Do-it-yourself installation of polypropylene pipes: technology for working with PP pipelines. Do-it-yourself installation of propylene pipes: step-by-step installation of propylene pipes yourself Installation of polypropylene pipes by hand

New technologies and materials in construction appear constantly, gradually displacing traditional materials. A good example of this is plumbing. Just fifteen years ago, metal was used in most cases - in general, there was no alternative. Today, almost everywhere, metal is being replaced by polymers, since they are easier to install, cost less, and last the same or even longer. One of the most popular modern materials is propylene. The good thing about installing a water supply system from polypropylene pipes is that you can do it yourself. To do this you will need a special soldering iron and some experience. A soldering iron can be rented, but experience is acquired. You can practice on the most inexpensive fittings and small sections of pipe.

Marking and scope

To begin installing a water supply system from polypropylene pipes, select the type of pipes. They are single-layer and three-layer, they also differ in wall thickness and, accordingly, have different purposes. To make it easier to navigate, they are marked:

  • PN10 - single-layer pipes designed for cold water in pipelines with low pressure. Suitable for installing polypropylene water supply in private homes.
  • PN16 - single-layer pipes with a thicker wall. Can be used for transporting cold water in systems with high blood pressure(centralized) and for wiring the hot water supply system. Maximum permissible temperature +50°C.
  • PN20 - three-layer pipes with a fiberglass reinforcing layer. They can be used for installing water pipes for transporting hot water and low-temperature heating systems. Maximum temperature +90°C.
  • PN25 - three-layer pipes reinforced with aluminum foil. They are used mainly for heating; they can be used for hot water supply, but this is not economically feasible: these are the most expensive pipes, and their qualities for hot water supply are excessive.

By color there are polypropylene pipes in gray and white. This does not affect the quality in any way, so choose according to aesthetic preferences. Some companies (mostly German) paint their products green. If the wiring is hidden - in the walls or in the floor - you will not find anything better, since the Germans are leaders in quality.

To make it easier to navigate by area of ​​application, colored stripes are applied along the PPR pipes. Those intended for cold water are indicated in blue, those for hot water supply and heating are indicated in red, and those intended for universal use are indicated in orange. Some manufacturers have adopted different labeling. They mark products for heating and hot water in red, but do not mark those intended for cold.

From the above, we can draw the following conclusions: installation of water supply from polypropylene pipes in an apartment is best done from PN 16 for cold water and PN20 for hot water. In a private house, you can get by with PN 10 for cold water and PN 20 for hot water.

Installation features

Single-layer PPR pipes PN 10 and PN 16 have a high coefficient of thermal expansion: with a temperature difference of 100°C, each meter becomes 1.5 cm longer. Even taking into account the fact that such a temperature difference in real life unattainable, this is a very large number. To prevent this increase in length from destroying the water supply system, compensation loops (compensators) are provided in the system.

Types of compensators for polypropylene water supply

If the length of the pipeline is short and cold water is supplied at the same time, there is no need to make a compensator - the difference in length will be small, but for hot water supply it is advisable to make at least a basic L-shaped compensator (see figure).

Connection principle

Polypropylene pipes have many advantages, but one of the disadvantages is that they do not bend. Therefore, when installing a water supply system from polypropylene pipes, fittings are used for all branches and turns. These are special elements - tees, angles, adapters, couplings, etc. There are also taps, compensators, bypasses and other elements of the system, also made of polypropylene.

All these elements are connected to pipes using soldering. The material of both parts being joined is heated until melted, then joined. As a result, the connection is monolithic, so the reliability of the polypropylene water supply is very high. Read more about soldering and the tools required for this.

There are special fittings for connecting with other materials (metal), for connecting to household appliances or plumbing fixtures. On one side they are completely polypropylene, on the other they have metal threads. The thread size and type are selected according to the type of device being connected.

