The correct depth and height of the tread of new winter tires. Tire tread height Minimum remaining tread depth for winter tires

The main task of the tread of summer tires is to resist hydroplaning and wet roads. If the tire is strong, then, accordingly, it has the worst grip.

Minimum tread depth for summer tires on vehicles of category M1 (private cars) and N1 (minibuses) - 1.6 mm. Riding on worn up maximum tread depth for passenger car tires is included in the list of malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

Tire wear can be determined by the position of the wear indicator. there is a special Mr. Michelin badge located on the side, which indicates wear indicator.

New summer tire has a different tread height, depending on the model.

They have a tread height of approximately 6-8 mm. For example, the tread height is 7.6-7.9 mm. For winter tires, these figures are usually higher, and the allowable “residue” of the tread is 4 mm.

Upon reaching the minimum allowable indicators, further operation of the summer tire is prohibited. Wheel wear is felt when hitting a puddle, when the car hits, and does not smoothly enter the water stream. This is a direct threat of an accident due to a sharp deterioration in handling and braking.

What is the difference between the tread of summer tires

Summer and winter tires are different not only the presence of spikes (if any, of course), but also the structure of the tread, as well as the rubber compound. Winter tires are softer for grip in very cold temperatures. The winter tire has more sipes and drainage channels, which in total gives a greater edge effect for working on snow.

Summer tire tread types

Of course, when choosing a tire, the buyer looks at the tire's tread pattern.

There are three types of summer tire tread patterns:

  1. Directed.
  2. Symmetric.
  3. Asymmetric.

Tires with directional pattern protector must be set taking into account the direction of the pattern. The tire is usually marked with "ROTATION" or an arrow.

Asymmetric tire must be set according to the marks on the tire "OUTSIDE" and "INSIDE". And symmetrical can be set as you like.

The tread height of a new winter tire and the remaining depth of the rubber used are important indicators that affect the safety of driving in any vehicle and must comply with established standards.

Permissible tread depth winter tires is an important parameter that makes driving safer, due to the timely removal of moisture from the wheels and ensuring grip with the road surface. An indicator such as tread depth on winter tires is considered an important characteristic for cars of different brands. This indicator will provide your trip with comfort, since on the road it is important that all car systems work smoothly. For each season, certain tires should be selected that will be relevant for a particular vehicle.

To provide yourself, your passengers and other participants traffic driving safely, it is worth changing worn tires in a timely manner. New products, when the wheels come into contact with the roadway, will provide the vehicle with excellent stability. Knowing what the minimum tread residue for winter tires should be (SDA determines this indicator), you can avoid unpleasant situations on the road, including the occurrence of an accident. And the tread height of a new winter tire of a particular model can be easily determined by the marking.

Features and types of winter tires

Tires are divided into options depending on the season and can be summer, winter or all-season. Each option is designed for specific weather conditions and differs in height, as well as a tread pattern for the maximum level of grip on the road surface. The tread height of a winter tire will depend on how the tire is used. Also, products are classified based on the type of vehicle for which they are intended. Winter tires can be studded and Velcro. In order for tires to last longer, the car should be “changed shoes” with the arrival of spring heat.

Winter tires are distinguished by a softer coating and a large number of slots (lamellas). These tires provide excellent contact with the road surface, even if it is covered with snow or ice. But such rubber begins to lose its properties at a temperature environment above +5 Celsius. On dry pavement, these tires wear out quickly and “bald”. Some winter tires are suitable for regions with the most severe winters, and can also be successfully used in difficult conditions, in snowy mountainous areas and on unpaved city roads. Additionally, snow chains can be used. There are also high-speed winter tires with a sporty tread pattern.

The tread height of new winter tires that are intended for the winter period is an important indicator, as the road conditions become more dangerous during this season. All winter tires are divided into such types as:

  • Studded. These tires will provide traction with the road surface, breaking ice and snow. Such rubber is also suitable for driving on asphalt, but it is quite noisy and the studs can be damaged when braking.
  • Scandinavian type. This type of rubber was developed specifically for driving in conditions of frequent snowfalls and severe frosts. Thanks to the asymmetric pattern and rectangular cups, the tires have an impact on ice and snow, moving them away from the contact surface when using sipes.
  • Friction. This type of rubber is suitable for off-road driving, where there is slush and mud. Tires can also be used to move on slightly snowy sections of the track. Such rubber has thin slots and special lugs that increase the grip area with asphalt wet from precipitation. The pattern of this rubber will be symmetrical.

