Predictive astrology. Transits


Transits are the easiest, simplest and most visual way to predict the future. The convenience of this method is that it is possible to predict an event down to the day. Transits themselves are divided into two types:

1. Transit planet in aspect to the natal planet.

2. Transit planet in transit through the natal house.

The most powerful, strong transits are the transits of the higher planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. However, each of these planets has its own characteristics when interpreted. For example, Uranus aspecting any personal planet gives unexpected, fast, unpredictable situations. Transit Uranus in aspect to Venus - love at first sight. That is, in the morning you left and went to work, not at all expecting that after 25 minutes on the subway you would meet a person who could instantly ignite a spark of love in you. Uranus on Mars is a typical aspect of trauma. Injuries, in and of themselves, can never be planned. Another notable feature of Uranus is that it loves precise aspects!

Neptune, in turn, acts more softly and envelopingly. Sometimes a person does not understand what is happening, it seems to him that everything is normal, while this may be completely wrong. Again, I’ll give an example: transit Neptune in aspect with Venus increases receptivity, romance, and sensuality. But if the aspect itself is tense, then the native, at this time, is capable of lies, betrayal, and some kind of betrayal. Or, on the contrary, a person is deceived, led by the nose, but he does not even suspect it, he lives in his illusions. Sometimes Neptune in transits can give an event when the aspect itself is already diverging, so it can be difficult to determine exactly when a given transit will trigger an event.

Pluto is a different story. Its transits are felt by everyone, and periods of life when Pluto “lobed” some important personal planet remain in memory forever. This planet radically changes a person’s life, and change is always very difficult for everyone. At one time, I read a lot of literature regarding the transits of this planet, and often came across all sorts of intimidating phrases in interpretations of the intense aspects of Pluto, that nothing can be started on such a transit, a person only suffers wrecks, and so on. In fact, the situation is different. Pluto, indeed, aspecting the natal planet, can take away the health or money or life of a partner (after all, Pluto is the god of the underworld), however, he always gives something in return. It could be love, success or financial well-being. Therefore, it is not necessary to “sin” this planet, saying that Pluto only causes troubles. For businessmen, entrepreneurs, and politicians, the transits of this particular planet are extremely important, and they achieve the greatest achievements on them.

Now let's talk about some of the nuances that you may encounter when interpreting transits. All planets in transit, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, “loop.” As a rule, during a transit a planet can have 2-3 or even more loops. The most powerful loop is always the last, that is, the last passage of a transit planet through the natal house or sign always brings some kind of event. When the planet has just entered the house, it, like any person, looks around the new territory, gets used to it, so it can manifest itself quietly and unnoticeably. By the last loop, the transit planet has already become comfortable in the house, feels like a mistress, and therefore acts powerfully and openly. The only exception here is Uranus. When this planet enters a house, especially an angular one, an event happens immediately. Uranus seems to declare “here I am!”

There is another very interesting nuance. A transit planet almost always brings into our lives a specific person, who is the physical embodiment of this transit and this planet. In the natal chart of such a person, the sign ruled by the transit planet or house may be strongly manifested.

Potentially, if the transit aspect itself is tense, it is better not only not to let such people close to you, but to try to keep them at arm’s length, as they may pose a danger to you. I’ll explain with an example: imagine that the transiting planet is a director. In order to organize a performance in your life, the director will need actors. They will be people who carry the principle of a transit planet in their natal chart. The director gives them a script and the actors play. The transit will end and the performance itself will end. In any case, these people will have a very strong influence on you, but whether this influence will be harmonious or not, the synastry will tell you.

There are three levels of manifestation of transits of any planets. But because Transits of the Social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) and especially the Higher planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are long in time, so we will talk about their influence in this article.

The first level is the most visible, but also the most low level- this is a physical, material level, when we feel the influence of transit in a symbolic event. This level is the most difficult to predict in astrology, because... There can be countless symbolic events along the same transit. And if an astrologer says that he will predict 100% of all events, this is an outright lie. For example, transiting Pluto squares the natal Moon. We need to find out what these two planets are responsible for in the natal chart (for which houses - spheres of life), and also take into account which house Pluto is in (in which sphere of life is the main influence of Pluto). And on this basis, we can only guess what event we should expect (exactly, it’s impossible to say anything 100% sure). For example, in a woman’s natal chart, the Moon is located in the 8th house, responsible for the 6th house, Pluto is also located in the 8th house, responsible for the 9th house and transits through the 12th house. In this case, we can assume that there is a possibility of unpleasant changes associated either with the woman’s health, or in working with the team, or problems with animals, with hired workers. And also according to the symbolism of the Moon, difficult situations may arise for close women, or there will be difficulties in relationships with women. The 8th house of the Moon can also give difficulties with finances, credits, loans, with “general” money, in business, etc. In general, I will not list all the probable events for this transit, I think that the main meaning is clear, and it is that it is impossible to unambiguously predict where exactly to expect the transformation according to Pluto. There are limits to the influence of transit that are set at home, but these limits are very wide to make an unambiguous and 100% conclusion about probable events. The person himself, when a tense transit approaches (especially if he studies astrology or his self-awareness at a high level), can already roughly understand where he can expect difficulties from the symbolism of a particular transit, although sometimes (but not usually) events can be very unexpected.

In general, in order to predict even approximate symbolic events, i.e. When analyzing transits from the position of the first level, you need to take into account the houses, as well as the symbolism of the planets themselves in aspect.

Although I was the first to describe this level (since it is the most visible for any person), predicting probable events is the final stage of the forecast and not the most important, as it may seem at first glance. Description of transits, i.e. periods of their influence, it is better to start from the second level of their manifestation.

The second level of manifestation of the planet in transit is the psychological, emotional level. This level is more easily predicted, because Each planet (and the aspect it makes to the natal planet) has its own psychological coloring in transit. A the third level is the spiritual level, this is precisely the most important lesson of fate for us, which transits carry. This is the level that most people do not pay attention to, or maybe simply do not even think about the relationship between events, their psychological mood and spiritual development. If you concentrate specifically on the third level of manifestation of transits, then most problems may simply not arise, because a person will understand the root of the troubles and difficulties that can happen to him if he does not change something in himself (or rather, if he does not listen to himself, his Higher Self). You need to understand that difficult, unpleasant events push a person to realize his true desires, to come to his “true self.” And if a person understands and accepts this and begins to voluntarily change something (which was wrongly chosen in the past), think, reconsider his attitude towards himself and the world, then life will not have the need to create “symbolic teaching lessons” for him, those. painful events.

