Gratitude to the teacher at graduation 9. Texts of gratitude congratulations to teachers at the “last call”

Very soon, schoolchildren will celebrate the holiday of the last bell. He will send some guys on a long-awaited vacation, while others will draw an even line under a multi-year marathon of disciplines, assignments, tests, tests, exams. In any case, this day is equally heartfelt for every student in his school and touching to the point of tears... Sad or joyful! It is worth preparing for such an event in advance and choosing not only an outfit and a bouquet, but also poems for the Last Bell for the patient class teacher, favorite subject teachers, classmates who have become family, and even cozy school walls. In this good old way, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can congratulate each other, thank the teachers, and simply diversify the ceremonial line-up.

Beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates

The last bell sounds different for everyone: for first-graders it’s festive, for junior and middle grades it’s fun and cheerful, for graduates it’s solemn and a little sad. It echoes with the same sad trills in the souls of parents and teachers who are releasing the next generation of “children” from their arms. But even despite the sad looks of teachers and farewell tears of graduates, the Last Bell is a bright holiday that opens the way for the children to a new life. In addition, this day gives 11th grade students the last opportunity, as adults, to express words of gratitude to their beloved parents and dear teachers. To this end, graduates prepare beautiful and heartfelt poems for teachers for the Last Call in advance and buy nice gifts and lush flower bouquets. And even if you can’t do without material surprises at the graduation party, at the school assembly it is still better to congratulate your mentors with spiritual gifts. And you can choose the most beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates in our collection.

Examples of the best poems from graduates for teachers on the last call

Last call, there are tears in our eyes.
School and childhood dreams are over.
We hasten to say thank you to the teachers,
I wish you patience and success in your business.

You are like parents, like relatives,
Forgive us, dear teachers,
For the nerves, for running away from class,
For what the family didn't do.

May the students bring joy
Let your graduates praise you,
After all, you, like no one else, are worthy of honor.
Health and success for many years to come!

We don’t know whether your hopes were justified:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
For our happy holiday - Last call!
And please forgive all my sins,
What we have accumulated by the last day:
And tests with a load of wrong decisions,
And vague answers, and chatter,
But you know one thing: we will remember school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers,
And your work will resonate in our affairs.

We went to first grade, we sat down at our desks
And many people don’t remember their first lesson.
And every spring, every time it came closer,
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

School called us, science beckoned us
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Became habitual, lessons for a minute,
There are so many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We are leaving school for new children,
Farewell and see you my school.

Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on Last Bell

Of course, the main characters of the Last Bell lineup are considered to be graduates of grades 9 and 11. But this significant day belongs not only to them. The class teacher deserves no less attention. He is the one who is considered the second mother of every student in the class, and there are good reasons for this. The class teacher cares every day for the progress of his students, regularly holds educational conversations, controls the atmosphere in the classroom, tries to peacefully eliminate conflicts between the children and in every possible way brighten up their school life with cultural events. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on the Last Bell are an elementary tribute of gratitude for all the work done and every grain of soul invested in what they love.

Texts of touching poems for the last call from graduates to the class teacher

Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
We hasten to say for your invaluable work
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class through friendship
And they taught unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
We are indebted to you, our teacher.
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish you the trill of the last bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
What we remember, adore and miss!

You spared no time for us,
Sharing trouble and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright classroom,
Forgiving all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

Thank you for your kindness.
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth.
For everything you taught us to see.
For everything you were in a hurry to teach us!

You always tried to understand us,
Forgive for stupidity and pranks,
Shared joy and trouble with us,
You taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we ended up in your class.
We wish you spiritual fun.
Always have a great mood!

Poems “to tears” for subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell

At the solemn assembly dedicated to the last bell, not only graduates are in a hurry to share their ability to recite touching poems that bring tears to tears. This is how first-graders thank their parents for a new open door, middle school students share the fun school experiences they have lived over the past year with their friends, high school students express gratitude to their subject teachers for the science they have received through poems on the Last Bell. Each member of the line, who prepared sad or funny poetry that brought tears to tears, has his own important goal.

Poems “bringing tears” to subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell are most often short and laconic. After all, it is impossible to offend any specialized teacher with attention, and the time of the event is often strictly limited. Best options See below for poems for subject students.

The best tearful poems for subject teachers for the Last Call

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for putting up with us so much
And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we are leaving - a relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our lives,
You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You raised, bringing knowledge.
They gave eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the path of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

From “twice two” to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
To this day from ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you've learned,
For the load of knowledge brought to us.
We wish you to have in your life
All numbers only have a plus sign

Here Bach's fugues sound reverently,
Here is the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Farewell poems for the Last Bell, 11th grade about school

Farewell poems about your home school on the Last Bell from 11th graders are a good tradition, strengthened over decades, worthy of continuation in every generation of future graduates. Only high school students, having gone through a difficult path of learning and becoming many times smarter, are able to look at their teachers with respect and sincerely thank them for their invaluable life experience. Only high school students can say goodbye to school not joyfully, anticipating the imminent holidays, but sadly, with a sad look and tears of separation. Only high school students, letting go of the last strings of childhood, truly suffer from the imminent parting with cozy classes, fun recess, fun school holidays and friendly staff of their “second home.”

Take the trouble to choose farewell poems for the last bell of grade 11 about school in advance, so that at the right moment you can convey in poetic form everything that has been said so far in prose.

Example of farewell poems about school for the last bell of 11th grade

The last call will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!

Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call.

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
Just recently in first grade.
And the sadness in my heart grows.

Just recently we were together
But let's run in all directions.
Everyone has their own path.
Goodbye school years!

The last call sees off
To an adult, big life.
A tear appears involuntarily.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

Call. Last. All. Will not
Duties, desks, teachers...
And the wind, the free wind blows!
Well, let it blow stronger.

We will scatter like pollen over a meadow.
But everyone will say, just like me:
Let's be honest with each other.
We are all united, we are one family.

Someday, winter or summer
Someone will hear: “Bah! Wow!
Seryoga, my God, is that you?”
Spaces and years will separate us.

Last bell, my last class...
Will first-graders remember us?

Poems of Russian classics for the last call from grade 9 to teachers, principals, head teachers

School time is incredibly poetic in itself. It is not surprising that dozens of Russian classics depicted it so colorfully and emotionally in their stanzas. They contain the first love, and genuine friendship with a bosom neighbor at the desk, and a wise teacher with reasonable life views, and a difficult overcoming of the bumpy path through school sciences. So why not prepare poems by Russian classics for the Last Bell from 9th grade for teachers, principals, and head teachers. Surely such poetry will become the best gift and the manifestation of universal respect for the teaching staff and administration of the school.

We have collected the best poems from Russian classics for principals, head teachers and teachers on the last call from grade 9 and placed them in this section.

Classic poems about school years for teachers, principals and head teachers from 9th graders

Good luck to you, dear rural and urban teachers,
Good, evil and no captains on the bridge of the ship!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck! Especially in the mornings
when you enter school classrooms,
Some are like being in a cage, others are like being in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy with things that you can’t complete anyway,
Tightly shackled by instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, looking differently, with ideas and without any ideas,
loving or hating these - be they three times... - children.
You know, I still believe that if the Earth survives,
Teachers will someday become the highest dignity of humanity!
Not in words, but in the things of tradition, which matches the life of tomorrow.
You will have to be born as a teacher and only after that you will have to become a teacher.
He will have talented and daring wisdom, he will carry the sun on his wing.
A teacher is a long-range profession,
Home on Earth!

From class to class we will go up, as if by steps,
And the most important thing here will be the working class,
And the first duty we will, naturally, cancel
Exploitation by teachers of us!

Long live the new school!
The teacher will drop it, and you pick it up!
There are children of both sexes here
People will become huge!

We are building a school to gnaw at science boldly,
We will destroy everything from the inside and revive it,
We will whiten the grayness and scrape it to shine,
We will cover up all the shadow with light!

So grow a school for us, builder, -
For our children's souls, a greenhouse, a greenhouse, -
Where they study - everyone, where the teacher -
I am still a student in some ways!

Reach every heart
Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those
who could love!

And some
overslept boy
Late for first lesson
And the prankster in the past
Will invite you to the Last Call!

And many more years will pass,
Maybe someone's fate will work out,
And both pain and adversity will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without anger,
And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

Poems for the Last Call are not only a dry tribute to traditions, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher, principal and subject teachers are the appearance of gratitude, respect and deep appreciation from graduates of grades 9 and 11.

