What is needed to open a bank branch. How to open your own bank from scratch - instructions

Sergey Ekaterinin is in touch. For some time he worked as the head of the credit department at a bank and eventually decided to open his own business. First I found ready business plan bank, carefully studied it, analyzed the prospects and risks. We managed to find good investors and eventually implement the project.

What's good about banking?

Why do many entrepreneurs set their goal to open a bank? – It’s very simple - they understand how profitable this event is. Opening such a business is a profitable business, but only with a competent approach and initial investment.

This type of business is very profitable, but it is very difficult to enter it. It is necessary to make significant financial investments, the total amount of which can be from 100 million rubles or more. In addition, you must have good connections and extensive experience in this field.

What is your own bank?

This is a financial institution that provides a number of services to individuals and businesses (making payments, servicing credit and debit cards, processing deposits, and so on).

Control of the bank’s activities and regulation of intrabank processes is the task of the Central Bank.

Recently, commercial financial institutions have become very popular, providing a wide range of services - issuing loans, selling securities, opening (maintaining) accounts, and so on. But here it is worth carrying out business planning in a commercial bank and strictly following the plan.

What should the format be?

Today, five types of banks can be distinguished: retail, settlement, market, credit and financial; the latter are more focused on interbank cooperation.

You have two options - choose one of the groups listed above or create a universal financial institution combining several types of banks.

But keep in mind that the complex option is the most difficult to implement. To simplify the task, you can study the example of a bank business plan, which you will definitely find on the Internet.

How to decide on the legal basis?

It's no secret that when conducting banking need a license.

You will have to run around to sign a number of agreements, obtain licenses and constituent documents.

What papers will be required?

The list is very wide - licenses for conducting banking operations, for working with precious metals, as well as for conducting depository activities.

In addition, you will need a permit from the State Customs Committee, which gives the right to act as a guarantor at customs, a registration certificate, which will make it possible to carry out transactions with precious metals, attract deposits, conduct transactions with stones, and also act as a guarantor before the customs authorities.

But that's not all. You must register with the tax office and receive your TIN.
The cost of obtaining licenses is from 200,000 rubles.

What services can the bank provide?

Once all the documents are in hand (licenses, certificates and certificates), you can move on to the next point - creating the services of your financial and credit organization.

To make it easier to decide, we will highlight the main services - making payments, opening and servicing accounts, collection, settlement and cash services, Money transfers, currency and depository operations, providing financial advice, lending, leasing, providing bank guarantees and so on.

In addition, your bank can handle transfers Money, conducting operations on the stock exchange, executing orders from brokers and with traveler's checks, transactions with foreign currency.

Where should the office be located?

To begin with, it is enough to open one office, but over time, at least 5-6 branches should appear in your city. As your business expands, you can open branches throughout the country.

The optimal location of the bank is about transport interchanges, large retail outlets, markets.

It is better to buy a room with an area of ​​100 square meters or more for the main office, make appropriate repairs, install the necessary equipment, organize workspaces, and so on.

The cost of purchase and re-equipment is from 3 million rubles. On initial stage you can get by with rent - from 2,000 rubles per square meter.
To open branches, the usual rental of premises with subsequent renovation is suitable.

Who to hire from the staff?

One of the most important and difficult issues is hiring staff. For the first time, you can hire graduates of financial universities for cash settlements and allow them to work after completing an internship and training.

For more serious positions, it is advisable to hire people with work experience. You will need a manager (possibly a deputy), heads of bank departments (customer service, security, credit department, and so on), specialists, 2-3 accountants, assistants, and so on.

At first you can get by with 10-20 employees. Over time, the staff will have to be expanded.

We must not forget that staff need to be trained, which will lead to additional costs - from 100,000 rubles per year.

The average salary of bank employees is from 20,000 rubles per month.

Table of the total number of banks by section Federal districts Russia

What equipment will be needed for a bank?

Opening a bank requires the purchase of specialized equipment - currency detectors, banknote sorters, banknote counters, payment terminals, cash register equipment, POS terminals, and so on.

In addition, you will have to equip the workplace of each employee. Here you will need tables, computers, telephones, and office supplies. Additional costs include certification of banking equipment, without which it is often impossible to carry out payment transactions and serve clients.