Three levels of manifestation of Jupiter transits.

Jupiter is always, even in tense aspects symbolizes empowerment, increases optimism and self-confidence. Only in contrast to the harmonious aspects of Jupiter (trine, sextile, conjunction, although the conjunction can manifest itself in two ways), with tense aspects this self-confidence is not always justified. Those. a person decides to do something, but in the end he can either experience disappointment from his decisions, or he loses something, although often he himself can later perceive these losses as a benefit.

For example, a person gets tired of enduring disrespectful attitude towards him from his boss, and he leaves his job, but as a result he can find a job much better than the previous one. In general, when considering Jupiter transits from the position of the second level (the psychological coloring of the transit period), especially to the personal planets of the natal chart (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) - it is always worth considering that Jupiter makes us more confident. But it is also worth considering that, against the backdrop of other transits, intense transits of Jupiter can bring serious problems. For example, if there is a tense transit of Jupiter and at the same time a tense transit of Saturn or some Higher planet, then our self-confidence can play a cruel “joke” on us. And here it is better not to take unnecessary risks, because... It is unlikely that such multiple transit will cost few casualties.

From a spiritual point of view (from the position of the third level), Jupiter transits push us to believe in ourselves, to the ability to take risks for the sake of our true desires. The word “true” is the key word here, i.e. It is worth realizing some of the opportunities that Jupiter brings with it only if these opportunities help you come to yourself, if they are not imposed by other people or social norms, the desire for prestige and profit, and if the desires come from the heart.

Here I will mention my favorite “internal motives”- you should always ask yourself - why am I doing this, what does it give me, do I really want this or am I trying to prove something to someone, show them, surpass someone? If everything is in order with internal motives, i.e. if some desire comes from within, you just want it emotionally, and not with your head, rationally (this is how it should be, this is correct), not to the detriment of yourself and not to the detriment of others, then even if problems arise at first, in the end everything will be successful for You. And you will never have regrets about wrong decisions, missed opportunities or wasted time. These internal motives must be monitored during any transits, in any situations!

Three levels of manifestation of Saturn transits.

During the action of Saturn transits, from the psychological side (second level), circumstances, situations or other people seem to put pressure on us, force us to experience sadness, or even depression, and some kind of physical or psychological restrictions appear. Events during periods of intense transits of Saturn, especially to personal planets, can exhaust us, force us to waste our time, streamline our lives. And tense aspects from Saturn (square, opposition, and often conjunction can also be considered tense) to personal planets, especially to the Moon, but also to the Sun, Mars - these are difficult periods in our lives.

Saturn is probably the toughest teacher, although of course it is worth considering how this planet is located in the natal chart and, in general, all the features of the chart. For example, for people with severe earthly element in the chart and harmonious Saturn - transits of Saturn will be easier, because these people already have the qualities that Saturn calls for - responsibility, a realistic view of themselves and their lives, patience, hard work, etc. But I say this about Saturn, because... it is the last visible planet in our solar system. Saturn demarcates the sphere of the visible and the invisible, i.e. sphere of our material and spiritual life. Saturn (Kronos) God of Time. And often it is difficult for us, focused on the material world, to admit that everything in this life on Earth is not eternal, especially when our loved ones or beloved pets pass away. This is probably the toughest aspect of Saturn, which is difficult to easily accept, no matter how highly spiritual a person is. Pluto, Uranus, Neptune can also “take away” loved ones from us (especially Pluto), but these planets more often “take away” what we ourselves are internally ready to let go, i.e. We ourselves already understand, we know (although we may not admit it to ourselves) that this relationship has outlived its usefulness, that this person no longer contributes to our development, that it is time to end the relationship. And Saturn shows us the harsh material reality - everything has its own time, its own cycle - birth, development, withering and death. And this is very difficult for an ordinary earthly person to accept, especially in relation to their loved ones. Of course, I’m not saying that every transit of Saturn takes someone away from a person’s life, but with such an event during the transit of Saturn, the meaning is exactly this - everything does not last forever.

Considering the transits of Saturn from the position of the third level, i.e. from a spiritual point of view, it is worth remembering that these transits always require from us effort, work (internal and external), self-discipline, responsibility, patience and humility. But humility is not about giving up and just living through the situation. But to accept (come to terms with) what we cannot change, but what we can change - here it will be necessary to work hard and patiently, “put everything in order,” put things in order, and really look at yourself and the situation. Saturn forces us to “grow up” regardless of our actual age. Saturn teaches responsibility, first of all, for oneself and one’s life. Although the lessons of Saturn are some of the most difficult, they are almost always understandable and clear. Here is a situation - work, make an effort, take on new responsibilities, be patient, strengthen yourself, grow up. As a rule, the meaning of Saturn's lessons is visible - it is on the surface, there is no need to dig anything deep.

Three levels of manifestation of Uranus transits.

The influence of Uranus transits is somewhat similar to the influence of Jupiter transits in a psychological sense. Jupiter instills self-confidence and makes us more self-confident, and Uranus calls for free self-expression, i.e. It also makes us internally freer - not fixated on social norms and rules of behavior. Uranus requires us to free ourselves from all restrictions, either our own or those imposed by society. Uranus, like Jupiter, is a positive planet, because The abode of Uranus is in Aquarius, and Jupiter is in Sagittarius - and these signs are easy-going, adventurous, cheerful. Air and fire are positive energies, active, masculine. Although Uranus transits are more extensive, both positive and negative. Those. with harmonious aspects, Uranus can give favorable changes that are more significant than Jupiter, but even in tense aspects, the action of Uranus is more destructive than the action of Jupiter.

