How to stick a thorn sign. Why do you need a spike sign - dimensions according to GOST, where to stick it in a car according to traffic rules and a fine for absence

Driving along the country's roads is sometimes not the most pleasant experience. In Russia, this problem was noted by the classics of literature, but with the advent of the new millennium, the problem remains the same. Some settlements of our vast homeland still have only a narrow primer, which is washed away to complete disgrace with every rain. Traveling to such remote areas forces motorists to equip their vehicles with additional equipment that helps the car cope with road conditions.

Today we will talk about the spike sign, which motorists are required to put on rear window car to warn other road users. We will tell you in our article whether it is mandatory, where to glue it and why other motorists need to know what kind of tires you have.

The spike sign that motorists stick on the rear window of their car is not just a way of bragging about the quality of their tires. The fact is that such a fact as the presence of spikes significantly affects the length of the car’s braking distance, and is intended to ensure that other drivers stay at a greater distance from the car. Spikes significantly reduce braking distances, which can cause an accident.

There is another reason to warn others about thorns. Those who have ever driven along the highway know that even small pebbles flying out from under the car ahead can damage Windshield and other machine parts. Studs also tend to fly out when the tires are no longer new. Therefore, it is quite important to warn other car owners about studded tires.


Until March 24, 2017, the installation of a spike sign on the rear window was carried out on the voluntary initiative of the driver. However, with the release of Resolution No. 333, everyone who is “shod” in studded tires is obliged to notify other road users by means of a sign.

According to the resolution, the traffic police inspector who discovered a violation has the right not only to fine the driver for the absence of a spike sign 500 rubles, but also to prevent further offenses by prohibiting you from driving the car until the problem is fixed. That is, until you stick a spike sign on the rear window, you will not go anywhere. This is regulated by article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, clause 2.5, part 1 - failure to comply with conditions for ensuring road safety.

By the way, say that Resolution No. 333 spells out not only the “spikes” sign. It obliges drivers to also notify others about other factors that can affect the road situation. This spectrum includes the following signs: “Training vehicle”, “Slow-speed vehicle”, “Long vehicle”, “Road train”, “Child in the car”, “Beginner driver”, “Deaf driver”, “ Oversized cargo», « Dangerous goods", "Speed ​​Limit". The fine for missing a sign will be 500 rubles, and you have the right to demand that the violation be corrected on the spot.

The absence of a studded sign can lead to other problems for the owner of studded wheels. If you get into an accident, the cause of which was failure to maintain a distance on the part of the driver driving behind, you risk being left without an insurance payment, because here the question arises of the guilt of the driver driving behind. Thus, even if you are caught from behind, your innocence may be questioned.


Studded tires are primarily a seasonal accessory that is necessary for driving a car during the cold season. However, driving on spikes in summer often causes damage to the road surface. Taking this factor into account, all regions have established seasonal restrictions on both driving without and with studs.

Based on this, in the central regions the mandatory use of anti-slip coating has been introduced in winter period from December to February, and vice versa, a ban on studded tires from June to August. The duration of these periods is different for each region, depending on how long the warm and cold seasons last in this region. The rules say nothing about the use of spikes in spring and autumn, so the choice is yours.

Is it worth filming?

About, Is it necessary to remove the spike sign from the car during the period when you are not using them, the traffic rules do not say anything. But it is worth noting that the negative consequences of having a large distance between cars on the road are minimal. Based on this, you should just stick this sticker on the rear window and forget about it. This will protect you from problems with the law and accidents.

It is also worth remembering about other anti-slip coatings that can be equipped with car wheels, and in particular about the so-called lip system. Today, it is not necessary to declare a special coating on wheels using a sign. However, it is worth noting that tests show that Velcro is more effective than any studded car, which further reduces the braking distance and can cause an accident, even if the rear driver kept the distance required when driving behind a car with studs. We hope that over time this shortcoming in the legislation will be eliminated, but in the meantime, by marking such a coating with the sign of spikes, you can at least slightly protect yourself from a collision on the road.


The thorn sign, as we have already said, has become mandatory since 2017, which caused a sharp jump in prices for this seemingly simple sticker. In some stores the price for them has increased 10-15 times. It is important to note that The size and color of the sign is controlled by GOST.