System planning

Due to the fact that PPR pipes do not bend, when developing a wiring diagram it is necessary to create as few detours and turns as possible. After all, they are all made using fittings, and they have a significant cost (compared to a pipe). Therefore, we try to optimize the wiring - make as few turns, detours and bends as possible.

Serial (Tee) connection

Installation of water supply from polypropylene pipes with serial connection of consumers (plumbing and household appliances) is used in small systems. Usually they have 5-6 connection points. With this arrangement of the water supply system, one pipe leaves the riser and it sequentially bypasses all connection points. In the case of PPR plumbing, all branches are made using tees, which is why this type is also called tee.

Installation of water supply from polypropylene pipes with serial connection of consumers

The advantage of this system is that a small number of pipes are required, and the disadvantage is that the pressure on each branch drops. As a result, with one or two working disassembly points, the third, located further from the riser, may simply not have enough pressure.

Parallel (collector) wiring

A parallel connection circuit is also called a collector circuit. This is because after the outlet from the riser, a special device is installed - a collector. This is an element with one input and a number of outputs. Available in polypropylene and metal. For water supply, polypropylene manifolds are more suitable (and cheaper).

The connection diagram is such that a separate pipe runs from each branch to each consumer (sometimes to a small group of consumers).

The advantage of such a system is that the pressure at all water points is the same, the disadvantage is that a lot of pipes are required. Another plus is that if any branch fails, only one consumer does not work. The rest of the system is functioning normally. By the way, in order to be able to turn off individual devices, valves are installed at the outlet of the collector (usually ball valves, but if you need the ability to adjust the pressure, you can install a valve).

Plumbing and household appliances

In each method of installing a water supply system made of polypropylene pipes, a pipe is suitable for a specific consumer. There are two ways to connect to the system: flexible and rigid connection.

Rigid liner is more reliable: PPR pipes and fittings have high strength. Moreover, in this case there is only one thread - at the consumer connection point. But this type of eyeliner requires high precision: the error can be only a few millimeters. This is difficult to achieve when installing a polypropylene water supply with your own hands, so flexible hoses are often used. Just be careful, in some cases it is impossible to use it: connect gas boilers or geysers, supplying water to is recommended only using a rigid liner.

Soft eyeliner, on the contrary, does not require high precision - errors are leveled out with a flexible stainless steel braided hose or a hose that is used for a dishwasher. The tubes are removed approximately in the area where the equipment is installed or the plumbing is connected. It ends with an adapter for metal, to which a flexible hose is connected (its other end is connected to the device).

This option is less reliable, since much depends on the quality of the flexible liner. Also not the most pleasant moment is the presence of two threaded connections, and this is a potential place for a leak to occur.

Internal or external installation

One of the advantages of polypropylene water supply is that it can be embedded into walls and floors without any problems. This material does not corrode, does not react with any materials, and does not conduct stray currents. In general, if the connection is made correctly, you can hide the pipes in the wall or floor without any problems. The trick is to make the connection well.

To make sure that the assembled system will not leak, it is checked - it is carried out with excess pressure. There are special devices for this. They connect, pump in water, increase the pressure. The water supply is left under this pressure for several days. If no leaks are found, then at operating pressure everything will work for a long time and without problems.

Installation rules

Before starting work, you need to draw up a diagram, mark on it all the necessary fittings and elements of the system (meters, filters, taps, etc.), mark the dimensions of the pipe sections between them. Using this scheme, we then calculate what and how much is needed.

When purchasing pipes, take with some reserve (a meter or two), fittings can be taken exactly according to the list. It wouldn't hurt to agree on the possibility of a return or exchange. This may be necessary, since often during the process, installation of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes throws up some surprises. They are mainly due to a lack of experience, and not to the material itself, and happen quite often even to masters.

In addition to pipes and fittings, you will also need clips that secure everything to the walls. They are installed on the pipeline every 50 cm, as well as near the end of each branch. These clips are plastic, there are metal ones - staples and clamps with a rubber gasket.