During intense transits of Uranus, psychologically we may experience tension from the fact that events seem to knock us out of a well-worn rut. Something new appears in life, usually it appears not very predictably, as if unplanned, and we are not always ready to easily accept this new thing. And we don’t know whether to “surrender” to this new flow or whether it’s better to cling to the time-tested structure. And the more we cling to the old, the more painful the events on Uranus will be for us from a psychological point of view. If we resist, then events seem to decide for us and develop in such a way that we are still forced to accept changes.

The call of Uranus in a spiritual sense is renewal, discarding the old, entering new, previously unfamiliar paths. Uranus requires us to become more independent and self-sufficient. And in any situations that arise during intense transits of Uranus, it is better not to plan anything for a long time, but to act according to circumstances, accepting new opportunities, without being afraid of new turns in life.

Just like with other transits, during transits of Uranus it is worth listening to yourself, the call of your inner “I”, but situations of Uranus can be lightning fast, too fast, such that we do not have time to stop and think! In Saturn situations, we can delay making a decision too much, which can actually create a problem for us, but in Uranus situations, on the contrary, we can “cut from the shoulder,” i.e. make a rash decision quickly. So here, too, it’s worth stopping the rush at least for a minute, calming down the inner excitement, looking at the situation more calmly, without tension, and tracking your deepest motives so as not to make a mistake. Although sometimes transits of Uranus create the false impression of an error. Life brings a person to some kind of decision (which he, most likely, could not consciously formulate for himself or did not dare to do something), he quickly implements it, then he seems to lose reliable ground under his feet and begins to regret his decision decision. But in the end the decision may turn out to be correct, because... under the influence of Uranus, a person realized his true need - without thinking for a long time he took it and did what he wanted. And when he already felt instability (this psychological state, as a rule, accompanies all transits of Uranus), which arose as a consequence of his decision - the old is gone, but the new is not yet on the horizon (or this new is not yet pleasing), the person begins to doubt - Was it necessary to change everything so dramatically? Yes, it was probably necessary, his inner “I” needed it - and that means the person did everything right, and this the person understands over time, when the transit of Uranus ends. And if, during the transit of Uranus, you begin to rush from the old to the new and back to the old, then even more psychological tension, worries and problems are usually created. If the decision is made during the transit of Uranus, then it is better not to try to replay something back.

Three levels of manifestation of Neptune transits.

The lessons of Neptune have the most elusive meaning. But although this is only at first glance. When predicting events based on intense transits of Neptune, they often write (and I myself write about this in my forecasts) about deception and situations of uncertainty. I for a long time I couldn’t understand Neptune’s transits, their meaning, i.e. the purpose of these lessons. Why should life mislead us, plunge us into chaos and confusion? It turns out that life has no such goal, and it is we who introduce ourselves into a situation of “fog”! And we introduce ourselves by not paying attention to our internal, deep motives, i.e. We are DECEIVING OURSELVES!

Neptune transits, especially tense ones and conjunctions, can lead us for a long time, both psychologically and materially, into situations in which we do something completely different from what we really want to do. At the same time, we can experience both a state of euphoria and deep depression. Euphoria can be, for example, if we fall in love, but later we understand that this person is not worth us and our sacrifices, that he is an ordinary deceiver, manipulator, or womanizer, for example. Although if we are more sensitive to ourselves, to the signs that life constantly sends us, then at the very first stage of acquaintance we will still be able to discern the “true face” of this person to whom we are attracted. The main thing is not to brush aside the truth that we do not want to notice. For example, a woman falls in love with a married man, this real example on the transit of Neptune to Venus, and she hopes that he will get a divorce, and the man “feeds” her communications and continues to lead a double life. In this situation, you need to choose yourself, not a relationship; Venus is, first of all, . The situation is also the same with work, during intense transits of Neptune or at a conjunction, a person can do something that in the future will only bring problems and disappointment, but will not allow him to realize himself. And the most important thing here is to listen to yourself, your motives. Those. ask yourself - do I want to realize myself in this work for what - for the sake of prestige, authority, or is it just interesting to me? If a person’s motives are oriented towards social prestige, or a person is driven by fear or profit, then with a high degree of probability he will experience disappointment in the future, be it in relationships, work, children, love and other areas of life.

Also, during Neptune transits there are often situations in which a person is inclined to show compassion. These may be problems with loved ones, loved ones, someone may need help, or a person is faced with a choice - to do as he wants or as is convenient for other people. But a person should never betray himself. The theme of sacrifice is precisely the theme of Neptune. And this theme of making sacrifices becomes very relevant during transits from Neptune to personal planets. In general, there is nothing sacred or spiritual about sacrifices and compromises, no matter how strange it may sound. I already wrote in the article about the high and low manifestations of the sign of Pisces and Neptune and about sacrifices. Here I repeat that it is necessary to understand that at a high level the energy of Neptune will be truly sacrificial, but this “sacrifice” will be from the heart, and not because circumstances have developed this way or simply because the person himself does not want to change anything (sacrifices because benefits, fear, due to unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s life). At a high level, from the outside it may look like a sacrifice, but for the person himself it is simply an impulse of the soul, his desire to do exactly this and not otherwise. And you can distinguish a highly spiritual person by the fact that he never complains about anyone and does not consider his actions to be sacrifices! Because everything he does is his own choice. For clarity, I will give two examples. In both cases, the situations are similar - a woman meets a man, they fall in love with each other and he invites her to move to another city. But the woman has her own established business in her city. So, in the first case, a woman moves with a man to another city, although she does not want this with all her heart, she seems to sacrifice work for the sake of the man, but reluctantly. She weighs for a long time what is best for her to do - choose her own business and stay in her city, or a relationship with a man. As a result, she decides that it is very difficult to find such a prestigious man, and she can sacrifice her work for this, although this sacrifice causes great anxiety in her. internal resistance as if she was losing a part of herself. After moving, she can’t do anything with her job, sitting at home and being a housewife is not her way, she begins to blame the man for all her problems, and their relationship deteriorates, she returns back to her city. And her victims turned out to be of no use to anyone. In the second case, the woman also decides to move with a man to another city, but she knows for sure that she loves this man, she does not need to weigh anything, because... this choice comes from the heart. And in another city she easily finds a job and feels happy next to this man and fulfilled professionally.