The day when a child first went to school remains forever in the memory of all parents. On this day, mothers and fathers were no less worried than the children themselves, because on September 1 they handed over their child to the care of the first teacher, thereby entrusting her with the most precious things. But the school years are fleeting, and parents can only wonder and admire how their little unintelligent daughters and sons, under the guidance of first the first teacher, and then the class teacher and subject teachers, turned into beautiful, educated and purposeful young men and women. There is no limit to the gratitude and appreciation felt by parents towards teachers, so at the last bell and graduation there are always words from parents to teachers in prose and poetry. Moreover, the prom script for students graduating from grades 11 and 9 must include congratulatory words from parents to the teacher. primary classes, which gave children basic knowledge and prepared them for further education in high school. And here we have collected examples of the most beautiful and touching words from parents to teachers with gratitude for graduation and the last bell.

Touching words from parents with gratitude to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

Many people remember their first teacher not only before graduation, but also years after graduation. And often grown men and women, driving past their native school, stop for a few minutes to visit the school class that was once their own and talk with their first teacher. The first teacher for children is practically a second mother, and for their parents, a friend and assistant in raising and educating their sons and daughters. And it is the first teacher that many mothers and fathers of elementary school students turn to for advice.

At the graduation party, parents who remember the kindness, care and professionalism of their children’s first teacher always say thanks and touching words from parents to primary school teachers in poetry and prose. The mothers and fathers of yesterday's schoolchildren thank the first teacher for her work and sincere attitude towards their children and wish her inspiration in her future work, diligent students, and human happiness.

Beautiful words from parents to primary school teachers in prose

Here we have collected a selection of words from parents to the first teacher. In it we included the most beautiful kind words that touch you to tears. These thanks and sincere wishes from parents to the first teacher will fit perfectly into the scenario of the last bell and graduation party.

Today our children are saying goodbye to school, and we want to give special thanks to their first teacher. You taught them to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and work into each of our children, you spent so much nerve that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you!

Now it's time to say goodbye! I would like to say a special thank you to our first teacher, the first person who introduced our children to school, textbooks and of course to each other! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, care, sincere feelings and efforts invested in our sons and daughters! We wish you longevity, wonderful students and human happiness!

Kind congratulations from parents to the teacher on graduation in verse

Congratulations in verse are appropriate for any occasion and sound especially beautiful. And below on our website, network users will find the best thanks to the first teacher from parents in poetic form.

Once upon a time we brought children to first grade.

You taught them with care and love.

Thank you for finding so many kind words for them,

I wish you success, happiness and good health!

Today is the day of the last call

We wish you great patience,

Let the wind disperse the clouds

And luck and luck will not leave you.

Saying goodbye to school today

And we all thank you,

Thank you, our first teacher,

We value you very much.

Taught to write patiently

You taught them to live beautifully,

Don't betray your friends.

Your science will be remembered

They will bring it through the years,

And you, teacher, will not be forgotten,

Believe me, you won't be let down.

The first teacher is warm-hearted and strict,

The road to school begins with you,

Wise, cheerful, warmth in his eyes,

In the heart there is love and also kindness!

First teacher, last call

Let this lesson never end

Thank you for your work and skill,

For your understanding and patience!

May success come easy to you,

You fly high in thought,

May you be loved and appreciated beyond measure,

You will be respected and trusted!

Words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose, touching to tears

Each teacher, who taught children his subject for 7 (or 5) years of high school, put both work and soul into his work. The profession of a teacher is closely related to both psychology and educational work, and it is from their favorite teachers that many children adopt life values ​​and learn the norms and rules for further successful life in society. And the words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose are filled with gratitude to the teachers for their hard everyday work.

Congratulatory speeches from parents to teachers at graduation in prose

Below are examples of words of gratitude from parents to teachers at graduation or the last bell in 11th (or 9th) grade. These words in prose can either be included in the script for the ceremonial part of the holiday without changes, or supplemented with sincere wishes from their parents to their children’s favorite teachers.

Dear teaching staff of the school, on behalf of the parents we would like to say “thank you” for the work invested in our children, for their patience and assistance in their formation and development. Be happy and successful, full of ideas and plans, teach, create, lead new students along the path of knowledge.

Dear teachers, on the day of our children’s graduation we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your difficult, but so important and necessary work. Be healthy, happy both in your family and in your work, let only grateful students who appreciate you meet on your path.

Today is Graduation Day and I would like to say a few warm words to the teachers! You raised our children, put knowledge into their rebellious heads, gave them love and always supported them. Gratitude is difficult to express in words. We wish you great prosperity and joy, peace of mind and prosperity. We will remember you all our lives. Thank you for everything, be happy!

Our dear teachers, today our children say goodbye to school and begin a new path to an independent life. Thank you, beloved ones, for your invaluable work and incredible patience. We wish you to produce educated and intelligent students from year to year, we wish you never to experience failures and setbacks in your activities, we wish you to remain wonderful and bright people in life.

Dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and good companions of our children, on this solemn day we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We wish you to remain here as irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

Words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 9 and 11 in verse

No less beautiful and solemn are the words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in 9th and 11th grade in verse. And here are several kind words of gratitude to teachers from the fathers and mothers of graduates, which will move teachers to tears.

Dear teachers,

You are doing wonders!

The children chose the roads

They raise the sails.

You gave them those sails,

The ship was built by a family.

Together we created a sailboat,

And then came the ship's descent.

How do you manage to live on a volcano?

Keep these little devils in line?

We believe in long term plans

The works of specialist teachers will be revealed.

Doctors, designers, pilots,

Bridge builders, singers,

And "inspired rhymers"

And fighters for the rights of people.

Thank you for your patience.

Live forever, in spite of the years.

You are sorcerers, without a doubt.

We bow to you.

What do we want to wish

Dear teachers:

“We bow low to you!

For your efforts, care,

For such hard work,

For patience and love,

Let it all happen again.

And you live a hundred years

Well, not knowing troubles at all,

Smile at the sun in the morning,

Try to be cheerful!”

Oh, you teacher, teacher,

Our children's patron,

You did not give knowledge,

You gave your whole life to them.

It so happened that the kids

Didn't read your books

Didn't write essays

And they didn’t solve the problems.

You didn't scold the kids,

Patiently explained

That they don't need to be lazy,

You need to study well

To be literate,

To go to college.

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Let's say this without embellishment:

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you the best in the future

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

To teach children

There are many teachers.

There are good, bad,

Small and big.

Ours are the best in the world,

Our children think so.

We are friends with teachers

And we are always proud of you.

How many nerve cells are there?

You invested in these kids!

On your vacation days

They will recover.

We wish you many years to come,

Let the light of the sun not dim.

And we wish you good health,

And we leave it as a keepsake

This little poem -

Grateful congratulations.

Gratitude and appreciation are the feelings of parents of graduates towards teachers that are difficult to convey in words

Words from parents to primary school teachers and teachers who taught children various subjects in high school, spoken at graduation or at the last bell, are unlikely to contain all the gratitude and sincere appreciation that parents feel towards teachers. Teachers are people who shared the work of raising a child with mothers and fathers, and thanks to their efforts, boys and girls successfully completed grades 11 and 9, received a certificate and are now ready for further education at universities and independent life. Therefore, words from parents to teachers in poetry and prose always come from the heart, and many mothers and fathers maintain good relationships with their children’s teachers even after the children have graduated from school.

We have grown up, our journey is long - the last bell has rung.
Thank you, teachers, your efforts were not in vain.
Thank you to each of you, you covered us more than once,
You gnawed the granite of science together with us and coped with honor.
In ten years we will come, we will bring our children to you,
So that you also educate them and give them a start in life.
I bow to you to the ground for what you were able to give us,
For justice, for patience, for wonderful childhood moments.

Our invaluable teachers,
Giving us knowledge and your experience,
You taught me to strive for my dreams,
Go towards the goal and be on top!

May honor and gifts await you
For loyalty to the profession, strength, work,
May this evening be beautiful
Everyone's path is bright, kind, happy!

We are worried now:
Everyone congratulates us
We will no longer enter the classroom,
My heart skips a beat...
With teachers now
We part, knowing
What, having closed this door,
We will lose our childhood.

Thank you, teachers,
For strong nerves, patience.
Because our heads are crazy
You were able to convey the teaching.

For being like a tracker,
You understood the strange handwriting,
And in every daring mischief
A special talent was revealed.

Words of gratitude to teachers from 11th grade graduates in prose

Mentors, our “second parents”, please accept these sincere and warm words from all graduates! You gave us the basics of knowledge, you helped everyone find their own path, you taught us humanity, friendship and community. Thank you, our dear helpers, for all the years of busy and interesting school life. Thanks to you, we have accumulated priceless luggage that we will proudly carry throughout life! All the best to you, desired achievements, bright, joyful and unforgettable moments! Thank you!

