for beginners and improve their skills for experienced athletes. In our online store you can purchase skate roller skis for training. The most budget-friendly and most suitable model for training is Shamov 02-1.


Racing roller skis or racing roller skis

Allows you to reach high speeds. To achieve this, their design has either a rigid, straight or upwardly curved platform to increase stability. Roller wheels have a larger diameter - for free passage of cracks and unevenness on the road, and a smaller width - for speed. The wheels are usually made of polyurethane or rubber, but have a large diameter.

You can buy racing roller skis in our online store. We provide two roller ski manufacturing companies, Shamov and Elva, both of which have excellent roller ski models for racing. These are not all models, but the fastest in the Shamov and Elva lines with a maximum wheel diameter of 100 mm and corresponding speed characteristics.

Elva sk100

How to choose roller skis if you're just starting out?

First of all, you need to decide what style you would like to roller skate.

Skating is speed, classic is a measured and smooth move. When choosing, you can be guided by the following indicators: your balance; if you have problems with this point or you do not want to subject your muscles and limbs to intense stress and are simply afraid of high speed, then your choice is definitely roller skis for the classic move.

Roller skis Roller skis

And so if you choose the skating style.

Skate roller skis have narrower wheels and shorter frames than classic roller skis.

If you are just starting out and until now have not even tried regular skis, then we advise you to take roller skis with rubber wheels with a diameter of 70-80 mm. Rubber will not allow you to accelerate too much and will absorb all road irregularities. The sports online store Yoway recommends the Shamov 03-1 model.


If you have cool, smooth asphalt and want to fly faster than the Norwegian team, then polyurethane wheels may be your choice. And here we can offer a cool option on 80-diameter polyurethane wheels, Shamov 01-1 roller skis.


You have chosen roller skis for a classic ride.

The main difference between classic roller skis and skate skis is a ratcheting (braking) mechanism installed on one of the pairs of wheels that blocks backward rolling. The platform length of classic roller skates is longer (more than 68 cm) to stabilize the course when moving, and the rubber wheels are wider for increased stability (more than 4 cm). The wheels have a small diameter so that the height of the rollerski platform above the surface is insignificant, then it will be easier for the athlete to maintain his balance while riding. This configuration of roller skis provides the athlete with a comfortable ride while training on the classic course.

Our store recommends 2 main models of roller skis for classic skiing: These are the Shamov 05 and Shamov 06 models. The fundamental difference between the models is that the 06 model has thicker wheels and rollers can withstand greater loads compared to 05 rollers.

How to choose a mount for roller skis?

There are 2 modifications of the binding for roller skis, type SNS and type NNN; each of these types has its own boots that fit these bindings. The bindings for roller skis, which are presented in our online store, are universal and are suitable for both classic and skating skiing.


If you are a beginner and not familiar with these technologies, but you have ski boots, then using the picture below you can determine which bindings you need NNN or SNS.

Tip for a beginner: NNN bindings are the most common and boots for them are much easier and cheaper to buy!

How to install bindings on roller skis?

Any mounts for ski boots, both imported and domestic, are installed following the following rule: the ski mount assembly is applied to the roller ski platform end-to-end with the rear mudguard. Only after this do they make a mark for the screw of the front body of the ski binding on the platform. It is recommended to use a jig to drill all mounting holes for installing ski bindings on roller skis.


How to choose boots for roller skis?

Let’s say right away that if you want to save money, you can use your old ski boots that you use in winter, but if you want comfort, we recommend purchasing boots specifically for roller skis.

Boots for roller skis also assume that you ski in the summer and have slightly different loads that differ from traditional winter ones.

Since we are talking about a domestic manufacturer of roller skis, we advise you to purchase budget boots for roller skis SPINE, but at the same time not inferior to foreign manufacturers Alpine. The boots are available for both NNN and SNS mounts. Prices range from 2500 to 6500 rubles.

How to choose boots

How to choose poles for roller skis?

How to choose poles

Everything here is extremely simple. For roller skating skis, the poles are 15-20 cm below you, approximately to your earlobe. For classic roller skating, the poles are 30 cm lower than your height.

You can use any poles, but be sure to use attachments for poles - paws. Because standard ski pole tips are not designed for asphalt.

Available in 2 sizes 10.0 mm and 12.3


How to learn to roller ski?

You can watch a video, read specialized literature on the Internet, or purchase a lesson from a roller ski coach in St. Petersburg. In one lesson you can gain the necessary skills for further comfortable skating, or continue your lessons, reach a new sporting level and take part in competitions.

If you purchase any roller skis from us, you receive a 15% discount on a lesson with a trainer. When you purchase roller skates from us, you receive a discount coupon, which you can present to the trainer and receive a discount on the lesson. And you can train for 850 rubles per lesson, instead of 1000 rubles.