The total cost of purchasing and setting up equipment is from a million rubles.

Do you need advertising?

This may require organizing advertising in public transport, sticking leaflets, issuing special brochures, opening your own representative offices in various cities of Russia, ordering advertising on radio and TV, creating a high-quality website on the Internet (required).

Table of potential consumers of Bank services in Russia

Where can I get money?

Probably the key question is where to get the necessary amount to realize your plans. Obtaining permits, renting an office, purchasing banking equipment, advertising costs, payment wages employees, maintenance of banking equipment - all this requires certain costs.

The main option is to attract investors to the project. But for this you cannot do without a clear business plan, an understanding of the business structure and optimization of business processes in the bank, the ability to prove the prospects of the project and present this information.

The backup option is a bank loan. But this is only possible if you have expensive real estate behind you that can act as collateral.

Video interview with Ivan Svitek, Chairman of the Board of Home Credit Bank

What additional services will be required?

Each department must have security. Here you can maintain your own service or hire representatives from third-party organizations. Costs – from 50 thousand rubles per month.

There must be legal support - from 50 thousand rubles per month.

A security system is one of the most important points in the functioning of a bank - from 500 thousand rubles (video surveillance system, safes, turnstiles, and so on).

General results

Let's summarize:

  • Initial opening costs – from 100 million rubles;
  • Registration of licenses – from 500 thousand rubles;
  • Security system – from 100,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of an office and refurbishment – ​​from 3 million rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment for the main office and branches – from 1 million rubles;
  • Advertising – from 100,000 rubles per month;
  • Legal support – from 50,000 rubles per month;
  • Security of objects – from 50,000 rubles per month;
  • Payment and training of personnel – from 400 thousand rubles per month;
  • Payback period is from one to five years.

What are the conclusions?

If you have a desire to open a business like a bank, then be prepared for high costs and risks. But with proper organization, you can expect good income.

In any case, before opening a bank, it is necessary to conduct market research, think through a business plan, and make a forecast of likely changes in the financial and economic sphere.

Of course, any forecast is relative, because the banking sector directly depends on the political situation in the state, and this is already very difficult to predict.

Banking business is a profitable, but very complex area. And people with extensive experience, the necessary knowledge and the ability to make serious investments are capable of engaging in this type of business. But if the desire to open a financial institution is great, but there are not enough opportunities, you can open credit organizations. Opening them will require less money.

Usually, experienced entrepreneurs go to open a bank. They need their own bank to service the parent enterprise. There are many banks in Russia, including both large and small. Big competition. But on the other hand, more and more people are using the services of banks, which means you have the opportunity to set up a successful business. Opening a private bank in Russia is not easy. But if you have a well-written business plan, and if all norms and rules are observed, the business will become successful.

A business plan is a must. It will help you not to miss a single detail or nuance so that nothing interferes with the bank’s work.

Business plan for a private bank

Both large and small banks regularly conduct medium-term planning of their activities to strengthen their positions. This is why a business plan is developed, which is based on analysis and planning.

Detailed planning will allow you to correctly choose the main strategy for your development and gain advantages over your competitors. For example, the experience of many banks shows that medium and small banks should work in a specific direction. Only a large bank can be universal. And this area of ​​work should be recorded in the business plan.

The development of a business plan should be based on a development analysis. Analytical developments are carried out in several directions. The legislative environment and the external market, sales and customer base, the bank’s position in the financial market and the assessment of competitors are analyzed. In this case, you can make a forecast for the next five years.

Planning a bank development strategy will help expand the resource base, increase income growth, and help set the main development goals for the next five years. For example, to gain a positive reputation and constantly maintain it; expand the range of services; expand your customer base; attract new investments; create a flexible interest rate policy; and so on.

Type of banks

For a novice entrepreneur, you need to know the existing types of banks in order to choose the direction that can most fully reflect his aspirations. Financial institutions are divided into five types:

  1. Retail. Their advantage is that they provide all types of financial services. Their difference is the diversification of assets.
  2. Credit. Bank funds is an asset, customer debt is a liability.
  3. Calculated. Work with individuals, offering all settlement services.
  4. Market. Investments in securities.
  5. Interbank structures. Interaction with financial organizations, resulting in profit.

