How to restore KBM in the RSA database and get a discount on MTPL. Restoring the KBM: reasons for cancellation and the main methods for returning the discount How to adjust the KBM in RSA

Very often, a limited number of drivers are allowed to drive a car under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

For example, all drivers in their latest policy have accumulated the maximum discount: KBM = 0.5. However, when you try to buy an electronic OSAGO policy online, it turns out that in the RSA KBM database, one of the drivers = 0.85. Therefore, the MTPL policy will cost at least 25% more. And in order to reduce the cost of the policy, it is necessary to restore the KBM.

How to restore the KBM in the RSA database to the correct one? This is the only question that will arise in this situation.

There are at least 3 ways to return KBM.

1st method. Contact the Central Bank of Russia

This method is the most reliable. You need to contact the Central Bank with a complaint about the KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance and they will immediately bring you to the same denominator

You can submit a complaint to the Central Bank regarding the KBM through the electronic form on the website ->

Scroll down to the section “Insurance organizations” - “OSAGO”, select the topic of the complaint “Incorrect application of KBM (discounts for accident-free driving) when concluding a contract”

Fill out the form provided


You will receive a notification of receipt of the complaint to the specified e-mail.

The Central Bank itself will request all the necessary information and send your complaint for consideration as appropriate; you will receive a Notification by mail about the progress of the consideration of the application at the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia.

Dear V________
Your application for No. OET-### dated 01/28/2016 was sent according to the affiliation to ____________ under No. ####### dated ____________.
This message is generated automatically. Please don't answer it.

And upon completion of the inspection, you will receive a letter from the Central Bank about the results of the inspection.

The Central Bank must carry out the inspection within 30 days from the date of filing the complaint.

And after that, incorrect data will be removed from the AIS RSA database for KBM and the correct data will be indicated. And you can check the correctness of the KBM.

This is the only sure way to restore KBM for free!

As Bodrov said in the film

All the power is in Moscow, brother! (With)

2nd method. Application to the insurance company

You must submit a written application to the insurance company that insured you with the wrong class. They are obliged to correct everything themselves and recalculate.


1. Write an application in 2 copies addressed to the head of the insurance company with a request to change the CBM on the basis of either a previous policy or a certificate of no insurance payments from the previous insurance company.

APPLICATION for restoration of KBM (sample)

2. Take the application for recalculation of the KBM and a copy of the certificate, or the previous policy, to your insurance company. The most important thing is that your contract must be valid at the time of filing your application.

3. The secretary is obliged to register your application to the insurance company for the restoration of the KBM and assign it a serial number. You keep the second copy with the insurance company’s stamp, date and serial number.

REMEMBER! If the insurance company refuses to accept your application, send it by registered mail with notification.

4. The application for restoration of the KBM is considered - 10 days. This period is provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 16.1 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, paragraph 2.

After 10 days, you can check your KBM. If the BMR has not changed, then you need to call the insurance company. Usually the insurance company processes these applications normally.


If the insurance company does not respond to the application, write to the Central Bank or RSA.

3rd method. Contact an insurance broker

This option, as they say, is without fish.

Insurance brokers, for a certain fee, can restore the MTPL discount (unless, of course, you lost the discount due to an accident that was not your fault).

The insurance company did not take into account the KBM and you do not know how to restore it, take advantage of a free consultation with a lawyer and get comprehensive answers to your questions.

BMC (bonus-malus coefficient) is one of the coefficients used when calculating the cost of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, taking into account the presence or absence of payments under the expired policy. The coefficient has been introduced since the law was adopted in 2003. The main point of the CBM is to correlate the size of the insurance premium with the quality of driving. In practice, it is often used incorrectly. Let's look at how to correct the bonus-malus coefficient of OSAGO if used incorrectly.

During the validity of the law, the approach to applying the coefficient changed, but we will not dwell on the history of the coefficient. It is important that in 2013, an information system created on the basis of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (AIS OSAGO) became operational, and concluding an OSAGO agreement without a request from the KBM in the information system became impossible. Since July 1, 2014, AIS RSA, in accordance with the rules of OSAGO and the instructions of the Bank of Russia, is the only way to determine KBM. When loading data into the AIS OSAGO, a large number of drivers lost their “discounts” both due to various technical problems and due to incorrect application of the KBM by the insurer, which transmitted the information at the time the database was formed. We will try to explain the existing principle of applying the KBM and the procedure for changing it if the coefficient is applied incorrectly.