For open laying of pipelines in technical rooms, it is more convenient to use staples; for better aesthetics - for open laying of pipes in the bathroom or kitchen - use plastic clips of the same color as the pipes themselves.

Now a little about the assembly rules. The system itself can be assembled immediately by cutting pipe sections of the required length, constantly checking the diagram. It's easier to solder this way. But, with a lack of experience, this is fraught with mistakes - you must measure accurately and do not forget to add 15-18 millimeters (depending on the diameter of the pipes) that go into the fitting.

Therefore, it is more rational to draw the system on the wall, designate all the fittings and elements. You can even attach them and trace the outlines. This will make it easier to evaluate the system itself and identify shortcomings and errors, if any. This approach is more correct, as it gives greater accuracy.

Next, the pipes are cut as needed, and fragments of several elements are connected on the floor or work table. Then the finished fragment is installed in place. This sequence of actions is the most rational.

And about how to quickly and correctly cut sections of pipe of the required length and not make mistakes.

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly used when laying various systems - from plumbing to water heating. Thanks to the excellent characteristics and optimal prices for this building element, its popularity is constantly growing.

Advantages of the material

  1. The possibility of using plastic pipes for the design and implementation of various systems: water supply, sewerage, drainage, water heating. Most often they are used for installation in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.
  2. Polypropylene is an environmentally friendly material that allows the transport of both industrial and drinking water.
  3. Being lightweight, they are easy to install, making installation quite easy.
  4. Due to the material they are made of, they are not subject to corrosion and deposits do not accumulate in them. inside, which significantly increases their service life.
  5. By designing a water supply system using polypropylene pipes, you can count on 50 years of uninterrupted operation.

Types of pipes

During construction, 3 types of pipes are most often used:

  • Markings PN10, intended for cold water;
  • PN20 markings intended for sewerage systems, supplying warm and hot water;
  • PN25 markings intended for heating systems.

The last two types - pipes PN20 and PN25 are reinforced with reinforcement, which allows them to conduct warm and hot water without deformation.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the material: the cuts must be smooth and clean, without sagging or burrs. The same applies to fittings, that is, connecting elements.

During installation they are used the following types connecting elements of the same material:

  • Couplings: connect pipes different diameters; facilitate the transition from threads, both internal and external, to another type of connection; connect elements from different materials. For example, switching from cast iron to polypropylene.
  • Angles: allow you to rotate the designed system by 45 or 90 degrees.
  • Tees: help organize the branching of the system and bring three pipes into one.

Stages of work

Before installation, you must make sure that not a single purchased building element has dirt, sagging or any other defects. It is advisable to install pipes at warm, but not hot temperatures environment.

It is not recommended to carry out work at temperatures below 5-10 degrees.

For installation you will need:

  • Machine for polyfusion welding with various attachments.
  • Scissors (hacksaw) for cutting.
  • Knife for preliminary cleaning of pipes and connecting elements or for removing sagging.

Installation begins with cutting polypropylene pipes to the required length: using a marker, mark the places of future cuts and prepare the parts for further processing.

After preparation, you need to select fittings for individual parts. Having marked with a marker the depth of insertion of a certain fitting onto the pipe, you can begin welding.

Direct installation is carried out using a welding machine. It is designed to soften high temperature certain parts from polypropylene and their subsequent connection. To do this, it is heated to 260 - 270 degrees. When the desired temperature is reached, the prepared parts are put on one by one on the pre-selected nozzle of the welding machine. The thickest part should be heated first.

The prepared pipe or fitting must fit tightly onto the nozzle - otherwise the installation will be of poor quality.

The heating time directly depends on the diameter. The smaller the diameter (from 16 to 50 mm), the shorter the time period lasts: from 5 to 15 seconds.

Having warmed up both parts, they are carefully connected according to the marks made, while trying to avoid any distortions. This must be done carefully and quickly: after all, the hardening time of heated polypropylene is no more than 30 seconds. During this time, you need not only to connect the two parts, but also to fix them until they completely harden.

