Printable form mx 3 for 1s 8.2. Reflection of goods in storage in accounting entries

Hello! Our organization transfers materials for safekeeping to another organization. without the right to sell. What documents can be used to reflect this operation in 1C Agricultural Enterprise Accounting? what kind of wiring should there be? Advertising space is empty Cube 1 - 08/03/12 - 06:41 We've made it... We don't know any postings or documents... It's time to change the chief accountant! marinochka_19 2 — 03.08.12 — 06:45 do you know that yourself??? dBrazhelon 3 - 03.08.12 - 06:45 baaa.... Banned from Google? Has PBU been cancelled? and the photo is nothing... dBrazhelon 4 - 03.08.12 - 06:49 When concluding an agreement on responsible storage, a series of additional documents, which serve as intermediate links to the points of fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The act of transfer for safekeeping is a document that is drawn up during the actual direct transfer of inventory items for storage.

Accounting in 1C:UPP for goods in safekeeping

FOR PROCESSING on the side” marinochka_19 6 - 08/03/12 - 06:55 and we simply transfer it for storage, without the right to process vvp91 7 - 08/03/12 - 06:57 Too lazy to use 10.07, then use Dt 45.03 - Kt 10.01 dBrazhelon 8 - 03.08 .12 - 06:58 oh my god, well, take another subaccount. sergeev-ag-1977 9 - 08/03/12 - 06:59 (8) then the balance will then be finished so that it gets there... sergeev-ag-1977 10 - 08/03/12 - 06:59 such a situation is possible Advertising space is empty sergeev -ag-1977 11 — 08/03/12 — 06:59 It’s easier to use 10.07 dBrazhelon 12 — 08/03/12 — 07:00 Well, they’re not looking for easy ways. sergeev-ag-1977 13 - 03.08.12 - 07:00 and make signs for the contract: processing or storage and group them according to them. sergeev-ag-1977 14 - 08/03/12 - 07:01 Well, if the chief accountant can’t tell the wiring, the chief accountant needs to be fired... dBrazhelon 15 - 08/03/12 - 07:02 I wouldn’t be very sure of such a GB, for example...

Transfer for safekeeping

Your own counterparty is selected from the list of “Counterparties” registered in the database;

  • Storage duration – indicates the shelf life of goods (in days) or the storage option “on demand”;
  • Conditions for storing goods – additional comments entered in free form.

It should be noted that an order scheme should not be used in a secure storage warehouse. It is also important additional condition– if the warehouse details “Print prices” = “At cost”, then the cost must be calculated.

You can use the option “Calculate preliminary cost by routine task”. To do this, go to the section “Research data and administration” → “Financial results and controlling”.
Set the flag “Calculate preliminary cost using routine task”. There are standard printed forms for secure storage warehouses.

Reflection of goods in storage in accounting entries

Responsible storage is a service that allows the client to place goods, cargo and other tangible property in the modernly equipped warehouse areas of the supplier company. The main advantages of responsible storage are the reduction of costs for the purchase, rental or construction of your own warehouse, as well as activities related to logistics, cargo acceptance, maintenance and security of this territory.


First of all, responsible storage allows such companies to completely distance themselves from warehousing, focusing directly on business. The benefit lies in the absence of the need to attract qualified specialists and investments in the construction and equipment of a warehouse.

This action eliminates the possibility of accidental shipment of this product from the warehouse during sale. In the future, in the process of maintaining warehouse accounting, you can always monitor the situation using standard reports.

For example, using the “Analysis of product availability in warehouses” report, you can clearly see how much product is in storage. True, these reports often display information not only about the goods in storage, but also about the goods reserved during the purchasing process.

The “Items in reserve in warehouses” report will help clarify the situation, where you can see which goods have been accepted for storage. However, items reserved during the sales process will not be displayed.
Expenditure of goods When goods in storage need to be returned to the owner, you simply need to create a Disbursement Order for goods.
If a company does not have its own warehouse, then it uses the services of a third-party organization (counterparty) for warehouse processing. If the company has its own entity occupied with warehouse processing or separate division division - warehouse, then the goods are transferred to the storage of their own organization. Go to the “Warehouse” card. Follow the hyperlink “Set up safekeeping.” Set the flag “Goods are transferred for safekeeping.”
In the form “Filling out the conditions for responsible storage”, you must indicate the following parameters:

  • Custodian organization is its own organization (or its own counterparty) responsible for storing goods in a warehouse. Your own organization is selected from the “Organizations” list registered in the database.