Principles of application of KBM

Depending on the presence or absence of payments that occurred due to the driver’s fault, each driver (with a limited list of persons allowed to drive) or owner (with an unlimited list) upon concluding a contract is assigned a class to which a certain KBM corresponds. When the contract is initially concluded or there is no insurance history for one year or more, class 3 is assigned.


Class at the end of the annual insurance period, taking into account the availability of insurance payments* under previous contracts

There were no payments

1 payment

2 payments

3 payments

4 or more payments

* Several payments for one accident are considered one payment.

Assignment of class M entails an increase in the price of a policy with a “basic” class by 2.45 times, and the absence of payments for ten years assigns class 13, which reduces the cost of the policy by half. This happens when concluding a contract with any insurer.

The CBM does not apply to policies concluded for a period of less than a year (policies for transit vehicles) and for vehicles registered in foreign countries.

When calculating the cost of the policy, the smallest class (maximum KBM) of those assigned to the drivers included in the policy is used.

The number of payments for the driver is determined based on information for all contracts in which the driver was included and whose term expired no more than one year before the date of conclusion of the contract. The class is determined by the last concluded contract.

An early terminated contract is not taken into account for class upgrades, but payments under it are taken into account. If there are no payments, the new contract will be assigned the class that was available when the terminated contract was concluded.

With an unlimited list of drivers, the class is applied to the owner-vehicle combination. All payments made will be assigned to the owner. If the owner is an individual who has not committed an accident, but is included in other policies in the list of drivers or has decided to enter into an agreement with a limited list of drivers, he will be assigned a class that takes into account all payments under an agreement with an unlimited list. This rule does not have retroactive effect. That is, if the owner as a driver was assigned a certain class, then when concluding a new contract “without restrictions” the class will be 3. In the absence of payments, the owner’s class will be increased only if the same vehicle is insured.

What are the reasons for incorrect information about KBM in the AIS OSAGO?

Each driver is identified in the AIS OSAGO according to a number of parameters: full name, date of birth, series and driver’s license number. The owner, an individual, provides passport details instead of a driver’s license. If any of the parameters do not match the data available in the AIS OSAGO, the correct KBM will not be determined.

Possible reasons are the manifestation of the human factor when entering information by the insurer, changes in documents from the driver (owner), the purchase of an illegal policy, the insurer’s failure to transfer information to the AIS OSAGO, failures in the operation of information systems.

Accounting problems also arise. For example, switching from an “unlimited” list of drivers to a “limited” one. In the first case, the information includes only passport data, and in the second - driver’s license data. Another problem is the presence of several contracts for one driver with different KBM. Accounting problems have been solved or are being solved by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, and the policyholder can influence the remaining reasons for the incorrect application of the CBM.

Initially, it is necessary to determine that, taking into account all the nuances, the CBM was applied incorrectly. Before the increase in tariffs and the introduction of a tariff corridor, this was not difficult to do in many cases - in the absence of payments, the premium was reduced by 5%. Today, taking into account the fact that data on the CBM is usually not included in the policy, it can be determined by calculation, based on the calculated insurance premium and the formula given in Appendix 4 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3384-U dated September 19, 2014. The value of the applied coefficients can be obtained from Appendix 2 of the same document, taking into account the changes made by Directive No. 3604-U dated March 20, 2015. Insurers are required to publish the applied base rates on their website. The resulting value must be compared with the KBM issued by the AIS OSAGO on the RSA website.

If the values ​​do not agree, request in writing from the insurer to apply the correct coefficient or try changing the insurance company. If the current insurer offers to conclude an agreement with KBM lower than in the AIS OSAGO (which should not be the case), insist on transferring the data to the database, since in the future you may change the insurer or need to be included in the policy of friends, and the data in the AIS will be incorrect.

If the values ​​coincide, but the KBM does not correspond to the real history, you need to make sure whether the data included in the policy corresponds to the actual ones. If an inaccuracy is discovered, including due to a change in the full name and other data used in the policy, you must notify the insurer in writing, attaching supporting documents and a request to recalculate the CBM.