Value of optimal tread depth control

The permissible tread depth of winter tires for a passenger car is considered one of the most important indicators to determine the possibility of using tires for a particular car and driving in certain conditions. If the minimum tread of the winter tires wears out, the tires will need to be replaced as traction may deteriorate.

The Road Traffic Rules prescribe the residual tread depth of winter tires, at which driving will be safe and will not lead to an emergency. During operation, the tires go bald, which leads to skidding in corners and slippery roads. Continued use of such rubber can lead to unpleasant consequences on the road. If the tread height of winter tires according to the traffic rules is not observed, the motorist will have to pay a fine.

The minimum tread height of winter tires will also depend on the function of the wheels of a particular car, so tires can be divided into:

  1. Highway;
  2. Regional;
  3. off-road;
  4. Sports.
The tread depth of new winter tires will depend on the manufacturer and type of rubber. The average value will begin to vary within 8 - 10 mm. The optimal tread size is calculated by a special program. The texture of winter tires will be deeper than in summer models. Classic winter tires can have a tread depth of 8.5 - 9.5 mm, and for SUVs and sports cars this figure will be 17 mm. It is also important to consider the purpose of rubber for its use in certain road or weather conditions.

The main task of such tires is to provide maximum cross-country ability on mud, dirt, sand, snow-covered sections of the road, etc. These products have a powerful pattern with deep channels to provide reliable traction on loose snow and ice. Also, tires with lamellas and spikes must divert water and snow "porridge" from the contact patch with the road. Directed and deep longitudinal channels help with this.

All tires tend to wear out over time. When asked what tread height should be the minimum allowable, winter tire manufacturers call the figure 4 mm. In order for the tires to perform their functions at the proper level, and their grip qualities do not decrease, it is worth replacing worn tires in a timely manner if they become “bald”, covered with cracks or other defects. The integrity of the tires should be checked in a timely manner.

Features of the tread pattern and the main properties of winter tires

The tread pattern is an important element of the tire and performs such significant tasks as:
  • Pushing liquid and snow out of the contact space between the wheel and the road;
  • Protection of tires from various mechanical influences;
  • Lack of slip on the road covered with ice;
  • Prevention of rubber puncture in contact with sharp objects;
  • Preservation of stability of transport on any surface.
Depending on the operating conditions of the car, you can choose a specific tread pattern. If the selection of suitable tires is carried out correctly, handling will improve, and it will be convenient for the driver to maintain a flat course. Also, the right tires will improve the efficiency of emergency braking and cornering, as the response to the steering wheel will become faster. It is important to know what tread height a new winter tire should have initially, and what level it will be considered unacceptable.

Winter tires have wider grooves. Wear-resistant tires must be suitable for road conditions. Such tires may have:

  1. Asymmetrical pattern. This option will allow the car to develop greater speed without skidding on wet or snowy roads. The product will provide an excellent level of grip even when entering tight turns.
  2. Directed invoice. This option will not allow the car to slide on an excessively wet roadway.
  3. Symmetrical drawing. This option is considered a classic and is used by many motorists. Universal products with a three-dimensional pattern are made in different types and shapes. A tire of this type will successfully remove moisture from those areas of the surface that are in contact with the road surface. These tires will give the car excellent handling and can be used as a standard tire for city streets or as a compacted version for extreme trails.
Having learned what tread depth for new winter tires is considered optimal, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of high-quality tires, among which such indicators stand out as:
  • First-class level of course stability;
  • Minimum noise from contact with the surface;
  • High levels of protection against moisture;
  • Durability and wear resistance.
To select the ideal tires for your car, it is important to consider the season, driving style, type of surface and vehicle brand. Widened tread channels improve water and snow evacuation, and a high level of directional stability is ensured by tough blocks. Tires with a directional pattern are relevant for use in regions with difficult weather conditions.

Measuring the remaining tread on winter tires

The minimum tread depth on winter tires is regulated by the Rules of the Road so that there are no accidents due to non-compliance with this requirement. If worn tires are not replaced on time, the car owner may pay a fine after the traffic police inspector checks the tread depth with a special device. Tires must not be worn more than fifty percent of their original height. Most manufacturers have provided a special label (wear indicator) so that car owners can check this indicator. Also for such purposes, professional devices and improvised means are used (a coin placed with an edge in the groove of the tread, a ruler or a caliper with a depth gauge, etc.).

