Laurel noble care in conditions. We grow noble laurel at home

Bay laurel is known to chefs for its fragrant leaves.

It is difficult to imagine many hot dishes without bay leaves, especially soups, cabbage soup, and borscht.

However, it is not necessary to buy this seasoning.

Growing Laurus nobilis at home

will allow you to provide yourself with fresh, high-quality raw materials.

Noble laurel

In nature, noble laurel is an evergreen plant up to 18 meters high.

Its young leaves and shoots are used as a spice (bay leaf), and they also have medicinal properties.

Most essential oils accumulates in leaves in autumn or winter.

Branches with leaves are cut from a 3-4 year old plant and hung in the shade to dry.

When the leaves are dry, they are picked and stored in linen bags.

Up to a third of the crown is cut at a time.

And after a year, new leaves are harvested from the same plant - it grows so quickly.

This plant is unpretentious and easily tolerates pruning.

Therefore, in the south it is sometimes used for hedges , giving the most varied, sometimes bizarre shape.

Laurel laurel is a fairly frost-resistant plant.

It dies only at 15 degrees below zero.

The drier the air, the lower the temperature it can tolerate.

The laurel tree grows on almost any soil except swampy soil, but prefers neutral or slightly alkaline soil.

Laurel at home

Noble laurel grows well at home.

He is not afraid of drafts. Therefore, in summer it is exposed to the open air, slightly shaded from direct sunlight.

The only condition when growing laurel

It's necessary water correctly , avoiding waterlogging of the soil, and regularly spray the leaves.

In summer, plants are sprayed so that water penetrates deep into the crown. This helps prevent pests, especially scale insects. When watering, add baking soda to the water (half a teaspoon per 1 liter).

Laurel is placed both in the sun and in the shade, although it branches better in the sun.

In winter, the noble laurel is more comfortable at a temperature of 13 degrees, but it tolerates drops of up to 2 - 5 degrees. If the room temperature is above 18 degrees, then the plant needs to be sprayed frequently. Otherwise, due to the dry air, the leaves of the laurel tree will begin to fall off, which often happens.

With proper care, only those leaves that have been growing for more than three years fall off.

The leaves are harvested as a spice when they grow more than 10 cm in length.

Laurel is replanted in the spring , choosing a pot 2 cm larger than the old one. This limits the growth of the root system, and therefore the growth of the bush itself.

Broken shards and coarse sand must be placed at the bottom of the pot in a layer of 3-4 cm for drainage. The soil mixture is prepared from turf, leaf soil and sand (2:1:0.5).

Plant formation

Growing laurel can be a fun activity. After all, the noble laurel can be given any shape!

In the south there are entire parks with animals, figures, and hedges made from living laurel plants.

At home you can also form various compositions from laurel. To do this, the plant will have to be trimmed frequently.

A laurel in the shape of a ball or pyramid looks beautiful. They begin to form a crown for this in the spring of the second year of life.

The upper part of the main shoot is cut at a height of 10-12 cm above the soil surface. After this, 2-3 shoots grow from the underlying buds. When these shoots are 15-20 cm long, they are pinched.

Thus, the bushes grow by 8-10 cm per year. You can also form them in standard form.

Propagation of Laurus nobilis

Laurel plants become better accustomed to living conditions in the room when propagation by seeds .

To plant seeds, they are cleared of pulp, as it delays their germination. When the seeds dry out, they quickly lose their viability, so they are usually sown in the fall. But if this is not possible, then store them sprinkled with sand in a cold place until spring.

The seeds are sown in a bowl with a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand (1:1:0.5), covered with film or glass on top.

They germinate faster at temperatures above 18 degrees.

When the seedlings grow up and have two leaves, they are planted according to a 2x2 cm pattern or in small pots.

Later they are planted in separate pots.

TO propagation of laurel by cuttings start in March-April.

For this purpose, cuttings are cut 6-8 cm long from ripened but not lignified shoots. When cutting a cutting at the bottom, the following technique is used: the knife is moved almost to the end, and then the bark and adjacent tissues are partially torn off.