Classes are conducted by professional cross-country skiing coach Yuri Valentinovich Rumyantsev. Education of AFKiS Lesgaft. Coaching experience since 1996, CMS in athletics. Among the assets are the winners of St. Petersburg, the champion of Russia, the winner of the World Cup stages in roller skiing. Location of classes: Pargolovo Vyborgskoe highway 369, Kavgolovo UTK Lesgafta (the route is paid separately), other places are possible. Contents of classes: technical (training in skating, classical and other methods of movement on roller skis), physical (general and special), and other areas of training.

Protection for roller skis.

Since skiing does not take place on snow, which can forgive almost any fall, here we have asphalt, and falls are not uncommon even for the most advanced athletes. We suggest you protect the most important thing, namely your head. An ordinary bicycle helmet, which can be bought at any specialized sports store, will do here. To protect your elbows and knees, any elbow and knee pads are suitable, which are sold in almost all sports stores, such as Sportmaster, Decathlon and others.

Clothes for roller skis.

AirFit studio offers you training on roller skis. What are roller skis? In fact, they are roller skis. Initially, they were used so that skiers could train not only in winter, because roller skis help provide a similar load that athletes experience during ski training.

About sport

As a result, this sport has become separated from others: currently there are roller ski races, in which mainly amateurs participate. This is why many people prefer training on roller skis. Although this is a rather unusual sport, it uses an integrated approach to train all muscle groups. But first you need to decide what shoes you should buy for training.

What can roller skis be?

Basically, training on roller skis is carried out either with skating or classic skiing. Accordingly, there is a division according to equipment. In addition, there are both regular training and racing models. Fans prefer combined models that have universal characteristics. So, there are roller skis:

  1. Training. All that is required of them is that they match the ski's movement as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they are also called roller skis. They are often equipped with special retarders that help match the speed of the skis. The wheels are made from soft but resistant materials to increase traction. You should select shoes that are exactly the right size so that they do not bother you while training on roller skis;
  2. Racing. Such models have minimal weight to ensure maximum speed. In this case, almost nothing depends on the other characteristics. In this case, the wheel frame must be rigid;
  3. Classic. In them, a ratchet is installed on one of the pairs of wheels, blocking the movement of the wheel in the opposite direction. They can push off from the ground. They are generally more stable and are great for beginners who are interested in training on roller skis.

Sign up for a training session and we will show and tell you what to consider and how to practice this sport correctly. If you have any questions, our AirFit studio will answer them by phone listed on the website.

In the summer and autumn, all skiers, from members of the national team to students of sports schools and amateurs, spend almost half of their training time on roller skis. Let's find out why they are so popular and are roller ski training suitable for beginners?

Roller skis are divided into two types, just like cross-country skis: classic and skating.

The main difference between classic roller skates and skate skates is the presence of a ratchet on the rear or front wheels, which blocks the wheel from rotating backwards.

Roller skis are divided according to the method of movement, as we described above, and according to speed - into training and racing

Training rollers – more wear-resistant, soft rubber wheels are most often used, develop low speed and are more stable

Racing roller skates – lighter frame and rigid lightweight wheels, polyurethane wheels are often used, develop high speed

Benefits of training on roller skis

  • Roller skates help not only to better master the technique of skiing, but also to prepare muscles and joints for skiing in winter. Develops general and special endurance necessary for skiers
  • Improving skiing on roller skis occurs using the same means and methods as on skis in winter. Errors that occur are exactly the same as when moving on skis; they must be corrected immediately before they become established. Correction methods are the same both in winter and summer
  • The skills learned on roller skis will be useful when switching to skis in winter. Only minor adjustments needed
  • The technique of moving on roller skis is very similar to what we use on skis, but errors can occur most often due to differences:
    • in weight and length of cross-country ski rollers,
    • lack of friction in sliding and guide track (in the classic course)
    • having a smaller area of ​​support on them, it is more difficult to learn to maintain balance

Therefore, when training on roller skis, you need to constantly monitor your movement technique. Especially when tired.

But despite these shortcomings, roller skates are still the best way to improve skiing technique in the snowless period.

Roller skis for beginners


As mentioned earlier, the advantages include

  • Good physical activity
  • Development of motor skills
  • Development of coordination, endurance, strength, speed and strength qualities
  • Outdoor activities
  • A variety of training routes (you can train on asphalt tracks, closed to cars, on city bike paths, in forest parks)


The main disadvantages for beginners include

  • Falling on asphalt leaves serious consequences (falling on asphalt is much more painful than falling on snow)
  • Difficulties in technical development
  • Protection required
  • Stopping techniques on roller skis are difficult to master


Self-learning to ride roller skis “from scratch” without the close supervision of a professional trainer can lead to the reinforcement of incorrect movement techniques and unwanted falls, which can lead to various consequences.

Especially for those who want to learn how to ride roller skis without unnecessary risk, we have prepared a consistent selection of introductory exercises and successfully practice them in our training sessions; we minimize the chance of unwanted falls and qualitatively improve your technique of moving on roller skis.

For more detailed information, you can write in the chat on our website, or fill out the feedback form, and our trainer will contact you shortly. Good luck!


