What to do after filling out the European accident report. What to do after drawing up a European protocol in case of an accident? Step four - leaving

You can file a minor traffic accident in a simplified manner - Europrotocol (European protocol) is the preparation of documents regarding an accident without the participation of authorized police officers. In other words, this is an opportunity to independently record the fact of a road traffic accident (RTA) in order to subsequently contact the insurance company for compensation, and promptly leave without creating congestion on the road.

">according to the European protocol, if the conditions are met:
  • there are no victims in the accident;
  • only two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • Only the cars involved in the accident were damaged;
  • both you and the second driver are included in the current OSAGO or international insurance policies An analogue of OSAGO, valid in 48 countries of the world.">"Green Card" issued for vehicles involved in accidents;
  • according to a preliminary assessment, the damage caused to the vehicle does not exceed the maximum amount of insurance payment;
  • you and the second driver agree to file an accident without calling the traffic police and sign a European protocol.

If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident, the assessment of the damage caused, or the constructive attitude of the second party to the accident, then file the accident in the usual manner.

2. What will the insurance company reimburse if an accident is registered under the European protocol?

In case of registration of an accident according to the European protocol, the insurance company compensates for damage in the amount of:

  • up to 100 thousand rubles - this is the standard limit of payments when registering an accident under the European protocol, if the accident is not recorded using technical means* or is recorded, but the participants in the accident have disagreements;
  • up to 400 thousand rubles is the maximum limit of payments when registering an accident according to the European protocol, if the participants in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident, and the accident was recorded using technical means*.

The limits and conditions of insurance compensation established by law apply both under MTPL and comprehensive insurance agreements.

Losses are compensated regardless of number of accidents during the validity period insurance policy.

3. How to register an accident according to the European protocol?

1. Be sure to follow traffic rules requirements immediately after a collision - turn on the emergency lights and put up a sign emergency stop to warn other road users of the danger. The sign is installed at a distance of at least 15 meters from road accidents in populated areas and at least 30 meters outside them. Failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative punishment: a warning or a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If the accident occurred outside the city, in the dark or in conditions limited visibility If you are on the roadway or side of the road, you need to wear a jacket, vest or vest-cape with stripes of reflective material.

2. Talk to the second participant in the accident and show him your policy compulsory insurance, check the validity of his OSAGO policy.

3. Together with the other participant in the accident, notify your insurance companies about the accident in one of the following ways:

  • online, through integrated with the portal of government services of the Russian Federation Since November 1, 2019, the mobile application “OSAGO Assistant” has been operating in test mode (available for and iOS Android). With its help, it is possible to register an accident only if it occurred in the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad region or the Republic of Tatarstan. ">mobile applications(authorization of both participants in the accident on the portal will be required) - within 60 minutes after the accident;
  • through the ERA-GLONASS emergency call device (if equipped in the car) - by pressing the SOS button within 10 minutes after the accident.

Note! These methods are suitable if the victim expects compensation for damage in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, but you and the second participant in the accident have disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident, or if there are no disagreements and the victim is counting on insurance compensation up to 400 thousand rubles.

If there is no disagreement, but it is impossible to report the accident using the above methods, the injured party has the right to count on compensation for damages in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles. In this case, you can notify the insurance company about the accident by phone. Make sure the other person involved in the accident does the same.

4. If vehicles involved in an accident create obstacles to the movement of others Vehicle, release roadway. Otherwise, you and the second participant in the accident face administrative penalties for traffic violation(clause 2.6 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation) - a fine of 1000 rubles (Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

5. Together with the second participant in the accident, fill out the notification of the accident (Euro protocol) in a mobile application or in paper form. In the first case, enter the details of the accident in an electronic form, in the second - in a paper form.