It looks like a heel below the bottom knot. The lower leaves are removed.

Cuttings have difficulty rooting Therefore, root formation stimulants are used, for example Kornevin (wetted cuttings are lowered with their bottoms into this growth powder; excess powder is shaken off).

The cuttings are planted in coarse sand to a depth of 1-2 cm according to a 10x10 cm pattern. To maintain air humidity, a plastic bag is pulled over the top.

To prevent it from touching the cuttings, pegs are installed - you get a mini greenhouse.

A month later, when the cuttings have taken root, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm, using the same soil mixture as for the seedlings.

Healing properties of laurel

Bay laurel is used not only as a super popular seasoning. It also has healing properties.

In particular, there is laurel in the house purifies the air . Its aroma is useful for intestinal spasms, inflammation of the respiratory and biliary tract.

To make the aroma stronger, the laurel is placed near a window, watered with water twice a week with the addition of a glucose solution (5 ml per 5 liters of water) or aspirin (5 g per 1 liter).

At high humidity, the aromaticity of plants increases, so a vessel with water is placed between the plants.

Be sure to remove dead leaves.

Laurel is used not only as a spice, but also for treatment. rheumatoid arthritis, gout, flaccid paralysis , for spastic pain, as well as for diabetes mellitus .

By growing bay laurel at home, you will acquire useful plant very fragrant, beautiful and healing.

In pursuit of a beautiful appearance, you may stumble upon a beautiful Laurel tree. Additional effect Growing it indoors will give you a pleasant aroma, and as a bonus - protection from blood-sucking insects!

Laurel (from Latin Laurus) is a low evergreen plant of the laurel family. The most common and popular is the Nobilis or Noble laurel variety. The homeland of this tree is the Mediterranean region, from where it then spread throughout the subtropical part of Europe. In Russia, it is often found in the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea.

Types of laurel

Noble (from Latin Laurus nobilis)

– in open air and soil conditions it grows up to 12 meters high. It has a pleasant and strong aroma of leaves.

Canarian, also Azorean (from Latin Laurus azorica)

- the tree is even taller, reaching 15 meters in height. The leaves are larger than those of the noble one, have a wavy edge, but the aroma is somewhat weaker than that of its brother.

How to care for laurel at home?


First of all, choose a bright place, preferably with bright diffused light - an east or west window, a spacious ventilated balcony without direct sunlight. Then you need to select the soil and prepare the plant itself - germinate a seed, root a cutting or root layer, or take an already grown bush from a flower shop.

The soil

The tree is unpretentious to soil, but it is better to choose light soil for indoor laurel - for example, a mixture of garden soil and sand in a ratio of 5:1. When buying soil in a store, pay attention to mixtures for indoor palm trees or cacti - they will also be suitable in composition. It is better to grow Laurel nobilis domestica in small pots, gradually changing them - it is recommended to replant the young plant regularly.

Temperature and watering

At home, caring for laurel is quite simple. After the small tree has taken root and turned green, it is important to provide it with comfortable conditions and proper regular watering. In summer, laurel is watered with water at a temperature of 25–30 degrees. If the tap water in your area is too hard, you must first filter or boil it. The plant should not be flooded - too wet soil is much more harmful than dry soil, and can even kill the tree. On particularly hot days, you can also spray the leaves with a spray bottle twice a day (morning and evening). This will help remove dust and dirt from the leaves and reduce the likelihood of pests.
IN winter period common laurel prefers special care for it: relatively low temperature– +15 degrees at room humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the pot with the plant away from heating devices, leaving it on a cool windowsill or insulated but not heated loggia. Watering in winter is usually less intensive - a couple of times a week is enough.


Caring for laurel at home includes feeding during the period of rapid growth. For this purpose, ready-made mineral or organic fertilizers for domestic plants are used, both special “Lavr” and those intended for cacti and palm trees. The frequency of feeding is up to two times a month.