It is advisable to check the validity of the policy before concluding a contract (especially when purchasing from intermediaries), for example, on the appropriate service. In addition to lack of coverage, purchasing a counterfeit or invalid policy may result in the loss of accumulated discounts.

If your previous policy has expired, take out a new one with the proposed CBM, but continue to push for a change.

If the problem is not incorrectly specified personal data, the previous policy was legitimate and with the correct CBM, there were no payments, file a claim with the current insurer, having previously requested a certificate from the previous one about the presence/absence of payments under the previous MTPL agreement. He must issue the certificate after the end of the contract, within five days from the date of the request.

Only the insurer with whom the MTPL agreement has been concluded can change information in the AIS RSA. If he refuses to do this voluntarily, he must complain to the regulatory authorities. You can skip the correspondence with the insurer, but this way the problem can be resolved faster.

How to file a complaint against an insurer?

In the case of compulsory motor liability insurance, there are two possible addressees for filing a complaint - the Bank of Russia and the RSA. It is more effective to complain to the Bank of Russia, since the regulator can apply various sanctions to the insurer (one of the reasons for limiting the license of Rosgosstrakh LLC was precisely the incorrect application of the CBM). It is possible to submit a complaint electronically at the Internet reception of the Bank of Russia, where a separate application form is allocated for such complaints.

The complaint indicates the name of the insurer and describes the essence of the problem, indicating the policy number(s), at least the current one, but preferably the previous one(s). It is advisable to attach copies of policies and documents, data from which are used in calculating the BMR, a copy of the claim to the insurance company and the response (if any).

The Bank of Russia will conduct an inspection, request information from the RSA and the previous MTPL insurer and, if the information is confirmed, take action against the insurer to adjust the KBM in the AIS MTPL. You will receive an official response, a copy of which must be attached to your application to the insurance company requesting a refund of the overpaid portion of the premium. The procedure for filing a complaint with the RSA is similar to a complaint with the Bank of Russia; it is made on a special form to the email address [email protected].

If the incorrect CBM was applied several years ago, the insurer who incorrectly applied the coefficient or did not transmit information about payments had its license revoked, and you do not have data on previous policies, then it will be difficult for the Bank of Russia or RSA to understand the situation. The AIS OSAGO contains information on contracts since 2011. But it’s still worth filing a complaint outlining the situation and attaching all available data.

Try to control your MTPL insurance history both when concluding each contract and when you are included in the lists of drivers in other policies.

When calculating the insurance premium for compulsory motor liability insurance, the KBM coefficient is used, which reflects the presence or absence of insured events. Often this indicator is used incorrectly. Let's look at how the CBM is recalculated under compulsory motor liability insurance, what is required to restore it, and what to do if the insurer refuses.

KBM table

Since 2002, the law on compulsory civil liability insurance for road users came into force. Insurance calculations are made at strictly fixed rates, which are approved at the legislative level. If all the coefficients changed during the period, then the KBM table remained unchanged.

KBM table:

The table consists of 14 classes, each of which has its own coefficient. Upon initial contact, the client is assigned accident class 3. For each accident-free year, a 5% discount is awarded. If there are accidents, an increasing rate is applied.

Important! If after the first registration the client had one insured event, then the company applies accident class 1, for which a coefficient of 1.55 is determined. To return to the initial level, the motorist will have to drive for 2 years without insurance claims.

In what cases is recalculation required?

It should be understood that recalculation of the KBM is necessary if incorrect information was used when concluding the contract. It happens:

  • With electronic registration. Drivers often complain that during distance insurance, the KBM data is not checked. In this case, insurance is purchased according to the initial class.
  • When changing your driver's license. Not all drivers know that when changing their driver’s license, they need to change their information and transfer the discount.
  • When changing personal data. When changing your last name, the discount is also re-assigned.
  • As a result of a technical error. Often, representatives of insurance companies make mistakes in the driver’s personal data during registration, as a result of which the bonus is not displayed.
  • In the case where a traffic participant is included in several insurance contracts at the same time and the specialist incorrectly applied the information when filling out the form. This happens when a driver with a minimum age and experience is included in the policy.