4. How to fill out a paper European protocol?

Rules for filling out a European protocol (notification of an accident):

  • V in case of an accident, in which two vehicles are involved, one notification of an accident is issued. Who it will belong to - you or the second driver - does not matter;
  • an accident notification consists of two sheets, each of which must be filled out
  • Filling example
">on both sides. The front side is self-copying. Data (circumstances of the incident, information about the vehicle, insurance companies, road accident diagram, etc.) must be entered into it together with the second participant in the accident;
  • It is necessary to fill in all the columns and fields on the front side. After filling out the sheets, you need to separate them and put down signatures confirming, among other things, that there are no disagreements between the drivers;
  • The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by each driver independently. The original and the self-copy have the same legal force;
  • Use a ballpoint pen to fill out the accident notice with enough pressure to ensure a good copy quality. Notes made with a gel pen or pencil may become smeared or erased;
  • If you do not have enough space for notes on the accident notice, you can additionally fill out the application using a blank sheet of paper. On the notification of an accident, make a note “With attachment”, on an additional sheet - mark “Attachment”, indicate what this attachment is for and who made it. Applications must be signed by both drivers. The application is prepared in two copies;
  • if the accident notice is torn, damaged or difficult to read, you need to fill out a new one;
  • Please note that if, after signing and disconnecting the notification of an accident, it is necessary to make adjustments or additions to the document, they must be certified by the signatures of both participants in the accident;
  • Insurers are required to issue notifications about road accidents. If for some reason you don't have them, you can contact your insurance company for them. You can also download the notice from the page of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development (but in this case, the second sheet will not be self-copying, it will have to be filled out separately);
  • In new notifications about road accidents there is a field in which you need to mark the presence or absence of disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident. If you have an older form, add this information in the notes box.
  • Since 2015, motorists have the opportunity to independently record some accidents without involving traffic police inspectors. To do this, the participants in the accident fill out a special notification form - the European protocol, the form of which is then transferred to the insurance company. However, despite the obvious convenience of such a fixation, many drivers are in no hurry to use it, preferring the traditional call to the road patrol. After all, in order to get insurance, you need to know how to correctly fill out the European protocol in case of an accident. Mistakes made can lead to a protracted trial and denial of monetary compensation to the injured motorist.

    Where to get the Europrotocol form

    Along with the MTPL policy, the insurance company must also issue a European protocol form. Officially, this document is called “Notice of a Road Traffic Accident.” If for some reason the driver has not received his form, he can contact the insurer for it at any time.

    After reading how to correctly fill out a European protocol in case of an accident, a sample form can be downloaded at the end of the article. Here it is presented in the latest, current edition.

    Rules for filling out the Europrotocol: what to write

    Before filling out the European accident report, a sample of which is given below, you should read the memo attached to the notice. Within the framework of this article, attention will be paid to several important points:

    Point 1 – location of the accident. The nearest street, house, building is indicated. If an accident occurs outside a populated area, the name of the road or route is recorded, and the kilometer/direction of travel is recorded.

    Point 3 – number of damaged cars. The registration of a European protocol is allowed only if there are no more than 2 of them; if a larger value is specified, it will be rejected.

    Point 4 – a European protocol is drawn up, if there are no injured or killed in an accident, a dash is placed in both columns.

    Point 7 – information about witnesses. It is useful to indicate them in the event of a dispute, either with the person at fault or with the insurer.

    Point 8 – since the European protocol is filled out without the participation of the traffic police, this is marked with a “tick” in the corresponding box.

    Points 10 and 11 – information about the owner of the vehicle and the driver. They may disagree if, for example, the car was driven by proxy. But only its owner will receive insurance.

    Point 15 – note. To fill out the European accident report 2019/2018 correctly, at this point one of the drivers must admit his guilt in writing (for example, “I admit that I am guilty of the accident”), and the second participant in the accident records his innocence.

    Paragraph 16 – contains the circumstances of the accident and 2 side columns. Each driver ticks his own column. If disagreements arise, they must be recorded using technical means.

    How to fill out a European accident report: sample 2019

    Starting from October 2019, drivers who decide to file an accident notification on their own can expect pleasant innovations. For example, now only in a few large regions, according to the European protocol, you can receive a maximum insurance compensation of 400 thousand rubles. These are St. Petersburg, Moscow, Moscow and Leningrad regions. In other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from June 1, 2018, it does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. From October 1, 2019, this inequality will come to an end, and residents of all Russian regions will be able to count on the same payments, provided they use the GLONASS system or special mobile applications to record data.

