How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank online. Administrative fine - how to pay? Procedure for paying fines for administrative offenses How to pay a car fine

Today we have to figure out the following question: In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. There are quite a few ways to solve the problem. The citizen can choose the most convenient scenario for the development of events independently. The main thing is to pay the fine on time. So what methods are offered to the population? And what needs to be done to completely cover the fine through Sberbank? All this will be discussed further below.

Depositing money

So, the first thing you should pay attention to if a person is thinking about how to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank is the method of depositing funds. This is a pretty important point. He will determine which payment method will help bring the idea to life.

Today you can deposit money:

  • cash;
  • via card;
  • transfer from a bank account in electronic form.

Recently, the last 2 methods have become popular. But paying in cash is not very pleasing to the population. So how to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank?

Payment Methods

There are a huge number of different ways of doing things. Which ones exactly? Today it is proposed to pay fines (not necessarily the traffic police) in the following ways: by receipt through a bank cash desk, using a payment terminal, an ATM, through the Sberbank Online service.

Each citizen decides for himself how exactly to act. How to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank? You will have to act depending on the situation.

Cash register

The first and already outdated method is to contact the Sberbank cash desk with money and a receipt from the inspectorate. How to proceed? It's actually simple. If a person is wondering how to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank in cash, he should:

  1. Take your passport, payment slip and funds in the required quantities with you to the financial institution.
  2. Come to any Sberbank branch and submit documents to the cashier.
  3. Give the money and payment, show your ID.
  4. Receive change (if necessary) and a receipt for payment.

That's all. Nothing difficult or special. As a rule, this method does not please everyone. All other methods help the population settle bills without outside help.


For example, you can use payment terminals from Sberbank. This is a fairly common way to pay off bills. But not everyone likes him. In particular, due to the need to deposit cash into the device. You cannot pay with a card this way.

How to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank using a terminal? Necessary:

  1. Take the money and a receipt with details.
  2. Find the nearest Sberbank payment terminal.
  3. In the device menu, select "Payments", then - "Search for recipient by TIN".
  4. Enter the traffic police INN from the payment in the window that appears.
  5. Select "Traffic Police Fines" from the recipient list.
  6. Fill in the payer information. Usually this is your full name, city of residence, registration.
  7. Enter the payment amount. Sometimes this step is skipped automatically - the system itself determines how much a person should pay.
  8. Deposit funds and confirm the transaction.

Now it’s clear how to pay the traffic police fine through Sberbank. The payment receipt helps you complete the task. This document must be available under any circumstances. The disadvantage of the payment terminal is the lack of a function for issuing change. If a citizen has deposited more money than the required amount, the balance can be transferred to any mobile phone. Then, after confirming the operation, you must:

  • Select a cellular operator.
  • Enter the phone number to which to transfer money (not necessarily your own).
  • Confirm the operation.

Nothing more is needed. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. You can pay fines and tickets by card or online. But how? What will the payer have to do?


For example, use an ATM. A very good way to solve the problem. To do this you will need to follow the instructions:

  1. Insert the card into the ATM. You must enter a PIN code to continue working with the system.
  2. Select "Payments" in the menu, then - "Search for recipient by TIN".
  3. Enter your traffic police details. They will be on the payment slip.
  4. Select “Traffic Police fine” and the appropriate authority if the action is proposed by the system.
  5. Enter payer information.
  6. Collect the fine amount.
  7. Confirm the transaction and collect the receipt.

The required amount will be debited from the card. Sometimes you have to specify it yourself. After the process is completed, the citizen either withdraws the card from the ATM or continues to work with the device. Very convenient - no cash needed!

"Sberbank Online"

The next method is the most popular. We are talking about working with the Sberbank Online service. It allows you to deal with all payments using the Internet. How to pay a traffic police fine through Sberbank Online? For this it is enough:

  • Register in the Sberbank Online system. Today, employees of financial institutions register everyone themselves.
  • Log in to the service from Sberbank. You will need to confirm the operation. The secret code will be sent to the mobile device linked to the bank card.
  • In the window that appears, select “Payments and transfers”, then “Traffic Police fines”.
  • Set the "Search and payment" option.
  • Fill in the transfer details. It is imperative to check their correctness.
  • Confirm the operation. If a person has several bank cards, the one from which the money needs to be debited must be displayed.
  • If necessary, you can print a receipt.

