Transportation of gas cylinders in trucks and cars. Transportation of oxygen cylinders What is needed for transportation of oxygen cylinders documents

The 2020 Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road establish a number of requirements for the transportation of bottled gas. They must be adhered to if you have the required number of cylinders provided by the regulations.

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Although when transporting the permissible volume or weight of gas cylinders, the cargo is considered non-hazardous, and drivers of ordinary vehicles can transport it passenger cars, subject to less stringent requirements.

Who has the right to transport

Not all drivers are allowed to transport gas cylinders in quantities sufficient to be considered dangerous goods (DG). The requirements for them include undergoing appropriate instruction and special training.

The document provides for liability for violating the rules for transporting dangerous goods:

  • amount of punishment in 2500 rubles;
  • the second option is deprivation of a driver’s license for 4–6 months in accordance with Part 1 of the same article of the Administrative Code.

There are no criminal penalties for such violations.

A fine is also imposed on those drivers who do not transport gas cylinders, but use one installed on the car. gas equipment(GBO).

However, this only happens in cases where the installation has not completed the required installation. The maintenance period for gas is 24 months.

If the gas is not intended for personal use, not only the driver, but also the shipper is punished for violating the rules for transporting cylinders.

Table 2. Penalties relating to officials and legal entities(Administrative Code, Art. 12.21.2.).

Rules for delivery by road transport

To increase transportation safety, it is not allowed to transport containers with oxygen and containers with any flammable gases (including empty ones) together on any type of road transport. The only exception is the movement of incompatible tanks on special carts to work stations.

Substances incompatible with oxygen that can cause an explosion at a certain concentration include flammable propane gas.

Non-flammable nitrogen (N2) is considered safe when transported with oxygen cylinders. Helium and argon can be transported together with bottled oxygen.

Cargo compatibility

Among the requirements for transporting cylinders it is worth noting:

  • the inadmissibility of their presence in the same trunk or body along with objects, the movement of which could lead to impacts on the containers;
  • absence of flammable and explosive objects in the same place as the cylinders;
  • inadmissibility of delivery together with food and feed (for hygienic reasons).

When transporting gas cylinders with different types of contents, compatibility is checked according to. In accordance with this document, non-flammable and non-toxic substances are compatible with any contents of other containers.

Cylinders with toxic cargo must not be transported along with all flammable bottled gases.

In general transportation of 15 cylinders in one vehicle is not considered transportation of dangerous goods. And often you can carry significantly more without any problems! Below we provide a detailed rationale for this fact and provide a table of the maximum number of cylinders with the most common gases.

Regardless of what traffic police officers think about this, there is a LAW, and court decisions [, ] confirm this.

Transportation of dangerous goods in Russian Federation is regulated by the following documents:

“Rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road” (as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 1999 No. 37, dated October 14, 1999 No. 77; registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 18, 1995, registration No. 997).

"European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road" (ADR), to which Russia officially joined on April 28, 1994 (RF Government Decree No. 76 dated 02/03/1994).

"Rules traffic"(Traffic Regulations 2006), namely Article 23.5, which establishes that "Transportation... of dangerous goods... is carried out in accordance with special rules."

"Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses", Article 12.21 Part 2 of which provides for liability for violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods in the form of " administrative fine for drivers in the amount of one to three minimum sizes wages or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months; for officials responsible for transportation - from ten to twenty minimum wages."

In accordance with clause 3, clause 1.2, “The Rules do not apply to... transportation of a limited amount of dangerous substances on one vehicle, the transportation of which can be considered as the transportation of non-dangerous cargo.” It also explains that “A limited number of dangerous goods is determined in the requirements for safe transportation specific type dangerous cargo. When determining it, it is possible to use the requirements of the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR)."

Thus, the question of the maximum quantity of substances that can be transported as non-dangerous goods comes down to the study of section 1.1.3 of ADR, which establishes exceptions from the European rules for the transport of dangerous goods associated with various circumstances.