The psychological level of Neptune transits, especially intense ones, is confusion, uncertainty, a state from tears to unbridled euphoria. Often, Neptune draws us into situations slowly, barely noticeably, nothing seems to change, life offers us something harmless, and we get involved. And after some time, we find ourselves very far from the starting line, where the situation began, and we realize that we have gone too far. This is how, for example, drugs work alcohol addiction(these dependencies are ruled by Neptune). And this happens when a person does not listen to himself, does not ask himself questions about his true desires, but mindlessly goes with the flow.

The spiritual meaning of Neptune transits is to be honest with yourself, not to let circumstances lead you astray from the true path. Neptune suggests “turning off” logic and listening to your emotions, feelings, your inner “I”. No matter how wonderful prospects life promises a person, if he feels that emotionally, with all his soul, he doesn’t want it, then this is not his path. Or if a person feels that his own motives are unclean (he is driven by fear or profit), then it is also worth considering whether to follow the path proposed by life. Often a person remains in uncertainty during Neptune transits - he loses a job or a relationship, and the point of all this is to understand that this is a passed stage of life, that this was the wrong path, not your path, that you need to come to yourself, understand yourself. Understand why there are problems in relationships, in work - and look for reasons in yourself. There can be many reasons. This could be immaturity and self-pity, or unnecessary sacrifice for anyone - a person wants to be kind to everyone, but he is not appreciated. And they will not appreciate it until a person loves himself and stops sacrificing himself if this sacrifice is not from the heart. The reason may also be, on the contrary, in an excessive race for social success - to get ahead of someone, to overtake, to become better than others, in this case a person can also be left in a suspended position alone with himself to think about his personal meaning in life, about his motives . In general, the main thing is to understand what drives you when you make a decision.

Although it is worth noting that being honest with yourself, especially during intense Neptune transits, is not such an easy task, but it is still doable if desired! This needs to be learned, learned all the time, and not just during Neptune transits. You need to ask yourself questions and not bully yourself when answering them.

A person’s path in life is his desires and there is no need to pretend to be a “Saint” - you should not forcefully try to do “good”, “be kind”. Someone may not like a person’s desires, someone may offend someone, someone may think that a person is selfish. But if a person feels that his desire comes from the soul, then no matter what, he must realize it and he owes it to himself, and not to someone else, because This is his life and only he himself knows what to do. NOBODY can decide for the person himself what is right for him.

Three levels of manifestation of Pluto transits.

During intense transits of Pluto, a person may have a very difficult psychological state - he may experience disappointment, or even become depressed. But such conditions are usually the result of self-deception in the past. And from a spiritual point of view, disappointment serves the purpose of turning a person to face his true desires and needs. Pluto destroys what was built in the past on a “rotten” foundation. Those. if at some time in the past a person betrayed his ideals, perhaps sacrificed something or acted out of fear or profit, or acted based on social norms and not on his true desires, then during the transit of Pluto he must discard everything false , not your own and “return to yourself.”

During Pluto transits, it is necessary to end old chapters of life that a person has already outgrown. If a person clings to the past, then change can be painful. In the most negative version, if a person resists change with all his might, then he may develop suicidal thoughts. But Pluto transits do not call a person to physical death, but require internal transformation from him, i.e. “death” of some negative beliefs, outdated views. Changes according to Pluto can be compared to a surgical operation - at first it may hurt, but then it becomes easier; you need to remove the “outdated” or “unhealthy”, cleanse yourself in order to free up energy for a new life, a new experience.

Pluto also calls for complete acceptance of all of one’s “parts” in oneself, even if these “parts” seem weak to a person, or not as is accepted in society. You need to accept everything in yourself - both good and bad, strengths and weaknesses. If you feel negative traits in yourself, then in order to get rid of them, you first need to simply admit that they exist in you. For example, traits such as anger, hatred, jealousy, desire for revenge - these states often emerge during Pluto transits. But the main thing is not to deny them in yourself, but to try to understand what is the cause of these conditions. It is necessary to return yourself to the beginning of the situation and realize your responsibility for what is happening in life now. Ask yourself why this person (situation) appeared in my life, why do I want to take revenge on him, what is my responsibility in this situation, why did I get into this situation, what does this situation teach me? In general, do not suppress your feelings, but “dig” deeper into yourself and into the beginning of the situation. What Pluto is trying to bring to the surface is usually very deeply hidden in the person himself, in his psyche, in his past. And to resolve Pluto situations, great psychological effort is needed, internal honesty, awareness and a strong intention to understand the situation, as well as taking responsibility for yourself and your life. Blaming someone for your problems is easier than taking responsibility for your life, but you should understand that EVERYTHING that happens to a person is a mirror of his inner world!

It is also worth accepting all your weaknesses and strengths. Often, Pluto pushes to realize some potential that was given to a person at birth, but for some reason was not used by him. For example, a person can become independent, but for half of his life he relies on either a partner or parents. In this case, Pluto can “separate” a person from those people who served as a support, in order for the person to gain independence and self-confidence. Or, if a person has weak side, but he tries not to notice it, does not want to admit it, tries all his life to “reach” himself to the generally accepted image of a “strong personality”, then in this case Pluto will also put the person in his “true place”. Situations may arise in which a person realizes his weakness and will have to accept himself as he is, without embellishment. In general, Pluto helps to understand the true self, so that a person, in accordance with his character traits and his true needs, realizes the potential given to him by nature.

If we consider the example that I gave at the beginning of the article with transit Pluto square to the natal Moon, from the position of the third level, then this influence of Pluto on the Moon requires a person to cleanse his inner world. The moon is our habits, affections, it is our “inner child”. And Pluto requires a person to reconsider his habits, and if they are destructive for the person himself, then they should be changed - to “educate” his “inner child”. Also, a person’s attachment to someone - if a relationship brings pain, suffering, interferes with a person’s spiritual development - then such a relationship must be ended. In general, a person on the transit of Pluto may not wait for life to take something away from him, but he himself can begin to “free himself” from outdated habits, attachments, from what no longer serves his development. What cannot be “repaired” (transformed) during Pluto transits must be discarded. And the main criterion for the fact that a person no longer needs something for his development is dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction (with relationships, work, etc.), pain, fear, in general, negative experiences. What a person really needs causes him joy, inner acceptance, and a feeling of satisfaction.