So the “Spikes” sign should look like a red equilateral triangle with a black letter “Ш” inscribed in it. The length of each side must be at least 20 cm. The width of the strip must be 0.1 of the length of the side. There are also requirements for viewing range; the sign must be clearly visible from a distance of 20 meters.

If you don’t want to buy a sticker at exorbitant prices, you can find it on the Internet and print it out, or contact an office that deals with printed products and order it there. Considering the excitement caused by Resolution No. 333, and skyrocketing prices for special designations, this would be a reasonable and economical solution to this problem.

To obtain the right to operate a car, a citizen must use sign “Spikes” (or “Ш”). He warns other car owners that studded tires are used on the vehicle. Despite the necessity, not all car owners use the sign. This is due to ignorance of existing rules. The absence of signs may raise questions from the traffic police officer. The fact is that the current legislation has undergone adjustments.

To avoid ending up in an unpleasant situation due to ignorance, experts advise periodically studying the current version of the current legislation. We’ll talk further about whether it’s possible to use the “Spikes” sign, whether it exists or can be used at the wrong time of year, as well as where the sticker should be placed according to the rules.

Due to ice conditions in the winter, motorists are required to use studded tires. It forgives driving on slippery roads.

Winter tires come in several types:

  • with spikes;
  • combined;
  • with grooved protectors.

In modern stores you can find universal rubber that can be used in any season. However, it is only suitable for regions with warm climates. Residents of the Russian Federation are required to use tires with studs.

If your car uses studded tires, it is mandatory to attach the “Spikes” sticker to the car.

The sign has a triangular shape with a red border. It is angled upward. There is a black letter W on a white background. According to the rules, the length of each side of the figure must be at least 20 cm, and the width of the red border must be at least one tenth of the length of the side.

Download the “Spikes” sign template in PDF format for printing:

The Spikes sticker has several purposes:

  • warn other motorists that the car has studded tires and its braking distance will be shorter;
  • inform drivers that they need to keep their distance (if the products are of poor quality, the spikes may fly out);
  • help traffic police officers find out who is responsible for the incident.

The presence of a sign helps to identify the culprit of the incident. For example, the driver braked sharply, but 2 did not have time to react and drove into the bumper of the car. If the first vehicle does not have a sign, but at the same time it drives on studded tires, this will lead to the distribution of blame between the participants in the accident or even transfer of responsibility to the driver in whom they drove off. This is due to the fact that the second road user did not know that the car's braking distance would be shorter and was unable to calculate the distance.

Is it necessary to use the Spikes sticker?

Previously, drivers had the right to install the “Spikes” sign at will. However, a number of amendments made to the traffic rules changed the situation. If the sign is missing, the machine must not be used. Violation of the rule will lead to questions arising when checked by traffic police officers. They will definitely pay attention to this aspect and may even.

It is necessary to stick a sign on the glass as soon as a citizen has replaced regular tires with studded ones.

The rules and terms for replacement are established by law. However, in the off-season it is quite problematic to determine what tires a car is running on. To make it easier for drivers to navigate the situation on the road, the sign must be present. If a citizen flouts the rule, he will be fined. The amount of the penalty is 500 rubles. The decision to impose a penalty is made by a traffic police officer.

Where to put the Spikes sign?

The law determines the exact size of the sign, but it is not indicated where to glue the Spikes sign according to the rules. But a number of requirements that the driver must comply with still exist. When figuring out where to put the Spikes sign according to GOST, the car enthusiast will find out that the symbol must be attached to the back of the car. This is necessary so that the driver following the car can correctly calculate the distance.

Usually the sign is placed on the rear window of the car. This is the standard location. However, if there is no space, the plate can be placed on another part of the machine. The sign must be easily visible to drivers following the vehicle. In another situation, the motorist will face a fine.

It is recommended to fix the symbol in the upper left or right corner. It must be visible from a distance of at least 20 m. If a passenger car has tinting, the letter Ш on the rear window of the car must be placed on the outside. During the summer, the sign must be removed. To avoid problems with the implementation of the action, it is recommended to use a symbol that is attached to suction cups.

The photo below shows where to glue the “Spikes” sign on the rear window according to the new rules:

Additional features

There are a number of additional nuances that a motorist who wants to avoid a fine should remember. Thus, it will be possible to pass a technical inspection without using a plate if the tires on the car are not studded. Using tires with grooved treads will also eliminate the need for stickers. However, if a person drives studded tires, the sign is required. Its absence will result in failure to pass the technical inspection.