So, for example, in accordance with clause “The provisions of ADR do not apply... to the carriage of dangerous goods by private persons when these goods are packaged for retail sales and are intended for their personal consumption, domestic use, leisure or sport, provided that measures are taken to prevent any leakage of the contents under normal conditions of transport."

However, the group of exemptions formally recognized by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods is those associated with quantities transported in one transport unit(clause

All gases are classified into the second class of substances according to the ADR classification. Non-flammable, non-toxic gases (groups A - neutral and O - oxidizing) belong to the third transport category, with a maximum quantity limit of 1000 units. Highly flammable (group F) - to the second, with a maximum quantity limited to 333 units. By “unit” here we mean 1 liter of the capacity of the vessel containing the compressed gas, or 1 kg of liquefied or dissolved gas. Therefore, the maximum quantity of gases that can be transported in one transport unit as non-dangerous cargo is as follows:

The most difficult situation is with acetylene. According to formal criteria (flammable gas, dissolved, 5 kg per 40 liter cylinder), one should consider 333/5 = 66 cylinders per transport unit. However, taking into account that the cylinder simultaneously contains 13.2 kg of equally flammable acetone, in which acetylene is actually dissolved, apparently, the maximum amount should be taken equal to 333/(5 + 13.2) = 18, which entered into the table.

Finally, in accordance with of ADR "If dangerous goods belonging to different transport categories are transported in the same transport unit, the sum... of the quantity of substances and products of transport category "2", multiplied by 3, and the quantity substances and products of transport category "3" should not exceed 1000."

Example: Can 4 propane cylinders and 8 oxygen cylinders be transported together?

Calculation: (21[kg] * 4) * 3 + 40[l] * 8 = 572< 1000. Следовательно, такая перевозка не будет считаться перевозкой опасного груза.

It is significant that clause 2.11.2 of the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods states: “the combined transportation of different classes of dangerous goods on one vehicle (in one container) is permitted only within the limits of the rules of acceptable compatibility (presented in the table of Appendix 7.14).” The general meaning of the table is that the joint transportation of mutually reacting (for example, forming explosive mixtures) substances is not permitted. However, for some reason an exception was made for gases. Flammable gases (class 2.3 according to table 7.14), non-flammable non-toxic gases (class 2.1, which includes oxygen) and oxidizing substances (class 5.1) are everywhere compatible and allowed for simultaneous transportation, while the carriage of oxidizing agents and flammable liquids (classes 3.1 and 3.2) is prohibited. Perhaps just by mistake? On the other hand, according to the same table, flammable liquids of class 3.3 with oxidizers can be transported... In any case, we strongly do not recommend transporting oxygen and propane together unless absolutely necessary, and especially if the car body is closed.

Without exception, all cylinders with compressed air or more dangerous liquefied gas, according to modern legislation, belong to the category of rather dangerous transported goods. To ensure proper transportation oxygen cylinders vehicles, standards must be observed in mandatory. In other words, for the maximum level of safety, during the transportation process it is necessary to rely on a list of rules, conditions and norms.

Basic Rules

Without exception, all oxygen containers contain compressed gas, which is why such cargo is classified as dangerous. Storage, operation, transportation and delivery of oxygen cylinders by road transport must be carried out according to the rules. When organizing competent transportation, it is important to pay attention to the availability of special accompanying documentation; special ADR permits must be available. In addition, there are certain requirements for drivers who must have a certain professional level. Oxygen containers, as a category of dangerous goods, must be specially marked.