Transfer of goods and materials for safekeeping in 1s 8.3

Postings: Account Dt Account Kt Description of posting Posting amount Document-base 002 Goods accepted for storage 150 900 Warehouse receipt Bill of lading Acceptance/transfer certificate 62 90.01 Remuneration accrued for storage 17 200 Acceptance/transfer certificate 90.03 68 VAT VAT accrued on the remuneration amount 2624 Account invoice 51 62 Received cash for payment for storage services 17,200 Bank statement 002 Goods sent to the owner 150,900 Acceptance/transfer certificate Bill of lading Example: An organization transfers goods worth RUB 521,700 for safekeeping. A company providing storage services issued an invoice for the amount of 29,847 rubles. (VAT 4553 rub.).
Not every organization provides services for the storage of other people's inventory, or for the acquisition of any inventory on behalf of and for another person. Unfortunately, in standard 1C software products, including 1C:UPP, custody accounting is not automated. This is understandable; nevertheless, such operations are not typical and may not occur in every organization. But nevertheless, if we have such a situation, then it can be solved using standard means. Let's consider a solution using standard tools in 1C:UPP using the example of when we either give our goods for storage or accept someone else's goods for storage. In addition, at the end of the article, we will consider other situations related to responsible storage that may occur in the economic life of an organization.


To complete the operation, the following entries are made:

  • Debit 44 Credit 60 – reflection of the cost of warehousing.

When goods are received from a secure storage warehouse, the following posting is made:

  • debit 41 “goods in warehouse” credit 41 “goods in main warehouse”.

The organization that receives the goods for safekeeping records it on account 002:

  • for debit – acceptance for storage, for credit – write-off.

Goods are accepted for storage at the prices indicated in the delivery note. The cost reflected in the accompanying document acts as collateral.

Revenue from storage services is reflected as normal sales in account 90. Examples An organization accepted a consignment of goods worth RUB 150,900 for safekeeping. The cost of storage services is 17,200 (VAT 2,624 rubles).

They are available if there is a receipt/expenditure document from the custody warehouse: MX-1 – Certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods and materials for storage. MX-3 – Certificate of return of goods and materials deposited for storage. MX-2 – Log book of inventory items deposited for storage for the period.

The transfer of goods for safekeeping can be documented using the document “Movement of Goods”. Go to the section “Warehouse and delivery” → “Internal goods movement” → document “Movement of goods”. Here, in the “Recipient warehouse” column, select a secure storage warehouse. MX-1 and MX-3 can be printed from the “Movement of Goods” documents.

The return of goods from safekeeping can also be documented using the “Movement of Goods” document. In this case, a printed form of the Certificate of Return of Inventory and Materials Deposited for Storage (MX-3) will be available.

All that remains is to reflect the debt for storage services. We will do this using the usual document Receipt of goods and services. To separately account for storage costs, you can create a special cost item, for example, “Storage of goods”: By clicking the “Go” button, you need to configure “Methods of distribution of cost items” and “Methods of distribution of organizational items”. You need to configure how you need to distribute these expenses for a specific organization. At the close of the month, these expenses will be allocated accordingly. Unfortunately, in the standard configuration it is not possible to establish a direct relationship between the consignment of goods transferred for storage and the costs of storage services. If such a function is necessary, then a corresponding modification of the 1C:UPP program will be required.

In this article we will look at the full cycle of accounting for materials in 1C Accounting 8.3: from program settings to.

All materials in accounting are on the tenth account. Depending on their type, a specific subaccount is selected. If you go to the accounting chart of accounts, you can see that they have a subaccount "". The same in our situation, warehouses with shipments are also displayed there.

Both for a specific item and for the group as a whole. Typically, a “Materials” group is created for such purposes. In our case, we set its score to 10.01.

The figure below shows an example of the rules for determining accounting accounts for the “Nails” item. In the first line of the tabular part, you see that the account 10.01 will be applied to all items that are included in the “Materials” group, including our nails.

Receipt of materials in the 1C Accounting 3.0 program

The very first action when organizing materials accounting in 1C 8.3 is to reflect their receipt. You can find this document in the “Purchases” menu by clicking on the “Receipts (acts, invoices)” hyperlink.

Our receipt document will have the type of transaction “Goods (invoice)”. In the header we indicate that our organization “Horns LLC” purchases materials from the company “Hoofs LLC” under an agreement with the supplier. We will take into account all purchased goods in the main division.

Next, fill out a table where you need to list all purchased goods with their prices and quantities. This can be done either manually or in semi-automatic mode (with display of balances) using the “Selection” button.

In our case, the accounting account was entered correctly everywhere - 10.01 due to the fact that all these positions are in the corresponding nomenclature group. This document allows you to manually edit accounts in the table itself if necessary.

Let's go through the document and look at the postings. Here everything was formed correctly. All materials went to account 10.01 with the corresponding subaccounts.

Transfer of materials to production in 1C 8.3

We will produce something from previously received materials. To do this, the program needs to reflect the transfer of materials to production and write them off as costs. The document “” performs these actions. You can find it in the “Production” or “Warehouse” menu.