Any rotation during this time will deform part of the pipeline.

When connecting one part to another, there is no need to use force in excessive quantities: heated parts are easily deformed, which means the integrity of the building materials may be compromised.

After installation is complete, if necessary, you can use a knife to remove any drips that formed during the connection.

The result of correctly installed polypropylene pipes will be a smoothly operating system, be it water supply, sewerage, water heating or drainage. All that is required for this is attention, accuracy and thoroughness.


This video will show the process of working with polypropylene pipes during their installation.

July 30, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Plastic pipes in water supply and heating systems have gradually replaced their metal counterparts, the most popular of which are polypropylene products. They are quite durable and have good performance, the only thing is that their installation usually raises a number of questions for beginners. Therefore, next I will tell you how to install polypropylene pipes with your own hands, and you will see that there is nothing complicated about it.

Pipeline installation

Installation of polypropylene pipes, like any other pipes, includes several stages:

Wiring diagram

So, installing polypropylene pipes with your own hands, regardless of the purpose of the pipeline, begins with drawing up a diagram. In the process of performing this operation, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • determine the most optimal location of the pipeline;
  • indicate the length of all sections of the water supply system;
  • indicate the location and number of fittings;
  • marking the location of the pipeline on the walls.

That's why drawing up a diagram needs to be done very carefully, indicating all dimensions in millimeters. For convenience, you can use the housing plan.


As mentioned above, the number of fittings depends on the wiring diagram. In addition, in addition to fittings, you may need brackets for attaching the pipeline to the wall if the installation is open. We'll talk more about pipeline installation methods below.

Separately, it should be said about the choice of polypropylene pipes themselves. The fact is that they exist in several brands:

  • PN 10 - PN 16 - can be used exclusively for cold water supply;
  • PN 20 - PN 25 - suitable for heating and hot water supply. This brand is more expensive - the cost of 1mp PN 25 ranges from 50 to 250 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.


Installing and soldering polypropylene pipes with your own hands is not difficult, so you can cope with this task even without being a specialist. The only thing is that for this you need to have a special welding machine and nozzles of suitable diameter.

In addition, you will need some other tools:

  • stripping – designed to remove the top reinforcing layer, which is necessary for high-quality parts;
  • pipe cutter - allows you to cut pipes evenly.

If you want to assemble a pipeline without welding, you can use metal-plastic pipes that are connected with compression fittings.

The technology for connecting parts is as follows:

  1. first of all, you need to cut the pipes into pieces of the required length;
  2. Next, you need to turn on the soldering iron (welding machine) and warm it up. Moreover, before you start welding, you need to wait until the device warms up several times to the maximum temperature and turns off. This is indicated by light indicators;

  1. While the soldering iron is heating up, you need to clean the ends of the pipes. To do this, a stripper is put on them and turned. This procedure is reminiscent of cleaning pencils with shavings;
  2. After all the parts are prepared and the soldering iron is warmed up, you should insert the pipe and fitting into the nozzles. In this case, it is important to maintain the exact timing of the parts being connected. The latter depends on the diameter of the pipeline and is usually indicated in the table included with the device;

The photo shows the order of connecting parts

  1. when the plastic warms up, the parts need to be pulled out of the nozzles and connected to each other. They should be held in this position for some time until the plastic hardens;
  2. All parts of the pipeline are connected using this principle.

If this is your first time doing this kind of work, before you start making a pipeline, you should practice connecting pipe cuttings to fittings.

Installation methods

Installation of a polypropylene pipeline indoors can be done in two ways:

  • open - pipes are attached to the walls using special brackets. This method is the simplest, however, less aesthetically pleasing, since communications spoil appearance interior;
  • hidden - in this case, the pipes are located in grooves made in the wall, after which they are plastered. It must be said that it is quite difficult to correctly install hidden polypropylene pipes, since they are highly susceptible to thermal expansion.