Well, our school years are behind us - they were the best, we know that for sure! Thanks to the teachers for their wisdom and ability to sensitively guide their students who strived to master science. I'm sorry if we caused you a lot of trouble and sometimes upset you with our negligence. I would like to express my boundless gratitude to you and wish you health for a hundred years to come!

Our dear teachers, it is so sad to say goodbye to you. After all, each of you has long become a friend, assistant, and family member. Thank you for your invaluable, everyday work, thank you for us as we have become. Sorry for the frayed nerves, disrupted lessons, scribbled textbooks and broken windows. We will always remember your wise advice and miss our friendly school family.

Words of gratitude to subject teachers from graduates on the last bell, graduation


Mix acid with water, don’t blow anyone up,
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Carry out all the experiments, don’t destroy anything,
And don’t harm yourself, even more so.
This is a chemistry lesson: there is a sense in it and there is a use in it,
We are grateful for this knowledge.
Calculate everything as a percentage to become successful in life
Your edifications will help us.


We all learned a little something and somehow,
Well, you have opened a bright path for us to our native literature.
We are grateful to you for this, and we say thank you to you all.
We quote poets at full speed and radiate creativity.
A bouquet of mimosa or the oil that Annushka spilled...
Everything is priceless, any phrase that comes to mind.
We can support small talk always and everywhere,
This means that we will only remember you with kind words throughout our lives.

How not to love literature -
Subject of soul development?
She instilled in us a culture
We are used to reading in silence...
And we are grateful for that
To the teacher whose long work
And the most fruitful method
They will go down in history for us.


You told us about the secrets of the Earth,
You gave us the knowledge we needed,
And all the countries of the world are now interesting,
Any routes have become known to us!

Teacher, our graduation is so grateful to you!
May your path always be radiant,
Good, positive and bright events,
Have a busy life and new discoveries!

We loved geography:
She revealed a lot to us.
And we look at the photo
The teacher and I were touched.
We will continue to live and remember how
We sorted out the world map,
How to spin a globe in your hands
With boundless distances.

Physical training

Physical education raised our tone,
Helped muscles develop
Improved blood circulation
Allowed you to make quick decisions!

And thank you very much to the teacher,
Now we look decent and beautiful!
We wish you good luck and achievements,
The joy of victories and bright sensations!


We can keep score cleverly,
We will not be lost in life,
Happiness - we will only increase it,
Let's break down troubles into fractions.

Learned to see in numbers
Charm and romance
After all, the teacher is first-class
Taught us math.


Hammer a nail, make a birdhouse
Every graduate can do it.
File it down? Good deed!
Trudovik taught us.

Thank you for your knowledge,
We know how to hold a jigsaw.
You are the basics of a man's work
They were able to show us everything.

School years are the most amazing, fun time that will forever remain in the memory of each of us. Indeed, many remember their first teacher with warmth - despite the passing years, his name has not been erased from the memory of an adult for a long time. After all, it was with our first beloved teacher that we discovered the “wisdom” of reading and writing, learned life lessons and learned to look for ourselves and our place in this huge world. Very soon the long-awaited May will come and the last bell will ring in all schools in our country, and a little later many students of grades 9 and 11 will celebrate their first graduation party. What words of gratitude can I say to my teacher? We have prepared examples of the most beautiful words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents and students who will move to secondary school next year. But at the graduation of 9th and 11th grades, “yesterday’s” students will have to say goodbye forever to the walls of their home school and their beloved teachers - the most touching speeches of gratitude will be heard in their honor. If you wish, you can thank the teacher using a video made with the participation of children from the whole class, with the recitation of poems and lines of prose, and touching songs on a school theme. We are sure that such a sign of attention will warm the soul of every teacher and give a lot of positive emotions and memories in the future.

Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from students - for 4th grade graduation, in poetry and prose

Every child who first crossed the threshold of school after kindergarten, becomes a 1st grade student. The first teacher for students primary school– a real “second” mother. So, under her sensitive tutelage, the children begin their long school journey, learning the basics of various sciences. However, time flies quickly and it’s time to say goodbye, because from now on the students high school will receive knowledge from different subject teachers. Today, in many schools, in honor of the end of the 4th grade, graduations are held, at which words of gratitude to the primary school teacher are heard - from the students and their parents. Over the past 4 years, the guys have learned a lot, matured noticeably and are ready to continue traveling around the Land of Knowledge, discovering new horizons for themselves. However, in the heart of every student his first teacher will forever remain, for whom you can pick up a few touching words of gratitude in poetry or prose and read them at graduation or class hour. Such sincere speeches of gratitude will move you to tears and touch the deepest emotional strings.

Examples of words of gratitude for a primary school teacher - poetry and prose from students:

Our first teacher,

You gave us schools of all the basics!

Sasha, Kolya, Ira, Vova, Masha -

They can't hold back their tears...

All the pain in their hearts cannot be relieved:

The kids are moving into fifth grade...

But, alas, without your beloved.

Never getting angry or scolding,

They were taught by so many bright days -

You, dear teacher,

There will be no dearer or dearer to us!!!

Thank you, our first teacher,

For your enormous work that you put into us.

Of course, we are not your first issue,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

Everyone has their own first teacher,

Everyone has it good

But the best is MINE!

Thank you, wonderful and kind teacher, for your work and your efforts, for your understanding and kindness of soul, for your correct knowledge and perseverance, for your kind words and wise advice, for your wonderful mood and support. Be truly happy and healthy.

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose to a primary school teacher - from parents of 4th grade students

The teaching profession requires complete commitment and dedication, which not everyone can achieve. A good teacher should be strict and kind, compliant and demanding, responsive and restrained - by skillfully combining these important qualities, you can achieve amazing results. However, the main condition is love for your students - this is the only way the teacher’s work is filled with meaning. After all, it is the primary school teacher who opens up a huge world of knowledge for the child, helping to take the first steps into the new and unknown. Therefore, over the 4 years of primary school, the first teacher becomes a truly dear person for students and their parents, and it is sometimes so difficult to part with him. What words of gratitude should I say to a primary school teacher? At a gala event in honor of the end of 4th grade, it is customary to make speeches of gratitude on behalf of parents, expressing respect and gratitude to the teacher for his invaluable work and enormous contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation. In our selection you will find beautiful texts with words of gratitude in prose that can be dedicated to a primary school teacher from parents of young graduates.

Texts with words of gratitude for primary school teachers from parents - beautiful prose:

Our dear first teacher, on behalf of all parents who deeply respect you, we ask you to accept words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and well-mannered children!

On behalf of all the parents of your students, we would like to thank you for your invaluable and brave work, for your individual approach to our children, for your kind attitude and understanding, for your efforts and exciting lessons, for your wonderful mood and first important knowledge. You are the first teacher of our children, the person who will send them on their further journey through school life. Thank you again for your kindness and great work.

Our dear first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Heartfelt words of gratitude to the first teacher - from students and parents at the 4th grade graduation

The first teacher... These words evoke touching feelings and slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood in every adult. The beginning of school life for every child becomes one of the brightest and most exciting events. New faces, unfamiliar surroundings and unusual routines - all these changes cause a lot of different emotions in “newly-minted” first-graders. For four long years, the first teacher becomes a wise mentor and protector, a caring “second mother” and senior friend for the little students. Saying goodbye to their beloved first teacher, at the graduation in the 4th grade, the most sincere words of gratitude are heard from the students - for priceless knowledge, warmth and love. Parents of graduates in their words express gratitude for the respect and patience that the teacher showed to their children. We offer different options for heartfelt speeches of gratitude to the first teacher from students and their parents - they can be delivered at a formal school event dedicated to graduation in the 4th grade.

Options for thank you speeches for the first teacher - at graduation in elementary school:

Learn the basics of school -

Backbreaking work

We all thought at the beginning

Until we met you!

Our first teacher,

Thank you for your efforts,

Thank you for helping me master it,

School knowledge granite!

For justice, for attention,

And for your understanding,

For patience, for the right words,

For always helping us,

"Thank you!" we tell you

And thank you for your teaching!

You are a Teacher with a capital letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

You give your soul to the young!

And so the soul for many years

Stays young - that's the secret

You will be full of happiness and health!