It doesn’t matter for what reason the KBM bonus was not applied, it must be restored. This can be done either in the office of the insurance organization or remotely, through the single portal of the RSA.

Recalculation of KBM in insurance: step-by-step instructions

The easiest way to recover is to personally visit the office of a financial company. All you need is:

1) Contact the office

All recalculations are made only at the central office of the insurance company. Agents or partners do not have the authority to make changes.

  • name of the insurance company;
  • the name of the manager or director in whose name the application is being drawn up;
  • personal and passport information;
  • mobile phone number for communication;
  • number of the executed MTPL agreement;
  • date of issue;
  • driver's license data: new and previously received;
  • what mistake was made when drawing up the contract;
  • signature and transcript.

3) Provide documents

When contacting an insurance company specialist, be prepared to present original documents. A complete list of required documents is listed below in the article.

4) Get funds

After providing the complete package of documents, you should wait until the employee double-checks all the data and generates a recalculation. As a rule, this procedure will take no more than 10 minutes.

5) Get a contract form

After all the changes, you just need to get a new OSAGO form.

Recalculation of KBM through RSA: step-by-step instructions

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) is a unified database created on January 1, 2011, with the aim of systematizing data. The database contains information on all concluded contracts. It is important to note that since December 1, 2015, the union of auto insurers does not deal with issues of recalculation of discounts. These rights are transferred entirely to the insurance company.

A motorist has the right to file a complaint if the insurance company refuses to accept documents or does not correct the data after an inspection. All requests should be sent by email [email protected].

The complaint should indicate similar information as in the application that is written when contacting the office of the insurance company. Additionally, it is recommended to attach the refusal that was received at the office of the insurance company.

Important! You can immediately contact the RCA if the insurance company is declared bankrupt and leaves the financial services market. For convenience, we offer it on our portal.

Documents for recalculation of KBM

To recalculate the KBM coefficient, documents should be prepared. The list is the same for all insurance companies and includes:

  • passport of the policyholder under the contract;
  • driver's license;
  • a previously concluded MTPL agreement (if available);
  • policy in which an error was made.

When filing an application remotely, you should scan or photograph the listed documents and send them to the insurer.

Sample applications (standard, for alphastrakhovaniye, RGS and Ingosstrakh)

For your convenience, we invite you to enter your details on our portal. If necessary, you can always get advice on filling it out from our expert, who works on the site in real time.

You can submit an application to other companies not only in person, but also on the official portal:

  • An application for recalculation of KBM to Alfastrakhovanie can be sent on the official portal through the “ask a question” section. In this section, you must fill out all fields of the application.

For personal contact we offer it on our website.

  • An application to Rosgosstrakh for recalculation of the KBM can be left on the company’s official website, at in the feedback section.

In the electronic form, you must select the type of appeal and provide all the necessary data. If you contact us personally, we offer

  • An application for recalculation of the KBM in Ingosstrakh is completed on the portal, through the feedback form.

If necessary, you can do it completely free of charge on our website.

Recalculation terms

According to the law, an insurance company can consider an application for the return of a CBM under compulsory motor liability insurance within 30 working days. Results of the consideration, the insurer must:

  • send by registered mail;
  • send to the specified email address;
  • hand over in person.

If after the specified time a response is not provided, you can file a complaint with the RSA or the Central Bank.

What to do if the insurance company refuses

Often, financial companies refuse to allow a client to restore earned KBM under compulsory motor liability insurance. In this case, the car owner has the opportunity to file a complaint with higher authorities, such as the RSA and the Central Bank.

You can submit an appeal not only in person, but also on the official portal. Be prepared to indicate:

  • personal data;
  • name of the insurance organization;
  • the reason as a result of which an application was submitted to the insurance company for the restoration of the KBM;

Additionally, you should attach copies of the documents discussed above. The refusal from the financial company is the main document that confirms that the rights of the motorist have been violated.

The application review procedure, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 working days. Based on the results of the audit, the data will be changed, and the insurance company will pay the overpaid portion of the insurance premium.

To summarize, it is important to note that it is important to monitor the KBM for compulsory motor liability insurance and recalculate if necessary. You can send a request today from a personal computer or other device with Internet access. The main thing is to fill out all the information correctly and write the reason for the application.