Transplantation and transhipment

Laurel transplantation is carried out, depending on the age of the plant - once a year for a young tree and after a year or two - for an older tree. It is better to perform it in the spring before the start of the active period. Growing laurel is usually done in small pots, each new pot is selected 5-6 centimeters larger in diameter. Laurel transplantation at home occurs in the following order: first, the root ball is removed from the old pot and some of the soil is carefully shaken off; then transfer it to a new pot with drainage placed on the bottom and half filled with soil; The roots are carefully straightened, covered with earth and compacted so that the tree holds tightly. It is important not to add too much soil, maintaining the same relative level as in the old pot. If everything is done correctly, the laurel will grow with new strength, continuing to delight with its beauty and aroma.


How to grow from seeds?

Growing laurel from seeds at home is not a difficult process, but you need to be patient. Seeds can remain viable for up to a year after ripening on the tree, but this is only possible if the correct storage conditions are met, so most often they are recommended no later than 3 months. Before planting, you can remove the “shell” - the pericarp - from the seeds, this will speed up the germination process. Laurel from a seed at home without pre-treatment sprouts quite slowly - sometimes the sprouts can remain in the ground for up to six months. There is no need to despair; it is only important to water the soil periodically. When the seedlings hatch and unfold two or three leaves, it is time for picking - the plants are dug up and the root is pinched to 2/3 of its length. After this procedure, laurel seedlings are planted for a permanent “place of residence.”

How to grow from cuttings?

If among your friends there is already a gardener who grows laurel, a new seedling can be obtained from an old tree by cuttings. The most suitable time for propagating indoor laurel by cuttings is spring, but if necessary, you can root the cuttings both in summer and autumn. Branches are cut 6-8 cm long (two or three internodes) from mature but not yet lignified young shoots. Then, for better rooting, they are kept in a solution of heteroauxin or potassium permanganate for a day, after which they are buried in the ground half their length and cared for in the same way as in the case of growing laurel from a seed.

Visual design

Forming a laurel at home is a simple and, one might say, optional process. Regular, careful pruning creates a beautiful crown shape and enhances branching, due to which it is possible to make even a small indoor tree look like its tall outdoor counterparts, giving it the appropriate appearance - a ball, a pyramid or a classic standard one.


The most common pests of indoor laurel are scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs and aphids. At the first signs of an unhealthy tree: massively falling yellow or gray leaves, white cobwebs on the leaves and branches, damage to the bark and sprouts of the plant, you should immediately begin isolating it from its healthy neighbors. Scale insects damage almost the entire plant: leaves, branches and trunk. If the infestation is weak, the pests can be removed using a cotton swab with a soapy solution, but if the infestation is severe, you will need Actellik or Karbofos insecticides (after this treatment, the leaves become unsuitable for consumption). Spider mites appear on trees in dry rooms with high air temperatures. A signal for a tick attack is the gray color of fallen leaves, the juice from which it feeds. Aphids migrate to Nobilis from other plants, including those brought from the garden. To combat it, it is recommended to use tobacco decoction with soap, which is sprayed repeatedly on the plant.


Improper care at home leads to the deplorable state of home laurel. Overwatering causes leaf spots and root rot, while underwatering causes leaves to turn yellow. IN winter time Without proper care, the tree may lose its leaves.


At home, some housewives grow bay laurel as a fresh and affordable spice. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma and bitter taste, well suited to fish and meat. They are often found in soups, main courses, and autumn preparations. The light scent of wood essential oil refreshes the air and helps reduce the number of insects in the room - for example, mosquitoes do not like it. Home laurel is unpretentious in care and takes root in a variety of apartments without problems. With proper care, this decorative foliage plant will delight you with its beauty and aroma for many years.

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  • I had a laurel tree that I bought at the store. For the first couple of years, I cared for it in the same way as all other plants: I reduced watering in the winter and monitored the soil moisture in the summer.

    But after some time, obviously, the plant began to lack something: the leaves began to darken and dry out. At first, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong: anti-fungal medications and fertilizing didn’t help.