Children, no matter what they are, they are still children. And only a professional in his field can cope with them, force them to study, and get them excited about their studies. And you are exactly that kind of person! For you, the teaching profession is more than just a job for a salary. For you, the teaching profession is the most important thing in life. We see how you put your all into your children's education. We see how passionate you are about everything that happens in your class. We see how interested you are in ensuring that your students enter high school educated and prepared. We are immensely grateful to you for your efforts, for your work. We appreciate what you have done for our children. They may not understand everything that is happening yet, but over time they will also appreciate your contribution to their lives and to their successes.

The best words of gratitude from parents to teachers - for 11th grade graduation in poetry and prose

Graduation in 11th grade is an important holiday not only for students, but also for their parents. So, behind 11 years of school life with its hardships and joys, defeats and successes. Indeed, over the years, schoolchildren have “turned” from little first-graders into completely grown girls and boys who will soon become university students and will build their own future. And all this is thanks to school teachers, who invested so much knowledge, work and mental strength in their students. Parents of 11th grade graduates make solemn speeches in which they say “thank you” to their children’s teachers, wishing the teachers health, vitality and new work achievements. We tried to collect the best words of gratitude from parents to teachers at the 11th grade graduation - in poetry and prose. Let your speech, delivered from the bottom of your heart, be remembered by the teachers and everyone present at this wonderful festive evening.

A selection of the best words of gratitude to teachers - from parents of 11th grade graduates:

Dear, beloved teachers! Our series with you has come to an end, the series that you and I wrote together. It had everything: joy, grief, happiness, resentment, love, and much more. And all this was not staged or according to a script - all this was written by life itself. We are grateful to you that everything ended so well in the end. You got graduates. We got literate children. Thank you for what you did. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different! Once again we thank you and say thank you! We are forever your debtors.

We would like to say thank you, teachers,

For being with us these years,

Because you did not spare the warmth,

No matter how difficult the work may be.

May everything be great in your life,

Health, peace, warmth in the family,

You are the best of all teachers!

Dear teachers, I bow to you for your work, understanding and dedication. Thank you for taking care of our children, for giving them knowledge and teaching them not to be afraid of difficulties. Today the last bell will ring for many of them. But this is not a reason for sadness, because they will be replaced by new students for whom you will become an example. On behalf of all parents, we would like to wish you health, patience, vitality and, of course, inspiration, because without it it is impossible to teach lessons.

Touching words of gratitude to teachers from students at their 11th grade graduation

For every schoolchild, the day comes when school and favorite teachers are left behind, and a new page in life lies ahead. Graduation in the 11th grade is considered such a “turning point” event, at which students, parents and school teachers gather for the last time. Listening to instructions and wishes from their favorite teachers, graduates experience excitement - for them very soon their entire school life will remain just a memory. According to a good tradition, at graduation from “former” students touching words of gratitude are heard from teachers - for many years of work and care, support and advice, skills and knowledge. Our pages present the best examples of words of gratitude for teachers from their 11th grade graduates. With the help of our texts, the thank you speech at graduation will turn out to be beautiful and touching - teachers will be pleased with such attention from their beloved students.

How to thank teachers beautifully at graduation in 11th grade:

Eleven years have passed since we came to school. Many of you remember us when we were very small, stupid and so confused. But you patiently taught us, studied with us and made us graduates. And now we want to thank you. And there is no better gratitude for a teacher than the success of his students. We promise you that we will always strive forward, set goals and achieve them. We will achieve great success in life, and you will be able to proudly say: these are my graduates! Thank you for your knowledge passed on to us and for your concern for us.

Our dear, beloved teachers! We met you eleven years ago, and now it’s time for us to say goodbye. No, we will never forget either the school or you. We will always remember your lessons, your advice. For us, you have become real teachers not only at school, but also teachers in life. Because the knowledge you gave us will become fundamental for us in life. We will constantly turn to them and live as you taught us. It’s a little sad to part, because we’ve been together for so long and are already used to each other. But, nevertheless, it is necessary, because these are the rules of life. But both we and you have a new life ahead. New students will come to you, to whom you will also transfer your knowledge and experience. And we will go on to study, to receive higher education and become full members of society. Thank you for everything you have done, thank you for your efforts. We love and appreciate you as teachers and as people.

Thank you, teachers,

For limitless patience,

For wisdom and inspiration.

Thank you, teachers!

You taught me how to win

But, what is sometimes even more important,

Withstand the blows of defeat,

It's not easy to realize this.

We will soon leave the threshold,

But others will come after us -

Both noisy and combative,

And again the search for a hundred roads.

Thank you, teachers,

For work and honesty without flaw,

And for loving us without deception.

Thank you, teachers!

Words of gratitude to teachers in poetry and prose - from parents at the 9th grade graduation

With the onset of spring, 9th grade students prepare for graduation along with eleventh graders. Thus, many of the children will continue their studies at technical schools and colleges, and some will begin their careers, depending on the circumstances. Be that as it may, at the graduation party in honor of the end of the 9th grade, girls and boys who have matured over so many years will gather with their parents, as well as school teachers. Following graduation traditions, parents say words of gratitude to teachers - for all the years spent next to their children, support in difficult situations and important life lessons. Creative performances on a school theme with the participation of parents and dedicated to their favorite teachers look especially touching. So, you can recite poetry, a passage from prose, or sing a beautiful song - teachers will definitely appreciate such a performance and your kind, sincere words.

Gratitude for teachers from parents at graduation in 9th grade - poetry and prose:

On behalf of all parents, I say thank you very much to all our dear teachers, thank you for the piece of your soul that you invested in our children.

How quickly the years have flown by.

Our children have grown up completely.

Snowstorms await their worries -

A new road of change.

Everything will fly away from the cool mother -

On their own roads, in different directions.

But in my heart I will always remember you

Years spent together.

You always helped with advice,

You put your soul into them.

Illuminating their knowledge with light,

They set us on a good path.

You put it on fragile shoulders,

Raising our children.

You loved them dearly and forever:

Like their sons and daughters.

Thank you for everything good,

What did you manage to put into them?

Thank you for the nice summer,

That you were able to live with your children.

Thank you for the wonderful moments,

Near the colorful school yard.

Love of children, good luck, inspiration -

Today for you, and tomorrow, and always!

Our dear teachers! It is difficult to express in words everything that is going on in our souls now; our children have already grown up and are entering adulthood. We are confident that they will succeed and everything will be fine, because the school has given them the necessary knowledge. We are grateful to you for all the work you have done, it cannot be appreciated! We would not be able to raise our children as worthy members of society without your help and support!

Sincere words of gratitude to teachers from students at 9th grade graduation, video

Graduation party for 9th grade students is one of the most important significant events. Many graduates have already decided on their future life plans, and are now saying goodbye to a carefree school life, friends, classmates, and beloved teachers. For nine long years, teachers took a direct part in the fate of each of their students, passed on knowledge, and shared experience. And so the endless lessons and homework were left behind, and the teachers turned from strict “omnipotent” mentors into such dear senior comrades. It is better to prepare words of gratitude to teachers in advance, thinking through the performance to the smallest detail, choosing beautiful poems or a song. Prepare the best texts or make a video for such an important event - teachers, like no one else, deserve the most sincere words of gratitude!

The very last bell for 11th grade students is approaching. It will ring, and they will never hear it again as students at the school. And to make this event memorable forever, we invite you to tell your subject teachers beautiful and funny, funny and humorous, touching and simply interesting poems for the last bell in the 11th grade. We have compiled a selection of poems for teachers for you, and you can recite them in your own language. last call.

The first poem, of course, is for the class teacher. It was he who always helped you in everything. Therefore, be sure to tell the poems to your beloved and caring class teacher.

Next on our list are poems for teachers of Russian language and literature. And if you are going to recite poetry to him, then let it be done by a student who can recite poetry beautifully and with expression. After all, a literature teacher will immediately understand where the hack is and where the beauty is!

It is impossible to ignore the physical education teacher on this day. We also prepared humorous and funny poems for him.

Who is the best mixer in your class? chemical elements and conducts experiments? So give him the honor of telling poetry to the chemistry teacher. Let him recite poetry, and if he wants, show him a couple of experiments.

It's no secret that only a few people in the class like physics. But, nevertheless, without physics in modern world no way. Therefore, the following verses are for the last bell for a physics teacher.

Who told you about pistils and stamens? That's right - a biology teacher. The following verses are just for him. And the poems are about pistils, stamens, and much more. The biology teacher will love it.

Good day, dear readers! Surely you opened this article for a reason, but in search of a ceremonial speech for graduation. Well, I hasten to please you, here you will find what you are looking for. I will tell you what parents might say at graduation, and I will also give examples of thank-you speeches for teachers and the class teacher. Such examples are suitable for both 9th and 11th grades.