    The sample completed European protocol itself will not undergo changes, and will be filled out according to the same rules as now. The updated form of the document is valid from June 1, 2018. Additional columns appeared on the form, where the presence and essence of disagreements that arose between colliding motorists are recorded. The current form of the European protocol is contained in Appendix 5 of Bank of the Russian Federation Regulation No. 431-P dated September 19, 2014. You can download it below.

    If the notification form does not change again, motorists interested in how to fill out the European protocol in 2019 will be able to use the advice presented in this article.

    The Europrotocol is a notification of an accident, which is independently drawn up by the participants in the accident to indicate the fact of the incident and does not require the presence of traffic police officers at the scene of the accident.

    Registration of an accident using the Europrotocol saves the time of those involved in an accident. The European protocol allows you to resolve the situation on the spot, without creating traffic congestion and difficulties for other road users.

    By filling out the Europrotocol, participants in an accident confirm their agreement with the determination of the guilty and injured parties of the accident and, accordingly, with the right of the injured party to receive insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance at the expense of the guilty party.

    The mandatory conditions for registering an accident using the Europrotocol are:

    • No casualties
    • Contact accident involving two vehicles(not including trailers)
    • In the accident, no damage was caused to property other than the vehicles of the participants in the accident
    • Both vehicles have an MTPL policy
    • The drivers of both vehicles are included in the insurance policies
    • The parties came to an agreement regarding the circumstances of the accident and the existing damage
    • Both parties expressed their readiness to register an accident using the Europrotocol and in the future follow all the obligations of participants in an accident

    Registration of road accidents using the Europrotocol is carried out by mutual consent of the participants in the incident. If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident, the assessment of the damage caused, or the constructive attitude of the second participant in the accident, you need to call the traffic police officers to register the accident in the usual manner!

    We draw your attention to the change in the payment limit under the Europrotocol!

    The maximum payment under the Europrotocol is 25 thousand rubles. for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded before 01.08.2014 and 50 thousand rubles for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after 01.08.2014.

    In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred in the territory of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Leningrad region, according to the Europrotocol scheme, the insurance payment limit is 400 thousand rubles. (under compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after October 1, 2014).

    If at least one of the participants in the accident has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy concluded before 08/02/2014, the limit of insurance payments under the Euro Protocol remains 25 thousand rubles.

    Procedure for registration of the Europrotocol

    When you sign up for an MTPL policy, the insurance company issues you accident notification forms. The notification of an accident is the Europrotocol, which must be filled out in the event of an independent registration of an accident without the participation of traffic police officers.

    If necessary, you can obtain additional forms for the Notification of an Accident from your insurance company, print them from the website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow or from the website Russian Union auto insurers!

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1002 dated October 1, 2014, a technical control device that provides photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of a traffic accident must meet the following requirements:

    • The technical control device must record the following data about the circumstances of damage to the vehicle as a result of a traffic accident: date and time of photo and video shooting; location coordinates technical means control;
    • the coordinates of the location of the technical control device must be determined using navigation aids operating using GLONASS system technologies or technologies of other global satellite navigation systems.

    A technical control device that provides uncorrected registration of data recorded using navigation aids operating using the technologies of the GLONASS or GLONASS system in conjunction with other global satellites navigation systems, must meet the requirements established technical regulations Customs Union“On the safety of wheeled vehicles” (TP TS 018/2011) for the device for calling emergency services.

    Enabling/disabling geolocation on Android smartphones depends on the phone model and firmware. In the current version, you need to go to the “Camera” application, then “Settings” > “Camera options” > “Photos with geotags” (off by default).

    Enable/disable geolocation on iPhone: “Settings” > “Privacy” (“Privacy”) > “Geolocation” (mark the camera and/or applications that use photography).

    When taking pictures, GPS must be turned on, then the iPhone will automatically add coordinates to the photo.

    Photo and video filming must be taken no later than 60 minutes from the moment of the accident.