    Then I decided to replant the tree and during the replanting process I saw that its roots had rotted. I began to study this issue and realized that I watered the laurel too much during the cold season.

    It turned out that the root system of the plant ended up in cold, damp soil, which was disastrous for the southern laurel. In addition, I haven’t replanted the tree for a long time, which also deprived it of its strength.

    In the end, I removed the rotted roots, prepared fresh soil suitable for the bay tree, and my bay tree survived! It started to turn green even better than before. Of course, it never bloomed for me, but its beautiful dark green foliage is enough for me.

    It looks great and brightens up the living room. Now I don’t forget to replant it and in winter I pay special attention to soil moisture.

    Not long ago I was able to propagate a plant to give to a friend. This turned out to be quite easy: a healthy bush produces excellent cuttings that quickly take root and grow. I will tell you about my experience in growing laurel in this article.

    The laurel tree looks simply wonderful in the interior: it has dense leaves of an intense dark green hue with beautiful, slightly wavy edges. The leaves are hard, and this gives the plant a unique, unusual appearance: we are used to the fact that houseplants, as a rule, have soft leaves, which gives the plant a plastic silhouette.

    But laurel is straight, clear lines. It is especially good in a modern interior, which is characterized by purity and uniformity of color and minimalism.

    Laurel, in addition to its appearance, is also good because it actually affects the energy of the house. It is no coincidence that the dry leaves of this plant are used for cooking: laurel contains many essential oils that can fight pollution and bacteria in the air.

    Also, do not forget that laurel is a plant of winners. It was not by chance that ancient civilizations chose this tree to make wreaths for heroes from its branches. There is something noble and beautiful about the laurel.

    And it’s so great that such a legendary plant can grow beautifully on our windowsills and delight us with its appearance! Moreover, caring for laurel is not at all difficult.

    By the way, bay leaves for culinary purposes can be plucked directly from your home bay tree - such a seasoning will be even more healthy and fragrant, and will improve the taste of the dish. If you plan to use laurel as a living source of bay leaves, remember simple rules: the leaf should not be immediately thrown into boiling water, dry it for two days.

    Thus, the advantages of the plant:

    • Spectacular appearance
    • The ability to use the bush as a source of bay leaves
    • Unpretentiousness
    • Indoor air disinfection

    Caring for noble laurel at home

    A miniature bay tree will grow well and not get sick if you follow simple rules. In many ways, caring for laurel is similar to caring for many other house plants, but it has its own specifics.

    Laurel is unpretentious, it can grow in open ground even in southern regions, but where there are no long periods with temperatures below minus five degrees.

    The plant loves sunlight, but will survive in the depths of the room. Here it is better to judge by its well-being: if you see that the tree is growing in the living room, it has enough artificial light, it is growing and turning green well, then you can leave it in this place. But if the bush is sick and doesn’t look good, it’s better to move the pot to where the conditions will be better.

    Laurel loves to be trimmed, it does him good. Don't be afraid to pick up some garden shears or pruning shears and shape the bush. He will have more strength and health. But the laurel should be trimmed only when the bush has grown, from about five years of age. It is better to do this in the fall.

    The tree loves moisture, but not in the soil. Therefore, you may not even need to water your bay tree very often, but if possible, spray every other day or two in the summer and once a week in the cold season.

    As for watering, everything is logical here: in summer and spring, when the tree lets in new shoots and is actively growing, regular watering is required. At the same time, you should always monitor the condition of the soil: laurel does not like waterlogging! Also, the plant prefers only settled water at room temperature. Ice water is harmful to him.

    If it is hot, then the bush can be sprayed in the morning and evening; the laurel will only be grateful to you for such care.

    Remember to replant your laurel either every spring or every couple of years. The nutrient substrate is depleted, the soil needs to be changed! When replanting, it is important to lay a high-quality drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick. The best soil for cacti or universal soil is suitable.

