Ugra Bank DIA payments: who will pay, what happened to Ugra, bank problems. DIA selected agent banks to pay compensation to depositors of Ugra Bank

Information for depositors of UGRA Bank, here you will find out where and how you can withdraw your deposit, which bank pays refunds on deposits individuals How to receive payment for individual entrepreneurs. In addition, the page presents full list branches of agent banks with addresses, telephone numbers and operating hours.

The Department of Public Relations of the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" reports the July 10, 2017 an insured event in relation to the credit organization PJSC BANK "YUGRA" in connection with the introduction by the Bank of Russia of a moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims and the appointment of a temporary administration to manage the bank, the functions of which are assigned to the DIA.

The introduction of the temporary administration of the DIA is aimed at obtaining operational control over the activities of the bank. This measure will ensure the protection of the interests of the bank's depositors and creditors.

The provisional administration will conduct an audit of the bank's financial position, based on the results of which proposals for its future activities will be developed.

Which bank will make payments?

The Department of Public Relations of the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA) reports that VTB 24 (PJSC),PJSC Sberbank,JSC Rosselkhozbank,PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie" And PJSC "BANK URALSIB" became winners of the competition for the selection of agent banks to pay insurance compensation to depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, of the credit organization PJSC BANK "YUGRA" (Moscow).

Five agent banks have been selected to speed up the payment process and create comfortable conditions for depositors to receive compensation.

Depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" can obtain information about the list of divisions of agent banks that pay compensation and their operating hours by calling the following hotline numbers: VTB 24 (PJSC) - 8-800-505-24-24, PJSC Sberbank- 8-800-555-55-50, JSC Rosselkhozbank - 8-800-200-02-90, PJSC Bank "FC Otkritie" - 8-800-700-78-77, PJSC "BANK URALSIB"- 8-800-200-55-20, Agency- 8-800-200-08-05 (calls to all hotline numbers in Russia are free).

When will compensation be paid?

July 20, 2017DIA will begin paying compensation to depositorsPJSC BANK "YUGRA"

To receive compensation, the depositor must submit to the agent bank only passport, as well as fill out an application for payment of compensation in the prescribed form. Application forms can be obtained and filled out at the departments of agent banks that pay refunds on deposits.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors. The distribution of depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" among agent banks was made depending on the place of residence of the depositor, as well as on the initial letter of his last name. The distribution of depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" was carried out on the basis of information about the address of residence provided by them to the bank when opening a deposit (account).

To determine his agent bank, the depositor can use the table below.

Distribution of depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" by agent banks

Regions and localities

place of residence of depositors

Agent bank

depending on the initial letter of the depositor's last name

Altai region

Komi Republic

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Krasnodar region

Krasnoyarsk region

Leningrad region (except Vsevolozhsk)

Moscow region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Novosibirsk region

Rostov region

Saint Petersburg

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region (except for Tobolsk)

Chelyabinsk region

Yaroslavl region (except Rybinsk)

Regions not listed in the table above

VTB 24 (PJSC) - all letters

For depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" living in regions not listed in the table above, VTB 24 (PJSC)(regardless of the initial letter of the depositor's last name).

Having thus determined his agent bank, the depositor can apply for payment of compensation to any of its divisions listed on the Agency’s official website on the Internet.

Applications for payment of insurance compensation may be submitted by depositors during the entire period of bank liquidation.

reference Information

Due to the fact that the bank is a participant in the system compulsory insurance deposits (No. 320 according to the register), each depositor, including an individual entrepreneur (IP), has the right to receive insurance compensation provided for Federal law dated December 23, 2003 No. 177-F3 “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation.”

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his accounts (deposits) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. By bank deposit (account) in foreign currency insurance compensation is calculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate as of July 10, 2017.

Depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" can receive compensation for deposits (accounts) opened not for business activities, both in cash and by transfer Money to an account in a bank that is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system, indicated by the depositor.

Depositors of PJSC BANK "YUGRA" living outside the settlements where the branches of agent banks are located, paying compensation, They can also send an application for payment of compensation by mail to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, st. Vysotskogo, 4. In this case, payment of compensation will be carried out by bank transfer by transfer to an account in a bank - a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system, specified by the depositor in the application for payment of compensation, or in cash by postal transfer at the place of residence of the depositor (except compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for business activities). The signature on the application sent by mail (if the compensation amount is more than 3,000 rubles) must be notarized. If there is no notary in the locality, the authenticity of the depositor’s signature on the application can be certified by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government body. When sent by mail, the application must also be accompanied by a copy of the investor’s identity document.