    The shooting must contain the following images:

    • General plan of the accident scene
    • The relative position of vehicles involved in an accident with reference to transport infrastructure objects or other non-movable objects
    • Detailed plan of the scene of the incident: brake marks, broken parts, road markings
    • State registration plates of vehicles involved in the accident (or, in their absence, VIN identification numbers)
    • Both vehicles from all sides
    • Damaged vehicle parts

    If, according to the participants in the accident, the damage is more than 50 thousand rubles, the photograph must contain coordinate data (after 01/01/2017 - GLONASS systems, before this period - other global satellite navigation systems are also possible).

    The maximum payment under the Europrotocol is 25 thousand rubles. for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded before 01.08.2014 and 50 thousand rubles for compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after 01.08.2014.

    In case of registration of documents about an accident that occurred on the territory of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow region, Leningrad region, according to the Europrotocol scheme, the maximum insurance payment is 400 thousand rubles. (under compulsory motor liability insurance concluded after October 1, 2014).

    In this case, the insurance company must be provided with data on the circumstances of damage to the vehicle as a result of an accident, which were recorded using technical control means that ensure uncorrected recording of information.

    Such data is: photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage at the scene of an accident, as well as data recorded using navigation aids operating using GLONASS or GLONASS technologies in conjunction with other global satellite navigation systems.

    If at least one of the participants in the accident has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy concluded before 08/02/2014, the payment limit under the Euro Protocol remains 25 thousand rubles.

    Each participant in an accident provides his insurance company with a completed accident notification (Europrotocol). The notification is sent within 5 days from the date of the accident.

    The injured party also provides:

    1. Claim for insurance compensation (claim for direct compensation for losses).
    2. Photo or video recording of vehicles and their damage taken at the scene of the accident. Data is provided at electronic media and must contain the date and time of shooting, as well as the coordinates of the location of the technical control device.
    3. A statement that the information specified in paragraph “B” is uncorrected.

    The injured party should contact their insurance company.

    If participants in an accident have doubts about independently assessing the cost of repairing vehicles, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers to register the accident according to standard scheme, and not the Europrotocol.

    Both vehicles involved in an accident must be insured under MTPL. If the injured party's car does not have an insurance policy, the owner has the right to refuse insurance payment.

    The completed form must be submitted immediately (within 5 days) to the insurance company. There is no need to certify it to the traffic police.

    Participants in an accident are not required to call accident scene emergency commissioner.


    The insurance company that paid the insurance compensation to the victim transfers its right to claim against the culprit of the accident in the amount of the payment made, if:

    • The person at fault for the accident did not provide his insurance company with a copy of the accident notification completed jointly with the victim within five working days.
    • The person at fault for the accident began repairing or disposing of the vehicle before the expiration of 15 calendar days (except for non-working holidays).
    • The person at fault for the accident did not provide, at the request of the insurance company, a vehicle for inspection or independent technical examination (according to the notification sent by the Insurer no earlier than 5 days before the date of inspection).


    Participants in an accident, in the case of registration of an accident using the Europrotocol, should not begin repairing or disposing of vehicles until the expiration of 15 calendar days from the date of the accident (except for non-working holidays).

    It is possible to begin the repair or disposal of vehicles before the expiration of the specified period only if there is a written consent of the insurance company (Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, paragraph 3 of Article 11.1. “Prepare of documents on a road accident without the participation of authorized police officers”) or after the expiration of 15 days.

    Meeting deadlines and agreeing on the possibility of repair/disposal with the insurance company is necessary to ensure the possibility of inspection or independent technical examination of vehicles involved in an accident.


    Yes, this requirement of insurance companies is lawful (Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, paragraph 3 of Article 11.1. “Execution of documents regarding a road accident without the participation of authorized police officers”).

    In case of registration of documents about an accident using the Europrotocol, the owners of vehicles involved in the incident, at the request of insurers, are obliged to submit these vehicles for inspection and (or) independent technical examination within five working days from the date of receipt of such a request. It should be borne in mind that the car owner has the right to send the vehicle for repairs independently, but not earlier than 15 days from the date of transfer of all necessary materials to the insurance company and, if the insurance company did not receive written notification within the specified period (5 days before the inspection date) of the need to provide the vehicle for inspection.


    Participants in an accident must submit their copies of the accident notice to their insurance companies at the address specified in the insurance policy no later than five days from the date of the accident.