    Basic conditions for optimal maintenance:

    • Spraying
    • Poor watering
    • Regular replanting in spring
    • Bush trimming
    • Top dressing in summer

    How to grow bay bush at home

    Laurel can be grown:

    • Seeds
    • Cuttings
    • Air layering

    The easiest way is propagation by cuttings. You definitely won't have any problems with it! It is best to do this in the spring, when everything is growing and the tree is ready to reproduce.

    Standard procedure:

    • you cut a strong cutting with several leaves (from the bottom of the tree)
    • remove a couple of lower leaves on the cuttings
    • put the cutting in water for a week
    • root it in wet sand, covering it with film
    • ventilate your future tree, water it on time
    • after a month, plant the grown young laurel in a separate pot

    Very often in houses and apartments you can find a well-known plant called laurel. Due to its natural characteristics, this plant can be grown at home, either in the form of a small bush or a relatively compact tree.

    It is commonly called a “noble plant.” The flower received this name back in ancient times. It was quite often used to decorate wreaths, which were placed on the heads of noble people in order to show them their respect and gratitude.

    Growing laurel plants at home is very simple. In addition, the plant will be able to complement not only the interior of the home, but will also perform a large number of preventive functions. For example, if you need to add an unusual flavor to cooking, then all you need to do is pick a few leaves from a tree and your dish will become much tastier and more aromatic!

    If you are planning to breed indoor laurel, then it is very important to familiarize yourself with information about this flower in advance. A large number of interesting facts They will become great helpers in your daily plant care.


    In order for the laurel to take root in the house from the very beginning, it is very important to plant it correctly.

    The best time for this process is spring. First of all, you need to lay a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the selected pot (usually it is 3 centimeters). Then a small amount of prepared soil is poured on top. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at a flower shop.

    Laurel is not fussy, so it can easily grow in ordinary soil for houseplants.

    Location and lighting

    An interesting feature of the bay tree is its love of cold. It is for this reason that it is best to place the plant in a cool room.

    The plant will feel comfortable on the windowsill, both on the south and north sides. It will be easy for him to tolerate both bright sun and slight shade.

    Most experts say that it is necessary to place a laurel in the kitchen. Like, such a tree will always come in handy when preparing dishes! But at the same time, the temperature in the kitchen during cooking does not at all correspond to the preferences of the plant. Therefore, in such situations you need to be extremely careful not to damage the flower.

    As for lighting, laurel tolerates bright sun very well. Since it has fairly dense and hard leaves, it is not in danger of any burns that can be caused by sunlight. After wintering, it is important to gradually accustom the flower to the bright sun. After all, during a period of rest, he becomes unaccustomed to such conditions of existence.

    Pot sizes

    Like most house plants, the normal existence of a bay tree will largely depend on the correct choice of flower pot. Usually, when replanting, experts advise replacing the pot with a larger one (2-3 times larger than what was used before).

    If you know that the flower is growing quite intensively, then you will need to purchase a pot 4-5 centimeters larger than the standard one.

    When choosing housing for a laurel, it is also worth considering the material from which the pot is made and its stability.

    The soil

    In order for laurel to grow well at home, when planting it, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the issue of soil preparation.

    By its nature, laurel is not capricious, so for its cultivation you can use soil that will be quite nutritious and perfectly permeable to liquid. It is best to pay attention to the soil that is intended for cacti. “Universal” soil is also suitable for planting.

    The soil for the plant can be prepared on our own. To do this, you will need to mix leaf soil, turf soil, humus, coarse sand and peat. All ingredients must comply with the proportion 2:1:2:1:1. You can also add a little charcoal to this mixture.

    Remember, if a plant suddenly stops growing, this indicates that the soil is not suitable for it, or the flower lacks fertilizer and feeding.


    If the plant is young, then it should definitely be replanted every year. Since the root system of the bay tree does not develop very quickly, the pot is most often not replaced. In a transplant situation, the issue of changing the tank must be decided on site.

    When you decide to leave a flower in the same pot, then caring for it should become more diligent.

    When the plant is 5 years old, the replanting procedure can be reduced and replanting can be done once every 2-4 years.