Braking methods on roller skis

At low speeds the following methods work well:

  • Plow
  • Stepping over
  • Pulling to the side of the road

At high speeds it is better to use:

  • T-braking(but wears out the wheels a lot)
  • Disclosure(we will slow down for a long time)
  • and in extreme cases roadside departure 😉

Winter is ending. There is no escape from this. Skiers begin preparations for the next season. One of the main means of training is roller skis. Some people train on already explored tracks and circuits. Someone discovers new horizons for themselves in the form of new places for training. I hope this information will be useful to those who will train on roller skis, especially in new or not very quiet places. You should always know how to brake on roller skis.

There are 8 braking methods:

  1. Stepping in the plow
  2. Plow
  3. Snake
  4. By air flow, opening
  5. Using the curb with one roller
  6. T-shape
  7. Roadside travel (in case of emergency)
  8. Ski poles

Robin Bryntessun, a Swedish skier and sprinter, talks and demonstrates this cheerfully and positively. Very clear. Even translation is not required.

Here are some comments from Alexey Shchepyotkin:

Not all methods are suitable for braking at high speeds, because the slightest mistake can lead to loss of balance and a fall. In my opinion, only 2 methods are suitable for such speeds: open and T-stop. Any beginner can use the first option without losing balance, but the effectiveness of such braking is quite low. The second option is very effective. To do this, you first need to learn how to confidently ride on one leg while maintaining your balance. After this, move on to practicing this braking technique. The disadvantage of this method is significant wear on the wheels, but, you see, your life is more valuable.

The remaining methods (with the exception of the completely useless method of braking with sticks on the asphalt) can be used at low speeds. Even something as exotic as rolling alone on a roller coaster along the side of the road and driving into a ditch has a right to exist. For example, the winner and prize-winner of the World Cup stages in roller skiing, Andrei Kukrus, in his time during training, sometimes jumped from the asphalt onto the lawn (over the curb) at full speed, rode or ran on roller skis for some distance, and then jumped onto the asphalt and continued his normal movement. Once on Poklonka I had to avoid a collision with a child in exactly this way. The trick was a success and no one was hurt. On the contrary, the lack of such a skill in one of the famous Moscow veteran roller skiers led to a collision with a bus in one of the Moscow parks, although the athlete had the opportunity to go to the lawn.

Pay due attention to practicing braking methods! And remember the well-known commandment of car enthusiasts: “brakes are your life”!

Take care of your health, follow traffic rules and try to train safely.



State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Sharya Pedagogical College

The importance of roller skis in the training of a ski racer

Final qualifying work

Qualification: physical education teacher with additional training in the field of therapeutic physical education

students of group 3B

specialty 050720 “Physical education”

Smirnova Olesya Sergeevna

Supervisor -

introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Roller skis as a means of training a ski racer 5

1.1 History of the development of roller skis.. 5

1.2 roller skis as a means of training an athlete during snowless periods.. 7

1.3 techniques for moving on roller skis... 9

1.4 other means of training a ski racer.. 24

Chapter 2. Organization of experimental work with ski racers... 33

2.1 Progress of experimental work.. 33

2.2 Analysis of the results of experimental work 37

Conclusion. 45

Literature.. 47

information resources.. 49


The comprehensive physical development of cross-country skiers and a high level of health are ensured by a wide range of means and methods used in the process of educational, training and sports work with skiers. All this is the basis for further sports training and achieving the main goal when practicing skiing - high results in accordance with the age characteristics of the developing body of skiers. On the basis of comprehensive physical development, special training in cross-country skiing is carried out. In the process of many years of work to achieve physical perfection and a high level of development of special qualities necessary for a ski racer, it is very important to ensure the correct choice of means of comprehensive physical and special training and their most appropriate ratio both at individual stages (annual cycles) and throughout time for skiing.

At the same time, comprehensive physical training should be closely related to the main exercise - skiing. This is achieved by rational planning of means (introductory, general developmental and simulation exercises) and training methods in winter. Unsystematic use of a wide range of exercises in a large volume (including in adolescence) will undoubtedly give a good healing effect, but will not provide an optimal annual increase in sports results and will not allow achieving high (in accordance with the sports abilities of each skier) results at age period of greatest achievements.

From all of the above, I would like to draw special attention to roller skis and their use in the training process of ski racers of different sports categories.

Purpose My work is to identify the role of roller skiing on mastering technique and developing the physical qualities of ski racers.

In exploring this issue, I am pursuing solutions to several tasks:

1. Development of special endurance in the training process when using roller skis;

2. Identify the importance of roller skiing on the result;

3. Identify technical training when using roller skis.

Hypothesis: A skier can achieve the best result provided:

A. Mandatory use of roller skis in the training process;

b. Application of all types of skier-racer simulation exercises.

Item: educational and training process of the Pavinsky “Sports Club”, section – cross-country skiing.

An object: athletes of the 1st and 2nd adult categories of the same year of birth.