    A prerequisite for registering an accident using the Europrotocol is consent from both parties to the incident. If one of the participants in the accident does not want to register the incident using the Europrotocol, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers to register the accident in the usual manner.


    Participants in an accident must come to a common opinion that the damage does not exceed established by law limit (25 thousand rubles for MTPL contracts concluded before 08/01/2014, 50 thousand rubles for MTPL contracts concluded after 08/01/2014, 400 thousand rubles for MTPL contracts concluded after 10/01/2014).


    In this case, the accident must be registered by the traffic police, because a mandatory criterion for the applicability of the Europrotocol is that the participants in the accident agree on their views on the conditions of the accident and that one of the participants in the accident admits guilt.


    A “no-contact accident” generally refers to an accident in which one driver obstructs a second driver, resulting in the second vehicle being involved in an accident and causing damage to a third party’s property (or their own property). There is no direct contact between vehicles.

    It is not recommended to document such accidents using the European Protocol. A mandatory condition for processing documents about an accident without the participation of authorized police officers (Europrotocol) is accident incident as a result of interaction (collision) of two vehicles.

    In addition, often when making decisions on such DPT, the court is based on the conclusion of a traceological examination, for which it is necessary detailed diagram Road accidents compiled by traffic police officers.


    Registration of documents about an accident without the participation of police officers (Europrotocol) is possible if the accident occurred as a result of the interaction (collision) of two vehicles (including vehicles with trailers), the civil liability of the owners of which is insured by a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.


    Notification forms are standard for all insurance companies, so it does not matter on whose form the notification of an accident will be issued.


    Europrotocol forms can be obtained free of charge from your insurance company or printed from the website of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow, or on the RSA website.


    If all the conditions necessary for registering an accident under the Euro Protocol are met, the participants in the accident have issued a notification of the accident in accordance with the MTPL Rules and have no disagreements, they can leave the scene of the accident (Section 2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation “General responsibilities of drivers”, subclause 2.6.1 .).

    Accordingly, the fact that the driver who left the scene of the accident has a Notice of Road Accident, issued in accordance with the established requirements, cannot be considered as a failure to fulfill obligations in connection with the accident, liability for which is provided for in Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


    Registration of an accident using the Europrotocol does not require calling police officers to the scene of the accident and saves time for the participants in the accident. The European protocol allows you to resolve the situation on the spot, without creating traffic congestion and difficulties for other road users.


    Europrotocol is the preparation of documents about an accident without calling the police. In other words, this is an opportunity to independently document the fact of a traffic accident in order to subsequently contact the insurance company for compensation, and promptly leave without creating congestion on the road.

    Every year millions of cars are produced around the world and our roads are becoming increasingly congested. As a result, the number of accidents on the roads is growing and, sometimes in large cities, traffic police officers simply do not have time to quickly respond to a call to the scene of an accident. Abroad, a system for registering road accidents on the spot without the need to call special services was developed, which greatly simplified many aspects. Recently, such a system has been operating in Russia. So what do our drivers need to know if they are involved in an accident and want to handle everything themselves? In this article we will talk about how to fill out the European accident report, sample 2017, with a brief description.

    Europrotocol is a procedure for completing documents in case of an accident independently, without the presence of traffic police officers. Drivers will fill out the form themselves at the scene of the incident, which will save time and allow the traffic jam to be quickly cleared, freeing it up for other vehicles to pass through.

    But you should know that it is not possible to draw up such a protocol in all cases.
    We list the situations in which drivers can safely draw up a protocol on the spot:

    • if in the event of an accident both vehicles are insured under MTPL;
    • if there are no disagreements between the participants in the accident regarding the current situation;
    • if no more than two cars were involved in the traffic accident;
    • in the absence of injured or dead people (passers-by, pedestrians, etc.);
    • if no additional property was damaged during the incident

    Drawing up such a protocol cannot be carried out and drivers will need to call traffic police officers if:

    • there are injured or dead people;
    • more than two cars were involved in an accident;
    • in addition to cars, additional property was damaged;
    • the participants in the accident have obvious disagreements and do not want to draw up the documents themselves;
    • if at least one of the drivers does not have MTPL insurance

    Leaving the scene of an accident. What is the punishment in 2016-2017

    Leaving the scene of an accident

    Leaving the scene of an accident is administrative offense, according to which the violator must be held accountable. Since no amendments or changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses in 2015, then in 2016-2017 the violator will be punished in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

    These punishments can be of two types:
    -deprivation of a driver's license for up to one and a half years
    - arrest up to 15 days

    However, when a protocol is drawn up and all necessary actions are completed on the spot, the driver can safely leave the scene of the accident.