Whenemergence disagreements related to the amount of compensation to be paid, or the lack of information about the depositor in the register of obligations of PJSC BANK "YUGRA", the depositor can submit a statement of disagreement and submit it to the agent bank for transmission to the Agency or independently send such a statement by mail to the Agency with an attachment additional documents, confirming the validity of the depositor’s requirements: bank deposit (account) agreement, cash receipt order, etc.

Payment of compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for carrying out business activities, is made only by transferring the amount of compensation to the account specified by the depositor in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system, opened for business activities. If at the time of payment of compensation an individual entrepreneur is declared insolvent (bankrupt), such payment is made by transferring the amount of compensation to the account of the debtor used during bankruptcy proceedings. In this case, the application for payment of compensation must be accompanied by a certificate (or other document) issued by the bankruptcy trustee or the court that made the decision to declare the depositor bankrupt (if a bankruptcy trustee has not been appointed), stating that the specified account is the debtor’s account (the debtor’s main account) used in the course of bankruptcy proceedings opened against the depositor, or the debtor’s current account opened on his behalf by the bankruptcy trustee, or a court deposit account. If, at the time of payment of compensation, an individual entrepreneur presented a document confirming state registration of the fact of loss of his status individual entrepreneur, then the payment of compensation can be made either in cash or by transferring funds to an account in a bank participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system specified by the depositor.

The Deposit Insurance Agency has named the procedure for receiving insurance payments by Ugra Bank depositors. The distribution is made according to the first letters of the last names of investors. Payment can only be received from a specific bank.
    Insurance indemnity in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions (the latter - without districts and Tobolsk) pay:
  • (including 5 branches in Yekaterinburg) - to depositors whose last names begin with letters A - Z (Latin) and A (Russian).
  • (including 56 branches in Yekaterinburg) - to depositors whose last names begin with letters B - C (in alphabetical order)
  • (including 5 branches in Yekaterinburg) - to depositors whose last names begin with the letter T
  • (including 15 branches in Yekaterinburg) - to depositors whose last names begin with letters U - Z (in alphabetical order).

Applications and payments will begin on July 20. To complete the application, you only need a passport. In this case, you should check the deposit amount indicated in the register. Refunds are issued including interest. Currency deposits are issued in rubles, recalculation is made at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on July 10: US dollar - 60.38 rubles, euro - 68.95 rubles. If the deposit amount indicated in the register does not coincide with the real one, you must submit a statement of disagreement with the attachment of the deposit agreement and receipt and expenditure documents. The DIA will consider such an application within two weeks.

Administrator of the group of injured depositors of Ugra Bank in social network On VKontakte, Nikolai Nikolaev spoke about a call from a representative of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) Vasily Kudyakov, who, it seemed, spoke about the bankruptcy of the bank as an already resolved issue, although there was no court decision on this case yet. Moreover, not even a trial date has been set.

The situation around Bank Ugra, whose license was revoked by the Central Bank on July 28, 2017, is becoming increasingly confusing . The consideration of the claim of the former board of Yugra against the Central Bank for the introduction of a temporary administration will take place in Moscow on August 15, but it seems that the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) for some reason is confident that the arbitration will not support the position of Yugra and will take sides regulator

Nikolay Nikolaev, an activist and administrator of a group of injured depositors of Ugra Bank on the social network VKontakte, shared interesting news with his fellow sufferers: he said that the head of the department for support of liquidation procedures of the DIA had contacted him Vasily Kudyakov. In a telephone conversation, a representative of the DIA recommended that Nikolaev contact him immediately after the bank was declared bankrupt in accordance with the court decision. As Nikolaev admitted, the call shocked him.

“Until now, a court hearing on the Ugra bankruptcy case has not yet been scheduled, and, most importantly, the court decision is unknown, which, moreover, can be appealed. Why is the DIA in such a hurry to contact investors? Prior to this, they began payments several days earlier than prescribed by law.”

Not “if”, but “when”

An audio recording of a telephone conversation with Kudyakov was posted on the Internet community. From the conversation it follows that the head of the DIA department for support of liquidation procedures very carefully tried to find out the reasons for the meeting, for which Ugra depositors applied, and also offered to resolve all controversial issues peacefully, through the procedure for entering the creditors’ office. In addition, as Kudyakov explained, nothing depends on him now, “when they recognize (bankruptcy), then from me, believe me”.