    So that the plant receives nutrients, it is necessary to carry out partial replacement soil. To do this, you will need to remove the top layer of soil (5 centimeters) and fill the flower with new soil.

    Rare transplants very often become the reason that in a few years, the laurel can grow very much. In such situations, the transplantation procedure can cause a lot of difficulties and questions!

    Upon completion of the transplant, do not forget that the plant needs to be watered. Afterwards, it is also important to observe the transplanted flower for several days. If no negative changes are noticed within a few days, it means that the laurel has adapted to the new growth conditions!

    Fertilizer and feeding

    Laurel needs to be fertilized throughout most of the year. Basically, the feeding procedure is carried out from March to October.
    Laurel accepts fertilizers of mineral and organic origin quite well. For a better effect, you can use liquid fertilizers, which must be diluted in a small amount of purified water before use.
    Fertilization is carried out once every few weeks.


    Indoor laurel is a fan of abundant watering. But in this situation, this does not mean that the plant needs to be filled with a large volume of liquid every day. Most often, it is necessary to water the flower in summer and spring. If the moisture in the pot does not evaporate in a timely manner, this can trigger the process of rotting of the root system. Which in turn will lead to the death of the flower.

    With the onset of the first cold weather, the frequency of watering decreases significantly. In winter it is very important to stop feeding. After all, it is during this period of time that the plant prepares to bear fruit.

    If your laurel does not need to be dormant and blooms all year round, then watering it occurs without much change!


    Indoor laurel comes from subtropical countries. For this reason, most often the plant adapts to the corresponding temperature conditions of these regions. The plant will survive warm summers and cold winters without any problems. Temperature changes do not pose any danger to the laurel plant. Therefore, such qualities can be considered the most important in the process of growing a flower.

    In hot weather, the room temperature can fluctuate from 20 to 26 degrees.

    In winter, the mark on the thermometer can drop to 5 with a + reading.

    When severe frosts and sub-zero temperatures occur, the laurel will also be able to survive. This applies to those flowers that were previously planted in open soil. In such cases, the roots of the plants are much stronger and more protected from negative external influences. When a flower grows in an ordinary pot, sub-zero temperatures can cause the laurel to die.

    Air humidity

    In order for the laurel to actively grow and bloom, it is very important to provide it high level room humidity. To implement these requirements at home, the plant will simply need to be sprayed more often, bathed with small streams of water (you can use a shower), and also place moistened expanded clay or moss under a tray.

    If the air is too dry, the flower becomes very weak, making it an easy prey for various types of pests.


    Laurel is by nature a very beautiful plant with unusual shapes. That is why the flower does not need to be cut.

    If pruning is carried out, the crown of the plant can be changed beyond recognition. It can be given a wide variety of shapes: cone-shaped, oval, square, etc.

    When the plant stops actively growing (usually at the end of August), it is necessary to trim the mature leaves. Once dried, they make an excellent seasoning for any dish.

    The places that remain on the plant after pruning (they are called “eyes”) are restored over the winter. And with the onset of spring, the flower can please you with a large number of new shoots. When pruning, it is necessary to get rid of areas that are located in the upper part of the plant.

    Dangerous diseases and possible pests

    First of all, you will need to remove the plant from its “neighbors”. This will prevent damage to other flowers.

    The shield, in turn, has negative impact on the condition of the leaves and trunk of the laurel. At the same time, the leaves change their color to yellow and begin to fall off quickly.

    If the plant is infected, the pest must be eliminated using cotton wool. It is also recommended to spray with insecticidal solutions. Actellik 0.15% or Carboforce are perfect for this. If the plant is severely damaged, the procedure is repeated 7-10 days after the first treatment.


    Most often, laurel blooms in spring. At this time, flowers are formed on it, which settle in the axils of the leaves themselves. That is why they are compared to the shape of an umbrella. Since the plant during this period very much resembles a “rain protection product”.