Installation open method carried out in the following sequence:

  • According to the markings made on the walls, special brackets are installed. First of all, they are mounted in places of turns, as well as on flat areas in increments of a meter and a half;
  • Next, pipes are inserted into the brackets and connected to fittings. For convenience, you can assemble individual sections of the pipeline and then fix them in brackets, and then connect them to each other.

The DIY hidden installation process looks a little different:

  1. First you need to mark the grooves. Their width should be twice the width of the pipe. This is necessary so that the thermal insulation of the pipes, as well as plaster, can fit in them.
    To make a groove, you should use a hammer drill with a chisel turned on in the impact mode;
  2. Next, large sections of the pipeline are assembled and laid into grooves. Brackets or holders should be used to fix the structure;
  3. then all elements of the system are connected to each other;
  4. if the design is successful, heat-insulating covers are put on the pipes;
  5. then the grooves are sealed with cement mortar.

Before sealing the grooves, they must be cleaned of dust. This is necessary for high-quality cement adhesion.

It should be noted that hidden installation requires compliance with certain rules:

  • it is necessary to provide expansion joints in the system, since polypropylene pipes expand greatly (up to 5 mm per meter);
  • detachable fittings must always remain unwalled;
  • Before sealing the grooves, the pipeline must be checked.

Here, in fact, are all the instructions for installing polypropylene pipes.


As we found out, assembling a pipeline of pipes from polypropylene is quite simple. The main thing is to learn how to work with a soldering iron, for which you only need to get a little practice. Otherwise, you just need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

For more information, see the video in this article. . If you have any difficulties during the pipeline installation process or some points are not completely clear, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

July 30, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, or ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

(PP), gradually replaced traditional metal ones not only in water supply systems, but also in heating. Ease of installation plays an important role in its growing popularity - it is quite easy to install polypropylene pipes with your own hands, even in the absence of special skills and knowledge.

Positive qualities of PP pipes

Such pipes have the following advantages:

Attention! In most cases, the maximum permissible temperature working fluid is 90ᵒС (this includes products of the “twentieth” and “twenty-first” brands). When supplying cold water, where the temperature often does not exceed 20ᵒC, pipes from “eleventh” to “sixteenth” grades are used.

Important installation details

The connection of PP pipes is carried out using threaded/non-threaded fittings. In turn, threaded products can be:

  • one-piece;
  • detachable.

It is worth noting that installation is primarily affected by operating conditions.

After you have read all the necessary information, you can start working.

Stage one. Drafting

Installation work should begin with drawing up a project for the future highway. An important criterion in this case is ergonomics, as a result of which the number of turns and connecting elements should be minimal.

When arranging a heating system, a well-designed project is especially important, in which you should indicate the location of such elements as:

  • couplings;
  • adapters;
  • fasteners;
  • corners;
  • heating equipment.

The line is connected to the radiators in a one- or two-pipe way, from the side or from the bottom.

Attention! An equally important point when designing is the possible thermal expansion of polypropylene - this should also be taken into account.


Here the highway connects to centralized system for the purpose of supplying water to the necessary plumbing fixtures - toilet, sinks, boiler, etc. There are two ways to do the wiring.

Method number 1. Open option. Horizontal pipes are installed slightly above floor level, and vertical pipes are installed exclusively in the corners. All this allows you to make the pipeline less noticeable.

Method number 2. Closed option. It is extremely difficult to implement, since it involves preliminary carrying out the most accurate calculations. Pipes (necessarily solid) are walled up in the walls, and there must be free access to each joint.

In addition, the water supply layout can be:

  • sequential type (the most budget-friendly and easiest-to-implement option);
  • collector type (a collector is used when supplying water);
  • with pass-through sockets (not very popular).

Stage two. Welding of polypropylene pipes

This procedure will require an electric jigsaw (cutting polypropylene) and special welding equipment.