Typically, drivers prefer to use the “Ш” sign in the form of a sticker. It holds up well and is not damaged by external factors. The Regulations do not prohibit the use of the mark in this form. However, it is very difficult to peel it off. Many drivers prefer to avoid the difficulty and leave the symbol until next season. However, this is a violation.

If a person drives on non-studded tires, but leaves the “Ш” sign, he is misleading other road users.

Other drivers cannot sensibly assess how far away from the car ahead they should stay. Therefore, the sign must be removed when changing tires. If a car enthusiast who wants to avoid a fine cannot find a sticker or does not want to subsequently go through the hassle of removing the vehicle sign, he has the right to make the symbol himself. However, the legal requirements must be strictly observed.

The sign “Ш” must correspond to the following parameters:

  • be made in the shape of a triangle, the apex of which is directed upward;
  • the letter Ш is located in the center and painted with black paint;
  • it is white, and there is a red border on the sides, the width of which should be one tenth of the length of the side (at least 2 cm);
  • Each side must be at least 20 cm in size.

Experts advise to first study the photo of the sign. If a person does not want to make a symbol on his own, he has the right to visit specialized organizations that produce custom stickers. In this case, experts advise reminding the manufacturer of the requirements that the law places on the symbol. The use of the “Ш” sign is mandatory today. Driving on tires with studs without one will result in a fine of 500 rubles. You can purchase the sticker at any auto supply store. However, due to the increasing hype, the symbol is not always on sale. A citizen has the right to independently make the “Ш” sign. However, it is worth complying with the requirements set forth by current legislation.

The driver must know where the “Spikes” sign is installed, what it means, and why it is needed. The number of accidents increases with the onset of the winter season, the road becomes slippery, the braking distance of the car increases, so there is a need to replace tires. Does the law provide for penalties for the absence of the “Spikes” sign? How to apply a sign to ensure maximum visibility? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

The meaning of the sign "Thorns"

Types of tires for the cold season:

  • Studded.
  • Combined.
  • With grooved treads.

The Traffic Regulations provide for the installation of a “Spikes” sign only on a vehicle with studded tires.

Not all road users understand why the “Spikes” sign is needed. Let's consider why penalties are provided for its absence.

Reasons for the need to install a sign on a vehicle:

  • Informing motorists who are driving behind that it is necessary to pay attention to reducing the braking distance of a car equipped with studded tires.
  • If the rubber is of poor quality, the studs may fly out, so you must maintain a safe distance.

The absence of a “Spikes” sign in the presence of studded tires can be a powerful argument in determining the culprit of a traffic accident. This situation can arise if, during emergency braking, the car behind hits the bumper. In this case, the court may find both drivers guilty.

Where to install a sign on a car

Many drivers have a question about where the “Spikes” sign is installed on the glass. How to do this correctly according to traffic regulations? Carefully reading the main provisions of the rules, one can only find an indication that the “Spikes” sign must be placed at the rear of the vehicle. There are also no more precise instructions in other regulatory documents. Therefore, it is permissible to stick the “Spikes” sign on the car in different places.

Where is the “Spikes” sign installed on a car:

  • On the rear window, on the inside or outside.
  • On the trunk lid.
  • On the bumper.
  • On the rear of the body.

Thus, you just need to choose the place where the sign is placed. You also need to make sure that it is clearly visible.

Options for placing the “Spikes” sign

Many drivers have a question about where the “Spikes” sign is installed on the car to ensure visibility for drivers of vehicles behind. It is important to comply with two conditions:

  • The sign should not interfere with the driver of a car with studded tires.
  • It must provide a warning function for road users.

If you ask the question of where the “Spikes” sign is installed on a passenger car to a driving school instructor, you will receive the necessary information. Most often it is recommended to place such signs on the rear window in the left or right corner.

Now there are a large number of cars with different bodies. Where according to the rules is the "Spikes" sign installed on passenger vehicles to ensure better visibility at any time of the day? Car enthusiasts believe that the best place for sedans is the top of the rear window. The fact is that if you have a long trunk, the light will reflect off the paintwork. As a result, the sign may simply not be seen.