But many banks choose a universal type in order to work in several directions at the same time. The bank's license describes in detail what operations the bank is entitled to carry out. The license changes only after two years. It is possible to choose the type of bank where some disadvantage is felt.

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How to open your own bank

Before such an important matter as opening your own bank, conduct a serious analysis of your capabilities and strengths. Both you and your founders must have the required amount, there must be no previous criminal records and no bad credit history. The verification of bank documents will be accompanied by a total verification of all founders.

There is an important condition: the company’s personal account must have five million euros. Otherwise, registration will not be possible.

After this, all partners sign an agreement and choose the legal form of their organization. Typically a commercial bank is opened as Joint-Stock Company. The law does not limit the choice of an open society or a closed one. Selected for bank activities code OKPD 2 64. These are financial services.

Next stage. It is necessary to draw up and sign a constituent agreement. IN Central Bank Russia will tell you whether you have chosen the name of your organization correctly, and whether existing financial institutions have analogues.

Having received the registration certificate, all the necessary information is sent to the Main Directorate for the region where you are opening a bank. It is impossible to obtain a license if there is no agreement with the State Technical University. All documents verified by the GTU are sent for the next verification to the Central Bank, where additional information may be needed. And that is not all. The Banking Supervision Committee resolves the issue of registration. And if all the issues have received a positive solution, the Tax Inspectorate enters the new private bank into the register of credit institutions.

Within thirty days, the founders must deposit the authorized capital into the account and collect the necessary papers. Here is the list:

  1. Statement from the founders.
  2. Constituent documents.
  3. Business plan.
  4. The meeting of founders must adopt the minutes.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. Documents on registration of founders and their notarized copies.
  7. Questionnaires of candidates for leadership positions.
  8. Legal entities provide an auditor's opinion that their financial statements are reliable. Individuals present documents that confirm the source of their funds that they will contribute.
  9. Documents on the basis of which a conclusion is prepared that credit organisation complies with all requirements for conducting cash transactions.
  10. Certified consent of the federal antimonopoly authority to create a financial institution.
  11. If a bank is registered as a joint stock company, their first issue of shares is registered.
  12. List of founders and their full details.

The task of collecting documents can be simplified. There are institutions that specialize in collecting the necessary documentation. You can contact them. But the cost of their services is quite high, and there is no guarantee that a license will be issued. There are many reasons for refusal to issue a license. There are many types of licenses, the main thing is to choose the right one.

You can contact specialists who can issue a ready-made bank business plan or draw it up according to your requirements and capabilities. Specialists from some agencies can help with the correct preparation of documents. They also have good relationships with regulators, so you can get answers from them sooner. But you will have to do everything else yourself. Only determined and self-confident people can register their own bank.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The banking sector is distinguished by its complexity, and although it is a very profitable area, few people can engage in entrepreneurship here. The main limitations are significant experience and knowledge and very large investments.

There are, however, some credit organizations that are not banks, and their launch requires much less effort and money, but a full-fledged bank can be opened in most cases only by a team of specialists who are not limited by budget. The peculiarities of Russian legislation mean that today it is much easier and faster to buy a ready-made and operating bank than to open a new one and obtain all the permits for it.

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However, this does not stop some entrepreneurs, and sometimes opening their own bank is simply necessary, because it becomes a subsidiary organization that helps in servicing the main enterprise. It is profitable to invest money in banks; the payback period is on average 5 years, which is a very good indicator for such a large-scale project. In any case, it is possible to open your own bank in Russia today. But is it necessary?..

Competition in this area is indeed very strong; today there are many large banks, as well as many smaller ones, so the population does not experience a shortage of banking services. On the other hand, there are several types of banks that provide completely different services, and the most common are those that work only with individuals and offer them the full range of possible services. At the same time, we also need those banks that are engaged in some other operations, so a novice entrepreneur can choose a direction that most fully reflects his ambitions and aspirations.