Attention! Before starting work, sleeves (nozzles) of the required diameter are put on. Next, using the thermostat, the appropriate temperature is set (about 260-265ᵒC), after which the device warms up (you can find out about the heating time from the manufacturer’s instructions).

Step one. While the apparatus is warming up, the necessary measurements are taken, the pipes are marked and cut.

Step two. The ends of the products that are planned to be connected to each other are thoroughly cleaned and degreased.

Step three. Using a pencil, mark the depth of insertion of each product into the sleeve. It is typical that at least a millimeter gap should remain, so the pipes do not rest against the fitting coupling.

Step four. The PP pipe with fitting is put on the sleeve in accordance with the marks made, and heating of all elements must occur simultaneously.

Attention! If the fitting is bad (or vice versa - too loose) of one of the elements, it is immediately rejected.

The heating duration depends not only on the diameter of the products, but also on the depth of welding (this can be found in the table below).

Step five. After a certain period of time, the products are removed and connected, pressing onto each other with little effort. It is prohibited to rotate the elements along the center line.

Step six. Within a few seconds after the connection, an initial adjustment is made, then the elements are finally fixed.

Attention! The assembly sequence is determined in advance.

If there are no gaps left at the connection point, then it (the connection) can be considered high quality.

Video - Welding PP pipes

Manufacturing of welding machine

Due to the fact that a more or less good one costs over a thousand rubles, it is cheaper to rent it or make it yourself. If the latter was chosen, then for work you should prepare:

The sequence of actions should be as follows.

Step one. In order to improve heat transfer, the sole of the iron is treated with thermal paste, then a Teflon sleeve is fixed. The location of the latter is determined in advance - wide part up or down.

Step two. The sharp “nose” is filed off for more convenient work near walls.

Step three. The iron is heated until the device turns off a second time.

Step four. It’s good if the iron is equipped with a temperature sensor - this will allow you to accurately determine the heating temperature. But there is an easier way - through lead. This metal melts at 230ᵒC and above, which approximately coincides with the temperature required for welding.

The further technology is identical to that described above.

Stage three. Pipeline installation

When laying the highway you will need:

  • pipes;
  • tees;
  • Ball Valves;
  • plugs;
  • adapters;
  • bends;
  • couplings;
  • detachable connecting elements;
  • threaded fittings;
  • plastic clamps.

First of all, the installation of the main elements of the system (plumbing, radiators, boilers, etc.) is carried out, after which the future highway is marked in accordance with the drawn up project. Pipeline elements are connected to each other using couplings.

Attention! Hard-to-reach areas of the system are assembled separately.

When it comes to heating or hot water supply, thermal expansion is taken into account. To compensate for the latter, it is advisable to use movable connections. When installing a closed pipeline, the walls are first grooved (a groove with a width of two pipe diameters is made in appropriate places).

Filling the pipeline with liquid is permissible only after one hour from the end of installation. Hydraulic testing can be carried out only after 24 hours.

Sewage system made of PP pipes

As noted earlier, polypropylene pipes are now actively used in the construction of buildings. The installation procedure in this case has its own nuances.

Internal sewerage

There are a number of rules that must be followed when installing sewerage in the house.

  1. The pipeline is laid at an angle in the direction of the sewer riser (about 3 cm per linear meter).
  2. If the room is not heated, then the pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.
  3. You cannot make sharp turns at an angle of 90ᵒ; instead, so-called half-bends are used.
  4. Fan-type ventilation is an essential component of the sewer system, which will prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors into the home.
  5. The toilet is connected only after the sink, otherwise the water seal will break.

External sewerage

Step one. The diameter of the pipes is determined, depending mainly on the number of people living in the house.

Step two. A trench is dug from the sewer riser to the septic tank or cesspool. In this case, a slope is maintained depending on the soil freezing line, or the pipeline is insulated with mineral wool.