In general, during the period of transit (especially intense) of Pluto to the Moon (and to other personal planets), a person should become his own psychologist, or seek help from a professional psychologist. It is necessary to “shake up” all your past experiences, it is possible that here you will even have to remember your childhood fears, phobias, traumas and try to discard everything that has outlived its usefulness. But, in my opinion, it is still better when a person himself begins to understand his inner world, because... only the person himself knows his life better than anyone else and no one can tell him what is good for him and what is bad. Moreover, in our time of the Internet you can find many practices, psychological methods that help cleanse yourself of past negative experiences. And if a person truly desires transformation, Pluto will definitely help the person and guide him on the right path!

In general, during a tense transit (or during a conjunction) of Pluto to the Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus or Mercury, a radical revision of your way of existing in the world is necessary. During the transit of Pluto to the Sun, a person’s sense of self, goals, and conscious desires should be reconsidered; to Mars - sexuality, a way to act and defend one’s rights, determination, activity; to Venus - values, what a person likes/dislikes, his attitude towards love and his partner, his attitude towards himself (does a person love himself); to Mercury - a way of communication, friendships, sociability, attitude towards learning, travel; to Jupiter - worldview, self-confidence; to Saturn - a way of protection from the outside world, the boundaries of reliability.

And I also want to add about Pluto transits. Astrologer Stefan Arroyo writes in his book “Astrology, Karma and Transformation” (You can download this book on the website “Pluto transits bring to the surface that which is ready to be eliminated and destroyed... It often seems to me that the actual perception of these transits (i.e. transits of any Superior planets and Saturn) is not at all as tension-generating as the resulting fear, panic and anxiety , which appear quickly in most people. Because people are creatures of habit and are therefore rarely inclined to abandon the old and familiar security of past patterns of life, they usually resist such changes - which only has the effect of increasing internal pressure and tension." The main point is that Pluto transits “remove” from our lives exactly what we no longer really need (and most likely, we simply don’t want to admit it), but what is dear to us, what we really love, what serves our development - Pluto will not take away. And, as a rule, during Pluto transits the situations that occur are not so difficult and painful; it is we ourselves, by virtue of our habit, who aggravate them for ourselves, clinging to what is (already psychologically unnecessary to us) that is leaving our lives. Konstantin Selchenok also writes well about this in his book “Astrological Interpretation of Runes”: “Everything that is ours will remain with us. Everything that is not ours will definitely go away. This law has been studied for countless eons of time. A person who realizes that he carries everything that is his with him becomes happy. He understands that no one can take away his main thing, because it is hidden inside, it is he himself. This is the key to joy, light and synthesis..."

Also, Howard Sasportas writes very well about Pluto transits from both a psychological and spiritual point of view in the book “Gods of Change” - in this book you can also find good description transits of Neptune and Uranus. The translation of this book is carried out by astrologer Igor Sivak.

So, when making a forecast, we first need to analyze the second level of influence of transits, i.e. their psychological influence, then we can identify probable events associated with transits (the first level of manifestation of transits is material). But the most important thing is to understand the spiritual meaning of the influence of transits (third level) in order to minimize difficulties in events and ease your psychological state during intense transits from the Social and Higher planets. If the third level of transit is well understood, and in accordance with this awareness a person begins to act, then at the first level the transit may not manifest itself in any way at all, i.e. there will simply not be any event in the material world, or the event will not be painful, but pleasant.

It is also always worth considering how the transit planet is located in the natal chart and the natal planet taking an aspect from the transit one. If there is a tense transit, but both planets are harmoniously located in the natal chart, then, as a rule, the situations will not be as painful and difficult as with inharmonious planets in the chart. There will be some symbolic situations, temporary difficulties are likely, but... From birth, a person has those areas for which the natal and transit planets are responsible are harmonious, then we can conclude that life does not need to strictly teach a person according to these planets, in these areas of life. In the case of harmonious planets (transit and natal), transits check at what level the planet operates in the sign, and if the level is low, then a transition to a higher level of spiritual development for this planet is required. About how to transfer the energy of any sign (planet in a sign) to more high level, You can read in this article of mine:

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If you are already well versed in natal astrology, have memorized your chart and want to look into the future, this article is for you.
We have compiled the simplest possible way to predict the future for those who are doing it for the first time. We hope that this article will help remove fears and encourage you to study transit astrology more deeply.
Everyone who works with transits, has its own rules, its own vision and its own secrets. In this article we offer help in the “first steps” when working with transit card, and we’ll leave the subtleties and tricks for later.

So, in the program in which you work (in our example it is ZET Geo), we build our natal chart and “put” on it a transit card with tomorrow’s date. This results in a double map, in which the inner circle is natal and the outer circle is transit.

What to Consider When Analyzing Transit

Example of a transit card

1) Let's consider in detail each house of the natal chart, starting from the first, in order to understand which transit planets pass through our houses. Read about transiting planets in houses.

Transit planets in the 1st house

Our example shows that the Moon, retrograde Pluto passes through the first natal house.

2) Let's consider the aspects of transit planets to natal ones. To keep things simple, we will focus only on the connection, because... this is the most important transit aspect. You can read about your aspects.

– We have transit retro Saturn in conjunction with the natal Sun in the 1st house. And the Sun is in trine to transit Uranus, which is passing through the 4th natal house.

– Transit Moon conjunct natal Pluto in the 1st house.

– Transit retro Pluto passes through the 1st house without aspects.

3) Conjunctions of transit planets with cusps of angular houses (cusp of 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses or Asc, Dsc, IC, MC) if any.

Because of this (events, situations, people, etc.)

Planet Saturn – self-discipline, responsibility, order, father, restrictions, power, hard work, etc.

will happen

Conjunction – strong change, changes (opposition – loss, refusal, choice; trine – luck, good opportunity; square – expenditure of energy, difficulty, tension; sextile – chance, opportunity.).

– increased responsibility, subordinate position, trials, patience and work, pessimism, self-doubt, or a person’s desire to appear more authoritative, influential, etc.