Where is the "Spikes" sign installed on the rear window if it is equipped with heating filaments? In this case, the driver must take into account that the sign will have to be removed after the winter season, and the sticker may damage the threads. To avoid this, you should stick the sign on the outside.

In addition, you can stick it near the taillights without covering the license plates.

The vehicle owner should think in advance about the fact that the sign will have to be removed and reapplied. The stickers can only be used once; removing them is also not very easy, since traces of glue are difficult to remove. There are other options for attaching the sign, for example, using suction cups. If you place three suction cups at the corners of the sign, it will hold well and can be used several times.

Sticker sizes

Vehicle owners are interested not only in the location where the “Spikes” sign is installed on the car, but also in its size. They are not regulated by GOST. According to traffic rules, the sign must be in the shape of a triangle, with sides of the same length. The sign itself is white, has a red border, and the letter “Ш” is black. It is mandatory to place a triangle on the car with its apex facing up. An important requirement is that the sticker must be placed only at the rear of the vehicle.

What size should the “Spikes” sign be? This point is not regulated in the traffic rules, but there are requirements that must be observed:

  • The sign must not interfere with the operation of the windshield wiper.
  • Should not hide the car number.

The size of the “Spikes” sign is not important, the main thing is that it is visible to other traffic participants. It must be visible at night at a distance of at least 20 meters.

Owners of cars with tinted glass have questions about the placement of the desired sticker. Where is the "Spikes" sign installed on a car that has a tinted rear window? By law, there is no prohibition on placing this sticker on the rear tinted glass. In addition, there are no special requirements where to glue - outside or inside. In this case, it will not be possible to punish the owner of a car in which the sign is not clearly visible due to tinted glass.

It must be remembered that the “Spikes” sign is necessary, first of all, to inform other road users and prevent the creation of an emergency situation. Therefore, it is best to stick the sign on the outside so that it can be seen even in the dark from a distance of at least 20 meters.

Penalties for the absence of the “Spikes” sign

In 2017, minor changes were made to the Administrative Code. Until this moment, the driver could challenge the imposed penalty, citing the fact that the absence of such a sign is not considered a malfunction. At the moment, the absence of the “Spikes” sticker is recognized as a malfunction that prohibits the movement of the vehicle.

Traffic regulations require the mandatory installation of a “Spikes” sign at the rear of the vehicle. If the sticker is missing, the driver will be punished under Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

The law provides for the following penalties:

  • Warning.
  • Fine 500 rub.

The sign must be placed in such a way that it is clearly visible to other road users.

Sticker “Spikes” in summer

Usually, when weather conditions change, drivers change tires, installing the one that best suits the season. Sometimes car owners forget to remove the "Spikes" sign. Is it possible to drive with this sticker in the summer? Why is this dangerous?

When it is necessary to “change the shoes” of a car:

  • Winter tires should be worn from December to March.
  • Summer tires - from June to August.

In this situation, the rule works: remove the tires with spikes - remove the sign, “change your shoes” for winter - place the sticker on the car. This must be done to ensure safety and prevent accidents. Other road users must understand what kind of tires you are driving on and what the braking distance of your vehicle is.

How could this be dangerous? Let's look at an example: a car has studded tires, but there is no "Spikes" sign. During emergency braking, the car stopped faster. There was a collision. A controversial situation arises, as a result of which the guilt is recognized as mutual, because the second participant in the movement did not have complete information and incorrectly calculated the safe distance.

There are no penalties for driving with a “Spikes” sign in the summer. But this can lead to an emergency situation, so it is better to remove the sticker at the same time as replacing the tires.

The “Spikes” sign during a technical inspection

Before passing the technical inspection, drivers are wondering where the “Spikes” sign should be installed in order to pass the technical inspection without obstacles? Owners of cars with studded tires should be aware that in 2019, during a technical inspection, they will not check for the presence of the corresponding sign. It is not included in the list of requirements that are checked during the inspection of a technical device.

Velcro rubber - do you need a sign?

Manufacturers of rubber for cars offer different tire options with good grip on the road surface, reducing slipping. An excellent solution is Velcro rubber. Drivers who have cars with such tires have a question: do they need a “Spikes” sign for such a vehicle?