By the way, if you don’t yet know how to congratulate your child, then I advise you to read about congratulations from parents. Let's get started!

Words from parents for the class teacher

The class teacher plays an important role in the life of your child and the class as a whole, so he deserves the warmest words. First, invite him to a party, and then I suggest telling him the following:

On behalf of all parents, I want to thank you, dear (name). Thanks to hard work, teaching talent, patience and the ability to communicate correctly with schoolchildren, you were able to teach children everything that could be useful to them in later life. Your work is truly priceless. Children talk about you very often, they love and respect their teacher, and this is worth a lot. Let your students listen to you and your colleagues understand. Happiness to you, (name)!

On this warm summer day, we all gathered here for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate graduation. Of course, each teacher contributed to the education of our children, but most of all I would like to thank the class teacher. It was the leader who did the most for the 11/9th grade students; she gave them not only school knowledge, but also simple life advice. Thanks to this person, they grew up to be kind, honest and decent people, for which I thank her very much!

From year to year, the class teacher invested maximum knowledge and skills in her students. Thanks to her work, today our children can enter the best universities in the country. Not only did (name) do this, she managed to properly educate the students in her class. And what are extracurricular meetings worth, because they helped the class unite, and now the students are not just former classmates - they are friends. Thanks for all. May your life be filled with smiles and happiness!

Dear (name), I would like to thank you for leading the class through interesting and educational 11 years of life. Thank you for never giving up and having iron patience. All the parents gathered here sincerely wish you health and strength to teach the next generations of children. Never know troubles and worries. Happiness to you, (name)!

The parents' response is not necessarily a celebratory speech. You can create a video greeting (or a mini-film with the participation of everyone), make an exhibition of memorable photographs/works of graduates, or arrange a cool flash mob.

On behalf of all parents of 9th grade students, I would like to thank the class teacher for his kindness, care and ability to find mutual language with kids. You have become a second mother for your students, they love you and respect you very much. It is difficult for us, like them, to part with such a wonderful person, but, alas, life goes on as usual, and it is time for the children to leave the cozy walls of their home school. I would like to wish you, (name), good health and good students. May there be something good in every day, and may your heart always be warm.

Dear (name), we express our deep gratitude to you for everything you have done for your charges. We will always remember your work and care for children. Without sensitive guidance and teaching talent, it would be much more difficult to raise such smart and kind children as they are now. Thank you, you are, without exaggeration, the best teacher!

The class teacher is a very important person in the life of each of us. Even after many years, our children will remember your advice and instructions. You opened up more and more new horizons for them, helped them get through problems and experiences. It was thanks to you that they became kind and sympathetic people. Thank you, (name), and low bow!

The time has come to part, and this, of course, is sad. It is especially difficult to say goodbye to the class teacher, the person who became the second mother for our children. It is impossible to imagine how much patience and strength it took to help us, parents, raise our children. You did the impossible, and it would be a crime to leave and not say thank you. Thank you, dear (name)! Thank you for not just doing the job, but putting your soul into it. You are a very kind and sympathetic person, and we thank God that you were the class teacher of the 11th grade.

You shouldn’t get by with just gratitude; on this special day, be sure to present your class teacher with some significant gift. A laptop, a high-quality office chair or a vacation package will do.

Among the budget prizes I would like to highlight:

  • sets (only if the recipient is a woman),
  • stationery sets (we are talking about high-quality and stylish sets, you should not give ordinary stationery)
  • and purchase certificates (order online or buy in any large store in the city).

Answers from parents to graduates at graduation

The most important people at prom are your children. I recommend giving one of these speeches to graduates:

Our beloved children, on this special day I would like to wish you much, much happiness and good health. May your cherished dreams come true, and may your school friends never be forgotten. Always go forward and do not forget that we, parents, love you very much and are always waiting for you to come home. Don’t forget the teachers who gave you knowledge and their care. May your guardian angel always be with you. God bless you!

The long-awaited graduation has arrived. For you, kids, this time has been dragging on for a long time, but for us, it seems, only a moment has passed. You have become adults so quickly and are about to fly away from your native nest, leave school and go to new life. Of course, we are happy for you, but parting is always a sad event. We wish you happiness, success and good friends. Happy graduation!

On behalf of all the parents gathered here, I would like to congratulate the 11th grade graduates! May the goals you set for yourself be achieved. Let studying at a university become a pleasant adventure and at the same time a ticket to a good life. Never give up, and then you will definitely achieve your goal. We believe in you and love you very much!

All graduates are happy and having fun, because today is their holiday. We, parents, are also very happy, but for some reason our hearts ache with sadness and longing. Perhaps this is due to the fact that our children have already grown up and are about to leave their home. Their childhood was so bright, interesting and touching that we don’t want to let it go. But still we are happy, we are glad that you will find your place in life. We wish you to always achieve your goals. May your dreams come true one after another, and may your studies bring only joy and fun. Happy graduation to you!

No matter how touching and interesting your response may be, I still do not recommend delaying it. Be moderately eloquent and at the same time concise, then everything will be fine!

Dear children, on this beautiful summer day, on behalf of all parents of 9th grade, I want to congratulate you on your graduation. This is the first one really an important event in your life that you can never forget. I wish you to find your purpose in life and never know grief and sadness. Have a great time this day!

Today is a big holiday for everyone present. Students rejoice at the new stage of their lives - students, and teachers are proud that they were able to raise good and responsible people. Only the parents are a little sad, because their little ones have become quite adults. Of course, you are graduates, but for us you are still the same children, except that now we don’t need to lead you to school by the hand. We love you, dears! Let your life be a continuous white stripe, never lose heart and know that we will always come to the rescue.

Supplement your ceremonial speech with a couple of interesting stories, for example, from the childhood of graduates. But keep in mind that the stories should be funny, because tears will flow like a river at the prom.

Time has flown by so quickly, as if yesterday our children were hesitantly stepping into first grade, and today they are already celebrating the end of school. Our beloved children, we would like to wish you success in your studies, true friends, good health and good mood. May there always be a smile on your faces and love in your heart. May each of you achieve success in your chosen profession and find a good, profitable job. Don’t forget about your hometown and the school that gave you the path to life. Happiness and goodness to you. Happy graduation!

On this solemn day, I would like to wish all the graduates a good mood, have a great time on this holiday. No matter how far fate has thrown you, always remember your home school, teachers and classmates, because your childhood years were spent right here, among these people. The doors of the school and parental homes are always open, but I want to look for happiness in some new city, because you are still so young, and you definitely need to visit different parts of our vast country and beyond. Be happy and always remember where it all began!

Gratitude to the school teachers at the graduation of grades 9 and 11

Graduates and the class teacher are, of course, the most important people at the gala event, but do not forget about the teachers who have put their soul and knowledge into your children all these years. I propose to please them with a thank you speech:

Who else but teachers should we thank for smart children? Without your work and desire to teach, our children would not be able to enter good universities. We sincerely thank every teacher at the school for their work and patience. Yes, teaching children is not easy, but you still do it, still come to school and share your knowledge with your students. For this, honor and praise to you. Of course, teaching is work, but you put your soul into your work, and this cannot be ignored. Thank you, teachers!

Another school year has come to an end, but for us, parents of graduates, this is a special year, because our children are saying goodbye to school. They have successfully passed all exams and are in a hurry to enter universities and technical schools in our country. A wonderful, bright future awaits schoolchildren, and all this is thanks to you, dear teachers. It was you who were able to see and develop the talents of young schoolchildren, it was you who tirelessly taught them, gave useful tips and listened when they felt bad. Of course, words alone are not enough to convey how grateful we are to you. But, believe me, we are really glad that we sent our children to your school. Thanks a lot!

Dear teachers! On this special day, I first of all want to say a big thank you! Thank you for giving the children unforgettable years of study, for always being kind and tolerant towards them. The work of a teacher is not only about teaching, you need to be a psychologist, a friend and a parent, and you can do all of this. I am proud that my child graduated from this school and was taught by such wonderful teachers. Thank you!

Never include unpleasant moments, reproaches, insults and stories related to embarrassing situations in your congratulatory speech. This is unlikely to make the speech more interesting; it is better to limit yourself to wishes, thanks and a sincere smile.

School years pass quickly: children grow up and rush to leave their homes, leaving only the memories that every teacher cherishes in his heart. I am sincerely grateful to the teachers for their work, I will never forget what you did for our children. Let all the children you teach be obedient and kind. Never get sick or leave school, because teaching is, without a doubt, your talent! Thanks for all!