Step three. The bottom is covered with a “cushion” of sand. Its thickness should be at least 20 cm.

Step four. The pipeline is being laid. It is important to avoid possible sagging, otherwise the connections will soon collapse.

Attention! The seams do not need to be sealed, since PP pipes for external use already have rubber seals.

Horizontal drilling of a trench for a pipeline is carried out using special equipment with pressure-action pump jacks. Drilling occurs using a steel cone-shaped tip. A similar technology is used in construction:

  • auto and railway roads;
  • pipelines to basements;
  • highways to working wells.

Installing a PP pipeline with your own hands will help you save a lot, but only if done correctly.

Polypropylene pipes are gradually replacing metal pipes in heating and water supply, and this is primarily due to ease of installation. Polypropylene (PP) is a material with excellent performance and qualities, which is used for both cold and hot water.

The advantages of polypropylene include:

  • long service life;
  • a large assortment of fittings and other components;
  • light weight;
  • absence of condensate and mineral deposits during operation;
  • immunity to corrosion;
  • strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to aggressive environments and high pressure.

The only disadvantages include the inability of most polypropylene pipes to withstand temperatures above 50-60ᵒ. There are several brands that can withstand boiling water (not for long, because already at 90°C the plastic softens and loses its properties).

Important! For hot water (less than 90ᵒC) pipes marked PN25 and PN20 are used, and for cold water (less than 20ᵒC) - PN10 and PN16.

Equipment for installation of water supply:

Necessary materials:

  • PP pipes;
  • fittings, detachable or permanent;
  • tees;
  • couplings;
  • corners (for installation of inclined sections of the highway).

The ambient temperature during operation must be at least +5ᵒС. All parts are checked for defects, cleaned of dirt, and directly during welding/installation they are located away from open sources fire.

Choosing the right pipes

There are several types of PP pipes that can be used in water supply.

  1. Pipes with an aluminum layer (another name is “stubs”) are universal because they are used in systems of all types.

  2. Products with a fiberglass layer. The layer can be red and blue, respectively, for hot and cold water.

  3. Conventional single-layer pipes. Their use is advisable when installing small water supply networks.

  4. Multilayer products (reinforcement + two layers of polypropylene) are characterized by the fact that they can withstand temperatures up to 95ᵒC.

In home water supply, the most common pipe diameters are 2, 2.5 and 3.2 cm. The choice of one or another of them depends solely on the diameter of the nozzles for the welding machine. There are products with diameters of 4, 5, 6.3, 7.9 and 9 cm, as well as a diameter of 11 cm, which is popular in sewer installations, but such nozzles do not come with the device as standard.

Important! It is advisable to first acquire welding and only after that, based on the diameter of the nozzles, select pipes.

Do-it-yourself propylene water supply: installation technology

The choice of certain fittings when installing a water supply system completely depends on the operating conditions. For example, to install a water meter it is better to use a detachable threaded fitting, but to connect a flexible hose it is more advisable to use a permanent connection.

When soldering products of different diameters, as well as on straight sections of the highway, couplings are used. Angles, in turn, are needed when turning the water pipe. Branches are created using tees.

Important! Do not use dirty or damaged parts. In addition, cutting threads on polypropylene elements yourself is strictly prohibited.


  1. Calculation of all necessary parameters.
  2. Installation of adapter fittings (if you plan to connect PP elements with steel ones).
  3. Welding of pipes and fasteners (welding technology will be discussed below).
  4. Installation of shut-off valves.
  5. Wall grooves (making channels for laying pipelines).
  6. Final installation of polypropylene pipes.

First stage. First you need to turn off the water using the valve near the riser. If the risers also change, the water in the basement will need to be turned off with prior approval from the Housing Office. In addition, you need to inform your neighbors about the exact timing of the work.

Second phase. Next, the old pipes are cut with a grinder about half a meter from the floor and ceiling - this will simplify installation. Each cut must be strictly perpendicular, otherwise it will not be possible to cut the thread.