What to expect?

Community subscribers reacted to Nikolaev’s post with violent indignation; they expressed approximately the following opinions:

“Having listened to the recording of the conversation, I came to the conclusion that the investors themselves were guilty, since they trusted banking system» , - one user comments.

Many expressed surprise that Kudyakov’s words sounded like there were no other options except bankruptcy there can no longer be a bank. They are worried that the issue seems to have already been resolved before the trial, and there is no hope left for a fair verdict. There were also those who considered the call a direct hint of bribery, and evidence that after the bank was declared bankrupt, depositors would be able to receive assistance from the DIA.

Depositors believe that they should not count on any support from the DIA and the Central Bank or on the indifference of the authorities, and also express their readiness to insist on the return of the license to Ugra Bank and its reorganization on the owner’s terms.

Five agent banks have been selected to speed up the payment process and create comfortable conditions for depositors to receive compensation.

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for accounts (deposits) and other necessary documents, as well as payment of insurance compensation to depositors of the credit organization PJSC BANK "YUGRA" will begin no later than July 24, 2017. ABOUT exact date the start of payments will be announced additionally.

Information on the distribution of depositors among specific agent banks, the place and timing of receipt of applications by agent banks from depositors to receive compensation will be posted on the DIA website.

To receive compensation, the depositor must submit only a passport to the agent bank, and also fill out an application for payment of compensation in the prescribed form. Application forms can be obtained and filled out at the departments of agent banks that pay refunds on deposits.

General information on the procedure for paying insurance compensation can be obtained by phone hotline DIA (8-800-200-08-05), as well as on the DIA website.

The Central Bank finally did what the banking market had been waiting for for three years: it introduced a temporary administration into Ugra Bank and froze payments to its creditors.

There were complaints against the bank before - the regulator more than once limited the acceptance of deposits, and hiding shareholders caused dissatisfaction; the real owner Alexei Khotin did not disclose his participation until 2016 - but the Central Bank has only now taken decisive action.

It is difficult to assess how late the regulator was, there are many unknowns in history, but we can definitely say that at the end of 2013, when it became obvious that Ugra was working as a “vacuum cleaner”, the collapse of the bank would have been much cheaper: then it had time to attract only RUB 31.6 billion from the population. Yes, and issue 200 billion rubles. loans, the repayment of which is now not obvious, the bank would not have time.

The financial situation of Ugra, despite acceptable reporting, was no secret to anyone - the secret was rather how the bank with such a business model lasted so long. And even more so, it was no secret either to its management or to the owners - 45 billion rubles flowed out of the bank in June. companies' funds and only 2.2 billion rubles remained; before this, there were no such strong fluctuations in balances.

Bank "Ugra, last news for today

The most resonant event in the field of finance today is the introduction of a temporary administration at Ugra Bank in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency with the simultaneous introduction of a moratorium on settlements with creditors. The basis for such a decision by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was the recorded signs of manipulation with deposits, formal (“technical”) compliance with the regulator’s requirements, as well as the lack of opportunities for shareholders to stabilize the financial condition of the credit institution.

It is reported that payments to depositors will begin no later than July 24. At the same time, as of July 10, 181.5 billion rubles were placed on deposits with Ugra Bank. Thus, in terms of the amount of funds attracted from depositors, Ugra became the largest bank among those in which a temporary administration was introduced.
The volume of deposits in Ugra began to grow rapidly from the end of 2012 and by the end of the first quarter of 2017 increased 30 times - from 5.7 billion rubles to 170 billion rubles. In the second quarter, the volume of deposits increased, as we have already noted, by another 11.5 billion rubles. As a result, over five years, Bank Ugra moved from 178th to 12th position in the ranking in terms of the volume of attracted deposits from the population. Over the same period, its assets grew 26.5 times - from 9.3 billion rubles to 247 billion rubles. This allowed the bank to rise from 272nd to 33rd place in the ranking by asset size.