Chapter 1. Roller skis as a means of training a ski racer

1.1 History of the development of roller skis

A roller ski is a sports equipment in the form of short roller skis.

Skiing most likely originates in the Nordic countries as a means of transportation in areas covered with snow. Out of forced necessity, it gradually becomes a sports discipline. This also gave rise to a special type of training: after all, an athlete must stay in shape even when it is not snowing. Perhaps this is when roller skis appeared.

The first known mention of the use of this type of equipment comes from Austria. It was an image of an athlete standing on two bases, approximately 1 m in length, where two large wheels were installed. The first records of any mass production of roller skis came from Scandinavia.

Currently, roller skis are made of two platforms, usually built into a light alloy base, ranging from 53 to 70 cm in length. Two wheels (front and rear) are mounted on axles.

The first roller ski competitions took place in northern Italy. It is worth noting that they were received more than positively. Still would! A fast, exciting, spectacular sport that attracts many spectators geographically, because athletes run right along the city streets. Real fame and popularity came to roller skis in the 70s of the last century. In Italy, for example, in 1979, the Roller Ski Association was created for the first time. From that moment on, it began its development as an independent species.

Today, the International Roller Ski Federation is part of the International Ski Federation as a subcommittee. Since 1994, the Roller Ski World Cup has been held annually from May to October, and since 2001 the World Championship has been held, which takes place once every two years.

In Russia, roller skiing began its development in the 90s of the last century. Like everything new in our country, at first it was just training and competitions organized by enthusiasts. When we fell in love with roller skis, the Russians, from the first days of participation in international competitions, thoroughly established themselves among the leaders of this sport (in particular, our skiers have a victory in the team and individual competitions of the World Cup - 2007).

Since 2002, the Russian Cup began to be held annually in our country. The competition includes 4-5 stages taking place in various cities. In 2007, the first Russian Roller Ski Championship was held. And in 2006, Yaroslavl even hosted the next stage of the World Cup. And, according to international experts, the Russians took the organization of the competition more than seriously - the level of its holding was recognized as meeting the highest requirements of the world sports community.

1.2 roller skis as a means of training an athlete during snowless periods

Roller skis are one of the main means of training skiers during the snowless period and are used mainly to improve skiing techniques and develop special physical qualities.

In terms of kinematic characteristics, movement on roller skis is closest to movement on skis, while energy consumption is somewhat lower.

The speed of movement on roller skis (with a rolling friction coefficient of 0.04-0.06) is generally higher than on skis. Thus, on a 10° incline, leading biathlon skiers reach a speed of 4 m/s with a step length of up to 2.5 m and a step frequency of 1.5-1.6 steps per second. On skis, these indicators will be different: 3.5 m/s - speed, 1.5 m - step length, step frequency more than two per second.

Roller skis allow you to reproduce the movements of a skier in all modes of movement (moves, transitions, turns, descents, etc.), the phase structure, kinematic and angular characteristics of the skating moves of movement on roller skis are very similar to movement on skis. Therefore, movement on roller skis with skating moves should be widely used as a means of technical, tactical and special physical training during the snowless period.

With the advent of skating in the training of racing skiers and biathletes, along with roller skis, movement on roller skates was widely used as a special training tool. During the first 4-5 years after their appearance, coaches and specialists could not give preference to one of them.

Practical work has shown the advantage of roller skis, although there has been no comparative analysis in the literature.

Pedagogical observations and analysis of the main elements of movement technology allowed us to identify positive and negative aspects in each of them.

Firstly, in terms of the structure of pushing off with the foot, it is closer to the movement on skis with skating strokes of roller skis, since it is produced by the inner part of the foot, which is also typical for pushing off with skis. The push with a roller skate is carried out by the middle part of the foot.

Currently, one of the main means of special physical training of a ski racer is movement on roller skis. The expansion of its use is quite fair, however, a one-sided passion for roller skis and the complete exclusion of exercises from training are not able to completely solve all the problems of SPT. Therefore, in the training of a cross-country skier, mixed movement over rough terrain with alternating running and imitation of climbs of varying steepness and length should be constantly included in the training along with other exercises. The ratio of these funds depends on the level of preparedness of young skiers and individual muscle groups.

1.3 techniques for moving on roller skis

Currently, all skiers, from members of the national team to students of ski departments of children's and youth sports schools, spend about half of their training time in summer and autumn practicing on roller skis.

Roller skis help to better master skiing techniques and prepare muscles for skiing in winter, and develop general and special (skiing) endurance. Roller skis are very similar to a scooter, but without a steering column and steering wheel. They have a braking device that prevents the ski from rolling backward when pushed off with the foot. Roller skis are heavier than skis. It is more difficult to learn to balance on them. Currently, roller skis are produced for classic and skating skis.

The technique of moving on roller skis is the same as on skis, but mistakes can most often occur due to the large weight of roller skis, the lack of sliding friction and the guide track. When training on roller skis, you need to constantly monitor your movement technique. Especially when tired.