From now on, it is clear how to pay a traffic fine through Sberbank Online and other methods. As a rule, no commission is charged for transactions.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Even disciplined drivers sometimes violate traffic rules. Haste, inattention, bad roads and infrastructure deficiencies may cause sanctions to be imposed by the State Traffic Inspectorate. The most loyal of them is the ruble punishment. The amount depends on the violation, and late payment of traffic police fines may lead to other troubles. At the same time, there are enough payment methods, and there is also the opportunity to save money.

About traffic police fines

The list of administrative offenses in the field of traffic rules, which is given in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, includes more than thirty points (37 to be exact), describing in detail the amount of financial losses of the violator in each specific case. The minimum fine in Russia today is 500 rubles, and the maximum can reach 50 thousand.

And yet this is the mildest punishment, which is applied to non-malicious violators, as well as in cases of non-compliance with traffic rules by cameras. And in connection with the latest innovations, a traffic police officer can now issue a decree directly on the spot and without a protocol.

Payment deadlines

It is important for a driver who has violated traffic rules and received a decree to know how quickly he needs to settle accounts with the state. You can find information in Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

The amount of the penalty for an administrative offense must be paid within sixty days from the date the resolution enters into force.

Moreover, this applies to everyone, with the exception of foreigners and stateless persons expelled from the country - they need to make the payment the next day. For evasion of payment, another administrative penalty will be imposed, and the fine will increase by 3-5 thousand rubles.

But Russians shouldn’t delay paying off their debt, even if the violation was recorded by a surveillance camera. In Art. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses refers to a doubling of the amount (by no less than 1,000 rubles) and mandatory community service (50 hours) in case of late payment. When the bailiffs get down to business, everything will be very bad. If you make the payment faster, the amount of recovery may be halved.

Payment of fines at a discount

Today there is no need to pay exclusively in cash, and the following methods of debt repayment are available to traffic police “clients”:

  • at bank tellers;
  • postal transfer;
  • through terminals and ATMs;
  • using the Internet.

Difficulties will not arise, regardless of how you pay the administrative fine.

In the bank

The traditional place for paying fines for most older drivers is a bank. Not innovative, but perhaps the most reliable solution. But first you need to find out which bank you can pay the fine at. Unfortunately, not everyone accepts such payments. But there is Sberbank, which carries out these transactions. To solve the problem you need:

  1. Visit the branch with your passport and receipt (decree). There is no provision for paying a fine on a driver's license.
  2. Notify the cashier of your intention. He will fill out the receipt with the details himself.
  3. Deposit the amount and receive a check.
  4. Extremely simple and clear. Moreover, any person can make payment for you, and the receipt received will always serve as confirmation of repayment of the debt. However, the presence of queues should be taken into account. Plus, the bank does not have information about all fines; their presence will still have to be checked. And, of course, Sberbank charges a commission - 3%, but not less than 30 rubles.

    Making a payment through a terminal or ATM is not much more difficult. It takes less time, and cash is not always needed, but you will need the details of the payee, which we described above. But there are no queues or commissions, plus there are no days off for the machines. In addition, it is possible to pay using a barcode, which must be on the original receipt. The device will issue a receipt, but remember that cash is accepted for payment. If you deposit more money into the receiver, do not expect change.

    At the post office

    You can also easily pay fines at the post office. The procedure at the post office is similar to banking. Queuing, contacting the operator with documents, paying in cash, processing and issuing a receipt. But the guarantee of payment completion is also one hundred percent.

    Only here you will also need a full understanding of where to pay. Again, you will need details, the name of the organization, and so on. Before going to the post office, prepare as much information as possible for the operator and take your passport with you. Also consider the presence of a commission.

    Online payment options

    Digital technologies have long been used in the banking industry. Money today moves around the world in virtual space. It's no secret that younger drivers prefer to pay their fines online. And there are many such ways. We list the most popular services:

  • official website of the traffic police;
  • “Government services”;
  • Tinkoff;
  • "Yandex money";
  • QIWI;
  • "Sberbank Online".

The algorithm of work is approximately the same everywhere, but more about the nuances below. Registration, filling out special forms and, in fact, transfer from a card or account are required.