    How much damage can be covered?

    According to the MTPL insurance policy, the payment of the amount of damage is no more than 50 thousand rubles, provided that the insurance contract was signed after 08/02/2014. Before this, the amount was less and amounted to 25 thousand rubles.
    However, if both vehicles had satellite system navigation, which recorded the incident, then the limit on the payment amount under the European protocol increases to 400 thousand rubles. This law applies to Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the region. The list of navigation satellites that are approved and permitted during this procedure is indicated in the relevant OSAGO documents.

    Procedure in case of an accident

    Registration of the Europrotocol in case of an accident 2017 procedure:

    1. Stop the car and put up a warning triangle;
    2. Collect contacts of witnesses to the incident;
    3. Do not remove traces of the accident and, if possible, take photographs of the situation:

    -general, panorama with full view of the accident
    - marks from tire braking
    - vehicle breakdowns
    - view of cars from the outside, their location
    - state license plates
    - some damaged parts

    So, if drivers see that it is permissible to issue a European protocol in the event of their traffic accident, in order to alleviate the situation and not wait for the traffic police officers, they will have to fill out the form. In theory, every driver has a form, but only one of them will need to be filled out. It makes no difference which one. The form consists of two columns, where one is allocated to one driver, the other to another.

    The first thing to do is to check that the form is not damaged and all the data on it is clearly printed. Then each driver selects a column for himself and enters all the necessary data about his car.

    Rules for completing the form – Notifications:

    How to fill out the Europrotocol correctly

    So, let’s look at how to fill out the Euro Protocol in case of an accident 2017, the registration rules:

    1. You must fill out the form exclusively with a ballpoint pen (feather pens and pencils are not accepted. The former can be smeared on the paper, and the pencil can be completely erased).
    2. First you need to fill out the front side, where there are two columns, for each driver separately. A more detailed description of filling will be described later.
    3. Then both drivers are required to fill out the back of the form, indicating all the necessary data. This information is also important, since insurance company employees will take your personal notes into account when considering the case.
    4. Copies filled out on the front side must be separated after completion.
    5. Each driver must put two signatures on the front side. One will be under the completed information, the second under the “Consent” item.
    6. If any changes were made after the form was split, the driver must sign that he does not mind the other driver making amendments to the document.

    Detailed instructions for filling

    How to draw up a European accident report 2017 sample:

    Road accident registration scheme

    From points 1 to 8, you need to fill out general information about the accident

    • Place of accident - enter the exact address as required by the item;
    • Date of accident - fits in exact date and time in the allocated windows;
    • Number of damaged vehicles – enter the number in the box;
    • Number of wounded (persons who received bodily injuries) - enter the number in the box, then enter the number of deaths in another box;
    • Whether the participants in the accident were examined for intoxication is indicated in the Yes or No box;
    • Material damage caused to other vehicles (except “A” and “B”) – must be marked Yes or no, other property – Yes or no. (check as appropriate);
    • Witnesses of the accident: - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Moscow, st. Green, 33;
    • Was the registration carried out by a traffic police officer - check No

    — Starting from point 9 and up to 15, each driver fills out separately, entering information about himself and his vehicle, as well as about insurance.
    — Particular attention should be paid to paragraph 14 of the Notice, which will describe the damage that was caused as a result of the transport accident. You also need to make sure that the other driver does not embellish his breakdowns and damages and truthfully describes his situation.
    — It is in the interests of every driver to correctly describe point No. 16, where it will be necessary to display under what circumstances the traffic accident occurred. The description must first of all be truthful, without exaggeration and concise. If there is any hidden damage in the car, then it should be checked by an expert.