The question is logical, because Velcro on the wheels of a car noticeably reduces slipping, which leads to a reduction in braking distance in an extreme situation. There are test data showing that in winter a car with Velcro tires has a shorter braking distance than one with studs. At the moment, the legislation does not provide for the sticking of the “Spikes” sign on cars with Velcro tires.

Pros and cons of studded tires

With the onset of the cold season, motorists change tires. A logical question immediately arises: where, according to traffic rules, is the “Spikes” sign installed? People are wondering whether to buy studded tires or choose other types of tires?

Motorists who prefer studded tires consider them reliable and safe. It is this that allows you to quickly cover long distances on icy roads.

Advantages of tires with spikes:

  • Gives good traction on icy areas.
  • Allows you to accelerate faster.
  • Reduces braking distance by 50%.

Disadvantages of tires with studs:

  • It is better to use it on roads covered with ice. In other areas the road grip is much worse.
  • Damages the asphalt surface.
  • Wears out quickly on clean asphalt.
  • High price.
  • Safety on clean asphalt is reduced.
  • Unpleasant noise, grinding noise when driving on asphalt.

Experts recommend paying attention to some features of studded tires that are related to its main purpose. It is most suitable for regions with cold winters and frequent thaws. At this time of year, ice forms on the road. However, spikes are not suitable for city streets with dry and clean asphalt.

In addition, you need to remember that studded tires increase fuel consumption. At very low temperatures, it is also better not to use such rubber, as it wears out faster and does not perform its functions. As a result, the driver has to purchase two sets of winter tires. One without spikes for driving on clean asphalt and in very low temperatures. The second is for traveling on icy roads. Therefore, winter tires must be selected depending on weather conditions and the condition of the road surface. If the car is used in urban conditions, it is recommended to avoid tires with spikes.

The attitude towards her is ambiguous. In Finland, for example, in winter, drivers are required to drive only on studded tires. Russian drivers can choose different tires for their vehicles. If necessary, you need to know where the "Spikes" sign is installed. The driver should also have an idea of ​​what penalties may be imposed for violating this rule.

How to use tires with studs correctly and safely

After purchasing studded tires, you need to know where the “Spikes” sign is installed, but not only that. Not all drivers know how to properly and safely operate a car after installing such tires. Studded tires can protect your car from slipping. Beginner drivers make mistakes when using studded tires for the first time, which can lead to an accident.

The following nuances must be taken into account:

  • New tires must “break in”, so at first the driver is advised not to exceed speeds above 70 km/h and not to make dangerous maneuvers.
  • It is not recommended to use studded tires on clean asphalt.
  • Even on icy sections of the road, avoid sudden braking.
  • If the spikes begin to fall out, then it’s time to change them.
  • The tire pressure of the vehicle must not be reduced.
  • If the car is equipped with an ABS system, studded tires are not needed.
  • You cannot install such tires only on the rear or front wheels.

If you have installed such tires, you need to clearly understand where the “Spikes” sign is installed. Traffic regulations regulate the attachment of a sticker only to the rear of the car.

Controversy surrounding the sign

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this label lately. Where is the "Spikes" sign installed? Is it needed at all? It was introduced back in the Soviet Union. Recently, manufacturers have been offering rubber that can reduce braking distances, so motorists are installing studs on tires less and less, because there are better options.

In addition, additional tests and inspections were carried out. They found that the “Spikes” sign had practically lost its relevance. Today, the braking distance of a car depends more on the dynamics of the vehicle and its technical characteristics. Tire studs are used less and less by motorists.

Not all drivers know where the “Spikes” sign is installed on the car. Some people attach the sticker formally, for example on the side of the car. It is on the car, but it does not perform its intended function. In such cases, it is considered that the sign is not installed, so the traffic police officer can legally issue a fine to the driver.

But changes to the traffic rules have not yet been made, so the rules that existed before apply. If so, they must be observed. If the tires are studded, then the sign must be stuck on.

Car owners should know where the "Spikes" sign is installed on the car. The photos given in the article provide a clear answer to this question. The main requirement of the rules states that this sticker must be placed at the rear of the vehicle in such a way that it is clearly visible to all road users. If the car has studded tires, the sign is necessary to prevent accidents. It should be remembered that after the winter season the tires are changed and the sign is removed. Timely installation of the sign will be the key to safe traffic.