On behalf of the graduates' parents, I want to thank all the teachers who taught our children. Step by step you helped them overcome life's obstacles. You taught them not only school subjects, but also simple life things: friendship, kindness, empathy, patience. Today they easily overcome any difficulties, because from an early age they learned to be strong and self-confident. Happy holiday to you, dear ones, because this is your celebration too. And a huge thank you!

It seemed to me, like every parent present here, that graduation was still very far away. But before I had time to come to my senses, it came. It's time to admit that the kids have become adults. It’s hard to say what I feel more – sadness or pride for my child. But, I know for sure that I am filled with a feeling of gratitude to every teacher of this school! I am grateful to you, dear teachers, for your attention and care for your students. For the fact that you did not give up even when they themselves gave up, stubbornly leading them to their goal. Thank you for believing in them! You are good people and wonderful teachers!

Many parents believe that raising a child is entirely their fault, but my opinion is a little different. I think that a good half of a child’s upbringing is given to a child by school teachers. They are the ones who teach children important things, hold educational conversations and listen when they are sad or bad. Everything that happens within the walls of the school, and sometimes beyond, is discussed with teachers who skillfully solve all problems. I want to thank all the teachers (full name of the school) for always being there for our children and helping to raise them. It would be difficult for us without you.

Of course, every teacher is supposed to give a bouquet of flowers, but I advise you not to limit yourself to this. Give teachers:

  • candy (order unusual candies shaped like school supplies from a candy store or online),
  • champagne (wine and cognac are also suitable)
  • or gift certificates.

The last prize will be especially useful, since it is the certificate that will allow the recipient to buy what he really needs (you choose the amount of the certificate yourself!).

As you can see, there are more than enough variations of thank you speeches. I hope that among the options provided above there is one that suits you. I wish you a good prom and a great mood. Subscribe to blog updates and share my articles with friends and acquaintances. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The end of the school year becomes a sad event for many teachers, because they have to say goodbye to their beloved students. Many graduates were so captivated by a certain subject that they chose it as their future profession. At the last bell and graduation, touching words from parents to teachers are always heard, expressing all gratitude and respect to teachers for their hard work. Our selection will help teachers of primary schools, 9th and 11th grades formulate words beautifully, as well as prepare a performance at a concert.

Touching to tears words of gratitude from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

We wish you health and happiness for many, many years to come!

Graduation in primary school is a very exciting event, during which parents always say heartfelt words of gratitude to the first teacher. Over these 4 years, the children have matured a lot and learned a lot thanks to the talent of the teacher. The work of the first teacher is special - you need to be able to find the key to each child, combine the educational process and the learning process, select Right words, gently and carefully adapt children to new conditions. In a word, you need to have a kind heart and patience, and be a first-class teacher. Looking at their grown-up children, parents cannot be overjoyed at their success. Therefore, I always want to say heartfelt words of gratitude from parents to the primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose.

Examples of touching words and congratulations to the first primary school teacher in verse and prose

You took the elementary class for yourself,

You are the best teacher from God,

Parents are grateful to you

And we want to tell you a lot of words:

Thank you for your great work,

For your rare patience,

We love and appreciate you very much,

We wish you happiness and inspiration!

We, on behalf of all parents,

We hasten to say thank you!

To you, dear teacher

We wish you with all our hearts -

Longevity and health,

Only good students

There are many wishes for happiness,

And the same wonderful words.

How difficult it can be sometimes

You need to raise our children.

But we all understand it

And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,

For your kindness and patience.

For children you are a second parent,

Please accept our gratitude!

Let's say thank you, teacher,

For our dear children.

You taught the basics with patience

Our daughters, sons.

Thank you for your love and care.

You gave the children warmth,

You instilled joy in their souls,

Bits of happiness and goodness.

Thank you, our kind, wonderful teacher, for the fact that our children enjoy going to school, for the fact that every day they learn about this world from a new side, for the fact that you open the doors to countries of great knowledge and skills for them. , to cities of great miracles and fun. We wish you with all our hearts to always remain the same energetic, cheerful, purposeful person who easily gets along with children and walks happily through life.

For warmth, care and patience

We thank the teacher first,

Children dote on you

Your contribution to education is invaluable!

You developed a thirst for knowledge in children,

Even small successes were noticed.

You didn’t swear at them or shout

You gave the children a lot of knowledge and kindness!

Beautiful words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th graders in prose

So the school years flew by. Behind us are lessons, copybooks with words, checks of diaries and parent-teacher meetings. In a word, parental concerns that have already become familiar will no longer bother the mothers and fathers of graduates. However, at the last bell in grades 9 and 11, they always want to read out heartfelt words to those people who gave their children knowledge - teachers. Thanks to them, the children enjoyed learning and going to school. And even if everything didn’t always work out perfectly, the main thing is that the skill of the teachers made it possible to instill a love of knowledge and hard work. Beautiful words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades in prose will sound great as gratitude.

Options for beautiful congratulations with words of gratitude to teachers of grades 9 and 11

Thank you, dear teachers, for being with our children every day for so many years, taking them under your wing, and not remaining indifferent to them, no matter how hard it may be for you at times! Thank you for your daily work, thanks to which children have become smarter, kinder, more friendly, and we, parents, are calmer about their future! Thank you for your attention to each and everyone, for the fact that the school life of the children was filled with interesting and unforgettable events, for the fact that the children learned to study, which will undoubtedly serve as a reliable foundation for their future successes! Thank you for the wonderful crafts that decorated our home and warmed the hearts of our loved ones - you taught the children all this! Thanks to you, they know, are able, and understand a lot! Thank you!

We all start with a teacher! All the good that we have, of course, comes from teachers - from their wisdom, sensitivity, attention, understanding and enormous, boundless love for their students.

Your work is very important for everyone, without exception. After all, it is with your light hand that new students of universities, technical schools, and colleges appear every year. You invest in children not only knowledge, but also a piece of your heart, your soul. You rejoice at our successes and achievements, and you are upset with us when something doesn’t work out for us. You continue to monitor the destinies of your students, even when they become adults, and are always ready to help with advice and deeds. I am sure that every person sitting in the hall now feels the most for teachers. sincere feelings love, respect.

Low bow to you, dear teachers!

Our dear teachers! You are the best, you are wonderful, we are grateful to you for interesting lessons, for participation and support in all our endeavors, for our victories, for the desire to run to school and not leave until late in the evening. We thank you for your attention, your cordial attitude towards us, for your “cool” cool watch and confidential conversations, for creating that extraordinary atmosphere that allowed us to succeed everywhere and in everything. We wish you professional growth and new victories, and most importantly - inspiration and creativity! Thank you so much, our dear teachers, for everything!

It is very difficult to list everything for which we are grateful to teachers; the list will always be incomplete. We bow to them for their hard work and patience, for their faith in each student, for their wisdom and willingness to help those who need it. And also - for the strength, nerves, and health given to children. May the work of a teacher be blessed forever and ever!

Anyone who thinks that the class teacher has only one family will be mistaken. No, he has as many as there are students in his class. That is why for all of us this is a dear person.

Thanks to the coolest teacher for his warmth, for his great ability to see, hear and understand everything that happens in the child’s soul. Thank you for the light with which he illuminates the path of his students!

Dear teachers! Children come to you as completely unintelligent little ones. You teach them all the basics of literacy, reading and counting. You are laying the foundation for the rest of your life. And children grow up and forget about it, it seems to them that they knew how to do it and always knew it. We would like to wish you that your students, no matter how far life takes them, will always remember you with warmth and gratitude. So that on Teacher's Day, your house is always full of flowers, and your phone is ringing off the hook with congratulations.

Kind words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades in verse

Teachers are always pleased to hear beautiful poems and sincere, kind words from parents at the last bell in grades 9 and 11. On these warm summer days, you don’t really want to let graduates who have already become family leave the school. I remember all their pranks and achievements, their loves and quarrels, which were always noticeable to teachers. Those words of praise and approval that schoolchildren heard from teachers will support them for a long time in adulthood. Fortunately, many parents understand the important role school teachers play in the formation of personality, and how much the teacher cares about the future of their child. Therefore, kind words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades are said in verse every year. After all, there is no other profession as noble and difficult as the teacher’s creed. Words of gratitude are usually said by someone from the parent committee. However, if you show your imagination, you can think of a whole performance from all the parents.

Examples of kind words of gratitude to the teacher for the last bell in grades 9 and 11

You are a Teacher with a capital letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

You give your soul to the young!

And so the soul for many years

Stays young - that's the secret

You will be full of happiness and health!

You taught our children here

We cannot count all your efforts,

And care and labor, over these long years

We will always be grateful to you.