Via the traffic police website

The surest way is to act through the official website of the traffic police. The fact is that here is reliable information about all fines. To pay you need:

  • Open the site.
  • Select the “Traffic Participants” section and click on the “Violations and Fines” tab.
  • On the page that opens, go down and select “Check fines.”
  • In a new window, enter the registration plate numbers, including region and COP.
  • Click on the request icon.
  • Enter the captcha and click the “Request” button.
  • In the list of unpaid fines that appears, click on the one you intend to close.
  • Make payment in a way convenient for you. To do this, you need to click on the “Pay online” link and select one of the following options: by bank card, using the QIWI PS, Yandex.Money or the Alfa-Click system.

This is an option to pay off fines without commission. When redirecting from the traffic police website to payment services, a zero tariff is automatically activated there. Within 24 hours, payment information should be displayed in the database.

On the portal “State Services”

When the “State Services” service appeared, it became much easier to transfer payments to the state budget. Registration on the portal provides many advantages, including payment of fines. And you need to work with the service like this:

  • Login to the portal.
  • Select the payment section and click on the fine payment tab.
  • The page that appears presents the entire algorithm for the upcoming work. If you are registered on the portal, at this stage you need to log in. By the way, this can be done immediately after entering the site.
  • Search for fines by filling out an application (VU and STS numbers are required). You can use the search for the receipt number by opening the appropriate tab. That is, it is possible to pay a fine according to the order number.
  • The service will provide complete information about the fine.
  • Click on the payment icon. The system will redirect the client to the method selection page.
  • Pay with a Visa or MasterCard, from a QIWI Wallet, WebMoney, Yandex.Money or mobile account.

It is worth noting that this is an almost ideal option for paying via the Internet without commission. In addition, the system allows you to print out a completed receipt, with which you can go to a branch of any bank or find a suitable ATM to pay there if there are not enough non-cash funds.

In the “Payments” tab in your personal account, you can check the status and confirmation of each transaction. It is also possible to set up automatic notification of new fines.

Via Tinkoff

The Tinkoff online bank offers its own website and mobile application for paying traffic police fines. The work here also begins with the detection of fines. The search is possible in two ways - by receipt number or VU. In the mobile version, you can configure alerts about incoming collections. This feature is paid. The process itself is not much different from other services.

Using Yandex

The all-Russian EPS allows you to pay off a fine with a commission of 1% (charges at least 30 rubles) on your own website. Everything is simple here too. You need to select the “Payments and Purchases” section and click on the “Traffic Police Fines” button. You should indicate in the form the region and region where the protocol was drawn up, the name of the traffic police department, the number of the resolution, VU or STS, as well as the personal data of the violator.

The system is connected to the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, so it is possible to activate the service of automatic notification of new fines. Moreover, the information here is updated at the same speed as on the traffic police portal. Very comfortably.

Using QIWI

In the case of QIWI, the algorithm of actions is approximately the same, but for the search you can limit yourself to only three parameters: number, date of resolution and amount of collection. The fines tab is located in the “Other” subsection of the payments section. The commission here is only 1%.

Through Sberbank

If you compare which site is better to pay on, then probably the best option is the Sberbank Online service. Since 2015, transaction fees for fines have not been charged here, and the auto-payment function allows you to remember about them only when notifications about debiting funds arrive.

The service itself finds and pays receipts once a week or a month, at the request of the client. At the same time, he notifies via SMS about the amount and number of the resolution. The client can either confirm the payment by sending a message to number 900 with the received code, or postpone the transaction by indicating another code provided for such cases. There is a 1% commission for this service.

Payment of fines by legal entities

The rules for payment of fines by a legal entity require only non-cash payments. Moreover, the company’s account should be used, and not any other. Even if the offense was committed by a hired driver, the details of his company are indicated in the protocol, and the fine will be paid by the company for which he works. This is a requirement of the Labor Code. Then the amount of the penalty will be deducted from the culprit’s salary.

However, the owner of the company where the violator works has the right to challenge the traffic police decision. This can happen if you prove that at the time of the offense the driver was dealing with his own, and not production, issues.

Paying someone else's fine

Now let’s be more specific about whether another person can pay the traffic police fine. Why not? Does it matter who contributes the money? No one is interested in the identity of the payer. He is still required to provide his documents when paying at the bank. However, the financial institution is primarily interested in the resolution number, details and amount.