It is important that the height of the tread pattern is uniform over the entire surface of the product. The fact that the tires need to be replaced can be signaled by a special indicator (color layer). The level of wear is measured across the entire width and circumference of the tire. If the product wears unevenly, you need to check the adjustment of the wheel alignment angles for camber and convergence. It is also worth conducting a visual inspection, which will determine the condition of the tires. If cuts, cracks, cord breaks, mechanical damage and other causes of tread or sidewall integrity damage appear on the tire, it is worth replacing such a part. It is especially important to change the tires on the drive wheels in time, as well as install new tires at the same time on the same axle.

Factors that lead to rapid tire wear and the possibility of restoring such products

Excessive wear of car tires in winter can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Natural wear of tires in the presence of loads and intensive use;
  2. Incorrect camber adjustment of wheels and tires, leading to uneven wear;
  3. Tire seasonal mismatch;
  4. Great mileage;
  5. Incorrectly selected type of tires;
  6. Too fast driving on ice, potholes and off-road;
  7. Aggressive driving style;
  8. Lack of control correct pressure in tires.
If a part becomes obsolete, its resource will be exhausted and the tire will need to be replaced. Manufacturers indicate the approximate life of tires - 10 years, but in fact, these products should be replaced after six seasons of use. You should also pay attention to the importance of maintaining the optimal level of tire pressure in any season. This figure will depend on the workload of your transport and the number of passengers.

All tires have a certain lifespan for which they are designed. However, there are cases when this period can be extended by professional methods (cold and hot welding, threaded method to increase the depth of the pattern). The depth of the groove can be increased by 3-4 mm. by cutting if the tires are marked "Regroovable". Tires can also be restored by adding an extra layer of rubber. The cold welding method involves heating the product up to 100 ° C, and the hot method - up to 120-160 ° C. Professional craftsmen Those who have experience in such work use reliable equipment and take into account the age of the tire, its appearance, as well as the integrity of the cord and the presence of defects. The correct use of restorative methods will increase mileage by 40%.

Why is it important to control the tread depth on winter tires?

In the cold season, it is especially important to control the optimal tread height, as there are more accidents on snowy or icy roads. In order for the fluid to be diverted from the wheel, the braking system to work smoothly, the control of the car is convenient, and the grip on the road is optimal, it is important to choose the right rubber.

To prevent bald tires from causing an accident, it is important to see the problem in time and entrust its elimination to qualified professionals. By following the rules for tire operation and knowing what tread depth on new winter tires is considered correct for your car, you will be able to choose reliable tires to ensure the stability of the car and excellent flotation in any difficult road conditions.

Summer tires are more rigid than winter tires. The material of the products has a high density, which provides the necessary coefficient of adhesion to the surface. Surface requirements: resistance to wear due to their rigidity, ensuring good car handling, high-quality traction, combating aquaplaning.

An important indicator is (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicle, more precisely, restrictions on the degree of rubber wear. If it is more than allowed, you can no longer ride.

Number of treads on a new summer tire depends on the type of vehicle: for a passenger car, the indicator is 7.5-8.5 mm; for trucks and SUVs, rubber with an indicator of 12-18 mm is required; for dump trucks, it can be up to 23 mm.

Does it make sense to change tires?, when the depth of the cavity of the car tire is reduced to 2 mm. And in some countries, the allowable tread of summer tires is 3 mm.

Requirements for the height or depth of the tread are contained in Chapter 5 of the SDA of the Russian Federation. And the degree of wear of the part is reflected in the "List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited." According to the docs, residual tread of summer tires for different types of cars: motorcycles - 0.8 mm; passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers for them - 1.6 mm; trucks over 3.5 tons - 1 mm; buses - 2 mm.

Tread wear indicator

Thickness The actual tread depends on the type of tire. It may differ due to the type of pattern.

Summer tire tread types have advantages and disadvantages:

  • symmetrical. The side parts of the picture are the same. Rubber has medium wear resistance, should be used mainly at moderate speeds. Hydroplaning is quite good, but on a country road in the mud, the car can stall. Plus classic tires - low price.
  • Asymmetrical. One section of the tire is designed to provide speed, the other is for drainage. On such tires you can drive fast and not be afraid of wet roads, puddles, mud. The only drawback is the high price. Since the pattern of the right and left wheels are different, it is not clear which “reserve” to purchase and carry with you.
  • Directional pattern. More suitable for riding on wet surfaces with puddles or in heavy rain. But this rubber is not intended for high speeds, it is also quite noisy.

Read more in our article about the features of summer tire treads and the rules for choosing them.