It is customary to distinguish two or three categories of banks, but such a distinction concerns only private commercial banks; the central bank is engaged not only in the provision of banking services, but also in regulating the banking sector in general. Universal banks are the ones that make up the majority; they work in all directions; investment banks have chosen to invest money in promising areas of human activity as their main activity; most often they invest in securities. There are also savings banks that were created to attract free funds from the population and legal entities. Also, the division may take place according to some other criteria, for example, there are banking structures that only engage in lending. We must not forget about interbank structures that are created for the purpose of cooperation with many credit institutions to simplify their interaction. From a legal point of view, the bank must obtain a license, which will provide an exhaustive list of operations carried out, and it can be changed only once every two years. In this way, it is possible to find a niche in which there is some lack of participants and fill it, helping to support the functioning of this entire complex system.

To begin with, registration of a business entity takes place. Typically, banks open as joint-stock companies (open or closed, there are no restrictions on this subject by law). The bank's activities fall under one or more definitions in the classifier (OKPD 2) 64 Financial services, except for insurance and pension services. After registration, you need to send information about the bank and its name to the Main Territorial Administration for your region; without coordinating the issue with this department, there is no point in further applying for a license. Already at this stage it is necessary to have sufficient authorized capital for payment; the GTU checks the entrepreneur’s ability to manage such amounts.

It is also checked there financial history enterprises, and they check not only the organization itself, but also all its founders. If the founders did not provide any information about their financial transactions, then you can say goodbye to the opportunity to obtain a license in the future. Now let's look at the size of the authorized capital for banks and various non-bank credit organizations. It is precisely stated in the law: “The minimum amount of the authorized capital of a newly registered bank on the day of filing an application for state registration and issuance of a license to carry out banking operations is established in the amount of 300 million rubles.” Moreover, this amount was recently increased and previously amounted to only 180 million.

It is somewhat easier to open other types of organizations: “The minimum amount of the authorized capital of a newly registered non-bank credit organization applying for a license providing the right to make payments on behalf of legal entities, including correspondent banks, on their bank accounts, on the day of filing the application for state registration and issuance of a license to carry out banking operations is established in the amount of 90 million rubles. The minimum amount of the authorized capital of a newly registered non-bank credit organization applying for a license for non-bank credit organizations that have the right to carry out money transfers without opening bank accounts and other banking operations related to them, on the day of filing the application for state registration and issuing a license to carry out banking transactions is set at 18 million rubles. The minimum amount of the authorized capital of a newly registered non-bank credit organization that does not apply for these licenses, on the day of filing an application for state registration and issuance of a license to carry out banking operations, is established in the amount of 18 million rubles.”

Ready ideas for your business

After checking all the information in the State Technical University, the data is transferred to the Central Bank, where it is also carefully checked, and the entrepreneur will most likely be required to attach additional documents. But the tests do not end there; after that, the documents are sent to the Banking Supervision Committee, where the possibility of registering a new commercial bank is considered. If the answer is positive, the data is transferred to the Tax Inspectorate, where the newly-minted bank is entered into the register of credit organizations. The bank has a month left to deposit the authorized capital into the account. The initial, standard and in any case mandatory package of documents for registering a bank:


    Constituent documents;

    Business plan;

    Protocol general meeting founders;

    Documents confirming payment of the state duty;

    Certified copies of documents confirming state registration of founders;

    Questionnaires of candidates for the positions of manager, chief accountant and their deputies;

    Audit reports on the reliability of the financial statements of the founders (for legal entities); documents confirming the sources of origin of funds contributed by the founders (for individuals);

    Documents necessary for preparing a conclusion on the credit institution’s compliance with the requirements for conducting cash transactions;

    A copy of the document issued by the federal antimonopoly authority and confirming the satisfaction of the application for consent to create a credit organization;

    Documents required for registration of the first issue of shares of a credit institution, if it is created in the form of a joint stock company;

    Full list founders of a credit institution on paper.

To significantly simplify your task, you can contact a specialized company that provides assistance in obtaining licenses, but the specialists of this company will require a lot of money for their services, and no one can guarantee obtaining a license: The Central Bank may refuse registration and issuance of a license for many reasons and in any case he will be right. The type of license is also selected, there are many types, and there may be restrictions on the ability to work with currencies and precious metals, on working with foreign banks, to raise funds from certain categories of individuals and legal entities. The possibility of participation in the deposit insurance system is specified separately.