You need to start mastering the technique of skiing on roller skis in the same way as on skis: with preparatory exercises, without poles, slowly. Watch your skiing on one ski and your balance. Having achieved stable balance and confidence when moving without poles, you can begin practicing your ski moves.

All ski movements on roller skis are also improved with the help of the same exercises as on skis. The same errors occur as when traveling on skis. Naturally, the ways to correct them are the same. Look again at the chapter “Good technique - high results”, read about errors in the technique of moves and their correction. Find the exercise you need.

Errors must be corrected immediately to prevent them from becoming entrenched.

The skiing skills learned on roller skis will be very useful when you start skiing. Only minor modifications are required in winter.

Training on roller skis (after mastering them) is easier than imitating ski moves, so the duration of training can be longer.

On roller skis, training is initially carried out at a slow pace, and later at a medium pace. Closer to autumn, you can move on to variable training, accelerating the movement in segments of varying lengths.

You can train on roller skis on paved paths in forest parks or on trails closed to car traffic. Under no circumstances should you ride roller skis on the roadways of streets or highways.

What we talked about concerned classical moves. And now about simulation exercises for mastering the skating style. The exercises we recommend are:

Starting position - half squat. Lunge forward - to the side, place the swing leg under the falling torso, pushing off with the supporting leg. When performing the exercise, try to place the swing leg as late as possible. While straightening your supporting leg completely, try to lift it off the ground later.

From and. p. “throw”, i.e. starting to push off with the right foot, perform a step-lunge to the left side. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg; return to i. n. Keep in mind that the inclination of the torso and lower leg is the same. When placing your left leg on the support, do not move it out from under your body. Try to move your shoulders and pelvis to the side at the same time. Increase the length of steps and pace of movement gradually. Do the same exercise with sticks.

I. p. - imitation of the beginning of repulsion with sticks. Squatting on the supporting leg and pushing off with moving the body to the side and forward. In this exercise, you need to concentrate your body weight on the supporting leg, and the fly leg should be slightly raised above the ground and located close to the supporting leg. After sitting down and pushing off, the distance between the feet is 90-100 cm. Transfer the weight of the body to the swing leg. Repeat the same in the other direction, not forgetting about the work of your hands. Do the same exercise with sticks.

Imitation of a half-skate move on the spot without transferring the weight of the body to the pushing leg. The body weight is concentrated on the pushing leg. When pushing with your hands, perform a full squat (the amplitude of oscillation in the knee joint is 30-50°) and have a torso tilt of 35-55°. The second leg is moved to the side.

Imitation of a half-skate move in place with loading of the pushing leg (transferring the weight of the body to it) followed by repulsion. Please keep the following requirements in mind when performing: After performing a lunge step to the side, transfer your body weight to the pushing leg, bending it at the knee joint and without lifting the supporting leg. After pushing off with your foot, return to i. n. Swinging your arms forward should begin only after you have finished pushing off with your leg.

Simulation of a simultaneous one-step move on the spot. Taking a step-lunge (length 80-120 cm) to the side while simultaneously pushing off with your hands, transfer your body weight to your swing leg.

Simulation of a simultaneous two-step move in motion. With the first lunge step (length 80-120 cm), swing your arms to the side, and with the second step, imitate pushing them away. When you achieve good coordination without poles, do the same with poles.

Simulation of a simultaneous one-step move on roller skis. Without deciphering the specific movements of the athlete, let's say that roller skis are the most effective and universal means of both technical and special training of a skier. It allows you to improve all methods of movement in skating style. And, of course, you must remember that their design is somewhat different from similar classic ones.

Exercises for mastering classic ski moves.

In the first lessons, you need to master roller skis as a sports equipment and learn how to control them. To solve these motor problems, it is advisable to use the following exercises:

1. IP - stand on roller skis supported by poles, alternately raising and lowering the toes of the roller skis without lifting the rear rollers from the support. When lifting the toe of the roller ski, the body weight is completely transferred to the other leg.

2. Repeat exercise 1, but alternately raise and lower the entire rollerski, bending your leg at the knee. Do not allow roller skis to be pulled to the side.

3.IP - stand on roller skis supported by poles, walking in place with alternate lifting of roller skis above the support by 20-25 cm. Monitor the timely transfer of body weight from one leg to the other

4.IP - as in ex. Z, side steps to the right and left. Control the timely transfer of body weight from foot to foot and the rearrangement of ski poles for each step. Repeat on each side.

5. Stepping steps on roller skis with alternate pushing off with sticks. Observe cross-coordination when pushing with your legs and arms, feel the strong grip of the rollerski with the support due to the rigid fixation of the front rollers when pushing off. Carefully monitor the preservation of the forward tilt of the torso; leaning back is dangerous, since shifting the center of gravity of the masses back from the center of support leads to loss of balance and falling backwards. It is better to perform on a gentle rise.