Read in this article

Tread Features

Summer tires are more rigid than winter tires, as they are designed for safe driving on hot or wet asphalt, free of ice and snow. The material from which they are made has a high density, which provides the necessary coefficient of adhesion to the surface. There are a number of requirements that summer tires must meet:

  • resistance to wear, which is possible due to their rigidity;
  • ensuring good vehicle control;
  • high-quality road grip;
  • the fight against aquaplaning, that is, the car should not “float” on a wet surface, arbitrarily change the trajectory of movement due to moisture.


The relief of automobile rubber is not even, it necessarily contains depressions and bulges. They must have certain parameters. Otherwise, the wheels are considered worn out, and the car is faulty. An important indicator is the tread depth of summer tires (height). There is a standard for each type of vehicle, more precisely, restrictions on the degree of rubber wear. If it is more than allowed, you can no longer ride.

When buying a car, it is important to know what kind of tread a new summer tire has so that you do not have to change it right away. The number depends on the type of vehicle:

  • for a passenger car, the indicator is 7.5-8.5 mm;
  • for trucks and SUVs, rubber with an indicator of 12-18 mm is required (the heavier and more powerful the car, the greater the tread height of summer tires should be);
  • if we are talking about dump trucks, it can be higher - up to 23 mm.

It is this depth that will provide good grip with the road, including wet. The depressions will divert water, and the machine will not lose stability.

Motorists need to understand: if the minimum tread of summer tires is 1.6 mm, this does not mean that it is worth bringing them to such a state. Because the shallower the depth, the lower the friction coefficient. And this can become dangerous under difficult weather and road conditions.

A car with almost “bald” tires is less stable and slows down. If you stop abruptly, it can drift to the side. It makes sense to change the rubber when the depth of the cavity of the “passenger car” tire decreases to 2 mm. And in some countries, the permissible tread of summer tires is not even a little more than 1.6 mm, but 3 mm.

Expert opinion

Nadezhda Smirnova

Automotive Law Expert

When deciding when exactly to replace them, you need to look at what surfaces you have to drive on more often. After all, on worn tires, you can not only get into an accident on the road or wet pavement but also easy to get stuck on the primer. Its quality and novelty also affect the patency of the car.

What laws govern

Requirements for the height or depth of the tread are contained in Chapter 5 of the SDA of the Russian Federation. And the degree of wear of the part, which does not allow the use of the car, is reflected in the "List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited." Both documents indicate what the residual tread of summer tires should be for different types of cars:

  • motorcycles - 0.8 mm;
  • passenger cars and trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons, trailers for them - 1.6 mm;
  • trucks over 3.5 t - 1 mm:
  • buses - 2 mm.

This indicator should normally be higher (respectively, the degree of wear should be lower). For violation of the driver, punishment is awaiting under part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2-7 of this article, shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.


Such an indicator as the tread thickness of a summer tire, traffic rules or the "List of malfunctions ..." is not regulated in any way. But on rubber used in the warm season, there are usually narrow grooves and wide bulges with slots. The latter also provide good traction.

The thickness of the tread itself depends on the type of tire. It may differ due to the type of pattern. But there are no standards here, or rather, they exist for parts manufacturers. The driver does not have to monitor the thickness, since it does not decrease during operation.

Types of summer tires

There are several types of tires designed for use in the warm season. They are divided depending on the pattern. It's not just a matter of purely external differences. All types of summer tire treads have advantages and disadvantages:

  • symmetrical. This is a classic version and therefore versatile, although it behaves best on an asphalt road. On such tires, the side parts of the pattern are the same. Rubber has medium wear resistance, should be used mainly at moderate speeds. The latter is especially important when cornering and in rainy weather.

Hydroplaning is quite good, but on a country road in the mud, the car can stall. Plus classic tires - low price.

  • Asymmetrical. One section of the tire is designed to provide speed, the other to drain, so they look different. On such tires you can drive fast and not be afraid of wet roads, puddles, mud. With it, the car becomes more stable. The only drawback is the high price.

And the tires for the right and left wheels are different, because the outside should not be inside. Therefore, it is not clear what kind of "reserve" to purchase and carry with you. After all, you can’t guess in advance whether the right or left wheel will be punctured.

When installing, it is important to determine the direction of the tread pattern of summer tires. For correct installation, you should look at the "Rotation" icon and an arrow indicating how the wheels should spin. This is how tires with a directional pattern are marked. If it is asymmetric, you need to look for the inscriptions Outsaid (“outer side”) and Inside (“inner side”).