Third-party companies can help draw up a business plan, collect and correctly execute all documents, and perhaps somewhat reduce the waiting time for responses due to established relationships with regulatory authorities, but you should not count on more. On the other hand, people who decide to register their bank are confident that it is worth it and that they will be able to go through all the complex procedures and come to an agreement with all representatives. But we need to repeat: today it is much easier to buy a ready-made bank than to register a new one. And sometimes even cheaper.

Ready ideas for your business

You can already understand at this stage that the minimum amount of starting capital to open your own bank is approximately half a billion rubles. This is perhaps the very minimum that you can count on; usually several billion are invested in opening banks. After all, the bank must operate not only in one city, it must initially have representative offices and service offices, it must conduct a normal marketing campaign to attract customers, in many cases buy or rent premises, as well as carry out repairs in them, purchase the necessary equipment, and hire specialists . The process of opening a bank drags on for several months at best, and work is carried out in all directions at once. At the same time, today it is not always advisable to open a bank that offers standard services to the population; people prefer to become clients of the bank that has the most representative offices and security guarantees.

IN modern world There are enough rich people who don’t know where to wisely spend their money. Some people simply live for their own pleasure, doing nothing, but there are also those who invest their finances in the development of their own business. One of the most difficult but profitable areas in business is the banking sector. To start working in it, in addition to impressive capital investments, you need extensive experience in the field of financial services and special knowledge. As practice shows, opening a credit institution is quite difficult, and even more difficult to manage it successfully. According to statistics, many companies close several years after opening. Nevertheless, successful entrepreneurs continue to wonder how to open their own bank in the Russian Federation from scratch. Step-by-step instruction The information provided in this article will help you with this.

Classification of credit organizations

So, you have clearly decided for yourself that you want to engage in this particular type of activity, and you also have a large start-up capital. However, before we figure out how to open a bank in Russia from scratch, let's look at the main formats of this type of business.

Areas of activity today could be the following:

  1. Market banks. They specialize in establishing and maintaining relationships between various financial organizations. The main part of the assets in this case is formed from the financial resources of other credit institutions. Earning money in this format of doing business consists of performing speculative transactions, for example, investing in stocks or bonds.
  2. Credit banks. As you can easily guess from the name, they are engaged in providing consumer cash loans.
  3. Settlement financial organizations. Provide services to wealthy clients and manage their funds.
  4. Retail banks. The largest group, combining a little from each organization discussed above. Their advantage lies in their versatility and versatility.

Thus, if you want to have your own bank, then you first need to decide on the format in which it will operate. Qualified financiers with extensive experience in financial sector, argue that retail organizations are the best option.

Legal aspects

Let's look at this in more detail. As with any other type of business, the implementation of a financial services project begins with registration. Here a completely logical question arises about what documents are needed to open a bank. It is immediately worth noting that for this type of company the standard form is an open or closed joint stock company. As for the classifier of all-Russian products, you should select the type of activity “Financial services, except insurance and pensions.”

After settling all legal formalities, you will need to submit information about the credit institution and its full name to the Main Territorial Administration of your region of residence. This is a very important step, since without written approval there is absolutely no point in obtaining a license to provide banking services.

When answering the question of how to open your own bank, you should say a few words about the authorized capital. To obtain a license, you must have at least 300 million rubles in free circulation at your disposal. When you have written approval in hand, you need to submit the information to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is he who makes the decision to allow or prohibit the opening of a credit institution. If your project is approved, information about the new company is transferred to the tax office, which will enter it into the credit registry. Once this happens, you will only have 1 month to deposit funds into the authorized capital account.

As for the package of necessary documents, it includes:

  1. Statement.
  2. List of constituent documentation.
  3. Business plan for opening a bank.
  4. Protocol on holding the constituent meeting.
  5. Receipt for payment of government fees.
  6. A copy of the document certifying state registration.
  7. Questionnaires of employees holding management positions.
  8. Conclusion of an independent company on compliance financial statements reality.
  9. A package of documents required to obtain a conclusion on compliance with basic standards when performing cash transactions.
  10. Document issued by the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
  11. Written consent to open a new credit institution.
  12. A complete list of all founders.