6. Sliding (rolling) steps on roller skis with two-leg skis - after every 3-4 sliding steps, go into rolling on two roller skis until you stop. Repeat 10-15 times on a flat area without sticks and with sticks. When performing sliding steps, ensure that the body weight is completely transferred to the supporting leg, and when rolling, ensure that it is evenly distributed on both legs, and maintain an inclination of the torso.

7. Slowly sliding steps on roller skis without poles with swinging arms. Ensure control over maintaining balance when riding on one roller ski. It is better to perform on a flat area.

8. Repeat exercise 7 with an extended rollerski roll in each sliding step.

9. Moving on roller skis with an alternating stepless move with an emphasis on pushing off with the hands - with body movement with an even distribution of body weight on both roller skis.

10. Moving on roller skis with an alternating two-step stroke in full coordination. Monitor the coordinated work of the arms and legs when performing swinging and pushing movements.

The widespread use of roller skis to improve the technique of alternating two-step stroke is aimed at solving the following main problems:

Powerful and complete kick-off, since the possibility of slipping (kickback) is practically excluded;

Swing leg extension with pelvic movement;

Soft placement of the roller ski and smooth transfer of body weight from foot to foot;

The predominance of timely and advanced attack options;

Stable balance on a movable (rolling) support during single-support rolling;

Complete push-off with the hand with reliable grip of the sticks on the support (asphalt, soil; insufficient grip of the sticks noticeably distorts the structure of the push with the hand);

A coordinated combination of swinging reach and powerful push with legs and arms.

At this stage of training, timely prevention and correction of errors in the alternating two-step technique is especially important. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the basic methodological rules for preventing and eliminating errors. Firstly, students must understand the essence of the exercise, the motor task being solved, i.e., what needs to be done for the exercise to work. Secondly, errors should be corrected sequentially according to the degree of their significance, first gross ones, distorting the basic structure of the movement, then interconnected ones, causing one another, and after that local ones, not affecting the rest of the details of the technique. Thirdly, when correcting any error, the student must understand its cause.

Exercises in moving on roller skis to master simultaneous moves

The effectiveness of using all simultaneous moves depends on the level of development of the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, back and abdominals. The movements of the torso play a much larger role than in alternating moves. Firstly, almost completely straightening the torso before placing the poles on the support allows you to create a reserve of potential energy, which is then used when pushing off with the poles. Secondly, due to the muscles of the torso, additional forces are created on the sticks, exceeding the forces of the hands at the beginning of repulsion. Thirdly, tilting the body to an almost horizontal position allows you to complete the push with sticks at a more acute angle and reduce the resistance of the oncoming air flow at high speeds.

When moving on roller skis and skis, they mainly use the holistic execution of various simultaneous moves with an emphasis on the following motor actions:

a) simultaneous stepless movement:

Even distribution of body weight on both legs throughout the entire cycle of movements;

Active participation of the torso in pushing off with the hands with an amplitude of bending it from almost vertical to horizontal position, which is also typical for other simultaneous moves;

A slight delay of the torso in a bent position after the end of the push with the arms, this is especially important at high speed;

Raising yourself slightly on your toes before placing the poles on the support to enhance the leaning of the body onto the poles at the beginning of the push;

Smooth straightening of the torso after pushing off with the hands;

b) simultaneous one-step stroke (high-speed option):

Equal (preferably alternate) use of both right and left legs in pushing off;

Performing a push-off with your foot while moving your arms forward;

Raising the supporting leg slightly on the toes before placing the poles on the support;

Place the poles almost vertically (angle about 80°) and significantly in front of the toe of the boot;

When pushing with your hands, first slightly bend them at the elbow joint along with tilting your torso and then actively straighten them at the end of the push;

Almost full extension of the torso when swinging the arms forward and pushing with the leg;

A slight extension of the foot of the pushing leg forward before pushing off with it;

There is no forward movement of the swing leg; it is attached to the supporting leg;

c) simultaneous one-step move (long version):

Performing a push-off with the foot after the end of extending the arms to the extreme forward position;

Significant increase in the duration of the arm swing;

When swinging your arms, first bend them at the elbow joint

to carry the sticks away from you in rings, then vigorously straighten your arms to place the sticks on the support at an acute angle; d) simultaneous, two-step move:

Performing two sliding steps and one push with the hands in a stroke cycle that ends with the poles being lifted from the support;

For the first sliding step, simultaneously swing your arms forward with bending them at the elbow joints to move the sticks in rings away from you;

at the end of the second sliding step, placing the poles on the support at an acute angle.

Exercises in moving on roller skis to master the change of moves, typical mistakes

These exercises allow you to master the movement as a whole through the sequential connection of individual elements of the transition from one move to another into a holistic motor action. For perfect mastery of both accelerated (with fewer intermediate sliding steps) and slow varieties of transitions, it is necessary:

a) when switching from simultaneous to alternating stroke:

Begin the transition from a two-support sliding in the position of the end of a simultaneous push with the arms, when the body is tilted horizontally, the arms are behind the body;

Slowly straighten your torso when performing intermediate sliding steps;

For the first intermediate sliding step, swing forward with one hand (opposite swing leg) when moving through one step and with both hands when moving through two steps;

In any variant of the transition to the first intermediate sliding step, do not push off with your hands, always hold the sticks above the support, with the rings facing you;

b) when switching from alternating to simultaneous stroke:

Perform a transition from a free sliding position, in which the poles do not touch the support - one in front, the other behind;

Solve the main task of the transition - connecting the hands in front;

For all transition options, hold one hand in front, and swing the other hand forward and connect it with the first;

During the transition, at the first simultaneous push with your hands, place the swing leg to the supporting leg.