    It is necessary to write in precise terms that reflect the essence, for example, there is a difference in meaning - the driver overtook the car or changed lanes. Who is responsible for the incident may depend on what exactly he did in this situation.

    - In the next paragraph No. 17, a clear diagram of the accident should be drawn, where you need to indicate the names of streets, traffic patterns, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, as well as any other items that could affect the current situation on the road.

    There is also a “Remarks” item in the form, where you can add something that does not fit in other items or enter something else if the driver wants to emphasize some point.

    After filling out, both participants in the accident sign, thereby confirming that they fully agree with the information provided. It is worth checking not only your column, but also the column of the other driver, in order to avoid further misunderstandings. Once the signatures are placed, the form is divided into two parts. Signatures are placed on both parts - your own and the other driver’s form, thereby confirming that you agree and are familiar with the information presented on his part.

    The back side of the form is filled out after the Notification has been divided, i.e. each driver separately. On it the driver can indicate any additions, comments and notes. In case there is no more space, you will need to write “with attachment” on the form and add what there was not enough space for on a simple blank sheet, attaching it to the Notice.

    If the completed form is damaged, lost, or one of the parties wants to make any changes to the information, a new form must be filled out.

    Drivers wishing to implement registration of an accident According to the European protocol, you must know that:

    1. You need to submit a claim to the insurance company as soon as possible, within 5 days
    2. When handling, you must have the following documents with you:

    - completed signed form
    - a statement that all information you provided is accurate and written by you personally
    - application for damages
    -all photographs taken (the list is described above)
    -recording from a camera or video recorder must indicate the date and time of shooting
    -the injured party will need to attach a claim for damages
    -The insurance company has the right to ask to provide a car for examination
    -Drivers do not have the right to return the car for repairs within 15 days after the accident

    Drivers should take into account that after submitting all documents to the insurance company, proceedings will be conducted based on the data provided, after which the amount of compensation will be determined according to the European protocol.

    The maximum payout amount has already been described above. Many drivers ask the question: Where can I get a European protocol? If the driver already has insurance, the insurance company itself provides such a protocol. You can download the European Road Accident Protocol form 2017 in this article, as well as a sample for filling it out.

    The emergence of the Europrotocol in the territory Russian Federation, certainly simplified the process of registering traffic accidents. But our drivers must know step by step how to act in such a situation, what should be done and in what sequence. It is also important to navigate filling out the forms. Therefore, if the driver nevertheless chooses MTPL insurance with the intention that it may be useful when drawing up such a protocol, then he should familiarize himself with all the rules in advance and know how to draw up a European protocol in case of an accident. This will significantly simplify registration if the time comes and will give more confidence to the driver.

    Useful video especially for you.

    You have been involved in an accident. The accident is minor (someone slightly rubbed or scratched someone), both parties do not want to call government inspectors to the scene traffic. It is for such drivers that there is a new way to legally file an accident case and receive insurance compensation.

    The essence of the concept of “Euro protocol” (EP)

    The Europrotocol is a document that allows regulating a road accident, without the intervention of the traffic police, by participants in an accident, using a Euro-unified form. The EP allows victims not only to understand the collision situation, but also to compensate for losses.

    The EP form is issued to the driver free of charge by the insurance agent. If you have lost the form, it is possible to receive it again based on a corresponding written application from the owner of the vehicle.

    Who and when can use the Europrotocol service?

    1. Both drivers agree to resolve the conflict without involving inspectors, in an indisputable way.
    2. The accident occurred without a fatal outcome - there were no dead or injured at the scene of the accident.
    3. Only in a situation where the participants in the accident were not under the influence of any drugs, alcohol or other chemicals.
    4. If both vehicles are covered by the MTPL insurance policy.

    Based on a document prepared by the Central Bank on October 1, 2014, owners of CASCO policies also have the right to file a minor accident without calling an inspector. Previously, in order to receive payment under the European protocol, the owner of CASCO required a certificate of an accident from the traffic police.