Although it’s difficult for you to work now,

But again you rush to your class.

Be happy always

Never be discouraged

We wish you health and goodness.

Our children have grown up quickly

And they approached the cherished line.

Even though we all believe in you,

But parental orders

You must listen now from us.

You must pass all exams

And there is no need to worry us.

We worry about you

We don't close our eyes at night,

And you should make us all happy.

Today on this May day

Please accept our congratulations

For your loyalty and love,

For your dedication to your work! We have known you for so many years,

And you know everything about us.

How good it is to be with us

You are smiling now! You are so extraordinarily kind!

And today it is no coincidence that we

Let's say thank you for everything together,

Everyone knows if you need something,

You did not allow refusal,

They always helped us with everything! Let's not talk today

Banal words, stock phrases,

We wish you good health!

We love you very, very much!

Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

For those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Those who are considered middle-aged.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches you to achieve victories in work,

To everyone whose proud name is teacher,

Low bow and warm greetings!

The days flash by in a bright line. A solemn and bright moment has come, which will never happen again!

Today every graduate will receive a certificate.

And we, parents, understand the excitement that is gripping high school students now.

In a solemn, bright moment we will say to the children: “Good journey and good hour!”

Once upon a time, we led them into first grade sedately, worried, happy, and a little sad.

Years passed, bright and inspired, wonderful, unforgettable.

School path!

And on that path the teacher is a wonderful inflorescence, the native support and stronghold of the Nizhny Novgorod region!

Our children love their native school; it has gained honor in the Sharangsky district!

And the school’s teachers captivate you with their wisdom, diligence, hard work, cordiality, and warmth.

The students love and respect them, eagerly going to this school house.

Thank you, teachers, for your wisdom and patience, and my heartfelt bow to you to the ground.

We wish you good luck, inspiration, so that your eyes bloom with joy!

May troubles and misfortunes, bitter tears and the burdens of adversity bypass you!

The day when a child first went to school remains forever in the memory of all parents. On this day, mothers and fathers were no less worried than the children themselves, because on September 1 they handed over their child to the care of the first teacher, thereby entrusting her with the most precious things. But the school years are fleeting, and parents can only wonder and admire how their little unintelligent daughters and sons, under the guidance of first the first teacher, and then the class teacher and subject teachers, turned into beautiful, educated and purposeful young men and women. There is no limit to the gratitude and appreciation felt by parents towards teachers, so at the last bell and graduation there are always words from parents to teachers in prose and poetry. Moreover, the prom script for students graduating from grades 11 and 9 also necessarily includes congratulatory words from parents to the primary school teacher, who gave the children basic knowledge and prepared them for further education in high school. And here we have collected examples of the most beautiful and touching words from parents to teachers with gratitude for graduation and the last bell.

Touching words from parents with gratitude to a primary school teacher at graduation in poetry and prose

Many people remember their first teacher not only before graduation, but also years after graduation. And often grown men and women, driving past their native school, stop for a few minutes to visit the school class that was once their own and talk with their first teacher. The first teacher for children is practically a second mother, and for their parents, a friend and assistant in raising and educating their sons and daughters. And it is the first teacher that many mothers and fathers of elementary school students turn to for advice.

At the graduation party, parents who remember the kindness, care and professionalism of their children’s first teacher are sure to say gratitude and touching words from the parents to the primary school teacher in poetry and prose. The mothers and fathers of yesterday's schoolchildren thank the first teacher for her work and sincere attitude towards their children and wish her inspiration in her future work, diligent students, and human happiness.

Beautiful words from parents to primary school teachers in prose

Here we have collected a selection of words from parents to the first teacher. In it we included the most beautiful kind words that touch you to tears. These thanks and sincere wishes from parents to the first teacher will fit perfectly into the scenario of the last bell and graduation party.

Today our children are saying goodbye to school, and we want to give special thanks to their first teacher. You taught them to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and work into each of our children, you spent so much nerve that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you!

Now it's time to say goodbye! I would like to say a special thank you to our first teacher, the first person who introduced our children to school, textbooks and of course to each other! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love, care, sincere feelings and efforts invested in our sons and daughters! We wish you longevity, wonderful students and human happiness!

Kind congratulations from parents to the teacher on graduation in verse

Congratulations in verse are appropriate for any occasion and sound especially beautiful. And below on our website, network users will find the best thanks to the first teacher from parents in poetic form.

Once upon a time we brought children to first grade.

You taught them with care and love.

Thank you for finding so many kind words for them,

I wish you success, happiness and good health!

Today is the day of the last call

We wish you great patience,

Let the wind disperse the clouds

And luck and luck will not leave you.

Saying goodbye to school today

And we all thank you,

Thank you, our first teacher,

We value you very much.

Taught to write patiently

You taught them to live beautifully,

Don't betray your friends.

Your science will be remembered

They will bring it through the years,

And you, teacher, will not be forgotten,

Believe me, you won't be let down.

The first teacher is warm-hearted and strict,

The road to school begins with you,

Wise, cheerful, warmth in his eyes,

In the heart there is love and also kindness!

First teacher, last call

Let this lesson never end

Thank you for your work and skill,

For your understanding and patience!

May success come easy to you,

You fly high in thought,

May you be loved and appreciated beyond measure,

You will be respected and trusted!

Words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose, touching to tears

Each teacher, who taught children his subject for 7 (or 5) years of high school, put both work and soul into his work. The profession of a teacher is closely related to both psychology and educational work, and it is from their favorite teachers that many children adopt life values ​​and learn the norms and rules for further successful life in society. And the words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 11 and 9 in prose are filled with gratitude to the teachers for their hard everyday work.

Congratulatory speeches from parents to teachers at graduation in prose

Below are examples of words of gratitude from parents to teachers at graduation or the last bell in 11th (or 9th) grade. These words in prose can either be included in the script for the ceremonial part of the holiday without changes, or supplemented with sincere wishes from their parents to their children’s favorite teachers.

Dear teaching staff of the school, on behalf of the parents we would like to say “thank you” for the work invested in our children, for their patience and assistance in their formation and development. Be happy and successful, full of ideas and plans, teach, create, lead new students along the path of knowledge.

Dear teachers, on the day of our children’s graduation we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your difficult, but so important and necessary work. Be healthy, happy both in your family and in your work, let only grateful students who appreciate you meet on your path.

Today is Graduation Day and I would like to say a few warm words to the teachers! You raised our children, put knowledge into their rebellious heads, gave them love and always supported them. Gratitude is difficult to express in words. We wish you great prosperity and joy, peace of mind and prosperity. We will remember you all our lives. Thank you for everything, be happy!

Our dear teachers, today our children say goodbye to school and begin a new path to an independent life. Thank you, beloved ones, for your invaluable work and incredible patience. We wish you to produce educated and intelligent students from year to year, we wish you never to experience failures and setbacks in your activities, we wish you to remain wonderful and bright people in life.

Dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and good companions of our children, on this solemn day we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We wish you to remain here as irreplaceable people and wonderful teachers.

Words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in grades 9 and 11 in verse

No less beautiful and solemn are the words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation in 9th and 11th grade in verse. And here are several kind words of gratitude to teachers from the fathers and mothers of graduates, which will move teachers to tears.

Dear teachers,

You are doing wonders!

The children chose the roads

They raise the sails.

You gave them those sails,

The ship was built by a family.

Together we created a sailboat,

And then came the ship's descent.

How do you manage to live on a volcano?

Keep these little devils in line?

We believe in long term plans

The works of specialist teachers will be revealed.

Doctors, designers, pilots,

Bridge builders, singers,

And "inspired rhymers"

And fighters for the rights of people.

Thank you for your patience.

Live forever, in spite of the years.

You are sorcerers, without a doubt.

We bow to you.

What do we want to wish

Dear teachers:

“We bow low to you!

For your efforts, care,

For such hard work,

For patience and love,

Let it all happen again.

And you live a hundred years

Well, not knowing troubles at all,

Smile at the sun in the morning,

Try to be cheerful!”

Oh, you teacher, teacher,

Our children's patron,

You did not give knowledge,

You gave your whole life to them.

It so happened that the kids

Didn't read your books

Didn't write essays

And they didn’t solve the problems.

You didn't scold the kids,

Patiently explained

That they don't need to be lazy,

You need to study well

To be literate,

To go to college.

Graduation is one of the most

The main holidays in the world.

Congratulations to you, beautiful ones,

Both parents and children.

So we need to confess

Let's say this without embellishment:

Graduation would not have taken place

If it weren't for you!