Errors during transitions from alternating to simultaneous strokes and vice versa are most often caused by a violation of the sequence and order of swinging and pushing movements of the arms and legs.

Exercises for mastering skating skiing

Exercises in moving on roller skis and skis to master skating moves.

These exercises are used to master both motor actions common to all skating moves and motor actions specific to each move. They are performed mainly in full coordination of movements and are controlled by:

Pushing off with the foot to the side with a sliding stop with the toe of the ski (roller ski) moving to the side is a key distinguishing element of any skating move;

When placed on a support, slide on the entire sliding surface of a flat-set ski until the end of repulsion with another ski edged inward (this requirement is mandatory for all skating moves);

The body must “overtake” (be in front) the foot of the supporting leg, timely and complete movement of the center of gravity of the masses forward over the center of the support area on the forefoot is a criterion for the effectiveness of all skating methods;

The greatest coincidence of the direction of movement of the center of gravity of masses with the direction of movement of the ski (roller ski) after placing it on the support, which is especially important in connection with transverse movements in all skating moves; the smaller they are (with a smaller turn of the ski to the side), the greater the coincidence can be achieved, thereby increasing the length of the cycle and, consequently, the speed;

Some shift of body weight to the heel of the ski to apply a component of force at a right angle to the direction of movement of the ski - such a direction of force is a necessary condition for effective pushing off with the foot;

Inadmissibility of vertical vibrations of the center of gravity of masses. Taking into account the specifics of a particular skating stroke, characteristic motor tasks are solved.

A) during a move without pushing off with hands:

The stroke cycle contains two skating steps that are equivalent in all respects;

the arms make either sweeping free alternating movements back and forth, increasing the speed and preventing the body from twisting, or when reaching high speed they press against it;

Based on the nature of the position of the hands, there are two variants of this move: without swinging and with swinging the arms;

Throughout the entire stroke cycle, in order to increase the duration of active push-off with the legs, a lower landing is maintained compared to other skating strokes;

For greater stability and to reduce the increased resistance of the oncoming air flow at high speed, a constant tilt of the torso is maintained at an angle of about 40°.

In all types of moves, the sticks are held suspended in a close to horizontal position and always with the rings facing you.

B) in a half-skate move:

The stroke cycle is one skating step and one simultaneous push with the arms;

Identification of right-sided and left-sided variations of the stroke along the corresponding pushing leg;

Unequal load on the right and left legs in the stroke cycle;

Prolonged pushing off with the same leg and long-term retention of body weight mainly on the other (supporting) leg;

Accompanying each kick with a simultaneous push with your hands;

Before changing the pushing leg, continuous sliding of the same ski (support leg) along the track, and the second (pushing leg) at an angle to the direction of movement;

In the kicking mechanism, it is necessary to first flex and only then extend the pushing leg;

Increasing the power of pushing off with your hands due to an active and gradually increasing tilt of the torso throughout the push;

Squatting on a supporting leg sliding along the ski track at the moment of almost simultaneous completion of pushing off with arms and legs;

Smooth straightening of the supporting leg and torso after the end of the pushing movements;

Equal use of right-sided and left-sided variations of the stroke for harmonious loading of both legs.

B) in a simultaneous two-step move:

Performing two skating steps and one simultaneous push with the arms in a stroke cycle;

The location of both skis (roller skis) during all motor actions is at an angle to the direction of movement;

Visually, in the first step, the folders are carried out with a swinging movement forward (with rings towards you), in the second step - a simultaneous push with them;

Dividing the stroke into right-handed and left-handed along the leg of the same name, located in front at the moment of placing the poles on the support;

Perfect mastery and equal use of both moves;

Mastering the flat variety of the move with a later start of simultaneous pushing with the hands - only on the second skating step;

In all stroke variations, there is a complete transfer of body weight from one leg to the other in each skating step.

D) in a simultaneous one-step move:

Performing a simultaneous swing and push with the arms for each skating step;

Possession of timely, balanced and alternate loading of both legs;

Smooth execution of all preparatory movements for pushing off with arms and legs;

Squatting on the pushing leg before starting to push off and then extending when pushing at the hip, knee and ankle joints;

Almost complete coincidence of the moments of repulsion with hands and feet (recall that in simultaneous classical moves these pushing actions are performed sequentially);

Lower frequency of movements compared to other skating moves.