If this is an online payment, the details of the person for whom the payment is being made are important. And the payer will need a login and password to enter the services. Thus, the procedure for paying for another person is practically no different from the standard procedure. With the exception of the only case - the death of the offender.

If the offender is dead

In Art. 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that proceedings in a case of an administrative offense cannot be started, and what has already begun is subject to termination upon the death of the individual in respect of whom it is being carried out. This puts an end to any dispute over who will pay the traffic police fine if the driver dies. Heirs do not have to pay off remaining debts, because fines are not inherited in Russia.

Payment of overdue fine

It’s another matter if the violator did not have time, forgot, or simply did not have the opportunity to pay the fine within the period prescribed by law.

Let us remind you once again that the established period is 60 days from the date of execution of the protocol.

In just three months, bailiffs may knock on the violator’s door, reminding them of the debt and the fact that it has doubled.

Hence the answer to the question of how a fine is paid if it is overdue. Immediately, unless the statute of limitations has passed, otherwise you may be subject to arrest for 15 days, a travel ban or “occupational therapy” for 50 hours. While there have been no bailiffs or notification of the new amount, you can still have time to pay “at par.” It is important to keep the receipt. If the FSSP machine starts moving and sends a notice, you can prevent sanctions by personally presenting evidence of the payment.

You can pay overdue fines in the same way as everyone else. The method does not matter and is chosen at the discretion of the payer.

How to avoid paying a fine

No one is exempt from penalties for violating traffic rules - neither heroes, nor pregnant women, nor pensioners. The statute of limitations for administrative cases is two years, but it is unrealistic to wait for such an outcome. You can get a deferment or an installment plan, but all this will only delay the moment of payment by several months.

But if the procedure for issuing a fine or human rights was violated, you can actually reduce the imposed penalty. But this requires collecting evidence, hiring a lawyer and, possibly, spending much more money than the state requires.

Verification of fine payment

It should already be clear to the reader how to check old fines. Verification precedes payment on any service. The check is carried out according to the vehicle number, SOP, VU or resolution (according to the UIN). Such services operate for free. The traffic police website is most often used, since there you can immediately influence the indication by uploading scans of fresh payment receipts. Some use the bailiffs’ website, others prefer the “State Services” portal with an alert function, although here verification by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth is impossible.


We answered the question of how to properly pay off a fine from the State Traffic Inspectorate. Let's briefly summarize:

  • Regardless of the amount of the fine, you will have to pay.
  • The time for the procedure is limited by law.
  • Checking for unpaid receipts and finding out the recipient’s details is not a problem.
  • You should always be interested in how to pay fines as cheaply as possible. It makes sense to enable SMS notification.
  • When payment is not possible, you should apply for a deferment or installment plan.

Paying traffic police fines via the Internet: video

It is difficult to find a person who has not at least once committed a minor offense, such as traveling without a ticket on public transport. The most common punishment for administrative offenses is a fine: its amount depends on the severity of the violation, and it can vary widely. Every citizen should know how and where to pay in order to avoid any problems in the future.

The fine must be paid within 60 days

Every citizen, after a decision on an administrative offense and the imposition of a fine, can appeal it. This can be done within 10 days after the verdict is passed: if you do not file a complaint, or if it is found to be unfounded, the decision will enter into force and the citizen will be obliged to pay in full.

The period for paying an administrative fine is 60 days, during which time the debtor must pay the state in full. Since January 1, 2016, traffic violators have the opportunity to pay fines at a discount: if a pedestrian or car owner has committed an offense for the first time, he can pay half of the fine within 20 days, after which the debt is considered fully repaid.

However, if he is late by at least one day, the right to a discount is lost and he will have to pay the entire fine. If the violator does not pay the fine on time, the case will be transferred, after which additional penalties will be applied to the violator.