Bank Ugra, latest news for today

Introduction of temporary administration in a bank with such financial indicators makes us remember two cases of license revocation in 2017 - in Tatfondbank (as of February 1, 2017, it occupied 42nd place in the banking system of the Russian Federation) and Rosenergobank (as of January 1, 2017, it occupied 81st place in the ranking of the 100 largest banks according to the degree of reliability). The three examples we have given suggest that even a high position in bank ratings is not proof of the reliability of a credit institution.
At the same time, Bank Ugra and Tatfondbank have one more important thing in common - in both one and the other bank, financial problems began about a year before the Central Bank took decisive action. The most likely reason for the delay is that the bank played an important role in the economy of its region, as in the case of Tatfondbank, or in a large volume of attracted deposits, as in the case of Ugra.

Bank Ugra, latest news for today

We also do not exclude the possibility of an agreement between the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the owners of Ugra: the regulator was ready to take its time making administrative decisions if the bank’s owners have a financial recovery plan. Perhaps the efforts of the shareholders were not enough to correct the current situation, since the Central Bank names the bank’s distortion of reporting as one of the reasons.
What future awaits Bank Ugra? The experience of recent years shows that after the introduction of a temporary administration, there may be two options for the development of the situation - reorganization or revocation of the license. And although for creditors the best option is reorganization, we believe that the license revocation scenario is more likely to be implemented. The DIA today has enough funds to pay depositors within the insurance limit of 1.4 million rubles. Regarding account balances legal entities in Yugra Bank, which amounted to 2.2 billion rubles as of July 7, then most of them are accounted for by shareholder companies.
Thus, Bank Ugra will most likely join the list of 27 credit institutions, which already lost their license in 2017. By the way, three months ago we wrote that about 50 Russian banks will leave the financial market this year. So far our forecast is coming true.

Bank Ugra, latest news for today

In 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation switched from large-scale cleansing of the banking sector to targeted actions. Indeed, in 2014, the regulator revoked the licenses of 86 banks (which reduced the number of banks by 11%), in 2015 - already 93 banks (-13%), in 2016 - another 97 banks (-15.5%). If our forecast about the revocation of licenses from 50-55 banks this year comes true, then by the end of 2017 there will be another 9.5-10.5% fewer Russian banks. On the one hand, we see a slowdown in the rate of license revocation by one and a half times compared to last year. However, the predicted reduction in the number of banks over the year by 10% is still quite large and does not allow us to say that the banking crisis in Russia has been overcome.
It will be possible to talk about the end of the banking crisis when the number of banks in Russia decreases by no more than 2% per year or stabilizes in a volume that meets the needs of the economy. At the same time, the beginning of economic growth is a mandatory prerequisite for this process. If growth in the domestic economy has really begun and if the measures taken by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation continue to be selective, we can count on restoring order in the banking sector within a couple of years. An additional instrument of influence will be the mechanism of proportional regulation of the banking sector, which will divide all banks into basic and universal.
Today's story with Ugra Bank has become the largest insurance case in the history of the DIA. At the same time, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that another bank with a comparable volume of attracted deposits from the population will not find itself in a similar situation. As a result, it is difficult to estimate the amount of funds that the state will have to spend on improving the banking sector in the coming years.

Oleg Yakushev, expert of JSC Investment Company "ZERICH Capital Management"

Media: Insurance payments to Ugra depositors may become record high

Bank Ugra is suspected of manipulating reporting, using depositors' money for business projects of its shareholders and withdrawing assets, the Central Bank warned. The situation around Ugra could become the largest insurance event in recent years: the volume of insured deposits in the problem bank is 170 billion rubles. Experts believe that the bank has little chance of survival.

The Bank of Russia continues to cleanse the financial sector of unscrupulous players. On Monday, the regulator entrusted the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) with the functions of temporary administration in one of the largest and oldest Russian banks, Yugra. The administration was introduced for six months, according to the Central Bank website.

“For the period of activity of the temporary administration, the powers of shareholders related to participation in the authorized capital, as well as the powers of the management bodies of Bank Ugra, are suspended. The primary task of the provisional administration is to conduct a survey of the bank’s financial position,” the Central Bank said.

Later it became known that the Central Bank sent to law enforcement agencies appeal about the bank's activities. “Yes, there are reasons, I will not disclose the details of our appeals now. We sent appeals to law enforcement agencies,” Pozdyshev said.

According to him, central bank introduced a temporary administration into Ugra Bank, including due to possible unreliability of reporting. “Because over the past few months we have had signs that the reporting provided to us by the bank itself is unreliable,” explained a representative of the Central Bank.

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