  • in which company the policy was concluded;
  • why an incorrect bonus was applied during insurance;
  • what correction method was chosen;
  • how quickly the data was recovered;
  • whether the insurer returned the overpayment under the policy.

Additionally, we invite all clients to take advantage of the help of an experienced expert on our portal. An experienced specialist will answer any question about insurance at any time and, if necessary, help make adjustments to the BMI and return the overpayment.

We remind you that through our website you can sign up with a car lawyer for a free consultation to protect your interests before the insurance company. Just leave a request in the special form below.

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The bonus-malus coefficient is a well-deserved reward for experienced drivers who are not the culprits of the accident. If the value of the BMR reaches its maximum, then this reduces the price of the policy by half.

The bonus malus accumulated over a long period of accident-free driving may change. It becomes larger or even reduces to the standard value of 1, which is usually used in calculating compulsory motor liability insurance for drivers who have no experience.

This phenomenon does not please car drivers at all, so they should know how to restore the KBM in the RSA database and return it to the correct value.

But first of all, you need to consider the reasons why the coefficient was incorrectly calculated:

  1. If the driver’s license was changed during the last year of driving, then the insurance company employees may not have indicated the number of the new license in the AIS RSA database. In this case, the discount returns to class 3, where the coefficient is equal to one. This may cause a change in the BPM.
  2. If over the last year the owner of the car was included in several auto insurance policies, then there is a high probability of confusion. Since the first policy included one driver, and the second one included several. At the same time, other drivers could have a much lower KBM. To ensure that the insurance company does not count the wrong CBM, before starting restoration, you should definitely check how many policies the owner of the car is included in.
  3. The reason for the restoration of the KBM may be a common mistake by the insurance company employees and incorrect data was entered into the AIS RSA system.
  4. Data on the latest MTPL policy may not have been entered into the electronic RSA system in the event of liquidation of the insurance company.

The database unites all MTPL insurers. It is mandatory to enter information at the end of each year.

Only insurance companies, but not RSA itself, have the right to enter information there and restore the KBM.

The Union of Auto Insurers acts as an intermediary between the driver and the insurance company.

Actions to restore the KBM

Many drivers are faced with a rather unpleasant situation when, when renewing their MTPL policy, they are told that they do not have a discount. Then you need to proceed in the following order:

Restoring KBM if there are no old policies

The pressing question is how to restore KBM if there are no old OSAGO policies in 2020. Algorithm of actions:

How to restore KBM after replacing a driver's license

Responsible drivers should know how to restore KBM after replacing a driver's license. Since in this case the owner of the car is issued a new document.

By taking out a policy, the driver provides the insurance company with a new driving license, with a changed number and series. The insurance company operator enters them and it turns out that the old ones were not transferred to the database. In this case, the driver is given a coefficient of 1.

Sometimes vehicle owners take advantage of the lack of information about KBM when changing their license.

In the event of an accident on the road, the culprit of which is the client of the insurance company, when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the coefficient increases significantly. Then it is more profitable for the culprit of a traffic accident to change his license, pay the tax and purchase a policy with a coefficient of 1.

Many people are interested in how to restore KBM after losing their rights. First of all, you need to write a corresponding application to the insurance company.

Be sure to indicate that a replacement of rights occurred and the date of replacement. At the end of the application, it is necessary to submit a request to retain the assigned KBM. The series and number of the old ID are located on the back of the new document.

Not all car owners know exactly where to write to restore the KBM. The answer is clear.

To restore the discount that the driver previously had, you need to contact the insurance company itself where the MTPL policy was issued.

There is no point in postponing such actions, especially when the document changes during the policy period. A company employee enters new driver's license information into the insurance policy and enters it into the organization's database.

With some insurance companies, you can submit an application online.

There is another way to apply. This can be done through the official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

But only if you have access to the Internet. On the website you need to find the appropriate section and download the ready-made application form

All fields of the form are filled in completely, after which the document is sent to the email address indicated on the RSA website. Then, its consideration begins.

In addition, on the RSA website -, by calling the hotline number you can get specialist advice on any questions you may have. The application can also be made in any form.

At the driver's request, the application can be sent by mail. The letter should be sent with acknowledgment of receipt.