These are all rules preliminary preparation for the delivery of dangerous cargo. There are also several rules that relate directly to the transportation process. Among the approved rules aimed at such a moment as the transportation of oxygen cylinders on road transport, we can highlight:

  1. When loading cylinders into the car, you need to make sure that the engine is not running.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to shake the cylinders or handle them carelessly.
  3. Cylinders must be laid in such a way that the possibility of their serious displacement from each other is completely eliminated.
  4. The entire shipment must be very firmly secured with reliable tapes.
  5. During the installation process, you need to ensure that the valves are directed in one direction.
  6. If the cylinders have a diameter of more than 30 cm, their stowage must be carried out strictly with the numerous safety valves turned towards the driver’s cabin.
  7. Transportation and delivery of oxygen cylinders must be carried out at a speed of no more than 60 km per hour. Under unfavorable weather conditions, this figure decreases even further.
  8. Transporting products simultaneously with people and other dangerous goods is strictly prohibited.
  9. Transportation oxygen tanks ordinary trucks in summer, it should be carried out while protecting the cargo from direct exposure to the sun.

These are the main requirements and rules that are approved by law and listed in the list of ADR rules. Careful adherence to them will ensure a high level of safety.

Simplification of transportation rules

In some situations, full compliance with all the rules listed above is not required. Such a relaxation occurs in a situation where the overall temperature level in the tank or in transported cylinders is no more than 20 degrees, and maximum value pressure is 2 bar. These rules apply to all types of packaging, even those that belong to the components of the car itself. Also, oxygen present in food and drinks does not fall under these rules.

Simplification of the rules for transporting cylinders applies to those cargoes whose nominal capacity level is a maximum of 1000 liters. In such a situation, there is no need to carry out special markings, there is no need to deal with the preparation of ADR category certificates, permits and to work out an individual route. Many transport companies, based on this rule, decide to carry out several small transportation processes instead of one large one.

Important points

Transportation of gas and oxygen cylinders is impossible without high level competence in organizing such processes. Responsibility for transportation lies with both the driver and the transport company. It is fully regulated simultaneously by several legislative acts and sets of carefully developed rules for the transportation of containers.

Important! Oxygen must be transported on vehicles and strictly in the form of containers placed on the bottom of the body. Each is covered with gaskets.

Wood blocks are used as spacers, where nests are pre-cut that fully correspond to the dimensions of the transported cylinder. At the same time, drivers and employees transport companies must use special ones made of quality rubber rings. Their thickness must be at least 25 mm. Put two rings on one container. All of this will help prevent the oxygen from hitting each other.

Summing up

When transporting and delivering oxygen cylinders, it is very important to comply with certain requirements. This applies not only to preparation vehicle and stowage of cylinders, but also the driver himself. Before driving a car, the driver must undergo a thorough examination from a medical point of view and receive certain instructions on how to transport oxygen cylinders by conventional vehicles according to the rules and in accordance with regulations. The transport vehicle is carefully checked. This is the only way to achieve the safest possible transportation of cargo.

Propane is most often called a mixture consisting of butane and propane. Impurities of other gases may be present, but they are insignificant. The peculiarity of propane is that it has neither odor nor color. This is quite dangerous, because it is difficult to establish and prevent the fact of a leak, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, an odorant substance, which has a pungent odor, is often added to the mixture. Propane is obtained during oil refining or during the extraction of petroleum gases. Propane is widely used in metallurgy and is also used as fuel. The mixture is transported in steel cylinders providing a pressure of 16 atmospheres.

General rules for transporting propane in cylinders

In order to avoid errors during transportation, the following conditions must be met:

  • a vehicle transporting propane must be tested for the ability to transport dangerous goods, the vehicle must also be equipped with fire safety equipment and have signs on its sides warning about the transportation of explosive goods;
  • care must be taken to draw up appropriate documentation permitting the transportation of propane in cylinders so that government agencies there was an opportunity to check compliance with the rules for transporting dangerous goods;
  • Explosion warning stickers must be placed on the cylinders;
  • the driver must be instructed in safety rules and be certified to transport propane cylinders.

Propane cylinders intended for transportation should be stored in specially prepared places away from heaters, electrical wires and fire. When loading cylinders into a car in an open space, heating by the sun's rays should be avoided, so gas containers should be placed in the shade. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to tragedy. The minimum distance that can be between propane tanks and lubricants

, oil and paint, is 6 meters.