What will happen and where? What? What will the change concern?

Planet Sun – my “I”, life, my ambitions, individuality, etc.

Natal Sun in 1st house. 1st house – “I”, personality, physical body and appearance, independent decisions, independence, etc.

The Sun rules Leo, the sign intercepted in the 8th house, so in this case we do not consider this house.

Sometimes cards may contain intercepted characters, e.g. the sign is completely contained in the natal house and because of this does not appear on the cusp. Technically, intercepted signs do not control the house.

Estimated forecast

From the information we have collected, we can assume that: due to restrictions and lack of money (Saturn, 2nd house) for education, travel (9th house), etc., a person experiences a global internal change (conjunction). Subject to change appearance, life plans, self-esteem, etc. (Sun, 1st house).

What forecast would you make?

For simplicity of the example, we left only one option. Of course, there may be other options for the development of events, since both houses and planets have a lot of designations. But as you learn to work with your transits, you will always be able to check and correct yourself.

Thus, try to describe each transiting planet that makes an aspect to your natal chart. From the collected information, make something simple forecast and write it down so you can check it in the future. We recommend keeping a “transit diary” where you will write down your forecasts every day. If you find that you made a mistake, it will be easy to understand why and what exactly.

The main thing is not to be afraid to make mistakes! Try it and you will definitely succeed.

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what transits of the White Moon through the houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science: What transits of the White Moon bring through different houses of the horoscope Transit of the White Moon through the 1st House of the horoscope Gives a change in personality and character for the better. The person seems much better to others. Transit of the White Moon through the 2nd House of the horoscope Help and support in accumulating spiritual values, and if necessary, material ones, strengthens health (the body is the temple of the spirit). Transit of the White Moon through the 3rd House of the horoscope Send... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transits of the Black Moon through various houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science. What transits of Jupiter bring through different houses of the horoscope Transit of the Black Moon through the 1st House of the horoscope When the Black Moon enters the Ascendant (orb 1 degree), we are attracted to people whose dark nature is akin to our shortcomings. This is a dangerous period, especially at 27 years old, when a person reaps the fruits of mistakes made over 9 years (from 18 to 27 years old there are especially many of them). It's happening like... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transits of Chiron from 1st to 6th houses mean in astrological science: Transit of Chiron through the 1st House B (+) gives versatile abilities, does several things at the same time, adapts well to everything new (part of the opposite system), is proactive and so changeable that each person perceives it differently. In (-) a person is fussy, scattered, and takes on many things. Passing through AS it gives vibrations in the physical plane, the constitution changes (not... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transits of Proserpina from 1st to 6th houses mean in astrological science: Transit of Proserpine through the 1st House of the horoscope B (+) restructuring and improvement of one's own personality, new abilities and talents are awakened, hidden reserves are used. In (-) destruction of personality: personal initiative turns into failures, a person doubts everything, loses faith in himself, in his capabilities, succumbs to a feeling of hopelessness, his own inferiority, feels his own inadequacy... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transits of Pluto to the houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science. What do Pluto’s transits through different houses of the horoscope bring? Pluto’s transit through the 1st House of the horoscope B (+) enormous creative energy, willpower, determination are aimed at self-improvement, he personally achieves everything himself, takes responsibility for everything, mobilizing all internal energy reserves. The desire for personal power and authority. Occult practice. In (-) the same huge thirst... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transit of Mars from the 1st to the 6th house means in astrological science: Transit of Mars through the 1st House of the horoscopeIn (+) an active period for personality development: the will is strengthened, the person becomes more energetic and proactive, able to get involved in new things and show clarity of mind in creative endeavors. Physical activity increases and health improves. In (-) a lot of strength and energy is wasted in vain on rudeness and aggressiveness towards people, the desire to destroy,... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transits of Venus through the houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science: What do the transits of Venus through different houses of the horoscope bring? Transit of Venus through the 1st House of the horoscope In (+) is a period of harmonious disclosure of personality, manifestation of creative abilities and artistic talents. A person has peace and tranquility in his soul, a feeling of comfort, he becomes more charming and more attractive, a desire appears to make others happy, to give them pleasure. In (-) person... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what transits of the Moon through the houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science: What transits of the Moon through different houses of the horoscope bring Transit of the Moon through the 1st house of the horoscope Transition through the Ascendant gives an emotional upsurge, the desire for internal changes. A person becomes more sensitive to the problems of his personality, to the disclosure of personal abilities, and is able to deeply feel his creative capabilities. A good period for establishing and developing a creative cycle. ... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider the transits of the Sun through different houses of the horoscope and what they change in a person’s life. What do transits of the Sun bring through different houses of the horoscope? Transit of the Sun through 1 house of the horoscope is most pronounced on the Ascendant. According to astrology, the transit of the Sun into the first annual house almost always causes an increase in the number of personal problems and activities (obviously, due to the nature of the horoscopic house it rules and the zodiac sign located on Asc of the annual chart). B (+)... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Transit of Mars through the Sun and Moon and their aspects Transit of Mars through the SunConjunctions; unfavorable aspects of Mars to the Sun Increased energy and strength aimed at aggravating the situation. Impulsiveness and belligerence, hot temper, haste and rashness, willfulness, stubbornness and obstinacy, arrogance create a tendency to risky actions, losses, conflicts, and slander. The threat of an accident, sudden illness, sometimes death. Opposition. Very critical... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Transit of Venus through the Moon, Mercury and Mars and their aspects Transit of Venus through the Moon Conjunction, favorable Venus to the Moon Satisfaction, calmness, good-heartedness, good for love and marriage, engagement, weddings, family evenings and holidays (in men's horoscopes!), good for small pleasures and artistic work, for small trips and changes, for mental work, for creativity and creation, for aesthetic experiences and social activities, for fantasies... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Transit of the Sun through Saturn and its aspects Let's analyze what the transit of the Sun through Saturn and its aspects means in astrology. Unfavorable aspects of the transit Sun and natal Saturn Depressed, depressed state. Inhibition of the physiological functions of the body, decrease in physical strength and resistance to disease. Depression and somatic suffering. Various financial and material difficulties, losses and damages in all matters and enterprises... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Transit of the Sun through the Sun and the Moon Let's analyze what the transit of the Sun through the Sun and its aspects means in astrology. Favorable aspects and conjunction of the transit and natal Sun On this day, the most important events in the life of a given person. Cordiality, friendliness, energy - everything makes this day successful for any business, a good day at work. Unfavorable aspects of the transit and natal Sun Unfavorable time, various obstacles are created... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina So far, transits of large planets with slow speeds relative to the Earth have been considered; they seemed to indicate the ebb and flow of fate. The Sun in an astrological sense is a fast planet. The transiting Sun through its own constellation in the main horoscope and aspects indicates good or bad days years when a person experiences an impact on his personality, profession and work. What do the transits of the Sun through the houses of the Constellation Sonar horoscope predict... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Forecasting the future, i.e. future incidents and events, consists of a number of the latest astrological (or, as they are now called, cosmobiological) methods, which include a very simple and uncomplicated, but at the same time very important method: the method of transits. What are planetary transits and how to interpret them Let’s consider how planetary transits are interpreted. As you know, each individual planet in each individual individual horoscope has its own... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider how planetary transits and human health are connected. Transits of the Sun and Moon How transits of planets affect human health Transits of luminaries indicate the state of health in general. Tense transits are a period of crisis. Feeling unwell at such a time is most likely. Harmonious transits allow you to use this period to improve your health and appearance. Transits of Mercury Transits of Mercury make a person more mobile, agile and easy... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transit of Mars can give a person. Mars completes one revolution around the Sun on average every 2 years. Harmonious aspects of Mars increase vitality, strength, make a person energetic, capable and cheerful. One gets the feeling that the reserves of strength and health will not run out. What do Mars transits bring? These periods are good for training and body shaping. Even the most daring plans succeed thanks to your personal efforts. It is an independent contribution to one's own... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what the transit of Venus can give a person. Venus makes one revolution around the Sun and through the signs of the Zodiac in an average of 225 days. During the transits of Venus, it is good to regulate your addictions, that is, appetites in the literal and figurative sense, as well as weight, the condition of the skin and venous system. What do Venus transits bring? Tense aspects of Venus are accompanied by a feeling of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, a revision of values, unexpected expenses... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina A person is influenced by the so-called transits of planets through houses. What do transits of planets bring to the houses of the horoscope? The Sun makes one revolution according to the signs of the Zodiac in 365 days. The Sun travels approximately 1° per day. Every 4 years we add 1 day to the year (leap year). The location of your Sun determines your appearance and general indicators health. The form of deficiency, that is, what is missing, is opposite. Therefore, when taking care of your body and health, consider... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's take a look at what Pluto's transits through the houses influence: Pluto entering the 1st House This month gives rise to significant transformations in character, behavior and habits. A new stage of life begins. There is a chance of being abandoned, death, abdication, resignation are possible. After this period, everything in life changes. Pluto entering the 2nd House The month marks the beginning of a period when the way of making a living is seriously changing. A deep crisis is emerging that can either lead... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's take a look at what the transits of Venus through the houses influence: Venus in the 1st House. Changes in appearance, appearance improves, people become more beautiful. The character softens noticeably. Personal charm and attractiveness increase. People smile more often than in other months. The desire for joint activities with others is increasing, and people are turning to us more often with requests. The facade of the house changes color, flowers appear in the front garden. Venus in the II House This month will delight you with the ringing of coins. Better... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's take a look at what the transits of Mars through the houses influence: Mars in the 1st House This is a month of risky situations, there is a risk of cuts, wounds, burns, a visit to the dentist or minor surgical interventions is possible. This is also a period associated with increased activity, decisions are made in the field of labor and other activities, and new tasks are set. Mars in the II House Tendency to consume, spend, risk of squandering, large expenses. Excessive wastefulness, almost everything is spent... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina According to astrology, transits of slow planets are beyond the orbit of Saturn. Due to their speed, their transits have significance for entire generations. They indicate for a person the best direction in development based on the collective unconscious, i.e. an entire generation of people born in a certain constellation of higher planets has a certain interaction between them and a certain balance of higher cosmic forces. How transits of slow planets affect us Therefore, planets... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's do a little research on transits using examples. In January 1994, transiting Uranus and transiting Neptune were within the orb of conjunction with its Midheaven. That's when he started his business. Uranus and Neptune also trine his Moon and Sun. How to Study Horoscope Transits He was very constructive and optimistic about his new venture. He also received support from his parents, who allowed... >>>>>