In the header of the document we will indicate our organization and warehouse. In the tabular part on the “Materials” tab we list three items: boards, varnish and nails. If you want cost accounts to be different for items, check the “Cost account on the “Materials” tab” flag. In this case, the “Cost Account” tab in the document will disappear and this tab will display columns in which you indicate this data, but for each specific item separately. In this example, all materials will have a single account.

Let's move on to the next tab, on which we will indicate a single account for all transferred item items: 20.01. We will also indicate here that the costs will be attributed to the production department and indicate the cost item.

In this example, we will not fill out the last tab – “Customer Materials”. Let's assume that we produce only from our own materials without involving third parties.

After posting the document, we can open its postings and make sure that they are formed correctly.

See also the video on the example of stationery:

Sales of materials in 1C

In order to reflect the sale of materials to a third-party buyer in the 1C: Accounting 3.0 program, you can use the standard approach through the document “”. It is located in the "Sales" menu.

Let's create a new document with the type of operation "Goods (invoice)". Filling out this document when selling materials is no different from the usual sale of goods, with the exception of the invoices used.

In the header we will indicate the counterparty to whom we are selling the materials and the agreement with him. We will also choose our organization and division.

In the tabular section, you need to list all the materials that we sell to the buyer, indicating their prices and quantities.

In our case, accounting accounts were entered automatically based on the settings of the “Materials” item group. However, we recommend that you check that this data is filled out correctly.

When carried out, this document formed the main movements from Kt 10.01 to Dt 91.02.

Inventory assets (TMV) are materials that organizations use for business needs and for the production of products. Accounting for materials in 1C 8.3 Accounting is carried out by type of inventory items in different sub-accounts opened for account 10 “Materials”. Read here in detail about accounting for inventory items in 1C 8.3 with step-by-step instructions.

Read in the article:

Accounting for inventory items in 1C 8.3 is divided into two main stages - receipt and write-off. Receipt of materials in 1C 8.3 is documented with the document “Invoice for receipt of goods”. Write-offs are done different ways depending on the nature of disposal of materials. In this article we will tell you how to write off materials for production. Read on to learn how to register materials in 1C 8.3 Accounting in 6 steps.

Receipt of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Create an inventory receipt in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Purchases” section (1) and click on the “Receipts (acts, invoices)” link (2). A window for creating an invoice for goods receipt will open.

In the window that opens, click on the “Receipt” button (3) and click on the “Goods (invoice)” link (4). An invoice form will open for you to fill out.

Step 2. Fill in the details of the invoice for receipt of goods and materials in 1C 8.3

In the invoice form please indicate:

  • your organization (1);
  • materials supplier (2);
  • to which warehouse the materials were received (3);
  • details of the agreement with the supplier of goods and materials (4);
  • number and date of the seller's invoice (5).

Step 3. Fill out the material part of the invoice in 1C 8.3

Click the “Add” button (1) and click on the “Show all” link (2). The nomenclature directory will open.

In this directory, select the material (3) that you received. Next, indicate on the invoice:

  • quantity (4). Indicate the quantity of materials received at the warehouse;
  • price from the invoice (invoice) from the supplier (5);
  • VAT rate from the invoice (UPD) from the supplier (6).

The delivery note is complete. To complete the posting of materials, click the “Record” (7) and “Post” (8) buttons.

Now in accounting 1C 8.3 there are entries for the debit of account 10 “Material”. To view the transactions for the created invoice, click on the “DtKt” button (9).

In the posting window, you can see that the material is credited to account 10.01 “Raw materials and materials” (10). Also, the debit of account 19.03 “VAT on purchased inventories” (11) reflects the receipt of VAT. These accounts correspond to account 60.01 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (12).

So, the receipt of materials has been processed, now the next stage is write-off.

Write-off of materials in 1C 8.3

Step 1. Complete the invoice requirement in 1C 8.3

To write off materials for production costs in 1C 8.3, use an invoice requirement. To create this document, go to the “Production” section (1) and click on the “Requirements-invoices” link (2). A window for creating a document will open.

In the window that opens, specify:

  • your organization (3);
  • date of release of materials into production (4);
  • warehouse from which you write off materials (5).

Check the box (6) opposite “Cost accounts on the “Materials” tab.” This checkbox is checked when materials are written off for production.

Step 2. Fill out the material part in the invoice request

In the “Materials” tab (1), add inventory items to be written off. To do this, click the “Add” button (2). Next, select in the “Nomenclature” directory the material (3) that you are writing off for production, and indicate its quantity (4). Cost account (5) is set to 20.01 “Main production” by default. If necessary, enter a different expense account in this field. In the “Nomenclature group” field (6), select a group for writing off materials. In such groups they unite different types manufactured products, for example “Furniture”, “Windows”, “Doors”. In the “Cost Items” field (7), select an item suitable for write-off, for example, “Material expenses of the main production.”