To avoid the possibility of falling, gas cylinders in the vehicle must be positioned horizontally. But in the case of propane, transportation in a vertical position without a container is allowed if gaskets are used between the cylinders and a special fence that protects against falling. Empty cylinders cannot be transported together with full ones.

Persons involved in loading may only handle cylinders with clean hands. To avoid the cylinder slipping, it is recommended to use clean gloves or a rag. This will prevent sand or grease from contaminating the valve nozzle. It is better to move cylinders from the warehouse to the car using carts designed for this purpose. Propane cylinders must not be dragged. When loading gas containers using lifting mechanisms, care should be taken to securely secure the cylinders to avoid falling.

In the case of propane transportation, negligence is punished especially severely! Here we are not talking about fines or banal loss of cargo, which entailed only financial losses. The consequences of ignoring safety rules can lead to a real emergency.

Video: consequences of poorly secured gas cylinders

When loading and unloading propane cylinders, the following rules should be followed:

  • It is forbidden to work alone, at least 2 people can participate;
  • You cannot carry cylinders on your arms or on your shoulder;
  • cylinders should be loaded and unloaded in such a way that they do not hit each other or hit the ground;
  • It is prohibited to hold and feed cylinders with the valve down;
  • cylinders must have caps and plugs;
  • it is necessary to protect the cylinders from rust and oxidation;
  • during transportation, the cylinders must be secured to a rigid base;
  • tightening the protective caps should be done by hand to avoid sparks;
  • the temperature of the propane cylinder during transportation should not exceed 45 degrees Celsius;
  • transporting propane and oxygen in the same car is strictly prohibited;

In order to disassemble a gas cylinder, you must also follow safety precautions. First, you need to make sure that the cylinder is empty. Then remove the protective caps and valve to fill the cylinder with approximately 30 liters of warm water. Only after this can the cylinder be cut to use it for your own purposes. Inventive citizens use a disassembled cylinder, for example, as a barbecue. Sometimes homemade heaters are made from it.

Video: how to safely disassemble a gas cylinder

How many cylinders can be transported?

At the legislative level, the transportation of 15 propane cylinders in one vehicle does not apply to the transportation of dangerous goods. Propane has the smallest amount among other gases. The table shows comparative indicators of the maximum number of cylinders of different gases, at which the standards for the transportation of dangerous goods do not apply:

Gas nameGroupTaraQuantity
Argon2A40 liter cylinder
Helium2A40 liter cylinder24 pieces are allowed to be transported
Carbon dioxide2Acylinder weighing 24 kilograms and volume 40 liters41 pieces are allowed to be transported
Carbon dioxide2Acylinder weighing 19 kilograms and volume 40 liters52 pieces are allowed to be transported
Nitrogen2A40 liter cylinderup to 24 pieces inclusive
Oxygen2O40 liter cylinder24 pieces are allowed to be transported
Acetylene2FA cylinder weighing 5 kilograms and volume 40 liters18 pieces are allowed to be transported
Propane2FA cylinder weighing 21 kilograms and volume 50 liters15 pieces are allowed to be transported

Class “A” includes neutral gases, “O” – oxidizing, “F” – flammable.

Required documentation for transporting propane

IN general procedure When transporting propane, you must have the following documents:

  • certificates;
  • cargo declaration;
  • a driver's license that allows the transportation of propane;
  • special permission for transportation, the registration of which is carried out by the shipper.

In some cases you may need:

  • pass;
  • loading plan;
  • car certificate.

Propane refers to dangerous goods due to explosive properties. There are many cases where cylinders exploded during transportation of this gas. Therefore, propane transportation should be approached very responsibly. It is necessary to choose safe transport and containers for gas. To do this, you need to know and strictly follow the rules for transporting propane. Ignoring the requirements for transporting explosive gas can lead to very large financial losses, as well as a threat to human life and health.

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