@Natalia Markina When transiting Pluto passes through the 9th house, enters the sign of Sagittarius, or makes an aspect with Jupiter, significant changes in religious beliefs can occur. What events in life are caused by transiting Pluto in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses Transiting Pluto in the 9th house or Sagittarius I have seen clients turn into religious fanatics, join a cult, or completely lose interest in their faith. I've watched people go to college and... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina I look at transits from a psychological and spiritual point of view, as well as from the point of view of events that may be associated with it. I ask myself: “What changes will this transit cause in a person? What lessons will it teach him? What are the opportunities this transit offers for change in the client's life? And what plan of events should we expect?” How to correctly interpret planetary transits It is important to consider transits from all points of view, and then summarize the results. Pra... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Which astrological transits are the most effective? The most effective transits are the greatest apparent convergence and opposition, followed by squares and trines. Each connection will have its own individual impact on you. The most effective transits of planets Opposition affects your relationship with some other person or other people. Squares can bring you trials, erect obstacles and obstacles in your path. Trines and sextiles are... >>>>>

@ Natalia Markina Let's consider what happens during the transit of planets to houses. For example, if Jupiter moves from the first house to the second, earning money, spending and value system will be shaped by the qualities of that Jupiter. If Saturn moves from one house to another, then a realistic approach, clarity and clarity will appear in matters related to this house. What do transits of planets through houses bring? When slower moving planets find themselves in progression, there is usually an aggravation...

People seriously interested in astrology often come across such a scientific term as transits. We’ll look at what this is in our next publication. You will also learn about the basic principles of predictions, retrograde movement and the impact of transits on our lives.