    The flowers are quite small and do not differ in any unusual characteristics. More often they acquire white, yellow or cream shades. On plants female Fruits that are colored blue can also be formed. Such berries are not edible. Most likely, they serve as an additional decoration for the laurel.


    In home cultivation, laurel can be propagated by cuttings and seeds.

    Rooting of cuttings lasts approximately 3 months. The same time will be needed for the seeds to sprout.

    To propagate by seeds, it is necessary to prepare them in the autumn. They should be stored in a cool place (refrigerator). It is recommended to sow seeds in February. A prerequisite for climbing is regular moistening of the soil and maintaining high humidity in the room.

    When using cuttings, rooting must be done in March. To do this, shoots measuring 10 centimeters are cut off. After which the cutting is placed in the ground, most of which consists of sand. To quickly strengthen horses, you can use fertilizers. The planted cuttings must be covered with a plastic bag or a regular jar. During propagation by cuttings, the room temperature should be no less than 24-25 degrees.

    Rest period

    The dormant period of indoor laurel occurs in winter. Although there are cases where the plant continues to actively grow and bloom all year round.

    If all the rules of basic plant care have not been followed in winter, the flower may shed its leaves. Don’t be afraid of this and get rid of it in advance. With the onset of spring, the plant will gain strength and very quickly restore its appearance. In this case, you also need to spray the laurel.

    Plant toxicity and beneficial properties

    The phytoncides contained in laurel make the plant very useful for the human body. They help kill various pathogens and bacteria.

    A decoction based on laurel leaves stabilizes appetite and has a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Also, using such a decoction will help you cope with kidney disease (especially if stones are detected).

    Most of the healing properties of laurel allow it to be used in modern medicine and cosmetology. It has a positive effect on the immune system and can be an excellent seasoning for food.

    Indoor laurel is not poisonous. It poses a danger only if it has been pre-treated with disinfecting solutions.

    Having decided to plant laurel in your home, you find a faithful assistant. As in life, so in the kitchen!

    One of the most popular evergreen plants grown at home is the laurel flower. An additional effect of growing it indoors will be a pleasant aroma, and a bonus - protection from blood-sucking insects! It may be a small bush or a miniature tree. In ancient times, wreaths made of bay leaves were placed on the heads of winners and famous people. In open air and soil conditions it grows up to 12 meters high. This plant is very convenient to grow at home, because, in addition to decorative decoration of the apartment, it also has useful features. No need to run to the store for a bay leaf, you just need to pick it from the tree. In our article, you will learn about caring for a bay tree at home.

    Varieties of indoor laurel

    This plant has only two types:

    • Noble laurel;
    • Canarian laurel.

    Unlike its compatriot, the Canarian species has large, broad leaves, slightly wrinkled at the edges. But its aroma is somewhat weaker than that of its noble brother. Several varieties of the noble laurel tree are known.

    A houseplant, which is quite simple to care for, is in high demand among gardeners. The main botanical species has three varieties: narrow-leaved, golden and wrinkled. All of them differ from each other only in the shape and color of the foliage.

    Soil for growing bay trees

    Bay leaf seedlings, after we can grow them from seeds, will need to be transplanted. When transplanting a seedling into a pot, be sure to fill it with a good drainage layer of expanded clay. Laurel loves moist soil, but stagnation of water should not be allowed, as this can lead to the death of the plant. The soil should be light; any version of the universal soil found on sale is suitable for laurel. Your own soil for planting laurel can be prepared from two parts of turf soil, one part of leaf soil, and half a part of fine, well-washed river sand. Before planting the seedling, the soil can be heated in the oven at a sufficient temperature for disinfection. Too much high temperature When warming up, it should be avoided so as not to destroy all beneficial microflora.

    Propagation of laurel trees by cuttings

    Before the shoots begin to grow in April, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut. Then they are rooted in heated leafy soil with the addition of sphagnum moss (1+1), covered with a glass jar or plastic bag to maintain moisture. It is advisable to support constant temperature+22…+28оС. With the appearance of leaves, the rooted cuttings are transplanted into the same soil mixture as when grown by seeds. The transplanted plants are constantly watered, preventing the soil from drying out, and sprayed with cool water.