Permanent snow cover has established itself in the Altai Territory. In this regard, the majority of (adequate) car owners managed to change their summer tires to winter ones. For several weeks now, Barnaul residents have been wondering whether in 2017 it is necessary to put up the “Spikes” sign, where it should be placed and in what case the traffic police inspector, despite the presence of the “Sh”, can still issue a fine, more about this in the “Question” section answer".

Is it necessary to install a "Spikes" sign?

If your car has studded tires, then installing such a sign is mandatory for you. These changes to the Traffic Rules came into force on April 4, 2017 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2017 No. 333). The list of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited is supplemented by paragraph 7.15 note 1.

Now, if there is no "Ш" sign on a car with studded tires, a traffic police officer has the right to issue a fine in the amount of 500 rubles or issue a warning for the first time (clause 2.5, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - failure to comply with the conditions for ensuring road safety). The State Traffic Inspectorate of the city of Barnaul explained that drivers who have not had a single administrative offense in the last year can count on loyalty; the rest will have to pay a fine. By the way, it can be paid with a 50% discount if this is done within 20 days from the date of the decision.

Where should the Spikes sign be placed?

The "Spikes" sign should inform other drivers that you are using tires equipped with spikes, which means your braking distance on an icy road may be significantly shorter, and longer on asphalt.

A sign with a black letter "Ш" in a red triangular frame on a white background should be placed at the rear. Where exactly - each driver decides independently. The main thing is that it is clearly visible to other road users and does not cover the license plate and lighting devices. It is usually glued to the rear window, trunk lid or bumper.

It is much more important that the sign is “correct”.

What size should the "Ш" sign be?

Requirements for the size of the identification mark are set out in the basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation. According to them, the sign “Spikes” is an equilateral triangle of white color with the apex up with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black. In this case, each side of the triangle must be at least 20 cm, the width of the border - 1/10 of the side, in other words, at least 2 cm.

To determine the size of the sign, you can attach an A4 sheet to it. Its smaller side is 21 cm.

In car stores today, amid the rush for these stickers, they often sell signs that are smaller in size than required by the rules. If your "W" does not meet the requirements, you may be issued a fine.

By the way, the “correct sign” can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a color inkjet printer, then laminated in a photo studio.

Starting from April 2017, some changes have appeared in the existing traffic rules of the Russian Federation regarding the location of mandatory signs on vehicles. Where should such a Spikes sign be attached, what is the reason for such an innovation, and what fines can a vehicle owner expect if he ignores this mandatory requirement that has already come into force?

Reasons for installation

Why do you need the “Studded Tires” sticker? Installing a sign on a machine performs the following tasks and functions:

  • Providing information to road users that the vehicle in front of them is equipped with studded tires;
  • Possibility to undergo technical inspection;
  • No unwanted stops and document checks in winter.

Where should it be placed?

So, having figured out the answer to the question “is the spike sign required or not,” it’s worth finding out where to put it according to the rules, so that neither the persons carrying out the maintenance nor the traffic police officers have any complaints against you. There is no clear regulation according to the placement rules. However, based on paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions of the Regulatory Rules, its location should be the rear of the vehicle, and this should be done in such a way that drivers of both cars and trucks following you can easily see the sign at a distance of up to 20 meters.

Depending on what brand your car is, you can choose a different location, but experienced drivers and driving school instructors advise placing it at the top of the rear window of the car. The side of placement can be any - on the right or on the left - in this case, the priority will be visibility for drivers driving behind you, and also that such a sign does not interfere with the driver of this car in terms of visibility and does not block the necessary visibility.

In the case of attachment to glass, it is no longer so important whether it will be located inside the vehicle or outside, however, if your car has tinted windows, then the best option would still be to place it on the outside of the car. It would also not be a mistake to mount such a sign on the body or bumper of a car in a visible place.

The dimensions of the sign according to GOST must be at least 20 cm (one side of the triangle), the triangle itself must be surrounded by a red border, the width of which is at least 10% of the length of the side of the figure itself. The letter “Ш” is written in black in the center of the triangle. When purchasing or making it yourself, please note that it must meet certain parameters.

Responsibility for absence

On November 29, 2018, Dmitry Medvedev signed a Government decree, on the basis of which it was abolished for car drivers to have the “Spike Sign” and a fine for its absence. Now it is voluntary.

Video: How to stick it on a car correctly

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