Methods of paying administrative fines

You can pay an administrative fine online

Thanks to digital technologies and electronic payment services, the system of paying fines has been significantly simplified. The violator can settle accounts with the state in one of the following ways:

  • Payment by receipt through Sberbank is the simplest and most reliable, but also the most time-consuming method. When paying by receipt, Sberbank charges a commission, usually 40-50 rubles for each unpaid fine. After payment, the bank client receives a payment document; it is advisable to keep it as long as possible to avoid possible claims. There is no need to submit the receipt to the traffic police; it must be kept by the payer.
  • Payment through the Sberbank payment terminal. To search for a fine, you need to enter the number of the resolution or the payer, and in any case you will also have to pay a commission. If you forget about the commission and enter only the amount of the fine into the terminal, the payment will not be accepted and the fine will remain considered unpaid.
  • Payment through the Sberbank Online service. To do this, you need to log into your personal account and select the “traffic police fines” item. The system allows you to find all unpaid fines by number, it will show the amount due. After the transaction, the payer has the right to print a document that will serve as confirmation of payment.

Individuals can also pay administrative fines through Sberbank Online using the details. To do this, you need to log into your own account, select the “Payments and Transfers” section and fill in the payer’s information. They are indicated on the receipt received from the traffic police to pay the fine.

After this, the card from which funds are debited is selected and the purpose of the payment is indicated. The transaction is also carried out taking into account the commission, so you will lose a little more money than was indicated in the Decree.

Not all banks accept administrative fines, so it is still recommended to use the proven services of Sberbank. Payments usually go through it without problems, but it is still recommended to pay at least a few days before the expiration of the statutory period.

If for some technical reason the payment does not arrive on time, the violator may be subject to additional penalties.

Consequences of unpaid fines

Payment of an administrative fine through the terminal

A forgotten administrative fine can lead to serious troubles for the payer. If payment under the order is not made on time, the violator will face the following penalties:

  • The fine is double, but it cannot be less than a thousand rubles.
  • For the debtor, this is the most favorable option - the amount of the additional fine for an individual does not exceed 5,000 rubles.
  • Compulsory work lasting no more than 50 hours. Compulsory work is performed in free time from the main activity; its duration per day cannot exceed 4 hours.
  • Administrative arrest for a period of 1 to 15 days. The length of the arrest depends on the amount of debt and other factors. The maximum period of arrest is assigned to persistent defaulters.
  • – one of the most effective measures to combat non-payment.

To prevent your vacation or business trip plans from being disrupted, it is recommended to first check for problematic fines.

The State Public Institution "Transportation Organizer" reminds you of the need to timely pay the fine for an administrative offense (within 60 days from the date the Resolution in the case of an administrative offense enters into legal force).

Failure to pay a fine within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the Resolution in the case of an administrative offense, in accordance with Art. 20.25. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, but not less than one thousand rubles.

In accordance with Article 10.1 of Moscow Law No. 45 dated November 21, 2007 (as amended on June 18, 2014) “Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses” a fine for ticketless travel of a passenger is 1000 (One thousand) rubles, for illegal use of a preferential personalized card – 2500 (Two thousand five hundred) rubles.

Methods of paying a fine

Even the most careful and prudent driver is not immune from violating traffic rules. Considering the many changes that the legislation of the Russian Federation has recently undergone regarding traffic regulation, there is a strong need to familiarize road users with their rights and responsibilities. This is especially true for various monetary penalties for violations committed, as well as various nuances of their payment. Modern legislation of the Russian Federation provides for many different methods of paying fines issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - from quite archaic ones such as payment through Russian Post or a branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate to payment via the Internet or through a bank terminal. Be that as it may, any method of paying traffic police fines provided for by law is equivalent to the others, however, under different circumstances, you can give preference to one of them. This article discusses some of these methods, as well as a number of features of paying penalties for traffic violations in the light of current changes in regulatory legislation.

Procedure for paying a traffic fine

To pay a traffic police fine you need:

  • Issued receipt (decree).
  • Car number and driver's license.

Procedure for paying a traffic fine:

  1. Receive a ticket for traffic violations.
  2. Select a day and visit a bank branch.
  3. Deposit money based on the amount of the fine.

Also, the new rules for paying traffic fines allow payment online through a smartphone application, on the traffic police website or State Services.

Note: if you pay the fine promptly, you can get a 50 percent discount.

On the other hand, if you do not make the payment within the due period (60 days), in accordance with Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the driver will be subject to an administrative penalty in the form of an additional fine of 100% of the amount of the debt. Or 15 days of arrest.