    Propagation of laurel tree by seeds

    Laurel seeds are large, oval-shaped and up to two centimeters in length, with a thin shell that prevents the seeds from drying out and their premature germination.

    Laurel seeds do not like drying out and can germinate only in the first 3-5 months (and then only with proper storage). Before sowing, the seeds must be freed from the shell and sown in separate pots, or simply in a permanent place. Seeds usually germinate from April to August. It also happens that sometimes seeds can germinate in January, but when severe frosts the seedlings will most likely die. It is best to keep plants in the room at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, and in the spring it is advisable to take the plant outside. In the first year, feeding seedlings is not necessary, but from the second year, mineral fertilizers can be used as feeding in small doses. Laurel will tolerate any soil except waterlogged soil. If you grow laurel in your home, you will get a beautiful evergreen plant that will delight your eyes every day.

    Laurel tree care

    The laurel plant itself is quite unpretentious, loves light and fresh air, and is not afraid of drafts. When caring for a laurel tree at home and in the open ground, you must follow some points. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Watering a bay tree

    Laurel loves water very much; the plant needs a constant flow of soft water. During the dry season in summer, the plant can be watered twice a day, morning and evening. However, it is necessary to water if the plant has completely absorbed water and should not allow waterlogging. During the dormant period of autumn-winter, watering is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Try to maintain temperature and watering conditions and then the plant will be able to gain strength and grow in the natural cycle.

    Air humidity plays a very important role for laurel. The plant should be sprayed daily with soft, filtered water, avoiding moisture on the leaves during the peak of the heat, otherwise the leaves will get burned. In winter, you can replace spraying with wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. You can determine for yourself whether there is enough moisture in the air because the leaves turn yellow.

    Fertilizing the bay tree

    It is necessary to feed the bay tree only in warm spring and summer once a month. For this, it is best to use liquid or full mineral fertilizer. In the winter season, laurel does not need feeding.

    Lighting for growing bay trees

    Laurel is a quite hardy plant; it will be able to grow in moderate light, but it will develop best - and actively branch - in bright, mostly diffused light. It should be protected from excess scorching sun rays

    Laurel prefers bright light, but grows very well in the shade. It is advisable to protect the tree from direct sunlight, otherwise it may dry out quickly.

    A good place would be a balcony or loggia, slightly darkened with curtains or special reflective paper. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but beware of drafts.

    For successful crown growth, the tree periodically needs to be turned towards the light source.

    Temperature for growing bay tree

    Before growing laurel at home, you need to know that the best summer temperature range is from 18 to 20 degrees, and the winter temperature range is from 10 to 15 degrees.

    The laurel lives most pleasantly in the fresh air - on the balcony, in the courtyard or in the country house, including throughout the year - if winter temperatures remain at +5-6.

    The best temperature during the growing season is 17-19 degrees.

    In the spring, during the warm period, take the plant out into the fresh air. The bay tree is not afraid of wintering, so it easily tolerates even slight frosts. In winter, it can be grown on windows on the cold side.

    If you live in an area with a mild climate, laurel can be grown in the garden and used as a hedge.

    Laurel tree pruning

    Prune the tree. Best time- the border between summer and autumn. This will encourage the laurel to grow outward rather than upward. By pruning you can shape the plant and prevent it from growing too much. Starting from the age of 2 years, use garden shears to form a crown in the form of a ball or any other shape.

    Diseases and pests of bay tree at home

    The laurel species is very disease resistant. Very rarely, laurel can be affected by sooty fungus. A reddish coating appears on the leaves, which is simply washed off with water. This disease does not affect the development of the plant, but the plant loses its decorative appearance. For treatment, you can use a weak solution of soda and green soap in water - 5 g of each drug per liter of water is enough.

    Of the pests that most often settle on houseplants, laurel can be threatened by scale insects, mealybugs and spider mites.

    As you can see, with proper care, you can grow a bay tree at home.

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