An important part of scientific astrology

Any astrological forecasts (for a year, a month or a day) are made based on transits. What does transit mean? In astrology, this term is usually used to refer to the aspects that form the relationship between the position of stars and planets at the birth of a person with the current state of the cosmogram. In order to find out this, it is necessary to draw up a picture that reflects the position of the planets and stars at the moment of a person’s birth. For information other than exact date birth (down to minutes), you need to know the region (latitude and longitude). As a person grows older, the position of the planets in the zodiac circle changes. Thus, planetary transits influence our destinies.

How are transits taken into account in predictions?

Further we will call the natal planet (the one that influenced at birth) natal house. The event itself, which is about to happen, consists of three stages. It originates from the natal position of the planets involved in the transit. Then the main event occurs, and only then the person experiences the consequences of the influence of the transit (result). Astrologers connect planets not only through the house, but also through the sign itself. Moreover, a transit planet may have greater or lesser strength depending on its influence in the natal horoscope.

What types of transits are there?

We have already found out what transits are. Now let's talk about their differences. Fast-moving celestial bodies that influence our lives are usually called personal planets. These include Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon. They are responsible for a person's character. Slowly moving planets (Saturn, Jupiter) are responsible for the sociality of a particular individual.

Another group, consisting of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, directs its power to profound changes in consciousness. All celestial bodies in the zodiac circle pass through hemispheres, divided into sectors depending on the cardinal directions. Also, each planet has a direct or retrograde period of motion. Moreover, transits of planets in astrology are deeply influenced by retrograde (trying to go backwards) movement. An exception to this list may be Venus, which itself has a reverse rotation.

How an event is formed

Now let’s learn more about what predictive astrology is. Transits during the first contact form the situation and are a prerequisite for its occurrence. As we said earlier, the retrograde movement of planets is important for the formation of a particular event. That is why the second aspect, which gives rise to the development of an event, is most often associated with retrograde. This gives the situation strength, momentum, acceleration. As you understand, the third contact ends the event, and the person has to make one decision or another.

Aspect Connections

The heroes of our today's publication are transits. What are trines, squares, conjunctions and other predictive methods? Let's talk about this briefly right now. While slow-moving planets can warn us of an event, an "invasion" by Mercury, the Moon or Mars can narrow the timing of an event down to the day. The type of aspects formed may include the conjunction of two celestial bodies, three (trines), four (quadratures) or more.

Doesn't have of great importance, how many celestial bodies influence your situation (the strongest are considered to be conjunction and opposition). Focus your mind on possible consequences. If the proposed event has a pronounced positive imprint, accumulate energy to move forward. If the stars promise negative consequences, be extremely careful in your actions, statements and even thoughts. Paradoxically, sometimes the most difficult aspects seem to be the most effective. A person is programmed to be positive and does not see anything out of the ordinary in it. It is customary to struggle with difficulties, and as a rule, this bears fruit.

Predictive methods

Now let's talk about what progressions and transits are in astrology. We have already learned that transit is the main aspect involved in the predictive method. In addition, there are additional methods that are no less important, but more subjective. These include solar and lunar returns (progressions), intensified by transits. Astrologers are very fond of using detailed charts based on the symbolic location and movement of the planets. This card is called progressive. The progressions themselves (secondary directions) are built on the principle of similarity. The main pair of the cycle is day and year (solar cycle) or day and month (lunar cycle).

Versatility of aspects

At a given period of time, the transiting planet has a certain position in the sky. This means that it will influence the situation equally for everyone. When the zodiac sign changes, all earthlings experience the energy of a transit planet. The same can be said about the influence of directness or retrograde. All of the above aspects are universal if they do not appear in the natal chart.

Fate teaches a lesson

Transits of planets in astrology are in an orb (interval) from the moment of first contact to the last. In this case, a specific degree, minute of the natal planet and even a point are taken into account. A transit can interact with the natal point several times. Fate allocates this number (or length of time) for a person to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, the better the information is assimilated, the higher personal development individual.

As we have already said, the influence of transits occurs in three contacts or phases. The first encounter with an event (observation) can be a huge shock, because the person has never experienced it before. The second phase, when awareness of what happened occurs, is usually compared to learning. At this stage, a person develops an understanding of the situation and thoughts about managing his actions. Astrologers say that the second phase of transit is the most difficult, because it is during this period that a person needs to look for solutions or ways out. The third contact of transit (not always the last) forms the assimilation of the material. Once foreign energy merges with daily memories and transforms into internal resources or experiences.

In our today's publication, we get acquainted with such an astrological concept as transits. We have already learned what this is. Now let's delve a little deeper into the theory and look at some interesting facts. Sometimes the transit can be long in time, which means it can consist of five contacts. In this case, at the learning stage, a person will have to “consolidate” the material. Sometimes short-term aspects are observed, especially under the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. In this case, one contact is formed, and the information has already been learned by the person earlier. You can consider such a transit as a reminder.

There are so-called planets of karma - Saturn and Pluto. But if events are clearly predetermined, then the transits of a dwarf planet act in an almost incomprehensible, mystical way. During periods of influence of these planets, a person reaps previously activated karma. This means that we are dealing with previously formed thoughts and actions. In addition, you can form karma yourself, or, as astrologers say, “sow seeds.” All created developments can be successfully used in the future. Thus, the transits of Jupiter and Uranus coincide with the so-called sowing time. “What goes around comes around” is an absolutely true folk wisdom. During this period, a person discovers his potential for future development.

Our publication has already mentioned transits and quadrants (quarters of the zodiac circle). The quadrants are divided into astronomical spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each period has three zodiac signs, starting with Aries. The spring quadrant symbolizes childhood with the dominant Ceres. People with a highlighted first quadrant in the natal horoscope definitely need a mentor. The second period with dominant Mercury represents youth, the third with dominant Chiron represents maturity, and the fourth (Neptune) represents old age. So, if a person has an autumn quadrant highlighted in his natal chart, he can become a pessimist in life, but only reveal his maximum potential in old age.


In our today's publication on astrology, we looked at concepts such as transits, what aspects are and how they form predictions. We hope our article was useful to you.

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