The package of documents is standard regardless of what type of bank you open. To speed up the process of launching an institution, it is recommended to take its preparation very seriously, since it requires a lot of time.

Possible list of services

You already know what documents are needed to open a bank, as well as the procedure for implementing the project. Now you must determine for yourself the main direction for activity. The main goal of any financial organization is to increase income.

To implement it, there are the following methods:

  1. Increasing customer base.
  2. Expanding the range of services provided.
  3. Increasing market share.

The level of competition in the banking industry is very high, so scaling the business will be difficult. Based on this, the only way out is to provide as many services as possible.

Among the main ones are:

  1. Consulting on any financial issues.
  2. Cash flow management.
  3. Brokerage services.
  4. Management of client investment portfolios.
  5. Insurance services.
  6. Conducting trust, leasing and factoring transactions.

Having determined the main working points for yourself, you can begin to search for the answer to the question of how to open your own bank. The step-by-step instructions that we discuss in this article will help you do everything quickly, as efficiently as possible and without unnecessary problems.

Search for premises

When answering the question of how to open your own bank from scratch in Russia, it is worth talking separately about the optimal property in which it will be based. A regular office is not suitable for successful work financial institution, since they are responsible for performing the following functions:

  1. Customer service.
  2. Cash transactions.
  3. Storage of large cash and material reserves.

Based on this, it follows that the premises must satisfy a number of criteria that must be taken into account at the stage of constructing the facility and performing repair work. External and internal decoration should be designed in a corporate style, and the layout should be carefully thought out and divided into zones. In addition, the building should be technically strengthened, as well as equipped with all modern security equipment and systems responsible for creating a high level of security.

If you have no idea how to open a bank, the mandatory requirements can be studied on the website of such structures as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. Each organization has its own criteria for assessing the suitability of the premises in which the credit institution will be located, so it is necessary to carefully study all regulatory documentation.

Material and technical equipment

If you are thinking about how to open your own bank, you must realize that you will have to work with very large amounts of money every day. This will require specialized equipment and a powerful material and technical base. With its help, you can quickly and accurately count cash, sort banknotes by denomination, and also check their authenticity. The market offers a wide range of both individual devices and multifunctional devices. In addition, you cannot do without ATMs, which should be located in various areas of the city.


Above we described in detail how to open your own bank from scratch. However, for its normal and uninterrupted functioning, as well as quality customer service, you need to create a team of qualified specialists. Providing any financial services is a very responsible activity that requires maximum concentration and responsibility from employees. Therefore, you must take hiring and training of staff very seriously, since even the slightest mistake can lead to large financial losses. Particular attention should be paid to the search for employees for leadership positions, since the efficiency of the entire organization depends on them.

The organizational structure of the bank is determined by its charter, which must contain detailed information about the management bodies. The top echelon is the shareholders, who meet at least once a year to resolve the most important issues and determine the company's future development policy. In addition, you will need to form a qualified staff of workers. How to open your own bank so that it operates efficiently and consistently generates large profits? To do this you need to form the following units:

  • Credit and audit departments. The first is engaged in the development of new products, and the second monitors the performance of the financial organization.
  • Planning department. Commercial planning, studying economic indicators, conducting a marketing campaign, public relations, as well as increasing the liquidity of the enterprise.
  • Management of depository operations. Working with clients who want to open a deposit in a bank, managing securities transactions and issuing money into circulation.
  • Management of credit operations. Issuance of short-term and long-term cash loans.
  • International operations management. Placing deposits in foreign currency.
  • Accounting and operational management. Carrying out and recording transactions carried out through the cash register.

In addition, the economic and administrative, accounting and legal departments, as well as the personnel service, are also required. Now you have a detailed idea of ​​how to open your own bank in Russia. However, here every entrepreneur has a question about how much it will cost to develop and launch a project. The required amount of initial investment will be discussed below.