    The amount of payment under the European protocol after an accident does not exceed 50,000 rubles for the regions, and 400,000 rubles for Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region (registered from 08/02/2014). Otherwise, your insurance company has the right not to pay for this damage.

    What advantages does the European protocol bring?

    Saving driver's personal time.

    Clearing the road for the comfortable and safe movement of other vehicles. If the accident is not serious, you have the right, immediately after personal agreements with the opposite party, to draw up a document and leave the scene of the event.

    You do not have to call the traffic police, thereby you do not risk losing your driver's documentation. You will get rid of unnecessary fuss, fines and other nuances.

    What and how to do when filling out the European protocol

    Rules and steps

    Make sure that the documents of the owners and their vehicles are in order ( necessary insurance, driver license, right to property or power of attorney).

    If neither you nor the other driver was injured in the accident, proceed to the agreement. One of the drivers must take the blame for the incident. If one of the car owners is aggressive, you need to resort to the help of traffic police officers.

    Carefully examine the document form, and only then proceed to fill it out. You have the right to contact the insurance company and ask for help from an insurance agent. In turn, the latter is obliged to appear at the scene of the accident, help fill out the document correctly, explain the procedure for filling it out or show an example, if necessary, find witnesses, explain all the nuances and results of filling out the European protocol.

    Direct preparation of a protocol and drawing of a collision diagram. Be attentive to each item; drivers must fill out the form together. The accident diagram should display not only a description of the collision, but also determine the presence of road signs, markings and other details of the accident site.

    Direct contact to the insurance company.

    Waiting for compensation.

    How to correctly fill out a European protocol in case of an accident

    It is important to remember, one accident – ​​one form. In the chapter “Notification of an accident,” indicate the date, time, and location of the incident, points (1 and 2). Paragraphs 3, 4, 5 should display the general situation of the traffic accident (damage to the car), information about witnesses. The document consists of a front side and a back side.

    Both sides must be completed by two owners. This is why there is zone “A” and zone “B”. In the protocol form, indicate the following information:

    • about the owner (contacts);
    • transport (brand, insurance, registration);
    • insurance company;
    • general information about the driver (driving license).

    Victims must also indicate the features of the initial collision, the circumstances of the accident, visible damage to vehicles (scratches, dents, cracks, etc.). Pay special attention to paragraph 14.

    In the chapter “My remarks”, one of the parties to the accident is obliged to admit his guilt, while the other must write information about who is at fault for the accident. Also, when drawing up a protocol, drivers must draw a diagram of the collision as accurately as possible, adhering to special rules and signs. It is important to ensure that the drivers’ signatures are in both zones “A” and “B” (the front side of the document).

    After filling out the form, drivers have the right to divide the European protocol. The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by everyone independently.

    What is important

    1. Signatures of those involved in the accident are required.
    2. Corrections and errors in the form are unacceptable.
    3. Easy accident, no casualties.
    4. The protocol is certified only by the insurance company.

    No later than 3 working days, you must contact the insurance company and submit the EP document. Remember - the company not only has the right, it must assess the condition of the vehicle in order to accurately determine the damage and assign an insurance payment. Owners must retain damaged property until it is inspected.

    It would be better if the accident was additionally recorded using a camera or video, linked to the location, with all the details filmed in the form braking distance, car wrecks, license plates and everything that may be useful in the future.

    The amount of certain damage should not exceed the established figure (50 tr. for regions and 400 tr. for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions).

    Mutual agreement of the parties.

    Otherwise, you risk being denied insurance benefits. If there is the slightest doubt that any of the points of the incident do not fall under the European protocol, it is better not to take risks and resolve the issues regarding the current accident with the help of traffic police officers.

    In practice, neither drivers nor insurers like to fill out a European protocol in case of an accident. Drivers are afraid that they may do it incorrectly and, as a result, be left without payments. Insurance companies They are afraid that they will have to pay for fraudulent schemes.

    Below is a sample of the European protocol and the procedure for filling it out.

    This article is strictly for informational purposes and is not a guide to action. The site is not responsible for the driver filling out the form incorrectly after reading this material. Remember that incorrect filling out entails the refusal of the insurance company to pay compensation, and it does not matter how your car is insured - under CASCO or OSAGO.

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