We wish you the best in the future

Only such students

To make your heart rejoice

From their successful steps!

To teach children

There are many teachers.

There are good, bad,

Small and big.

Ours are the best in the world,

Our children think so.

We are friends with teachers

And we are always proud of you.

How many nerve cells are there?

You invested in these kids!

On your vacation days

They will recover.

We wish you many years to come,

Let the light of the sun not dim.

And we wish you good health,

And we leave it as a keepsake

This little poem -

Grateful congratulations.

Gratitude and appreciation are the feelings of parents of graduates towards teachers that are difficult to convey in words

Words from parents to primary school teachers and teachers who taught children various subjects in high school, spoken at graduation or at the last bell, are unlikely to contain all the gratitude and sincere appreciation that parents feel towards teachers. Teachers are people who shared the work of raising a child with mothers and fathers, and thanks to their efforts, boys and girls successfully completed grades 11 and 9, received a certificate and are now ready for further education at universities and independent life. Therefore, words from parents to teachers in poetry and prose always come from the heart, and many mothers and fathers maintain good relationships with their children’s teachers even after the children have graduated from school.

Graduation – 2015

(reply word)

1. We waited, worried, for this minute:

And here it is – joy! Certificate in hand!

But my heart, I don’t know, is beating for some reason

Not only for girls - and for guys!

2. My friends, the farewell hour has come.
Today we are leaving school.
Everything here is close and familiar to the point of pain in my heart,
We will definitely come back here again!

3. Let's return to the bright classrooms and the noisy corridor,
There are steep stairs in the foyer, in the dining room, and on the stairs.
Here is the school board looking after us...
The teacher and friends are all like family!

4. Many exciting minutes have passed here,
Sadness and joy - we have all known here.
Steps to knowledge and the ladder of sciences,
We walked together with the teachers.

5. Well, that’s all, the school journey is over.
The last time we are here is with the teachers.
We understand that time cannot be returned,
But the heart remains close to you!

Yu. Izofilova - 11 wonderful school years

1) How many years ago
We arrived at first grade.
To teach us that
What do we know now?
Year after year teachers
They taught us everything:
Read write,
Make friends, dream,
Love your country.
Read write,
Make friends, dream,
Love your country.

Eleven, eleven
Have wonderful school years,
How quickly you flew by
Leaving a mark in life.
And now we are adults,
All paths are open
And we have to choose
The route of your destiny.
And we have to choose
The route of your destiny.

2) What a happy life it was
All school years.
We will remember this
Of course, always.
How we learned, how we grew,
They knew how to win.
In Olympiads and competitions
To defend the honor of the school.
In Olympiads and competitions
To defend the honor of the school.

3) The last bell rang,
And now the time has come
Say goodbye to school
And class forever.
How hard parting is
And there's a tear on my cheek,
We will keep the memory in our hearts
About you, teachers.
We will keep the memory in our hearts
About you, teachers.


6. Thank you for your patience, for your science.
For being close for so many years
For a friendly outstretched hand
For keeping us from harm.

7. We will leave, and in the school corridors
It will become quieter, of course, without us
There will be fewer Fs on tests
Stupid remarks, stupid phrases

8. Here for everything, willingly or unwillingly
My teacher, we upset you
We ask for forgiveness today
We love you, remember us.

9. Eleven years ago, we funny kids met our first teachers, who will forever remain our first, kind, affectionate and loving people.

10. We're big now
How funny we are
Entered first grade
And the first teacher met us!

11. Dear ___________________________________________________________________!

Thank you for loving us,
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us.

12. At our meeting with the primer.

You helped us open the world,

Write and be friends with books!

Always for each of us

Did you find the time?

And with us, kids,

You were patient!

Song for the first teachers

Warm September morning

The children immediately grew up.

And giving us smiles,

The teacher was the first to meet us.

Kids rushed to school

With surprised eyes.

The world was in a hurry to gain knowledge

Open up to us.

First lessons, breaks and calls,

The first fives and assignments in diaries.

Copybooks and syllables, a very complex retelling.

There we went to first grade for the first time.

They wanted to become adults

Looking up at the elders.

Write sticks in a notebook.

Teacher is the first, we thank you for everything

We will repeat a thousand “thank you”s from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you for believing in us.

They took me to first grade (for the first time).

13. Words to the class teacher

Song to the class teacher (Vernissage)

In tenth grade for the first time
You and I met and we
You fell in love very tenderly.
The bright class was so beautiful,
But your look is even more beautiful
From your eyes gave me hope.
You are like a caring mother
They wanted us to become smart,
They surrounded us with warmth and care.
Your strict mind and kindness
We have always been a support
You have helped us a lot.

Chorus: Our teacher, our beloved,
We thank you for everything.
Your efforts and words
We will never forget.
Our leader is great,
We thank you for everything.
We will keep the school in our hearts
And we will come to you again and again.

Our entire eleventh grade
He says to you: Forgive us,
That you were involuntarily upset.
That we didn't always obey
And sometimes they offended
But you understood that too.
How they came to you for salvation,
You helped us for this
And many years you realized
We've grown up, that's the point
Alas, it's time to be sad
About those happy school days.
Chorus. Losing.
You are like a caring mother
They wanted us to become smart,
They surrounded us with warmth and care.
Your strict mind and kindness
We have always been a support
You have helped us a lot.

14. I would like to say special words of gratitude to our parents.Our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, are always with us: both in joy and moments of sadness. It was you who studied ABC books with us, solved logarithms and wrote essays at night! Youloved us no matter what. Scolded when returning from parent meetings... but they always believed in us and, no matter what happened, hoped for the best.

15. Mommy, my dear mother,

Your daughter has grown up so quickly!

The dolls are forgotten, the certificates are in hand!

Princess daughter is with her mother today!

16. Daddy, daddy, okay daddy

See how big your little boy is!

A tie, a suit, and a put on look!

It's just my graduation today!

17. Parents! And heart and soul,

We love you and we are proud of you,

And our gratitude to you for everything,

Probably cannot be expressed in words!

18. Our dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!
We want to say "thank you" to:
For caring, for being with us
Everyone is ready to take the exams.

19. With us you moved from class to class,
We gained knowledge and grew.
Everything we were taught at school
You helped us manage everything.

20. We are grateful to you for your support,
Understanding the essence of adult life,
We will justify your hopes,
We will find our way among hundreds!

Song to parents

Only for you I sing with my soul

Without lies and selfish reasons,

I can't love without you,

I don’t like this world without you.

Like a bell ringing in a dream

Thoughts are always warm about you

The best father because my


We are by your side forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words

Hugs tighter and love

We are by your side forever

We thank you

I don't ask life for anything good

You raised me well

And it's baked into my soul

It's like living water

This world is so cruel and hurtful

But there is a place for rights and dreams

And we set out on the path with him,

We are grateful for everything only to you


We are by your side forever

Let's forget all unnecessary words

Only heart and soul, look and silence

Hugs tighter and love

We are by your side forever

Like the sun's light, air and water

We repeat once again, for everything that we have

We thank you

Only for you I sing with my soul

Without lies and selfish reasons

I can't love without you

I don’t like this world without you

  1. It's very sad that at this hour

We won’t hear the ringing of the bell...

He doesn't call us to class anymore

To lessons under the school roof.

  1. We can't believe that it's already

We won't have to wear a shift,

Sometimes I run away from class,

Wait for a fun break.

  1. No need to stand at the board

And guide the map with a pointer,

No need to write cheat sheets

And with a prayer, catch clues.

  1. Everything will be left behind...

There is a long road ahead.

We say to the school: “Sorry!

Please don’t judge us harshly.”

  1. Well, to you, dear, family,

The best in the world, ours

To amazing teachers

We say a big “Thank you!” let's say.

  1. May they forgive us for all our sins,

What have these years been doing?

We admit our guilt.

We weren't the best.

  1. How much pain, insults and tears

They inadvertently caused you

Please forgive us

We still loved you very much.

Closing song

To the melody of Angelica Agurbash's song "I will live for you"

school hall,
The girls are sitting in ball gowns,
They give the boys their tender gaze,
It's graduation party today.

Ten happiest school years,
We hold the bouquet tightly in our hands,
Here it is - the school final!

How so?
The last bell has already rung,
And the last lesson is over,
And the Unified State Exam is behind us,

Many years
We dreamed about this, but suddenly
My friend was confused today,
What's there ahead?

Pr.: We are very sad to leave now,
It's so hard to say goodbye to school,
And our dear teachers have tears in their eyes...

Our children will come here to study,
We will meet all our teachers again,
(But) I know for sure that I will return here in my dreams.

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