In accordance with the law, no more than 30 days are allocated for consideration. During this time, the responsible organization must check all submitted documents.

If the answer is positive, the KBM is obliged to correct it. In addition, the insurance company must return to the client all overpayments under the policy. To do this, you need to write a separate appeal.

Video: How to restore and correct an incorrect KBM OSAGO class in the RSA database? Where to check? How to find the error?

To correct the KBM in the RSA database, you need to submit the following documents:

  1. Old insurance policies, if available, can serve as evidence of a change in driver's license.
  2. Certificates confirming insurance losses.
  3. Photocopy of driver's license.
  4. Photocopy of passport.
  5. Copies of passports of other vehicles, If there is a policy and it indicates the right to drive.

Thus, if drivers find themselves in a situation where the database fails when calculating the coefficient, it can be restored in the RSA database.

Bonus-malus ratio (BMR)- coefficient of insurance rates depending on the presence or absence of insurance compensation provided by insurers in the previous period, from April 1 of the previous year to March 31 inclusive of the following year when implementing compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner.

Replacement of a driver's license (VU) and/or last name, first name and/or identification document

If you have changed your driver's license and/or last name, first name and/or identification document, you must make changes to the current MTPL agreement as soon as possible. This is necessary to enter correct information into the automated information system of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (AIS RSA) and assign the correct KBM in the future.

In accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 15 of Federal Law 40-FZ P: “During the period of validity of the MTPL contract, the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the Insurer in writing of changes in the information specified in the application for concluding an insurance contract.” In the case of simultaneous validity of several MTPL agreements, it is necessary to make changes to each of these MTPL agreements.

You can write a request for changes. You can make changes to the electronic MTPL policy via.

The procedure for determining the KBM

From April 1, 2019, the BMR is calculated once a year - on April 1 and is applied throughout the entire period (from April 1 to March 31) for concluding any contract.

The KBM coefficient of a driver who is the owner of a vehicle - an individual, or a person allowed to drive a vehicle whose owner is an individual or legal entity, including cases where the compulsory insurance contract does not provide for a limitation on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as - The driver's KBM), in respect of which the AIS OSAGO contains information about compulsory insurance contracts, is determined on the basis of the value of the KBM coefficient, which was determined for the driver for the period of the KBM, and the number of insurance claims under all compulsory insurance contracts carried out by insurers in relation to this driver and registered in AIS OSAGO during the KBM period.

Policy with a limited list of drivers

General procedure

Under a compulsory insurance agreement, which provides for a limitation on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, the BMR is determined on the basis of information regarding each driver. The KBM is assigned to each driver authorized to drive the vehicle specified in the contract. When calculating the insurance premium, the highest value of the KBM coefficient is used. If there is no information about the insurance history, the driver is assigned KBM = 1.

  • The insured, who is registered Driver No. 1 with a BMR equal to 0.9, entered into the MTPL policy driver No. 2 with a BMR equal to 1.4, since it was his fault that insurance compensation was paid to a contract that ended no more than a year ago. Accordingly, the amount of the insurance premium will be determined by driver No. 2, and the amount of the premium will be increased due to the lower coefficient of driver No. 2.
  • Driver #1 and driver #2 have the same BMR of 0.8. The policyholder included driver No. 2 in the MTPL policy. Accordingly, the fact of adding a second driver to the policy will not affect KBM under the contract, and the insurance premium will remain unchanged.

If the driver has not previously been included in the MTPL policy (for example, he has just received a driver’s license)

If there is no information in the AIS RSA for the drivers specified in the contract, they are assigned KBM = 1.

  • Driver #1 received his license and bought a vehicle two days later. When drawing up an MTPL agreement, such a driver is assigned KBM = 1.

Policy without restrictions

For compulsory insurance contracts that do not provide for a limitation on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle owned by an individual, the insurance rate is calculated using the KBM coefficient equal to 1.

If the previous contract was terminated early

When concluding a new MTPL agreement, the KBM will be equal to the KBM, which was determined on April 1 of the current year.

If an accident occurs

If you were an injured party as a result of an accident, then payment for this accident will not in any way affect your accident class (ACC). If you are the culprit of an accident, then the BMR will be reduced only for the driver who was at fault for the accident.

Break in insurance 1 year or more

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