Third stage. The section of the main line located in the slab must be loosened and then knocked out with a sledgehammer. If necessary, a hammer drill is used.

Fourth stage. At the end, you need to cut off all the fasteners of the old highway - dowels, metal brackets, etc.

Important! The diameter of the new water supply must be no less than the old one. In an apartment with a standard layout, you first need to install pipes in the toilet, since the risers are located there.

Pipeline installation can be closed or open. In the case of open installation, the main line is masked with plasterboard or simply remains in plain sight. With closed installation, pipes are immured in pre-grooved floors and walls.

Obviously, open installation is more popular.

First stage. First you need to determine at what distance from the riser the internal wiring will run. Taking into account the data obtained, the pipe for the riser is cut.

Second phase. In the risers of the upper and lower apartments it is necessary to cut threads using a die. Then the risers are sealed with tapers, and the polypropylene riser is assembled.

Third stage. The water supply is restored to check the tightness of the connections. If the result is positive, then it is necessary to install the wiring (taking into account the location of the plumbing, water meter and filter). You only need to run cold water to the toilet.

Fourth stage. Corrugated hoses should be connected to all plumbing fixtures. A ball valve is also installed in front of each device.

Important! If the pipe is disguised with a false wall, then it must be insulated with polyethylene foam to prevent the formation of condensation.

Welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes

Before you start working, you need to put Teflon-coated nozzles of the appropriate diameter on the welding machine. The thermostat is set to 260ᵒC, the device warms up. detailed instructions- How to solder polypropylene pipes.

First stage. First, the pipe is marked and cut to the required length. The end of the pipe that needs to be connected is stripped.

Second phase. Then it is noted to what depth the pipe will enter the fitting. It is important that there is a millimeter gap between them.

Third stage. Fittings with a pipe are placed on the heated nozzle of the device; heating of both elements should begin simultaneously. First, a part with thicker walls is mounted; if the connection is not tight enough, then it must be rejected.

Fourth stage. The parts are kept for a certain time, which depends on the diameter:

  • Ø4 cm – 12 sec;
  • Ø3.2 cm – 8 sec;
  • Ø2.5 cm – 7 sec;
  • Ø1.6 cm – 5 sec.

After this, the elements are pressed onto each other with little effort. When connecting, you cannot make turns along the center line.

Fifth stage. The hardening time ranges between 15 and 30 seconds, it all depends on the diameter of the products. The first correction is made only a few seconds after insertion. During the curing period, the parts must be securely fixed.

At the end of the procedure, the connection is checked for cracks and gaps.

What determines the installation cost?

Important! A good welding machine for polypropylene pipes costs about 3 thousand rubles, so it is better to rent it from specialized companies.

In addition to the device itself, there are other factors that influence the cost of work:

  • price of necessary building materials;
  • the number of water consuming points to which the pipeline needs to be connected;
  • diameter of pipes, method of their connection;
  • planning features.

Manufacturers of PP pipes

To install polypropylene water pipes, it is better to use high-quality pipes from manufacturers who have already proven themselves positively. These include Ecoplast, Kalde, Pilsa, etc. Using low-quality products is fraught with consequences.

When heated, the pipes will melt longer than expected, and their diameter may not fit the nozzle. If the end of the product fits into the nozzle too freely, then a high-quality connection is unlikely to be achieved.

To prevent this from happening, buy a small piece and solder it to the fitting. This will allow you to draw the right conclusions regarding the purchase of PP pipes from an unknown manufacturer.

Finally. Safety precautions

It is very important to follow all safety standards when installing a new water supply system. For example, when using a grinder or other cutting tool, you must wear safety glasses. When welding and gating walls, you need to use a respirator. In short, in installing a water supply system, as in any other matter, the main thing is safety.

Video - Polypropylene pipes: how to choose?

Video - Installation and welding of PP pipes

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