Start-up capital

Let's look at this aspect in more detail. If you decide to open a bank, you should start drawing up a business plan even before registration and obtaining all the necessary permits. This will allow you to realistically assess the required financial resources and the feasibility of investments. As mentioned earlier, minimum size The authorized capital is at least 300 million rubles. In addition, about two hundred more will be spent on organizing offices, creating material and technical equipment, developing security system and hiring staff. It is very difficult to name the exact amount, since it depends on the scale of the business, but the approximate figures are as follows:

  • legal registration- 50,000,000 rubles;
  • authorized capital - 300,000,000 rubles;
  • rental and renovation of premises - 50,000,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and office furniture - 70,000,000 rubles;
  • marketing - 500,000 rubles;
  • associated expenses - 30,000,000 rubles.

A total of 500.5 million rubles. This is the minimum amount, without which it simply makes no sense to talk about opening a bank. If you do not have these funds, then you can think about attracting additional sources of financing or organizing a credit union.

Time frame for reaching break-even level

Payback depends on many factors, the main ones being the financial situation in the city and the state of the country’s economy. However, according to experts, with careful strategic planning and good advertising, the funds invested in opening a bank will fully pay for themselves in an average of 5-10 years. Such a long period is due to high level competition in this niche.

So, you know how to open your own bank. Are there any ways to make it work as efficiently as possible? To compete well with other financial institutions, you must do the following:

  1. Create a well-developed infrastructure.
  2. Develop several lending and depository products with beneficial interest rates.
  3. Do not charge for maintenance or additional services.
  4. Form a large staff of qualified specialists so that customers are served as quickly as possible.
  5. Create convenient online banking with a high level of security.
  6. Install a sufficient number of ATMs.

In addition to all of the above, you must constantly work on the reliability of your financial institution, since this is the indicator that worries investors the most.


Undoubtedly, opening a bank is a very long and complex process that requires a lot of financial investments. However, as statistics show, credit institutions earn a stable income, regardless of seasonality, the state of the economy and other factors, so this niche has always been and remains attractive for investment. If you have the required amount of money at your disposal, then feel free to open a bank, and you will not regret it.

In this article we will look in detail at how to open your own bank in Russia, what documents will be required for this and how much money will be required.

Before you begin preparing to open your own bank, you should conduct a full market analysis to determine the possibility of opening a new financial institution in a particular region, determine the type of future bank and assess the competition.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that competition in the banking sector is traditionally very high, banking services are in enormous demand.

Thus, when opening a bank, you should determine which services are in greatest demand, and which type of banking services is most in short supply.

Opening a bank - select the type of bank

In total, today there are five formats of banks. Each of these types has its own specifics, its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they all require a slightly different approach to organizing work and different investments.

Settlement banks

A clearing bank is an institution in which the main emphasis is on cash and settlement operations.

Retail banks

Retail bank is financial institution wide profile, offering clients the widest possible range of services.

Credit banks

A credit bank is a bank that specializes in lending. The bank's assets are issued loans, and its liabilities are its own funds.

Market banks

A market bank is an organization specializing in securities. The assets of a bank of this format are valuable services, liabilities are equity capital.

Interbank structures

An interbank structure is a special bank that specializes in conducting interbank transactions and receives profit in the form of commissions from such transactions.

How to open a bank - necessary documents

To open a bank of any of the above types, you will need the following documents:

  • License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out banking activities (General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
  • License of the Central Bank of Russia to carry out transactions with precious metals;
  • License of the Commission for the Securities Market of the Russian Federation;
  • Permission from the Customs State Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • State certificate Assay Control Inspectorate of the Russian Federation on registration of a banking organization.

Opening a bank - services

When the type of future is selected, and Required documents received, you should draw up a plan for the range of services provided, focusing on the chosen format and capital of the bank.

It is worth noting that although a retail bank requires the largest investments, it is the best option in terms of attractiveness for customers who can receive all services in one place.


It is worth keeping in mind that there are special requirements for the premises in which banks are located., both in terms of configuration and materials of walls, partitions, doors and other things. must be located in a place with good traffic and have an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. meters.

Costs and payback

The total cost of opening a small regional bank is estimated by market experts at 500 million rubles ($10 million). If the bank has 2-3 branches, this amount should be doubled. The average payback period for a banking organization in Russia is from five to ten years.

We hope that our article helped you get an idea of ​​how to open a bank from scratch. And although the risks in banking are extremely high, no other can boast comparable profits.

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