If the tires are installed incorrectly, the machine becomes less compliant, which increases the risk of an accident. In addition, tires will wear out faster. The direction of the pattern may not be taken into account if the tires are symmetrical.

For information on how and which summer tires to choose, see this video:

How to determine tread wear

If the rubber has been used for a long time, badly worn, an experienced driver will be able to determine the need for replacement by eye. But still, summer tire tread wear requires a more reliable way to determine its degree. You can measure it with a coin by placing it in a recess. Then it is applied to a ruler or tape measure to find out the height of the tread. Measurements are taken at least at 6 different points, and preferably at 9-12.

Sometimes the surface is erased unevenly, which may indicate incorrect operation of the car:

  • the tread height is smaller in the middle, which means that the wheel has been inflated for a long time;
  • the indicator is higher in the center - on the contrary, there is too little air in the tire, it should be pumped up;
  • one of the edges is worn out less, therefore, there is a problem with the suspension;
  • the depth is not the same over the entire surface - the wheels have experienced extreme driving and hard braking many times.

No matter how high-quality and exemplary the tread of summer tires is, this does not negate law-abiding behavior on the road, accuracy. And of course, when driving, you should always take into account the features of the coating. And in winter, the car must be “changed shoes”.

Useful video

For information on how to determine tire wear, see this video:

Many car owners at least once came up with the idea to save money and “change shoes” for their car not with new tires, but with used ones. In addition, sellers assure that tire wear is minimal. In practice, it turns out that used tires are almost always in a deplorable state. However, new tires are often not perfect. From the article you will learn what the depth and height of the tread of a new winter tire should be.

The tread is called the outer layer of a car tire, which is in direct contact with the roadway. It is on this part that a special pattern is applied, consisting of three-dimensional elements and grooves of a certain depth and direction. Its purpose is to provide maximum grip with the road surface, effectively remove snow and moisture from the point of contact between the wheels and the roadway.

It is obvious that the percentage of wear of the outer layer has a direct impact on the stability of the machine, its maneuverability and controllability. In addition, proper work brake system also not possible if the wheels are badly worn.

Video "How to independently determine the height of the tire tread"

From this video you will learn how to determine the tire tread height without measuring tools.

How to measure tread depth

Regular monitoring of the height of the residual winter tread pattern, as well as timely replacement of rubber before the percentage of wear reaches a critical value, minimizes the risk of accidents.

There are several ways to measure the thickness of the outer layer of rubber. So, modern specimens are equipped with built-in indicators that control wear: as soon as the thickness of the ornament reaches the minimum allowable value, their presence will affect the quality of machine control, and the driver will understand that he must change the tires. Sometimes, colored layers of rubber are used as a kind of indicator of the need for an early tire change - as soon as they appear on the surface of the tire, it's time to visit a tire shop.

For a more accurate measurement of depth, professionals use a special device - a depth gauge. But experienced drivers know that it is quite possible to do without it, having at hand an ordinary coin with a face value of 10 kopecks. We insert it with an edge into the groove of the ornament and evaluate the result: if the inscription "penny" is completely hidden, your tire is in excellent condition; if the rubber covers only the floral ornament, you can ride on wheels, but you should prepare for an early tire change; if only the rim is hidden in the groove, change the wheels immediately.

For a more accurate picture, measurements are taken around the entire circumference of the wheel. If it turns out that in different places the degree of tire wear is different, you need to go to the service station and adjust the wheel alignment angles.

Required tread height for new tires

The required height of the pattern of the outer layer of winter tires differs depending on several factors: the type of car (car, truck, passenger), its category, the climatic conditions of the region, etc. The rules of the road (SDA) clearly regulate this parameter:

“2.3.2. The height of the tire pattern must be at least: For vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm; For vehicles of category M1 - 1.6 mm; For vehicles of categories N and O - 1.0 mm; For vehicles of categories M2 and M3 - 2.0 mm; For trailers (semi-trailers) - the same as for the tractors with which they work. For winter tires, as well as those marked with the sign "M + S" - 4.0 mm.

Permissible wear

Unlike summer tires, winter tires are only suitable for 2-3 seasons. Further, the tread pattern is erased so much that the operation of the car becomes dangerous. SDA put forward specific requirements for the residual depth of the drawing, depending on the type of vehicle (version of the SDA 2018):

“5.1. The remaining tire tread depth (in the absence of wear indicators) is no more than:

for vehicles of categories L - 0.8 mm;

for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm.

Do not save on your own safety, and take winter tires lightly. The life and health of passengers often depend on their condition.

Be vigilant, no wand, no nail!

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