To reflect the write-off of materials into production in accounting, click “Record” (8) and “Post” (9). Now there are entries in accounting:

- write-off of materials for production

1C: Trade management 11.2 Safekeeping warehouses

Continuing the topic of changes in 1C: Trade Management UT 11.2 in the “Warehouse” section, we will look at the completely new functionality “Secure Storage Warehouses”. The relevance of this topic is difficult to underestimate. Today, secure storage warehouses are becoming increasingly popular, which is explained by the growing importance of this logistics service.

First, let’s understand from a legal point of view what safekeeping is.

Responsible storage is a service that allows the client to place goods, cargo and other material property in the modernly equipped warehouse areas of the supplier company. The main advantages of responsible storage are the reduction of costs for the purchase, rental or construction of your own warehouse, as well as activities related to logistics, cargo acceptance, maintenance and security of this territory. First of all, responsible storage allows such companies to completely distance themselves from warehousing, focusing directly on business. The benefit lies in the absence of the need to attract qualified specialists and investments in the construction and equipment of a warehouse. In addition, it is particularly relevant this service It is also used by companies that do not need a warehouse constantly, but only during individual purchases. With responsible storage, you do not overpay for the rental of unused space, but pay for storage upon delivery.

Quite a few of our company’s clients have used this service before. But this brought a lot of inconvenience. I had to keep records of safekeeping warehouses in another program. This took a lot of time and money. Some clients, with the help of the Petersburg Business Solutions company, were forced to modify their software products. With the exit new version UT 11.2 – all the inconveniences and costs associated with this service in 1C have disappeared.

Below we will look at how the responsible storage scheme works in warehouses in 1C: UT 11.2

In version 1C: Trade Management ed. 11.1 there was no opportunity to keep records in the secure storage warehouses at all. This function appeared only in 1C: Trade Management rev. 11.2.

New functionality in 1C: UT 11.2 “Safety Warehouses” allows you to keep records of our goods in a safekeeping warehouse. So, we are provided with safekeeping services. The goods remain our property. This means that our goods are stored in a warehouse. That is, now we can reflect in the program where, how and how much of our goods are stored in secure storage warehouses. It is important to understand that the possibility of providing safekeeping services by us (that is, when we provide a warehouse for safekeeping) is not provided for in the program. Accounting is carried out only if this service is provided to us.

The custodian organization may be:

Third Party Contractor.
- Own separate legal entity engaged in warehouse processing of responsible storage. If a company does not have its own warehouse, then it uses the services of a third-party organization (counterparty) for warehouse processing. If the company has its own legal entity engaged in warehouse processing or a separate division - a warehouse, then the goods are transferred to the storage of its own organization.

Go to the “Warehouse” card. Follow the hyperlink “Set up safekeeping.” Set the flag “Goods are transferred for safekeeping.”

In the form “Filling out the conditions for responsible storage”, you must indicate the following parameters:

It should be noted that an order scheme should not be used in a secure storage warehouse. An additional condition is also important - if the warehouse details “Print prices” = “At cost”, then the cost must be calculated. You can use the option “Calculate preliminary cost by routine task”. To do this, go to the section “Research data and administration” → “Financial results and controlling”.

Set the flag “Calculate preliminary cost using routine task”.

There are standard printed forms for secure storage warehouses. They are available if there is a secure storage warehouse in the receipt/expense document:

MX-1 – Certificate of acceptance and transfer of goods and materials for storage.

MX-3 – Certificate of return of goods and materials deposited for storage.

MX-2 – Log book of inventory items deposited for storage for the period.

The transfer of goods for safekeeping can be documented using the document “Movement of Goods”. Go to the section "Warehouse and delivery" → "Internal goods movement" → document "Movement of goods". Here, in the “Recipient warehouse” column, select a secure storage warehouse. MX-1 and MX-3 can be printed from the "Movement of Goods" documents. The return of goods from safekeeping can also be documented using the document “Movement of Goods”. In this case, a printed form of the Certificate of Return of Inventory and Materials Deposited for Storage (MX-3) will be available.

The act of acceptance of the transfer of goods and materials (MX-1) will look like this:

Acceptance of goods from another organization can be documented with the document “Receipt of goods and services”, and return with the document “Return of goods to supplier”. The goods accepted for storage will be reflected in the Logbook of inventory items deposited for storage for the period (MX - 2). Form MX-2 is located in the “Warehouse and Delivery” section. Looks like that:

To summarize, let's draw up a scheme for implementing secure storage warehouses in 1C: Trade Management 11.2

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

The employees of the St. Petersburg Business Solutions company have extensive experience working with software products 1C. By contacting us, you will receive high-quality advice, 100% legality of programs, guarantees for any type of work.

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