How to pay a traffic police fine through an ATM

When it comes to paying traffic police fines through an ATM or terminal, people most often talk about the services of Sberbank. This is due to the fact that any penalty decision must be registered in the Federal Treasury database, but not every bank has access to it. There are three ways to pay a fine in the terminal of this bank - through the barcode on the receipt, through the menu item “Fines, taxes, state duties,” or through the TIN. Actually, this is true for other banks. In the first case, in the “Payments” item (in Sberbank - “Payments in your region”) you must select “Payments by barcode”, attach the barcode to the reading element, then enter the payment details (date of resolution, full name, address) and pay using the appropriate button. If the receipt is issued without a barcode, you must enter the relevant data manually. This is done in two ways - either in the “Payments” item, find the sub-item “Fines, taxes, state duties” or similar. where there must be a clause about traffic police fines, or through the TIN of the relevant traffic police department, which must be indicated on the receipt. Sometimes paying a fine is possible directly at the inspection department, since some traffic police departments are equipped with a banking terminal that allows payment on the spot. No matter how the payment is made, it is important to always keep a receipt for payment.

How to pay a traffic police fine online

Currently, there are a wide variety of ways to pay traffic police penalties via the World Wide Web. More than 92% of residents of Russian cities have used online payment services at least once in their lives, including to pay traffic police fines. The reason for this is their convenience, the absence of the need to stand in line or go out anywhere at all. It is important to understand that in this case, in almost all cases, a commission is removed from the payment, which differs in different payment systems. Online payment methods include payment through the official website of the traffic police, the Unified portal for the provision of public services or its regional analogues, modern electronic payment systems (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, QIWI wallet or terminal), as well as Internet banking services, for example, Sberbank Online. With all the convenience of online payment methods, it is important to take into account the size of the commission, which is very different for different services. Payments through the official website of the traffic police and portals for the provision of government services work completely without commission; with other services the situation is somewhat different. So, when paying through the Yandex.Money and Sberbank Online systems, a 1% commission is removed, a QIWI wallet - already 3%, and a QIWI terminal - already 3.5%. In many cases, the traffic police fine payment service provides detailed instructions for making the payment.

How to pay a traffic police fine without a receipt

However, the above methods for the most part (except for online payments) work if the violator has a decision on violating traffic rules. If the owner of the vehicle for any reason does not have this document, then it is necessary to look for other options. One of many alternatives is to pay directly at a bank branch using Form PD-4. However, for completing this very form you must pay a commission of 15% of the fine amount, so for those who have been fined heavily, it is more reasonable to pay in some other way. In this case, you can make payment on the traffic police website, where information about fines is also stored. It is also wise to use online payment services to pay without using a fine order, since when using them you just need to indicate the purpose of the payment and deposit the specified amount. If the owner of the vehicle has not only lost the receipt, but also does not remember the amount of the fine, you must send an SMS message to number 9112, in which you must indicate the word traffic police, vehicle number and driver’s license number. However, the most reasonable way to simply prevent the loss of a violation notice and personal time is to pay the fine on the spot, if, of course, the traffic inspector has a cash register for this purpose.

How long does it take to pay a traffic fine?

According to the latest changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the period for payment of a traffic police fine is increased to 60 days from the date of entry into force of the decision on the fine. In fact, this period is 70 days, since the decision on a fine comes into force only 10 days after receipt of the notification - the period given for appealing the decision on a monetary penalty. In case of failure to pay the penalty on time, the violator faces either a new fine of double the amount, but not less than 1 thousand rubles, or arrest for up to 15 days, or 50 hours of compulsory labor with a ban on traveling abroad. The question arises about the presence of some compensatory mechanisms that simplify the motorist’s ability to pay a fine. Such mechanisms are prescribed in Russian legislation, leaving some room for maneuver for the violator. Firstly, starting in 2016, a rule came into force that provided a 50% discount for paying fines for minor traffic violations, valid for 20 days from the date the fine was issued. The discount does not apply to repeated violations and facts that resulted in bodily harm of varying severity for other road users. Secondly, fines have a validity period, and paragraph 5 of Article 31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the optional implementation of the decision on punishment if it was not implemented within two years from the date the decision entered into force. Finally, if the driver has to pay a large fine, he can either defer it for a month or pay it in installments over three months.

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