D) alternating two-step stroke:

Among skating moves, the structure of movements of the arms and legs is the closest to natural motor actions as during normal walking, as well as to movement with a similar classical move;

The stroke cycle consists of two skating steps and two alternating hand push-offs;

the use of the stroke is justified mainly on steep climbs, especially in poor sliding conditions and with increasing fatigue

Under these external conditions, in the motor structure of the stroke, as a rule, there is no free single-support sliding; double support on sticks and double-support sliding appear;

In relation to other skating moves, it is possible to achieve the highest frequency of movements;

When used on flat areas and gentle climbs, sliding on two skis with double support on poles is replaced by free single-support sliding and after this, pushing movements with the leg and arm are performed

Exercises in moving on roller skis and skis to master transitions, mistakes when changing skating moves

These tools provide holistic mastery of numerous types of skating changes. As in the classical style, when transitioning, pay attention to the number of intermediate steps (the fewer there are, the faster the transition), as well as the position of the hands at the moment of transition in relation to the body (in front or behind), which is specific only for skating moves.

A) the transition from simultaneous one-step and half-skate to simultaneous two-step does not require intermediate steps, and it begins after the end of the push with the arms, performing a swing with the arms on the first step, and a push on the second, which constitutes the cycle of the two-step move.

B) to reverse the transition from a simultaneous two-step move to other simultaneous moves, after finishing the push with the arms, take one intermediate skating step to move the arms forward. From this starting position, you can walk either in one-step or in half-skate moves (for a half-skate move, a ski track is required under the ski of the supporting leg).

C) when changing the variant of a simultaneous two-step move (right-sided, left-sided), an intermediate step is used either for pushing and swinging the arms (faster change), or for holding the sticks above the support behind the body, or for holding them suspended in front. And when switching to the flat version of this move, attention is paid to the later start of pushing off with the hands (only at the second step in the stroke cycle).

D) the transition from any simultaneous move to an alternating move most often begins after the end of the push with the hands; during the intermediate step, one hand lingers behind (opposite to the push leg), and the other is swung forward. You can also make a transition from the position of the hands in front (before placing them on the support), then for the intermediate step one hand remains in front (the stick is in the air), and the other one pushes, also observing the difference in name with the pushing leg.

D) when transitioning from an alternating move to a simultaneous one, during intermediate steps, the arms are connected either in front or behind for subsequent simultaneous pushing and swing movements.

E) they switch to skating without pushing off with their hands when they reach high speed after simultaneous moves. The transition begins from the end position of pushing off with the hands without intermediate steps. For the reverse transition, one intermediate step is most often performed, during which the hands occupy a position characteristic of the beginning of simultaneous motor actions in the chosen move with pushing off with the hands.

Errors when changing skating moves are mainly related to:

With a lack of consistency, consistency and order of swinging and pushing movements of the legs and arms;

Impaired timing in holding the arm(s) in front or behind the body during an intermediate step;

With the transition to a half-skate move without a ski trail, in which the supporting leg should be placed when performing an intermediate step;

With the transition to motor actions with the same hand and foot in alternating motion;

with sluggish, too long execution of the intermediate step and excessive slowdown in the transition.

1.4 other means of training a cross-country skier

In the process of many years of training a skier, an unusually wide range of different exercises are used to develop volitional and physical qualities, teach technique and tactics, and increase the level of functional training. Each of the exercises used has a diverse effect on the skier-racer’s body, but at the same time, the solution to certain training tasks depends on the targeted use of certain exercises. The precise choice of exercises during teaching and training largely determines the effectiveness of many years of training at all its stages. In all cases, the selection of exercises should be based on the interaction of skills during training and physical qualities during training, using their positive transfer from one exercise to another.

In cross-country skiing, when selecting exercises, it is necessary to take into account the greater or lesser transfer of skills and qualities from the various exercises used to the methods of skiing.

All physical exercises used in training skiers are usually divided into the following main groups:

1. Exercises of the main type of skiing - cross-country skiing, chosen as a subject of specialization. This group includes all methods of skiing (skiing, descents, ascents, turns, etc.). All these exercises are performed in different variations and using a variety of methods.

2. General developmental exercises, which, in turn, are divided into two subgroups: a) general developmental preparatory exercises; b) exercises from other sports.

The first subgroup includes a variety of exercises without objects and with objects (medicine balls, dumbbells, auxiliary objects - weights, cores, etc.). This also includes exercises with resistance from partners and elastic objects (rubber shock absorbers, spring shock absorbers, etc.). The most general developmental exercises are used in training skiers, as well as beginners and lower-level skiers. The second subgroup includes exercises from other sports (athletics, rowing, sports games, swimming, etc.). These exercises are used mainly in the snowless season to develop the physical qualities necessary for a skier. Exercises are selected so that the greatest positive transfer of physical qualities from the type used to the main type - cross-country skiing - is observed. Thus, to develop endurance, cross-country running is used; to develop strength endurance - long rowing; for the development of dexterity, coordination of movements and speed - sports games (basketball, handball, football), etc.

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